After my PCP rejected my request for TRT because I was "technically" within normal range my urologist just said nah fuck that and gave me the green light. Shit thing is that he put me on HCG instead of straight T. He was aggressively insistent that I just take HCG, no Test C, injected intramuscularly 3 times a week, 1500iu each injection. Is this a weird dosing regimen? Been on it for 3 weeks now. Not noticing any striking differences in the gym but sex life has taken a full 360. Rock fucking hard erections in the morning, the old lady has been taking daily poundings ever since I've been on it and my loads went from pitiful drips to copious high-speed ropes. Dick is bigger when flaccid as well and my testicles have turned into full sized pouches.
>>75734842why are you doing pcp?
>>75734852Primary care physician
Why can't we just buy HCG over the counter?
>>75734870It's awesome, makes your genitals bigger, and can induce natural synthesis of testosterone. Therefore, fuck you, you need permission from your doctor.
>>75734878The cops who enforce those laws are carefully selected for stupidity.
>>75734842That's normal for HCG. It doesn't up your test that much but has a lot of sexual side effects, notably large balls and huge loads. Are you sure he has you on 4500iu a week? That is a massive dose. To put it in perspective I take 1500iu/week to preserve my balls on blast and 1000iu on cruise (trt). Since you aren't a natty anymore, why not just source your own test? Test is the least faked gear out there. It's too cheap to fake. 1 vial of trt would give you trt doses for up to 20 weeks. >>75734963New York literally won a court case to be able to discrimate in hiring against people who scored too high on the civil exam.
>>75734993Yeah 3 doses a week, 1500iu per dose. I do it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I thought that was a lot for a starting regimen as well but the thing is with this urologist he comes off as one of those "holier than thou" types that might discontinue treatment altogether if I show the slightest bit of skepticism. I live in a very remote area so finding someone to hook me up with T is way too much hassle for what it's worth. I only know of two possible places of getting it, but I haven't tried ordering from them yet since I've never done it before (AM and PPL.)
>>75735197How old are you anon?
>>75734861Do all primary care physicians do PCP or what? I'm lost
>>75734842Based urologist. If you want to force your natty levels lower to get your insurance to pay for it, all you need to do is get piss drunk the night before your blood draw. Like stupid drunk and stay up. Your levels will be in the floor.
>>75735197Anon just go to meso and buy UGL test.
>>75734842Imagine desensitizing the leydig cells because some retards on a ukrainian chat site told you you needed to have the highest T you possibly can and that numbers are everything 1. What is your total T. Free T? Or SHBG?2.What symptoms led you to think you might need TRT?>>75734870You can if you know the right site.Also because retards like OP will inevitably fuck themselves up. Also also because it helps retard doctors like his feel powerful.>>75734993>1500 a week to preserve ballsSplit into daily/EOD injections... right? Have you tried lower doses? Shouldn't need THAT much. OP being on such doses is pants on head retarded.
>>75735197next time you talk to your urologist, clarify if its 1500 per dose or 1500 total a week.
>>75735407There are markers they can use to see that you did this.
>>75735446Wouldn't that be written on the label for the script when they dispense it? And if they're giving him enough for 1500 3x per week, that's the dose. They don't just give you extra for shits and giggles.
>>75735410>Split into daily/EOD injections... right? Have you tried lower doses? Shouldn't need THAT much. OP being on such doses is pants on head retarded.Yeah right now I'm on blast so it's 500 3x a week. 1000 on cruise is kind of arbitrary. I could probably do 750 or something but I don't feel like it. As for ops treatment plan it's probably the urologist doing a one size fits all approach. That's probably a fertility treatment level dose. Doctors are lazy just as much, if not more, than they are stupid.
>>75735501Do you self administer or does your doc have you driving into his office like a punk 3x a week?
>>75735410is leydig cell desensitization even real or just a gear urban legendwhat's the proper scenario then? blast and cruise and only use it when coming off longterm?
>>75734842>OP and his PCP were both retarded, smoking too much PCP>his urologist was a bit less retarded>but still too retarded to just run low dose AIs and SERMs while skipping the needles
>>75735501i just checked my own hcg script, and you're right. it is listed pretty clearly.
>>757354101. Before HCG total T was at 307 ng/dl. Besides the symptoms I KNOW that I had low T and a good reason for that was because I'm a fucking retard. I fucked someone who gave me jock itch something fierce, itch was so bad and no medication spray or ointment did jack shit to relieve it so what helped was jet streaming scalding hot fucking water all over my crotch which gave me such an endorphin rush I can only describe the feeling as 100x better than an orgasm. I was doing that for months. All that water killed my sperm and my test. When I got my sperm tested it had 0 FUCKING MOTILITY. As I said, I am a retard. Yeah the dose is fucking huge and I don't know why he gave that dose to me. But as it stands, he is the only bridge I have connecting me to peptide/therapy access. I have confirmed that he does in fact tell me to take 1500iu per dose, 3x a week. Aside from the hot water, I have generally felt like absolute DOG shit for the last year. Zero libido, limp dick during sex, zero self-esteem, emotional outbursts, weight gain, zero energy, shit sleep.
>>75735646It's probably for the better that you have 0 motility. Since you're already retarded and addicted to pleasure, pin 500mg of test. The rush you get from that is indescribable. Then when the androgens level off you're going to desperately chase the dragon lol.
>>75735652Is AbMar and PPL the gold standard when it comes to online? I live in an area where the only way to get shit here is by plane or boat so I'm sketch when it comes to ordering.
>>75734878>genitals biggeronly for pre-pubescents with micro penises [due to low testosterone]>natural testosterone synthesisIt’s a LH mimetic which is cool but long term use will cause your body to produce less LH which will make you dependent on a needle like real TRT>sidesBoosts aromatase => way more estrogen
>>75735805My body sucks. I've never had optimal levels of testosterone. Even if I decided to increase levels naturally there's a good chance it would have stayed low. I've never been able to get any of my exes pregnant and I've been slanging more raw white goo than Elmer's.
>>75735805Should I ask my urologist for an AI to level the estrogen increase?
>>75735666I've never used either of those. Look up an UGL. Email the guy and ask.
>>75734842i wish I could get hcg.i got this other stuff that has a half life of like 1 hour and my testes are shwrinkled down like fucking crunch berries
>>75734842Why not just go the Indian bathtub roids route like all the roidtroons who order it online?
>>75734878What are the side effects?>>75734963If you think your local cops are going on steroids busts you're fucking stupid. There are specific agencies that regulate this, namely the FDA and DEA.
>>75734842So you didn't get the green light Why are there so many people here that need the dr to give them the drugs? If you're going to do it then just buy them from the internet