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are these 3.5mm-to-bluetooth adapters worth it or should I just suck it up and deal with wires?

>connect to headphones via 3.5mm jack
>connect to PC/theater via bluetooth
>wired headphones are now pseudo-wireless
Probably not unless you've got some snowflake IEMs you're married to. Good Bluetooth headsets aren't expensive.
>Bluetooth headsets
choose one, and integrated bluetooth circuitry is shitty, their built-in amps and DACs are always shitty versus external hardware of any kind - basically, they are about convenience at the expense of quality, and then OP wants to make do with what he already has at a low expense, so a bluetooth adapter for what he already has is in order
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These look promising too
I have qudelix and I still prefer wires.
These hiss and the wire is not memory wire, it pulls the IEMs out of your ears.

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Now that the holy trinity has settled what could we still improve?
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>Apple has more knowledge than anyone else
>This extra knowledge has led Apple to decide it's a good idea to support JPEG XL
>Therefore it is a bad idea to support JPEG XL
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Why won't thumbnails show in my folders for .opus files on windows? Is there a way to make them visible? It's aesthetically displeasing
JewXL is dead. Let it rest Jimmy.

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why does /g/ hate this again?
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Don't know, don't care.
I will not use big tech (google, m$, yahoo) email services.
Damn, I guess I better stick to gmail then
>can spin up a throwaway email in 30 seconds
thats literally all I need
Im not sending any sensitive info on protonmail
I just use it for random subscriptions, purchases, sign ups, etc where I want to stay relatively anon and dont want to shit up my personal email
>doesnt post the link
Fuck you fuck bitch
I honestly don't get it, it quite literally looks like a circlejerk because at the end of the day, email is an inherently insecure protocol and for all purpouses ProtonMail is actually the best that someone can feasibly achieve without having to deal with the hassle of setting up an in-house mail just to have to deal with bounce-backs from other providers. This applies even after reading dig deeper's article, protonmail still seems to be the safest bet for a less tech-savy user, at the end of the day it starts to being a really tight fight between convenience and usability once you try to reach for something that is better than proton. Disroot seems to be the best one out of them, but still puts the burden of encryption on the user-side, yes I get that for more hackery users this hould be trivial, this is not friendly at all. Protonmail acts as a good-enough middleground if you don't expect to do anything criminal related to be honest.

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>anon, you don't understand, AI is way smarter than us, it will destroy us

How do you respond without sounding mad?
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>How do you respond without sounding mad?
Get a new bait
How can AI be smarter than us if it can't even do DMT and eat elk meat?
Is the "AI" in the room with you now? What is it telling you?
The muslim problem is virtue signalling liberals who don't know how the world works graciously allowing muslims to migrate to Europe.

The low crime levels, high average levels of education and the very well working safety net that Europe has is because of vast investments in education and preventive measures against crime and addiction.

The two have nothing to do with each other.

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/g/o bros, thought on Dependency Injection?
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No need to sign your post, vaxtard
until all the unvaccinated drop dead

public class ArrayList : IList {...}
public class LinkedList : IList {...}
public class Queue {
public Queue(list : IList){...}

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How difficult would it be to learn combinatorial optimization? What material is actually good and what should I avoid? I'm looking for learning material and it's a bit overwhelming.
Honestly, I don't know that this is what I actually need to learn. The descriptions of this topic seem to fit my problem. I'm building a tool for an RPG. The tool looks at all of the items you own and calculates which combination will give you the most DPS. Brute force checking each item against all other items is too slow so it's not an acceptable hack here. GPT told me that I could use "Combinatorial optimization, a branch of Discrete optimization".
Small tangent, what is the best way to search for concepts like this when I don't know what they're called? I was using search engines (Google, DDG) but I couldn't come up with the right search keywords so it took forever.
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you are looking for an optimization algorithm, mathematical optimization is completely different. A computer does not do mathematical optimization. Optimization algorithms is basically all of CS
Try this coursera.org/learn/basic-modeling and if its not enough then try coursera.org/learn/discrete-optimization have some fun. I don't know if it will be fast enough, but you will probably learn something interesting and fun.
You need to abstract the problem sufficiently to the point where RuneScape is not mentioned. I've never played RuneScape. Look for rules that obviously produce better gear, it might be solvable that way.
you got your answer nigger, learn comouter science, its probably solved by DSA. Use linear programming if youre convinced its not

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>10-cores? Haha, sorry anon, we obviously said 9.
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You’re seething
Lmao btw I can run ai locally ON A LAPTOP because I have 96 bb ram and like 38 cores or something retarded stay mad though
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>Lmao btw I can run ai locally ON A LAPTOP because I have 96 bb ram and like 38 cores or something retarded stay mad though
enjoy your 10minute battery life currybook
You're clearly too low IQ to visually identify what the problem is from a fucking video, so your opinion is if no value
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What technologies can save the west from global climate change and microplastics before we go extinct by the end of the century?
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I hope every westoid dies a horrible painful death. we are comming for you, time to repay 2000 years of death, colonization and explotation.
first movers advantage, brah. don't plate the hater hate the plame. your century of shame will turn into a millennium before too long
> game of chicken
> literally where you try to be the last person to back out, and if nobody chickens out, everyone fucking dies
> "no actual danger"
So do you think it's a problem or not
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>salty because his people were too dumb to do it to us

Sucks to suck, doesn't it bro?
>develop and deploy space based icbm interceptors
>wipe out india, china, russia and a few other places for good measure

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I haven't seen any keyboard threads lately so I'm almost afraid to ask, but I'm on the market for a new mechanical keyboard and I've currently got my eyes on the Keychron V5. Working at Amazon, I've had the opportunity to "test" an open-package used one, and I really like it. It reminds me of my favorite keyboard, the Das Keyboard 4 Professional. Mainly because it feels insanely solid, and when you press the keys, you can hear the sound/vibration basically travel through the entire board, but without any rattling sounds or indication that the different parts are shifting around. I'm not really sure how to describe it, other than that it's kind of like when you slap a crisp apple with your finger, and you can hear the sound sort of "spring" through the whole apple, but in a way that you can tell the whole apple is very solid. I also love that it has the volume knob, something I've dearly missed about my Das 4 Profressional. And maybe it just speaks to the latent consoomer in me, but the frosted transparent plastic reminds me of the Nintendo 64/GameBoy color era. I can't not love that.

I'm currently using a Ducky One 2 TKL that I got because /g/ was always fawning over it. It's a great board and I don't really have any complaints, but I definitely feel like it's been somewhat of a downgrade in overall feel and build quality, despite being functional and no-nonsense. Any weird schizo rants aside, what do you guys think of Keychron boards? Are there other boards with similar or better build quality per dollar spent you'd recommend? I just want a no-nonsense board with a solid build and high-quality feel, preferably one that looks and sounds really nice.
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I guess not but any piece of shit board sounds fine if you dampen away all the sound. I don't usually like to leave foams in
I keep seeing those things everywhere and I hate them. Especially the OCD-style arrow key placement and le heckin ebin bolume gnob.
I'm using a V5
I like the switches a lot, it's solid. I have no complaints other than the fucking USB-C port which is flimsy. The rotary encoder and the numpad are nice to have but honestly I don't use them much. It's just nice and honestly I feel like it's worth its price at least.
That said now I'm looking for a keyboard for my laptop when at home and I have no idea what to grab.
What exactly are you crying about? Take your meds and try again.
What material of keycaps will be "grippy" if that makes sense? Like the opposite of slippery.

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>everyone is starting to realize AI hype was overblown and stopped giving a shit
Meanwhile I'm still terrified of AI. Just because the technology isn't good enough to replace anyone at this point doesn't mean it's not going to permanently destroy the labor market. One third worlder with internet access and a GPT 4 subscription is (eventually) going to be all you need to replace an entire team of programmers. Even if you do manage to keep your job somehow it's not going to be anything like how it is today. The future is 100% high-level proompting AI that writes perfect machine code for you, in other words you won't have to do any problem solving and everything fun about your job will be automated for you.

Why have people suddenly stopped freaking out about this? It's not like anything has really changed.
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the only issue with that logic is that if some pajeet can replace 10 programmers using AI then a non-pajeet programmer can replace 10,000 pajeets so it'll end up balancing itself out anyway

literally nothing is going to happen
>Why have people suddenly stopped freaking out about this?
>It's not like anything has really changed.
You answered your own question.
It destroyed more jobs in the U.S. by outsourcing work
How would this even be possible to enforce? I can just alter the output enough for it to seem human
There's a big OpenAI release slated for the 6th of June. Supposedly, they're going to release the GPT-4o advanced capabilities (voice, maybe image) and also GPT-5 or whatever their next generation of model is. Several reliable leakers have claimed this.

GPT-4 was released just over a year ago. Why assume the tech is going to be stuck where it is right now, forever? OpenAI started doing this first and everyone just catches up to them, but as soon as they do catch up, OpenAI reveals when they've been doing in the meantime.

The latter half of this decade is going to be unlike anything anyone's ever seen before.

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Any discord group I've seen, it's all the same: in one chat many people talk about different things, people reply to one and other very very rapidly talking about completely different topics (in one "thread"). The conversation moves so fast that it's hard to pay attention. Whatever you type is very likely to be ignored as it is lost in the sea of other messages. And so the conversation moves on, but not in any order, simply for the fact that people type things.

How is this chaos enjoyable? Even on Reddit at least conversations can be easily followed and read, and searched too. I fail to see how socially inept people like this superficial nightmare.
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Is discord an application one has to install or is it available via web?
I'm going to check it out to see what all the hub bub is all about.
>Whatever you type is very likely to be ignored as it is lost in the sea of other messages.
Maybe whatever you type is of no particular interest to anyone, and you're not that important

If this confuses you then IRC would give you a cardiac arrest
>network interrupted for 5s
>lose incoming message, never see it again

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>Tech isn't working
>Slam my fist on it
>Starts working
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Reason why you were able to fix old tech with beating is that old components tend to weight heavier than nowadays and make contacts on motherboard loose, so hitting it may have big change of readjusting connection. This is a case with upper highvoltage transformers in CRTs when they dent motherboard
I know you could fix one of the old Apple computers by picking it up and dropping it.
It was the fix even Apple gave, because the case would expand just enough for shit to move around, and jarring it slapped it back into place.
Tech is the electronigger.
Tits or gtfo
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>he doesn't regularly perform percussive maintenance
I miss this feature

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Large fries edition

previous: >>100710709

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

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Unless there is more shit to poke at in the webui, take out the disks and reattach them to your computer directly.
If it can't recognize them, better hope recovery tools can find the old ntfs remains. They usually can if nothing else was written over it, but you need another disk to send recovered data to because (at least what I used in the past) the program won't reserve the blocks its recovering from.
Let's suppose I don't care about the data. I still can't make a new folder for example.
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is it possible to reset SMART data?
I bought three of them in December. two are fine but one clicks like the dickens and writes one byte per 10 GB wrong. I should have returned it, but whatever, it's been fine so far as long as I do a CRC check on what was written
anyway, I don't know if they're re-writing SMART but they clearly are able to identify bad drives to foist them on the consumer or they wouldn't be this cheap. whatever, I'm hoping that it's fine because I'm just long-term archiving data, not being a proper server. sus meter is high and probably wouldn't buy again. maybe. I'm pretty shameless
The last of EdgeMax developers and talent left the company in 2020.
I don't have the patience right now to explain history of UBNT's temperamental CEO (see: GlassDoor), controller software depending on end-of-life Java versions several times (fixed recently), telemetry on APs sent to UBNT which does not respect global options to disable it, etc. The company isn't the same as it used to be in EdgeMax days (~2016), and the products lag behind competitors in features.

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Just installed WinDirStat... Holy shit...
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There are other frogs
The main problem is that frogshitters don't even try don't even try to post rare pepes anymore. It's just the same 2 jpegs forever until the end of time.
You rang?
>SAD PEPE gets popular
>is no longer sad
Every time. Being sad is why you got popular, sell out.
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And what of smugness?

Is Jonathan Blow unironically the smartest living programmer?
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technically nothing really. but it's a really creative puzzle game in the ways it asks you to think.
witness is a literal IQ filter.
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>2010 was 20 years ago
tldr, what the fuck is rewind and what is braid and how does this improve netcode speed for fps games?
I don’t know or care who the fuck Jonathan Blow is but he sounds like a gay porno actor (sub/bottom)

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