The best test for natty status is if your head looks like it fits your body. Pic related is one you can test for yourself. Does it look like his head fits his body? Or does it look like someone took two actions figures and switched their heads?
But can roids make brain grow?
>>75734966Roids are neuro degenerative
>>75734968Yeah but ignorance is bliss let me tell you
>>75734844>The best test for natty status is if your head looks like it fits your body.simplest not best, best is to retrain your brain to see watery bloatards for what they are and what real contractile tissue looks likebut yeah, your face/head will be built and chizeled when u get real muscle, on roods u're all puffy and look fat >>75734966>But can roids make brain grow?bot talks to subcoscious: >roods grow brainsince subconscious operates like a dream, sees only images, no questions, no negations remember this thread bot? > right arm gets tired later than my left arm> despite having much less muscle> that whenever I try to flex it I barely feel any contracting tension on my bicep> but feel it on my shoulder and my tricep, > can also feel my scapula slightly stick outwhat could it be? well it's radial tunnel syndromethe reason biceps looks different is because it can't supinate and that's what biceps does when u raise arm and flex it
>>75736656Stop posting. Go back to grade school.
>>75736661>post whatever, FAST - t.botwhat? u didn't like it bitch bot gpt? lol>>75736656>the reason biceps looks different is because it can't supinate and that's what biceps does when u raise arm and flex itjust grab your forearm with other hand and supinate, u will feel much less force than with the normal looking biceps
>>75736656that's not how that works
>>75736690and how it works bot? u can't just say >na-ah and then nothing else - u look fucking stoopid u dum code>>75736671>>75736656