>get in shape>teenage girls now start eyeing me at the gymI'm 28 do I risk it?
Yes. Assuming they're like college students and not high schoolers.
>>75733098when the frogposter bends over in front lf me
>>75733098you’re just paranoid. your face still looks like dog shit
>>75733098>do I risk it?Do you live in "she's a 17 yo 11 month CHILD you sick fuck" land?If not, and they're like 16+, why not?
>>7573357818 is still weird because of the power imbalance
you will look like a pred approaching them, no doubt about it
>>75733098Just make sure they're actually 18 anon, and never hit without a condom
dude, once i started noticing the parents my age waiting in the lobby for their kids @ pf, I just cover up most of the time unless I go later. Bad enough having to avert my gaze from legal aged girls.on a positive note, one of the cleaning ladies was flirting with me. Think I might plap. She's cute despite being mid 30s, and probably 15-20lbs heavier than me potentially. She's not terribly proportioned at all though.Thinking if she comes solo next time, it's on.
>>75733098Go with what is right. crazy lady fuck the china dick. focus on your work out.
>>75733586>power imbalanceIf you're saying you're very inexperienced for a 28 yo guy and she's a standard 18 yo zoomie, than I agree, she will hold power over you in a relationship. You can still be smart enough to avoid being manipulated by her if you actually try.
>>75733586>power imbalanceYou're stronger than every women you have been with, I hope.
>>75733586if not you, some other old guy will, so why not it be you? forget about how you might come off as predatory to her if it backfires, or what your peers and family might think if they ever found out. your sexual urges are more important
>>75733098If they are of the age of consent in your jurisdiction I’d say go for it. I’d be impressed if you could pull one ngl
>>75733586You're an old woman, aren't you?
>>75733586Imagine thinking that any person posting on an anime website has any amount of power over anyone.
>>7573358625 year old female hands typed this
>>75733578>>75733596Now I want to just because you told me not to butt boy you gonna stop me didn't think so.
>>75733098They're teenagers, not children
Happens to me but my entire life I was insecure and never knew if they really mired me or if it was all in my head
>>75733634Of course it's weird you fucking idiot, I'll fucking punch you in the mouth dude dont fuck with me I'm super serious!YOU CAN NOT FUCK THEM WHAT ARE YOUTHONKING!
>>75733098Better than getting mired by the 25+ crowd then you know you look like a grown ass man already
>>75734099>adults can't have sex togetherschizo take
>power imbalanceIs she too dumb to work a phone and too crippled to wheel away? If so, do not date.Else If 18+, wrap that shit up before you fuck
>>75733098Nineteen is fineteen, eighteen is waitteen.
>>75733586You're supposed to have power over her and use it for the benefit of the relationship. "Power imbalance" is only a problem if you're using the power for abuse
>>75733586>power imbalanceIn what way if she just wants some dick?Also, she is an adult or you're implying women can't make choices and we should take away their rights?
>>75733586Everything is a power imbalance to you. That's because you're a woman.
>>75734099>YOU CAN NOT FUCK THEMOops sorry, too late.It is so tight tho
>>75734060most times it’s all in your head
>>75733586If you kill enough beaners or enough chinks, you can have a state where sex is illegal.
>>757343039 times out of 10 it’s always a fitizen bragging about an 18 year old they’re with that doesn’t get much attention from boys her age. the mid, friendless, loser type who’s main appeal is her young age
>>75733586Posts like these always remind me of why this site is widely regarded as the internet's shithole. Some guy makes the reasonable statement that it's weird for some 30 year old loser to fuck 18 year olds, and immediately a dozen pedos rush in to bump up the thread with their pedophilia excuses. Power imbalances are a real thing, and you're not supposed to fuck kids who just graduated high school...>B-but in heckin europe the AOC is 16!!No one cares. Just because these countries laws are backwards doesn't mean your morality should be too.
>>75734337>midEven mids can easily get a guy, so it's just mostly landwhales.On other hand, aren't women into older guys in first place?
>>75734346>damage control modeYounger girls will keep fucking older guys, and there's nothing you can do to stop that.The based ones will start a beautiful family in that arrangement.
>>75734369Pedophiles will keep being hated by everyone in society and there is nothing you can do to stop that. The based ones will kill themselves or start therapy.
>>75734346>Power imbalancesand that's a good thing. men is supposed to have more power in the relationship than his gf. it's the natural order and one of the reasons the modern dating is fucked is because a bunch of westerners go against that natural order. I don't even prefer teens
>>75734642it's just more jew shit designed to make both sexes miserable. what woman wants a man that's on the same playing field as her? literally every woman wants a strong, dependable and reliable man, not some pussy that gets her approval for everything
>>75734337>doesn’t get much attention from boys her ageThis literally does not exist. It used to 20 years ago for the ugliest and most spasticated 10% of women, but social media and dating apps eliminated it entirely.
>>75733098>there are no teenage girls at my gym or at least there are none that go at my time
>>75733586holy fucking based. i keep forgetting how easy it is to bait (You)'s
>>75733586If you can still relate to teenagers at 28 you need more life experience
Fantasy is better than reality
>>75733098>do I risk going to prison on bad charges for a coomNo, you fucking idiot, unless by "teenage" you mean specifically 18-19, and even then, at 28 that could fuck up whatever passes for your social life.
>>75733586women date older guysolder women call such men pedosroastie cycle
>another of the daily “I am le heckin epic based single /fit/ bro in my 30s and all the 18-24 year old girls lust after me” larp thread
>>75733098>gains 10lbs of muscle in two years>heh, all the zoomer pussy wants me bro
>>75734483Must not be that hated, because if you actually go outside the girls are the ones who will initiate the relationships a lot of the times
>>75734483I don't feel hated by my wife at allNor my friends, couples friends, her family, etcJust roasties. Roasties do hate me. Like, for real. Some of them even tried and failed to sabotage our relationship.>you're in a happy relationship, that's wrong, you should start therapy so you can divorce and get properly married to a ran-through roastieHard pass.t. was 22 and she 16 when we first met
>>75733586She will never outlift me might as well accept the power imbalanve