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How are you doing /g/uy?
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do any game at all and experiment with variations on it. Take an asteroids raylib example and change how the ballistics work (friendly fire), or how the guns work (joystick-controlled turret), or add co-op, or add an enemy player that can spawn asteroids.
Even a game like Sokoban can turn into Helltaker (+VN, +time limit, +hazards) or Sokobond (chemistry instead of goals)
blend your skills together, and blend your interests together. It's how you can do something worthwhile without being the first or the best. Scott Adams has a book about it that I haven't read.
Who gives a fuck if someone else did it? YOU haven't done it and that's a good enough reason to do it.
I was thinking of doing it because I wanted it the final product, but now I've already got it handed to me, so I can't find motivation to do it.
I assume you know foo's length
while (i < foo.length) : (i -%= 1)

Try a centralized RNG microservice.

Use fastapi or golang to create an endpoint that generates secure random numbers, deploy it with Docker, and call this service from your app.

Take the microservice pill anon

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What's ur summer reading list anons
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atomic habits, the definitive guide to javascript, bug bounty bootcamp, automate the boring stuff with python
ANCIENT shit thats been read and milked dry and built on top of a million times over
>playing on normal difficulty is filtering me harder than playing on very hard
NTA but SICP is mostly the same common sense you will find when learning any other language that isn't Scheme doing the problems of a book, it's nothing special. It's just a waste of time to learn programming with a language that isn't used in the industry. Rather do Java, C++, C#... Hell, even Python or JavaScript.
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getting slightly filtered but I will get through it

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Init programs were never meant to run outside of PID 1
Wanted to do that anyway? We had a tool for that: It was called initscripts.
Yes, please, systemctl start this, systemctl enable that. Commands dreamed up by the utterly deranged.
For servers sure
On home hardware. It can die. Runit.
macOS launchd poser software made by a redhat/microcock faggot.
Is sysvinit dogshit?

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The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-1086 and carrying a severity rating of 7.8 out of a possible 10, allows people who have already gained a foothold inside an affected system to escalate their system privileges.

It's the result of a use-after-free error, a class of

>vulnerability that occurs in software written in the C and C++ languages

when a process continues to access a memory location after it has been freed or deallocated.

>It's not possible in RUST.

Use-after-free vulnerabilities can result in remote code or privilege escalation. The vulnerability, which affects even Linux kernel 6, resides in the NF_tables, a kernel component enabling the Netfilter, which in turn facilitates a variety of network operations...

>It was patched in January, but as the CISA advisory indicates, some production systems have yet to install it.

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>already gained
so non-issue then
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Linuxoids BTFO
crab crab crab crab
get deprecated
get deprecated
get deprecated
kys troon
No point. Linutards will never understand.

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are these 3.5mm-to-bluetooth adapters worth it or should I just suck it up and deal with wires?

>connect to headphones via 3.5mm jack
>connect to PC/theater via bluetooth
>wired headphones are now pseudo-wireless
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Probably not unless you've got some snowflake IEMs you're married to. Good Bluetooth headsets aren't expensive.
>Bluetooth headsets
choose one, and integrated bluetooth circuitry is shitty, their built-in amps and DACs are always shitty versus external hardware of any kind - basically, they are about convenience at the expense of quality, and then OP wants to make do with what he already has at a low expense, so a bluetooth adapter for what he already has is in order
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These look promising too
I have qudelix and I still prefer wires.
These hiss and the wire is not memory wire, it pulls the IEMs out of your ears.
They're pretty handy. You're losing out on some fidelity naturally, but if you've got some decent IEMs or over ears you'd rather use over native BT they're pretty nice. Allegedly Ugreen has one of the better models, mine is a Lazata, but I'd wager all the non name brand ones use the same guts since mine looks the same as your pic, just in blue.

Everyone recommends this guy's course to learn Spring. Is he good?
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>carnegie mellon university
>its real
he's not indian
he wants to be Indian so bad
I don't mind black instructors, although it's odd there's so little of them.
This guy is better:

Is Jonathan Blow unironically the smartest living programmer?
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>2010 was 20 years ago
tldr, what the fuck is rewind and what is braid and how does this improve netcode speed for fps games?
I don’t know or care who the fuck Jonathan Blow is but he sounds like a gay porno actor (sub/bottom)
>technically speaking
Does it run fast enough?
Does it look good enough?
Does it just work, without introducing problems elsewhere?
Does it allow for quick and extensive tweaking?
That's all that matters for gamedev, which is why other devs actually make multiple games and improve while Blowjob is stuck "remastering" his decade-old project.


>*unintelligible blabbering*

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Incredibly impractical distro with no real benefits.
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nu uh
I just think the logo is ugly reminds me of some kind of organ like a liver
Because it removes toxic waste from your system?
Kinda based ngl. Liver is one organ
where did they go? what were you going to use them for anyway? I hoard electrons and you cannot do anything about it.

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So, is it over?
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And the Linux Foundation funds DEI and woke institutions that have nothing to do with Linux...
nothing wrong with DEI you fucking kike
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Chrometards btfo !
That doesn't mean dick. Lockheed Martin funds pride events but you don't see gay communities banding together to assemble F-22 Raptors so they can blast your little chuddy ass out of orbit.
If Google truly had a say in Firefox affairs, they would've ordered them to move from gecko to chromium, like every single web browser. Use your brain.

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Toaster Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting

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Is there any reason for me to use scrot instead of flameshot?
OpenBSD has softraid encryption, FreeBSD supports... something and native ZFS encryption. That something is incase you can get in trouble just for having an encrypted drive. So it hides that it is encrypted but I don't remember the name
flameshot is a dumb name
>Implying scrotum is better.
Nah but I guess I could try it.
What's scrotum? Scrot is short for screenshot. Stop thinking about dicks and balls for two seconds.

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I haven't seen any keyboard threads lately so I'm almost afraid to ask, but I'm on the market for a new mechanical keyboard and I've currently got my eyes on the Keychron V5. Working at Amazon, I've had the opportunity to "test" an open-package used one, and I really like it. It reminds me of my favorite keyboard, the Das Keyboard 4 Professional. Mainly because it feels insanely solid, and when you press the keys, you can hear the sound/vibration basically travel through the entire board, but without any rattling sounds or indication that the different parts are shifting around. I'm not really sure how to describe it, other than that it's kind of like when you slap a crisp apple with your finger, and you can hear the sound sort of "spring" through the whole apple, but in a way that you can tell the whole apple is very solid. I also love that it has the volume knob, something I've dearly missed about my Das 4 Profressional. And maybe it just speaks to the latent consoomer in me, but the frosted transparent plastic reminds me of the Nintendo 64/GameBoy color era. I can't not love that.

I'm currently using a Ducky One 2 TKL that I got because /g/ was always fawning over it. It's a great board and I don't really have any complaints, but I definitely feel like it's been somewhat of a downgrade in overall feel and build quality, despite being functional and no-nonsense. Any weird schizo rants aside, what do you guys think of Keychron boards? Are there other boards with similar or better build quality per dollar spent you'd recommend? I just want a no-nonsense board with a solid build and high-quality feel, preferably one that looks and sounds really nice.
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I'm using a V5
I like the switches a lot, it's solid. I have no complaints other than the fucking USB-C port which is flimsy. The rotary encoder and the numpad are nice to have but honestly I don't use them much. It's just nice and honestly I feel like it's worth its price at least.
That said now I'm looking for a keyboard for my laptop when at home and I have no idea what to grab.
What exactly are you crying about? Take your meds and try again.
What material of keycaps will be "grippy" if that makes sense? Like the opposite of slippery.
has anyone here been autistic enough to try one of these?
Love me Rainy 75 t b h, simple as. Wish it had a volume knob but feels and sounds terrific. I'll fight anyone who argues.

Making the AI Dream of Electric Sheep, Edition

Prev: >>100731968

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

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Razr+ (40 Ultra) edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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the line glitches and expands to where the lock icon is at times. i'll show everyone when it happens again
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Jolla 1, redmi note 5, redmi note 8 Pro, mi 9t, poco x3 nfc, mi 10, Pixel 4a, s10e, s21, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, zenfone 8, Xperia 10 III, Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi 12x, S23, iPhone 15 Pro and currently Redmi note 13 Pro+. Why did I change phone so many times you may ask? Well it is pretty damn simple. Nearly all of them lack something. This is by design to make me wanna upgrade every time there is a new model. But now I am really content with this Redmi since it has lots of ram and storage as well as a good screen with awesome battery life and charging speeds.
>6.5 inch screen
If it's 120Hz LTPO OLED and the phone still costs sub-$500 I'd be fine with it despite liking 6.1 inchers the most.
That's actually so fucking horrible. I got my grandmother a Galaxy A15 4G, because it seemed like the best option at that $150 price range, and she's loving the battery life and performance. The screen is okay too if you look past the bezels. I can't imagine that a phone that will cost 3 times as much, and from a premium company like Apple, will have a worse screen than an entry level smasnugg phone meant for kids and elderly.
I have purchased a Nokia 6300 to replace my phone.
My PC was replaced with a via artigo running windows xp and a sega Dreamcast.

This is it, the rest of you cucks can rot in hell. I’m escaping to freedom.
Moto Edge 40

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Aesthetic edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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>he thinks the headpos are in rotation
oh are they leftovers that you just dont use anymore? or do you just wear them with the fox ears to look cute on camera while you ride a dildo on discord?
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Let's see what this is all about. I don't know why but I have more faith in cheap earbuds than cheap iems.
not him but basically yes. foxzo is very based, be more like him
trust me, you'll lose faith very soon
Agree 100%

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I know a guy that has a watermill generator, but never heard of anyone who used a solar panel.
They sould good for economy in the long term, if you have the money to invest.
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i would love to start a district heat+power plant cooperative but i have zero equity or credentials
> never heard of anyone who used a solar panel
every other house in my country has solar panels, you outed yourself as a 3rd world fag
> If solar panels made financial sense, everyone would be doing it
you’re glowing
No, I don't live in the USA.
Well yes, but it is outside of and isn't applicable to the U.S. In Europe, some countries, electricity is very expensive and it makes total sense to get panels instead.
like this one? see? His electricity is cheap, not worth it for him at the moment.

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