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File: CT Fletcher.jpg (46 KB, 500x500)
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You're honestly retarded if you think someone who benched 650 is natural. He wasn't that tall at 5'11, and he was extremely muscular with enormous veins. Most men can't even bench 405 without steroids. I do believe a handful of men are capable of benching 500 naturally, as the first 500-pound bench press was done in 1953 by Doug Hepburn, who was 5'8, but he was an elite Olympic weightlifter. People talk about how steroids allow you to lift 10 to 15% more for a given weight class, but you could potentially get as much as a 25% increase overall if they allow you to add a ton of muscle.

Statistically speaking, given how short and muscular CT Fletcher was, along with his enormous veins, it's a virtual impossibility that he was natural. Olympic weightlifters get away with steroids usage all the time. It's not that hard to imagine powerlifters getting away with it, and CT might be lying about how much he was drug tested. He really loves emphasizing how much of a natural he is like a classic narcissist.

I decided to start this thread after watching some of this video.
>if you think
no one thought that. ever. not even once did it cross the mind of anyone. never considered.
Didn't read, but I believe he is/was natty. Also, not going to read any of your coping replies, so don't bother.
Well, Dr. Mike Israetel believes he was natural. Other popular fitness influences like Greg Doucette believe it's possible for a 17-year-old to bench 500 pounds naturally, and he legitimately believes that same kid could get to 600 after two or three more years of lifting. And these aren't random people. These are both successful bodybuilders with many years of experience, but they still seem pretty retarded to think such people are natural.

>People talk about how steroids allow you to lift 10 to 15% more for a given weight class, but you could potentially get as much as a 25% increase overall if they allow you to add a ton of muscle.

Interesting point. If you're 5'7 & you compete in powerlifting in some sort of 150lb class & can't gain any more weight & you're like 12% bodyfat, then you take steroids, you'll essentially drop a handful of pounds of fat & gain a handful of pounds of muscle, and maybe be 10% stronger out of it. But if you're not inhibited by a weight class & you simply let yourself grow and grow and grow, if you could somehow bench 400 naturally, (genetic freak) you could potentially be a 600lb bencher with some PED abuse + time + food.

What we should remember is that powerlifting weight class formula (wilks) makes the gains you'll make seem slightly less impressive because on any given lift, you're going to have muscular tissue sitting on your body which isn't really helping with the lift, (such as your chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps on a squat or deadlift - and even other muscles which did help but not extremely like your calves), so it's lean muscle on your body but it's kinda dead weight until you're doing a lift which involves them.
>What we should remember is that powerlifting weight class formula (wilks) makes the gains you'll make seem slightly less impressive because on any given lift, you're going to have muscular tissue sitting on your body which isn't really helping with the lift, (such as your chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps on a squat or deadlift - and even other muscles which did help but not extremely like your calves), so it's lean muscle on your body but it's kinda dead weight until you're doing a lift which involves them.
People should start putting more emphasis on height when it comes to weight lifted.
Why would anyone listen to either of those retards?
Mike Israetel does say a lot of solid stuff, but a lot of his claims are still bullshit, and a lot of his older videos contain shit that has been proven wrong that he pushed as definitely being true. Greg Doucette is a literal retard, though.
I don't think I could bench 315 without roids
still your mothafuckin set nigga o_o
I was stuck at 295 for a few years before I started taking SARMs. I now take quite a bit of gear, and my progress has slowed down. I can bench 315 for 7 now, and I believe I'll hit 315 for 8 within the next couple months. I do believe I'll eventually hit 405, but it's going to take some time. I'm 5'11, and I weigh in the 280s, but the steroids have been helping me burn a lot of fat while gaining pounds of muscle.

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