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when will this be patched?
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if I have 2 apples then I have 2 apples
If I cut an apple in half now I have 1 apple and 1 1/2 an apple or slightly off from 1/2 but the fraction isn't infinitely precise.
not really interested in your low IQ cope, math is abstract and apple is not
how many zeroes is that?
it's actually step 2 that is wrong.

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I want to host a YaCY instance for shits, are there better alternatives?

Gonna be hosting it in a VM on linux.
Host a Lacey instance instead

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Remember Val? (picrel)
This is her now: https://validatorai.com/
remember what Joe took from /g/
I miss contessa-chan bros
topkek, good times anon
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I miss her so fucking much
I still remember proompting those Contessa pics, it's always nice to see them in the video or just posted in the wild, thanks anon

>The UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is now investigating the company's new AI feature

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>trusting microsoft to not enable it
you retard
thank you UK bros
>The file structure makes no fucking sense.
You'll probably like this then.
>le surveillance is nbd
kys $MSFT shill

corporate forces windows on many tech workers
>look at yugioh cards on windows
>go to target and have personal security detail
haha tell me again about how I don't face oppression from surveillance if I have nothing to hide

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Aesthetic edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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Damn! Had no idea. Does it feel like those mice and keyboards that have that soft rubber coating that degrades after a year? Sticky?
it's either that or it stiffens like a brick
>stiffens like a brick
wat??? how is this possible?
are 711 couplers incapable of measuring past 15khz? i see a lot of graphs just falling off a cliff around that point.
EQ Guide Anon here.
They are only rated until 10kHz. You can take a look at IEC 60318-4 for more details.
You can look past that point, but it's not particularly useful. For EQ purposes, it's an even longer story.

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What's your thoughts on picrel now that they're a few years old?
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Expensive, not readily available

Personally, as cool as the concept is, I can't justify having one as they also lack wacom support and there are no swivel display options

t. Fujitsu T938 user/noob artist
I just got a T480 for $70. I really don't see why I would want this overpriced linus tech tips garbage.
>I bet it's some sort of patent fuckery.
Lenovo would have to do some real wizard shit in that case since patents only last 15-20 years.
I'm not seeing anything related that could do it but i'm not looking that hard desu.
love the idea, but to build the same laptop I have right now it would cost about 50% more
also the expansion slots aren't enough
my laptop has 5 slots right now and they're designed nice and compact
if I go with framework, I'd have to lose one slot and carry a usbc hub

also I need digitiser + stylus
360 folding screen so I can use it as a tablet
it would be nice to replace the trackpad with a touchscreen
and a glasses free 3d display + stereoscopic webcam would be amazing for videocalls
Too expensive, no pointing nipple with middle click.

Everyone recommends this guy's course to learn Spring. Is he good?
very good saar spring good for jobs many jobs in Toronto now saar if you need apartment my good friend paratheeti has for cheap only 4.000 rupees for month only share 12 per room very good saar
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>carnegie mellon university
>its real
he's not indian

what's some technology to avoid cyber bullying?
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none, grow a pair and learn to have skin like steel, stop being so sensitive, and stand your ground (meaning tell 'em off and beat them with their own stupidity until they get sick and tired)

but you also have to pick your fights, you'll lose a few and then it is time to fuck off, you'll win other battles, such is the nature of the internet and dealing with the sea of shitters

4chan is not a bad place at all to train yourself due to how this palce is crawling with hostile subhumans,, bitter trash, and schizoids
damn, reading through his reddit account is a real journey and a half kek
Cyber bullying isn't real.
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“Alphabet has been slashing headcount since early last year, when the company announced plans to eliminate about 12,000 jobs, or 6% of its workforce, following a downturn in the online ad market. Even with digital advertising rebounding recently, Alphabet has continued downsizing, with layoffs across multiple organizations this year.

Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat announced in mid-April that the company’s finance department would undergo restructuring, entailing layoffs and moving positions to Bangalore and Mexico City.

[ … ]

The latest cuts come as the company enjoys its fastest growth rate since early 2022, alongside improving profit margins. Alphabet reported a 15% jump in first-quarter revenue from a year earlier and announced its first-ever dividend and a $70 billion buyback.”

It's over for America
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>Once Universal Basic Income kicks in
Are we really going to see that happen in our lifetimes?
not in america
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>The Drumphf
>improving anything
only if by some miracle some lower rank reporting to him or one of his immediate goons manages to bring some good plan to him. Putting any hopes on the senile orange retard is completely ludicrous and absurd. The orange loon isn't your friend or ally in any way.
Adding to this post:

Any of us can web search Indian social hierarchy, and the gist of it is: the plebs at the bottom are dalits and tend to be the lower ranks in a heavily indian-fied company, then I forgot what the middle class is called and tend to be middle management or senior devs/workers, then the abusive asshole Brahmin types seek the top ranks. They consider themselves racially and culturally superior to everyone else on the planet, and they tend to be abusive managers. They seem cool with all their self-restraint practices when you get to know them, and they are all vegetarians, too. India has legally banned this stratification of their country, but Indians are still classist and racist at heart. It will likely take a very long time for India to weed this stuff out.
So as we approach the inevitable and eventual 99% unemployment or so, we'll all be killing and eating each other while other countries fare better?

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What's the point in having a GPU run excessively hot by default? As in designed with insufficient cooling for it's normal use.
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In the trash, where they belong
A transistor is a kind of semiconductor, a semiconductor is a conductor with variable resistance. A resistor turns electricity into heat. A transistor has to make heat to work. That's just how it goes
Anon, the point of this thread is:

Even though EVERYONE on /g/ has played games, continues to play games, will play games.
I only use my GPU for running benchmarks and cooking small eggs
It will boost until it hits your power or temp limit. You can freely adjust both.

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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources
https://gnu.org/s/emacs (Site)
https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Awesome Emacs)

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
https://emacs.amodernist.com (Configuration Generator)
https://systemcrafters.net/emacs-from-scratch (Emacs from Scratch)
http://xahlee.info/emacs (Xah Emacs Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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sincerely why is clojure's status as a lisp so contested? like it does deviate a great deal from schemes or common lisp, but it seems like it nonetheless implements all the same features that people like to state "makes lisp different"
thenks sars
It's one noisy autist.
Has anyone tried using "Caveman", the web framework for Common Lisp, on Guix?

I'm hitting a snag because the default project Caveman generates calls ql:quickload but Guix doesn't have quicklisp. So I comment it out, and then it keeps complaining that packages are missing.
For each one I add a "require", but now I'm running into new errors that say packages have also exported the same symbols and a troubling message that says "File has been modified since compilation".
Is there a better way to handle this?
>Is there a better way to handle this?
Just use ASDF like they should instead of QL:QUICKLOAD. The equivalent is ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM but a better solution is to write an ASDF system definition for your project.
The problem you are having is because QL:QUICKLOAD uses the package system (so doesn't create symbols in your current package) but REQUIRE works the exact same as it does in elisp so symbols are created in your current package because it just loads files.

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Incredibly impractical distro with no real benefits.
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Tranny distro.
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nobody cares, not going to use this tranny mutilated distro where hardware binary firmware blobs are le bad and packages are so unmaintained, that I could update faster on LFS.
>need to use some hardware you bought 10 years ago and is still supported but not really maintained by anyone? Well just don't.
Sorry I am not poor, I can afford to buy latest hardware every 2 weeks, can't hear your cope over my cooling fan noise.

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>Been on site since 2012
>Desktop user
>Got a new smart phone after years of disgust to smart phone generation and only use for small things
>fall in love with crisp scrolling animation on phone
> Love the centered format of the text on 4chan on the phone
>Go back to using desktop 4chan
>Disgust at formatted text shot across the screen like a website with no CSS or JavaScript.

I can't do this anymore bros.
How does anyone use this site on desktop!
Very true this site is unusable on desktop. Also phone posting is comfy and portable. Only problems are that on iPhone viewing webms is tedious, and generally using cellular data (android or iOS) will sometimes get you in a range ban
>Phoneposting is le based
Now try actually posting regularly through an app.

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>year 2069
>artificial woumbs are a thing
>fleshlights are now electronic and can give you multiple orgasms in sucession and at will
>both of them are stuck into a teslabot™ with realflesh™ skins created by 3d rendering AI
>Neuralink™ bought the personalities of agreeable/trad women and downloaded a copy of their consciousness into their waifu grade teslabots™
Would you get one?
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Trad wife I said, not tard wife
mama mia
i would never marry a robot. i'd rather be alone. i am alone.
you can't differentiate incel threads from subversive threads anymore
why is he crying

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Choice day edition

Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>NEW GUIDE (WORK IN PROGRESS, USUALLY TRASH): https://pad.disroot.org/p/ZxYEUYubPTPDhsEkKobh
>Mergeboss links (please post in this pad instead of spamming the thread): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

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>go on ali for a couple of spare parts
>end up spending half a grand on chinkshit
Post pic.

>half a grand
Maybe worth?
Slim chance, but anyone have experience with mini cameras?
Basically I'm looking to peep inside the walls of my house to see general picture of studs / plumbing pipes so I don't tear more holes than I need to and can identify where the pipes I'm interested might be and if it's spacious enough to work in. It'd be nice if a slim flex wire camera with LED light could go inside a smaller hole and get a picture.
I see some endoscopy-type cameras, but their ideal focal distance is only like ~12cm, and are not wide angle. Some "spy nanny" cameras seem to be wide angle, but then don't have an LED and usually have a shorter, bulkier wire.
Looking for wired connection or microSD with "automatic" recording, as I'd like to avoid random chinky spyware apps / Wi-Fi connection. Cheers bros
>endoscopy-type cameras
i have both a parkside self contained unit $49 and a chink 10m usb one that i bought "locally" for $12, both are 7mm and came with tip/mirror accessories. and while the parkside has a longer focus distance (i dont think i can even make it go out of focus, both near or far) the screen fucking sucks ass. imagine the shittiest 90s laptop tft, its like that. so whatever you end up buying just make sure it has a usb plug on the end instead of its own screen (yeah yeah, carrying the laptop around, just plug it into the phone, it also works)
if you want i can maybe take some pictures with both tomorrow if i have the time (i think the self contained unit can store pics on it, not sure i can i can get them out tho, i might have to take a photo of the screen *vomits a bit*)
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>Look below!

>look below
>no news

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