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idiots being stupid in the gym
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what the heck haha
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does getting assaulted make you more fit?
How does someone bail here? I'm thinking there's no way out if you didn't employ safeties before going down

A bonus for front squatting or not squatting at all
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You scream for help at the bottom until somebody comes to your rescue. Alternatively, you tie your ponytail up like so before attempting squats.
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Is this 'spotter' actively trying to kill him?
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You over there! Oi! *snaps fingers*
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>>75937896 (OP)
been a while since I've seen the original, I wonder how many people aren't aware of it
It's skill issue, you have to bail much more aggressively launching yourself forward by pushing into the bar and you do it on the re-bounce, if you just sit down and kill all momentum you're fucked.
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Her ponytail got caught you fucktard.
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Doesn't matter, the way she bailed is 0/10. You don't want to risk the bar rolling down your spine and slamming into your lower spine or pelvis. Typical female behavior of not being able to understand risk, prepare for it and act fast when necessary.
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not my problem hehe
I would bite and suck on her asscheeks then let here use my tongue as a buttplug if you catch my drift
There is nothing wrong with bailing while in a full squat. The problem was her hair.
did her ass hit the floor first or was it some kind of mechanical safety? could be she easily broke her hips/pelvis here, dumb fucking bitch
staged, there is another set of safeties at a lower level
or she is just into rimming ass
>black guy challenges a white cop
kek niggers. they never learn do they
This is so fucking disrespectful the way she calls gor him
>all men engaging with me are misogynist
>all men not engaging with me are misogynist
Can someone please tell me why all these niggers try to lift a weight they just clearly cannot handle? This isn't ego lifting this is tard lifting wtf
I bet she screamed like an annoying bitch so everyone around her looks at her
That nigga thinks he's Floyd Mayweather with that philly shell stance
God damn
>visual cue
>guy facing away
What a retarded cunt

damn, that is some amazing form (no-hetero).
>homegym master r-ACK
Excellent work 47. The money has been wired to your account.
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How to prevent this? he did nothng wrong and the weight seemed reasonable. Should I just not do b iceps?
stop being such a little snowflake bitch man, it's pathetic
>How to prevent this?
Don't roid.
I love how calm and not giving a shit the cop is
don't ego lift
That isnt much weight and he controlled the eccentric
Obvious weak roider, dude. Would never happen to any natural strong lifer lifter.
it's a lot of weight cuh
>idek this men
Renember boys:never help women aside from your mother or daughters in the GYM or anywhere else
>That isnt much weight
DYEL spotted, post panties
a power rack is going to come with safeties
don't take them out
If you can't intuitively understand why doing that shit is bad, then you shouldn't lift desu
Insecure baldcel vs 5’6 faggot zoomer
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High bar squat if i go heavy i stand and position the bar lower and never have to hit low bar to build hams/back, if doing quads or deep hips its light anyways to get correct form so id just like hump forward.
Is this what they mean by "until failure"?
Damn you guys are easy to impress

Yeah like other said, use reasonable weight and do compound exercise instead. Putting all this leverage on a single joint is very unnatural, and bones are not designed for this much tangential stress, it's not steel
I think/hope she meant to say "I don't even know him, yet he helps me" but I'm sure that's just the bare minimum
Don't use machines
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Unironically don't roid. This happens because roid make muscles grow faster than ligaments, the latter cannot keep up with the increase of strength
what went wrong here
>do hang snatch
no surprise
Always police your danglies.
No piss?
Holy shit, how do you flip the safeties? How much of a midwit do you have to be?
what do you mean he did nothing wrong?
he is sitting on metal chair with his arms (which are meant for random/round movements) locked into a straight metal contraption where he is moving and awkwardly lifting a heavy weight thats too heavy for him and it ripped his arms.
this retard should have been in the garden ripping up weeds and loading the car with branches or in his roofspace doing some woodwork and he would have got stronger more functional muscles. if he has no chores to do around the house eg his entire property is perfectly maintained he should be helping out his family or friends.
for someone who isn't a big strength athlete 1pl8 is quite a lot to preacher curl with full ROM
>1pl8 preacher curl

Yeah, when you're roiding, which is also a great way to be overtraining your tendons that take longer to heal and develop than muscles
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>5 years of the same webms
Dude got punched by a ghost
pretty crazy that both snapped at the same time, most vids are one or the other
Just fucking toss it backward what is wrong with her
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Could risk an injury. She's wise to ask for help, someone else can just deload the bar
lmfao ok this one is funny
not a problem for rakeem he will climb up there and somehow manage to both electrocute himself hang himself then fall and splatter on the floor ultimately ending up in a liveleak video
>man i miss liveleak...
imagine peeing on her face while shes stuck there
>when you nut but she keeps sucking
cool a new one
low iq
he knows the light is there and wanted to show that he could hit it on video
it was just a bonus for him that it got stuck
if she's not pissing herself she's not lifting heavy enough
>pov she told me to grab her by the ponytail
>"omfg anon i like it rough-ACK!"
don't put your hair over the fucking bar
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there are much better asses in the gym
look at her right patella instead of her ginormous ass
That cunt probably could've just turned the catches and gotten out of there. She's above the second set of them or just lowered it to the bottom and gotten out. It'll only go so far down. It won't crush you.
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One of the few /fit/ posts that made me slightly kek
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technically this is getting rekt in the gym
This is whuly I got banned from my gym(as a white)
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delt raises = anime bitches
Explain how? Im mostly baffled, especially at how this chink got so rekt by a few seconds without air
his tendons snapped you retard his bones are fine
Thanks for making it harder for the rest of us girlies in the gym you dumb whore, oh wait i wouldnt get in this situation like you did, fucking retard
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I don't get it, is this a lifting euphemism?
imagine cumming on all of their faces while they put their hand over their mouth like japanese girls always do
Why was that one retard trying to work out with a mask on? Also lol
>yap in your useless n-95 mask
>see that your personal trainer or gym buddy or whoever eyes some guy getting choked
>keep yapping, no way that fag is getting more attention than you
>the choked guy starts getting seizures
>the trainer/gym buddy cuts out your yapping and rushes to help, lifts up the barbell
>some fat butt cutie suddenly appears and decides to be useful as well, lifts the other end of the barbell
>you finally decide to approach, your dyel arms flapping helplessly all around the place
>it's all over, your trainer and the braphog dealed with the issue and the poor bastard has now permanent brain damage
>'oh well, at least the camera will show i tried to help'
>'maybe the qt will ask me out if she sees this'
looks like theyre all asian, theyve been ravaged by influenza variants for decades because of their complete lack of hygiene when it comes to livestock and animals. i think wearing a mask is just ingrained in asian culture. also and someone correct me if im wrong but theres the anime trope of people getting sick just from standing in the rain, is that just a trope or do asians really get sick from literal weather? i feel like that has to be bullshit because you have places like hokkaido that get cold as fuck and people have to plow and shovel all that snow right, are there just normal asians and then some weak beta immunocuck variant?
Wow, lucky her, i mean poor her, i mean she deserved to have her legs snapped haha
>getting sick just from standing in the rain, is that just a trope or do asians really get sick from literal weather?
It's not just a trope. One time I wanted to go back home after getting my nails done, and I was waiting in the rain for a bus, and then a car rolled into a puddle of water and splashed me. Even though I didn't feel particularly cold, I ended up being sick. My immune system isn't even bad.
Why did he start having a strop when no-one came over. If i was there i would have waited until he calmed down.
>posted in the wrong webm thread
lol sorry
>>75940765 →
>>75940769 →
>>75940775 →
>>75940778 →
she 100% put her hair over the bar on purpose
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Theses are good if you can ignore the annoying porn site ads interspersed between videos. Kaotic is actually even run by some of the old staff from LiveLeak.
>Kaotic, Theync, Theworldwatch
Vidmax is good if you want a more curated feed, but I'm reasonably certain it's run by Russians, which leads to some weird "coloring" of certain videos. None of these sites are LiveLeak though, and I wonder just how many legendary videos were lost when live league was shut down.
>This is not spam faggot nibba website
i dont think thats even his fault. paused on frame 1 and the lifter has the weirdest grip
meant for >>75940460
.. of course add .com
Does anyone have the webm of the dude who is lifting and throws up while lifting and just keeps lifting? I need some inspiration.
that puddle was most likely filled to the brim with bacteria or viruses
Made for sex. Don't even care about the tattoos.
Piss is only for fat powersharting femoids. Women who don't overeat have better control over their bowels.
Based white man trying to kill a DYEL Indian.
Why is she using wraps? So that she can squat 245 instead of 165?
>inb4 those are three 20 kg plates
No. There are two 10 kg bumpers there. The middle ones might even be 15 kg so maybe not even 225.
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Time flies by
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she's a woman.
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>autothots roll out
New fetish: sitting on a womans face
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woman moment
>Dindu Jones and the Planet of Fitness
Not eve one rep
you can see his left leg is already hurting him and he's trying to ignore it
nerve gas
notice how blekpipo can get the bar off when it cuts off the oxygen supply to their brain, but wypipo cant? it's almost like a lack of oxygen in a blek brain does nothing
You're all the same shit eating fecal bathing subhumans.
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I found the video. I don't know if anyone ever made a webm of it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tMxoSLWUfk [Embed]
this is why you shouldn't do orals
How much weight is that?
I just use dumbells at home so I dont know.
that's how she gets ready to suck a mean dick
did he dead?
>>75937896 (OP)
what are the mechanics here that snaps the knee when your shins are locked in place?
so faggots get BBLs now?
girls just want to live in your room, you have no excuses
"That cunt" are you really getting that angry at a staged video... fucking incel
you got working eyes? that's obviously all muscle
Dat ass
he's not doing sissy squats, he's just leaning backwards like a spastic
lol rang his own bell
what she did would have worked if her long hair she draped over the bar like a retard didn't get caught
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Its like that fucking scene from Indiana jones
not only are there no safety bars but the rack doesn't even allow you to do a roll of shame
this nigga made a fucking guillotine

225 pounds
You guys laugh at her installing the safeties upside-down, but maybe she thought the brand name was ↄiw∀ᴎλ𐤧 and it was Cyrillic or something
Speaking of waste products apparently shitting yourself while deadlifting is a thing that can happen.

How the fuck does anyone deadlift at a public gym?
>I got racial spot issues, when the guy's Indian, I don't spot them.
imagine pissing in her face while shes stuck there
>hmm, should this safety bar act as a fucking launch ramp with no catch at the end, or be a horizontal bar with the ability to stop a rolling bar
>How the fuck does anyone deadlift at a public gym?
Covered in piss and shit. It’s like mowing a lawn. You know you are going to get dirty and sweaty, so just get through it, and plan for a shower afterwards
Looks like spotter was helping in a liftoff and let go of the bar before lifter was ready
Her hair is what got caught. If she had it up in a bun she would have escaped.
All of these are fake. After the first one went viral foids have been recreating it for tik tok likes.
Because they're filming it. Bunch of retards trying to show off for internet points.

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