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are these things worth it? sure, I could go outside or go to a gym, but being able to walk in the middle of my room is infinitely more convenient, plus with a standing desk I can play shit while walking, sounds fun. These things aren't expensive either, like $100-$200
i'd be her walking pad if you catch my drift
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just walk back and forth across your own home like a psycho
get naked and turn on classical music while you're at it
pretty useful if you live in a country where walking is illegal
What the fuck are you talking about? Where is walking illegal?
anon are you autistic
Maybe in the country where this was invented? I just walk outside.
I want one so I don't have to risk accidentally having to deal with people I will probably get one this year
Do you niggers seriously not remember when leaving your house was illegal? It was just a couple of years ago.
Loitering is illegal yes
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imagine leaving the house
Never happened chud
>are these things worth it?
No, just do a circuit training or skip rope indoors if you must.
Just run fast in place. Thats good cardio for fitness. Crazy lady fuck rhe china dick. Lets do it. Gotta go fast.
I bought one earlier this month
because over here we get 200days of rain
I'm also going to get a standing desk and watch my kino while doing it.

I've used it already, I would say yes its definetly work it. Take one that reclines. But it also require a bit more willpower than walking outside because you can just stop whenever you want.
what model do you use? I've heard people complain that they're really narrow, and I'm interested in one that reclines
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I got this one. Toputure Walking Pad.
Probably some chinkshit like the rest of them.
Dont forget to also buy the lubrification oil.
Also dont forget to check the maximum recommended weight.

Yes they are kinda narrow, I'm a manlet and I still have trouble sometimes.
Oh it was a joke. Next time call OP a retard so I get it
Going for a walk in the park was literally the most popular dating activity when everything was closed. That's the part about covid I miss. Now every slut wants a dinner or some shit and acts offended when I refuse
Simply go to dinner, buy something cheap, ask waitress to split the bill, leave before elaborating.
they sound fucking awesome for sedentary basement dwellers desu, but i don't have a standing desk so i just gotta make do with a bike
you can buy a standing desk
and you do not need a standing desk you can just use your regular tv or regulare screen on desk
walking is less effort than your bike and thus more manageable
These are really good but what would be great is if they put them next to power racks and other stations at the gym so that you could finish your set, and hop on the walking pad to stay warm instead of wandering around the gym in circles like an awkward moron
Is it autistic do buy something like that for the office? I hava a standing desk but walking is probably better than standing or sitting and I could use my working hours at least for something productive
at worst people might complain about the noise if it's loud in a quiet office
But then I would still waste an evening and don't even get to fuck in return
Every office I"ve worked people were shuckin and jiving
If you have a desk job or stuck inside it's a no brainer, literally no brainer.
Living in a modern world means having synergy with how little we exercise compared to our ancestors.

>inb4 somebody shitpost our ancestors didn't walk multiple miles a day
Literal bullshit, the amount of walking everyone did was absurd.
I have one and it's really fucking loud
If you work in an office honestly you would get more bang for your buck and your time if you just had a heavy kettlebell and did a few clean and presses every hour or so, and then just walk home. Or if you live far away, park your car a mile, two miles, four miles away and walk to and from work.
Nothing more boring than walking in place staring at a wall.
Time management and rotational cardio.
If I can get paid to do work, while also doing cardio. No reason not to.
A lot of jobs actually support this anyways, as having skinnier workers means less insurance claims put through, which means they pay less subsidizing the insurance plan.

I agree you can do other cardio plans and get more out of them.
However walking is an absurdly easy task that doesn't require you to stop working nor is it distracting. Since we walk autonomously.
Walking in general is good for your posture, there is literally nothing better for posture.

You are standing, while actively using every single stabilizer muscle.
If OP can afford to do so, no reason not to.
Since now he has the free time after work to focus on strength training + mobility. Not to mention just having more free time in general, which includes an extra cardio session at the end of the day.
All hogwash
Why are you Jeets so afraid of working out
You need to understand that you use the pad WHILE working or being in retarded meetings/calls and aim for 10k+ steps per day. If you actually made it and have a comfy wfh desk job it's impossible to get these steps from walking outside, since it takes so much time. It's also optimal for bodybuilders because it's the lowest impact cardio possible and can be granularly tuned to whatever calorie goal you are aiming for. There is no other comparable form of 'cardio', except for certain machines, but they take up more space and are harder to set up with an office desk. That said calling it "cardio" is kind of a stretch here, since it's basically burning cals for the sake of burning cals and you don't get any actual cardio gains except for the absolute baseline needs.
bro he is an ESL he isn't going to understand a word you're saying.
Bought an ultra cheap one of these for $100 and use it with a standing desk every day for ~1 hour while I work. Been doing it since November. Pretty great so far, very happy with my purchase, nice little way to stay active while still doing my wage slaving.
bunch of losers, dweebs go back to r*ddit
What's his problem?
These are just r*ddit tier answers, I can't stand this, I just don't want to deal with it today go back to r*ddit, go google Healthline and let them tell you about walking or your stupid standing desk, so gay so retarded bro
Never an original thought in all of your heads combined kys
>talking about low effort cardio on a fitness board is reddit tier
Okay faggot. Let's just post in every thread coombait and muh vaxx, jews, soi, and imagine the smell
Sit down and work like a normal human being instead of some turbofaggot Healthline reader
and walk a fucking mile or two back to your car you pathethic moron
>Probably some chinkshit like the rest of them.
Amazon is now 90% dropshipping, just buy directly from AliExpress for a third of the price
Typical slavemindset, not thinking how you can maximize the time you spend working. Also I cycle to work brainlet
>sit down
>obey like a normal human
Ask me how I know you are American
You people make no sense
You just want to be different and hip in the office, walking on that thing does nothing but distract you from your work, assuming you're even doing real work and not just moving papers around like a woman
Me? You'd get laughed out of any office I worked in if you pulled some stupid shit like this, because we did actual work and we were serious people, in serious companies. You guys are clowns man. And for the idiot that bikes to work, what the fuck is wrong with you, are you 5 years old that you can't just sit still for a few hours? Is that too hard for you? you get your cardio already from cycling to work, you're just a zoomer r*ddit homo
And I already told you what you should do, what's better than being a fucking turboclown
you get a heavy kettlebell, and you stash it somewhere, and you do a couple of clean and presses every few hours, nothing better
You're all literally clowns. Clowns, absolute idiots. Jokes you're a joke. Push something over your head, pussy.. one heavy kb clean and press each arm does more than 100 days of walking on that stupid thing in your office while you pretend to work

Also I already explained what these are best for, they should be at the gym next to the power rack and bench, so you can stay warm on them instead of walking around in circles around the gym. But honestly even that's stupid, because gyms should have chairs and desks for rest between sets.
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>sit still for a few hours
That's terrible for your health, you obviously don't want to take resonsibility for yourself, and just obey traditions
Bro if you're obese and working an office job is killing you I have bad news for you, it's not the job, it's your life outside the office
I lift every day, 5 days a week, 15 minutes a day 1 heavy compound a day, I feel amazing. I can sit in a chair for 8 hours straight and feel no ill effects (let's not forget no one does that and that you're frequently getting up for one reason or another throughout your day and if not, then at least for lunch, just go for a walk on your lunch break for christ's sake, you don't have to be a turboretard exceptional case in front of your coworkers)
You know what it is, this is like the guy at work that talks about fitness or whatever, no one wants to hear that shit bro. No one wants to hear that you run, jog, lift, or whatever else. No one is here for that.
>you just want to be different
>I stash a kettlebell at work do to heavy presses
You are the biggest hipster in the thread homo. And walking while programming or being in a teamscall isn't hard. It is quite automatically
Probably not worth it to many. But what is worth depends on the buyer
>and feel no ill effects
Facts dont' care about your feelings, Chud. You are objectively acting unhealthy and for some reason you're very defensive about it. You talk like a woman, faggot with the "nobodoy does that" and "nobdoy wants to hear it" as if the fact that many people do something makes it right. Another example of you not bearing responsibility, you just do whatever everyboyd else does
Bullshit graph that puts normal people above 125IQ, I dropped below 26BMI last year and just started to do proper strength training this year and my BMI at 25 will be around 21 if I stick to my target weight.
Red line is drawn where sanity ends and insanity begins. Always knew that it's not women who are crazy.
>inner conscience is insanity
That's women for you, guys.

But the good ones will at least listen to the inncer conscience of a morally sound man who is close to them. Lead them by example.
Indeed, I will never feel bad about prioritizing myself over others, if others mattered more, they'd do the same thing and outwit me.
>be you
>married to John
>John is good husband, good dick, good all around
>you don't cheat on John so you won't get caught and face backlash
>but Tyrone seems an awesome fuck
>feel the "need" to hop on Tyrone's dick
>get the chance to do so without getting caught
>zero consciousness about cheating as long as "not getting caught" is guaranteed

Hence, "all women are whores", except when they are coached through life by good men (starting with their dads).

You are correct that you're physically incapable of having an inner moral compass. The bad part is where too many women (I'm guessing it's your case too) won't accept the leadership of a man to guide you with a moral compass that you're lacking.
Idk using mine fucked up my knees in a way that walking outside doesn't. Checked that it was level and perpendicular to my desk and it still causes weird pain, think either I walk differently on a treadmill subconsciously or the chinkshit motor surging a tiny amount with each step causes some weird dynamics.

I really enjoyed it before it started causing pain, made boring meetings suck way less but now I can't use it for more than 15 minutes or my knees hurt the rest of the day.
John is a cuck for ignoring all other women who offered themselves to him, I'd have fucked them all.
I'm on my 3rd one. The cheap 2.5hp models aren't built to be used so much as they are built to be forgotten under a bed. First 2 lasted 6 months each - first one overheated so many times that the motor eventually died, second one the motor sucked up enough melted plastic that it jammed. The one I have now is 3hp, a little beefier all around - we'll see how it lasts.

Get one from a place with a replacement plan. Got mine from Wal-Mart, paid the $25 for the plan each time. It was a hassle getting reimbursed, but over the course of 1.5 years I've only actually paid for the one. Each time I spend a little more, get a little higher quality - eventually I'll get to the point where one actually lasts, I hope.

I WFH and put real miles on mine every day. Can't do anything that takes concentration while walking, but mindless bullshit and PC vidya are a breeze.
>>feel the "need" to hop on Tyrone's dick
This doesn't actually happen in real life tho, that guy might be called Brad or Chad
This happens only in porn and Hollywood. What do both those industries have in common btw?
I think for some people if they don’t like people this is easier
Whatever bro, switch to Chad if it makes you sleep better at night. My point stands.
>inb4 women don't cuck their perfectly good husbands, good at sex too no less, for an adventure with Handsome Thundercock
Come on
Yes, because you're a woman without a male leadership, thus you're unfamiliar with the concept of moral compass.
I think it's funny that the model is always awkwardly photoshopped onto the treadmill in these pictures. This is one of the better ones, but yeah. Obviously these things are all manufactured and photographed in China, but you'd think there would be at least a handful of white models available over there to be in these pictures.
>Can't do anything that takes concentration while walking
Thank you
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Optimal benefit is exclusive to walking, and maximal benefit of 12,000 steps will take approx 2 hours to attain. Normal is mediocrity
Literally me.
Bro go outside and run for 20-30mins you lazy fuck
>you're a woman
you're more mentally ill than I thought
Like the guy said, you can't really do anything productive while walking, can you? if you're honest? when you work you work not worry about hitting step goals like some fashionista
You can hit 12,000 steps just walking from and to your car before and after work depending on where you park
>moral compass is mental illness
ok satan
The only men who think women are demons just want dick. Makes sense with you and the “i ignore women” guy. Please hook up :^)
>Please hook up
No, thanks. Unlike you I have a moral compass, so I'm not cheating on my sweet wife. Also I wouldn't need to, sex life is back on track (after the kid) and honestly it's great.
why not just get a regular treadmill
it's more expensive but more useful

once had an american visiting, said let's go for a walk around the neighborhood after lunch to help digestion and he thought we'd be charged with loitering or something like that
USA, if the cops say so. It's called "loitering".
But only if cops say you're loitering.
>married to a demon
> is heterosexual on a primarily gay board
>roastie roasting
Pathetic. You'll never experience the joy of having a happy LTR and building a life together.
I’m actually aiming for that, thanks. I just don’t want to tell them I like them yet.
Poor guy, I hope he knows better
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>Going for a walk in the park was literally the most popular dating activity when everything was closed
Children's playgrounds were closed in my country (Germany), parks were closed in some countries (Canada), camping in the wilderness was forbidden in Australia.
Absolute ground testing for heavy tyranny and population control. Being in a remote place at least several meters (in this case, hundreds of meters) away form the closest stranger is literally as safe as safety can go to avoid spreading/catching respiratory diseases.

These measures (not counting the prohibition of crowding and hanging out in closed spaces) had no intention other than testing the population's opposition to hard State coercion.
>>75733815 see
Lel are you that redditfag who was complaining about his coworkers “standing athletically” the other day?
Comfy times
>standing athletically
Wew. Must have been an entertaining thread
Honestly this would be preferable for me. I like my outside walks but they get pretty boring. I enjoy walking around my house speaking whats on my mind out loud as a form of introspection and journaling. But to be able to just walk and put a screen in front of me with an anime playing would basically let me just space out for 2 hours and get my movement in without even feeling like I tried. I may buy one when I get my own place, even though the place I’m eyeing is right next to a great walking trail.
That model is beautiful fr
there's no way that goes to 15% incline
Communists seethe
Anyone below 6 is equally a monkey
Everyone remembers, but leftists will gaslight everyone, even themselves, for a political agenda.
It's like a circus in which everyone knows things are fake but everyone plays their part and actively mock anyone who doesn't.
You jest but this is unironically a good idea
i bought one, it's worth it if you're a stepfag like me
While not illegal I'd imagine it's pretty inadvisable in places like Detroit, London, Paris and malmo
based, make sure you put a photo of kyriakos grizzly at the start point to motivate you to start walking then a photo of some dumb whore spread eagle to fill you with the rage to keep going
London is very walkable if you're not some black or Muslim teenager in a hoodie in the wrong area. I lived in London from the age of 22 to 27 and never had a problem. I walked all over the city day or night, clean or sober and never got into any trouble. I'm very white and wore neutral, boring clothes so attracted zero attention. Fun times.
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The bad part is, it's unlikely that this particular cop is one of the pigs who absolutely deserve it.
He could be a tyrant corrupt fuck, but by the look of it he seems like a cool officer. Man this world is so unfair.

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