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New prediction for AGI just dropped.
5 years ago it was 2045+
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What kinds of models are being used to do this, and why aren’t they publicly available like chat LLMs yet? I’m a layman and am curious, because I thought LLM was not the way to AGI.
4 years ago it was six years in the future
No one knows if LLMs could become AGI.

The theory currently is that in order for these LLMs to accurately predict next tokens, they need to learn things like reasoning and build internal world models and it is exactly what these LLMs are doing. We don't know how far we can take this. Maybe the LLM will learn to simulate human brain in order to very accurately predict human text.

These big LLMs are as black boxes as are our own brains.
wowzers, le heckin next token prediction is all you need!
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absolute retards in this thread.

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i am fucking self-taught, i didnt attend to any class. Its a part-time unix sys admin. What to do bros. Here is my resume what you think about it.
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The three B's.
Expand a lot more on your resume but don't go overboard Two pages worth is enough for your age and lack of workplace experience.
Dress well, semi-formal at the minimum. Cut your hair/trim your beard, and wear nice deodorant or cologne. If it's a virtual interview, obviously do not do the deodorant, but dress nicely.
Avoid using "umm" as much as you can. Your interview panel will know you're young and nervous, but TRY to project an air of confidence.
As for your qualifications, you're young with not much. Who knows, you might get it, you will likely not. Go into the interview confident but not cocky, but don't expect the job there and then.
Never do two pages, it should be tight single page. I promise you no interviewer reads the second page and it often is a red flag that you're a long winded fag.
Primarily for font sizing.
You want your CV one page only, but a resume with bigger font at 1.5 pages (aka 2), makes for a more pleasant read.
3 or more is a disaster; interviewers want YOU, not paper.
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You also go a long way just using more than Word to type up a resume. Using a non-standard template using something like In Design makes your resume easier to read and skim and more notable.
The amount of default shit templates I've seen in my time on panels is staggering. It's low effort shit from people in their late 20's to mid 40's.
I had a resume just 3 months ago which was still watermarked and had "your name here" in several areas. By law we still had to interview the guy, but I'd already decided he wasn't getting the job (plus he turned up smelling like shit too).

Apple sisters... I don't feel so good...
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I dunno, I haven't tried it. But I do know that I've had the ChatGPT Mac app running on my desktop for a while now, and if it could actually do things (like access my messages and my calendars and stuff) then it would be ridiculous.
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i'm not calling my computer a copilot+pc
i call mine gnu+linux and will never call it anything else
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You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't use vertical tabs.
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nakaԁashi yui-chan
>Ohtomo Takuji
Based. Shame that he has so little Love Live stuff since I'm more familiar with that unlike Idolmaster.
filling yui-chan with my baby milk
i'll use v tabs once they come to firecuck

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Why do we have to cradle windows users every time they want to move over to linux? Figure this shit out yourself or stick with microsoft's enshittification; it's your choice.
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Who is we? But yeah my boot disk got corrupted after power outage so I had to begrudgingly ask my father to let me use his computer, (guess his OS), I needed to use 3 different rufus configurations before I could boot and I almost started ranting about windows in real life.
It's a fair question, actually. Must Linux users also be evangelists? Or maybe the better question is WHY are Linux users so often evangelists? Why do they keep talking about it, and how can we get them to shut up?
get off this board and you won't see my posts
I literally will never touch troonix, you smug retard.

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Why are art fags so anti AI
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its just communists
Gets rid of a bunch of talentless hacks who only have jobs to paint intraframes and corporate 'art'.
Basically, after telling everyone automation was a good thing and freed men of the burden of working a factory, they themselves are upset that they are being freed from the burden of an art factory.
gpt4 has been a life saver for me in effort saving just typing shit out, I know what I want and I give it precise instructions
I'm surprised they can still afford internet.
Biden has your tax money pay for poorfags to have Internet.

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Can You Have Different Drive Sizes in a RAID Array? I have 1TB and 500GB HDDs, can I use them in a nas? If so how?
Depends on your RAID soft/hardware. It may treat all your drives like they're the smallest drive you have, so a 1TB and 3x500GB is effectively 4x500GB. My Synology needs at least two drives of the largest size to be able to use them completely, otherwise the largest drive is treated like the second largest, so 8TB, 4TB and 2x2TB would be 2x4TB and 2x2TB. So in your case worst case your 1TB are treated as 500GB.

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tvrthnuke that kills the 4tranny oldfag pedophile incoming
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neither of those are new
Install Gentoo, then pick whichever gooey you want.
/qa/ won albeit
overcomplicated tinkertranny OS
oh zoomie no... what is you doing. you thought you ate with that one
Linux users hated the switch from GNOME 2 to the glassy Unity back then. I don't recall people hating on Aero, except maybe those who had integrated Intel chipsets unable to run it. Weird.

What's the name of your git's main branch?
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I don't get why we moved away from that. Trunk is I st fitting if you have branches.
botpost, there is also a second variety with frog images that follows the same format
outstanding vaguely scold arrange fry
master because its fucking ridiculous to use main

and i say that as someone who unironically supports banning words like blacklist / whitelist. THOSE i can agree with are problematic, "master" fucking isn't. The word isn't even directly defined in the context of slavery, its used in other contexts too. Banning that is like banning the word "whip" or "cotton" fucking retards.

Baffles me so much human ADULTS over at microsoft greenlit that change from master to main. Actually insane clown world.
all me

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By golly, the chinks have actually done it
Finally, a chinkheld that isn't dogshit
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>adds lag
>no ghosting at all
>inaccurate colors
just get a white tab SHARP screen from a SP

If it adds lag I don’t notice it.
isn't that just a gameboy advance SP
link to buy???

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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>the mobo cr2032 battery is dead
ah crap I'm watching an indian fix it and it's not a slot you just plug a new battery in, I dont' think I can find a replacement easily in 2 days
If you unwrap the little yellow pack, it's just a cr2032 with the black wire soldered to one side and the red to the other.you could solder a new one yourself and wrap it in electrical tape.

What's with the 2 days time constraint? You skipping town?
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yeah it looks like the battery is dead, thank you so much i'll go to the store and cope a new one
>You skipping town?
yes I gotta go back home for family stuff but I'm working on a comic with an imminent deadline so I'm trying to optimize my time
Just got a nice little table from ikea for my veranda, now I need a budget laptop to go with it, also need something to play kino on my TV, any recommendation of something to get?
Would like to be able to play 4k kinos if possible maybe, not sure if there's anything on the budget side that can handle that
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Got a new t14 amd gen2, slapped kubuntu 22.04 on it called the day but the fan is always running full speed and I dont know why. Thought problem was lenovos shitty bios controller so I installed thinkfan, enabled fan_control and experimental for thinkpad_acpi. Thinkfan seems to be sending proper control signals but the fan doesnt care. Can any linux wizard here guess whats going on?

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What's ur summer reading list anons
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getting slightly filtered but I will get through it
>koodo reader
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Pic related
that book also includes calculus III which is usually taught in university

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>year 2069
>artificial woumbs are a thing
>fleshlights are now electronic and can give you multiple orgasms in sucession and at will
>both of them are stuck into a teslabot™ with realflesh™ skins created by 3d rendering AI
>Neuralink™ bought the personalities of agreeable/trad women and downloaded a copy of their consciousness into their waifu grade teslabots™
Would you get one?
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not by 2069 you wont.
sauce of this?
>marrying a robot
why would you need to "marry" it, just make it do the normal things a wife does but its still your bot not your wife
>Breh, I just don't want to be with a goddamn robot
Porn has destroyed your brain. Man this generation is so messed up. Imagine owning a fleshlight. Like imagine sticking your dick in a fake silicone vagina and then having to take it to the sink to wash it out with soap and water. Imagine doing that and then making threads salivating over a robot you'd actually buy to stick your dick in. I have no words.

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oh wait nvm meant to post this on /o/
>See chinese car
>Instantly think about liveleak
Well how was it?
IT was pretty good, pretty much like a range rover. Advanced like a tesla and robust as a land cruiser
credit card # and cv code please

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>/g/ makes a 12th album
Theme: everything is single saw/square/sine osc with a simple filter
Title: Let me guess, you need more
Cover: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/g/image/1709/19/1709190996356.png
Deadline: Midnight between May 31th and June 1st (UTC)

>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Please post title suggestions

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imagine comparing supercollider to juce. supercollider is a daw.
You're using a completely spaghettified definition of daw.
He implemented his own features to make software that does what he needed. It doesn't matter if he did that in SC or Assembly. It's still far from what we normally think of when we hear "he just used his daw"
>roast me if needed
Let me know when it's finished.
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the best course of action for backing up my old tracks?
This is question about you consider worth your time? The "best" or ideal thing is to save everything so you have it latter. Without knowing what your priorities are, it's hard to say.
>Nuking Vst's
We can consider you are "nuking" your vst's. So if we save the project alone any assigned vst's and their corresponding presets will be gone.

Pro -Would be less time consuming, and if the vst presets were saved find a alternate similar plugin should not be to difficult.

I would recommend that if you value your project save everything. If you don't then
save your time, good luck anon.

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