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Previous thread: >>100994376

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


Bing AI Slop (0.7.0)

Designer AI Slop 0.4.7

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

>Resetting Boosts
Try clearing your search history at https://www.bing.com/profile/history

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here: https://rentry.org/bicedit

>Prompt Generator

>Helpful tips

>Related Boards
I had deleted mine coz I had forgot to update the Designer script, but I guess it doesn't matter.
No theme?
That was me, of course.
Even the previous thread lacked one. And it's hardly ever followed.

Austria is based, on an unrelated note.
Thread theme: BIG.
I wasn't sure why you deleted it, so I just jumped in so people wouldn't have to wait. Next time we'll get it updated.
Nah, you did well, I deleted it because it looked like it was a slow moment so I could play with autism and perfectionism, but the stupid thing wanted me to wait for over 5 minutes before making another.
Dalle3 is way worse
retard kys
Heh, guilty of doing that sometimes myself too.
>evading filters

get a trip so i can filter you

not related to de3

go wank with your discord boyfriend elsewhere

thread status: as mm said “grim”
Thread is indeed grim whenever there's a noimg shitting the place. Sometimes I almost feel like using the F (noimg) filter of 4chanx, like lowercase sage once suggested, but there's also people who post without images for legit reasons...
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combining threads now because the model sucks but is proprietary like dalle
didn't this thread allow runwayml vids? what's the difference letting luma itt?
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>look for an image to post
>realize literally everything made in the past few days is chock full of naked anime girls and/or extreme gore, even the bing gens
>sigh and post some old shit instead

I don't want to sit here posting catbox links all day, either.
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Uhm, your cat is BIGger, I guess.
How'd he even get in there?
Nice cat.
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He was summoned.
Sounds like Cici has been killed according to /aco/.
Oh well, I could get all kinds of lewd stuff but it all looked very weird
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Some schizo losing his shit does not mean it's dead.
Notice that I said "sounds like" and not that "it's dead" to leave it open to the possibility that it could be nothing.
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Kinda hard to get this look consistently, I'm still working on the prompt
>1990s color film still, basket court, cutout drawn cartoon man standing in the middle
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Even specifying 'real life photo' only gets me only one matching the style
Maybe reference some films that mix live action with cartoons to give it more context. Space Jam, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, etc.
I tried it but they gave even more cartoony results. Still, thank you for the tip. Btw, putting roger rabbit always gives bugs bunny lol
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It seems it's getting better now, I think describing an action helps too
>1990s color film photography of a basket court, cutout cartoon player dunking the ball
Did they fix Clear history thing or what? Im not getting my 15 fast gens back
Try using BIC edit on another account to save boosts
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thanks for the idea

btw, anyone know why jessica rabbit is hard banned?
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>thanks for the idea
no problem have fun with it
>btw, anyone know why jessica rabbit is hard banned?
I suppose it's because a lewd character

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Did you try it multiple times? And was your recent generation gallery deleted anyway? Sometimes it just fails when you click it only once, but I've not used that trick for some time now, I'm not generating as heavily as before.
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is luma worth it
Does anyone else has the de3u errors? can not save results
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problem was on my side
what was the solution?
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make dall-e show the stern/back of titanic challenge (hardly possible)

this is dalle2 but still
dalle 2?
yes I have been too lazy to try dalle3 yet but I doubt things have improved aside from output resolution + microsoft trying to appease the outrage-crowd

at least judging from the images posted here
Just restarted my pc. I also had connection error timeouts in my browser. It was probably just some dns cache on fuckery
Only for memes and cursed videos.
that's dalle3 bro
lmao oops
for some reason I thought dalle3 was a new model release like a few weeks ago

no you are right the image I posted is dalle3 from october last year so I suppose not a lot has changed
the censors were not on as strong 7th May, other than that the same old
> can not save results
And nothing of the value would be lost.
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>can of baked beans for comfort
lmao that's adorable
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Good morning saar
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Those claws? totally batshit crazy Dalle trip again. I love it
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I wonder who's gonna eat the third one
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It's fairly difficult to get animal ears and the actual animal together sometimes (dhole here).
This one came out more like a wolf.
And lastly some of the more YJK stuff that came out from my innocent prompt, the fourth one is the closest to what I prompted (kissing the head, for Pete's sake).
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thanks for the idea
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8K, Ultra HD, with complementary colors of pale peach and soft blue, creating a hard-shaded illustration of a 1980s Japanese pulp. A glossy texture of gouache, ink, wet airbrush, and rim-lit illustration depicting a
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cool prompt, fanks a lot
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very nice atmospheric gens.

Here is an extreme hellplanet c-secion
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nice hellplanet, i took a break from the "large-format 1980's-era Japanese pulp smoothshaded illustration made up of gouache, ink, wet airbrush sheen, rimlit definition,backlit," style and just jamming text together to see what it creates

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This thread has been even slower than usual, wasn't it? Very few posts during CET night, in particular.
My account got hit with the rate limit and a day after still hasn't been unlocked.
Actually something similar happened to my main account, curiously the boosts reset quite fast, literally in less than 12 hours, but then it got hit by the hidden limit, while I still have some boosts left, and it's still not been lifted after more than 12 hours. Can't you just make another account, anyway?
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That's exactly what happened, I think if you request the Landscape versions you get less tries.
Yeah, that's part of the issue for sure, it's mentioned in BIC's faqs, each request counts towards this crappy and obfuscated hidden limit.
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recessive gene freak
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Oh, /v/ is getting spammed with a single gore picture posted ad nauseam. These threads are half dead but they still somehow get a lot of attention.
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Heh, sounds like a pretty average day on /v/.
Eh, it looks like they had similar issues before, but it's the butthurt artist type. We had those rarely here, at least since I joined. I vaguely remember someone saying that this stuff is not "art", no on was claiming otherwise, but it pretty much ended there.

/v/ reminded me that I need more garters, anyway. Too bad they get dogged a lot when regenerating the picture.
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Well, it is /v/ we're talking about here, so it's not all that surprising.

Cici would be a lot more forgiving with garters considering what /aco/ has been churning out lately.
I put my money on the one who can perform unplugged.
You can play that guitar unplugged too. It's just that it will sound incredibly low compared to the violin
interesting, eadable art. I like the composition of the 2nd one

this looks so good
The man behind the little boy ? Do you want to say that you are kid molestor ?
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kept you waiting huh?
Modern DB fans in a nutshell.
think the bucket of sloppy chocolate is... well you can guess it
Solid Snail
Cici is too random in terms of styles, unless I missed something and people managed to make it behave. It's also more glitchy and slow compared to how coze used to be, but I'm not sure to what extent it's because of the mandatory proxy.
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It's still way too random in terms of styles, even when referencing artists I know died more than 100 years ago (bosch, etc). It's just a real grabbag whatever you end up with. However I found that using "max ernst" for some reason gives fairly consistent results. I still don't know why.

>old gen lol
Some of the /aco/ folks seem to get relatively consistent gens from what I've observed. I think it has to do with how you structure your chat, but I might be talking out of my ass here.
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Thanks for the tip, effectively, while it wasn't completely consistent, adding that artist to my style made things less random than using no artist at all, which was what I was doing before, largely because it's what I do with API+JB usually (but on chichiai it even results in my style turning into a photographic one sometimes).
Talking about chat structure, it seems to ignore landscape/portrait instructions more often compared to coze? Do you have to be more specific? I had no issue on the aspect before, at least.
*that aspect
And I don't know why I turned it into chichiai, except that it sounds more Chinese-like, I guess. Is this thing confirmed to be related to coze anyway? You can export bots to ciciai too on coze and people on /aco/ say that accounts are seemingly shared, so it looks likely. But the whole thing looks a bit more opaque, it was very easy to find infos about coze in comparison.
>it seems to ignore landscape/portrait instructions more often

Just put ratio 2 or ratio 3 in your text. It never fails to me.
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I think it's the same company, but for some reason they're not pulling the plug on the unrestricted access. Could be because you still need a VPN to access it, or because it's not spitting out over 9000 celeb pics.
It's failed to do widescreen even with this in the prompt for me.
>It's failed
Odd. It always works for me. (i am talking about cici, just to be clear)
>ask dall-e for a ghanaian housewife
>white half of the time
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I use the ratio 2 and 3 method as mentioned in >>101043756 plus 16:9 or the inverse of that at the very beginning of a prompt and it works most of the time.
describe her clothes instead
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Baked and updated the Designer script that even on /aco/ aren't updating in the OP (the old link is 404 anyway)

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