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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license.
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option.
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal,
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats.

>Which version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-No feature updates
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps

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Do you need to use the deep scan? I tried it out of curiosity on my games directory to see if it's able to find anything but it can only find the entries but the actual data is more or less gone. Even when I tried it right after deleting a directory.
I don't think I needed it at the time
does win10 iot officially support installation to usb drive (nvme) or do i have to install some frankenstein drivers
Yeah IIRC you can get Rufus to Windows To Go it to an enclosed USB NVMe
>5th day on W11 IoT LTSC
>found the experience pretty pleasant for the most part
I've had to do a bunch of little tweaks and shit but now that I'm settled in and everything is how I like it, its pretty alright.

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By golly, the chinks have actually done it
Finally, a chinkheld that isn't dogshit
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that's not a xperia play

/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100761958 & >>100752865

>(06/01) KV cache quantization support merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/7527
>(05/31) K2: Fully-reproducible model outperforming Llama 2 70B using 35% less compute: https://hf.co/LLM360/K2
>(05/29) Mistral releases Codestral-22B: https://mistral.ai/news/codestral/
>(05/28) DeepSeek-V2 support officially merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/7519
>(05/24) Draft PR adds support for Jamba: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/7531

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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qwen2 will go straight on the "a bit better than modern turbo and maybe old gpt4" pile like l3, wizardlm and cr+
<|start_header_id|>{{char}}<|end_header_id|>(I understood the rules for writing and will adhere to them fully)\n\n
>includes Orwells writing rules
Based nigga giving me the rundown.
>Your cock is balls deep in Haruki's ass, though it's not yet clear whether or not you intend to cum inside or stop the act and ask her for forgiveness. (Corruption 0%)
God, I hope not. Had to deslop the card as this nigga kept raising corruption just by looking at the slut. Now we can actually talk without her entering her second trimester.

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How does /g/ organize themselves with mundane stuff like
>todo lists
>journaling (the regular kind and the girly scrapbooking kind)
>calendars for important dates
>spreadsheets to keep inventory of collections (if you're a hoarder)
>financial ledger (useful if you're self-employed and still pay taxes)
>your long list of shit to do, like a backlog or smthg
>contact book
>cryptographic tokens, TOTP tokens, SSH and GPG keys

I keep most of this stuff in an encrypted git repo and post-it notes for short term reminders and goals and stuff but I kinda wanna switch to doing more stuff on paper because having it all on your computer makes me less likely to keep them updated, using termux on your phone to write and append stuff to my ledgers with my text editor when I'm away from my computer is more tedious than it has any right to be.
Pic somewhat related, an extremely overpriced series of weekly planners, Japan.
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>away from my computer
dont do that
t. hikkineet
i started writing daily to-dos, notes, but only tihngs that are work related in a small notebook and i do have to say, as someone who is very disorganized and ADHD, it has helped a ton. it also helps with me leaving work at work, because i don't have to store work tasks and reminders in my brain over the weekend, i just open up to the page i made the friday before, and it all magically comes back to me.
i've tired logseq and all of the other shilled ejournaling programs constantly spouted about on the internet, but a notebook just fucking works, ya know?
also, please recommend a good daily (not dated) but formatted planner pls
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How long before fake nostalgia ADHD zoomers start driving up the price of palm pilots so they can larp like it's 1999?
Org-mode/Emacs is the best tool I've found to do all of the above in an integrated, relatively simple way (simple as in the org format is very simple, straightfoward, and pleasant, org-mode itself is a fucking behemoth), but at the same time, I tend to find that I get way too autistic with it. I overwhelm myself by trying to manage, store, and relate too much information. For instance, I'll end up making a massive, several-hundred-line todo list with every little thing that needs to be done or a project/activity I'd like to work on, but there's so much shit I can't pick out any one thing to do, and I avoid even looking at the list because it's stressful. It's got a trillion features, and it's easy to waste time tinkering around with a bunch of shit that might not end up making you any more productive or organized in the end.

My current organization is a total shit show, but I tend to find that trying to keep everything super-organized is more trouble than it's worth. For a todo list/calendar/reminders, I just use a text file with no special formatting, and try not to let it get too long. I store contacts in a text file. I store notes in text files and loosely sort them with folders. For journaling, I just write text files with the name of the file as the date of the entry, and sort into folders based on year. For bookmarks, I currently use my browser, but self-hosted browser syncing is such a bitch I'll probably switch over to using a text file for that at some point too. A nice advantage of this approach is that there are a billion and one ways to easily sync and edit a text file, and Unix utilities work very well with all of your files.

Backlogs are awful, by the way--either do something when you have the impulse to, or don't. Backlogs always end up making things that should be fun into chores, and by the time you get around to a lot of the items on your backlog, you won't even have an interest in them anymore.

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>yandex is better than any US search engine
>baidu is better than any US search engine
>telegram is better than any US messenger
>wechat is better than any US messenger
>VK is better than any US social network
>bilibili is better than any US video platform
We have less racists and transphobes than Russia and China combined.
come on people would use instagram over it
Outsourcing to poos.
People spending formative years on weed and simping.
The worst education system humanly possible.
and that's what's causing problems in this country

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He arranged 16 slices of human brains into a digital neural network by making them talk through computer interfaces

The 16 slices operate together altough they are not biologically connected to each other




FinalSpark claims its Neuroplatform is the world's first online platform delivering access to biological neurons in vitro.

>Moreover, bioprocessors like this "consume a million times less power than traditional digital processors," the company says.

FinalSpark says its Neuroplatform is capable of learning and processing information, and due to its low power consumption, it could reduce the environmental impacts of computing.

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/bst/ - Battlestations thread
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'66 Chev Caprice with a 502.
boomer tier
Fucken nice anon. My dream car is a '66 Beaumont SD.
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New 6-monitor setup
I grew up riding in it. Would you prefer to know my dailies are both 80's Squarebodies?

>Leaf Chevelle
Very nice choice, and thanks Anon. I've always wanted to get my hands on either a '59 Brookwood or a '60 Parkwood wagon, I'd settle for a '67 Nova wagon, though.

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Now that the holy trinity has settled what could we still improve?
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No library is guaranteed to be secure, but libjxl is using just about every tool that exists for improving C++ safety, its developers have offered browser vendors to port it to a memory-safe language if that's desired, and a third-party Rust implementation also exists. libwebp never had anywhere near that degree of dedication to safety, nor do almost any codecs, including libavif, dav1d, and svt-av1.

The possibility that code has security vulnerabilities does not mean that people should just stop writing new code. You just do what you can to mitigate the chance and impact of those vulnerabilities, because new and improved functionality is worth the risk.
Nah, something's not right. Apple knows something that we don't.
Even though Firefox still has it in their binary hidden behind a flag?
>Apple has more knowledge than anyone else
>This extra knowledge has led Apple to decide it's a good idea to support JPEG XL
>Therefore it is a bad idea to support JPEG XL

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How are you doing /g/uy?
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there's only 1 implementation that matters. nightly, beta, and stable are rolling branches
>no motivating project ideas
>maybe should try to do games
>no good game ideas
Think of a program you use regularly that annoys the fuck out of you, and make a replacement for that.
Or, take your two favorite videogame genres and attempt to merge them together.
>>no motivating project ideas
This is something I struggle with.
>come up with "good" idea
>do a quick cursory look online
>someone else doing it already
do any game at all and experiment with variations on it. Take an asteroids raylib example and change how the ballistics work (friendly fire), or how the guns work (joystick-controlled turret), or add co-op, or add an enemy player that can spawn asteroids.
Even a game like Sokoban can turn into Helltaker (+VN, +time limit, +hazards) or Sokobond (chemistry instead of goals)
blend your skills together, and blend your interests together. It's how you can do something worthwhile without being the first or the best. Scott Adams has a book about it that I haven't read.

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70 years ago the US went to the moon with computers the size of houses that aren't as powerful as your modern pocket calculator.

But now we somehow can't go back to the moon anymore?

What gives???
It is pointless
SpaceX sends astronauts to the moon now and you know it. America let its manned shuttle program gap because it knew that the private sector was coming up and they could do it much more efficiently and because the Artemis II is taking forever.
>sends astronauts to the moon now
fuck you know what I meant. it's Saturday night I'm drunk
whatever . shut up. I thought this was an ISS thread. who cares about the moon? we're only going back because China is

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sleep in your car to reduce your commute time

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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i wish i had a giant 4hp spinning nylon wire brush bolted to the ceiling
He's giving you runway to look for a new job
He's a real nigga
my favorite animal. the chicken
Per my last email
imo it's a very specific class of people who end up like this. the actually literal average person i meet is not like this, but i hang out in a mix of alternative and boomer bars. but when i go to more "normie" places, i sometimes do meet people like that and they always either work in some kind of admin role or are studying something super liberal.

there's a lot of "bullshit jobs" out there but 100% the one that genuinely does nothing of value and is staffed exclusively by valueless people is anything purely administration and especially HR

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Facebook is technology. Should I delete my account?

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How do you respond?
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linux users are always mad
I use a hair comb, your move now liberal
Buy and ad Ms. Borman
>Program works fine
>No more updates
>Still works fine
Neofetchbros... We won.

do you eat in front of your computer?
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>After a certain age, you only need protein shakes.

fucken ensure drinker - m8 unless you're anorexic, 75 or a fucking retard (even they get manoy plates and shit) that's just stupid.

at that point I think it looks the same going out as it does in.
>I eat at the dining room table as does my partner.
Does your wife's son join you occasionally?
Sure thing carlos
You don't know where your mom lives?
Yes, often.

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Alternatives for a reasonable price?
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>I typed on one of those for a year and a half and fucking hated it.
What specifically were your gripes with it?
The clit is mandatory. Trackpads are worse than dying of aids
But these are for trannies
Why in the everloving fuck are they so expensive
t. $300 Ergodox EZ enjoyer
>for tv
just your tv box remote retard

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