How to get big forearms?
>>75732732Grip and pull
>>75732732work trades
>>75732732Don’t wear straps until your grip starts to fail. Progressively overload your pulling exercises. That’s pretty much it
"How to get big forearms" is not a question.
>>75733043You missed the question mark?
>>75732732Swinging around a weighted sword or club for 10-20 minutes 6 times a week. Did wonders for me.
>>75732732captain O crunch, or similar. wrist roller - make your own if you're poor or planet fitness doesn't have them. deadlifts are also good.
>>75732732>wrist curls>reverse wrist curls>be a roided manlet who owns Amazon and can't find the right hair chemicals before the big orbital launch>do angle fraud by crossing your arms
Jork it hard.Make sure to switch hands tho
>>75732732hang from one arm at the end of your back day, or lots of weight hangingmake sure to always squeeze the anything you're pulling, not only it uses the forearms more it'll make pulling more effective