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High performance Rust is probably 100% harder than high performance C++.

C is a great language.

I'm not 100% convinced Rust is easier to maintain than C++.

Allowing Rust in the Linux kernel was a mistake IMO.

-- tpt 2024


What is our move Rust sisters?
>new language has feature that is just Pascal local variable declaration with extra steps

Fuck rustrannies.
Fuck ziggers.
Please call me when Zig is no longer in alpha and real companies start to use it.
Please call me when Rust has a formal reference (program correctness must be proven with mathematics) and real non-homosexual companies are using it.
Rust is being pushed by the state to make hiring third worlders easier for those who lobby. C++ isn't perfect but the government hasnt made anything better.
>YouTuber *not convinced*.
>Quoting a "content creator" who only ever worked at joke-stack company, and likely was a "managerial" type there
Can't this faggot not make a retarded face for his thumbnail for once?
buy an ad
Who? Why do I care? At least technology connections shill isn't pure clickbait garbage.
Thanks but I'm still sticking with Odin. It's similar to Go as in it gets out of the programmers way unlike Rust which is just intellectual masturbation. If I want intellectual masturbation I'll use Haskell instead.
Go and Odin get work done meanwhile rust troons can rewrite yet another cli utility.
Don't like rust. C++ works. Simple as
>Allowing Rust in the Linux kernel was a mistake IMO.
i had to hear it to believe it
but yeah...
btfo no survivors
>poeple tend to forget how good c is

>(about vulnerbilities)
>dont get caught by skill issues

uh ohh
rustxisters, i dont feel so good...
>video reacting to 5 min total
>react video 40min total
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
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>screeching voice
i don't use it because it's pointlessly hard to work with. How can someone say it's easier than C is beyond me.
It's easier than serious C, not freshman script-sized C.
Zig is the first actual step forward we've had in system's programming since C. If it ever actually releases (in about 30 years, of course), it will replace C because it is superior to C in every way for every possible scenario. It is even better than C for arbitrary byte sizes.
serious C? What is serious C. Btw i am talking about rust not zig, I never used zig.
const std = @import("std");

pub fn main() !void {
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
try stdout.print("Hello, {s}!\n", .{"world"});

I wonder why nobody uses it
There are so many good, fast languages out there like Pascal and Linus fucking chooses Rust. The mind boggles.
ping me when it's as memory safe as rust
I'm excited for Zig and/or Jai, fast compilation is a huge deal and might be enough to make me switch. If they also get somewhere with the hot reloading stuff, I will switch 100%.
But I will still wait until they have a solution that actually just works for cross platform windows and rendering. There's basically no advantage in using a better language if you're still stuck dealing with 15 different terrible platform apis.
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He comes
>serious C? What is serious C.
As in non-trivial important C code that will be used by others, and has to meet some certain quality and safety thresholds.
>Btw i am talking about rust not zig, I never used zig.
Yes. And I'm talking about Rust.
I used to write serious C code. And now I mostly write Rust (personal C projects are maintenance-only).
Rust was the answer to many pain points serious C coders had, and where C++ is/was not the answer (it's not the answer to any non-retarded question anyway).
It's no accident that in fields like kernel development and multimedia, where C is king, and C++ (especially with "modern" features) is a big joke, Rust found a lot of buy-in.
And yes, coming from a serious C background, writing Rust is easy. It's like writing in easy mode, except the code is actually better/superior.
rust is c++ with all the bloat turned to 11 doe
thank you no-coder for your generic take.
>e-celeb impressions bait thread
best post and /thread
>ad homonem
i accept your utter concession, crab.
you can mince away now
>>>ad homonem
Yeah, fair point. I should have just wrote
>Hitchens's razor
without mentioning your no-coding disability.
>Hitchens's razor
wtf is even that?
tell me quick. i will be gentler this way
>small dick energy
>Hitchens’s razor is a philosophical concept that states “what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
think about it and how it relates to calling me a nocoder, crab (aka sea cockroach).
and then despair from being irrevocably sub 80 iq
imagine giving names to such banalities
->and then imagine memorizing this retarded shit only to *appear smart
fucking hell anon
close this window and go introspect post haste
you got the ego of a 5 year old
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to apprectiate Rust.
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he still does.
he just said zig is *better. (and c. and that rust shouldnt be in the kernel. hhhhhh btfo no survivors, crab. i guess yopu will be learning zig now)
Who the fuck uses pascal? Btw I love it's syntax. Only way it lost to C is because C was the default for unix. Another case of wrong side winning the history
How to earn money with PASCAL
Find a company with corporate GUI software from the early 90's.
Some probably still exist, but don't ask me for proof.
Why do people even care what he has to say about systems programming? On his go vs rust video he got filtered by mutexes, made me lose all respect for him.
why would I use Odin though when jailang comes out at some point? Also mainly: I hate :: proc syntax
this, kys OP
You should lose some respect of yourself for even recognizing such self-whoring no-doers.
Why do people even watch shit like this on YouTube?
Are you all kindergarten-age and need the video format to learn stuff?
High performance rust is definitely easier than high performance c++ just because built-in support for async, great libraries and that since proper multithreading is easier a lot of people do it.

For simple functions it compile to the same things anyway and can even generate better machine code because it is more expressive.

In real world use it isn't easily beaten by cpp.
It already has, there is prusti and coc rust.
You can fully verify rust programs now.
>program correctness must be proven with mathematics
Call me when one C program falls into this.
>b-but muh se-
Doesn't meet the bar. Their verification toolchain is ass broken.
>Who the fuck uses pascal?
>when jailang comes out
Jai isn't a language as much as it is JoBlow edging for 12 years.
that's almost as ugly as rust
I'm not your sister
>40 minute video of some faggot watching a 9 minute video
nobody actually watches this söyslop trash, right?
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>Another case of wrong side winning the history
I only trust languages made by real software engineers that did real job, like ex bell labs workers. I trust Go.
>High performance rust is definitely easier than high performance c++ just because built-in support for async
Are you fucking stupid? Async is about concurrency (not parallelism) and not performance.
How come when I learn Rust its full of friendly helpful people, but when I tried to learn C it was full of the most gatekeeping weirdos who saw anyone learning the language as competition so they would barely help you or lead in a wrong direction so you give up.
>first actual step forward we've had in system's programming since C
No, it's C with Go's defer and a much uglier syntax.
Just look at it >>100372196, why the fuck do I have to get a standard out writer?
Why is it "trying" to print, does it panic if print fails?
And what is even this .{"world"} syntax, why can't it just take the string arguments directly like any normal language?
Will never be, Andrew doesn't want "hidden control flow" which is necessary for automatic RAII to work.
Smart pointers can't exist in Zig without RAII.
And you forgot a single defer? Oops, your memory leaked.
>high performance
>and Linus fucking chooses Rust
he didn't. you can write kernel drivers in rust now, that's it. you could also write them ceeplusplus, nothing special about it.
no one is rewriting the linux kernel in rust.
>Allowing Rust in the Linux kernel was a mistake IMO.
Obviously, but allowing Zig would be another mistake. LLVM-based languages shouldn't be allowed in any production-level kernel.

>I'm not 100% convinced Rust is easier to maintain than C++.
It's easier to maintain. Not easier to write the first time around. Good Rust development practice does not involve using the same design patterns you are used to in other languages. You have to actually not be retarded.
>choosing to misunderstand on purpose this hard
>You have to actually not be retarded.
Stop discriminating against 23 year old freshman cniles
Because it's 0.12

>it's C with Go's defer and a much uglier syntax.
It isn't, you're just another case of "retard who knows nothing about X has a strong opinion on X". Many such cases around here.
>why the fuck do I have to get a standard out writer?
Zig has a fraction of C's runtime. You don't pay for what you don't use.
>Why is it "trying" to print, does it panic if print fails?
Printing can fail, try just tells zig to return the error value out of the function. Nothing panics if you don't do that, you just ignore the error.
>And what is even this .{"world"} syntax
It's essentially a compile time tuple. I don't like the syntax, but you almost never see it either, but I also can't really think of a much better alternative. It's just variable arguments. And yes, it's better than varargs in every way, but I look forward to reading your cope on that, because I already know that's a hill you'd absolutely die on.

Zig is actively pushing to get rid of llvm. Rust uses LLVM at its core, zig is using it as a starting point. Why would you be discussing adding a language which is like 10 years away from 1.0 to the linux kernel?
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Yeah thanks but no thanks. All I need are
>Invisible stack-managed unique pointers for dynamic types by default
>RC otherwise
>Heap references are explicit
>Parameters and returns are immutable unless explicitly otherwise
Wow, it turns out with these simple features you can write giant applications with 99.9% pure business logic and absolutely no memory bullshit.
>yes that's my job idiots
That's how i know you don't know rust.
If you spawn multiple task with spawn they will be dispatched with a threadpool.
It will effectively be multithreaded in term of compute.

But even then, if you want to use actual threads, the requirement for an async task is basically the same as a multithreaded one.
Also fun how you decided to cut my reply midsentence to distort what i was saying and only keep the async part.
Doesn't count. It's not a complete denotational semantics bootstrapped from fundamental axioms.
that's because zig is influenced by rust.

hello, bruce. how's the child porn collecting going? and why don't you use your gay tripname any more? is it because everyone has filtered you?
Isnt he the guy who created a terminal coffee ordering startup and got data breached within a month? Why the fuck should I care what he thinks?
and by "learn Rust" you mean you spread your cheeks and the rustroons are very friendly using your anus, whereas C people encourage you to gatekeep your anus.
I don't care about making programming easier for retarded people.
I care about making it so retarded people can't fuck up the project.
Rust accomplishes this by making it so retards either give up entirely because they can't use the same design patterns they're used to, or they struggle repeatedly until they shit out something that technically works.

Intelligent programmers who know how to adapt their designs to the tool will find Rust quite refreshing.
yea bro Arc<Mutex>> on everything is so cheap bro and performant
Odin will descend from the heavens to kill Crabs and Gophers. Odin already won. Look where Odin is being used. It's used to create high quality VFX in production. Your Rust shit will never be used in production.
Keep on rewriting more coreutils though.
There's this one product that is used in my company from the early 2000's and it's written in Pascal. Only 1 guy maintains all that shit. He probably gets paid a lot to do that.
Any fucking day now. Do it JonBlow. So that we can rewrite everything in jai soon
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>Rust its full of friendly helpful people
You haven't met the unsafe guys, who think unsafe is basically the devil. They harassed that actix developer when he used unsafe in a lot of places to gain performance.
Did he try calling them a faggot publicly and then ignoring all further communication? Because that's how you're supposed to deal with someone harassing you over your code.
pascal is a beginner's language
but bad architecture and coupling will fuck you up
I swear to fuck the syntax on most languages are just shit
It’s like you bring out the specific special case syntax for everything instead of having implied meaning with the ability to become more specific

bitch I don’t wanna have to hold shift or reach some weird way to hit the token I don’t wanna read butt ugly tokens
I want minimalism and ease to type why do always dork it all up

No normal person wants to have complex controls to control something, when that operation covers over 80% of usages

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