The problem is eating too much food in general.
>>75613734No you're just trying to weasel your way out of staying away from slop because you're addicted to it.Fatty.
>>75613753amsmongold mostly eats ultraprocessed and he's really skinny
>>75613765You are fucking stupid.
>>75613734try eating 30-eggs(2400 calories) and then get back to us.You do have at least 30-eggs in your fridge, right anon?
>>75613734Stop thinking about foodStop obsessing over your dietStop arguing about food choicesStop thinking about foodStop posting diet related threadsStop making food your entire personality
>>75613734>people eat whatever food they want for hundreds of thousands of years>very few get fat>make seed oils to lubricate WW1 weapons>after the war start selling it as “food” because farms are producing assloads of rapeseed>rename it canola oil (from Canada oil)>obesity, heart disease, diabetes rates, and other “diseases of civilization” skyrocket>yOuRe JUst EatINg ToO MUcHYou’re literally parroting propaganda pushed by nestle and monsanto
>>75614251Whatever food they want is whatever food they could find.You write so much and know so little
>>75613787I mean…he’s not fat? Are you fucking retarded? He has a weird stomach and shitty ass posture. I’d consider him skinny fat at most and that’s being harsh.
>>75614274Bugmen fuhseek
>>75613734Are you telling me this is some sort "calories in, calories out" kind of model for weight and fitness? I don't know, that sounds pretty farfetched to me.
>>75613734>bargaining phase