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What's the big hype about COSMIC from System76? Aren't they just re-inventing the wheel by recreating GNOME and splintering the Linux community even further by causing contributors to stop contributing to GNOME and contribute to COSMIC instead? Why do people hype this thing so much?
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They are doing so by not using the piece of shit GTK( which is developed by Gnome Developers, by the way) So that's a good thing.
GTK must die and GNOME devs need to change theit hobbies and become shamans ... oh wait
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unironically they are making cosmic out of spite
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Can GNOME do this?
What's wrong with Gnome and GTK though? It's stable, gets the job done... what's so bad about it other than just being something System76 doesn't control?
GTK and Gnome are maintained with a level of incompetence and contempt for their users that is indistinguishable from malice.
People are hyped about COSMIC because it's 1) written by people who hate Gnome and 2) written in a language that encourages software that's more reliable than KDE. I'm writing a filepicker in the same language and GUI library used to create COSMIC and have been very impressed with how nice it is to work with, and how reliable and fast it is. Assuming the devs actually want to make good software and aren't retarded, it should turn out pretty good.
i'd love to see them kill gnome
Yes. In fact, and it's been a long time since I ran gnome, but I'm pretty sure that that is just a video of gnome with an extension.
>ebussy seething
Worth it. I hope they kill GNOME too
>causing contributors to stop contributing to GNOME and contribute to COSMIC instead?
I see that as a net win
>I'm pretty sure that that is just a video of gnome with an extension
Nope. That's COSMIC with tiling enabled.
That's literally just gnome.
The real question is does cosmic have thumbnails or not?
Why do DEs keep trying to pander to tiling trannies? They are autists and will never use anything else other than a tiling window manager.
gnome devs are assholes and took over gtk development and do not respect "outsiders" wishes. You either comply or go and do your own thing so the System76 devs did. It doesn't help that gtk is a mess to learn because the docs are shit so they gatekeep it that way as well.
Sounds like some competition would be good for them
there are plenty of normal people using tiling window manager in fact its not the tiling autists which buy those super huge screens and then complain how it sucks.
>Being so insufferable that you make a company create their own desktop environment purely because they hate working with you so much
Why are gnome devs like this anyways?
Correct me if I'm wrong. But weren't gnome devs seething back when this was first announced about how if System76 had a problem with gnome they should contribute to gnome rather then dividing DE's further? I actually tried to find some articles relating to the split in order to find that source. But you know how search engines are these days.
Tranny os for children.
All computers can be utilized by children fool. Or do you seek to imply that linux, windows and macs do not have children using them?
I just use KDE.
it's not spite.

pop shell is an extension of gnome shell that they developed because the devs were using i3wm over their own offering. it added tiling and several other features to gnome that, for obvious reasons, were never going to be accepted upstream.

but it wasn't just pop shell, it was a host of other fixes system76 spent a lot of time maintaining. That and the general structure of gnome and its extensions is inherently unstable. I can't recall the details, but it was something along the lines of "if one extension crashes, it crashes the whole thing". At a certain point, it was obvious what they needed to do and they have talented devs to deliver.
You enjoying the new plasma release?
I only have it on a test laptop, it's fine. I'm still on an old version on my regular device.
can confirm, i will never stop using i3
t. tranny
really hoping COSMIC puts an end to the terror brought by the insufferable foot goblins
Gnome will always have its supporters, but if cosmic is good enough the gnome userbase will simply start shrinking while cosmics userbase grows.
This will make the sixth time (MATE, Cinnamon, Unity, Pantheon and Budgie were the previous cases) somebody makes a new desktop after being fed up with GNOME devs' bullcrap.
>This will make the sixth time (MATE, Cinnamon, Unity, Pantheon and Budgie were the previous cases)
I wasn't aware of any of those previous cases, what were their reasons for leaving and how did gnome react to their departure? Also, if people keep ditching them why haven't they tried to improve themselves so people stop leaving them?
>why haven't they tried to improve themselves so people stop leaving them?
Good luck making a competing product with far less resources, making a DE isn't something a single person can cook up in an afternoon
>making a DE isn't something a single person can cook up in an afternoon
Your right, luckily COSMIC has been in production since 2021. So it has had many afternoons to cook.
Gnome is a huge project with plenty of different views, when they clash fork spawns, most of those forks are long dead. Cinnamon is basically the only one left standing, and it's on life support tethered to Mint.
The only competitor gnome has at this point is kde.
MATE, Cinnamon, Unity and Budgie were created because their devs though GNOME 3 was complete garbage.
MATE and Cinnamon forked GNOME 2 and 3 respectively and turned them into their own things with more traditional desktop layouts.

Unity, Budgie and Pantheon were made from ground while using some of GNOME's components.
Unity and Budgie were made, again, because their devs though GNOME 3 was complete garbage.
Pantheon was made because the devs thought GNOME's UI guidelines weren't garbage enough.

And now COSMIC is being made without using GTK at all and following only some of GNOME's UI guidelines, but this time because their devs think GNOME's devs are complete garbage.
>most of those forks are long dead
Only Unity can be considered "dead", and it died various years ago. The rest are under active development and are working in Wayland support.
What caused them to die? Lack of users and contributions? Unfocused direction? Do you think cosmic will suffer the same fate as the rest of the dead offshoots?
>working on wayland support
wayland support has been in gnome for 7 years.
maintaining a DE is a huge amount of work, it's fun for a few months and while the hype is there, but once that dials down all that's left is work work and work.
>What caused them to die?
They aren't dead.
>Unfocused direction?
Ironically, the forks have a more focused direction than GNOME nowadays.
>Do you think cosmic will suffer the same fate as the rest of the dead offshoots?
If anything, COSMIC has the least amount of being abandoned since it's backed by a for-profit corporation instead of being a purely community project.

>wayland support has been in gnome for 7 years.
And it still has many quirks and bugs, like broken DnD support between Files and File Roller.
>causing contributors to stop contributing to GNOME and contribute to COSMIC instead? Why do people hype this thing so much?
You answered yourself
>What caused them to die?
Cinnamon, Mate and Budgie are still alive and well
Pantheon dev trooned out
Unity died when Canonical gave up on the Ubuntu Phone
Unity development continued a few years ago by a group of enthusiasts

System76 is a corpo, not a single person, and they've been developing it for years. Awful post.
Looks identical to System 76's old extension. Autism reinventing the wheel once again.
>it is bad that the GNOMEs are opinionated and particular, they don't tolerate other people's opinions about GNOME's design
>so we, as opinionated and particular devs who can't tolerate this, will provide a better alternative
most selfaware loonix users
good, i hope ebussy fucking necks himself
>The image
Thanks for the daily suicidal thoughts
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Gnome is reaping what they've sow
>Assuming the devs actually want to make good software and aren't retarded, it should turn out pretty good.
They do, because they do sell hardware with PopOS
> stop contributing to GNOME
Cool, maybe these patches will finally get merged.
>>Implemented in Rust
>>GUI library under the hood is Iced, which is Elm inspired
>>GPU rendering by default
>>Many more differences in the RUST stack used compared to GNOME/GTK
>>Actually designed and implemented from scratch
>>No JS or anything JS-like in sight
>>Approachable GitHub development workflow
>meh recreating GNOME


Already contributed to one of the COSMIC apps btw. Never even had the thought to do so for anything GNOME-related. I don't even know these GNOME devs /g/ hates on. They are completely irrelevant to me.

And I don't find DE's to be useful anyway. I have no intention to move away from my X11/AwesomeWM setup. Normies would probably be better served by using Openbox with a tray app of their choosing, until Wayland and ecosystem becomes usable (if that ever happens). I just had a specific interest in that specific COSMIC app.
It was created because GNOME devs are fags that made breaking changes with GTK4, GNOME 40, and libadwaita. Despite being an open source project, they hate the idea of open ended choices. They would rather force you to follow a certain design philosophy. Maintaining GNOME extensions is already hard as it is as ebussy and crew refuse to make a stable API in favor of bragging about their a11y compliant accesibility and UI guidelines. Both Budgie and System76 tried to reason with GNOME only to be wontfixed hence why both are moving away from GTK in favor of less opinionated GUI toolkits that isn't made by authoritarian control freaks. Pop!_OS's COSMIC will use iced.rs and Rust and Budgie 11 will use Enlightenment's EFL with Rust bindings.
I don't see it in their xdg-desktop-portal-cosmic source on github, but it will have a filepicker with thumbnails because >>100139480
Even if you tried to contribute to Gnome, I doubt they would let you. I've never understood how they became so big despite not functioning like a open source community at times. They rarely take opinions or code from outsiders.
Gnome devs can always archive Gnome and start helping out with COSMIC.

All those still rely on GTK and, except for Unity, are all soft Mutter forks.
anon it's fucking april
>if one extension crashes, it crashes the whole thing
That's probably why they made applets in the new COSMIC be completely independent by living in separate processes. Dealing with extension hell must have been quite traumatic.
>it's on life support tethered to Mint
I mean, it is a Mint project. Of course it's primarily developed by them.

Unity is being maintained by a literal Indian child.
To be fair, aside from Enlightenment, this is the first attempt that actually breaks away from GTK and the rest of GNOME's ecosystem without using Qt like KDE and LXQT. It uses Rust and iced.rs .
Is GNOME even that big among long time users?

This is fully anecdotal, but most long timers I interact with are just like me, they don't use a DE at all. Then you come across some devoted KDE developers and users here and there (maybe some still have nostalgia for the KDE 3.5 days when it was actually good). But I struggle to remember anyone who is an actual long time GNOME user!

DE discussions have a very low bar for entry, and are popular among passing users and distro hoppers. This may lead to wrong assumptions about the actual relevance of some of the choices on offer.
>same language and GUI library used to create COSMIC
which are these, just wondering?
So is everyone just going to let gnome die?
>causing contributors to stop contributing to GNOME and contribute to COSMIC instead
I can't see the problem here, but yes, COSMIC is a tad retarded, right now it is literally GNOME without being GNOME.
I wish, but there will always be people who think GNOME's retarded UI is good.
The people who heavily use extensions to make their experience better might migrate, though.
Lurk more. Mentioned >>100143405 >>100143770 >>100147478

So long as ebussy is involved than yes. The only mildly sane Gnome dev is George Stavracas.
Found it with yandex
And what does George Stavracas think about COSMIC? Will he use his experience from gnome to help COSMIC eventually?
you have to give credits to gnome for the birth of some many DE
It was mostly a Twitter fight between System76 and Gnome as well as a few private remarks in chatrooms. A good portion of the tweet are gone since many of them are fragile faggots that deleted their accounts when Elon Musk took over Twitter. Someone out there probably has screenshots.
GNOME is open source, closed minded. They are the #1 Wayland DE and one of the actors slowing down Wayland development.
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>slowing down Wayland development
They are literally the biggest shills. Wayland is practically designed specifically for Kiosks and Gnome. The only ones slowing down Wayland is Wayland devs who are Gnome tier. If something doesn't fit their philosophy then your use case is invalid.
See my problem with this is not mimicking GNOME is just having it look like absolute dogshit. It was born off the need to use custom themes but fuck, at least set a good example. PopOS always looked fucking ridiculous to me. Even Yaru is more appealing.
Agreed. I wish COSMIC looked neater and more professional.
Like what? As far as i can tell the default looks like Gnome with dash2dock preinstalled.
And gnome looks stupid. I hope it gets plenty of features, built-in theme managers, glass themes, random colour schemes like with pywal.
>fucking April
I'm not.
Have you got the hubris to write a desktop environment to rival GNOME?
Why would letting the user control the volume be a bad thing, as a matter of fact how is it even actively harmful to him? Is he just cranking it up to the point where he damages his ears?
Windows 95 or Windows 7.
>Gnome devs can always archive Gnome and start helping out with COSMIC
Gnome devs are like a cancer and them pouring in to "help" develop COSMIC would only harm COSMIC. There is a reason why so many people split from Gnome. It's because they are insufferable to work with, the only thing they would bring to COSMIC is their own detrimental mindset. Best that they all stick to Gnome instead so they do not poison other DE's.
System76 devs can always wontfix and/or lock the threads made by Gnome devs if they can't behave.
I will kek when Rust wins yet again and C trannies get utterly buck broken, again
Do the system76 devs have a good track record with that sort of thing?
Good thing they have paid devs, then :)
How can I do the opposite of this?
It's gnome with KDE community, also rusttroons can be pretty dedicated, so more software to look forward to.
Due to their opposite circumstance, not at all. Every small contribution is usually welcomed.
Hey baby, wanna let be tile your windows, if you know what i mean ;)
What is iced.rs?
contrast is good, moron

i hate dark and low contrast themes.
A rust library/toolkit inspired by Elm-lang for making GUIs.
Corpos will just close off their source after getting a large market share while gnome will always be open sourced. Have fun supporting proprietary software
>forks the latest open version and continues development
nothing personnel
It's typically the new to Linux people who use gnome.

>I've been on Linux <5 years and gnome always worked for me

They've just attached onto the first thing they tried that worked. Despite it being fucking terrible.
you aren't wrong, but when I first installed ubuntu 8.04 gnome was actually decent. took me a while to get rid of it once it became shit.
when would you ever in your life need to use this feature
i can see side to side shit, but those tiles on the bottomish right get so small you wouldn't be able to see anything even if you wanted to
>causing contributors to stop contributing to GNOME
they must have started a long time ago
It's not reinventing the wheel if you're the one that made it originally. Cosmic is made by System 76...
Gnome is complete trash after gnome3. It's time to end the charade and kill gnome for good.
Gnomesisters....I don't feel so good
who cares it's april the girl I love will still get railed by Chad (she rejected me)
because a feature that nobody uses isn't implemented?
feel free to contribute or gtfo.
Ironically in gtk4, but anything using 3 is still fucked.
fuck off ebussy
You blackest gorilla nigger you literally need thumbnails to post an image on an image board unless you wanna be a turbo autist and fiddle with filenames and memorization
idk what you faggots are talking about, the filepicker works fine here, with fucking thumbnails
How long it took to Gnome devs implement that? :^)
how long did it take kde to implement wayland support?
the filepicker's thumbnails is very low priority, and things are rarely as easy or as simple as they seem.
Competition is always good, but I honestly don't know wtf you retards complain so much about GNOME.
It has excellent window management, it's rock solid and way snappier than KDE.
It's true to UNIX philosophy.
I'm an engineer. I value simplicity and minimalism.
Customizing every tiny aspect of your DE to show off to your tranny friends in desktop threads is not a relevant, real world use case.
>t. ebussy
>I value simplicity and minimalism.
>It's true to UNIX philosophy.
>I'm an engineer.
Unity was always a retarded idea
>no u
Will trannies ever learn how to have a normal conversation?
Yeah, Ebussi, call me when Nautilus stops taking over 3 seconds to launch, or when it stops having the context menu randomly ignore input, or when it stops randomly changing my scroll position when navigating large directories, or when it begins supporting drag-and-drop from Gnome's own file archiver.
>Usecase not found
What kind of garbage PC do you have that it takes a 3 whole seconds to do that
It opens up instantly for me
the only time i had problems with starting time was firefox snap.
fuck your snaps ubuntu
regular SATA SSD, Ryzen 3600, 16gb of RAM, RX5700 XT. It's a middle of the road PC. Definitely not slow enough that it should take 3 seconds to launch Nautilus. I also have no external drives or network shares mounted, so it shouldn't be taking this long. I already tried it in multiple distros and multiple versions of Gnome and it always takes about 3 seconds. Even when timing it using '~$ time'.

Other file managers such as Thunar, PCManFM and such launch in well under a second, so the issue is definitely Gnome. Even the Windows Explorer launched faster
I don't know man. I have a shitty surface go I don't use anymore and gnome opened nautilus in there in less time than that. It uses a slow eMMC as well. Maybe check your shit there.
I'm helpless. I have done everything I could in trying to diagnose this, to absolutely no avail. Even changing distros, as I said. Only distro I haven't tried was Arch, so far. I may do a very minimal install with just gnome-desktop on it to see how it fares.

I tried checking the verbose logs from nautilus and it always seems to hang for about .3 to .5 of a second when trying to connect to tracker (the file search indexer) and some other 0.2s when connecting to dbus, but disabling tracker made no difference in launch times, so that connot be the issue.

It's also not an UI issue, apparently, as when the process is running but there aren't any windows open, if I try to open another one, its nigh on instant. Under 16ms (one 60hz frame) actually.
bloat. ty gnome-shell.
It's what I use and everything is extremely snappy, and my notebook's hardware is weaker than yours
post an issue on the tracker
it's sub 1 second starting time here
>I'm an engineer
>Customizing is not a relevant
imagine being this soulless
>replying to bait this obvious
What is the usecase for doing this?
COSMIC and System76 don't give a fuck about PleaseDontThemeMyApp troons:
both me btw
What do they use?
It can't fucking generate new thumbnails though, every file has to be previously generated by Nautilus or it won't show up. Even when they finally tackle the file picker issue they still fuck it up.
xmonad does this better. In fact, xmonad is the best at this.
It lends credence to the theory that GNOME was a plot by Microsoft to sabotage Linux by giving the impression of a decent working DE, but slow on fixes/improvements and to discourage anyone else from making an alternative just by sheer size and by fixing bugs and updates when ever there is competition. The founder of gnome is a former microsoft employee.
>Why do people hype this thing so much?
It's new, it's written in Rust, it's Wayland first, has dynamic tiling as one of its main features, while being developed by an OEM. There are lots of reasons to be excited about it. System76 intend to make it the default on their distro, which their systems ship with, it's the first thing their customers will interact with. They have a lot riding on it, so they have more of an incentive to make it actually usable, like SteamOS, it has to work well enough to be sold as part of an actual commercial product people will want to buy.
At least it had a unique, recognizable look and wasn't just a rip-off of Windows (KDE), MacOS (Pantheon) or iOS (Gnome)
erm i was waiting for this update because i was hoping they would change the design and make it look better.... it looks the same.
maybe it's time i change OS
Wasn't the point on tilling WMs to avoid using the mouse and be keyboard centric?
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>a11y first thing mentioned
>a11y only real concern
Gnome really is disabled first, aren't they?
Why must that be the primary concern?
I have ADHD and low functioning autism and Gnome is the only desktop that's simple enough for me
I'm also trans btw if that matters
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ey neat that you are using the vid I uploaded.
Here's the wallpaper I used btw.
Yes GNOME requires an extension but the implementation is nowhere near as good as this.
Because Tiling is a very good workflow but no one wants to write config files.
devs like tiling
I have not used xmonad but i know cosmic does a dwindle(DWM) spread by default.
Yes but you can optionally grab a window using the mouse+ super just like in hyprland.
> Aren't they just re-inventing the wheel by recreating GNOME
they aren't recreating gnome.
> and splintering the Linux community even further
no one cares, we are not a community, I am not your friend. I just use the same kernel.
> by causing contributors to stop contributing to GNOME and contribute to COSMIC instead?
If distros find cosmic a better desktop than GNOME then that is that.
On a bigger screen it could be useful if you need a calculator or a simple doc visible.
1. Do you _really_ need another DE?
2. What is the use case for another DE?
3. How does another DE help the marginalized folx?
I use a couple 4K monitors at my desk and tiling is a godsend. Window placement is automatic, consistent and predictable, I don't even have to think about it, it just works as it should. I can put a given window on a floating layer when the need arises. Having this powerful tiling paired without giving polish and ease of use of a desktop like GNOME or KDE makes Cosmic VERY compelling. It is designed to succeed GNOME as the default on System76 machines, so it needs to be polished enough to be usable by new users, like Plasma is on SteamOS.
>because we want to
>they aren't relevant
It only shows previews if you've seen the image in Nautilus first.
Even now Gnome's filepicker still sucks.
I also don't like customizing things, that's why I value a sane default. Something Gnome doesn't provide.
I implemented my own file picker with thumbnails and it really is as easy as it seems, even when dealing with very large directories. If Gnomes can't do it, it's because they have a horribly designed system that's a pain to add simple features to.
>blind people do not need thumbnails
>no use case
Almost like it's by design.
If they really don't like that, they can always use QtQuick, Electron or just hardcode a theme in QtWidgets.
GTKikes need not apply.
Thanks, looks great!

>implemented my own file picker with thumbnails
Is that still necessary? I thought in antithesis to Gnome cosmic-files would be used as default file picker as well.
ebussy hands wrote this post
>post issue on the tracker
No need to. It was probably user (mine) error. I reinstalled the system and now its fine. Nautilus launches in well under a second. I dont know what could have caused the issue. Only thing I did differently this time was to not install samba, which AFAIK shouldn't make a different since I had disabled all samba services and wasn't using any network shares of any kind. Weird.
Don't attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity. It's more likely that they are genuinely incompetent compared to a big conspiracy.
by the way what has their new shaman done so far?
They can dream about it, just how they dream they were women
>splintering the Linux community
Wow, free people using their freedom! Can't have that! We must set very strict rules and harsh punishments for violators so that everyone thinks the same, likes the same, prefers the same, eats, sleeps, and shits the same! Just like in our Mac community! And our North Korea community! Stop reinventing the wheel, guize! You. Must. March. In. Lockstep. With. Community.
one day.... one day!
How is opensuse still alive
GNOME keeps window layers by the application and not by the windows, so it's literally impossible to use chrome split on both sides of the screen and notepad on the right side. Click chrome and it brings both windows to the front.
>use gnome
>application volume sliders are buried settings, in the sounds menu
>you now have to click a menu to pop up application volumes instead of them being listed, then close it if you want to interact with other settings
terrible software devs
Hey fag why don't you move application volume control to the quick access panel? It would take like 5 minutes.
It's mainly ebussy that's obssesed with the word accessibility
Anything that's not 1 window per screen is useless bloat meant to damage you're eyes
Linux is a kernel
Unironically yes
>Is that still necessary? I thought in antithesis to Gnome cosmic-files would be used as default file picker as well.
not him but they are using the gnome file picker for now because it works but it could be much better.
much much better.
Why wouldn't it be? Its the best distro and one of the oldest too
its a white mans distribution. thats it. simple, efficient, no kernel panicking, stable - even the rolling release....
only distro vulnerable to XZ backdoor
>imagine being updooter
>all distros vulnerable to xz backdoor besides that shitshow of a Arch
>even H4xXOR's distro Kali Linux
gtfooh anon
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>Fedora 41, 40 beta
>Fedora Rawhide
testing distro, not for end users
>Debian Testing
testing distro, not for end users
>Arch Linux
Arch does not directly link openssh to liblzma, and thus this attack vector is not possible
>Alpine Edge
don't know what the fuck this is
>kali linux
haxors got hacked
actually dangerous because people that actually do shit - actually unironically use tumbleweed
close #2 behind tumbleweed
>debian unstable
choice between software from 90s or backdoored software
patched right away because the "arch users btw" never felt a touch of a woman and are chronically online and the patch went live 30 minutes after the first news about backdoor were out
muh powa usaar - still got backdored
Fedora wasn't affected
>choice between software from 90s or backdoored software
Debian 12's packages are from 2023
lol dude, i personally know a guy that has/uses fedora for Uni and he had to downgrade xz libs
What the fuck are you talking about?!
Actual Fedora releases didn't have the backdoored version of xz, only the testing version Rawhide and betas. Those aren't for end users.
okay then, its security analysts and my personal experience against you.
Sorry didnt know you were loonix wizard. I bow you are right...
XZ backdoor was in versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1
Fedora 39 and 38 never had those and 40 was unreleased at the time.
Bet your dad works at nintendo as well.
Implying gayland doesn't break accesability.
It still fucked because you have to first open directory with file explorer before thumbnails generate.
There are many cases where everyone wants to aprove new standard untill gnomos protest against it.
I don't really like rust, but I hope it kills nuGTK.
How can I have these neat animations on a wm? which one should I use? I started with i3 and so far sticking with it because i dont know which one to change to. The only reason i would to change is neat animations for actions like vidrel
Its supposed to be more snappy than gn0me and looks really promising. Apart from that, everything that makes ebussy seethe is unfathomably based.
Reject women, reject sex, reject lust, reject love. Embrace linux, embrace GNU, embrace FOSS, embrace 4chan.
Yeah okay
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>but not GNOME
Hey XKCDtard.
I'll have you know Google+ on my old ZenPad tablet was peak social media.
Even Linus was posting there.
You got to casually know the varying sociopolitical leanings of people from "the community".
That was before the troons got hold of the mics and raising the volume up to eleven and turning every conversation into a fight.
Good times.
>my old ZenPad
Correction: Transformer Pad Infinity TF700

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