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Is he natty? I don't think you need more than this.
Probably Natty, honestly think his physique is honestly best for most men
that's what women mean when they say 'dad bod'
Of course it's natural

>No freaky veins
>Barely any definition
>No huge tit pecs
>Abs normal size not bulging
>no huge tit pecs
That could be natty with Gynecomastia.
is gyno truly natty if you have to estrogen-max to get it?
Aren't some dudes just cursed to get it?
Looks natty to me.
Natty. Can tell by small arms.
Is that achievable natty? Easily. Is he natty? Only he knows for sure. He probably is. Doesn't look abnormally grainy or overdeveloped. Typical gym rat physique.
His lower abs are a bit suspicious. People who roid usually have that kind of lower abdominal development.
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Impressive,very nice
Let's see him in a shirt
I mean his physique is slightly below the average male but if he added 20/30 lbs of muscle he could look decent
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>I mean his physique is slightly below the average male
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Consider me baited
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yes mainly black men like this buck i covered the titties cause some jannie thought i was posting a topless tranny kek
based and truthpilled dyels are mad
Just assume all weirdo vanity seeking niggers are enhanced and do your own thing
Biggest fatty cops in the history of this board.
Looks like the kipping muscle ups autist
Being fat doesnt look good in a shirt either you retard

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