Where can I watch this fight uncensored and not narratored by some fucking wise guy. Ffs is this what shitalians do now?? https://youtu.be/8tJwZ_06_F8?si=MsY4bNEixbiGYIAr
>>75734928the bigger problem is how retarded meatmonkeys get popular in the first place, after which people expect them to act civilized at all times
>>75734928Jon Bravo posted in uncensored on X iirc
>>75734950Post link , plz or what's his x account name?
>>75734948I highly agree. But with tik Tok and zoom zooms it's kind of a no brainier why. He was connected with Andrew Tate at the beginning. Then he went on some fresh and fit convention and got mogged by a DYEL dad bod with a gun. That was the first time I heard of him. Then it went all downhill till now. Seems like every /fit/ influencer is getting into some type of fight. Jeff gnome nipples hasn't posted a vid since getting mogged by a roid tranny. Shits funny ASF tho.
>>75734928Is this the guy that beat up jeff nippard?
>>75735230nah, different guy who looks almost exactly the same
>>75735241Good God what an absolutely vile phenotype, wretched creatures twisted by drugs and a bottomless need for attention, anyone that looks like this should be imprisoned for good measure. I'm aware this description applies to another demographic, they should be imprisoned as well.
>>75735245>grown men>blasting steroids for the lulz>going on SOCIAL MEDIA>bragging about "getting women">telling other grown men to "pull up" and fight themSocial media truly was a mistake. We don't all need to be connected to each other 24/7.
>>75735310 #From my "tough guy gets rekt" compilations, my understanding is he claims to be some shot caller ex-con but actual ex-cons have systematically broken down his prison stories and pointed out all the bullshit he spouts.Much like tate, he just seems to be a jeet-magnet grifter