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When will Linux have full HDR support?
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mpv apparently has a different built-in video renderer that handles tonemapping better
Unless you're using as a HTPC why does it matter? If you're work requires accurate colors, you are already using a mac.
Bloat, not needed.
>only my use cases matter
do you daily a linux distro too?
I do for a shitposting box and a few servers on both bare metal and VMs.

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my laptop has this key, wtf does it even do?
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gay loser virgin spambot thread
It absolves you of dignity

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>european union pissed and shidded itself over cookies so hard, every website is assfucked into wasting time adding a pointless popup to ask for a permission to store 64 byte login tokens on my SACRED STORAGE DRIVES
>meanwhile desktop programs are allowed to do this
over the last 5 years, razer corporation TOOK A SHIT right into my windows folder THREE HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN TIMES with 12.4 GIGABYTES OF INSTALLERS!
this cannot be legal
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I can't seem to find the C:\Installer winjeet shitting folder on my Fedora install. Please advise
>using razer shit
lmao even
Stop buying gaymer shit. Problem solved.
adobe also does this shit, but it wasn't 12 fucking gigabytes and I forgot to take a screenshot

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Premium AI GF company has their API token, endpoint, and, payload json for text and image generation exposed in their web code for all to use for free. What do?
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With this token anyone can use it. I figured I'd share the wealth
it's a shitty cope, run a local model poor
send retarded amounts of requests over tor and bleed them dry
that's the type of suggestion I was looking for

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Web Scraping General

Doomer edition

QOTD: Why even scrape? What's the point?

> Captcha services

> Proxies
https://hproxy.com/ (no blacklist) (recommended, owned by friend of /wsg/)
https://infiniteproxies.com/ (no blacklist)

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Wtf based yandex
Top kek

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/g/o bros, thought on Dependency Injection?
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Java people had not-quite-singletons they wanted referencing each other, without constructing elaborate trees not-quite-dependecies. So they made a framework for "injecting" these dependencies essentially pre-construction
No need to sign your post, vaxtard
until all the unvaccinated drop dead

public class ArrayList : IList {...}
public class LinkedList : IList {...}
public class Queue {
public Queue(list : IList){...}

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Now that the holy trinity has settled what could we still improve?
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Even though Firefox still has it in their binary hidden behind a flag?
>Apple has more knowledge than anyone else
>This extra knowledge has led Apple to decide it's a good idea to support JPEG XL
>Therefore it is a bad idea to support JPEG XL
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Why won't thumbnails show in my folders for .opus files on windows? Is there a way to make them visible? It's aesthetically displeasing
You except conspiracytards to make sense?

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Previous /ldg/ thread : >>100749406

3D Printed Edition

>Pixart Sigma
Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-Sigma
Comfy Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui

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Wow this is really interesting
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That's quite ambitious! Indeed, why not.

May I suggest you intentionally add a few more pepes or other favorites (megumin? gigachad?)
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>best_quality, source_anime, masterpiece, 1girl, winter, snow, outdoors, cinematic, night, BREAK , rabbit ears, scar on nose, hair ornament, hairclip, grey eyes, frostnova_def, white coat, upper body, hair over one eye,
If you have a dataset of interesting and high quality images ideally with captions, sure

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what are some good side hustles to do as a tech worker? I currently work at company, but i want to earn more through side hustle.

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>scratched monitor, because idiot
>want to get it repaired
>contact support
>"hey guys I'm an idiot, will pay whatever to get it fixed, just please fix it"
>response from support
>"saar have you tried restarting the PC???"
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just buy an apple monitor kindly sar, you're not poor now are you?
Work in tech support. The India team is a nightmare.
I'm sorry you're experiencing issues with your monitor. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?
Imagine using only 6k when 8k exists

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How are you doing /g/uy?
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>no motivating project ideas
>maybe should try to do games
>no good game ideas
Think of a program you use regularly that annoys the fuck out of you, and make a replacement for that.
Or, take your two favorite videogame genres and attempt to merge them together.
>>no motivating project ideas
This is something I struggle with.
>come up with "good" idea
>do a quick cursory look online
>someone else doing it already
do any game at all and experiment with variations on it. Take an asteroids raylib example and change how the ballistics work (friendly fire), or how the guns work (joystick-controlled turret), or add co-op, or add an enemy player that can spawn asteroids.
Even a game like Sokoban can turn into Helltaker (+VN, +time limit, +hazards) or Sokobond (chemistry instead of goals)
blend your skills together, and blend your interests together. It's how you can do something worthwhile without being the first or the best. Scott Adams has a book about it that I haven't read.
Who gives a fuck if someone else did it? YOU haven't done it and that's a good enough reason to do it.

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>anon, you don't understand, AI is way smarter than us, it will destroy us

How do you respond without sounding mad?
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He's rent free in the heads of tens of thousands of liberals everywhere. I can't even approach his level. A master of his craft.
"AI will destroy us." does not logically follow from "AI is smarter than us."
Why hasn't it already?
>How do you respond without sounding mad?
Get a new bait

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Cover: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/g/image/1709/19/1709190996356.png
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Please post title suggestions

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Thank you very much for your feedback!
>learning to play in rhythm would be a good long term goal
That's the idea. I insist on recording all parts midi without quantization because imo it makes the music more alive, but I can't quite pull it off yet
>Most of the timbre is really basic, it sounds like a bunch of cheesy synth presets. Use some more interesting effects and automation.
It sucks to hear that, since this is something I care about. I don't use presets, doing everything from scratch every time and I end up spending the bulk of the time on it honestly. I've been recently recommended to use more effects, so all the synths have stuff like delays, choruses or phasers, distortion. I have a bunch of effects turning on and off at different sections. I'm also less adventurous now after several people complained how my synths are painful to listen to for previus tracks. I guess I just suck and need to practice.
>The mixing is pretty bad.
Once you learn what all the knobs do, which way do you turn them? I'm trying to learn. All I currently do is to avoid conflicts in the frequencies between instruments with eq (and sidechain). Compression and reverb are my weak spots.
My reasoning was the following: the distorted synth gets unconstrained access to the range 200-1000hz. That's why the bass, kick and lead lack any mids. Otherwise things would just get messy, right? And if I cut at the big distorted synth some more, then it won't sound so big and shoegazy anymore.

Say, could you recommend me some music similar to mine or at least with interesting synth sounds? Maybe first and foremost I'm lacking an idea of how things could/are supposed to sound
What does oversampling do if you were to explain it to Grug. I only notice that it makes things a bit more ''airy'' usually
first question, what is that thing gonna do for you that you can't already do?

it's huge btw, so it takes up massive space, for a keyboard to take up massive space it must be pretty important and special, you'll have to clear away all your other garbage
>could you recommend me some music similar to mine or at least with interesting synth sounds?
Is this close enough?
Ben Prunty - Medusa Planetarium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQiQyrQYveQ
Opale - Maison Sensation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6583Ga5ec3Y
Cerulean - Realign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwWDyhXNIIM

I guess these have a lot more ambiance than what you posted (and more ambiance certainly wouldn't hurt your tracks IMO)
I wouldn't be so strict on recording every part without quantization. Maybe for the most important melodic lines, sure.

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Facebook is technology. Should I delete my account?
Delete? NOOO!!
How will you keep in contact with ur fren and senpai. Only looser don have facebooks. How will u get job? Ur not racis r u?

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We've been doing these for nearly a century in Australia. Pre-fabs.
We've literally been doing it for a century and they've always been shit.
Where I live they used asbestos in this shit.
what's the advantage compared to concrete slab prefabs?
isn't running utilities through that going to be a nightmare? rating the wall based on wind speed is retarded. all wind-related failures come from the roof

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