See-So?Kee-Ko?Sicko?Also if CICO works why did Kike Israel not get his IFBB pro card for being too fat?
>>75733129Why is his head shaped like that? Is it a jew thing?
>>75733129>roiding for this
This dude may legitimately be the ugliest person I've ever seen
>>75733129KikoAfter the inventors
>>75733178oy vey are you implying jews have devil horns?
>>75733129Mike was shredded, not his fault he holds 20 pounds of water in his love handles and couldn’t get a tan. But it’s seeko
>>75733129Calories in calories out
>>75733129see eye see oh
The sentient dildo has appeared.
>>75733129kike-othe first c is hard in calories, so keep it hard in CICO. Fuck the I though, it's KIKE-O not KIKKO
>>75734539thankyou greg