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Qtd/stupid questions thread
This isn't/fraud/ /plg/ powerlifting or /fat/, go there first if applicable

Noob? Run SS or SL
Intermediate? No you're not, run SS
Intermediate? For real? Run PPL, UL, or Arnie's blueprint
Advanced? Why are you here then lmao
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How much water should I be drinking a day on a low carb, low fat diet?
Depends on electrolytes and creatine and how much you sweat but wtf are you doing
You need fat for hormone production
Testosterone is literally made from cholesterol
You can also only synthesize 0.8g of protein per pound of lean mass you have so Im pretty confused and would like to hear more about these meme diet you're on
Why do you keep reposting your poorly drawn, boring and unfunny cartoon?
32oz minimum
It's not mine
I just appreciate the effort
/Fit/ is pretty fookn dead in GIR's defense
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What do boobs taste like, anons
Doing a protein spared modified fast. Got some sups for EPA and DHA, magnesium, and collagen. I'm aiming for well above the 0.8g/lb rule to preserve as much muscle as possible and I'll be eating lots of very low calorie vegetables. My test is already around 900 and my free test covers around 20 so I'm not stressing that so much. If it cuts to half because of the severe diet I'm still in a healthy range for both
Take a shower, let your skin dry, then lick it. It's like that but you smell perfume
What is an easy recipe for actual food that is high-protein and high satiety per calorie?
I think something happened to my right shoulder blade muscles.. I've been in excruciating pain for the last few days after moving some heavy shit and it got so bad yesterday I had to get a steroid shot. My sleep is completely fucked and I dunno what to do, any tips?
Also I'm pretty sure there's some heavy internal bleeding going on in there judging by brown spots on my skin.
chicken brocoli rice casserole
Intense sharp pain in around the scapula that doesn't go away? You probably have a displaced rib. A good chiropractor can adjust that back with a gentle suplex (I call it this). Check how you sit and sleep or carry your kids (if you have young children too). Report back with results.
Been running the SS routine from the sticky. The one that leads to that Sean guys old blog.

What make an intermediate lifter? I've been going for a year and wanting to change to more than 3 lifts a week.
What’s a good balance between running and weightlifting? I lift weights 3 times a week, should I run on my days off? Or before or after working out?
Does beer help damagaed/tored/strained muscles heal faster?
If I went around wearing a shirt that just says, "I'm Afraid of Women" do you think qts would find it cute and endearing or weird and offputting? I would be wearing it with only partial irony.
is creatine worth buying?
From latest I've read, creatine is even recommended to those who don't lift.
research funded by the supplement industry agrees
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Should I start carnivore diet or is just another money making scheme since it's promoted by grifters like Jordan Peterson?
Where do you guys buy creatine from thats cheap? Any tips on consistency when having to train alone? I used to train and track with my brother but have to do it on my own now and Ive been slacking.
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are lions mane or any other nutropics even real? do they do anything? i feel like throwing money at a random bottle of unknown supplements that some podcaster claims is a magic cure is basically the same as burning money for fun, like scratch tickets (albeit slightly less wasteful than gambling)
it also causes baldness just fyi
Is microwaving food safe?
Could my shoe be the reason my squat isn't improving? I'm using adidas ultraboost 1.0's and I just can't break 185 on my squat? my other leg exercises are improving so I think I'm doing fine on food and whatnot.
Ate you using a lifting belt and a squat plug?
underwhelming. Pits, bellies, inner thighs, that's what you want
Microwaves cause extremely high heat on an atomic level and probably denature food molecules
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I bought a pair of dumbbells and started lifting as a new year's resolution. How long until I notice changes? Also is it true cardio kills your gains?
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Is it bad that I can't deadhang for >30s because of the "spinal decompression" feeling?
Like, it's not painful, but it gets too intense and I let go
Can someone clearly explain to me how to do this stretch correctly?
It's called a T-Bar Windmill and every video I see does it differently
50mm or 30mm?
I was looking to finally build up a home gym.
Never used 50mm before, all my gyms had 30mm. So no idea if the needle bearing actually makes any difference at all. The local sports outlet also doesn't have any barbells in store for me to check, only for ordering online.
The price for the barbell isn't that much of a problem and the plates seem to be absurdly expensive regardless of what size you pick, but I also don't wanna pay double for something that ends up being a meme for anyone but top athletes.
You preserve muscle by keeping your testosterone high, not bombing your system with protein
Too high of protein actually hurts your body's ability to build/maintain muscle
Plz stop for your own good
It's one of the many misunderstood things that hold lifters back
You should have read the book and adding accessories
Go to symmetric strength and put in your numbers there

The only time running really fits into a lifting routine is after lifting
Ideally you'd lift in the morning and run in the evening
A lot of guys will run on their off days but getting your big lifts up as high as possible is most important and running on your off days can hinder that

Heavy beer is carb heavy enough that it doesn't hurt you as bad as other alcohol but even then it does inhibit protein synthesis. Light beer is worse, liquor adds intestinal irritation leading to lost gains + heightened estrogen
If you feel better after drinking, that's because alcohol damages your body such that you get pain relief chemicals the next day that might cover up your pain/soreness but is actually making it worse

3 drinks generally negates about a week of lifting gains

You'd likely find an aggressive woman who would be trying to scare you so you'd have to act scared and then she'd fuck you
Creatine is necessary for maximizing your gains
If creatine makes you go bald, you were already going bald, it didn't just magically change anything major in your body
If your hair is thinning from lack of blood flow or underwhelming collagen synthesis, creatine can actually thicken your hair given you're eating enough calories
It's always a scheme. just eat low carb high fat moderate protein if you want similar results

Walmart 100% creatine is cheapest
Lift first thing in the morning before anything else so you have no excuses

Lmao to the other guy
Microwaves can actually preserve the most nutrients of any cooking method assuming you don't blast it

Are you squatting first??
Cardio only kills your gains if you aren't eating enough or not controlling your cortisol
Running a linear progression program is pretty difficult with dumbbells
Id recommend a gym membership and running SS or SL plus cardio

Is it that or are you arching?

It just doesn't matter bro
Lift and stretch your hammies

I like a normal diameter bar
It allows you to do thumbless grip when needed
What do you call those db handles that are extra long and can hold a dozen small plates each side?

Creatine is the most important supp. Farmers use it to increase animal muscle mass. It works, it doesn't make you bald.

At 185, the main reason your squat isn't improving is you're not being aggressive enough. Go to a power rack, set the safeties high enough to catch the bar just below parallel, get mad, lift. That said flat soled shoes and proper technique are also important.
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Is concentric only resistance training useless? Seems useless
>, get mad,
Weight limit is most important
Most smaller bars are 500lb-ers
I can deadlift more than that so I had to find a bigger bar
Found a used allegedly 1800 lb bar that's a touch thicker than normal but weighs 60lbs or something
Always throws me off when 1pl8/2pl8 etc feels a little too heavy lol
Cute boy
Half training is only half training
The only true mark of progress is moving more weight more times
You should be squatting first and bracing harder and harder as your squat improves
Keeping your chin tucked and getting your knees and hips forward while keeping the weight mid foot is the most efficient squat. That usually requires lifting shoes with a firm heel like romelos
Without posting a video of your form, we really can't diagnose your problem
It's pretty funny that when you search for this dudes pic, they all say the picture is a woman when it's clearly not
I am currently doing 60 lb farmers walk to add a full body strength builder. Is there something better?
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I know that barbell curls are better than EZ-bar curls. However, are they THAT much better than EZ bar curls? Should I instead do barbell or stick to EZ bar?
Tell me how to obliterate anterior pelvic tilt NOW
>home gym
>barbell up to 100kg weights
>dumbbells up to 15kg
>am 176cm
nsuns 4day LP
on a bulk
yes or no
>I mean this split can't really get you optimal results on all the lifts
It's that bad then :(
Don't do SL/SS for more than 6-8 Months

Just don't
is it true that abs can be worked out every day? this is what a gym bro told me years ago
Like skin. If you want some flavor then you need to lick a part of the body that excretes something or that is generally susceptible to getting sweaty.
Depends on how hard you're hitting the muscle. Anything can be worked out every day if you're being a retard and not stressing the muscle sufficiently. If you're hitting a muscle group properly, you shouldn't train it consecutively pretty much ever.
Anyone ever been to gold’s Venice? I might be going down to LA in February so I’m thinking about checking it out just to soak in the vibes
You tie a rope to a pullup bar and hang from that while twisting.
crossposting from /fat/ because no one is responding:
Does anyone have experience with being diagnosed low T while they were obese, then losing weight and getting their T to an acceptable level? I don't want stats or anything, I want personal anecdotes from people who have been there and done that. I got my T checked when I was 280 pounds two years ago (I'm 5'10) and it was horrible at 231 ng/dl, and I want to know what I should expect if I'm able to get to a normal weight. I've since packed on alot of muscle and dropped a good amount of weight (1/2/3/4 5x5 and I'm down to 240 pounds) but I still need to lose alot more before I go to get my T checked again (aiming for 200).
Why low fat?
Ground beef + scrambled eggs + forbidden word that this stupid site switches to onions
meat + rice or potatoes + vegetables + any low calorie sauce that you like (less than 20 calories per tablespoon, and actually measure it out if it's above 5 calories per tablespoon). It's not difficult.
Anyone know about megadosing supplements? I'm interested in reading about taking something like zinc, mag, vitamin d at the upper limits and seeing what it does
"megadosing" is generally a bad idea, but taking them a bit below the upper intake limits works alright if you keep all the minerals balanced enough.
Don't go over 50mg per day. Zinc builds up and becomes toxic.
no idea
>vitamin D
You can go higher than what most people recommend, but where exactly you should stop I don't know. It's not a good idea to take super high amounts of any supplement, it can easily end up with you getting some bad results. I take 4000 IU of vitamin D per day, and have done 5000 before.
Does anyone have experience with intermittent fasting for both cutting and general calorie control?
I work a pretty labor intensive job, so I'm a little concerned about what it might do to me fatigue wise at work. Do you recommend a particular schedule, like every other day vs 16:8?
How do I alleviate the discomfort of a pump, besides "stop being a little bitch?" To clarify, the last few months I've been bulking, and my arms have grown really quickly between Bench, OHP, weighted pullups, and curls. It's getting to the point where after my first exercise of the day my arms feel really tight and uncomfortable, every single time I do upper body. This used to only happen towards the end of a strenuous upper body workout, but now it happens basically at the beginning and it's affecting my ability to give max effort. Is there a way to alleviate this, besides just giving it time and bulking slower?
Are you taking any weird supplements or drinking tons of water?
No, I drink a pretty normal amount of water, maybe half a gallon a day. I'm 5'7, 140 lbs, so it's not even like I'm big or bloated or anything. The one thing I forget to mention which might be relevant is that I lifted regularly years ago before a hiatus. I'm now getting back into it for the last 4 months or so. Is it possible that I am just "rebounding" muscle mass quicker than my skin can handle because my body "remembers?"
found the problem, you need to bulk more not less, stack a few cheeseburgers on top of your program your skin is tighter than your asshole you skinny fuck
Thanks brother, I'll stop being a little bitch.
Lift before work and then eat all day
IF is good for cutting but nothing else

People die from mega dosing incorrectly
You also just piss out all the non harmful stuff so it's extra retarded
Work on your diet, not supplements

Basically, test gets aromatased into estrogen in fat cells so the more cells you make go dormant, the more test your body will have
I personally can't cry under 12% bodyfat and that's why
>Lift before work and then eat all day
I'd like to but it would be pretty impractical. I'm usually up by 5 already, and sometimes as early as 345 because my start time isn't fixed.
>Basically, test gets aromatased into estrogen in fat cells so the more cells you make go dormant, the more test your body will have
I know that. Why else would I be asking about my T as I lose weight? I'm asking if anyone has personally had success raising their T to an acceptable level compared to having low T when they were obese.
West side in Long Beach is better
I would go to zoo culture in the valley if I was going
You should go to see it but the poster child fake nattys videos really show most of it

Never hit them 24hr legs
You can cut and then keep going
Some dude who used to post ran SS for 3 years or something and was joooocy
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Guitarfags I need your help, pretty sure I developed an overuse injury in my left forearm. Felt it real bad during chest flies and a little during chromatic scales. Is there any rehab I could be doing or is this something I have to just wait out and rest on?
Sorry this is not a more helpful answer, but if you are already at 1/2/3/4 5x5 and got there while cutting 40 lbs then you shouldn't be concerned about your test levels. Keep up the good work.
>IF is good for cutting but nothing else
Most of the studies that have come in right now suggest it's pretty good for longevity too. Calorie restriction in general seems to help out with ageing.
I've been having trouble on my left pec for a few weeks. It doesn't hurt normally, but it kinda starts hurting on bench press when close to failure but only on the +10 rep range. I can bench on 1-5RM without issue. I've never had and injury or anything on my pecs before, what can be causing this?
I mean I would run SS or SL
Just as long as you're linearly progressing it doesn't matter tho

Train abs, maintain abdominal tension

Ez bar hits a bit more of the outer head so they're better than straight bar if you're doing only one movement
Straightforward slow controlled hammer curls are the ideal single bicep movement as they hit both heads about evenly
Reverse grip ez curls also hit the outer head if you can't manage to get the thickness
Squats and deads
You can also farmer heavier to add to those
This is true but most people literally can't gain lean mass on IF

I assume you're having form breakdown
Film your bench form

I mean I started at 265@40% bf and then cut to 185@15% Skelly and then bulked back to 274@8% bf over years and years
My hormones definitely leveled out the leaner I got. As far as test levels, I'm not sure, but all the other sides of other hormones being out of whack resolved. My natty lean mass is also a testament to higher test desu
Just make sure you're still getting enough fat and fiber to keep your hormones going properly
I would just not do IF then
I would just eat multiple small meals old school bbing style
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where is the 2025 sir comic
Should I be feeling it so much in the top of my calves when I'm jumping rope or am I just doing it wrong? I can't go for very long because it starts to be too much.
He was transitioning at that point

Get the knots out of your hamstrings and calves, ya knob
wait is it onions because i thought i was just tired
Do I have to do anything special when breaking a 72 hour fast or can I hop right into eating?
You have to give me a reach around.
rice bucket training and extensor bands can help with rehab/prehab. Also try and find movements you can swap in place of the ones that are aggravating i.e. pec deck in place of dumbbell flies.
Anon you either do low fat or low carb, no both (protein should always be relatively high). wtf are you on about? If you are gonna do that just go full carnivore.
If he had said that he was gonna eat a diet of lean meat and vegetables you guys wouldn't have batted an eye
I always make a point to recommend eating more fat because that's most important
It's easy to hit your body's protein synthesis max (0.8g/lb of lean mass), it's easy to get enough carbs, it's hard to count calories and eat enough fat
Y is light beer worse?
i took a "short" break from lifting over christmas and now every time i try i just feel like throwing up and my chest hurts and i consider suicide
lifts to help?
For 2nd shift people, are you guys working out before work or after work?
Hits your liver faster/more likely to cause irritation

Run starting strength and do LISS cardio

Before like a normal person lmao
is 290ng/dl test as a 22 year old grounds for trt?
im going to an endocrinologist for a closer examination in a few days (after a 3 month waiting list) but the side effects are spooking me
but at the same time i have all the classic symptoms of low test, so it might be preferable
Have you tried stopping looking at porn, getting more sunlight, doing a dopamine detox, cold showers, more fat in your diet and legitimately challenging yourself??
the summer before last i was doing manual labor in direct sunlight at a seasonal job, and i was lodged in a bunk so i couldnt jack off (except on rare occasions)
when i got home i got blood work done that said i had 400ng/dl testosterone, but i was taking biotin supplements which i later learned falsely inflates test results
How far can Strong Lifts 5x5 take me? I'd really like to not have to think about programming or worry about accessories for the next 6 months, ideally the next year.
>pic related, before and after of me lifting lots
Varies between individuals. 6 months is probably pushing it for how long you'll last. A year though? No chance without extreme modification.
You could theoretically run it for over a year through micro loading and de loading.
Thanks, I've considered the rice bucket but didn't even think about extensor bands.
A lot of natty success has to do with how sensitive your body is to testosterone
A 40% increase isn't artificially inflated senpai
Eat more in general, less protein and do what you were doing then

Just keep increasing calories, keep doing LISS cardio and deload when you stall
I would look cool advanced SS and how the volume changes to keep milking the LP
I had a similar issues with my forearms. Using straps (versa gripps) helped reducing the pump at lot.
>Recently broke collarbone
>Walked around downtown last night
>Was kind of scary knowing practically any male from like 14-50 could beat my ass
Is this how women feel?
Yes but they actually get laid to kind of even it out
Test: onions onions
Every single chest exercises impinges on my front delts. Why. I've already checked form with trainers

My only last resort is trying push-ups with a bigger range of motion
>personal life got in the way
>didnt lift for about 5 months
>restarted last week
>sex drive basically plummetted
Is this under-recovery? Is all my test being focused on re-building muscle instead of making me horny?
It should be temporary. The sudden change has your body focusing on "lift heavy weight and recover," once it realizes this is the norm and there is no threat to survival your sex drive should come back quickly.
should I bulk or just lose fat?
I'm assuming you are skinnyfat? That's not a lot of body mass, in that situation I would bulk though.
yes some of the fat is in my belly and most of it is in my fat arse
>I would bulk
some guys told me to just get some steroids and eat whatever and train to build muscles max 1 year for great results instead of bulking and eating 4k calories and cutting after but idk
>deload when you stall
not that anon but are you supposed to just deload the lift youre stalling on or the whole workout?
Please don't do steroids as a noob lifter, that's retarded advice. You don't need to eat 4,000 calories to bulk, you can eat like 2800/day and gain a good amount of muscle, especially as a new lifter. As you grow muscle, the fat on your body will redistribute and look less significant anyway. Try it for 6 months and see how you like the progress, then re-evaluate if you want to cut some fat.
That's a good question
I'm pretty sure it's just the lift but refer to Rippetoes notes in any of the SS books
I think it's a posture issue or a fapping issue, not a shoulder issue
Eat more obv

Not enough information
If you're a noob, you should bulk through your LP (SS or SL) and then it'll be wayyyyy easier and more satisfying to cut later
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you just need to train and eat normally eventually you will gain muscle and lose the fat and look divined like a tom holland shape
his fat is in his ass mostly so he doesn’t need to eat 2800/day most of his body is skinny therefore he only needs good amount of protein daily and creatine and normal workout then he will look something like this which’s really good
>not enough information
Daily breakfast coffee and cigarettes
dinner mostly pasta and chicken lots of breasts
ass so fat
noob never lifted a thing
used to play sports when I was 13-15 but retired and became a desk fag whole time eating mcdonalds daily
is that really all it takes these days?
some nobody tells you "natty is a waste of time just roid" and thats it?
Just slowly bulk through SS or SL while doing cardio after lifting and then cut once you're intermediate by symmetric strength standards

Roiding too soon fucks up your sensitivity to test
The longer you wait to roid, the higher your peak potential goes
But then you're pulling 600lbs natty and realize roids are retarded lmao
How do I make lifts more comfortable on my palms/hands? It's really limiting my gains, I've recently recovered from injury and I'm mostly alright but heavy weight on my palms or strain on my fingers aggravates it.
Is cutting 1% per week too aggressive? I forget where I heard that should be the max you cut. If it matters Im 177. I cut for about 12 weeks, so Im taking 12 weeks maintenance before cutting again for summer.
How did ancient humans, who I'm told followed a low-carb / keto diet, get their electrolytes? Surely they didn't have supplements
>do a set of 10 dls
>feel lightheaded afterwards to the point of almost falling over
Is this normal?
Deadlifts? Then yes, a set of 10 is gonna be exhausting and make you nearly pass out.
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Beginning lifting from zero after a few years off. After a I finish set of deadlifts my fingers get stuck in a curled up position, and it takes a little effort/is a little painful to force them to straighten out. I don't remember this happening in the past.
Is this due to a lack of grip strength? Or just something that happens in your first few days/weeks of lifting and I've just forgotten about it.
Im too scared to go much higher in weight, I feel like my shoulder is the week point at this point and if I push it too much more I could possibly put myself out of comission for a long time. What do?
What else is part of your nutrition? Lots of alc or sugars?
Thoughts on "effective reps" concept?
Is an apple more effective pre or post workout?
Lifts I want to try in the gym but am too embarresed because of my lack of knowledge of the correct form
>Incline dumbell press
>Lateral raises (dumbell or cable)
Additionally to this. Is eating carb heavy meal more beneficial the night before training or a couple of hours before?
1 week break plus drop the weight about 10% and build back up
Have there been any creatine studies on hair alone?
As in get a random selection on men, record their hair before taking it, give half of them a placebo, half of them the real thing, and then record their scalp for 3months then report back and be looked at so we have a definitive study on if creatine causes hair loss or people just think creatine causes hair loss?

I took creatine and I noticed better performance but I also noticed that when I took a shower 30 or so strands of would fall out and now that I'm off creatine no strands of hair come off
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Should I be feeling sore each time I lift? Whenever I do chest, I hardly feel sore anymore?

I used to get it nearly every time I lift, and granted I am intermediate now for sure, but I get no soreness at all. The only time is really legs. Is it my volume or doing too low of a weight? I am going until failure each time, which is a fact, as I often nearly fail.
You're probably at a point where your chest strength has surpassed your forearm strength and now your chest simply isn't as sore because it's not the limiting factor
Milkshake + Protein powder. Tell me why this wouldn’t work for a bulk.
Why is eating more fat always important?
retard, it does
everyone recommends drinking your calories if you cant eat them
I'm doing lifting for a few months now in my basement because there is no fitness center close by. No real plan yet, just using whats there until i'm dead tired every 2nd day. I do see some gains. But now I want to focus on two things: more gains by using a plan and maybe buy more equipment. And lose more weight, start a diet. I'm currently at 100kg and 196cm (220 pounds and 6,4ft). Skinnyfat with legs/arms in normal size but some fat around belly and boobas. I managed to reduce all snacks like Haribo, chips and all that but overall my food still isn't all that healthy. I miss out on almost all green veggies because I hate them since childhood but I try to get to love em. I eat green peas with chicken a lot now. My wife hates all that farting lol. Also drinking a protein shake daily.

My equipment so far: Barbell, two dumbbell, several weights, pull-up bar/rack and push-up bar. I'm about to get a used weight bench with another barbell.

Is there something important missing in my home gym? And should I throw in some cardio or am I good with just lifting? Pic related my goal for now.
>Is there something important missing in my home gym?
I don't think you're missing any important equipment, expect perhaps some bands if you're not strong enough to do pull-ups or chin-ups. It would be nice to have a simple structure program, but as beginner you will get good results whatever you do, as long as you train hard.

>And should I throw in some cardio or am I good with just lifting?
In general, throwing in some cardio is a good idea because cardio is good for health. It can be also a useful tool for fat loss, as it burns some calories and also helps with appetite regulation. As you have probably heard before, however, diet is the most important part of a successful fat loss. You're a big guy, so simply walking 10k steps a day would already be a great start (burning a significant amount of kcal).
I've read about fats targets ranging from 0.3g/lb to 0.5g/lb. I don't find it difficult to achieve at all.

when you go to maintenance straight from a 500-600 deficit at 78kg bw? ive been on a cut for 4 months and plan to eat at my new estimated maintenance for 1-2 weeks to keep going after, so im going to 2400 kcal from 1800 kcal. i do strength training 4.5 times a week, some cardio (soccer training 1x per week) and 12-15k steps a day due to work, sometime i cycle for commute but a bit less now that its winter.
is 1kg a week realistic? im not going to eat a bunch of garbage, just the same stuff i always eat. gonna increase carbs so im not sure how much the gylcogen stores gonna weigh in. anyone got experience with this, doing it in a controlled manner?
i would prefer to slowly reverse diet to my new maintenance but the past has shown that this is something im not cut out to do (yet) because for some reason increasing kcal by like 100-200 a week is harder than eating at a rough deficit kek
do them light and learn from how your body reacts
film your form, make adjustments

I dunno what to say man you're gonna have to do them for the first time at some point, and at that point it's gonna look a little whacky

it is what it is brah
If you're eating at true maintenance, you shouldn't gain fat. As you said, you'll probably see some weight gain from glycogen and water weight from the increased carbs. Expect around 1-3% of your bw, but unless you need to fit into a dress tomorrow, it doesn't matter since it's not fat.

>increasing kcal by like 100-200 a week is harder than eating at a rough deficit kek
You could try cutting the deficit to 250 kcal until your weight stabilizes, then move to real maintenance. I've had success with that approach, no need to stretch it out over a full month with tiny weekly increases. Like you mentioned, just stick to eating the same foods you're used to from your cut but with bigger portions.
I find examine com is actually pretty good for giving an overview of the weight of evidence, but for detail they a bit shit.

I looked it up and it looks like more research is required, some studies showed mild improvements in brain fog memory, anxiety and depression but limited in terms of demographics it tested with
is it pointer finger ? look up trigger finger
You need more fat
You should also be getting your protein from meat and carbs from hole grains, not this childish retardation
Moving more weight more times is the only real mark of progress
I hit FFMI over 30 natty and was almost never sore
Did you increase calories and water with the creatine?
You were probably just nooooticing because everyone talks about it
You shed hair all the time
Stop caffeine intake and stay at a surplus if you really care about your hair
If you're not getting sore but still making progress, then don't worry about it. If you're not making any gain and also not getting sore ever, maybe it could be a red flag.
Always the day before is when you want carbs and extra water+ electrolytes

4-6 reps to failure are effective every time

Not enough water carbs and electrolytes
Stop drinking coffee

Why on earth would you ever do 10 reps of deadlift lmaooo wtf are you doing lololol

Ground water is high in electrolytes
Ancient humans also ate carbs idk why people act like not
Your genes are mostly dictated by the more recent adjustments, not ancient ones
Neither would be ideal
After if you really need to

I personally believe cutting as hard as possible in 1-2 week stints is better for your body's long term ability to build lean mass
Cut hard, take a week off, cut hard again
You should also be aiming to cut while consuming the same calories which means increasing activity
Just keep trying
Your hands are the main connection
Try straps for pulling movements
Thanks a lot anon
Is a 500cal protein shake after the gym + OMAD too many calories for weight loss? My OMAD is probably under 500cal if I had to guess (its a basic chicken and egg stir fry with brown rice) and I only started having the shakes cuz I was worried about not getting enough nutrients for muscle growth. I do no cardio, only strength training. I could also cut the shake portions in half if you think thatll help
Even if you are a short woman then 1000 calories a day should be enough for weight loss. Make sure you are getting around 0.8g/lb of protein or you are gonna lose some significant muscle on such a severe calorie restriction (assuming you are a normal sized man)
>Causes baldness
My hair thickened on creatine
Maybe stop starving yourself idk
You literally can't gain lean mass at a deficit
Stop cutting if you want gains
You should be eating a real meal after lifting
Not powdered slop
You dont even know whats in my shakes you massive faggot
im 180cm, 81kg, 21 y/o lifting for 9 months (absolutely 0 sports before whatsoever) currently cutting to get lean. started at 75kg with no muscle mass, bulked to 85kg, now been cutting for 2 months. Which muscles are lacking/unbalanced, in your opinion?

i can do 10+ pullups any variation, bench 70kg 3 times, squat 80kg 5 times. im an absolute beginner but really optimized my training and nutrition compared to my peers, but fuck i was so weak and skinnyfat when i started.
any recommendations how to better my physique? or is it ok as is
I'm laughing so hard. You look 10 in these photos, like a dinky little guy.
I've found my ADHD meds work best if I have a relatively high calorie breakfast. It needs to be roughly 300-500 calories or else it doesn't do much.

What should I be having? I end up starting the day with tons of sweet slop to hit that calorie count.
thats why i started lifting you twat
You look pretty good, I would just focus on putting on size. If I had to be critical I would say do some trap isolations.
mix 1 or 2 scoop protein powder 100 g oats and add 300mL choccy milk, put it fridge overnight, thats 700 calories of soft goodness in one bowl. or do half of each it still works.
thanks, kind of what i thought, traps are the only muscle group (except for tibialis and neck and stuff like that) i dont have in my plan, will pick up some bb shrugs then and bulk clean after this cut.

kinda just wanna see if i can get nice abs and veins, then put on mass again
>have a mildly-painful lump under my arm
>unsure if it's a swollen lymph node or boil
Is this something a demotologist can determine and/or treat? I don't know if I need a referral for one (American here), but I don't have a PCP currently and am on a wait list until the end of February. I'd like to get this looked at sooner than later before I'm possibly really fucked.
>is 1000kcal a day too much for weight loss
It's not too much, on the contrary it's too little. It's probably best to keep the deficit below 750kcal.

Keep it up, you're getting nice results but it's only the beginning. Make sure to hit each muscle group at least twice a week.
Uhh do you have any other symptoms? Breathing, body temperature, night sweats, etc? What does the lump look like?
yea im running PPL but legs just once a week (but with super high intensity) so i can rest the whole weekend and focus on studying and shit.
I started training calves, forearms and side delts more often though, at least twice a week but sometimes 5x
what are the best upper trap movements?
i think supersetting shrugs on standing calves machine might work well, my gym also has a trap bar.
shouldnt the standing upright row be better due to a higher range of motion?
I find barbell exercises make it easier to hit traps without my grip fatiguing (dumbbell handles are thick as fuck at the higher weights). I mainly do power cleans and then supplement with barbell shrugs for sets of 15-20 if I am trying to hit traps specifically. I OHP 2x a week and do weighted pullups 2x a week so I am indirectly hitting them pretty often though.
That does sound like an optimized and well thought program, nice.
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>Uhh do you have any other symptoms? Breathing, body temperature, night sweats, etc?
Nothing like that.
>What does the lump look like?
Here's a quick pic.
Okay well the good news is you probably don't have lymphoma, the bad news is idk what you have and you should still probably go to a doctor.
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How to fix backacne?
for me:
sleep better
change mattress cover more often
stop roiding
Only wear clean shirts. Wash your bedding regularly.
>not roiding
And I wear clean shirts everyday, and wash bedding each 2 weeks, and I don't sleep naked.
then cut out dairy products and have a fixed sleep schedule with 8-9 hours.
alternatively just wait for a few years until you get older
I'm not having a lot of dairy though.
Just some yogurt and cheese like twice a week.
How important is this?
How old do you thing I look? cause I'm 28.
Hey anons I've been bulking for a while
Right now I'm 176cm, 83kg (5'9, 183lbs). I've seen a very noticeable increase in overall muscle mass and strength but I lack definition, I look like Tom Hardy in TDKR but with lackluster pecs and huge arms
Should I keep bulking or start cutting now?
consistent sleep (not just a lot of hours but actually going to bed and waking up at the same time every day) is the only thing that fixed my terrible disgusting face acne.

when i sleep poorly for 3+ days, some pimples start popping up

its literally the only influence on my acne, i dont eat any dairy etc
"bulk until you hate yourself. cut until you hate everything"
try eating maintenance perhaps for a while to see if you can drop weight "effortlessly". that also eases your body a bit IMO

idk how old you are but acne just kind of disappears for most people after some while, depending on genetics that point might be in your thirties. most people i see (in university) drop their acne in their early 20s
>try eating maintenance perhaps for a while to see if you can drop weight "effortlessly".
I probably can because I have to actively force myself to eat until I'm disgusted in order to gain weight
yea especially because more weight leads to more calories being burnt every day so if you eat your maintenance cals from before the bulk (which shouldnt feel like a diet to you) you will shed some weight slowly
Good mornings, hyperextensions, zercher stuff
incline bench or deficit pushups if you do dips instead of BP
Unfortunately I can't see a PCP until late February and my referral will take another month so late march/early April is the fastest this shit will be looked into. What a bummer. I'll just get some Patrón and a surgical scalpel and do it myself.
>Getting defensive and projecting instead of responding with an actual argument/evidence

You're just smol
Keep lifting and bulking

Eggs and bacon obviously
Protein powder is cuck food
Telehealth visit would probably sort it out
Also you could just pay the urgent care copay lmao

Most people here already hate themselves, that's not good advice
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Can anyone recommend what they would sub day B squats (don't want t-rex mode), deadlifts (don't want back pain), wrist work/calves (gay) with?
>Ground water is high in electrolytes
Don't we also drink ground water?
>Ancient humans also ate carbs idk why people act like not
Not many and only in certain periods of the year
>Your genes are mostly dictated by the more recent adjustments, not ancient ones
Source? When people say our genes are dictated by ancient stuff they argue that the reason is because ancient stuff has been around for much longer, it's not about being ancient in itself.
how many grams of protein per lean muscle mass?
Thanks man, a break may just be the ticket.
Take your weight time (1 minus estimated bodyfat % as a decimal) times 0.8g
So 180@20% the equation is
180x (1-0.2) x 0.8g = 115g
That's for men

Just do the fucking program. 3 working sets is really not much volume
Or do SS as written
Or SL as written

But don't be a fucking retard and think for even a second that you should be trying to adjust or program a single god-damned thing
Not surface water like they were drinking
People have been farming grains for thousands of years. They farmed them to save them to eat them later
Your gut biome dictates how you digest stuff, your parents' organs were affected by their diets and the genes they passed on carried that knowledge
thanks pookie :3
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If I take 1.000 UI of HCG weekly, will I have bigger balls and produce more testosterone?
Yes. You should post throughout the process with status updates.
I will, just waiting for my HCG to arrive
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what does it mean if i have high MPV, low lymphocytes and % high monocytes and neutrophilis?
i have really itchy and bad skin and i'm feeling really tired lately i also piss very often i also have diarrhea often
Do you eat enough fat and fiber?
It just sounds like you eat like shit
If you have neurosyphilis you need treatment before it eats your brain
>It just sounds like you eat like shit
how would that affect lymphocyte count
It affects everything lololol
Okay, seriously, how do I progress from no pull/chin ups to working on being strong enough for muscle ups?
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Would it be extra autistic of me to eat a bunch of bad food on a cheat day then do intense cardio later in the same day? I'm really trying to lose this weight fast but god damn do I want some chicken wings
Do slow, controlled eccentric pullups until you can do pullups. Then do bodyweight pullups until you can do sets of ~12. Then add weight and focus on explosive concentrics. Keeping adding weight and mix in explosive bodyweight pullups here and there.

t. person who never did a muscleup but I got close one time
What is a 'slow controlled eccentric pullup'?

Eccentric = lengthening the muscle, the "reverse" direction. You will eventually build the strength to do a full pullup this way. It seems like it shouldn't work but it does. You can mix in some lat pulldowns if you want to hit the concentric (squeezing the muscle)
Chicken wings are fine
Sauces and biscuits and potatoes are not
I ate fried chicken all the time on my way to FFMI 30 natty
Like eat the chicken and some broccoli or something for fiber
Oh, a...what did they call this...a negative?
You start at the top and you try to 'fall' slowly.
That's not something that 'seems like it shouldn't work'. In theory, the same muscles that pull you up also control your descent.
Okay well regardless, do that lmao.
How are you getting 500 in a protein shake? Are you adding a ton of cream and sugar or something? That's like venti frappuccino levels
500 in a protein shake is nothing. Between the whey, whole milk, and peanut butter, you can easily go over 500 calories.
Sure good
>whole milk
Sure makes sense
>and peanut butter
Sir is that all you are eating for the morning?
Split into 2 servings
100cals of strawberries
210cals of bananas
350cals of milk
70cals chia seeds
55cals flax seeds
Then I make up the difference with greek yogurt or PB
it would be fine to have a cheat day as long as you monitor your calories for the week.; infact, its probably beneficial to prevent burnout.
Truth Tzvr Bvmba
Honestly it's a little retarded for one reason.
I understand cheating. But the rest of your week (or the next week) should be planned around the cheat.
The argument is that thousands of years is too little on the time scale on which evolution operates to have well adapted changes already. 10k years (neolithic) is around 300 generations, which isn't much, especially if you consider we have been around for 2.7 million years.
Is it normal to feel weaker on a cut, or am I doing something wrong? I haven’t really lost any strength yet, I just feel weaker.
Hey guys. happy new year frens
to get out of my scrawny ass im trying to add one pull up each day (original idea by me)
Day 9, I'm quickly running into a problem; last 3 days, I cant do the full set back to back. I always fall when i'm 1 from the daily goal.
I do a few afterwards so that I reach the day goal but it feels a little bit dumb because maybe in say day 60 i dont want to stop every other rep
Do you think I should do more reps after failing or should I wait a while to see if I can do all of the days reps back to back?
sorry bed england
They'd get hornier if you wore "Women Are Afraid of Me"
Yes that's totally normal. It's actually quite good for a cut if you haven't lost any strength yet.
Sir you are getting less fuel to your furnace. You will feel weaker than if you are consuming more food.
I sweat, I sweat A LOT. What do I do to control this?

I'm not overweight, in fact I was always like this even through my skinny/fit/fat phases. I was fixing some furniture today and I was dripping after 10 minutes. When I go to the gym my shirt gets totally wet. Also it's very common for me to turn red when exercising, so much so that people have often ask me if I am alright and I'm usually ok, tired sure, but not about-to-faint tired as they thought I was.
When I do pushups my elbows start to hurt. How do I prevent this?
Fix posture and take it easy.

Try to do more reps with lower intensity (like knee push ups or inclined).
So I eat meat, mushrooms, onions, garlic, apples, and bananas. What green vegetable should I add?
What should I expect?
Bruh, you cut just by adding cardio? I hope your treadmill is at home cause that's a lot of cardio.
After about a year hiatus I'm using Instagram again. Holy shit why are there so many whores?
kek, I've tried getting instagram but keep getting banned. I never get past the sign up page. Fuck Zuck
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Is Fila considered Boomer tier? I bought a Fila tee from an outlet store and it fit pretty good. Now the only others I see wearing Fila at my gym are older folk. Its a shame, they make a nice fitting tee
You ever workout with your friends or even just hanging out with your friends and your workout styles aren't really similar, and the concept of something like a pushup or pullup contest comes up - and you both have completely different ideas of what those exercises are like?
For example I do really strict deep as possible pushups when I'm on my own, but do you consider lowing the ROM in a pushup contest fair especially if everybody else is doing it? Or strict deadhanging pullups vs kipping another obvious example.
Should I just see a therapist over how annoyed it makes me to have friends sending me their bench PR video (still much lower than mine btw, it's not a jealousy thing) where they're only doing a quarter rep and biting my tongue as to not come off like an unsupportive dick?
How can I build a strong chest/pecs?
Can I achieve this purely through pushups and dumbbells?
If so what dumbbell exercises are good for this?thanks
What are good "natural" (not a powder) preworkout options if I need to lift before eating breakfast? Something small enough that I'll still be able to eat my usual breakfast afterwards, but that'll last me the hour of my workout.

I'm thinking...
- cup of coffee
- 8oz protein shake made with water
- a spoon of honey or a banana for carbs

For reference my usual breakfast is ~600 calories most of which come from chicken, egg whites, with the rest being combo of potatoes and green veggies.

Stats: 6', 220lb fatty, mid 30s.
HCG does not make you produce more test; it just maintains any existing test production if you start TRT.
Nothing if you don't also train hard.
Imagine paying extra money just to wear logo of some brand. Buy Amazon basics t-shirts or another cheap equivalent. They are fucking t-shirts not a fashion statement.
Try out different positions, variations, angles and so on. You might want to reduce the frequency while figuring out what works for you.

I have a friend who can do over 100 push-ups but each one of them is barely a quarter rep. I don't mind it. Once I mentioned that I like to go extra deep because it seems to be better for hypertrophy and I found that it's less taxing on my elbows and neck.

Yes. Push-ups can be great for chest development, although you might see diminishing returns once you're able to do more than 30 reps. By that point, it's probably best to try out some variations, or leave them at the end of a workout as a "finisher". Dumbbells can also be great for chest development, if you have a bench for bench pressing and doing chest flies. You should aim for training your chest 2 to 3 times a week for best results. To prioritize chest development over other muscle groups, train it first during your workout. You might also want to increase the weekly volume (number of sets close to failure) of chest exercices compared to other exercices too.

Coffee and carbs sounds good.
Why do I feel like I have a belly after eating? You can see my abs, but unless I stop eating for the whole day, my belly swells up a lot, and it's worrying. It looks like a bodybuilder's belly.
I don't even have trouble taking a shit. Should I stop eating carbohydrates? Sugar? I hate it, and it makes me feel terrible to be so bloated.
Where should I buy weights for a home gym?
I keep hoping that some roided out gen Xer in my neighborhood will die and I can raid the estate sale, but no dice.
Who would be stronger, an average weight manlet (say, 5'5) or a tall but skinny person? Both untrained
That would come down to bodyweights and BMIs and even that wouldn't be for sure
Just lift bro

Eat more fat and fiber to make sure things are moving and then stop being retardedly insecure
You can do stomach vacuums if it really bothers you

I bought my rack from Amazon
Barbell, ez bar + bench from an actual fitness place(because I can bench more than cheap bench weight limits and wanted a steady base for incline bench), then bumper plates, adjustable dumbbells, standard plates for dbs+ez bar, and smaller oly plates from Walmart

The only thing I will add in the future is a pull down rig of some sort but I'll have to move before that
For bench, it only counts if you touch
The other stuff you have to define what rep is and then since you do more rom, reducing it for the contests benefits you the most

I feel like they were big in the 90s
I had some fila stuff growing up
Drop the fruit, add bread and whatever veggies you'll actually eat

Just eat meat

Obviously cardio but also more heavy volume, increasing frequency, and increasing activity in general
If you don't have a cardio machine at home you probably just aren't gmi

Stop fapping
It causes you to sweat extra

Do them ever other or every 3 days
Doing the lost reps after is good, but pushing to keep them in the same set is best
Bruh we know evolution as they sell it isn't the whole story
But if you really believe that post your squat dead bench.
405atg/535/335 full ROM no bs
Redpill me on Tai Chi, does it provide benefits or is it a placebo?
Anything that helps control your cortisol is beneficial
But you could just take rhodiola or panax ginseng tho
So my routine I am proposing for myself: Tai Chi stretches, three sets ohp, three sets hanging leg raise, three sets negative pullup (until I can do real), three sets push, three sets dips, and three sets farmers walk...is this retarded?
This is not the worst routine. Generally you want to balance push/pull sets, so if you do 3xOHP, 3xpushups, 3x dips, then you should probably add another back exercise (maybe DB rows?). Otherwise it seems like a decent upper body day. Do you have specific goals in mind or you just want to get stronger/bigger?
I am trying to work to being able to do more pushups, any pull/chin ups, and, eventually, muscle ups
If progressive overload is "the gradual increase of stress placed on the body during resistance training", wouldn't increasing volume over time also count as progressive overload, just like adding reps or weight? On a related note, would you agree that progressive overload is a result of gains rather than the cause? In other words, making gains enables progressive overload (which in turn allows to keep providing a similar muscle growth stimulus), but not the other way around.
Yes, you can progressively overload through increased volume, but this isn't always optimal and can lead to overuse injury or excessive fatigue if done incorrectly. Natties basically have a limit of how many heavy sets they can recover from, but there is a spectrum you can work with from workout to workout.

As for the second point, I would say it goes both ways. You need to progressively overload the muscle to progress, and progressing is what allows you to progressively overload in the first place. If the human body didn't have the ability to adapt, and only recover, then adding more overload would simply increase the time it takes to recover. Progressive overload fundamentally stems from the design of the human body, which will not grow under the same repeated stimulus but will at the same time *over*-adapt to a new stimulus. By over-adapt I mean if you bench 135 for 5 reps and it's really hard, the next time you bench your body will not only make it easier to bench 135, but will actually have increased strength beyond that weight even though it wasn't necessarily something it *needs* to prepare for.

All of this is over-analysis though in my opinion, just lift heavy shit and listen to your body.
I see, thanks a lot.

>All of this is over-analysis though in my opinion, just lift heavy shit and listen to your body.
Of course, I'm just curious, it doesn't change how I will workout.
Thanks for all the info anon,appreciate it.
>Bruh we know evolution as they sell it isn't the whole story
What's the whole story?
>But if you really believe that post your squat dead bench.
I don't believe that but it's a convincing argument to me. I wanted to hear some counterarguments. I don't see how my gym stats are related to a theoretical discussion on a diet I don't even follow
If you hIt intermediate and then increase strength & volume, going from FFMI 20 to FFMI 25 and beyond as a natty, you have to focus on getting stronger while simultaneously increasing volume to continue to make gains
We know that "evolution" is really good at tweaking what already exists but not at making new organisms
Where modern humans came from is a mystery
All the "missing links" they've found aren't directly connected to modern humans
They're off shoots of whatever they think they came from but not on the way to modern humans
So that makes the phrase "ancient humans" entirely problematic as we don't actually know exactly when modern humans began existing or exactly where they came from but we do know farming grains has been a thing on every habitable continent for thousands of years
im kinda leanish but i got a round face and a bit of a chin, is there an exercise to lose weight around a double chin or do i just have to lose weight in general?
Chew gum, switch your diet to eating small, low carb meals every 2 hours, caffeine 2 hours separate from meals if needed, stop weed and alcohol and stop smiling/laughing so much
I got my face to lean out at 20 doing this (more than 10 years ago now lmaooo)
Has anyone tried non-dairy protein powder? I have had upset stomach with whey and am looking for alternatives.
How often and how hard can I train abs? Can I train them once in the morning in the gym and then again in the evening at home?
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Drinking 2tsbp of this a day what am I in for?
Acid reflux, tooth enamel decay
Train them like any other muscle, 2-3x a week, sets of 8-12 reps for hypertrophy, full ROM.
Is ab wheeler the best ab exercise
casein is THICK my guy, you will need to add more water to it if youre using it in a shake.
casein is beautiful for adding more bulk to stuff like your oatmeal or when baking
Rate my couple routines, give change suggestions?

>10 minute warmup grip/forearms work (Every day)

Routine 1:
>Bent rows
>lat raises one side at a time with relatively low weight
>Side bends
>lat pull downs

Routine 2:
>Reverse curls
>Bent single arm rows
>Forearm planks

Routine 3:
>Dead lifts
>Used to OHP here but can't right now to avoid fucking my back up

Am I overdoing some things? Should I change shit up?
Is it normal to be completely drained of energy often while lifting weekly?

Context: i'm sleeping 9 hours now and getting brain fog sometimes. I am still making slow progress but it feels harder with the lingering fatigue. I go every second day and have had to limit my biking in between because I think I can't spare that energy. Diet is steady. Work is not demanding though I walk around a lot.
No, it sounds like you are overtraining or not getting enough food (or there is some other 3rd issue). When was the last time you took a deload week?
Can I gain muscle from pool workouts?
>deload week
never. I only started a few months ago.
Is EC Stack still a thing in 2025 or have people moved on?
If it's still a thing then what options exist for an Ephedrine replacement outside of grey market Chinese pharmacies?

Thanks for the reply.
>Coffee and carbs sounds good
So like a cup of coffee and a table spoon of honey?
I get that a lot will depend on my own physiology and training intensity, but how do I determine if I'm actually "doing anything" as opposed to just getting a placebo effect?
Why would you want to double-dip a muscle group on a day? Do you think that'll make your abs grow faster? How about you try losing some weight instead, fatty.
Why the fuck would you do this?
If you, for some insane reason, actually want to try then just get Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules instead of the liquid. And like another anon said be careful of acid reflux.
Did this start happening after your diet has been steady for a while? How long has this been going on?
My first reaction would be to examine how much are you getting in carbs and healthy fat. Are you in some shitty cold country up north? What's your D3 intake/level at?

If you are really stumped then go have some blood work done and look at your vitamin and test levels.
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Is 6 hours sleep a day enough for decent health?
I have been trying this for a week and haven't noticed any shortcomings.
I am 28 living a sedentary lifestyle.
No intention to get swell or stronger or anything like that.
I lift 4 times a week doing mainly 4 big moves only just to maintain decent fitness.
I'm a light eater.
I don't smoke nor drink.
Not gunna lie, I'm not a big fan of carbs. Mostly get them from cereal, corn and pastries like pies. It's very sunny here, do you think wearing sunscreen affects vitamin D production? I plan on getting bloodwork done but last one I had I was ok only a minor vitamin D def according to my doctor.
You need carbs for energy. It's fine to be low carb if you are sedentary or on a cut, but in both those cases you aren't training hard. Just try upping your carb intake by 100g a day for a week and see what difference that makes. Cut fat to compensate.
>do you think wearing sunscreen affects vitamin D production
That's actually a pretty complicated question. Just spend 10-30 minutes outside, ideally without a t-shirt to get sun on your torso and arms. Use sunscreen on your face if you don't want to look like a scrotum by the age of 45 and get a multivitamin.
I had plantar fascia surgery over 10 years ago. My leg has since always been limping and slighlty cold. Is the damage permenent and if not then what should I do?
Studies would recommend plenty of antioxidants but I stayed leanest at 5hours a night but my strength would randomly suffer if I didn't sleep in 1 or 2 days a week

I feel like you can find it in more reputable places still

>Lifting the pool
>Lifting in the pool
Sounds dangerous senpai

Post your symmetric strength avatar and give more information
A routine is everything you do
So I assume that whole thing is your routine
If those are days, we need to know and we need to know what days they are and your overall schedule

Legs up crunches, decline situps w/or w/o weight, the ab machine that you lift your legs and roll the machine down from the top are my faves
Do more cardio and fap less bro

Fiery poops

You should really be getting all your protein from meat
Pork and turkey are cheap af, beef is the ideal
You can only synthesize 0.8g of protein per pound of lean body mass you have so if you really can't get that much from meat, you probably aren't gonna make it
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I‘ve come into possession of several pounds of free pasta which I now want to move through fairly quickly to clear up kitchen space. Is there a way to adjust my workout habits to not make this a pointless carb bomb?
Should I start a diary?
Go see a physical therapist
Don't seek actual help from a Jeff Seid hate forum
You would have learned to favor it, do unilateral exercises to see the strength difference and fix weaknesses
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Vehicle for meat. the same way asian cultures put everything over rice.
Just did some bycical kicks and could already feel it. Thanks.
Should I not be doing lots reps for kettlebell swings? It's explosive so I'm wondering if I should just buy a heavier kettlebell
say I have injured myself, is it a good time to cut and do minimal lifting to stay active? as long as I'm maintaining enough protein my gains should stay intact right? RIGHT?
Bronkaid or Sudafed.
Need to get it from the pharmacy section though but it's pretty available anywhere. CVS, Walgreens, etc.

I use it often just for the cardio boost.
found this on reddit thoughts?

Push A
Bench Press 3x4-8
Incline DB Press 3x6-10
Low-to-high Cable Flyes 3x8-12
Barbell Overhead Press 3x6-10
Cable Laterals 3x8-12
Behind-the-head Extensions 3x6-10
One-arm Overhead Extensions 3x8-12
Forearm work

Pull A
Bent-over Row 3x4-8
Chin-ups 3x6-10
Seated CNG Cable Row 3x8-12
Face Pulls 3x8-12
Barbell Shrugs 3x8-12
Pinwheel Curls 3x6-10
Incline DB Curls 3x8-12
Forearm work

Legs A
Squats 3x4-8
Romanian Deadlift 3x6-10
Leg Extensions 3x8-12
Lying Leg Curls 3x8-12
Standing Calf Raises 3x4-8
Seated Calf Raises 3x12-15
Ab work

Push B
Incline Barbell Press 3x4-8
Flat DB Press 3x6-10
Incline Cable Flyes 3x8-12
DB Lateral Raises 3x6-10
Machine Laterals 3x8-12
Dips 3x6-10
French Press 3x8-12
Forearm work

Pull B
Pull-ups 3x4-8
One-arm DB Rows 3x6-10
CNG Pulldowns 3x8-12
Reverse Flyes 3x8-12
DB Shrugs 3x8-12
Alternating DB Curls 3x6-10
Reverse Preacher Curls 3x8-12
Forearm work

Legs B
Deadlift 3x4-8
Leg Press 3x6-10
Seated Leg Curls 3x8-12
Machine Hack Squats 3x8-12
Standing Calf Raises 3x4-8
Seated Calf Raises 3x12-15
Ab work
Megadosing mag will just give you diarrhea.same with C if you are wondering. Idk why you'd do that to yourself.
I'm going to the gym every day this year, how does this look for a reworked schedule (I've been doing 5 days up till now, feel like it should be pretty manageable)
Will probably drop from sets of 4 to sets of 3 if it's too fatiguing, but they're working for me now so I should be fine. 20 mins of walking at the end of every session except Wednesday.
>Monday: Leg
Squat: Bar only then +10kg to target weight (warmup)
Squat: 4x10
Single-Leg Press: 4x10
RDL: 4x10
Machine Single-Leg Curls: 3x10
Machine Single-Leg Extensions: 3x10
Linear Hack Squat Calf Raises: 4x10
Seated Calf Raises: 3x15
>Tuesday: Push
Flat DB Bench: 4x10
Incline DB Bench: 4x10
Landmine Press: 4x10
High-to-Low Fly: 4x10
Press: 4x10
Crossover: 4x10
>Wednesday: Running/Stretching
>Thursday: Pull
Pullup: 3x10
Chinup: 3x10
Landmine Row: 4x10
Wide grip seated Row: 4x10
DB Shrugs: 3x15
Straight Arm Cable Pulldown: 4x10
Face Pulls: 3x15
Reverse Curls: 3x10
>Friday: Shoulders/Core
Standing DB OHP: 4x10
Superset: 4x(6+6+6) DB Front/Side/W Raises
Single-Arm Cable Y Raise: 3x10
Seated Calf Raises: 4x10
Linear Hack Squat Calf Raises: 3x15
Gay little ab wheel: 4x10
Plank: 3x to failure
Kettlebell Side Bend: 3x12 each side (superset with plank)
>Saturday: Arm
DB Curl: 4x10
Inward Hammer Curl: 4x10
Preacher Curl (alternate grips weekly): 4x10
Triceps Pushdown: 4x10
Overhead Cable Tricep Extension: 4x10
Tricep Cable Kickback: 4x10
Wrist Roller: 4 sets (up and down each direction once per set)
>Sunday: Functional/Accessory/Stretching
Farmers walk: 3x60 seconds
DB Shrugs: 3x15.
Incline inverted Y Raise (hands down by waist): 3x10
Turkish Get-Ups: 3x3
Hcg doesn't prevent shut down. If it did literally no one would have to deal with pct, they would just take hcg while they cycle lol. It's purely cosmetic and keeps your balls from shrinking
Maybe, but I'm a pussy and just want to enhance natural loss from CICO/lifting without going HAM.
Are you sure? Sudafed uses Pseudoephedrine. I actually take it pretty often because I get sinus issues due to allergies in the state where I live.

Gonna give Bronkaid a shot though. 25:200 with caffeine pills.
That's sad to hear. I'm on TRT and am hoping to quit it at some point thanks to HCG preserving natural supply, but I guess I really am on the needle for life.
Pretty far out question, but I'll roll the dice.... has anyone here tried Human Growth Hormone as a supp?

All I hear is that it DOES work, but the effects are slight and that it's very expensive. Can anyone report if they've tried it or what it was like?
Unless you're an advanced lifter, this program seems unnecessarily complex, and you likely don't need that much volume to make gains. You might also need to adjust exercise order and technique to ensure the target muscles are actually the limiting factors in each movement.
God damn. I do the same 6 exercises 3 days a week for the past 12mths. I'm not sure how I feel about my life right now.
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How much protein does a wage slave that don't go to gym and does occasional 20 minute jogs as exercise needs on average? I cut down 18% last year and is slowly trying to eat normally again but the months of eating that much protein latched on me so I'm scared of getting fat again if I change the ratio
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Any tips on how to control hair when working out?
I'm trying to go for pic related look, some part has reached the length, but the side are still, and I can't put it in my hairbun.
My gym don't allow headwear due to creepshot incident.
Also any advice on getting more bigger rounder shoulders?
Beginners and most intermediates would make great gains by doing bench/pull-ups/squats 3x a week. Throw in some lateral raises and curls just for fun and you're golden.
my tonsils smell like shit, how do i remedy this?
hi i have a pulley on my squat rack at home, but when doing lat pulldowns is there somehow a way to brace myself more to the ground if i wanna go heavy? In public gyms the lat pulldowns usually have that brace where you put your thigs down. Maybe putting a 20kg plate on my thigs would help a little?
maybe a backpack with some weights in it? thats what i used to do
and put it on? i think that would make me lean either too much forward or back depending how i wear it
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