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Why are vegans so hated here? You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
You can also build muscles with a plant based diet. Onions and hemp is a complete protein. You can also get complete protein if you combine othrr uncomplete proteins.
Deficienses is a meme and i would day vegand are even better to get right nutrition then omnivores are. Most omni food is fortified anyway and where do you think aninals get their minerals and vitamins from? From plant based food. B12 is derived from bacteria or something like that so even animals dont make that stuff themsrlves.
I hate anyone who promotes retarded extreme restriction diets to people trying to better themselves. No matter what you're restricting or what bullshit reason you have for it.
stfu retard
if theres one thing I regret is being vegan from my early teens to mid 20s
definitely the stupidest thing I ever did in my whole life
Veganism is hated because vegans are evil and worthy of hate.
All those potential gains - lost.
it's a bad diet.
we don't care about your religion or politics.
All you retard saying its bad but showing no proof
you can't eat plants
fruits? sure
tubers? yea
leaves? no
Cognitive dissonance primarily. People don't like being reminded that they willingly engage in something that isn't ethical.
>Why are vegans so hated
Its an old tired boomer and pre-boomer meme. The new version of intentionally self-destructive mental illness toxic smugness is either being trans and alphabet in general or being "green".
>You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
You are hated because you continually lie.
Please, go kill yourself. But shut up and fuck you for raising my health insurance rates.
Assuming that consuming animals is unethical is in itself unethical as it promotes an anthropocentric world view.
You are engaging in the concept of human superiority, which in turn means you consider animals inferior.
I find that distasteful and unethical.
A related situation is people implying that African Americans should not be held fully accountable for their actions, which in turn implies that they are less than fully rational adults, do not deserve agency and are therefore inferior.
ok but thats basically true based on pretty much every worldstar video ever
because mental illness and deficiancy
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>You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
>three recent studies of historical food composition data found apparent median declines of 5% to 40% or more in some minerals in groups of vegetables and perhaps fruits
Does that mean i get to shoot and eat you as long as i claim we're equals?
>You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
no you cannot. Keep coping
The dissonance is from people who claim to care about animal suffering, but continue to eat meat.

I eat meat, but because I do, I acknowledge that I clearly do not care very much about animals.

It is why people hate vegans, their existence demonstrates to people that something they believe about themselves (caring about animals) is false, hence dissonance and rage.
Well yes, obviously, if you truly don't care then you just don't care and that's that.
ngl id definitely be a cannibal if it were legal, i wonder what race tastes the best
>so many mental gymnastics to justify someone acting holier than thou, screaming at you aboit muh morality, and constantly scapegoating ketoshits, even when they are neither present, nor mentioned
Wew lad
>people who claim to care about animal suffering, but continue to eat meat
>implying domesticated animals suffer more than animals in the wild
Kek what a retard
See this is a prime example.
>someone claims killing animals bad, and adjusted their actions accordingly
>i agree with this, even if only at a subconscious level, yet continue to eat meat and indirectly participate in their death
>my cognitions and actions are inconsistent, which makes me feel bad
>the only two ways to make this bad feeling go away is to either adjust my actions, or my cognitions
>adjusting actions is hard, and involves giving up eating meat, which i enjoy
>however, i can easily defend myself from this feeling by distracting myself with something, such as wild animals suffering more than domesticated animals
>this doesn't even have to make sense or be relevant in any way, as long as it makes me not think about the dissonance
>it's even easier if i also antagonize the source of my dissonance
This, on the other hand, is a good example of the contrary.
>someone claims killing animals bad, and adjusted their actions accordingly
>i do not agree with this is any way, therefore have no need to adjust my actions or congnitions
>therefore there is no need to come up with stupid excuses, nor to antagonize anyone
We literally have DNA evidence showing that humans have been heavily eating meat for at least a couple million years. That's not even accounting for ancient stone tool evidence, cave paintings, etc. Our nutritional requirements can be met with literally just meat. I mean we LITERALLY have an anatomy that's adapted to chuck spears at animals.

We are adapted to eating the flesh and fat of animals, and to suggest a diet that doesn't include them in any capacity is insane, and really only done for ideological reasons.
shhhh logic upsets them
We dont need meat anymore. We can survive without it. It just not ethical to eat meat when we literally dont need it anymore. You cant compare hunter gatherers to industrial meat farms.

You can get all fat and nutrients from a plant based diet.
>toddlers drop dead on a plant-based died
>we don't need meat
Except we literally are the same animal that we were 100,000 years ago. We have the same digestive system, we have the same nutritional requirements.

And there are many compounds in meat such as the different amino acids found in meat that vegans don't supplement. They really just focus on the B vitamins, but there's a lot more necessary nutrition than that.

We don't improperly feed zoo animals because we can give them supplements to them to keep them alive. The FDA would be up your ass if you had an animal that relied on meat and intentionally didn't feed them that because of your ethical concerns about meat eating.

You can get literally all the fat and nutrients you need from meat, and that should be a big sign that that's an integral part of our diet. You know why people quit veganism? Symptoms of malnutrition, DESPITE supplementation.
Lol this is not common you fucking retard. You prolly nitpicked from a article. How many omnivore parents havent starved their childs due to bad nutrition info?
You can find all amino acids in plant based food.
Ex vegans sre often retards who thought eating potato and oreos every day and taking a cheap multivitamin is what plant based diet is supposed to be. And instead of going to a doctor or dietician they try to make up a reson to eat meat again

All this fucking projection lmfao
It's actually much simpler anon, it's just called "a false premise". You base your entire argument on the fact that eating meat somehow means animals suffer more, when in fact it's the opposite - wild animals suffer much less when killed by legal hunters and domesticated animals live pretty much stress-free lives when raised in well-regulated farms. Simple as. In fact, your argument is so fucking pathetic you should just stick to the environmentalist pitch, since it's actually harder to deboonk.
"muh ancestors" and "muh theories" are pointless when we have actual human data that shows predominantly plant based diets lead to improved health outcomes. You could make that same argument to promote smoking and alcohol consumption considering we have been doing it for just as long.

Toddlers drop dead from malnutrition. Regardless if they eat meat or not.

>And there are many compounds in meat such as the different amino acids found in meat that vegans don't supplement
>necessary nutrition
Prove it.
>The FDA would be up your ass if you had an animal that relied on meat and intentionally didn't feed them that because of your ethical concerns about meat eating.
Vegan cat food exists and has data supporting it's just as healthy as regular cat food. What exactly is the issue if the animal is getting the nutrients it needs regardless of how it's done?
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>when we have actual human data that shows predominantly plant based diets lead to improved health outcomes
>Inb4 we compared veganism to a diet consisting entirely of goyslop
>I should be able to murder you because if you lived in the wild you could die a worse death :)
Retard argument. Assuming you're implying that hunting is more "ethical" which is retarded, and even if it was true it's completely unsustainable as we would run the population to the ground in months. We literally have to breed trillions of animals just to keep up with our demand.
So you're implying that a plant based diet is a "good diet"(despite it lacking meat) and what a majority of everyone else eats is a "bad diet"(despite containing meat)

So it looks like you agree that there is nothing special in meat.
>>I should be able to murder you because if you lived in the wild you could die a worse death :)
Peak midwit. I'll try to spell it out in a way that your pea-sized brain can understand: you said eating meat increases animal suffering. Animals will be killed in the wild regardless of human intervention. If a human kills an animal it will suffer considerably less than if it gets killed by other animals. Therefore, eating meat actually decreases animal suffering. Picture a pack of wolves eating a deer alive vs the same deer being shot by a hunter.

>Assuming you're implying that hunting is more "ethical"
Nope, I'm actually sticking to the goalpost here (unlike you) which is about whether eating meat increases animal suffering or not. My argument is that hunting decreases animal suffering. Now when it comes to farm raising, it's completely neutral as in the animals don't suffer at all during their lives and then get a quick, painless death that they can't foresee because they're irrational beings (thus no existential dread either). Grass-fed cattle will just spend their entire life grazing, eating, fucking and then eventually vanish from existence immediately. Can you tell me specifically how that means animals suffer more because I eat steak?
No, what I'm saying is obesity kills and we all know that. If you compare vegans (who tend to not be obese) to the average person, they will be healthier. Of course only retards think you'll immediately drop dead if you don't eat meat for a month, but saying an omnivore diet is just as healthy as a vegan diet requires evidence that you're incapable of producing.
>but saying an omnivore diet is just as healthy as a vegan diet
Obviously I mean the opposite
Last lol
Because vegans are malnourished and weak.
Eat grass and cardboard bro. Why restrict yourself?

They are a cult of retards, everything about it is retarded, it's unhealthy, it promotes global consumerism, it destroys the environment via monocrop farming, spraying chems on everything. Vegans are useful idiots for a (((political agenda))) to destroy traditional cultures and nature itself and what is nauseating and tiresome is they are too stupid to realise how they have all these corps, banks and NGOs pushing everything they believe. It has no place being discussed anywhere let alone on a fitness board, and mods should ban anyone who mentions veganism here except as a warning to others as to what happens when you avoid eating real foods.
What the fuck is an omnivore diet? Happy meals? Pepperoni pizza? Vegans love talking about "omnivore diets" because they get to compare their shit unhealthy diet to basically the worst processed fast foods imaginable. That's basically how every vegan activist study works.
>hey look starving yourself on salads is temporarily less harmful than eating mcdonalds every day. Stop eating meat chud!
when the "omnivorous" western diet is already almost vegan. It's like 90% plant based. A whopper burger is 66% plant based by calories ffs.

Straight up, animal foods are the source of nutrition. You can eat nothing but animal foods and be completely healthy, optimally healthy you could say. The reverse is not true for plants and the extent to which an "omnivorous" diet is healthy depends on the constitution of that diet obviously. Eating traditionally; ie meat/fish based meals with fermented veg (like basically all traditional asian and european foods) is how an omnivorous diet actually works in nature. Plants have to be fermented to not be toxic.
but it is ethical
we're talking about denouncing the talmud, right?
Imagine being done over by leaves.
>Why are vegans so hated here?
Because of what you said just after wards :
>You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
See, that's the problem.
You think you know but you don't.

1- If you need to supplement your diet, because you don't even enough vitamins and minerals, like for vegans : vitamin A, B6, B12, D, F, K2, heme-iron, carnitine, creatine, carnosine, and so on, that's not a healthy diet.
2- If EVERY SINGLE Health Organisation on Earth says you can't put pregnant women or children on a Vegan diet without huge risk to their health and healthy development, then it's not a healthy diet.
3- Humans are OMNIVORE and therefore, as per the definition of OMNIVORE we need to eat meat and other animal proteins to be healthy.
Humans evolved a big Brain-to-body ratio by eating meat. Only Omnivores and Carnivores have a high Brain-to-Body ratio.
There is not a single herbivore on the entire planet that has a big brain, a small body and doesn'gtt eat meat.
It's just a basic biological principle.

You're a Vegan.
You're a pussybitch that uses emotions instead of logic to make decisions.
You're a slave to your own emotions.
You're also wrong.
Wanna debate?
Let's pull out the full anti-vegan pasta then.
Will post Pasta in the next 2 posts.
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Anti-Vegan Full Rundown.
Part 1/2
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Anti-Vegan Full Rundown.
Part 2/2

Plus adding sources in Text form, if the bot allows me to.
>veganism kills children

>vegans are less fertile than meat-eaters

>low or no meat intake associated with mental illness

>vegetarians diets as a risk factor for constipation

>humans evolved to eat meat

>health organizations worldwide caution about veganism
https://pastebin.com/g72uMQr9 (embed)
Something like 75% of child labor happens in agriculture.
I bet you havent read any of those studies lol
The main reason is that vegans are almost always vegan for moral reasons, not anything to do with health. Oreoes and Coca-cola are vegan, but not healthy. It is also an extremely limited diet. You won't get enough B12, iron, Vitamin D, or Omega 3 on a vegan lifestyle without supplementation. Just go on a normal low fat diet instead. Skip the moral bullshit.
>a bunch of case studies and "theories"
Wow great evidence. Much better than the large meta-analysis and cohorts that the worlds top dietary organizations use to backup the claims that vegan diet is healthy at all stages of life :)
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>You can get literally all the fat and nutrients you need from meat, and that should be a big sign that that's an integral part of our diet.
False. Meat has no vitamin C and no fiber.

Every carnivore on the planet can manufacture their own vitamin C, and doesn’t need fiber to pass waste. We need to consume vitamin C to live. We need to eat fiber for a properly functioning gut. Humans are not carnivores.
>You can be as healthy if not healthier as a vegan /plant based as much as a omnivore.
try a billion of them
he doesn't have to, AI can summarize all findings and compile them, averaging information and filtering noise
You're right. If I cared more about the suffering of chickens I would only buy eggs and meat from farms where they are treated fairly. But I don't because I care more about money than ethics. The same logic can be applied to disasters and war that happen abroad. If I cared I would do something to help, but it doesn't concern me or my people so I don't. Thoughts are meaningless if they don't lead to action.
Going vegan is bettering yourself, too
Show how it isn't ethical
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>I bet you havent read any of those studies lol
Unlike you I actually read studies, lmao.

Not long ago I read an entire research paper on Male Intrahemispheric Communication VS Female Interhemispheric Communication.
If you're not a doctor, the words I just said might as well be chinese to you.

Yes I've read most of these studies.
I indeed did not ead 100% or all the studies, because WHO THE FUCK READS THE FUCKING MATH TABLES?

You're fucking retarded cunt.
And you're projecting.
I actually do read scientific studies.
I do actually seek out experts on any given tropic.
I do watch 2 hour long lectures or YT videos going as deep into every topic as do I when I fuck your mom.

Unirionically Kill yourself, Moxyte you pathetic waste of space.

>>a bunch of case studies and "theories"
No theories here, vegancuckfaggot.
Only studies.

>Much better than the large meta-analysis
You need a Meta Analysis?
Here ;
>Health aspects of vegan diets among children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analyses
This is a Meta-Analysis.
Do you even know what those are, Faggot?
You probably don't. Let me help you.
A Meta-Analysis is the HOLY FUCKING GRAIL of Science.
It's a Study that compiles ALL the other studies about a topic, usually 100 or more studies, into a single Mega-Large study that gives you a definite answer about the question or topic at hand.

There is no avoiding it.
The Meta-analysis, the SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS if you will, is that Veganism is Unhealthy.
>Meta-analyses showed lower protein, calcium, vitamin B2, saturated fatty acid, and cholesterol intakes, and lower ferritin, HDL and LDL levels as well as height in vegan compared to omnivorous children/adolescents.




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People who aren’t illiterate in basic statistics. Shameful to be so proud of being a drooling regard who blindly accepts the conclusions in the discussion section without understanding the methodology.
Because it's mostly ideology and a forceful and manipulative one. They're diet equivalent of a cult and got a lot of their rhetoric from seventh day adventists which is definitely is a cult

You don't even read the studies.
If you did read the studies, you wouldn't be saying "Veganism is Healthy" when virtually every single study proves it's bad for your health, and every single health insitution agrees that Pregnant women and Children should NEVER be put on a Vegan diet.

Who even talked about statistics?
Scientific studies don't really do statistics, almost never.
You're an absolute liar.
I'm talking about ACTUAL math tables.
The readings, nigger.
You blood sugar levels.
You testosterone or other hormonal levels.
You somehow think :
No nigger.
Almost no one uses statistics in their studies.
Statistics are always avoided, in facor of empirical evidence.

I'm talking about THE RAW NUMBERS faggot.
You're talking about something completely different.
You're such a fucking retard, and yet you pose as some Science BroDude.
Kindly fuck off you brainlet retard.

Also, you have yet to post
- a statistic
- an actual study, let alone a Meta-Analysis
- an article
- a source
- a link
- a fact
Or anything for that matter.

Your pussybitch words don't matter when I'm bringing an ENTIRE fucking Meta-Analysis proving Veganism is unhealthy.
I have everything.
You have nothing.
Keep LARPing as if you read studies or knew what you were talking about.
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>Scientific studies don't really do statistics, almost never
>virtually every single study proves me right
fucking lol
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>Vegan children may have lower intakes of protein, and lower vitamin B12 levels if no supplements are taken.
Nice meta analysis. Yes if you cherry pick idiots who don't use supplements you can easily find malnutrition. Nobody ever said vegans don't need to supplement.

>It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.

>A Meta-Analysis is the HOLY FUCKING GRAIL of Science.
Good thing you just posted a shitload of case studies which are absolute garbage in comparison.
Sure there is mountains of evidence that eating more plants and replacing meat with plant substitutes is healthier.
> https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38011755/
> This comprehensive meta-analysis provides additional evidence supporting the protective association between fiber intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates.
>Greater dietary fibre intake is associated with a lower risk of both cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease.

Replacing meat/animal fat with plant alternatives:
>Substituting red meat with high-quality plant protein sources, but not with fish or low-quality carbohydrates, leads to more favorable changes in blood lipids and lipoproteins.
>Among generally healthy adults, contrasting Plant with Animal intake, while keeping all other dietary components similar, the Plant products improved several cardiovascular disease risk factor
> https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00394-021-02507-1
>replacement of saturated fats with other macronutrients, such as polyunsaturated fats, was associated with reduced cardiovascular disease occurrence.
>The consumption of rapeseed oil instead of ghee caused improvements in liver steatosis and enzymes, glycaemic variables and anthropometric measurements

> The evidence here reviewed indicates that diets with a higher intake of plant-based foods—limiting the consumption of refined cereals and starchy foods—are associated with a markedly lower cardiovascular risk in comparison with diets including predominantly animal foods.
>Findings from this meta-analysis provide evidence that high intake of CV was inversely associated with the risk of CRC and colon cancer in humans.

>Consumption of cruciferous vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, cancers, and depression.
>This prospective study suggests that a higher cruciferous vegetables intake is associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality.

>A high-protein (~ 1.6 g kg-1 day-1), exclusively plant-based diet (plant-based whole foods + onions protein isolate supplementation) is not different than a protein-matched mixed diet (mixed whole foods + whey protein supplementation) in supporting muscle strength and mass accrual, suggesting that protein source does not affect resistance training-induced adaptations in untrained young men consuming adequate amounts of protein.
>Despite marked differences in habitual nutrient intake, healthy, young vegan and omnivorous men did not differ regarding vascular and skeletal muscle structure and function, or cardiovascular fitness.
>To summarize, our data suggest that whey and pea proteins promote similar strength, performance, body composition, and muscular adaptations
There is no ethical argument for veganism
This is giving up ground for no reason. Animals don't have to suffer. White farmers on small farms love their animals.
>There is no ethical argument against murder
Okay so tell me why plant murder is okay?
Plants are not sentient.
Proof that non-human animals are?
Well you’re certainly not.
Even if I grant you that all living things are sentient, veganism still causes less murder. A cow consumes thousands of plants to gain each pound; consuming the plant directly instead of the cow’s flesh reduces the overall kill rate by several orders of magnitude. If all life is equal, veganism still prevents the most death.
Okay then why don't we just go out and kill every other animal? That would also decrease the overall death rate, right?
Because I’m not retarded enough to think that plants are sentient. Animals with a central nervous system are. I don’t eat them because killing a sentient being outside of self defense is murder.
You’re the sperg claiming this bit of practical ethics simple enough to explain to a child is somehow “not an ethical argument.”
>plants aren't sentient
They are.
Veganism is hated here on the fitness board because it isn't a diet you go on for the nutritional benefits, it's purely one you go on because you believe it is moral.
It fucks you up nutritionally, even worse than keto retards
Again, even if you’re dim enough to actually believe this, you will kill less “sentient beings” being vegan that you will on any other diet. As a personal philosophy it’s still consistent, even with your stupid and disingenuous premise that plants are somehow sentient.
You need a brain and a nervous system to be sentient. As far as we know plants cannot have a subjective experience.
Ruminants are the bridge between plants and animals. Raw milk is one of the only foods that contains b12.
>People don't like being reminded that they willingly engage in something that isn't ethical.

exactly, a vegan will always brush it off when you inform them they kill far more bugs, birds, rodents, pollinators with inorganic produce and tilling machines compared to grassfed beef/eggs, they'll justify that as 1 cow a year being more valuable than 1000s of those smaller creatures. They can't come to terms with the fact to save more you have to actually eat a cow or eggs, that or grow your own organic.

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