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>Indians ruined internet
When will this lie end?
54% of india is a billion streetshitters
south koreans are honorary niggers btw
Wait till Africa gets widespread internet access, this will be a true catastrophe for the internet
Are you retarded.
99% of Korea is like 10% of India
56% of Indians on the internet is 20000x more users than all Koreans combined.
>half a country cut in half due to the cold war
>half a country cut in half due to colonialism
>a city-state
They don't count
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I'm almost at the point where I believe the overt and rampant racism against Indians is actually a glowie psy-op so people forget that the internet started going to shit when the smartphone gave the average NPC free access to it.
When they stop ruining it? Let's not minimize the scope of this issue.
>Indians ruined internet
How did they NOT ruin it? 56% of 1.417 BILLION is still a fucking lot, more than the vast majority of countries, even at 100%
>56% of india
>Population 2023 estimate 1,428,627,663
>56% is 800,031,491 indians
>population of all other listed countries COMBINED
Good morning sir!
54% in India is literally the entire population of all those other countries combined, with a couple hundred million more left over. Acknowledge your crime, pajeet.
South Korea, Singapore, and Japan have like 12% of the population of India.
>Pajeet doesn't understand statistics
Please use the toilet, rajneesh
This is bait, but believable bait because certain people cannot understand per-capita.
800 million jeets on the internet.
99% of South Korea = 51M assholes
56% of India = 794M unwashed assholes
you mean fractions?
thinking about brown men's assholes sounds gay
why did you mind instantly go to MENS assholes specifically? seems like you're pretty gay.
whats the difference with the 10%?
>internet already destroyed just with half of india
It's fucking over. 700 million more poos haven't even arrived yet. Fuck this.
Indians could possibly be the least responsible demographic regarding the destruction of the internet, whiteoid.
The worst part about this is we're leaving the "kowtow to china" phase and entering the "kowtow to india" phase
99% of korea is 3.6% of india
Jesus Christ.
You shitworshippers ruin everything just by existing.
>india will literally double their shitposting in the future

It is so fucking over, lads
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i never realized the levels of it's over were actually this bad
I agree with that sir, indian people are very good, feds are jealous that India will be a superpower in 2030 sirs
only 7.5% of indians were on the internet in 2010
today that percentage is 56%
700,000,000 newfags in a decade
a whole country of newfags
if you're wondering why the internet got worse
maybe that's part of it
Its never been more over. We need a great firewall to contain India. The Great Toiletwall
>99% of South Korea uses the internet
>56% of India uses the internet
>therefore: the Internet has more South Korean than Indian users
OP confirmed Indian programmer. That's exactly the type of logic you see in Pajeet code.
Although only 56% of Indians have internet access, they generate 99% of the shitposting>>100312665
Nah African shitposting will be hilarious, you'll see.
That 54% is about twice as much as all the rest on that list combined.
imagine what the state of the internet will be once that share goes from 56% to above 90%. internet is doomed!
bharat will be superpower with ancient 50000 year history of super power jai hind saaar
south african twitter is fucking brutal, man.
>[ ... ] the smartphone gave the average indian free access to it
poo in the loo
no one ever said that schizo, it was americucks, they destroyed it with their shitty capitalism
>99% of South Korea: 51,232,500 people
>56% of India: 799,680,000 people
That's more that 15x as many
miserable bait
>the smartphone gave the average NPC free access to it
wait until you hear what country has the most smartphone owners in it
Kek, what will masai nigger think when he sees a tranny for the first time? He'll probably throw a spear at his monitor
How many of those other people participate in the English speaking part of the internet though?
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>South Korean 99%
No wonder there is so much BBC shit on the web
Ugandans are unironically based, I want youtube to be flooded with wakalliwood productions
>Wait until easy-to-bait hardcore anti-globohomo anti-gay literally-kill-tranny traditionalists get the internet
Nah it'd be pretty funny.
I will create jeetflare. In order to verify you're not a jeet, you'll have 180 seconds to upload a timestampped photo of a toilet.
We already surpassed 8 billion? Fuck.
>build the internet
>give people access to it
>no fuck u americuck
dilate commie
Africans (not amerinogs) already have sparse internet access, they're pretty chill. Jeets are unusual in how completely fucking insane and backward they are.
it’s because Indians always defended whites and the Jews are trying to draw a wedge between them

copy, look at this high quality shitpost
I mean to type cope lol
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Honestly compared to normie shitposts that's actually pretty high effort.
It wasn't really funny though.
>doesn't understand %
Raj please, don't you have a github to send a million emails to
good morning sir
internet segregation now
Is this possible?
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good morning sirs, my name is Rakesh.
I behave properly and with etiquette on the internet. I take offense over people assuming all Indians do on the internet is destruction. That is all.
>well justified hate
>glowie psyop
how is the weather in bangalore, saaaar?
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Our internet is not your streets, Saar. I propose walling off the turd world into a separate internet for ya'll to shit up to your hearts' content. The Great Wall of Poo to keep out the brown hoards.
>99% of south korea: 51,230,943 people
>56% of india: 806,232,371 people
It already exists due to language differences. Unfortunately, the bongers were stupid enough to teach 10% of India their bizarre, childlike dialect of English.
I think deep down most africans are aware of how dumb they are, whereas indians all think of themselves as supergeniuses
Stop stepping on the seat to squat. Also wipe your fucking ass.
You're not going to notice seeing that all the major browsers are rolling out "help me write" AI bullshit to mask that you're talking to 3rd worlders and other such retards. All part of the plan.
It's the denial that makes it funny.
>10 million new street shitters in a year vs America's 1 million
I genuinely do not understand how India's population is so huge for how shit it is? Are the women raped that often? Are they somehow immune to disease so they aren't dying out despite their living conditions? Do they not know how to use a condom?
My mind is absolutely boggled. Does anyone have a genuine answer?
Vishnu had 8 arms so that he could raise 7 kids while answering the call center phone. Indians keep up the tradition as best they can.
women aren't real
its unironically the canadians and americans
>Do they not know how to use a condom?
Standard size condoms are too big for indians.
>Do they not know how to use a condom?
Nigga they can't even use a toilet, you are asking too much out of those subhumans. A fucking cat is more civilized than those shit golems
Stop pooing on the internet, visajeet
what's the solution bros?
What are they going to do, steal my bicycle online? I don't care if Africans have internet. Jeets are another matter entirely, their stench goes right through the wires.
The problem is that everyone always thinks of Africa as one big country. I can guarantee you that Ethiopian shitposters will be better than South Sudanese posters.
The chinks have the great firewall
The world just needs a brown firewall
Most people from that year are dead now
possible literacy confounding variable
>based illiterate internet users
akshually only about 1/5 of the people from that year are dead now
ching chong
miss i am Sanjesh from Nagpur. if you like message me on whatsap +919765550095. i want to feel you all day and night darling baby. sexy lady messaje me sooner
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>/g/ has become an arena for indians and chinese to duke it out
two dorrar herro prease
Unironically there can't be anything worse than indians on the internet
>Only 53% of indians are online
>It's already this bad.
Holy fuck is it only going to get worse.
The world could really use some classic trench war between india and china.
commie what?
americucs love to control everything, look around and tell me i'm wrong
They hate INDIA because it is the most free market and personal responsibility country after Argentina right now. You know: When Milei wanted to implement policies, who did consult? MODI. He consult MODI for his policy. That tells you something about the emerging INDIAN power, doesn't it. They are afraid ...
Good morning sir
Time to chill out to some AI jamz:
The internet was already shit before people had smartphones
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Keep laughing basterd bitches we will rule the world.
Rule the poop world
same as saying if everything goes correctly I will be the emperor of mankind
india superpower 2020!
oh wait...
This really explains the BB C spam all over the internet huh
It's (You) faggot
Mutts ruined internet
zerg vs protoss
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>nearly 18% of the world population are savages who can't even use a toilet properly
>they only keep multiplying and spreading

This world is doomed.
The entire population of Japan is 8.5% of India
>Dunning–Kruger: the Country
>Despite being only 56%...
>only 56%
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only matters if the site you go to is heavily indian-infested
retards don't understand just how many pajeets there are
why do you think they eat shit?
crazy, isn't it? when i was growing up, we were at 6 billion
holy kek
bait or actual poo
moot quote
>When will this lie end?
When the collective third world stops trying to coexist with actual people in countries that matter and resigns themselves to remaining in the third world rather than bringing it here. Its not just an internet issue, its a humanity in general issue.
This. It's already over and it's getting rapidly worse by the second.
Arranged marriages and a low cost of living. Probably also low literacy rates among women and having a lot of agriculture.
African internet users are fine though. I go nairaland on all the time. Besides, the vast majority of african countries don't even speak english, there are only like 10 million english speakers in the whole continent.
Just watch this amazing documentar by Sir David Attenborough, it explains a lot.
There are only 250k native english speakers in india, most speak it as a second language, so on the internet most will just use hindi or one of the 12 other languages, that's why they rarely shit up the english speaking internet.
Women on the internet? cmon anon.
The timeline has always been 2030 sir, just see how we''ve predicted India will be in 2030 sir
I remember when the media was making a big deal about hitting 7. Now we're at 8 without a peep.
Yeah a shithole contacted another shithole. Big news.
How does that disprove that statement? You sound fucking deranged.
I remember that well, now all the shill is on climate change. We are about to see another massive boom in the worlds population with sub-saharian countries yet we don't see a lot of shill.
If you think the internet is shit now, wait until special interest groups get the other 40%~ online
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leftcels and statics..
No, Africans are unironically pretty based. They also aren't coming for my job.
I can only imagine the shit I would have made as a kid if AI existed back then. The most offensive flash animations that an AI could possible fit into the upload limit of NG.
most retarded thread i've seen in a while, congrats sar
most jeets are hardcore right wingers thoughbeit
Eatshitopian are as hilarious, if not more, than Sugondeeznuts posters
not a glowie, hate jeets
50% of India is more than 500million people.
Why do they flock to English-speaking websites so much? Why not Indian sites?
i'm german but for me it's that if i wanted to talk to other germans i have them right here, no need to use the internet for that
African websites are fine and I have nothing against Africans joining us on the Internet. It's indians, and to a lesser extent chinese (only because the Great Firewall keeps most of them isolated) that are the problem.
Once upon a time, Satan decided to wreak havoc upon the human world, so he created sickly pale simulacra of normal humans, commonly referred to as "angloids". These rancid creatures traveled all over the planet forming shitty, poorly managed colonies. Some of these colonies were in south Asia, causing their fruity sodomite language to spread to the local people. Fast forward a few hundred years and you end up with Infosys and scam centers.
>be me
>build a public project
>range ban AWS, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean, Oracle, Vultr, Linode
>range ban Israel
>range ban India
>range ban China
>range ban NordVPN
>the app is magically great until a chink botnet nukes me with American IPs
>tick tock white man
They are right-wing in their country but the moment they leave it they are completely left wing irrespective of which country they run to, these scumbags know what they're doing. It's rules for thee but not for me policy.
Remember the fiasco that happened during Ebola virus and trolls from /pol/ raiding African forums with Ebola-chan?
It was glorious.
>South Korea 99% of population use internet
This is actually very weird. 99% implies that in addition to young and middle aged people, absolutely majority of elderly also use internet, and even more crazy thing is that absolute majority of very very young children also use internet. You can also look at it from another angle, there is so few young children (too young to be able to use internet) that they are completely negligible in population statistics
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>shit golems
>and personal responsibility country after Argentina
the fuck are you talking about the throw all their trash including dead bodies in the fucking river.
they are probably the numbe rone source of pollution of the entire fuckign planet.
good morning sirs!
/g/'s racism is getting worse. China has more internet users but they make your amines (All companies from Japan employ Chinese animators) so you like them.
Depends of methodology.
If it is usual surveys, they rarely deal with literal 1yo babies
China's internet is walled off from the rest of the world
India does not have a unified language. English is the closest thing they've got
I’m really REALLY tired of all the fucking pajeet content on 4chan. Don’t you people have a 3rd world social media system for brown people or something? Just because white people set this up MUST you make full use of it?
>pajeet can't into relative percentages
Good morning sir
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crazy because I can count on my hands how many times i've knowingly interacted with them. according to /g/, am I using the internet correctly?
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This edgy racism is getting a little old. These are people. You don't even know what you're saying and why, you're just regurgitating shit that others have said because you want to lash out.
You're a fat fuck loser that lives with your mom, you'll never amount to anything. At least people in countries like that are trying to be better.
What's your excuse? Autism? Really?
Take a look at yourself and stop being an asshole.
There is as much slovenians as chinks. Le based!
The Indians are actually quite wholesome and don't shit in the streets at all.
Yeah even after the most dangerous virus ever and a deadly deadly pandemic.
>acts like white people never shit in the streets
>acts like they never threw poop out into the streets
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Some people have multiple cellphones and those connections are counted twice so that explains how the rate looks fucky.

Pic related is a bit old, but probably more accurate.
Meanwhile this map is updated to 2020s, but it has the issue of counting people multiple internet connections twice, so you get those weird 99% penetration rates.

In reality the rate probably tops out somewhere around 80-90%, since very old people and toddlers don't use the internet.
That was as late as the 1800s, at least we learned not to keep doing it.
Pajeets are retarded.
>jeets using any board displaying flags
Once the streetshitter stuff got widespread, they were basically bullied off those boards.
shit's (lmao) skewed ofc
They are just backwards and their religion is vile. They literally belittle street cleaners and other cleaners as the lowest of their low in their kike caste system. No wonder nobody wants to clean anything
in my experience jeets are either way too proud or way too oblivious to be bullied for being indian
>resigns themselves
I dunno, they usually seem to be extra proud of their country. Indians especially. It’s sinister groups within the west that are working so hard to import them.
are you retarded
how many people do you think live in india vs south korea or malaysia or singapore or japan or indonesia
>no /pol/
how strange
Guys please don't be xenophobic and/or racist toward indians. Just because some of them are bad programmers or scammers, does not mean all of them are! There are some very cute indian girls you could meet online, yes!
nice color scheme
nigeria alone is 125 million english speakers
Too hairy.
it baffles me when people go to india
This is very good explanation saaar, also worth mention jews want to divide aryan people even tho indianeuropean are one people and need to do the needful togheter
shut the fuck up furfag
Death to all Pajeets
Post WWII, technology advanced to the point where most of the historical common causes of child mortality was eliminated even in many third world countries. Additionally, famine was essentially solved thanks to revolutions in agriculture. In the past, women would pop out like 8 kids but most of them died during childhood and sometimes the woman herself would die during childbirth. But suddenly with the advances in technology, all of these people survive and continue to reproduce. This creates a huge explosion in population in a relatively short amount of time (decades). India is not the only third world country that experienced this phenomenon. For example, Mexico used to be sparsely populated until it had a huge population boom in the 20th century for the same reason. If it's any comfort, India finally caught up with the developed world in terms of birth rates and is under replacement now. So hopefully their population starts decreasing globally in the near future.
All of the replies to you are prolly from just a single seething burgertard.
What ruined the Internet was not limiting sites based on language or country. It ruins all sense of community when some pajeet who doesn't understand your culture can waltz in and start shitting all over the place metaphorically with his mouth (or hands I guess since he's typing)
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>Run a mastodon instance
>Notice an uptick in SAARing
>Range ban indian, pakistani, bangladeshi IPs
>Problem immediately stops
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is it all poojeet and shills nowaday?
they need to bring back ip count
your image literally proves nothing you retarded jeet
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Xers not lying

>internet users speed running the consequences of unchecked immigration of browns to white countries

lol lmao. the generation alpha right wing death squads are gonna be fire.
>wow crazy everyone is using vpns for 1$ a month

It's barely even begun.
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
African internet users are generally based. Indians are in a league of their own.
So many more niggers / sandniggers/ poos to come ... fuck!
If you go to India you will get the shits, raped, dengue fever, and malaria, simultaneously
Soon all Germans will be Achmeds though ... danke Merkel!
Cope harder street shitter!
>When will this lie end?
When /g/ invents a new boogie man to place the blame on.
There arent any prominent Indian sites to connect with other people
My grandma lived in the most backwards part of my country in the 1940's. There was no running water nor roads but they still used toilets and washed themselves regularly.
They already have it. You can see the result on /pol/.
I would rather have Africans than Indians
>They also aren't coming for my job
Yeah, they're literally invading europe just for gubermin gibs, they never intended to do any work to begin with.
good, we need less plastic kpop whores on the internet. if it takes literal shit on the internet to blot it out, then so be it.
That 1 million in America is entirely shitskin.

everyone is below replacement rate in america but we import 3rd worlders by the millions
nairaland is unironically hilarious
those guys are good posters, africans can be fine as long as they stay there and not here
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Nairaland threads about african american stories are always hilarious.

Within 3-4 pages it will turn into nigerians calling them lazy niggers. Every time, without fail.

To prove my point I found a post about that nog who got pushed into water and nearly drowned the other day, which is only news because a white person allegedly pushed him

Here's a post from page 4 from the nairaland thread about it
Does anyone else feel like people are simply done with pajeets after covid, no one wants to deal with scams, high pitched smells, It's like people want death camps for them now or something. Even the normal pajeets who hide their accent like Vivek Ramaswamy are still doing scams.
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>the amount of pajeets on the itnernet could still double
my god..
I had one call me today with an Amazon scam. I could practically smell him through the phone.
That's just it though. Why aren't they getting dengue fever, malaria, and a host of other diseases themselves to curb the population? Have they just become immune to the squalor?
>furfag shit taped to monitor
Opinion discarded. yiff in hell furfag.
right it wasnt just India it was all of the shithole countries
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the much bigger problem is that soon, all germans will be pensioners
Africans online are at the very least funny and too proud to try insert themselves into non African spaces beyond the occasional hotep spamming we wuz kangz tier content. You'll just see a funny clip of an African tiktok every now and then, and that it. Online they're harmless to everyone except the type to fall for the Nigerian Prince scam.
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ok how come 30% of the traffic on this site is pajeets shilling for western companies for 1 dollar an hour then?
>only 56% is online
>only 56%

jesus christ it WILL literally get twice as worse
holy fucking shit
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Imagine being worse than Africa at anything.
you can't just blame india. because it was becoming shit before indians flooded the internet, they just happened to become another cock raping the internet
Indians didn't ruin the Internet; what people are actually mad at when we post "SAAR" is that lower castes got access and shitted it up.
Africans on the internet have their own niches already. And they don't spill over into the anglosphere. It's kind of like every other nationality/ethnicity except fucking Indians.
Yeah, in fact the problem in Africa is American culture wrecking the African online communities, not the other way around.
what does it say about how bad the Internet has gotten that I open up a Nigerian Internet forum from time to time and get reminded of old-school Western forums/4chan?
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kek i've struck gold thank you guys
somehow the shitty 2008-tier ad for a phone that would have been considered beyond-flagship-tier even in 2016 or so and is now being sold in fucking Africa for cheap is very funny to me

the future is here and it kinda sucks
Holy based and it's true.
Something you won't hear about often unless you're involved in it yourself is that african americans think think they superior to actual Africans and they'll act tribalist against them. Meanwhile time and time again, you'll see African exchange students consistently performing better in university and actually getting jobs based on merit rather than muh diversity. American blacks are just lazy and entitled as fuck.
Saaar do the needful saaars
>fiverr. Com/angiebrooke22
I worked on a university project with a Kenyan who was very offended that American blacks casually called each other "nigger". Guess what she was calling them literally 3 months later. And not with the soft "R".
>take weaker side in every African tribal war
>put them on ships where they all get rickets and diseases
>drop them off in a climate they aren't equipped for
>forcibly break up their families for 3 centuries
>selectively breed them to be strong and dumb
I actually agree with black nationalists in that the daily existence of American blacks is just, like, fucking terrible.
Africans are based (for now)
Indonesians and Indians are the main culprits because they speak english

If Africans ever start getting into the game, they'll be just as worse as pajeets
just as much dick sucking, racism and prioritizing people of their tribe or whatever the fuck they have
just like pajeets have their castes
How long until it becomes a larper website like crystalcafe?
However long it takes for Nigeria to get a trans community. That isn't meant to be a mean joke; it's just a statement of fact that the trans community's disproportionate online community dynamics is an extreme stressor on any site that they use.

feel bad for actual female users of crystal cafe but I'm guessing they left around 2-3 years ago anyway.
Yeah, I have no idea where women talk online now. Guarded invite-only group chats?
ITT: Anon doesn't understand a smaller percentage of a much larger quantity can still be larger than 100% of several other quantities combined. combined.

Who the fuck would have guessed half of an Elephant is more mass than 10 dogs.
Thats because the companies won. They now get infinite cheap workers who are too dumb to complain and dont have a will to fight.
the world does suck now
i've had white friends go to foreign countries and unkowningly eat dog meat. they said it is one of the tasiest meats they've had. i'm a vegetarian so i don't know
I follow overseas soccer and the Nigerians are already a cancer on Twitter.
gamey, not worth it; still annoyed Korea banned it for biden's BWC
>captcha HK0R
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>just as worse
Meatdogs are generally treated like pigs, so I can believe it.
I think you're right. Have a good day, sir.

Bitch bastards.
Its not. Its tough and gamey kinda like deer but a different flavour.
Holy shit, poojeets really did kill the internet with their shit stained keyboards. How did Indians become worse than the Chinese?
Lower castes got mobile data.
No "Great Firewall".
Do you have any idea how many people 54% of India is? Are you legitimately retarded? Go fuck yourself you Indian fuckface
Good bait, will probably hit 300 replies
It's been said before but it bears repeating, Indians are insane. They have the ego and self-awareness of autistic children.
stop the internet altogether
superpwa saar
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I fucking hate SEAniggers
its the same story of how neanderthals went extinct.
Indians are truly subhuman. Holy fuck.
Some British idiots had to go and give them medicine and industrial farming.
Yeah I don't mind talking with Africans that's totally fine. I just don't want to live with them.
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What do Koreans even do on the internet? And why?
the difference is that all of those other countries stick to their own section of the internet while poojeets see fit to shit up wherever. What's going to happen is that instead of a great firewall to keep other people out like china there will need to be created a great toiletbowl to keep india in.
>rarely shit up the english speaking internet.
ahahaha have you google searched anything in the past decade?
what was the project?
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>Does anyone else feel like people are simply done with pajeets after covid
Even redditors are ok with racism against indians lmao
>doesn't range-ban Canada
It's practically India-lite now.
I had sex with lots of South Korea girls when I was stationed there. I have also had sex with black girls. Trust me anon, yellow is not the new black.
nigerians are a special case because theyre the African americans of the UK
that being said, african imageboards are hilarious
They're so racist I love it.
I'm from the caribbean and I've been strongly considering starting an imageboard for us ever since our general on /int/ died after hurricane matthew but I'm pretty sure it'd just turn into us constantly shitting on Haitians (who won't even be present) and jamaicans being assholes
it's really funny seeing how different countries in different regions view each other. lurking eastern/central european forums/imageboards is also hilarious
Carribean politics are actually really interesting.

>White supremacists

Serious, you cant think about color skins, 24/7 ?
Majority of Malaysians only interact with other Malaysians on the internet, mainly on social media and Whatsapp. I'm one of maybe 4 or 5 Malaysians on 4chan and we are spread thin on our home boards.
South Koreans on the internet are almost as bad as chinkers on the internet
>>White supremacists
I'm only racist against jeets, not in general.
Noticed most tech bros have a love/hate relationship with jeets, because they break everything and are retarded and weird, but that also keeps everyone employed and paid well who basically has to fix pajeet shitcode.
kek Black Americans got so bootyblasted they fromed FBAs to WE WUZ INDIGINEOUS themselves
India is an English speaking country, technically. Hindi is not universally spoken there
I've worked with niggs, chinks and even polacks, most of them were generally nice people or neutral at best (at least in IT). But holy fuck, jeets are always the same: arrogant, lazy, smelly and worst of all: servile. If they are above you, they will abuse it, but as soon as someone above them comes along they become this absolute dog of a human being, willing to eat shit if that means making the boss happy.

There was also this one time where my sister (works for HR in the company I used to work for) would complain non stop about our local devjeet following her around. Thing is, she could do nothing about it because "muh diversity". Took me literally having to gather video footage and show this to his family for the guy to stop. I would've gladly beat the shit, but at the time, I could not afford to lose my first job.

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