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Umm meatsisters, our response?
I already have accepted that I will - at some point in the future - die, so I don't give a fuck. Certain things I will enjoy as they bring enjoyment to my life. If I die 2 years before I would had I lived like an ascetic monk, then so fucking be it
>all-cause mortality risk
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Likelihood of death, due to whatever. To use this measure they don't need to have established that the experimental manipulation or object of interest is the reason for death. They just look at how many people died in each group.
It includes accidents, medical error, respiratory infections and what not. Mostly crapshoot numbers.
That sounds incredibly circumstantial and unbelievably stupid. You can't just say "if you eat/drink/do this you're more likely to die" and not specify what the fuck you're going to die from. That's like saying "Smoking increases your of dying because...it just does, okay?"
>It includes accidents, medical error, respiratory infections and what not. Mostly crapshoot numbers.
So basically these studies are saying that if you eat red meat you're more likely to die from getting a piano dropped on your head, or getting accidentally prescribed the wrong medication by Doctor Johnny McBong. Got it. I'm so glad scientists are here to tell us these amazing truths.
I'm not defending OP's post or the research behind it, but all-cause mortality is still a reasonably useful metric. If study after study is showing that doing this particular thing will greatly increase your chance of death, it is still something to consider. With a large enough sample, it is unlikely to be something silly like all people in one group getting hit by a car.
This is cope. If consistently in all humans your chance of dying goes up when eating red meat, then it is because of red meat
More or less.
There's was diffent data sets like 12 years ago that put vegans in the highest all cause mortality bracket, routine meat eaters in the middle and seldom meat eaters in the lowest. It's gonna go back and forth forever this is just lying with numbers when they find a dataset that favors what they're shilling
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>he's afraid of a few PAHs and HAs giving him GI cancer if it's overcooked
>he doesn't even take bromelain supplements

if he's so smart and biohacked, why he's so obsessed with studies on normies?
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>it is unlikely to be something silly like all people in one group getting hit by a car
Without controlling for covariant factors you walk into the red wine problem.
"People who drink red wine live longer, there must be something in it!"
Yeah, it's the price of the bottle filtering poorfags
Resveratrol, that's the word you're looking for. It's the subject of some research scams but also has real bioactivities. Many other wines made from shit other than grapes have other polyphenol compounds that also have various bioactivities.
Im not reading all that crap.
Summarize it in 10 words or less.
This just in, fruits and veggies may be healthy for you, thanks science
Venmo vampire dude has a poor understanding of statistics and uses it to justify being a faggy vegan
That's a fair point but once you identify potential mediating variables they can usually be studied. Like if red wine can be explained by wealth, you can do a 2 x 2 design with wealth and red wine consumption to test that. It's still a good starting point for that kind of thinking, though.

If there is something mediating red meat and all-cause mortality then that can be teased out. In this case, though, the trick that's usually pulled in nutrition studies is to have a dysfunctional starting point. Mr Death-Warmed-Up on twitter has talked about processed meat as being worse, but does that mean that 'red meat' was defined independently of 'processed red meat'? Or was condition 1 'processed red meat + unprocessed red meat' and condition 2 was 'processed red meat'? They usually pull at least one trick like that in these studies
nothing really made the cut in his diet lol
he eats pills (ultra processed food) and that will send him to an early grave
His only goal is to live as long as possible.

Mine is to get muscles, lose fat and eat food I enjoy.
he will achieve the opposite
People who eat red meat more often could just do dangerous shit more often on average
>is still a reasonably useful metric
observational study is literally worthless
bryan is retarded
Observational study is useful if it's being applied to specific drugs, since the observation pool is smaller and dosages are more strictly controlled so it's easier to identify whether or not the drug is responsible for heightened mortality rates.
Using it on something as widespread as red meat, where your only real way to measure how much is being consumed is by asking people how many burgers they eat and just guesstimating off of there, is indeed fucking retarded.
"High red meat consumption" on a cohort of Amerisharts just means that those people eat burgers at McDonald's twice a day.

Show me a study involving people who eat organic, unprocessed, grass-fed beef and liver on a regular basis, then we can talk.
damn that's crazy but I'm just gonna keep eating red meat
That's cool and all, but did this faggot post his physique or is he just as useless as average /fit/ fad diet spamming schizo?
This guy is a faggot
100% of meat eaters will eventually die, so clean up your diet chud
Nonsense. Roughly 16 women have sucked my dick. Only one of them have died. Roughly 110 billion people have ever lived and roughly 102 billion of them have died, and only 1 of them have ever sucked my dick.
Thus sucking my dick greatly reduces mortality chances.

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