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What's all this mean

5'11 210lbs 34yr
Dont drink or smoke or fap
You have average T levels for your demographic. Congrats.
fat cunt
What would OPs level of test be if he wasn't a fat cunt
How do I increase my levels
Injecting it you retard
Naturally moron
>reference range 250-827
what a fucking sham
What should the range be

What about my free test. What's that mean
idk man i got mine once like 7 years ago ill try to find em
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damn gainz goblin.
On gear obvi
Precursor to a ton of hormones, including testosterone, but it can also be converted into estrogen so I use it in conjunction with...
Run of the mill T-booster, packed with stuff that indirectly boosts T production via various means. If you really want to know, just look up the ingredients. The science is iffy on some of them but I definitely feel a difference.
IF YOU'RE GOING TO SUP DHEA FOR TESTOSTERONE YOU HAVE TO TAKE THIS! OTC prostate treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. It's crammed full of stuff that prevents DHEA from being converted into DHT. Between this & the first one it also shuts down conversion to estrogen. DHEA is converted to things in a certain priority, if you take stuff that inhibits DHT the biggest priority in men is T conversion. But I like to be extra sure so
>saw palmetto
>green tea extract
Few extra sups to shut down conversion to dht. Basically cobbling together my own finasteride with less side effects + various other t boosters.
Lol that's so.much better than just pinning test, which has very few side effects at trt doses.
Let me rephrase, unless you're a pussy with a sensitive stomach, it has zero side effects and does basically the exact same thing as HCG + Alpha 5 reductase inhibitors.
So get a dhea plus t booster plus prostate sup?

Will shoplift this next time I'm at a walstore
>dhea plus t booster plus prostate sup
But don't do this without training, seriously, can't stress enough. Body won't focus on T production. DHEA conversion priorities will get wonky. The more sedentary you are, the more DHEA converts to estrogen and you can only expect the supps to do so much.
You can also boost the effectiveness by reducing the amount of estrogenic shit you're consuming obviously.
I'm so tired of niggers like you who can't spend 5m looking shit up before asking. I want to believe it's the pajeet invasion because if others are also like that it's over.
I should probably quit browsing this place once again.
Why bother doing that when I can post

Close my phone

Then walk away and come back and actually get a live human response?

Maybe u need help pajeet
Pretty sure I don't eat much estrogenic shit

I train 5x a week 250lb bench for reps
>Pretty sure I don't eat much estrogenic shit
Just make sure to check ingredients. The latest thing to hit my chopping block was coffee creamers, fucking basedbean oil.

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