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Choice day edition

Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>NEW GUIDE (WORK IN PROGRESS, USUALLY TRASH): https://pad.disroot.org/p/ZxYEUYubPTPDhsEkKobh
>Mergeboss links (please post in this pad instead of spamming the thread): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

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If Ali is full of fake shit, where else can I buy microSD cards shipped from China?
>the tablet i wanted to purchase went 404 as i was paying

Is there any chance it will reappear? There's no way they really had only 1 in stock in one of these choice stores.
what did you want to buy?
why do the birds looks like nutsacks
>used products are banned
What the fuck am i reading? How the fuck could a law like that possibly have gotten approved?

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/g/ humour thread
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is this guy still going? I asked around for a .zip file of them
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Startup struggles by monkeyuser
That's a good one

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I didn't know about this version, pretty slick
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also, IrfavView has a simple image editor (F12)

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Previous /ldg/ thread : >>100749406

3D Printed Edition

>Pixart Sigma
Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/PixArt-alpha/PixArt-Sigma
Comfy Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui

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Figures you'd just pull megumin kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo from gelbooru/danbooru or the analogue from pixiv via hydrus, gallery-dl, danbooru-downloader,
PixivUtil2, FMD2 though I assume you already had a tool for your current dataset? There's also deepghs/waifuc [+imgutils if you want some extensive preprocessing].

Don't have one for gigachad, admittedly.
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second one has few pepes, first one is probably the main one. I don't think it needs more than pepe_the_frog, <wd14 tags>

btw the boorus of course again also have pepe_the_frog.
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>>100771675 >>100771694
Also if you have no time for preparing any of this I could do it, but I was worried the specifics of how you need it prepared could take longer to explain than the workflow you clearly already had for comparable/the same sources.

And I couldn't do it rn.
the absolute state of this general. you all should be ashamed of yourselves.
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when will this be patched?
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>0.3333... = 1/3
this notation is inadequate for expressing what 1/3 is. there's a reason it is not used in any serious math

american fear of fractions and obsession with decimal systems was a mistake

it's not really "forbidden" to divide by 0, it's just undefined. consider that you cannot multiply a number by anything other than 0 and get 0, but you can multiply literally anything by 0 and get 0. so dividing by 0 may as well just get you "any/all numbers" which is not a useful result. but it's sometimes useful to try, which is why you learn how to do derivatives and limits in 6th grade anywhere that isn't retarded
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the question is ill formed, infinity does not exist
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The result of dividing by zero is unsigned infinity. It doesn't exist on a number line but it exists in projective geometry for example.
>this isn't true either. and use of "x.yyy ..." isn't even real notation
I don't care about "real notation" thoughbeit. You misinterpreted my comment

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>still no flag emojis on windows
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this pisses me the fuck off so much also the most important flag of them all (trans) it's also missing!!!!!!!!!
You're implicitly using the Israeli flag on Windows
Forgposting bannable offense when
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>third major redesign since windows xp
>control panel is still not deprecated
How hard would it be to just link text and buttons of control panel to ""new"" settings app and pretend like the job is done?

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Why are there no notable female programmers?
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>the patriarchy doesn't celebrate successful women unless they're successful specifically in roles that reinforce the patriarchy

Yes. Obviously. Long live the Patriarchy.
>they're just computer programmers with pretensions
...and math skills, and credentials, and a deeper understanding of the code they write on average compared to your common programmer.
No, that's just programmers. There are no math or coding standards that must be attained before a programmer may call himself a software engineer. It's literally just a title that programmers give themselves if they're feeling pretentious, or a title given to them by their boss in lieu of better pay (fancy titles as compensation is a common scam, and the sooner you recognize this the better.)
Yes, of course. It's a grand conspiracy across every culture and every country for nearly 2500+ years!
That's all fun and games until you program something that demands specific tolerances with physical world application such as CAD machines. The only thing really giving you leverage in your argument is that "engineer" is not a protected title. Having said that, most programmers cannot pass the fundamentals of engineering tests and are currently synonymous with "coder book camp" types. It's not 2015 anymore, anon.

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checked, bless
Init programs were never meant to run outside of PID 1
Wanted to do that anyway? We had a tool for that: It was called initscripts.
Yes, please, systemctl start this, systemctl enable that. Commands dreamed up by the utterly deranged.
For servers sure
On home hardware. It can die. Runit.
macOS launchd poser software made by a redhat/microcock faggot.

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How do you respond?
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I use a hair comb, your move now liberal
Buy and ad Ms. Borman
>Program works fine
>No more updates
>Still works fine
Neofetchbros... We won.
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>bash script to display distro version is discounted

Microsoft has dropped so new updates to their open source pride flag.
>In 2022, we open-sourced our Pride flag design representing 40 LGBTQIA+ communities. Our latest update reflects 74 identities. Plus, we are open-sourcing the entire Pride design and invite you to remix, share and make more Pride.

>Created by the LGBTQIA+ people, this year’s flag design represents 74 individual communities—with one powerful graphic that reflects a message of unity, solidarity, and intersectionality. It celebrates a community that’s wide, global, and ever-growing. We’re making it available here on GitHub for everyone to use, share and build on. Because Pride should be open source.

This year’s design builds on our earlier release and adds new LGBTQIA+ flags and layouts.

The following flags are represented in this graphic: Abrosexual, Abroromantic, Aceflux, Achillean, Agender, Ally, Ambiamorous, Androgynous, Androromantic, Androsexual, Aporagender, Aroace, Aroflux, Aromantic, Asexual, A-Spec, Bigender, Biromantic, Bisexual, Ceteroromantic, Ceterosexual, Demiboy, Demifluid, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Diamoric, Egogender, Frayromantic, Gay men, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Gender neutral, Gender questioning, Genderqueer, Gray-asexual, Graygender, Gyneromantic, Gynesexual, Hijara, Intergender, Intersex, Lesbian, Maverique, MOGAI, Multigender, Multisexual, Neurogender, Neutrois, Non-binary, Omniromantic, Omnisexual, Pangender, Panromantic, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polygender, Polyromantic, Polysexual, Pomosexual, Pride (LGBTQIA+), Queer, Sapphic, Straight queer, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transmasculine, Transneutral, Trigender, Two-spirit, Unlabeled, Waria, Xenogender.
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but what do asexuals talk about? Its not like theyre seething about sex or anything
>I cast faggot nova
That appears to be exactly what's taken place.

It reminds me of this rejected European Union flag design.
Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.

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>End up with so many symbols and flags that you just wind up with a spectrum of colors
>Exactly what the LGBT flag got right the first time

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This is why you don't buy Samsung 4K TVs mine burned after 2 years, their Edge LEDs suck

oh well
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my old man has been doing great with a couple of Samsung TVs, many years old each

I scored an old Samsung 1080p TV over a decade old for $20 locally to use with my OG Xbox and N64. No burn-in or anything, it rocks.

you're just an unlucky faggot, it happens, try a Sony instead or something
Costco often lets you get full credit towards another TV if after 4-5yrs if that model is no longer available.
shouldn't backlight issues be easy to fix?
Yes it is worth it child.
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>buy new tv
>use hair dryer to heat up and swap the serial number stickers
>return bad tv as defective for return
it's as shrimple as that

Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (e.g. 4K editing, high FPS gaming)
State budget and COUNTRY or you will not be helped

Zen 5 / Ryzen 9000 announcement likely June 3rd at Computex

Fully seat a 12VHPWR connector in its socket, otherwise the connection can melt.
https://youtu.be/ig2px7ofKhQ?t=1345 [Embed] [Embed]

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: i3 12100

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I'd say the entry price for 60FPS on High in 2024 moviegames is around $1200. Maybe $1k with good deal hunting and some used components. Tower only btw; not including peripherals.
What I'm not saying is that a $700 PC will suck - just that current games are really demanding at the margins. You can get a perfectly good experience at 1080p medium (which still looks better than Ultra settings from 10 years ago) at your budget. Plus ofc less demanding games, even current ones, will run great. Managing expectations.
Post your country and an attempt at a list and some anons will help you. The PCPP build guides are a great place to start. Something like a 12100+RX6600 should be possible at $700 unless your country has stupid high prices on these things.
a steamdeck
Technically anything <90C is within spec. Mobile chips have been boosting based on TjMax for 10+ years now and they're not dying in droves. Ofc on a desktop it's cheap and easy to get a lower load temp so you might as well.
>not dying
but aint individual transistors get burned? it is the expectation of taking damage that raises exponentially with temp, and you are saying that below <90 C it is negligible? So there is no point in going below 90?
I don't get it.. why am I stupid?

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>european union pissed and shidded itself over cookies so hard, every website is assfucked into wasting time adding a pointless popup to ask for a permission to store 64 byte login tokens on my SACRED STORAGE DRIVES
>meanwhile desktop programs are allowed to do this
over the last 5 years, razer corporation TOOK A SHIT right into my windows folder THREE HUNDRED NINETY-SEVEN TIMES with 12.4 GIGABYTES OF INSTALLERS!
this cannot be legal
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it shouldn't be desu. i'm too lazy these days but i used to do a fresh windows install on any device i bought to get rid of the bloatware

these days i only buy from pawn shops and they already do that shit for you, worst case it comes with Foxit or some boomer shit like that
>>small european companies can literally go bankrupt for a minor mistake
nice persecution fantasy
which is aganst the consent law, as the accept and reject button should have the same prominence and amount of clicks.
You can automate rejection of tracking cookies. Now say thank you to European Union.
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>on the internet
this meme needs to fucking die already

>ip address
>browser fingerprint
>meta data
>80% of the web is social media now anyways
>billion dollar companies covertly hacking your device with exploits that aren't found until years later

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Now that the holy trinity has settled what could we still improve?
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>Apple has more knowledge than anyone else
>This extra knowledge has led Apple to decide it's a good idea to support JPEG XL
>Therefore it is a bad idea to support JPEG XL
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Why won't thumbnails show in my folders for .opus files on windows? Is there a way to make them visible? It's aesthetically displeasing
JewXL is dead. Let it rest Jimmy.

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why does /g/ hate this again?
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Don't know, don't care.
I will not use big tech (google, m$, yahoo) email services.
Damn, I guess I better stick to gmail then
>can spin up a throwaway email in 30 seconds
thats literally all I need
Im not sending any sensitive info on protonmail
I just use it for random subscriptions, purchases, sign ups, etc where I want to stay relatively anon and dont want to shit up my personal email
>doesnt post the link
Fuck you fuck bitch
I honestly don't get it, it quite literally looks like a circlejerk because at the end of the day, email is an inherently insecure protocol and for all purpouses ProtonMail is actually the best that someone can feasibly achieve without having to deal with the hassle of setting up an in-house mail just to have to deal with bounce-backs from other providers. This applies even after reading dig deeper's article, protonmail still seems to be the safest bet for a less tech-savy user, at the end of the day it starts to being a really tight fight between convenience and usability once you try to reach for something that is better than proton. Disroot seems to be the best one out of them, but still puts the burden of encryption on the user-side, yes I get that for more hackery users this hould be trivial, this is not friendly at all. Protonmail acts as a good-enough middleground if you don't expect to do anything criminal related to be honest.

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