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I don't know a single zoomer working in the tech industry it's literally all 30-somethings and up. A whole generation lied to because you guys wouldn't shut the fuck up about us supposedly not knowing what a folder is.
I've actually seen it first hand. I've been dealing with interns for 20 years. Zoomers are lazier than millennials and so, so much dumber. I refuse to hire anyone in the US with less than 5 YOE at a midsize or larger company. Junior roles are now going to India.
You're perpetuating the same problems you rebelled against in your adolescence. You don't even care.
how does this manage to happen every generation? fascinating.
Continuously increasing automation and red tape and compliance work and inflation and competition between peers that never has trended downward for any period of time during the last few generations.
>my problems are universal constants across all generations but they're so much harder for *me*
Thanks for proving my point.

Interestingly, it doesn't. Millennials are lazy but competent, whereas zoomers are noteworthy for their remarkable incompetence more than anything else.
Literally everything, all aspects of life, are categorically more difficult for Gen Z. It is harder to find a job, harder to find a mate, harder to buy a house, etc. Try and deny this, go ahead and gaslight me.
Zoomers think when they attend a 5 bucks online-course for 8 weeks going through some basic Python they are ready to work at enterprise grade Software architectures. Never read a book about datastructres, don't know shit about algorithms and using repeat_infinitely() because they never heard of while loops
how does more competition between peers lead to dumber individuals? likewise for automation...
feeling like there's some angst leftover from how shittily boomer treated you. it's not our fault, dude.
I literally don't care about your budgetary woes. You grew up in an era of relative peace with no imminent threat of annihilation or conscription. You emerged into a market of disruption, rife with opportunity. You stand to win your share of the largest market ever on this planet.
You choose to sit inside and bitch.
im 22 and im a metrologist hehehe
Well, it's less intelligence and more computer skills.
automation means people aren't manually doing or seeing the fundamentals of a task, and instead of a tool or mechanism, machines start becoming incomprehensible and more like magic.
Competition can result in greater intelligence, IF the thing people are competing in requires intelligence, and losers go somewhere else. However, if the competition is too stiff that almost no one can win (i.e. get the job) more people in the generation won't try to get that job and will look elsewhere and learn what to to do to do that and neglect things like computer skills. Or they might just give up and stop trying at all.
Remember, zoomers are competing against the whole world for tech jobs more than millenials did thanks to more communication infrastructure being laid down.
so what you’re saying is zoomers are so egregiously incompetent at coding, and equally so full of hubris, that they will forgo the traditional learning paths of computer science, forgo all
the fundamentals, and consequently lower the overall quality of the computer science industry in the exact same way pajeets have, in that we now have an over-saturated market of illiterate retards who can memorise syntax but don’t know why React is a popular framework, nor how it works under the hoods, and WHY

>You weren't drafted into a war to die for ZOG so none of your problems matter
Kill yourself faggot, go hire some more poos. Gotta get Mr. Shekelberg's profit margins up!
>Zoomers are lazier than millennials
Because they know going above and beyond is redundant. The average corporation doesn't give a shit about anyone so why should they care?
>and so, so much dumber.
Only in countries that devalue education and critical thinking skills like Burgerland.
>the pursuit of excellence is FAKE AND GAY
>i need to be INCENTIVISED to do well
>..even though i can’t do anything well
>no, it’s YOU that is an entitled brat!
Zoomers, everybody
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Former teacher here.

Gen Z is retarded. It is extraordinary. Others teachers I talked to who have worked since the 80s have confirmed something is fucking weird with them. They cannot do shit.

Memory and attention span like a fucking sieve. They cannot focus.
Profound lack of general knowledge. In the past when we came to teach WW2 pretty much everyone in the class would have heard of WW2 and know a bit about it before. With Gen Z, tonnes of them have never heard of it. It is fucking mental. Never heard of Elvis. Never heard of the Beatles. Never hear of Michael Jackson.
Many of them consume literally no culture except video games and TikTok. Many do not watch TV shows let alone read fucking books or online articles. They just watch YouTube short vids and TikTok. They know nothing about the world.
Do not even listen to music that much except TikTok songs.

Yes low tech literacy is insane. They do not know how to Google shit. Set a bunch of 15 year olds a history research task and their idea for how to do research online was to ask people on social media. Seriously. Fucking hell.
They had never heard of Wikipedia or some shit like that.
They only ever use like 3 or 4 websites through apps. YouTube, TikTok and maybe Twitter.

Not even going into the behaviour issues, literal temper tantrums with feet stomping and crying from actual 15/16 year olds acting like 7 year olds.

They are so insanely retarded I just got depressed and quit and moved to Thailand
Stale pasta
>I need to be incentivized to do well
Is that Linus? Damn he aged and americanized.
get a job that won’t be outsourced. Literal skill issue
How does this point to you knowing what a folder is?
No one’s asking you to bend over backwards, you stupid little cunt, only that you put forth SOME effort to justify even paying you in the first place since your entire generation is under the impression all you have to do is show up. Why wouldn’t the jobs be outsourced to ESL niggers as a result? Are you kids legitimately brain-dead fucking retarded?
>>..even though i can’t do anything well
As intended by Burgerland's education system. Now send more jobs to my brothers in India.
Yeah, he's not bitching around that much anymore. It's bad for his blood pressure.
good, fuck em
i am unironically going to have to homeschool my kids or they will actually be indentured into full-time retardation through the modern Frankfurt School, i mean American Education system. JFC that’s scary to think about
Yes this is the main difference between zoomers and older generations, for example, they can't just go and solve the damn issue as it appears, they put it to the side and move to other tasks, they have to wait for someone to point then bring it to them, they're unfathomably incompetent.
good morning sar
same problem with the little bastards in the trades, too: give them a task to do and they’ll either completely fuck it up, fuck it up and LIE that they did it properly, or most commonly, not fucking do it at all and just claim that they’ve done it (uhhh i think so idk…). Zoomers are objectively fucking useless and equal parts lazy & dumb as dog shit. Fuck me dead, we’re all going to speaking chinese/hindi within a generation or two
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>I don't know a single zoomer working in the tech industry
Have you not seen all the "We're looking for people with 5+ YOE in this industry" job postings on LinkedIn or Indeed you retarded faggot? Just remember that when you, a retarded boomer bisexual xillenial, complain about nobody wants to work anymore... Remind yourself that you're part of the problem that doesn't train new juniors and only want existing senior tech workers.
Zoomers are getting into trades more, which is probably better consdering AI is gonna end most of the tech jobs
>Anon getting BTFO'D by a curry
I miss the old /g/
Tranny millennial thread
I've never wanted to gouge anyone's eyes out more than after reading the replies in this thread. Holy shit.

>You are a part of the problem even though you literally cannot even get your foot in the door so in my made up reality 20+ years from now you'll be the same piece of shit I currently am

It's not even bait or shitposting anymore, you genuinely contort yourself with multiple layers of mental gymnastics just to insult strangers you deem beneath you.
come on, i don't think that's what he was suggesting :>
>Oh no, the younger generation isn't like ours bending our backs and let the older generation fuck in our ass dry and without lube!!!
Let me guess, you still believe in the good ole lie of work hard and you'll be promoted at a corporate setting? Kek
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>It's not even bait or shitposting anymore, you genuinely contort yourself with multiple layers of mental gymnastics just to insult strangers you deem beneath you.
Well niggers who are too low IQ to figure out the absence of younger generation in the work force just by inference of job postings on LI to answer this kind of question are unironically beneath me. Nobody here is doing any mental gymnastics here but your deteriorating old brain. Read again what I said: Entry-level jobs are truly non-existent and the entire CS field is in bloodbath because boomers/xillenials are not giving chances to the younger generation.

You all will soon face the victim of the bus factor because y'all are truly bunch of retarded niggers that expects too much from the younger generation without realizing y'all were once in the same spot hoping for someone to give you a shot to get into tech.
You're brown.
plenty of smart go-getter zoomers are out there hacking shit and moving tech forward. the reason you dont see or hear them is because theyre actually busy working instead of egofarming on tiktok.
not that anon, but what??
More like they're so full of hubris, have worse prospects, and have been steadily fed computer systems that "just work" (skipping the fundamentals), and there's often a vague awareness that computers are sources of personal misery, that they dont see a point in enthusiasm for computer science. I don't know how things are changing for percent of students who get CS degrees (which seems to be the traditional way these days) but I do hear a lot of anecdotes of people getting degrees but having learned nothing.
Doesn't help that the standards for education have been lowering quite a bit too in the name of ensuring everyone passes thanks to the No Child Left Behind Act and after that a growing religious desire to hide any performance differences between the races of man, or between boys and girls.
i’m self-employed which means i don’t have to beg employers for the opportunity to work in a corporate soul farm, zoomer. It was hard work, so it’s no wonder you can’t recognise it.

jfc you are fundamentally broken inside

They’re blind followers at best, and hopeless unfuckable rejects at worst. It’s like reverse compound interest, but for IQ deviations starting from room temp look at the illiterate cunt who doesn’t even understand what “gaslighting” means. There’s something not quite right with these kids, man
>Junior roles are now going to India.
I am so sorry for what's about to become of your company
t. seen it first-hand, many times
Fuck off, it’s a million times easier to learn programming than it was for millennials. Especially if you’re a Brit and you had to deal with comp-sci just being deleted from the curriculum. When I entered the workforce we just barely had stack overflow. We didn’t have all these YouTube tutorials, unreal engine wasn’t yet public, Unity sucked. It was all aids.
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Millennials grew up to be just like their selfish Boomer parents. Imagine that
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I've often thought about how things might be different if I grew to with the internet having everything I've ever wanted to know available from birth
I'd probably be a retarded faggot like the rest of gen z, it's probably best that it came around (for me) in my adolescence

it's hard to even look back and really understand the gravity of the situation, honestly
we had a set of encyclopedias at my grandparents' house, everything was just.. common sense, or straight up made up on the spot
just absolutely unhinged behavior now
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my workplace is like this
>40 yo boss and senior engineer
>me + 2 more guys in late 20s/early 30s
>6 zoomers
it's a tiny startup though, not sure how representative that is
There's no job security, go into medicine.
This but with 3d printers, as a teen I spent a lot of money on tools and shit to work on my electronic projects, now I can just order half my stuff from aliexpress and print the rest instead of salvaging gears and shit.
>muh cold war
HAHAHA kill yourself gay faggot
Why are you unironically still saying lern2code like it's 2019? What the fuck is your problem, is this board just full of geriatric boomers who pulled the ladder up? JFL
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I'm 26 almost 27
born the 11 June 97'

am I a Zoomer or Millenial
The council has deliberated and I'm told the consensus is that you're a tranny. This supersedes other labels.
what benefits do I have
Mutilated genitals and suicide.
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>rather than hire a bunch of 20 year olds and help them break their retardation, millennials would rather hire 'jeets
the absolute state, can't wait to watch the oncoming collapse, all entirely millennial's faults. and no, i definitely won't be coming to help, hopefully younger guys who've been stiffed by you faggots don't either. We will dance on the ashes of your former accomplishments you stupid twats.
>market of disruption, rife with opportunity.
Is the opportunity in the room with us???
oh my child
Zoomers here. Education and grifter teachers as a whole had imprinted our mind that "you can't learn everything on your own without a teacher" and many zooemrs fell for it because we were at such a young age.x Should I say it was your fault that you kept repeating that shitty phrase into our ears when we were in school every damn semester? My friend dropped pursuing IT and fucking went someone up on the mountain because some retards in what the fuck companies said that he need "10 years experience in the industry" and didn't even bother looking at his portfolio. I'm not blaming you for the shitty life that my generation got. Since we don't even have any chance in the first place anyways. You guys would rather working with the pajeets than thinking of helping us and hiring us because they were much cheaper.
zoomer here
I will NEVER work for anyone. I'd rather be homeless. I will try running my own business after I finish uni, if I don't succeed then either full NEET mode and hope my parents won't kick me out or suicide.
Or mabbie full nigger mode- stealing shit.
Or mabbie full jeet mode- scamming old people
Or mabbie full gamble mode- /biz/ shitcoins

So many options, all of which are better than being a wagie.
As a fucking zoomer. I hatr myself. I'm afraid of failing. Whose fault is that? None of you cared what the fuck happened in our education. Oh you think zoomers teaching each other? Who the fuck were the teachers? Who? What the fuck why are you guys keep pinpointing shit onto us? I don't even want to live like this. It's so horrible I can not do anything right.
you're just retarded my nigga
try harder, you will succeed if you put in enough work
you're still young
>6 zoomers
Need a 7th?
Do you remember 9/11? If yes, millennial. If no, zoomer.
probably, we hire so many interns too because my boss thinks it's free labor, when 9 out of 10 are a net drain.
God, why are you both fighting so much? Tired of millennials and zoomers having a pissing contest. You guys really think most employers are millennials? They're 40+ Gen x at the very least, dude. We're in the mud with the rest of you kids. But because we grew up in a world slowly transitioning to the information era, we feel like we have more world experience than you. In reality, we're not too different. You fucks just want to create tribalism to somehow feel superior.
cope half of the most profitable US companies outsource their labor to India they might be slightly less skilled but eager to work accept less pay and diligent
>Get shit from boomers and x-ers for being too young
>Get shit from zoomers for being too old
Such is the life of the millennial.
This. Seriously if you cunts want to piss and moan, at least direct it at the right group (the gen x/boomers).
In my experience, It's not a generational problem.
It's an intelligence vs extelligence problem.

We're transitioning toward an extelligent society : our knowledge is no longer inside our heads; It's in our smartphones. (no, the books we had for the past centuries can't compare. They were not that omnipresent.)
The problem being : our brains are actually doing way more than just memorizing shit. They are conceptualizing it too. They will put shit A in relation with shit B; and extrapolate shit C.
Relying on tech to remember thing in your stead hinder that process.

New generations have as much potential as the previous. They are just dramatically understimulated.

That's right, friend
I work for one, and holy shit the product of these TCS & Infosys "engineers" is fucking hilarious

I'm not denying that the jobs are going to india lol, I'm just so sorry for the state of their codebases.
idk much about Indian tech companies but my jeet friend told me those companies are huge in India in other fields and have consulting firms where they hire huge number of mediocre grads who fail to get a job anywhere else so it's expected kek
yeah, they've earned the reputation of being the anti-FAANG. But they're cheap, thus popular

WITCH: Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, HCL
As long as you speak English, you're guaranteed entry
Cognizant is pretty big in the us too outsources to a couple of big name banks
You might be technically a zoomer, but as long as you're not 25 or below you're ok.
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It has nothing to do with zoomers. We entered profession when it was simple and made it absurdly complex with layers upon layers of shit, because we are paid to do this.

I started reading about computers in 1989 when I was 6 (and knew no "folders" because it was a book about IBM mainframes, and Windows with its folders instead of directories was 6 years away for me), and started programming in 1990, on a 16-bit home computer which was extremely simple and barebones. Then I learned gradually over the years. My first programming job required no education.

I shudder at the thought of learning all that shit we built over decades from scratch - nothing makes any sense anymore.
I'm 23 and recently got hired by a tech company, mostly since I'm about to finish writing my master's thesis
I'm 20, at sci comp uni, I'm just killing time here. I will never work in tech. I fucking hate technology. Death to all nerds.
Retard, you're using the internet, it was made and is run by nerds.
Maybe switch to a different major if you don't like it.
It was made by military and is run by feds. Try again.
>it was made and is run by nerds.
it was made by the military and is run by glowies and faangesque jewish companies
>maybe switch to a different major if you don't like it
as I said, I'm just here to kill time
that's why I chose the easiest major
>lazy le bad
Good boy, but go back to work, boss needs new car and house too.
retard, they paid nerds to make it
everything you like comes from nerds
>everything you like comes from nerds
let's see... the things I like and where they come from...
sleeping? my brain
killing niggers? my instincts
arguing with strangers online? my ancestry
now you're getting it, retard
no I don't think I am
oh, maybe your retardation runs deeper than I thought
I'll try to be clearer: you're a nerd in denial, that's why all of those things come from nerds, you and your ancestors were nerds
>you're a nerd because... because ... I le think so...
>yeah, basically, you're a nerd ;^)
>why do I think so you ask? well
>it fits my narrative
stfu nerd
you forgot to say "retard"
you're acting out of character
this type of autism is exactly what I'd expect from a nerd
24yr zoomer here.
If you could find me a "graduate" or "junior" job that doesnt need 5+ years of senior web development, that would be great, and i could get into the industry.
Seeing zoomers feel entitled to a career path is funny.
That's how it always has been.

You are just too lazy to learn the stuff yourself and get skills/portfolio to make you employable.
Zoomers are lazy.
I got hired in my first year of CS.
Yeah, I did an internship every year of college, these people that complain are too retarded. It's pretty damn obvious how you show you have experience.
It's like those fatties that are fully aware of how to lose weight but claim they have no idea.
>more in line with vista
>more in line with youtube around than at least used the net without it
>don't know at least arcade(fighting) difficulty in games and gameplay ignoring budget/dev time wasting pc tier graphics
Smart on Gen-Z's part. Why compete with all of India for employment in your own country?
People born since 1997 are considered to be Zoomers so you are zoomer boomer
i know a few under 30s working in tech but they're all asian and weren't born in the US (japan and malaysian chinese). i think 2 are on work visas.
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I'm one of these zoomies you speak of. I worked as a junior recently, for a company that overhired during the pandemic and now barfs those employees back out.
I was honest on my interview about my capabilities and relied that I would actually do the job of a junior. But then I realised that the job was for someone with years if experience and in depth knowledge... So basically, I was lied to and they expect of me to fix whatever mess the previous guy left behind...
They were also supposed to train me, but instead I got to watch a bunch of useless videos.
Did I get any help from anyone? No, how dare I be so "lazy" and not Google everything myself? Man, I didn't know becoming a senior engineer is so easy, just Google it, bro! And I'm not talking about the smallest shit I can actually can Google, it's work that hasn't been done for days and I am genuinely stuck. Another excuse from seniors to not do their jobs, but I am the lazy one?
So I burn out from this and endure the nagging: "People just don't wanna work these days!"
And don't get me started on what my coworkers are like: insecure neckbeard basement dwellers, trying their hardest to undermine and destroy you for even breathing, even if they are leagues ahead of you. Shitty gatekeepers that can't stop sucking their own dicks that they started coding at an earlier age than you. As if I'm going to snatch the promotion after just starting out, from someone who worked there for 5 years... but yeah blame your zoomer coworker, not the company that gave you a pat on the back for being loyal and hardworking for 5 YEARS.
So their shitty tactic was to hire desperate juniors who want their foot in the door (since the job market is fucked), shame them for not being tech gurus at 20 yo, shame them for asking questions, expect them to work their asses off and be grateful to be able to lick their assholes clean since they work at <major tech compnay>.
But yes, we are the lazy ones...
youre talking to pajeets, glowniggers, and jews. Almost anyone in tech would be happy to hire an obedient white zoomertard provided he is actually willing to learn and work hard.

The problem is none of these fags are hiring anyone. theyre being laid off. This is why you can tell these are all lies retard, the entire job market for the tech sector is in free fall and theyre acting like theyre hiring and not just putting out listings to complain to congress. They aren't hiring managers, theyre a grifting department.
I will NEVER work for free.
my projects are my projects. they dont go on github so you can repackage them and sell them.
>explicitly explains how he was being lazy
>says he isnt lazy
zoom zoom zoom!
zoomers are too woke. breaking their retardation is impossible
Are you the same kind of faggot ruining the country by putting 5 years of experience requires for entry level positions. I'm glad you're stuck working with curry niggers, you deserve it traitor. We are fleeing to 2nd world countries that actually give a fuck and don't hire brown people exclusively.
t. Millennial that got the degree late realizing people that hire in entry level tech positions don't know what entry level means.
Niggurat, you're expected to KNOW SHIT before you start. You don't demand internal training the first day for fucks sake.
It's not McDonald's.
You know what happens usually when the generation grows up to find that they were lied to as children? They rebel, they protest, they create countercultures. Between the invasion of Iraq, occupy and BLM, millennials are starting to put their rebellious phase behind them. I don't know when the zoomers and alpha will have their moment but I know it hasn't happened yet, mostly because ya'll seem so inept and conformist.
I agree Zoomers are extremely retarded, but they are absolutely not lazy. Millenials are 100% lazier, and try to hide it behind doing a small amount of effort until they can grift with 0 effort. For example, the reason nobody gives a shit about excellence achieving or whatever is when you do find someone competent, all the work and responsibility gets lumped onto them while the higher ups get all the financial stability and acknowledgements. Same if they mess up at all, its never the issue with management, its the underling's fault. Millenials were just able to Jew the system by being there first and forcefully make sure they stay in their comfy positions by pretending everyone else is lazy for not doing the work they should be contributing to. Like congrats on spending like 2 years getting to where you are because boomers worked on a merit based system, which you completely uprooted to make sure nobody else can challenge your position. A bunch of attention whores you all are.
Why wouldn't you learn to code and still demand a programming job? Are you talking about some other field? Nobody is forcing you to become a developer.
No, the idea is just that you become reasonably proficient at something (at a junior level), THEN seek a job.
Not the other way around.
You're a shitskin.
Inside or outside.
When will they figure themselves out?
Why did you go to a school learning something you don't want to know? wtf?
Are you any good?
>no t-the idea is
they said in this very thread fuck you if you dont have 5 years of experiance and a ton of free projects for a junior (IE entry level) position.
no one is dumb enough to think you are going to hire anyone with those requirements schlomo, no one but desperate dumb zoomers.
you're just an idiot that doesn't understand all those rebellions we did where almost all just as conformist, and the only ones that where not was gaymer gayte and occupy wall street which where quickly cracked down on by actual glowniggers
>which you completely uprooted
boomers did that not us. millenials lost our jobs for not cucking to this bullshit.
Uses meme arrows to avoid explaining how I am being lazy for being underqialified
times (and people involved)change and sometimes there's just no undoing the cancer
4chinchin is no different
people who maymay'd about stuff like crysis are fairly different than those who have literally never used the desktop version of this site, maybe only ever accessing it on mobile net
poole left, worked for google, moved to japan, and married
some people wonder why he hasn't come back in some slight way, but he has no sensible want to
You learn far more on the job than in solitude studying. Even if you do labs, learning on the job (junior position) is how you gain ecperience. The recruiters just paste a bunch of buzz word "tech terms" that sound smart when they have nothing in common with each other. If you have a brain, you will manage.
In recent years I've seen people post "I'm too low IQ for this specific thing". Kind of an easy guess regarding their age group, even involving the specific thing they mention.
ok wagie
>Junior roles are now going to India.
You get what you deserve.
Need 5 years of exprience to get a job

Need a job to get 5 years of exprience

Thank you very much
My biggest criticism of the zoomers at work is that they're all therapybrained and constantly melting down
People will have more confidence in you if you have more confidence in yourself. "Will person X get task Z done or is he finally getting carted off to the mental hospital" is a shitty position to put your coworkers in.
I'm not in the tech industry, but I have mentored a Gen Z person. It was a nightmare. Would just not remember anything. Did training, watched as notes were taken and then my intern promptly did the exact mistake I said not to make.
>I couldn't read my notes anymore.
Like holy shit, seriously?
>Death to all nerds.

Unbelievably based
as a mentally ill person this shit is kind of unreal to me. I have high anxiety and everyone I know is the same, but I can do jobs most of the time but they can't. either way I would prefer that any day of the week to pajeets
The real reason is covid hit while zoomers were still in a crucial developmental phase of their life. Millennials had already developed and thus were less vulnerable to all the bullshit. It's for this reason that all zoomers are retards. Because covid happened while they were still developing.
china numbah one!
It was like this for millennials too. We seethed about needing experience to get experience. Cried about boomers gate keeping getting a job. Then we got on the other side of the table. Now there are millennials who treat zoomers the way we hated to be. Those millennials are massive faggots.
>You learn far more on the job than in solitude studying.
That's only if you such at practicing, or you believe doing CS homework is all there is to it.
There are some things you can't learn on your own, but there is tons of stuff you can't learn on job. Or worse, you can actually learn bad practices. Even after getting a job, practicing and learning in your free time is essential if you want to keep up with this ever progressing profession.
You will understand that when you end up in a team with retards that can't even see the problems because "that's how it always been" or "senior X decided so".
You can work in tech without swimming with the crowd.
You should be counting your blessings that you get to go to school instead of slaving away in a factory or department store.
reading comprehension is a legitimate problem I guess
>using repeat_infinitely() because they never heard of while loops
Pretty funny considering 90% of the time you see recursion is in college assignments.
Some of us ain't even finished high-school yet, give us time ffs
I'd never hire someone who knows nothing about the craft
I'm well aware that it's not something that you study theoretically to gain proficiency in. That's the point. Your degree doesn't matter much.
The whole point of inflated requirements is that there are way too many air heads coming for interviews knowing nearly nothing. If all the fresh graduates stink, what do you do?
I'm not American, H.R. Niger
The "generational divide" is something I think about a lot. I'm a Zoomer on the cusp of being a millennial, and I do think my generation has a lot of actual problems that are worse among younger Zoomers. We're shaped by our environments, but Zoomers have developed a culture that I would call "toxic" (in typical Zoomer fashion).
I think phones are a massive problem, and most of our relationships to them should be viewed as addiction-like. Being able to access the whole of the Internet any time (especially short-form video content designed to keep you watching) is terrible for your attention span and your resilience.
Millennials were able to text their friends anytime and anywhere, and while that was bad for paying attention in class, it didn't offer a complete escape and it pretty much required you to have IRL relationships. Dragon Bane 2 for PalmOS just isn't addictive like modern social media and gacha games are. When faced with any negative emotion (which is inevitable and constant when you're a teenager/very young adult), you can instantly interrupt your negative thought process and numb yourself by reaching for your phone. However, this prevents you from developing a way to cope with feelings of distress, depression, anxiety, sadness, mild frustration, etc. This is why you have zoomies in the workplace having strange and very public meltdowns. They've trained themselves into serious emotional dysregulation.
I see this problem in myself and many of my other ~25 year old peers, but we at least have the fortune of not buying into the legitimacy of our artificially bad emotional issues since many of us don't have this problem and we have much more exposure to people who aren't so plugged-in.
Samefagging bc comment too long

Zoomers that are currently 22-ish and below are absolutely inundated with messaging and a culture that is desperate to justify their emotions. Yes, Zoomers are in a tough position in many ways and feel like they were lied to, but it's really not fundamentally different from the ways millennials were lied to. I think a lot of Zoomers sense this too but aren't able to identify the environmental causes of their issues nor how common these issues really are, so they instead look towards things like gender identity, Instagram "activism," and the neurodiversity movement to try to explain why they feel so broken and unable to relate to older, functioning adults.
On top of all this, the educational bar plummeted at the start of COVID, and everybody was doing next to no work and passing their classes. Raising the bar back up has been incredibly difficult for teachers, especially since admin requires that you accept the "muh mental health" excuse so that they've liable for students' suicide attempts.
And it should go without saying, but everything I've said is a generalization. Of course it varies massively individual to individual, but these are trends that I have noticed. (You may have noticed that disclaimers like these are mandatory in any Zoomer-infested online space. It's two-sided; Zoomers are terrible at dealing with trolls and haters, but the average commenter's reading comprehension has become so, so low.)

I like this perspective. I think it explains a lot of the differences I see among the select few Zoomers that aren't very online.
Look, I'm just not going to hire zoom zooms


(I can't stop laughing.)
Thanks for your input. It opened my mind. As much as I wanted to blame others to run away from my own problems, I know much of it was because I was lazy and (basically) tired all the time.
From that description it sounds like the zoomers already adapted to indian practices
Realizing you're mentally ill makes you saner than most. At the very least, it makes you capable of introspection.
Glad you liked it.
Not trying to shit on you super personally or anything, but another trend I see among Zoomers is a tendency to make these sorts of statements. Culturally, we often think that admitting that you need to change is one of the hardest parts of doing better, but I don't think that's very true for even millennials and X-ers (see new years resolutions), and I think it's not at all true for Zoomers since we're so therapy-brained.
Instead, you should focus on and accept that you are making a permanent change to your lifestyle. You no longer "get" to scroll TikTok for 4 hours every night. You will have to cast aside your FOMO and learn to not care when your friends are using retarded new slang or talking about the 10th MUST WATCH show that came out this year. Your social position will change from that of somebody that's "in the know" for worthless things like social media youth culture and to that of somebody who is out of touch and clueless in your peers' eyes. And you will simply not have as much time to spend on things that feel good as you would like.

But that all is OK. Become deeply interested in things that matter, gain skills, and make friends with people who are also deeply interested in useful things. Timebox your social media use and make sure you're only looking at the things that you actually enjoy or that actually add value to your life.
>not knowing 漢字
move to india and work get some experience. or just get a new identity, with plastic surgery and spray tan to look Indian
I'm 21. Math has always been my best subject. I became fascinated by 3d rendering in high school and even made my own 3d game engine. During high school though I got extremely depressed and dropped out and I've been barely scraping by ever since. Recently I've been getting into biocomputing though and it's captured my interest the same way I originally got into 3d rendering.
Also save evropa!
>I think phones are a massive problem, and most of our relationships to them should be viewed as addiction-like.
It makes people "extelligent". They can tap in the immense knowledge reservoir that is Internet. Which is great.
But without proper discipline and education it's also hindering the developpement of one intelligence. A "phone addict" holds nothing of value in his own head. Hence, society has no reason to give him any credit. Anyone can tap from the internet after all. It's not a marketable skill anymore.
"Phone addicts" are not valuable individual. They are drone, at best.
I'd rather use LLMs
you guys are useless and can't even pretend to like working
I have faith in you, however
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28 here, people like us don't belong to either millennial or zoomer, we are cursed inbetweens that belong nowhere but can relate to both.
this. as I was entering the job market a little coof virus was being talked about. still haven't found anything afterwards
t. 27 zoomer bachelor holder that got sold a lie; fuck jeets
94 birth and younger is zoomer to me
at 94 you won't lead towards the older generation, you'll just be a big brother to the younger ones that's pretty much as equally retarded
>be me
>23 yo zoomer
>work in a big tech (not faang) company
>notice that I may be the youngest in the company, or at least top 5 youngest
>feel so stupid with a bunch of seniors
>start to notice that my problem is my lack of attention
>decided to stop using tiktok and read books
>decided to stop playing videogames and start cooking
>feel a change after 2 months

I can confirm that we are stupid
Yet you browse 4cucks.
You are bipedal beast of burden, a cattle, a natural slave.
You're a zoomer. Let's say "older /a/ was hiring". Webm on this site has been around for probably over a decade, the first related codec itself since about 07 or so. There the site tumblr has been known to be cancer on one board and of course the related one. That file is likely related to tumblr and it doesn't matter if you got it from a search engine or use it for another board, it's still cancer(being brought from elsewhere). No one in threads would be making gif unless for transparency, just still images or even 1080 webm's. Using it is sort of representation, don't think "older /a/" would go with you. Or OP for similar reasons.
I seriously hate you for generalizing everything about Gen Z into "scrolling tiktok for 4 hours"
You are a comically out of touch piece of shit who will spit in someone's eye while shaking their hand
Just bake cookies and shit for the neck beards
No one wants to mess with the guy who brings the snacks
>t.lying zoomed who baked his way into a high paying tech job with chatgpt & cinnamon buns
what happens with the people who dislike sweets?
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Based baker.
AIslop is garbage though, you are better than that.
I make him something else
Im really not, I only know how to bake and do email
Thanks Obama
Good. We're full.
noticed many ppl look like they aged 10 years over the span of 1 year recently
zoomers included
We're just vengeful. The world shit on us and now if we get any scrap of power or wealth we WILL abuse anyone we can out of pure spite.
No wonder the weatherniggers are wrong every single time now
hot damn, I never thought I'd see the day pajeets would be BTFOing western anons on /g/.
I would have gone into the incel to troon pipeline 100% if I were 10 years younger. Grace of god etc
I just blame women
>divorce, single mothers
>ipad parenting
>teachers are mostly women, especially for younger kids
etc. its women. not people of any particular age
It's just a reminder that the west has fallen
Baking mogs, it's by far the most hireable hobby in any STEM field and I don't know why but it's 100% true even if you don't bring them anything at the interview or whatever
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These niggas literally get 100 vaccines in their childhood. The most vaxxed motherfuckers in history. Therefore also the most retarded ones.
No seriously, if they turned out to be a smart generation, that would be a literal wonder. But everything is as planned. The more retarded a future generation is, the less of a threat they are for the powers to be.
How does one have their children avoid the vax load? Just homeschooling until they turn 18 and then hope they never need to leave the country?
out of 4 of my zoomer friends only one of them uses tik tok (or youtube shorts, instagram etc)
What millenials don't want you to know is that their generation uses tiktok as much as zoomers do. But it's ok when they do it. Just like everything else.
>stupid memes :/
>stupid memes, old :o
>goyslop media :/
>goyslop media, 1990s :o
and so on...
you're not real. think about it. you're not real. you're a neet. you're a fag. you're not real. think about it. fag. think about it. neet. think about it
this started for millennials.

except, millennials grew up with parents saying "I could afford a house when I was 25 so you should too", whereas with zoomies they werent demeaned for over a decade for not being able to afford a house
why hire a US-lazy fuck with an associates and 0 ambition when you can hire an east-asian with a masters deg.
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I teach high school and the truth is you're a bunch of brain fried sociopathic fucking retards… the millennial cohort was genuinely superior to you guys in almost every way and they'll mostly likely be the natural successors to the boomers in terms of the ruling generation.

Really hope geopolitical reality necessitates mass conscription soon. You guys are so gay and fat and weak that basic training would need to be extended to at least 6 months.
Based noticer and self-improver.
It's not your fault to have been born at the collapse of Western civilization. You just have to make do with what you are given, like every generation before. Some are luckier than others it's the way of the world.

At least you are not getting drafted to fight WW1.
Yeah, I'm from 1987 and dated a 1995 girl.
It was very hard to relate to her and strike any sort of "deep" conversation. All her interests revolved around social media.

Great sex tho.
I'm 1991 and my gf is 98. She's great but the sex sucks and since I have 4chan poisoning I'm ok with her communicating in memes
I mean a decade ago buying a house was about 40-50% cheaper.
My Dads house when he bought it in 2010 was for 115k. Its selling for 350k now. I have 60k saved up, I couldve bought that house then and paid it off in 5 years max if I had the chance to start a decade sooner.
I just gave up on hiring "educated" zoomers. My approach today shifted to lowering the technical bar and hiring someone that has the correct attitude and needs to work. Downside is that we have to train them from scratch but it is still better than having a lazy pos on the team.

Genz was born into a time of unprecedent peace and went into the workforce when unemployment rates are at their lowest levels. (((Literally))) there are studies showing zoomers median compensation is higher than every other generation at their age already accounting for inflation.
Truth is that zoomers are retarded and milenials/genx that are raising them are just bad parents for letting technology bore a hole in their cognitive functions. Zoomers are too much of a failure to get past that and improve themselves.

You think you have it hard because you have no perspective of how the world really is and how life was. It is the same phenomenon when first worlders say the US is a third world country. They just have no idea how miserable and dysfunctional third world countries are.
>It is the same phenomenon when first worlders say the US is a third world country. They just have no idea how miserable and dysfunctional third world countries are.
us is 3rd world thougheverbeit
>My approach today shifted to lowering the technical bar and hiring someone that has the correct attitude and needs to work. Downside is that we have to train them from scratch but it is still better than having a lazy pos on the team.
This unironically seems like the growing trend. We're going back to a firm handshake and get trained on the job hiring process because regardless of what it says on your resume you can easily be a Fucking Retard at this point. Interviewers are looking for somebody who is enthusiastic and has some light behind their eyes rather than just having ipad kid brains.
I'm in sci comp uni right now, 2nd semester, the amount of retards is scary. Some of them will get the degree. Grim. The worst students are the immigrants BTW
>Like congrats on spending like 2 years getting to where you are because boomers worked on a merit based system, which you completely uprooted
zoomers really are dumb as dogshit if they believe this
You can buy a house. You just have to do what people did in the past and go for places that are not well located at the time of the purchase.
This idea that you can't is just a cope https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RHORUSQ156N
I had a prof that used to hire students out of his class. He doesn't do that anymore and 50% of students fail because they fail to do the homework, which they're given time to do in class.
Now how many of those are actually owned by real people and not chinese holding firm proxies?
My uni profs were complaining that the college pressures them to pass all the tards and just move them along toward a degree, they also commented that this newest batch of students (past 5 years) frequently complain about the "excessive workload" demanded by their classes – these niggas can't even get through 15 pages of a textbook in a single sitting without checking out.
>the same house tripling in price in 10 years is normal and healthy
I think Ill just squat in a open home with a shotgun.
Bill Gates owns as much US land as all of china.
>the company that gave you a pat on the back for being loyal and hardworking for 5 YEARS.
5 years is not a lot of work experience. I mean, if that is impressive to you, if you think someone deserves a promotion just for working 5 years at a place, then your expectations and sense of entitlement are all sorts of fucked up. Seems to me your older coworker is simply incompetent (hence the lack of promotion, you don't get promoted just for showing up), and as for you, you are lucky to even have gotten hired at all.
this isn't as good as the 'in leadership' thing
I shit you not, we once had to hire this woman to balance the gender ratio and she refused to work on some tasks and refuse to do overtime to finish what someone two positions her junior could do in the allotted time. Her reason was that staying longer than 8 hours to finish the job you didn't do during the day was a human rights violation.
We finally managed to convince management fire her after she was caught using sick days to go to the beach. We only managed to do that because one of the interns followed her on tiktok and she was stupid enough to post. She still tried to say she was feeling mentally drained and therefore was on the right to do that
All of them. This series only counts homes occupied by the owner.

What part of location matters you didn't understand?
>we once had to hire this woman to balance the gender ratio
wdym "had to"?
is this a fucking law or what?
>pursue excellence
>get thrown under the bus and destroyed by workplace politics
>get abused and overworked into a shell of yourself if you survive that
I will only work hard for the people I love and respect. Nobody else deserves my hard work.
On large corporations there are top down orders to maintain minimum quotas for specific genders or races. This is not specific to my company and how inflexible they are varies from place to place.
We had too many men according to some target managent set so they said the open role we had at the time had to be filled by a woman and she was the only candidate that agreed to come.

It is not a law or anything but when the people calling the shots force it you can't really do anything.
>On large corporations there are top down orders to maintain minimum quotas for specific genders or races.
ok but why? why do the care? is it PR?
>hey look our corporation is umm
>is ummm
>we employ retards !
If you want to do the bare minimum that's on you but zoomers today do less than that and still expect career advancement.
>is it PR
It doesn't happen every generation but some civilizational declines are intractable and terminal.
There really are times when every generation was worse than the last and then the Goths sacked Rome.
This sucks, but hear me out. My first job was an internship with 1 yr of experience where I eventually was lead developer on the company's flagship product. Eventually I was, as an intern, having to convince other developers and the CTO why something has to be the way it was.

3/4ths of employees in a department are going to suck and shift off responsibility as not my problem. That's just how it is, regardless of generation. Older folks learn to relax and figure out how to work comfortably in their environment. They won't hold your hand, they won't tell you what you did wrong, and explain it in a way that makes you a better programmer. That vacuum; however, is where leaders are born -- that's where you get opportunities to overcome this bullshit time-based system because you're taking on tasks that are outside of your job description. Most people will think this is a bad thing, because naturally it leads to the thought they're being exploited, but in reality, you're in a poorly managed company with power leaks.

Management isn't going to look at this situation and understand it until someone who has taken on these responsibilities quits.It's against their prerogative as budget-managing entities to promote you. Also, there's a lot of nuance garnished from simple working with systems, mainly people, which only comes from years of experience. But, what you have now is a new perspective you can take elsewhere, which any company looking to hire a person for a position is going to value a lot more than your current company ever could due to management being blinded by the weeds they're in, and the new company probably facing a deluge of assholes with 0 experience.

So, struggle to solve those problems; develop new strategies, and when your life style moves beyond what your job can afford, look for employment elsewhere, or demand a hire wage.
What part of there is a open house, I have guns, I can live there do you not understand?
I know someone who got hired solely because he was the only 30+ candidate for a part-time student position. The guy who hired him had an opening for a student, but hated how all students have zero character and can't be interacted with, as opposed to this dude who maybe started college late in life but he unironically is "someone you would like to have a beer with". Yes this shit works even for software engineers.
I'm a millenial and I agree with you, zoomie. I am dating a zoomeress 13 years younger than me, and this will start to become more and more common as stability and income aren't seen as a "plus" anymore but as a means to survive. Call me a sugar daddy all you want but this is slowly spreading. But do you know what is going well for you (YOU specifically)? If you are even remotely competent and motivated, you are basically a top 1% talent compared to other zoomers. When us millenials start to get old, you will have zero competition. Gen alpha will be even more retarded than you.
I look forward to the pathetic attempts at protest in the coming years once the metrics are in and a majority of you zygotes end up not voting at all in any of the world elections this year.

Can't contribute to the job market, won't even contribute to democracy. And small wonder you cannot contribute any post of substance on a vietnamese rice paper bulletin board.
I have a family to feed, something you'll never have you troglodyte American mutt.
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>Not even going into the behaviour issues, literal temper tantrums with feet stomping and crying from actual 15/16 year olds acting like 7 year olds.
>Profound lack of general knowledge.
This is true.

>Never heard of Elvis. Never heard of the Beatles. Never hear of Michael Jackson.
And this is literally useless nonsense.

And this is relevant to anyone how?

Meanwhile not knowing how to even search the internet is the real problem.

You will not use WW2 knowlage in your daily life.
You will sue technology and the itnernet in your daily life.

The fact that these retards do not know how to use folders is FRIGHTENING.

And if they do not know what a file is then this generation is doomed.
Only good for browsing TikTok and consuming content.
WW2 is an hoax. It never happened.
Utterly insane to regard a generation defined by as born past theshold date (1996) as uniformly retarded.
The environment that made modern zoomers did not spawn in a year, it was gradually built upon until today; I truly fear for Gen A.

Such a disgusting lack of empathy in this thread - you've taken on the selfishness of boomers and perpetuated the "fuck you I got mine" zeitgeist.
If your child was born in '99 would you characterise them as lazy and retarded? No, you'd look at the environment they grew up in, and try to unfuck them before it's too late.

GenZ is the future, if you dont help them then you only spite your progeny, nation, and younger kin. You cant take what you've earnt past the grave, but you can leave a legacy.

Nut up retards.
>It was hard work, so it’s no wonder you can’t recognise it.
NTA but fucking lmao
The future is silicon. The god-forsaken Z generation will be discarded.
In their stead, we will leverage the might of androids : silicon brains, silicon muscle, and silicon breast.
I. Will. Have. My. Robot. Waifu.
ITT: childless sexless millenials
And you know the ones responsible arent even in this thread, Boomers created the folder and file style skeumorphic human-computer-interface so it would make more sense to them, as paper-bound office drones.
Gen X and Millenials grew up with the interface but not the paper pushing, so they redesigned everything to just be "view" and appeal to the lowest common denominator of users.

Alas, no such efforts were made for desktop OSs, because their marketshare has waned versus the phone and console for internet, media, messaging, and gaming.

The tech illiteracy of zoomers all comes doen to software being designed for the lowest common denominator in the mindless pursuit of growth and "more users".

It's not zoomers' fault that CLIs and Folders are completely unfamiliar to them: millenials grew up with it, boomers designed it, and zoomers have been spoon fed baby-ish UIs designed for retards.
Guess what, if you dont grow up with desktops, you wont know how to use them (or have any analogy for their familiarity).

Millenials just dont know any different because they inherited the file-and-folder UI. To not understand this is alien to them
>implying having child in the third millenium's dystopia is a desirable trait.
There is literally nothing(null) stopping you from designing better file system and interface than hierarchical file system. If there is a superior way of doing it your solution will be more popular in no time and everyone will abandon confusing "folders".

Pro tip: you won't because you can't. You are just blaming other for your own stupidity.
22, data center tech and DBA
there is hope yet
Folders are just an analogy for directories. There is no such thing as a folder - or even a file really. It's a fantastic analogy but one that's become entirely unrelatable.

Boomers used (physical) files and folders to organise paper information. What do zoomers use?
No shit, I put it in quote marks for a reason.
Zoomers use nothing. They are the product, not the end-user.
And why do you think that is?
parents and teachers served themselves a narrative that traditional means of raising and educating kids was becoming obsolete. they were afraid to keep kids from immersing themselves in internet & social media because it was assumed they'd have to mesh with those technologies to keep up with the exponential changes they would unleash. Same thing is happening again with AI. They'll have prompting classes for 5th graders within 3yrs.

The shortsight was that, as probably predicted by someone, social media is not social, and fact checking your dad from your phone is not intelligence.
Social media retarded your social development, and the fire hose of information managed you fill your head with a lot of stimulating pig feed and bite-sized chunks that make you sound like an adult brain, but your ability to prioritize, seek out, assimilate, and retain information that makes you useful to others (you're of no use to yourself until you are of use to others), is underdeveloped.

>I hatr myself. I'm afraid of failing
> I can not do anything right.
go jump in some cold water and get a grip. what you need to do is to DO. ANYTHING. You cannot learn any skills without producing, and in the beginner you will be producing garbage. And that garbage will take a lot of time to produce.
Get away from electronics. and if you want to build with electronics or software, do so without the internet. Find physical books, guides, and documentation and give yourself days to do the most basic things. Do not consult videos. wrestle with a problem before asking for help.
you're going to have to fail many times. the only way to avoid it is to do nothing, and this is not an option. If you fail with gracefully, honestly and take responsibility the bruises to your ego (which is keeping you where you are at) will not bother you so much. Learning from these failures and rectifying them is the foundation of self confidence.

you are not alone in being unprepared. all is not lost.
Because they don't know the value of money and throw it at random things.
There is an easy solution for your existence problems
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you mean like avocado toast and the latest iPhone?
Oh wait, that's what millenials do
Isnt that all people who have yet to enter the working world?
On the other hand there seems to be fair bit of genius zoomers who grew up learning their hobby off internet from a young age.
Yet it's not them who is struggling ITT. You are way off.

why are you responding to an obvious bait pasta lol
>claims that the future is silicon
>despite that he thinks he will have enough rights and wealth to have a robo waifu
nigga you're retarded
no, some zoomers are almost 30 by now
Again, this is why the generational brush is too big. I swear this discussion goes in circles.

The oldest zoomers are born in 1997. You'd be hard pressed to find a 26 year old today that cant use a computer.

Obviously, an 18 year old who grew up sfter the smartphone is substantitively different from a 26 year old who grew up while social media was still finding its feet (on primarily desktop).
I look forward to a zoomer led world. It will be very interesting to witness either a paradigm shift or one of the most spectacular generational failures yet
>The oldest zoomers are born in 1997
You did stockpile enough weapon and ammos to raid a robot factory and elope with your waifu, right? Right?
sorry kid, if you can't remember where you were on 9/11, you are a zoomoid
>muh nina leven
Fuck off mutt.
it's called being cultured, nowadays girls know all the Kardashians but doesn't know who Elvis Presley is
zoomoid confirmed
If I'm a zoomer then I must be some prodigy among them lmao.
I'm with the zooms on this. Elvis, Beatles etc are just pop culture like Taylor Swift
This thread has more pilpul in it than all of /pol/ right now. Like condensed boomer mental gymnasitcs
>all this zoomer cope in the replies
excellent bait kek
>muh copying the unfair previous generations and not giving opportunities
i've seen older millennials make companies unrelated to previous generations, and kept allowing younger and younger people join in
however there was a cut off, simply because zoomers really just matched what their generation could do, and it just wasn't sustainable to have them around
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I feel like a lot of my generation would have done the same, I know I would have given it serious thought with how it's all been presented
It's a weird thing, I feel like a lot of tranners feel like people are just mean to be mean, but there's some fucked up disconnect in how the criticism is conveyed versus how it's received.
What I'm trying to say is that I only feel sorry for people that have tried to transition, I don't feel any malice whatsoever.
>wawa life sucks
shut the fuck up nigger im 33 and been treated like shit by all gens my entire life so fucking go harden the fuck up
it and shit is fuck anyway worst industry
You have internet, you have more opportunities to learn job skills than anyone in the past.
I'm 25 in a security programming role and the older developers are just as braindead as everyone else, if not more. I had to write an automation tool to migrate to a new security software, and part of the process required parsing a file full of encrypted values. My approach was to just target the values we actually needed, like any sane person, and decrypt those for our use later on, but after I showed my solution, an older developer cried about us not using all of the values in the file, and spent 6 hours after work re-writing my function and demanded it be used going forward, pulling tenure on me. It slowed the program execution by 3 times, and we still to this day use the same values I specifically targeted originally. This dude has been working in the field for 40+ years, and he's not the only one like this.
i made that comment as being the older side of things
100% pure, unadulterated truth bomb dropped on the old head drone wage slaves. But why even do the uni humiliation?
The problem is zoomers are just not worth investing in
I don't do that. If they know how to do their job I write down that they appear competent in the interview notes. I don't give a flying fuck about their work history or credentials.
That's not culture that's television slop.
Elvis the child predator?
who the fuck would hire a pandemic graduate? no one will ever trust you you fucks, you cheated your way to graduation

you're not real. think about it. you're not real. you're a neet. you're a fag. you're not real. think about it. fag. think about it. neet. think about it
You're delusional and retarded
t. Your age
Dishonest faggot
Based, I hope she burned millions
>um just go live 2 hours away from your job and commute 10 hours a week?
The US is overpopulated, fuck off with your delusional boomer narratives.
This. Parasitizing megacorps is a moral obligation. Just be clever about it and don't get cocky.

>verification not required
You will have a heart attack at 45 and be found, desiccated, next to a pile of dirty fleshlights
And take your zoomer women
I know how you feel little zoomzoom. My mom used to beat me if I did anything wrong (despite sheltering me from everything and never teaching me anything) and also did way too much for me and it made me terrified of anything where I could fail. You need to start forcing yourself to learn, explore, and live life normally instead of as an anxiety-paralyzed robot advertising slave which is unfortunately what you were raised to be. Actually experiencing fucking up helps too.
>All your problems don't matter because my mom used to beat me so I'm basically better than you lol
Millennial logic, my childhood was worse than yours therefore I get to repeat the cycle forever
both of you are pathetic. castrate yourselves with a kitchen knife if you haven't already
It is just the reality whether you like it or not
Correct. I am going to make you poorer and your life harder just because I can and there is nothing you can do about it
I might not be your real dad but you still can't talk to me that way. Now go make dinner while I fuck your mom.
Yeah, and I've done it. I live 65 miles away from my job. It's neither a solution nor sustainable and you pretending like it is is essentially a kind of lie. The reality isn't "you just need to look elsewhere [implication: "but it's fine"]". The reality is housing is fucked and there are way too many people, and too many investors on top of that.
Nigger what? I was trying to give him advice on how to get better. My point was basically that growing up the ways most zoomers is as psychologically damaging as growing up the way I did (physically abusive bpd mom).
*most zoomers do
Be grateful that you can even do that. In most EU if you don't give them the jab they send you in prison and take your kids away
Got my degree with GPT, I'll grind leetcode for interviews and call it a day. GPT on the job ofc, lmao working seriously for schlomos that get richer each year
>personal anecdote
Just find a job closer to where you bought. If we are going by anecdotes, my parents moved from a state capital to the countryside in the 90s because constructing a house there was cheaper so they also moved to another job there.

And 65 miles is for sure doable because that's the commute my boss has been doing to our office in New York from his home in Trenton for nearly 20 years already.
>mid 20s early zoomer
>spent years learning by myself on my free time various programming languages
>made my own applications on my portfolio
>make sure to comment my code, indent, respect KISS, DRY, optimize, ect.
>still can't get hired in IT despite applying hundreds of times
>meanwhile actual pajeets and women are there shitting out bloated garbage apps

There's clearly a problem in this industry
kill yourself
hey but the boomies will tell you you're not pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and that you're not working hard enough, anon... it's all so tiresome..
We need
a. Fascism
b. Free Software
that'll do it
>mentally ill retard can't remember stuff that happened when he was 6

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