Is a 6 days a week PPL routine a retarded idea for a beginner? Btw I don't care about functional strength or whatever, I just care about aesthetics (of that matters).
maybe do 2 months of starting strength first if youre a complete noob. also feel free to join the newly formed fit disc
>>75734470years ago when i got into liftan i purchased some programme thing called 'the best workout routines' and it did the beginner stuff. it was really good. i pretty much followed it for a long while and then started doing my own thing as you do after a couple of years.
>>75734470Yeah. For a beginner it's too difficult to really balance. Since you're going to want to go to failure a lot early since it's going to be a moving target for a while. Doing that every day with a larger variety of lifts probably isn't going to do what you want it to and saving on failure before intermediates is crap. Also you probably don't have the connective tissue durability yet.
If your time isn't valuable and you enjoy lifting then it's fine. When you're a novice, almost anything will work so you may as well train 3 days a week doing like 4 compounds & 1-2 isolations. But if you want to do PPL 6 days a week, it'll work, because anything works at that stage
>>75734470test + brosplit for aesthetics
>>757344702:1 bench per legs is probably still gonna make you leg dominant, you have to periodize upper or both and work on a bigger upper body always or else you won't be as big asap.>bench rear delts +etc>rest or shoulders and arms +etc>bench day >rest>bench day>shoulder day or rest>rest 2-3 daysYou can basically add whatever else including legs 2-3 times during this "week" only if doing a leg based lifting block. You want to look aesthetic and properly built, I will sometimes skip rest days and do more machine work so I'm not as fatigued and or injured, I need to work on lower impact barbell shit because I'm gonna max out the machines in less than a year I'd fuckin hope.
>>75736167Important part of my routine is deload periods, I like multiple consecutive days off then light ass lifting just so I'm still gaining muscle. I'm at +100lbs on bench yearly right now but only 1rm Calc of like ~320 on a good day.
>>75734470>that DYEL newfag who overtrains his gains away running a 6 day routine natty
>>75736150Brosplit should be colloquially known as >every day after 1-2 rest days is chest maybe shoulders/incline if behind>who gives a shit or wastes cns on fucking abs and legs 1x/wk like a moron
>>75736172I dont go 100% genius and it's more like 5 unless I'm just getting reps in. Also I doubt you're outprogressing me even deep into sleep deprivation and having been in jail for 2mo.
>>75736172You bring your protein synthesis signals back to 100% is the idea but have to manage fatigue if you're trying to push it to get bigger quicker. Yes I got way bigger and fuller this way the normal way takes longer to out on size and when I hammer shit that's lagging my lifts go up when it's stronger then I get bigger it's not rocket science.