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my laptop has this key, wtf does it even do?
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gay loser virgin spambot thread
It absolves you of dignity
welcome to the thread anon

i didnt have any to begin with
It summons faggotry.

Okay, maybe not, but it is an inane FotM trend thing that should die out not long from now. Pay it no mind.
yea they are pushing it so fucking hard, its just annoying they managed to get it on oems before it eventually will get memoryholed

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What are the target schools for places like Jane Street? What does it take? Should I do the Putnam competition? Do you know anyone who got in here?
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Let me guess, Somerville
This feeder school thing is nonsense. The founders themselves didn't even go to those schools. It's the projections of anxious, tense masses in an information vacuum.
crazy, I've been thinking about making some open-source quant analysis software but unfortunately that's already been made (QuantConnect), maybe I'm not thinking hard enough but I wonder if there are any more real ways for me to demonstrate interest. This is just a pipe dream, i'm at community college so unless I somehow transfer to an ivy league this is a 0.01% chance (I'm sure a quant here can do the math and give me the real numbers).

The combination of finance and CS makes it so fascinating to me, the cracking of market data and throwing away all traditional financial analysis for just a complete math & stat look at it is so appealing to me. I wish I could work in this space, maybe I could have a shot at a some super low tier quant fund or something if that even exists. I guess there is a lot of money in this field but im honestly not chasing that, it's again a combination of two major interests of mine. Sucks that I wasn't career minded in highschool.
>this thread again
no one has heard of Jew Street
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>Let me guess, Somerville
>he knows
it's over
what character is picrel?

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I want to get back into game development and am considering picking up Godot. I have Unity in the and enjoyed that but seems like they have become a licensing nightmare these days.

I am kind of hoping that Godot will become the Blender of game engines, as in very robust commonly used.
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>> keep modelling/mapping in Blender and have it properly reimported with autocollisions in Godot after changes.
Honestly dont see the appeal of this. Just build your scene in the game engine once then replace stuff when you need to, i dont want or need blender to
Be an extension of my editor
what kind of asset swap pajeetware slop are you making where you dont do all the modelling/texturing in an 3dcg program
damn that sounds really convenient
I had a phase where I went hard on my blender grind making UV mapped scenes like the ones Ian Hubert makes
Ive had a vague idea for an exploration game for a while and this is kind of inspiring me to actually do it
If you're mapping for existing game which already has all the assets and textures and you mostly need to place existing things and to only model slightly, then using something less general than general purpose modelling software might make more sense. But in my current process I'm coming up with models during the mapping process itself, so it's super convenient to be able to do it all in Blender. Imagine modelling every single decoration out of context where it is used vs modelling it exactly in the place you want it to put.
Their official discord is like this too

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>year 2069
>artificial woumbs are a thing
>fleshlights are now electronic and can give you multiple orgasms in sucession and at will
>both of them are stuck into a teslabot™ with realflesh™ skins created by 3d rendering AI
>Neuralink™ bought the personalities of agreeable/trad women and downloaded a copy of their consciousness into their waifu grade teslabots™
Would you get one?
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I wasn't talking about the end of the story. Robot wives are the perfect solution to the problem feminism creates in societies.
Waifubots are coming sooner than 2069. Much sooner.
>multiple orgasms in sucession
Only possible if you're not mutilated.
>Why did Rey Skywalker get written the way she did?
Straight answer, because Disney had no idea what they were doing. They wanted new fans, that would buy more merchandising, but they failed to give them what they wanted, which was a Rey & Kylo ship, suddenly the old fans hated then and the new fans hated them. Oh noes, Panic...

Since then they seem to have been far more circumspect, some of the offshoots and the cartoons have actually been objectively good.

I do think that US women will do far worse out of this, than if they had left well enough alone. Young women especially, but that ship has sailed.

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Large fries edition

previous: >>100710709

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

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S-stop. Trolling. Me. I am not a layman when it comes to computers. It's just this branch is new to me.
Unless there is more shit to poke at in the webui, take out the disks and reattach them to your computer directly.
If it can't recognize them, better hope recovery tools can find the old ntfs remains. They usually can if nothing else was written over it, but you need another disk to send recovered data to because (at least what I used in the past) the program won't reserve the blocks its recovering from.
Let's suppose I don't care about the data. I still can't make a new folder for example.
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is it possible to reset SMART data?
I bought three of them in December. two are fine but one clicks like the dickens and writes one byte per 10 GB wrong. I should have returned it, but whatever, it's been fine so far as long as I do a CRC check on what was written
anyway, I don't know if they're re-writing SMART but they clearly are able to identify bad drives to foist them on the consumer or they wouldn't be this cheap. whatever, I'm hoping that it's fine because I'm just long-term archiving data, not being a proper server. sus meter is high and probably wouldn't buy again. maybe. I'm pretty shameless

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Best way to create forecast for demand in time series? ARIMA right?
Is there a simple resource that would let me learn how to get going in a relatively short period of time?
arima nuts, amirite?
I can only find multicolor fans on the market and not just red for some god damn reason
Guys this is serious, I got a job thanks to my 'data analytics' skills but the last 'data analytics' I did was an econometrics course fifteen years ago
>background is rice
I can't believe it took me this many years to notice this

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He arranged 16 slices of human brains into a digital neural network by making them talk through computer interfaces

The 16 slices operate together altough they are not biologically connected to each other




FinalSpark claims its Neuroplatform is the world's first online platform delivering access to biological neurons in vitro.

>Moreover, bioprocessors like this "consume a million times less power than traditional digital processors," the company says.

FinalSpark says its Neuroplatform is capable of learning and processing information, and due to its low power consumption, it could reduce the environmental impacts of computing.

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it works with animal brains but it is too inefficient
actually even a chimp is bad choice

there is truly only two options: either human brain cells or crows and humans remain the better choice
friendly reminder humanity successfully cloned a sheep in 1996 and then everyone "agreed" to stop researching cloning.
Although if you believe they actually complied with the deal, I have a bridge to sell you.

>pay 3000 USD for new wetware GPU
>ten billion times faster than old silicon GPU
>output is occasionally contaminated with the nightmarish terrors of a lobotomized human brain that has only known suffering for its brief existence
>have to constantly pump in fish food or else it starves
>constant risk of infection
>not by computer viruses by actual viruses

>gets really high FPS in fortnite tho
Everyone get down or I'll turn the first person I see into an expensive gaming PC!
>>output is occasionally contaminated with the nightmarish terrors of a lobotomized human brain that has only known suffering for its brief existence

put it into zombie terror games

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Web Scraping General

Doomer edition

QOTD: Why even scrape? What's the point?

> Captcha services

> Proxies
https://hproxy.com/ (no blacklist) (recommended, owned by friend of /wsg/)
https://infiniteproxies.com/ (no blacklist)

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Wtf based yandex
Top kek
is u nebody has realize success integrating 2captcha etc within a Apify actor ?

In alternate English, has anyone had success with integrating a CAPTCHA solving service within an Apify actor? Specifically looking to step past reCAPTCHAvRetarded on a login form....

I cannot English tonight

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>european union pissed and shidded itself over cookies so hard, every website is assfucked into wasting time adding a pointless popup to ask for a permission to store 64 byte login tokens on my SACRED STORAGE DRIVES
>meanwhile desktop programs are allowed to do this
over the last 5 years, razer corporation TOOK A SHIT right into my windows folder THREE HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN TIMES with 12.4 GIGABYTES OF INSTALLERS!
this cannot be legal
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Maybe the websites and companies shouldn't be fucking cunts and follow the intention of the law
>small european companies can literally go bankrupt for a minor mistake
>big american companies get fined with the equivalent to the money those companies make in approximately 15 seconds so they literally don't have to give a fuck about the law
The intention of the law is what, exactly? To make it absolutely clear that the EU only exists to serve our american overlords?
it shouldn't be desu. i'm too lazy these days but i used to do a fresh windows install on any device i bought to get rid of the bloatware

these days i only buy from pawn shops and they already do that shit for you, worst case it comes with Foxit or some boomer shit like that
>>small european companies can literally go bankrupt for a minor mistake
nice persecution fantasy
which is aganst the consent law, as the accept and reject button should have the same prominence and amount of clicks.

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How are you doing /g/uy?
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>>no motivating project ideas
This is something I struggle with.
>come up with "good" idea
>do a quick cursory look online
>someone else doing it already
do any game at all and experiment with variations on it. Take an asteroids raylib example and change how the ballistics work (friendly fire), or how the guns work (joystick-controlled turret), or add co-op, or add an enemy player that can spawn asteroids.
Even a game like Sokoban can turn into Helltaker (+VN, +time limit, +hazards) or Sokobond (chemistry instead of goals)
blend your skills together, and blend your interests together. It's how you can do something worthwhile without being the first or the best. Scott Adams has a book about it that I haven't read.
Who gives a fuck if someone else did it? YOU haven't done it and that's a good enough reason to do it.
I was thinking of doing it because I wanted it the final product, but now I've already got it handed to me, so I can't find motivation to do it.
I assume you know foo's length
while (i < foo.length) : (i -%= 1)

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I work for Microsoft and today I saw this in one of the manuals for the MSPaint security project:

"MSPaint should contain a Session Identifier that is uploaded to our servers (Microsoft) alongside the bytes of the image the user is working on.
The data is sent whenever the user:
a) closes the MSPaint window;
b) save the MSPaint project file.

The identifier is different in each session of MSPaint alongside the image data (bytes) to be analyzed by AI to check for criminal activities.
If "suspicious" criminal activities are identified in the analyzed data, a throught human investigation is done and, if necessary, the information is submited to responsible police agencies for investigation.

The user doesn't receive any notification about the processing of the data, that is, it is processed silently and no action is taken in the user account, machine or network that could signal activities on the user data and/or session.

Future builds will run the AI processing locally on the user machine instead of submiting the image bytes to our servers. This solution will reduce bandwidth usage and processing cycles on Microsoft servers, and only send data if the AI identidy suspicious activity generated by the user"
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You do know packet sniffing is a thing. It's why we know that Windows 10 is spyware, but thinking that Microsoft rawdogs MSPaint bitmaps over the internet is hilariously tech illiterate.
damn they really did turn everything into a botnet over in proprietary land didnt they
this. it's 100% for crash reports
and the other 100 privacy scripts too
>I work for Microsoft and
Kek troons are so desperate

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where were you the day the loli vns fell? Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID (Updated 2021-08-22) https://i.imgur.com/akrkAyV.png
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- STATUS https://trackerstatus.info

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

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>/g/ autists will do literally anything but talk to other people like real human beings do
Bot has been changed to a modular structure, making it faster, more customizable and easier to add new features.Lets go over some of the changes and additions.

• Podcasts and Artist (platforms that were missing them) requests have been added for the current supported platforms.
• Extra metadata acquisition has been improved, it is now faster and more accurate.
• Status will now be displaying the various stages (Processing/Downloading/Post Processing/Zipping/Uploading) of the process of your request along with a live progress bar.
• Cancel feature has been added and will be displayed below your request in the status message (Used both in private messages and group).
• An Invite command has been created so you can get the current group invite and share it.
• Countries command will now display dates as well.
• Search has been improved and the results will now be displayed natively on telegram as well as on graph (When searching for Amazon music videos, please note that you may encounter some videos that are no longer available on the platform. These videos cannot be requested, as they are remnants in the API).
• A Config command has been created, allowing you to customize the end result of your request. Run the command for better clarification.
• New request parameters have been introduced, check Help command for better clarification (Quality ID 0 has been removed).
• Idagio, Kkbox, Napster and Bugs
• Apple Music ALAC and Dolby Atmos support has been added (track/album requests only, with a queue of one per time for albums, long duration tracks wont be ripped).• Amazon FLAC will now have matching md5 sum with Qobuz FLAC etc.
• Deezer will now support Sony 360 Reality Audio.• Soundcloud original files acquisition.
• Tidal FLAC has been added but you can also pick MQA.

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the "people" in ggn irc cannot be called human beings
I have never used IRC in my life
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Can someone link me to a one click setup sort of thing for a media server stack? I just want to get a synology without having to be autistic about setting the arr stack manually

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Facebook is technology. Should I delete my account?
Delete? NOOO!!
How will you keep in contact with ur fren and senpai. Only looser don have facebooks. How will u get job? Ur not racis r u?
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>Facebook is technology

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people with this combo, do you actually use it or is it a waste of money?
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>blocks you path
>but with a smile!
where you live? I grew up in northeastern PA. When it would rain during the summers back in 1990s, there was a road by my house that would be littered with these little orange dudes. sadly they stopped appearing. not sure what caused it.
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I don't think I could use a treadmill at the same time as using a computer. The movement would definitely make multitasking the two things very hard. I could try this with my recumbent bike, not quite the same thing, but not so different, i think?
What I do do is have Stable Diffusion gen stuff or a batch of things and since there is nothing else for me to do while i wait, I use my recumbent bike. Stopping for a minute to type a bit is not much of a distraction, then I continue my workout.
lol but rural areas are unironically scary imo. at least in the woods you can larp like you're not gonna die eating the wrong berry or something. you can make an attempt at basic survival, assuming you were a total moron and did not simply go for a planned hike and bring appropriate amounts of food and water. but in western rural areas it's just overheated roads for hundreds of miles and if you step off that road some farmer is gonna blast you with a shotgun and there is literally nothing of interest to look at (at least not look at within range of zeke's .50 beo AR)

suburban areas are even worse. even if the fear of rural people is unfounded, american suburbanites are usually actually that bad, there is even less actual life to keep the place shaded and humid, and the roads are always mazelike and don't actually go anywhere that some touchy WASP isn't leering at you from with their CCW

camping is comfy tho

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70 years ago the US went to the moon with computers the size of houses that aren't as powerful as your modern pocket calculator.

But now we somehow can't go back to the moon anymore?

What gives???
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all nazi rocket scientists are dead, they can't be replaced with diversity hires
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Costs should have gone down because of technological advancements.

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