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Is he natty? 5'10 185lbish
so he's 5'6" and probably 200
Jesse's peak natty, look at his delts. In real life under normal lightning he's not going to look like this at all
even if he were roiding why would this affect whether you work out or not, anon?
he used to be much handsomer but the roids made his face look weird
skin looks OK, no gyno, and overall balanced build.
there is no reason to think this is roided unless you're a weak-chinned plebbitor who thinks anyone remotely fit must be injecting
Always bet juiced
that's just how your face goes when you're very low body fat
he is, the picture isn't
>entire job is about his body
>n-nah he's natural
Are you guys retarded?
>nobody whos fit would ever make a job out of it
is you faggot retarded?
everything in this pic is manufactured to look as ripped as possible
>bit of editing
I'm sure if you just grabbed him and told him to take his short off after dinner he looks nothing like this.
also, i dont see a heap of skin problems unless they've all been airbrushed out. Does he have acne and shit?
he has competed in a show, also he let that fitness expo troll measure him.
He has been training for like 10 years and also tested like 3 times. There are 2 questions to ask whenever you want to find out if someone is natty or not.
1. Is it attainable natty? (Yes)
2. Did he spend the 5-7 years needed to achieve it? (Also yes)
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So why don't you guys look like that?
You have to remember that 90% are dyel teenagers high on their newbie gains.

That would be a good argument if he wasn't surrounded by countless fake natty influencers.
>Is it attainable natty? (Yes)
Why don't you look like that then?

>Did he spend the 5-7 years needed to achieve it? (Also yes)
The most retarded newbie argument. Your natty gains are basically finished after the first 2-3 years of (correct) lifting. After that you're making very very small improvements.

t. lifting since 2007
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Imo a good way to test natty status is if the person face matches their body. Or if it looks like they took two different actions figures and placed one person head on another’s body.
He's the most annoying little twerp
400mg test + 200mg masteron physique.
as natty as Alex eubanks. He has better physique than alex so think about it dumbfuck natty.
>Why don't you look like that?
Genetics and, more importantly, I don't have multiple hours a day, seven days a week to dedicate to exercise and diet. I have other obligations that are a higher priority for me than looking like a Greek god. Furthermore, as others said, he's using camera tricks; even HE doesn't always look like that.
>Why don't you look like that then?
Under the correct lighting and enough dehydration i do though?

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