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If so, what style do you prefer? recently I've been cutting up some of my old (and now too tight) t-shirts in a couple different ways. Thoughts? What looks better?
I'm in the middle, kinda more right ish but I leave a couple inches from the collar cut in hard, and have about 8 inches from the bottom so higher than left
Best done with Gildan heavy black
I did but I usually don't wear where I'm going to be around other people in public like stores or something.
I've gotten to the stage where my arms, back, forearms are very biggly and ripple like a god with every movement.
I'm at the point where I wear big shirts with lots of space for my body to move.
Otherwise I scare people, which is fine with me. But I'm genuinely a nice guy, but I know I can rip the arms off of some jogger beating up a old white guy or old lady if I have to.
I'm trying to be undercover now.
I find that cutting the top very narrow around the collar really emphasizes how wide your shoulders are, but it looks more slutty. I see a lot of women's clothing that exposes the upper chest for obvious reasons. I kind of prefer the narrow collar cuts though
Right. I usually only wear them in public when it's permissible like when it's hot or I'm in a casual environment, I usually prefer looser clothes as well
Right looks too much like a halter top for men. Eric Bugenhagen gets away with it because his whole persona is semi-ironic 80s roider guy.
cutting sleeves is cringe and tank tops are cringe. If you don’t look jacked in a long sleeve shirt then you’re not going hard enough.
>emphasizes how wide your shoulders are
Well fuck, I actually have good shoulders and I'm all about manslut things like grey sweats no boxers to the gym and taking off the pump cover. This is wonderful news and I will take this in stride. T.y. fren.
>Not showing off what you got
Then what the fuck are you lifting for
>iM jUsT sO hUmBlE
I’m saying, I’m showing what I got 24/7 because I actually lift. Don’t project your DYEL tendencies onto me.
>Not showing off the beefy forearms
Bitches love forearms
just keep the tshirt as is fucking retard
Yes, and it's even better when you do this with flannel shirts
I only do this to tees that don't fit me anymore, and obviously the problem areas that are too tight are the sleeves and around the delts/chest and back so I kind of have to cut those out to wear them
I obviously don't cut nice tees or ones that fit
Yeah but it looks good though, try one on you might like how it makes you look
Kek well don't misuse this new effay fit power lad
then lose weight, buddy
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I'm already pretty cut, probably around 13-15% bf. Why are you mad? Lmao
We got it, you think it's gay and you wear long sleeves, why are you still here participating in a thread you hate
I buy the McDavid spandex cutoffs. They are super comfortable and *dermal microplastics are just a moral panic. They are kinda gay looking though, so I pretty much just wear in home gym.
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cut more then
post body
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>If so, what style do you prefer?
right, but i also cut them so they're cute little cropped shirts :3
I go about 2.5 inches in at the top and about 3 inches down at the bottom and it works out perfectly for me. Thinner at the top emphasizes your shoulders and traps better so you look bigger
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I just go full hyuga
I want to go for left but my arms aren't big enough yet
Chud looks great but the ideal homemade tanktop is overly large
do you people seriously lift to look attractive in public? pretty sad desu. fitness is about health and chieving goals, not needing approval of strangers
I like to cut just outside the lining on the shoulders. It flairs out a bit at the top which I think looks stylish, and it still shows off a decent amount of muscle. Plus, if you do it right, it doesn't even look like a cutoff. Looks like it was made that way.
I cringe every time I see someone wearing shit like that
where can i get good quality t shirts for cheap like the heavy thick collar type? thanks
I don't understand how someone can have an ego so big to wear cutoffs and tanktops like that. What happened to humility? The only person i see wearing shit like that is this brown indian or pakistani guy who smells real bad at the gym. He doesn't even have muscles, he's way too skinny for it as well. In the gym i dress like i did in middle school gym class - loose knee-length shorts and white t shirts.
Left is retarded, why even wear a shirt? Fat fucks do this where I live and wear a wife beater under them
Why even wear a shirt if you home gym? I only wear a sweatshirt when I'm warming up if its cold
hello pajeet and or psyop glowie
Right looks more gay but it's better in real life, wearing left in real life feels like being naked.

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