Bodyweight multipliers edition.>programming advice?Try harder. Autoregulate.>diet advice?Put the fork down. If you can't see abs, you're fat.>Previous threadDied via obesity fueled cardiac arrest. Post lifts if and only if you can meet at least one of the following:>2x bw bench (no archmaging)>2.5x bw squat (high bar atg)>3x bw deadlift (conventional, no straps)
>>75741863How does one lift "power"? Are you guys picking up electrical boxes?
>>75741866Close! They used equipment to lift more weight. Like electrical forklifts to lift weight. Bioelectrical force amplifiers are used such as sleeves, wraps and belts.
>>75741863what happened to the other thread?
>>75729042 nowhere close to bump limit
>>75742025spamcel and janny friends went and deleted it, too on topic and too many dunks landing
>>75742025you didn't know the lore, it was explained, it had to be shut down due to spillage. next time think before you ask. actions have consequences
>>75742040 are forever
>>75742040Oh you mean how Norman Khan is an actual person that Hank (?) the alcoholic loser has obsessively and literally shitposted about daily for a decade?
>>75742062it's not hank the alcoholic loser, it's sean, as they have graciously pointed out in the previous threadthoughbait
>>75742025You can't talk about anime even though like 9 of the top 10 strongest posters on this website watch it, because the janny doesn't.
>>75742025Figgy the Fraud was exposed as a fake n/a/tty f/a/nboy (as evident by his unoriginal, unsigned pics and gifs, unlike those of the superior Right Whale Testicles). Risking exposure, the (((power))) that be with him was used to stop this from coming to light
>>75742283>these fat guys watch it so tranime is fit approved
>>75742283>You can't talk about animegood. you'll need to put away your pokemons and grow up some day
>>75742283There's an entire board dedicated to tranime.
Regarding bracing in the squat. After you take a deep breathe, you're supposed to exhale through the WHOLE lift with your glottis closed, right? Exhaling with a closed glottis in the descent, hole, and ascent, finally releasing when you lock out.I've been told to exhale in the way up when squatting (halfway up) to not pass out, but that seems like bad advice. Or am I wrong?
Shit thread
Man, this guy is NOT doing well. Every attempt at a new character crashing and burning on inception. Most posts ignored, sometimes Blobby baited. No laughs. Ever. Fuck, people upset him by saying that he's lost his edge. And now he's even 404ing threads that he's unable to steer through his samefagging? We're supposed to be here for his entertainment, but ironically the entertained seems to have turned into the entertainer. Oink some more, will you?
Bobby I got a question pls reply instantly
Your oinking has been observed.
>tfw I had to suck off my tranny janny friend AGAIN so he'd hard delete the previous general (kind of liked it tho fr ngl)>tfw not even bobby gives me (you)'s anymoreY-you are here for m-my entertainment!
>>75743083Raj is not going to like this oneOink for us, Raj
>>75743083For the hundredth time. This is not a janitor. A janitor would be fired for making himself known. This is a moderator.
wait the last thread got deleted? I thought it just died
>>75743083You're so mad lol
porgrammed for 117.5kg monster db this week lfg
>>75743150these threads don't die anymore. Sean/Simon/Hank/raj bumps it every so hour even tho the board is so slow
You are here for my entertainment.
>>75742453i just hold my breath in my belly the whole repis this bad? idk what a glottis is
>>75743383Good morning saar
I deadlift 3.5x my bw and only ever pull singles when above 70% max. Cluster sets your singles for gains. If you disagree, try it.
>>75743292Misplaced appreciation. Blobby is literally 1/6 posts and anons clowning on him is another 1/4
>>75743609Speaking of blob, this guy (6'2") lost 100 lbs in six months in three simple steps. Maybe he can learn something.
>>75743633I have never posted my lifts here and never will. Keep dreaming, panty boy.
>>75743657Ah so you are lying about the lift
>>75743671You're an incel. No video posted of you having sex? Never happened. Thems the rules boyo.
>>75743688I know you are, but what am I?
>>75743688You're posting in a lifting thread, so you post lifts. Boyo
>>75743688>being this scared
>>75743606Sounds made up idk
>7 sets of hang power clean and 7 sets of pull upsIs this enough for back per week guys.
>>75743868Your inability to understand reality is not my problem.
>participate in powerlifting competitions>but never completed a bench pressWould she qualify for the highly respected "powerlifter" title?>new captchas are rotated 45 fucking degreesEntertained guy, can you ask the gook to stop trying to get people to buy passes?
The new captcha is designed to filter out bots, and is specifically designed so that humans can solve it. If you cannot solve them consistently, that is a skill issue.
>>75743946even as a woman, how can you be this weak?
Bobby's meds were designed to make him a happy and productive member of society, but alas, design doesn't always have its desired effect. This case too is an example of failure; bots post freely, but human activity has declined. And do I need to remind you that only the latter is entertaining?
>>75743990There are "men" that can't bench the bar. In their defense though, they're not trying to compete.
>>75743993>tfw bobby can't solve the captchas
>>75741650No that’s Norman khan
at least the characters didn't post on the holidays amirite
>>75743964>Bobby hasn’t posted since the new captcha came onlineWas he a bot or merely stupid
Das rite lil bro
>>75743927>per weekthat's almost enough for a day
>>75742071Lurk moar, you're way off
>>75744200To whom are you replying, newfren?
>Bobby's meds were designed to make him a happy and productive member of society, but alas, design doesn't always have its desired effect. This case too is an example of failure; bots post freely, but human activity has declined. And do I need to remind you that only the latter is entertaining?
You are here for my ente--- sigh.. who am I even kidding anymore?
I stopped liking anime after I hit 3pl8 bench
remember your mid sleep protein shake bros
hi hello /plg/I hope you are all doing well and having good hoistshit a 5x6 at 155lbs on bench this past week and it felt easy. I think it's about time to hit a 1RM again soon since it's been a few months since I've done that. the bulk it working and adding just 5lbs to my weight has definitely increased my overall strength. this week I might try to do a 5x5 at 165 and see how that moves.
>>75741863THREADLY, RELEVANT, and HIGH QUALITY REMINDER for you unlifting ANON CHODEs to post body/lifts and get a trip. Tripping is the only way anyone will believe anything you have to say about anything. And only if you demonstrate at least one of the following:>A squat in excess of both 2.5 times bodyweight AND 500 lbs>A deadlift in excess of both 2.5 time bodyweight AND 500 lbs>A bench press in excess of both 1.5 times bodyweight AND 350 lbs>A LMAO4PLAET or greater row from the ground>A Log "Press" of at least 240 lbs and 1.15 times bodyweight>A front squat equal to or greater than LMAO4PLAET and 1.75x bodyweight>A body that /fit/ won't roundly criticize (good fucking luck)If you can't manage at least one of these, shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and try harder
>>75745190OFFICIAL, AND CLEARLY ON-TOPIC, /PLG/ RULES (no bitching!):1.) Do not talk about cutting2.) Do NOT talk about cutting3.) An adult male is >190 lbs, and this is an 18+ board4.) LOLfedders get out5.) Every fed is a LOLfed6.) There are no real rules about lifting (except that s*mo is ghey), half-rep all you like7.) There are no real rules about judging either, enjoy your R E D L I G H T S8.) You must have vids to prove your lifts9.) POST LIFTS or GTFO – The choice is yours.10.) EAT MOAR – It is never enough11.) Your program is shit, no exceptions12.) Powerlifting is not a sport.13.) Pulling s*mo is an admission of fundamental weakness, ontological incompetence, and likely fatherlessness14.) FIGGY is not a fraud15.) FIGGY is not a felon16.) FIGGY IS NOT A JEW17.) Grow a beard18.) Phoneposters get The Rope.19.) Everyone stronger than you is on sterons. Everyone weaker than you isn’t trying hard enough.20.) Try harder21.) You must squat >2.67 times bodyweight AND have an unblemished boxing record to bully FIGGY
>>75745193UPDATED LIST OF PLG APPROVED ACRONYMs (Arcane CipheRs Of Never Yielding Masculinity). Post, but don't spam, in every thread.>GDE (Genetic Dead End)Exercise low-responder. High injury rate, no sports background, weak willed.>OGD (Obese Genetic Dud)A GDE that tried to cope by getting fat. Did not get stronger. Look at him and laugh.>SUMO (SUbhuman MOron)Too stupid and/or genetically deficient to just bend over and pick something up. Copes through a combination of clowning half reps and eating butt.>UFO (Under Fed Organism)Adult human male weighing less than 200 lbs. Throw food at them until the problem is remedied.>VOLEM (Voluntary Evermediate)Late beginner, early intermediate. Panics when the bar gets heavy. Program hops, works on technique, or sabotages recovery as an excuse to not progress.>BONER (Bench Only No Effort Retard)Wants to have the admiration and ego of someone who lifts, but doesn't want to get the squat or deadlift of someone who actually lifts. Copes with a combination of bench press and autism.>LARPER - Lamely Accessorizing Retard, Performance Essentially RubbishWants to be a powerlifter without actually lifting or trying hard. Buys $800 in clothes and accessories to dress the part. Stuck at a 400 kg total. Widely loathed.>FAGIT (Freakishly Adept Genetically, Incredible Total)Strong from birth, never had to work for it. Still works at it, just to ULTRA MOG GDEs even harder. Hated by everyone, but they can't really do anything about it.>JANITOR (Just ANother Ineffectual Twig, Obviously Retarded)Complete assclown and permanent virgin.>TCHAD (Tries Consistently Hard All Day)The Isleys, MAs, and other guys with average genes who actually like competing and getting stronger.>TWIT (Third World Idjit Tard)Smelly unAmerican FOREIGNER who lifts in the futile hopes it will make him matter like AMERICANS matter
Sat down for my morning shit a minute too late to interrupt the jew's middle of the night copy pasta terror. I apologize to everyone.
NOOOOO I DONT WANNA GO BACK TO WORKi really need to get fired soon
>>75743287117.5kg PB>TMDB 1x100kg, 1x112.5kg, 1x117.5kg, 2x110kg, 2x100kgAccessories
>>75745515Damn, mirin
>>75745620Oh hey it's the real Throw
Good morning plg. Enjoy your second breakfast. Bulking ain't easy. It's a big dog eats Twinkies world out there and to be lift big you gotta eat big.
>>75746032who are these posts directed at? There are hardly any perma bulkers here.
>>75746044>There are hardly any perma bulkers here9ballz reached end game permabulking to the point where he's fighting an eternal losing battle against not dropping weight because of the difficulty of trying to feed two grown men with one mouth
It's cold out
>>75746061yeah that's why I said "hardly any" you dumb bitch. Just address him directly next time instead of "/plg/".
>>75746104It's not all about you, Franklin (cf. Bobby's boytoy)
>>75744996nice what is your bench goal
Think I'm gonna stream ME lower today. SSB max, close stance heel elevated Hatfields and RDLs.
>>75746424>lower on mondayITS ME UPPER TODAY I WILL COPELESS BENCH 150 TODAY
>>75746466I usually do it on Sundays but I was busy yesterday. ME upper tomorrow for me
>>75746608>ME lower before ME upperthis is dumb and I'm going to let you figure out why
>>75746691>Being such a onions boy that your bench tanks from lower body first Lol, on top of this this is the order from Book of Methods. You gonna say Louie doesn't know what he's talking about?
>>75746755>You gonna say Louie doesn't know what he's talking about?Lets review the facts.Me>AliveLouie>DeadIf he's so smart then how come he died lmao?
>>75746766Louie is dead?
>>75746782Almost 3 years ago at this point
>>75746755Andy baker recommends that you do Upper first simply for quality of life, so you have your off day right after the more taxing lower day. Are you gonna say Andy Baker doesn't know what he's talking about?>>75746782No hon, he's just resting x
>breaks back>dies>fat fucks follow his programming
ooh Bobby is back! you know what that means right? same. old. replies. back. to. back.
>>75746807>Andy Baker vs creator of the programming methodology Hmmm. If you actually want to compete in PL using conjugate then it makes way more sense to do lower first anyway, you will never be doing bench completely fresh in competition unless you're doing push pull or bench only.
Monday: ME LowerWednesday: ME UpperFriday: DE LowerSaturday DE UpperThis is the original split. I realize now you are maybe following it because you *usually* do ME lower on sunday and I hope ME upper on tuesdays, thus preserving the day in between. If you can't tank your bench by maxing out lower body the day before you didn't try hard enough.You didn't instantly give a (you) to the obvious shitpost, well done you are making progress bobby.
>>75746815Yes, my general layout is as follows MEL - SundayMEU - TuesdayDEL - ThursdayDEU - Saturday
I'm gonna do some DYELgramming:5/3/1 for bench and incline bench, skipping week 2, with a starting TM of 95% of my actual 1RM, taking a deload week every 3 cycles (every 7th week).Assistance work will be 3 sets at 60-80% of TM for 5-12 reps followed by dumbbell presses and lots of isolations for bis, tris, and delts. All compound pressing movements will be superset with a vertical or horizontal pull. I think this should have just enough structure to allow me to add 5 lbs every other week as I get back to my old pre-cut weights. Be sure to track your waist circumference on a bulk -not just gym numbers and bodyweight- I deluded myself into thinking that since I was getting stronger week on week I had to be gaining a lot of muscle when in reality it was me getting fat./blog
I do 2 ME days in a row and no one can stop me. I rather not lift on weekends so its MTXTFXX
>>75746814I was joking. What I mean is: I've read Andy Bakers reasoning. I haven't read the book of methods. Why does Louie recommend to do it that way specifically? And I also note that you're not even doing it the way it was originally run, you're also spacing out your days further. I'm sure there's a justification, what is it?
>>75746333190 asap and then 215 if possible.
Only 140 copeless makes me think i didnt get any better at benching i just got better at cheating bench.
>>75746869>I do 2 ME days in a rowYes me too but for the opposite reasons, I don't want to go in after a work day and be expected to hit PRs. But you'd put ME upper before ME lower.
Oldfag here, anyone remembers this asian chick she used to post in /plg/ she will lift but piss herself everytime.
>>75746897girl (1) in my gym are benching 2pl8, mommy needs to step up(then sit back down on my face)
>>75746870Life organization is the reason they're spaced out further than they should be. But he just says that's the way that they organize it iirc
>>75746755but 9 has specifically that problem
>>75746957Maybe he should learn to arch mage then? :^)
>busy>eating like shit >feeling depressed>start fasting and eating clean again>not feeling depressed, feel almost euphoric hmmm
right on schedule
>>75746987If anything i have even harder time arching after me lowert. Not 9
>ME felt like shit barely do 140>drop off sets felt fine What gives? Cns fatigue? Ive been noticing that trend recently cant really give my all for 1rm but higher rep sets feel fine. Last set of 120
>>75746987>World's best powerlifter should learn to cheat like me
>>75747079You warming up enough? You also picked a pretty hard variant so 5 lbs on that will be harder than other veriants>>75747098Yes.
>>75747112Yee warm up as usual, since i ripped my shoulder on bench a few years ago ive always warmed up properly on bench. >5lbs on that will be harder than other variantsNot sure what you mean?
>>75747121The less stable the movement is and/or more ROM the movement has the harder it is to add weight to it. Close grip (more ROM plus smaller muscle targeting) + feet up (more unstable, also more ROM) is gonna be harder to add weight to than just one or the other.
>>75747150i mean yeah but i did copeless 140 when my normal max was 145 now I did 155 and my copeless still is 140. I was hoping for 145 at least.
>>75747164I remember during sheiko gold my back squat went up a bunch but my front squat stalled, incredibly hard. Could just be that the mass/strength required to improve your bench wasn't the same as was required to improve your copeless bench. I wouldn't necessarily call it better at cheating though. If you struggle with tricep strength on copeless but you improved your chest because that's your main weak point on comp bench, then it's not cheating to get better at the latter and not the former.
Stream is up
>>75747201I actually lost weight since then. My sticking point in all bench variations is at the chest or a few cms off chest. I see what you mean tho. Tbh i havent been doing copeless as often recently. Used to do it every 3 weeks.
500 ssb squat
>>75747319I HATE MP4 I HATE MP4 I HATE MP4
>>75747322isn't this what you dumb itoddlers wanted?
>>75747360No webm is way better mp4 opens on my entire screen.
>>75747360good morning sirwhy would people on iOS want mp4? webm has worked natively for years
>iOSRetard lol
Call me a zoomer but ive been using iphones all my life and everytime i have to use android i get brain damaged by how inefficient and awful it is.
>>75747438Skill issue.
>>75747319is a safety squat bar squat easier? great job anyway
>>75747465No, they're not, at least not if they're a good one. Weight is out in front of you due to the angle of the camber.
Bench Press 105x1 80xFx3Machine Shoulder Press 20xFx3Lat Pull-down 70xFx3Rolling Dumbbell Extension 20xFx3Front Raise 8xFx6Nothing special. Just slowly ramping up to a single without compromising on technique too much.And speaking of technique, I realized Layne Norton has the same body proportions as me (he's a tad shorter though) so I'm plagiarizing his squat and bench press technique.>>75743287>>75745515Nice.>>75747079Good job.I think the Book of Methods replaces a max effort session with just repetition effort every 4 weeks or so to combat this.>>75747319I'm out of generic complements, so nice.Do you prefer a prong belt over a lever one? The orange knee sleeves are looking neat.>>75747465Holy sexo.
>>75747438iPhone is a way better phoneAndroid is a better mobile computerIf you want to watch anime and emulate N64 games Android is way better. If you want to text people, use group chats, social media, etc. iPhone did my compound upper body lifts during my lunch break and I'm gonna blast arms and shoulders once I get done at 5
Lol stream went down, oh well. All I had was RDLs and some doh barbell holds so nbd.>>75747502>Copying Natty Norton Just don't do squats on a boat and you'll be okay>Mechanism preferenceI think I do, at least compared to traditional lever. Never used a SBD belt so couldn't tell you with that. But the rankings are currently as follows:Quick release > single prong > lever>Orange knee sleevesI caved so hard, I love orange so SBD releasing an orange color way had me in a chokehold
>>75747465Way fucking harder you know that sheiko quote about folding like a chair? If youve never done ssb you will do exactly that. I remember first time doing box ssb squats very humiliating.
>>75747502>I think the Book of Methods replaces a max effort session with just repetition effort every 4 weeks or so to combat this.Interesting never heard about that so basically like a deload week where you dont do ME just RE? I might try that ive honestly was thinking about adding 2x25 wide grip bench press that would be perfect.
>>75747530>Sheiko quote about folding like a chairKek, you mean the one strong Alex made up? That shits so funny.
>>75747541Yeah that one, i swear you used to be able to just google it and find that pic. Wtf happened to google its all just ai generated shit.
>trainingGood session, total weight PR on the SSB.
I feel like if I train too hard I get injured but if I dont train hard enough I dont make any progressHow do I stop getting injured?
>>75747519>Quick release > single prong > leverInteresting. I've only tried an SBD belt in a store but I found it much more supportive compared to a single prong one. Especially at the front where you have basically 26mm of supportive material.>>75747540>Sample workouts for Monday>Week 1 - block pull 1RM>Week 2 - low box safety squat bar 1RM>Week 3 - reverse hypers 5-8x8-12Check page 55 and 56.
>>75747659does that work for muscle tears? its usually either that or sciatica pain
>>75747682Full tear? Nothing works on that other than surgery. Anything else yeah
>>75747688nah probably grade 1heals in like 2-3 weeks but then it keeps happening again when i get back into it
>>75747700How fast do you get back to where you were? Could be that you're being too aggressive with adding weight again?
>twf you wanted to quit PL, but squats are way too fun…What do you think of my program?>(If you can call it that, more like a training method?)Squatting twice a week. A volume day (3-5x5), then and an intensity day (8-10x2-3 with 80% of 1rm).>Medium Volume Squat day>Upper Body>Rest>'Intensity' low rep high set Squat day>Upper body>Rest x 2How does this sound? I really don't care about deadlifts at the moment, fell in love with midbar squatting and "using my quads" or wtv that means.I'll treat the progression of the medium and intensity day separately. For example, if I can't get the 5x5, but I get the 10x2, then I will only add 5 pounds to the 10x2 for next week, but not to the 5x5.>AccesoriesMy issue with self programming is, should I go nuts with accesories (belt squats, BSS, etc)? Maybe it's best to go to failure in those ONLY if the main squat work felt easy-ish. >Upper BodyI've stopped archmage benching, so that's good. However, I feel my upper back is way behind my legs and chest.Pendlay rows after the squats and smashing random back machines in the upper days sounds good? I've been spamming face pulls too and feels great, very underrated.Anyways, maybe this 'program' resembles another one and I'm just yapping, but it's fun.>>75747502Nice stuff, bench looks tight.>>75745515Wow :o , miring hard. Especially the jerk, my hypermobile elbow would just snap in half>>75747319I like SSBs too, nice. Each one I tried felt different, and current gym doesn't have it.
>>75747775I thought so but I did sets of 80% felt fine and then 2-3 days later I got injured by 65% of my max lol so it isn't the weight just hit or miss based on the session. Feels like playing russian roulette whether I get injured or not.Could it be that my warmup sucks? Should I do what boomers do and stationary bike for 10 mins to get the muscles ""warm"" before squatting?Or maybe I need more mobility work on days off idk.
>lake effect snow>14 degreeshonestly didnt feel cold and it was p windy (garage door was wide open) the shoveling helped with warming up i guess
>>75747887>ProgramUhh the intensity day is just as voluminous if not slightly more so than the volume day. Why not just do TM?>>75747900How do you warm up whenever you're building up to a given weight? Nothing wrong with doing some light cardio to get the blood flowing. However I will say I'm lazy when it comes to warm ups so I don't do all that much personally.
>>75747990Doesn't TM has one squatting 3x week? (Volume/ light /Intensity)Could I run TM for my squats twice per week with only the Volume and Intensity day? Then smash leg/squat accessories In both days to make up for not doing the light day? Also, not doing deadlifts will let me push harder the accessories, right?Essentially a 2Upper 2 Lower split, but adding the TM just for squats. Then accesories after squats to make up for the deads and other lower body stuff. >>75747887Never mind, this isn't that good of an idea I think, but I had fun writing it.
>>757480224 day TM is an upper lower split with 2 upper days, 2 lower days and no recovery days. You'd probably have to start with movement rotation or rep scheme rotation though since I doubt you'd make weekly progress.
>>75748037Okay, thanks. I'll look it up. Honestly, regarding strength, I only care about squats atm, so my focus is only there. I feel that if I just prioritize it, I could actually make some smooth progress. I've been doing high (6-8) reps these last few weeks, so gotta start ramping up anyways to the fives. I won't do powerlifting for the upper body, so that won't really tax me. As for a rotation, guess I could switch to high bar (maybe FS or sumos later) when I plateau hard. Feel like I more in me with squats, but I had some mental block with squats in the past. Midbar tech feels great, so I'll give it a shot.
>>75747990uhhh empty bar, 1pl8, 2pl8, 3pl8 and then 20-30kg increments until i reach the desired weightmaybe i do too little reps I get lazy and do only 2-3
>>75747990>However I will say I'm lazyWe know.
sniffly today so that means we max out axle press
>>75748087>Movement rotationThe movement rotation in TM/Conjugate is weekly. So you could just do Mid bar/high bar/front squat/pause squat (order may vary) or you could do mid bar for 5 RM -> 2x3 -> 3x2 -> 5x1 and back again trying to break your last PR>>75748088How strong are you? That's basically what I do except I start at like 2 pl8 usually for squats
Are long or short biceps advantageous for powerlifting and if so in which lifts and why?
>>75748126This sounds like bait, but: Longer biceps might cushion more your elbows at the lowest part of your range, giving you slithly more pop (Having more mass there works like an elbow wrap/sleeve(?)). Probably doesn't make a noticeable difference thoughbait>>75748098I see. Thanks man
>>75748135Spoken like a true eslGOD with many typos and such I meant: "Lowest part of the range of motion of the Bench Press"
>>75748126>Biceps>Powerlifting Their role is pretty minimal, like pony said you might get a little pop out of the bottom on bench, and they help stabilize during bench press and deadlift if you use mixed grip. But I doubt that there is a measurable impact from long or short.
>>75748126arms in general are overrated in powerlifting you can bench 3pl8s with 14inch arms
>>75748212Real. I benched 315, but because I did it with a big arch + max width grip, I don't have that Much mass in my arms. Only really felt the chest when benchingThat's why I've stopped pl for the upper, gotta get my no arch medium grip bench up first.
>>75748221no even with no arch close grip you can still do that with ~14inch arms
>>75748212I think I had 15-15.5" fatceps when I first benched 3 pl8, so definitely can confirm>>75748221You can do PL training with just reduced arch ya know. I do medium grip flat back as a variant on DEU
>>75748230I know, but my current goal for strength/PL is just the squat. Also, I don't think doing bodybuilding or just lifting for the upper body will hurt.Heck, it might even build some base from which I can later build a good bench (Hammering triceps, shoulders, and upper back, which I've neglected in the past). >>75748227Probably true, but if you have like really shitty bench leverages (long/lanky arms), I think the ROM will be enough to put on some mass on ya. Same for squats, if you have long femurs, and you squat high bar with heels, the ROM is just to big to not build some quads and ass. Of course, if you GM your squats, you won't grow like that at all.
>>75748212>>75748258powerlifters shoulder train biceps and calves. The impact it has on joints and injury prevention for the minimal effort it takes to tack on 6 sets a week is worth it
>>75748313that 6 sets aint gonna do shit I do 50kg curls at the end of the workout but my arms small af
>>75748317you should be training for tendon strength, not size anyway
>>757483176x10-15 with 50kg dumbbells is impressive
>>75748338>dumbbellshaha you know what i meant ;^)also you said 6 sets per week so its 3 per upper dayso usually i goempty barbell 10-15 reps40kg 8-10 reps50kg 3x8-10 reps
I got about 2 months of time to train, only problem is I'm a skeleton (58kg).How much can I improve a deadlift from skeleton status in this timeframe?I ONLY care about deadlift.I only have 50 kilograms in weights but can buy more. At that weight I can do the recommended 5 sets of 5 reps not "easily" but doable. Could probably do a bit more but didn't want to hurt myself.Considering the only strength training I'm doing is deadlift and pushups how much protein should I eat?
>>75748313How does training calves do anything for injury preventiont. Skeleton calf crew despite being a long distance runner in the mountains>>75748317If you can’t curl 1pl8 you’re not allowed to complain about small arms
>>75748348sure, I only do bicep isolations once a week 6x10-15 were every set is close to failure but get a lot of other bicep work in from rowing/pulling movements + stones/carries. Can always add more if hypretrophy is the goal.
>>75748403Starting strength or some sort of NLP for lower. Even though you want to only focus on deadlift, squat helps to drive deadlift usually. And you'll definitely need more weights, squat and dead will go up quickly on NLP. >>75748422>TFW I don't think I can barbell curl 60 kgLmaoooo
>>75748432Weak biceps, frequent injuries. Understand?
>>75748422>How does training calves do anything for injury preventionankles and knees
>>75748436For strongman it's probably way more important than for PL. I don't disagree that there is some benefit though. Probably even more important if you're doing equipped bench tho.
>>75748432>NLPI'm sorry, that was my first ever post on this board. Google tells me it's "Neuro Linguistic Programming" and a suggested exercise was setting a goal.And that's a problem, because I really have no idea what goal is realistic to aim for. 75kg? 100? A hundred would be good.And squatting is a good idea, I can do that at home. I noticed my legs shivering a bit. I may be able to go to gym but I dont have a lot of money.
>>75748428yeah buy you do strongman for that biceps are important af. I remember when i tried lifting some rocks during covid and after first day my biceps were sore for a week never had doms this bad in my arms.
>>75748471Novice Linear Progression, programs like starting strength, strong lifts 5x5, Greyskull LP.>Realistic goalIf you're eating and sleeping properly, you will blast through the roof. No way to know exactly how far you will go, I hit 365x5 sumo on phase 1 of SS when I started at ~250x5. Numbers vary between people though so you could stall at 2 pl8 dead for all I know. Average results are quite good though. Wish I had the pic of the average starting strength results but I've only ever seen it posted here.
>>75748480Definitely more important for strongman but if you train powerlifting for 10-20 years without training antagonistic muscles your joints are probably going to be fucked
>>75748471>>75748484Found it, but no idea what the source is.
>>75748484Googled a bit on Novice Linear Progression, just found out about the "novice effect". Might explain why as a young teen I went from 0 pushups to like 30 in maybe a week or soo. Of course lost all muscle mass since then. I'm 180 cm tall btw.> I hit 365x5 sumo on phase 1 of SSSS?>>75748497Damn, so hitting 100kg from 50 in 50 days might be possible
>>75748497Well, source was easier to find than expected>>75748511>SSStarting Strength >Lost all muscle mass since thenThen you'll have even better results, muscle memory exists for a long ass time
>Might explain why as a young teen I went from 0 pushups to like 30 in maybe a week or soo.This is another sean character
>>75748524I have literally no clue who that is.Did some searching on archive. I'm not Hank, Simon or Sean.I know it's not very impressive, I know I'm in absolute shit form. Can't blame anyone else, not even my genetics.I can currently do about 10 pushups in a row.>>75748514So plan is currently get more weights and find out my maximum deadlift after NLP. NLP probably won't take long as I feel I'm probably not far from the limits of what I can do 5x5 of.After that, I'll be adding each workout (2 a week).
>>75748126Who cares, if you're not a faggot you want big biceps. Ignore all the lardasses ITT, they get exactly zero pussy
>>75748620If this is a real, not-larping poster, you would only be doing 1x5 deads, which is a lot easier to add weight to than 5x5. And NLP is 3 sessions a week. Regardless of what you decide to run, read Starting Strength. It explains a lot in terms of form as well as how the program works.
>did some searching on's a character
Nsuns is best for novices. An amprap for the main lifts + many many backdowns works great for weekly progress. Took me from 275 to 355 squat in like 3months . of course, I had to eat like a pig
>>75748641I'm not I swear bro
>>75748670Not me. Prevalent shitposters tend to want to somehow make "those in the know" know it's them. Maybe they have a specific writing style.>>75748631Alright, will follow'll read up on shit a bit more, maybe come back in a week or so.
>>75748713Skill issue. It's not a writing style. It's an intellect recognizes intellect thing. You wouldn't get it. That is why there can be dozens of "characters", all with different writing styles, yet all stand in solidarity against the fat fucks. It's also how anobby gets so easily identified despite his constant cries against posting anonymously. It's also how Frankie, smiggy, and others who anon post can be identified. Yes, we know when it's you.
>>75748794I’m not this Sean fellow.Here is my physique. Do I look like anyone else on this board?
>>75748734>Yes, we know when it's you don't
60° incline a SHIT. At least it didnt feel like death this weekI found some log and yoke video from 2022 before the cut and wow what a world of difference from then. Might post sometime idk>>75745515The ol empty db trick, classic. Very nice>>75747319Good grind bobbus. I havent had squats in the program for quite a while but i had 315 on my back (for screwing around purposes) and it honestly didnt feel so bad like when i was squatting. I think if it were to get thrown back into the program i could start to hit not so pathetic numbers>>75747502Easy
Can someone please answer my question?>>75748126
>>75748882>emptyworse I added gaskets and filled it with helium
>>7574888260° incline looks like ass. Seems like your elbows are drifting slightly behind the bar too, unless it's just the angle>SquatThanks. Do you do a lot of yoke work? Probably would help with making weight on your back not feel like shit.>>75745515Forgot to reply but mirin hard>>75748902:0
>>75748902The treachery of the bloke knows no bounds>>75748907Nah elbows are definitely behind the bar, id imagine its my number one problem with any incline pressYoke every week, the last month up to fairly high rpe. 700lbs is a fairly consistent heavy yoke for me now
>>75748907Write me a program
>>75748884it was. fat fuck said it wasn't, then an actual strong lifter said it was, so fat fuck changed his answer to say they are beneficial. keep up, pup
>>75748938Well no wonder 315 felt light for you lmao>>75748942Where is this coming from? Is this just some elaborate troll post to see if I would?
Finally some dang overhead progress. Mobility work; who would have thought.
>>75748987Good to see frens hit PRs. The question is, what do you think had more impact, the mobility work or the reverse banded work you've been hitting recently?
>>75745515gzed you on the stream but seriously wew>>75747319>>75747502nice>>75748882Incline is your friend>>75748996Both obviously, but the mobility work got me a lot more force transfer from the leg drive, and also the knee prehab warmups I've been doing have helped with that a lot. I'm hoping the incline stuff will pay off more moving forward as the bands start coming off.
>>75748962I mean i guess youre right ive just always kept squats and yoke seperate mentally since squats have always been miserable>>75748987>>75749007Sick and piss>Incline is your friendPretty mean spirited friend i think
>>75749068>Pretty mean spirited friend i thinkthe kind of friend who drinks all your beer and makes a few too many "your mom" jokes but he'll drive you to the airport at 3AM
>>75749068They're both forms of being slowly crushed to death. I don't know many drug tested PLs that do supramaximal walk outs/holds but I've seen Jen Thompson do them. She likes them for bench too.
>>75748950Does that often happen?
>>75749134>Gives no details in terms of program history, lifting stats, weak points, etc.You'd have better results asking chatgpt. Why do you even want me to do it anyway? I'm like the worst person to build someone a program that doesn't fall into one of like 4 categories.
>>75749142>He can't write a better program than ChatGPTThanks for telling us all that your posts here about programming are nothing more than masturbation.