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>giant ass volume slider that isn't even relevant to the current media
I was streaming a game when this came on screen
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it's 2024 this shit is so tame lol
He watches normie porn? Unsubscribed.
for real though, why does it do this? Does Windows just suck at determining active media?
It keeps track of most-recently-active media so that it knows what to play when you press the pause/play media button. It tends to prioritize dedicated media apps over media feeds in browsers, but that might be a browser thing more than a Windows thing as the browser has to say it's a media stream waiting to resume.
Step your porn game up, OP.

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where were you the day the loli vns fell? Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID (Updated 2021-08-22) https://i.imgur.com/akrkAyV.png
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- STATUS https://trackerstatus.info

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

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>/g/ autists will do literally anything but talk to other people like real human beings do
Bot has been changed to a modular structure, making it faster, more customizable and easier to add new features.Lets go over some of the changes and additions.

• Podcasts and Artist (platforms that were missing them) requests have been added for the current supported platforms.
• Extra metadata acquisition has been improved, it is now faster and more accurate.
• Status will now be displaying the various stages (Processing/Downloading/Post Processing/Zipping/Uploading) of the process of your request along with a live progress bar.
• Cancel feature has been added and will be displayed below your request in the status message (Used both in private messages and group).
• An Invite command has been created so you can get the current group invite and share it.
• Countries command will now display dates as well.
• Search has been improved and the results will now be displayed natively on telegram as well as on graph (When searching for Amazon music videos, please note that you may encounter some videos that are no longer available on the platform. These videos cannot be requested, as they are remnants in the API).
• A Config command has been created, allowing you to customize the end result of your request. Run the command for better clarification.
• New request parameters have been introduced, check Help command for better clarification (Quality ID 0 has been removed).
• Idagio, Kkbox, Napster and Bugs
• Apple Music ALAC and Dolby Atmos support has been added (track/album requests only, with a queue of one per time for albums, long duration tracks wont be ripped).• Amazon FLAC will now have matching md5 sum with Qobuz FLAC etc.
• Deezer will now support Sony 360 Reality Audio.• Soundcloud original files acquisition.
• Tidal FLAC has been added but you can also pick MQA.

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the "people" in ggn irc cannot be called human beings
I have never used IRC in my life
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Can someone link me to a one click setup sort of thing for a media server stack? I just want to get a synology without having to be autistic about setting the arr stack manually

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Facebook is technology. Should I delete my account?
Delete? NOOO!!
How will you keep in contact with ur fren and senpai. Only looser don have facebooks. How will u get job? Ur not racis r u?
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>Facebook is technology

/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100761958 & >>100752865

>(06/01) KV cache quantization support merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/7527
>(05/31) K2: Fully-reproducible model outperforming Llama 2 70B using 35% less compute: https://hf.co/LLM360/K2
>(05/29) Mistral releases Codestral-22B: https://mistral.ai/news/codestral/
>(05/28) DeepSeek-V2 support officially merged: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/7519
>(05/24) Draft PR adds support for Jamba: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/7531

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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I use Wizardlm2 8x22, and lately I have just been using the settings I downloaded here. https://huggingface.co/Quant-Cartel/WizardLM-2-8x22B-exl2-rpcal/tree/main/Settings-Wizard8x22b-rpcal
There's gotta be something better though, I dunno.
should i buy?
>high quality reduces price
your model is retarded
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good call
let me list the specifics
before i start i want to let u know i can run this perfectly fine on kobold, although with pretty slow reply speeds
ggml-LLama 2 13B mlparchive-Q5_K_M
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6gb
Intel core i5-7500 @ 3.40 GHz
24 gb

Let me know if u want any extra info
and thanks for replying, huge relief to finally get replies after last time

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>full cold reboot
yeah that seems like a good idea
Im a dumbass and i put my pc to sleep and almost never shut it down
of course i should have tried that first, im gonna do that rn

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people with this combo, do you actually use it or is it a waste of money?
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>blocks you path
>but with a smile!
where you live? I grew up in northeastern PA. When it would rain during the summers back in 1990s, there was a road by my house that would be littered with these little orange dudes. sadly they stopped appearing. not sure what caused it.
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I don't think I could use a treadmill at the same time as using a computer. The movement would definitely make multitasking the two things very hard. I could try this with my recumbent bike, not quite the same thing, but not so different, i think?
What I do do is have Stable Diffusion gen stuff or a batch of things and since there is nothing else for me to do while i wait, I use my recumbent bike. Stopping for a minute to type a bit is not much of a distraction, then I continue my workout.
lol but rural areas are unironically scary imo. at least in the woods you can larp like you're not gonna die eating the wrong berry or something. you can make an attempt at basic survival, assuming you were a total moron and did not simply go for a planned hike and bring appropriate amounts of food and water. but in western rural areas it's just overheated roads for hundreds of miles and if you step off that road some farmer is gonna blast you with a shotgun and there is literally nothing of interest to look at (at least not look at within range of zeke's .50 beo AR)

suburban areas are even worse. even if the fear of rural people is unfounded, american suburbanites are usually actually that bad, there is even less actual life to keep the place shaded and humid, and the roads are always mazelike and don't actually go anywhere that some touchy WASP isn't leering at you from with their CCW

camping is comfy tho

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70 years ago the US went to the moon with computers the size of houses that aren't as powerful as your modern pocket calculator.

But now we somehow can't go back to the moon anymore?

What gives???
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all nazi rocket scientists are dead, they can't be replaced with diversity hires
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Costs should have gone down because of technological advancements.

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>Steam works no problem
>Chrome 109 version still works a year later
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How does w7 handle the meme cores? Seems like modern Intel CPUs wouldn't be a good fit for it.
W7 is unfit for utilizing e-cores, W11 is the one with the process scheduler that makes proper use of e-cores
Behaves the same as Win10 and 11 from my testing.
I have to use Process Lasso on all 3.
Why don't you pull the source code from windows 11 that handles e-cores and rebuild the operating system?
>Completely demoralized
>"Buck broken"

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>10-cores? Haha, sorry anon, we obviously said 9.
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The reasonably priced samsung tablets have tft screens which i assume look like garbage
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seethe street shitter
show me something that can run android 14
so it can quickly show how shitty the screen is?
nope, wrong and retarded

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(((Who))) killed tabs on the bottom and why?
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wtf year is this even, idiot
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works on my machine
Also, when Google Chrome first launched, they made a big deal over the fact that it was a new approach to browsers. The idea was that it each tab operated as a separate process, and the role of the browser window was to collect these tabs. The tab took the lead role, and therefore was moved to the top. Google had a release video that really caught fire, so even normies understood that this was a new and interesting new approach to browsers (plus at the time people loved Google, and were extremely ready to apply the "just werks" magic of 2000's era Google to browsers, which were constantly crashing).

Contrast to this to Firefox, which was the dominant browser at the time, where the philosophy was still that you had a browser process that held tabs for you. In that approach, the browser is the top level and the tabs are just sub-processes. In that philosophy, it makes sense to elevate the URL bar, an aspect of the browser, above the tabs.
Tabs on bottom on Firefox is the default ever since Firefox 4.0.
3.6 still had tabs on bottom.
Putting tabs on the top is objectively correct because it puts them in slam space

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Premium AI GF company has their API token, endpoint, and, payload json for text and image generation exposed in their web code for all to use for free. What do?
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it's a shitty cope, run a local model poor
send retarded amounts of requests over tor and bleed them dry
that's the type of suggestion I was looking for
i second this

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/g/ humour thread
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i wish my mom treated me like this
So this guy really moved on with his live? I
Nevermind just checked, he decided to make a sci-fi comic and then went on a real hiatus to "focus on his mental health"

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Submit pages and post your finds.

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really nice
a good one
abyssinian cats
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the perfect website. they ceased construction because they realized it could never be improved

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I just to want to uh, lay in bed in whatever position while I interface with my computer with my brain
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Whysoever choose an agluttinative shibboleth?
>lust provoking image
Skill issue. I use my pc from bed.
bed sores hurt

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Incredibly impractical distro with no real benefits.
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Sorry I am not poor, I can afford to buy latest hardware every 2 weeks, can't hear your cope over my cooling fan noise.
think of all the electrons gentoo fags have wasted on coompiling
what would have happened if you abandoned the machine for 3 years and after 3 years gap try to emerge again
nothing, he lives in first world country, he doesn't lose internet for 3 years at a time
I use gentoo

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The more I learn about linux, the more I feel like a retard.

Things that should work don't work. Intuition leads you to broken installs and false command prompts. Some issues are so specific that you can't find help in forums. You later find out that the exact same thing worked on your other PC, just not your previous one. Why? No one knows. Some packes are broken in one repository but are ok in others.

It's a jungle. Even when I accomplish something, I don't feel smarter. It feels like luck or being a retard that copy pasted a solution from an old forum post. Nothing ever just works.

At least as a desktop operating system, that is. I have no issue with simple Samba or SSH stuff.

Is there some good guide on daily driving Linux? Like, actually learning how to understand the inner workings? To get gud? Not just copy paste solutions? I really want to like Linux.

>inb4 I tried Debian and Fedora
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Use Arch with a WM and no login manager and read the Arch/Gentoo wiki.
You'll have a better overview of what you're fucking up if something goes wrong and you won't have a DE abstracting shit away behind its special snowflake configuration tools.
You always were dumb. Linux made you realize how dumb you were.
RTFM, that's literally all there is to it
There's an edited image floating around somewhere with what you want. I'm too lazy to find it though
Linux is impractical and overcomplicated for a daily drive. Come to the normie world, use Windows 10

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