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people literally just pretend they understand this
What are you failing to understand?
Since you're a retard, all you'll use it for is
git add .
git commit -m 'stuff'
git push
Spoken like a true nocoder
>programing is hard

>*show me a hello world program*
>"whats hard about this retard?"
I use git gui and gitk
What are you trying to do that's beyond this, considering you're retarded?
I don't understand why retards use a git GUI, nearly each one is bloated and clumbersome. At some point they fuck up and it's just way easier to type a few commands and know exactly what's going on in the branch.
I just use a GUI

got a problem with that?
so what youre saying is nobody gits it
Content-identified objects for commits, directories, and files, each essentially just a blob of text containing the id hashes of all the things it contains, making a directed graph.

Branches are ephemeral pointers to commits.

Sure, I sometimes have to look up the UI for doing stuff, but the basics are simple, straightforward, and obviously correct, so I can have confidence that things are happening as I expect.
do i need to know more than this?
you might wanna know how to merge/rebase master into your branch
I don't know, do you?
I find branches helpful, but some people don't.
I find rebasing helpful, but some people don't.
If you ever want to be employed at least learn branching/merging/rebasing. Anyone who says they don't use these features are NEET larpers.
yeah I'm white and can read
git cherry-pick is useful to me sometimes.
It is not feasible to try to do anything more than that, because the program is super intuitive and, contrary to pretty much every other programming or IT problem, the results of google searches for git problems are always fucking useless and often break something which you have to find a sequence of magic incantations to somehow fix. Usually a fresh checkout is the only solution because the program has not been designed to be used by someone who didn't write the fucking thing.
super UNintuitive ffs
you can't even write your cope correctly, your code is worthless and will never need to be committed anywhere, kill yourself jeet
Might this be, dare I say it, a skill issue?
branching is nice. git restore is even better
>I want to have a linked but separate repo
>I want to take that repo and put it back on master
the only commands you need to know are:
git init
git add
git commit -m
git push
git branch -b
git branch -D
git pull --force (for conflicts)
cp -r
sudo rm -rf
git clone

you are welcome
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>squash all commits
>git commit -m "bug fixes"
>git push --force origin master
it's just a simple distributed directed graph with content-addressable node labelling, what's to be not understood?
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speak for yourself
>git pull --force (for conflicts)
this is high-quality bait
you forgot to add a slash on the rm command
it should be"sudo rm / -rf"
it's a little bit easier when you use magit
Nah, I am a git pro, I can untangle any mess
>rm -rf .git
>git init
>git add .
>git commit -m "fixed the thing"
>git remote add origin nig@nigger.com:negro/coon.git
>git branch -m main master
>git push origin master --force
I have no idea how it works under the hood if that's what you mean but I use it just fine.
i never do intermediate commits, they are cancer. i use the staging area for WIP, and once it's time to open a pull request, i stash all the changes, pull latest changes of the target branch, and apply the stash on top of that
no need for gay rebasing or merge commits or whatever. it's just the perfect workflow
low IQ retard
I never use git pull. I prefer

git fetch --prune
// go to the branch you want to merge
git merge
you're the retard, it just werks. your PRs shouldn't be gigantic unreviewable pieces of work anyway and this takes away all the major pain points of git, you just have to resolve conflicts once if there are any and you don't fuck up the git history
no need to squash commits because you're only making one, and you can always see all changes in your IDE at once instead of having to interact with git (cancer)
you can track what you've "done" by moving it to staged
i've worked like this for years and have had literally 0 complaints from coworkers because i have the cleanest commit history and my PRs are usually very sensible chunks of work
>people around me are even more retarded than me
good for you anon
>ad hominem troglodyte response
your handler should take away your internet privileges
see >>100347156
my ISP refused to blackhole kiwifarms when a tranny waa begging entire world to do so, do you think they will specifically blackhole me just because some jeet said so?
it's not about how it works retard, it's about git being a worthless piece of shit by design, if you ever run into an issue in git, usually you don't know the name of the issue, like the egg and chicken situation, so you need to pray to good that some command you copied from somewhere works, my point is: everyone pretends they understand git, until they run into an actual issue
I never ran into an issue in git
checkout -b
cherry pick

That's circa 90% of my git usage.
for me, it's fagit
it's Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y except for many files
then you don't use it for serious business
or maybe I'm simply too white to have issues
It's a merkle tree of diff's, what else is left to understand?
Fuck you. I hate reviewing people who just add everything, so there's a bunch of garbage/comments/debug code included. I don't want your .vscode folder retard. Unusable, closing.
yup. jia tan's identity is public information in this repository
yet no one except me figured it out yet and i'm merely above average
A fee more
git restore <file>
git diff --staged
git rebase -i <base-commit>
git checkout -

This is all baby stuff, if you can't do this YANGMI
OP is clearly not setting up any repos himself, he's too stupid
Any sane project already has a .gitignore setup, so when OP makes his shit commit it won't be impossible to read through.
Yeah, I guess that's a good point. It still makes me seethe thoughever
rm .gitignore && git add . && git commit -m 'fuck shit' && git push --force
Sounds like a skill issue. I can deal with git issues just fine without having to commit the man pages to my brain.
And before you accuse me of not using enough git, I have done weird shit like moving a subdirectory into its own repository while preserving its history, and restoring commits from lost branches, no sweat.
thanks anon, now I can do it
Yeah, I'm not merging your PR.
PR? No need.
git push --force
Manager on your ass because you ruined everything?
git revert HEAD^ && git push --force
good way to have your email address permanently stuck in my spambox
Its not fucking hard lol
>want to init and add stuff?
git init
git add *
git commit -m "Initial"

>want to roll back to a commit?
git reset --hard <commit id>
git push origin master --force

>want to revert shit?
git revert <commit id>

>want to merge shit
git merge <branch id> <branch id>
if you think those issues are real issues, you never used enough git
you are proving my point by copying and pasting common git commands
So, is this how you delete git?
git fetch
git checkout -b feature/some-feature
git reset --soft origin/master
git push -f
Submitt a .gitignore PR yourself then chuddy
NTA, but no not everyone is a code monkey or pajeet that just copies. I see git as a diff recorder and if that's too hard for you, just kill yourself
Just push everything. Also:

git merge master

Merge conflict, plz resolve 10 files.

I use sublime merge btw.
i'm not a programmer and i use git for doc versioning.

i dont understand how you can be a programmer and struggle with this. My biggest accomplishment is a 50 line python script.
the only issue git has is subrepos because interacting with them is somehow harder than writing an entire workflow around submodules
i know graph theory and i'm studying pijul's theory right now so yes i do understand git you jobless faggot
if you simply understand how git works mathematically, you will literally never have another issue with it, because its rules are actually simple, and it just werks
Jetbrains diff viewer that allows you to choose which chunks or lines in a commit is pretty neat. I wish I could do something interactive like that from the terminal.
Skill. Issue
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

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i use it for work and i only ever use pull, push, merge, add, and commit
The only command Chad needs is force push (ideally through a GUI). Anything else is for troons
I have completely corrupted repos more times I'd like to admit with this piece of shit
(You) guys should use git worktrees
the only thing you're proving is you're a retard that got filtered by a CLI tool
this is the least complicated thing about programing.
not when you're a fizzbuzzer, it's very hard to manage fizzbuzz git repo
the normal git workflow is quite simple
it's just the 1 time out of 100 where shit hits the fan and you're stuck trying to figure out an esoteric fix to a problem that sucks about git
maybe you'd get yourself unstuck faster if you learned how to read, just a thought thoughie
No unless you are the one in charge of it for your team/company. You might very rarely need to use a few more commands to fix fuckups if you are just using it solo for change tracking but you can just search those when you need them.
just use lazygit or any other git client
it's very simple, you're probably <80IQ if you don't understand this
>git pull --force (for conflicts)
I am the only person ITT who knows how to and does in fact use vimdiff as a git-mergetool
You're all weak
Just make AI do it for you
yes because the rest of us have coordinated teams that communicate so merge conflicts don't even ever happen
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>mfw learned about git stash push and pop
You sound like you've never been employed in the field
I never needed employer in my fields as I own them, and my cows can graze by itselves so I never needed to work a day in my life.
>employed in the field
As opposed to employed where?
Also there's more than 1 field you know?
Sounds nice, but unfortunately, I doubt that's a true story
>As opposed to employed where?
In another field?
>it's easier to run some commands than pressing a single button that highlights changes and shows you what they were
Making things harder for yourself doesn't mean you're smart, just retarded
everyone in this thread is larping or can't read. git is simple, just read the manual once and you will understand it
>read the manual
tl;dr just Stack Overflow
>Sounds nice, but unfortunately, I doubt that's a true story
well keep seething about me being free of wage cagie shackles, and about the fact that me and my seven other distinct personalities can maintain multitude of repos and branches in them without ever having a merge conflict
That's very cute, anon; I cannot be mad at you.
Best of luck to you and to the other men inside of you
Why do people use rebase? Is the only advantage that the commit log is a little cleaner? Just squash merge
>Is the only advantage that the commit log is a little cleaner?
Yes. I want it cleaner.
There's at least a dozen diff tools that have that functionality, including CLI ones (git-delta etc). You can change it in .gitconfig.
You know git when you know that it's just a directed acyclic graph of commits. Each commit has a unique ID, which is just a hash of its contents (including commit date and parent commit hash). A branch is just a named commit ID. This is literally all you need to know, the rest is struggling with git's shitty CLI tools and options.
> git cli users
>frogposter is proud to be on the side of retards filtered by typing text and reading text
I use git-cola for that, it's a pretty unintrusive GUI which you can just start from the terminal whenever you need it.
Pro Git TM is all you need
...........git has interactive mode...?
>acyclic graph
That's a tree pedantic retard
No, if git commits were just a tree, you couldn't have merges.
fucking retard
A merge commit is a commit with at least two direct parents. A tree can only ever have one direct parent.
Dont do this anon
>version control
bah, rampant featureitis. causes problems it is supposed to solve. recursively self-reverent. but it is "free".
>having a tool for every problem is le bad
can't believe a cnile is shitty on git despite git being made by a cnile
>can't believe
endeavor to persevere
sorry I was born an atheist, it's a lifelong condition
Unused RAM is wasted RAM
unused ram is disk cache, which is a lot more useful than maintaining an entire chrome instance just to be able to see a loading spinner when clicking push
Yes, it will uninstall git for sure.
For me it's jujutsu
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Never had to understand. UI for git is in most IDES
just use the 3-4 commands everyone else does and you're gold, you can even use a gui
git gud fgt
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all i know is git clone $repo
idk how tf to fetch changes and update that repo without deleting it first
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>colleagues and friends convinced I'm some sort of magician who knows every git feature
>I literally use a GUI and don't tell anyone
And I'm still an obnoxious skill elitist about it; that's the best part!
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>merge master into your branch
>rebase matser onto your branch
what the fuck are you doing
im a huge noob at using this stuff
delving into stable diffusion, ffmpeg and yt-dlp with 0 knowledge ive learned how to do a few things like run literally anything in a command line interface, had no idea what any git commands do and can now clone a repo, tried to build one because thats what the instructions told me to do (had no idea they already had pre built .exes on another tab)
Welcome to the world of computers. This is how every kid used to get started coding.
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kind of hate merge like it makes the git log -p look pretty messed up
I might be dumb though

usually I do something like
checkout branch2
rebase -i branch1
# fix conflict
git checkout branch1
git merge branch2

and the history looks BEAUTIFUL

but with merge the process is (?)

# 1) Create a base repository with an initial file
# 2) Two feature branches make changes to the same file
# A) replace 1+4 with new text, add 8th line at end
# B) Replace 4 with new text, make line7 the last line
# 3) the feature2 dev fucks off so the feature1 dev resumes the work by merging
# feature2 into feature1
# 4) the git log looks kind of fucked up now

mkdir gittest
cd gittest

git init -b master

echo "Dumb file title" >> gittestfile
echo "subtitle" >> gittestfile
echo "" >> gittestfile
echo line1 >> gittestfile
echo "" >> gittestfile
echo line2 >> gittestfile
echo line3 >> gittestfile
echo line4 >> gittestfile
echo -e "\n\n" >> gittestfile
echo line5 >> gittestfile
echo line6 >> gittestfile
echo line7 >> gittestfile

git add gittestfile
git commit -m "initial commit"

git checkout -b branch1
sed -i "s/line1/new_line1/g" gittestfile
sed -i "s/line4/new_line4/g" gittestfile

echo "remove_this_lane_later" >> gittestfile

git add gittestfile
git commit -m "feature_1"

git checkout master
git checkout -b branch2

sed -i "s/line4/better_line4/g" gittestfile

sed -i "s/line7/this_is_the_last_line/g" gittestfile

git add gittestfile
git commit -m "feature_2"

git checkout branch1
git merge branch2

# Then run:
# git merge --cintinue
# git log -p

uh collaborating?
you dont merge master into your branch oh my god
enjoy your zigzag spaghetti history
>he doesn't squash his commits before merging back into master
>complains about shitting up the history
Definitely skill issue. Maybe you should try learning how it really works and stop trying to make it fit your pre-existing mental model? It's genuinely not that complicated and you can do most common operations from your editor/IDE.
Or you could just seethe here like a whiny little bitch.
that has nothing to do with the post you replied to
but it does. when branches diverge, merging from master is faster and more convenient than rebasing and since commits on branches get squashed right before merging back into master, it does not fucking matter
yes it does your history becomes fucking unreadable
>] [
you squah commits in your branch and merge into master
you never merge master into your branch
squash and rebase is the only way. anything else creates a fucking mess.

export GIT_TRACE=1


git config --global http.postBuffer 157286400
It's wikipedia but for your code.
git sucks, I know it well, but I'm too retarded to honestly fathom something better. Most every other vcs has had some fatal flaw (other than adoption) that made it basically worthless.
why not
it was one or the other not both
it is neither of them
your feature/branch is an addition to master
master is not an addition to your branch
lmao what a cope. Literally nothing hard to type some shit it sounds like you don't know what you're doing
you just exposed yourself as a dumbass LARPer if you've never had your branch lag behind remote master lmao. That or you just do little NEET projects in your mom's basement.
>branch lag behind remote master lmao.
then you rebase on master or alternatively merge into master and solve the conflict
yeah retard in other words
>merge master into your branch
>rebase matser onto your branch
as said by the other anon
>people literally just pretend they understand this
git outta here
that is not what I said
you are going about it wrong if you do that and will fuck up your history
Either one is fine, but both have trade-offs. Each one will let you solve the conflicts. Rebasing is usually preferred so you don't have a complicated history of "merge" commits but even then you can just squash those before merging the feature back into master.
if you rebase onto master or merge into master yes that is the tradeoff

if you are rebasing master onto your branch or merging msater into your branch you are being dumb regardless of how much you squash
just hashes of text diffs, plus some additional metadata, layered on top of each other
No one mentioned these. They are useful:

git reflog
git worktree
>Go on the website
>Find .exe

It's so easy bros
unless whatever the kids use these days is magic, you still need to know the git concepts and how to apply operations
GUIs are fine, for me it's magit
>git rebase
how to squash
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Reminder: Simply having to use a terminal and memorize a few lines of text is all it takes to keep normalfags out of our hobbies.
you have to read the docs, but yea some of us do understand it. it's not that complicated. but some of the terminology is maybe a bit obfuscating for no good reason.
people have tried simplifying it with GUI and shit for years now, and they all kind of end up sucking in one way or another.
Not true since I do everything in my terminal including mundane tasks and git still filters me to this day.
sometimes (many times) you have to rebase master onto your branch while it's a WIP. you can't always just merge/rebase onto master
git push origin master
fuck conflicts, my version is the only version
>sometimes (many times) you have to rebase master onto your branch
no you do not
a gentleman and a scholar
In that it's ostensibly an open standard but is actually run by one abusive company that uses transgender moderators to ruin everyone's life and selectively censor public domain content?

Actually yeah, no, that fits.
for me it's fossil-scm
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I do niche and very technical backed work in fortune 100 company and I just use directories labeled as name_v#
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only faggots use git

i just modify the files on the repository directly from my browser
isn't this also the workflow for GitHub code spaces?
Where my zoomer soidevs at? https://learngitbranching.js.org/
Then remember if it fails ever you re-download the entire thing again, merge your changes and push. This is the intended use of git.
I certainly do. I can barely handle git bisect and comitting specific hunks.

t. Senior engineer, 140k tc

I think food service is more your speed, anon
Lazygit is nice.

Also you're a Dunning Kruger and trying to signal how smart you are. Stop it or I'll get you blacklisted from the industry.
Fucking LOL
They hated him for he spoke the truth
rebasing gets rid of all the pointless merge commits shit up the history
You're so fucking retarded dude
Rebase locally then squash merge all your commits into one atomic high quality commit when you're done. It's not hard.
We appreciate your time but regret to inform you that we have selected another candidate for this position.
>I think food service is more your speed, anon
>I can barely handle git bisect and comitting specific hunks.
Cniles (on G at least) are almost all nocoders
And yet I'm still better at git than you. Quite a sad state of affairs.
Yeah git sucks everybody knows it sucks just the fact that it can't track folder names should be proof for everybody that it was created by a disgusting cretin or how about not having a way for git to declare that some files should be pulled but not pushed if you want that behavior you have to tell each user to set it up themselves it's wild.
OP said he was retarded and expected me to give him more than a hello world
You can't figure out chunks and bisects, and you think you're better than I am.
There's no way there's this many people who don't understand git.
The absolute state of geets
works just fine on my machine
you mean
git checkout --detach
git fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
git checkout -
>t. memorized a bunch of commands he hasn't really got a clue about how they work and thinks he's smart
reminder that git is so fucked that even john carmack can't use it
You just take pride onto doing things more difficulty just because.
You're ill.
Isn't the entire point of git that it's impossible to lose code even if you work with the biggest retards in the industry, including yourself? Everything else like organization is about setting up proper norms and following them strictly and keeping track with proper documentation. Literally none of this is git's job.
git removed all difficulty from things, my makefiles literally contain
@git clean -dfX

Because git tracks of what needs to be cleaned and what doesn't and any solution I could come up with would be strictly worse.
If my make a scratch file in a directory unrelated to a build artifact I don't expect clean to remove it. You should know what build artifacts are being created in the first place, not expecting someone else to track it for you.
And this wouldn't remove it, of course since you're braindead monkey you couldn't even read man page for git clean and figure out what this does since you're this retarded.
I forgor, so it literally just removes the files you tell it to remove in your .gitignore. Very useful example of git "track[ing] what needs to be cleaned and what doesn't"
you can force track an .gitignored file but git clean -dfX would still not remove it, git already tracks files, so why should I do anything else?
more like "git forces you to manually tell it about build artifact". I don't know what your original point was supposed to be. You'd have to force git to track a gitignored file because only a retard would want to do that.
there are usecases for force tracking a gitignored file but sure, some retard who is proud to tell us that he got filtered by git would know better
You need git gud.
>be me
>writing on IDE because im not a crackhead cretin who writes shit code
>somehow it’s faster for me to open up a terminal and CLI git rather than just use the builtin GUI

Nigga return that oxygen you just stole, you’re wasting it
If you're working with VC, correctness matters more than speed, and a lot of Git GUI tools are just awful. Most of the time a repo gets fucked up at my work, it's because of this.
People do that at their actual jobs?
It is more esoteric than svn, but bro literally just learn it. It'll massively help you in the future
I think not understanding the system you're using will end up making things hard on you in the future
Git isn't owned by anybody. Github might be, but that's just an online git service
What don't you like about it?
Git worktree is really nice when you've gotta switch between branches all the time
Neither is MediaWiki. You see my point, though; wikipedia is to media wiki as GitHub is to git.
Honestly? It's too easy for people to do the wrong thing. That's basically it. Sadly, most everything else that tried to prevent weird shit just makes it worse since you end up having to do niggerlicious stuff like multiple broken "partial" commits. svn was definitely the worst at this
That's pretty much all you need 90% of the time. There're a few extra commands like clone you also occasionally need to use.
The biggest challange of git or any version control software is not the software itself, but managaning the project and teams. One retard can completely fuck up your repos if you don't have clear rules and guidelines for code contribution.
>I can barely handle git bisect and comitting specific hunks.
This is a case where the built in git-gui is better than the CLI.
bait, but also
git branch -M main master
git branch push --force-with-lease
git rebase -i
git cherry-pick somecommit

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