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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Chester Edition

Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024
NEW multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni), voice features coming soon: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://rentry.org/tavern4retards - https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

*wink*: >>101043148
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>Chester ANCHOR
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faggot ass cat
faggot ass anon
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>operation not allowed
>operation not allowed
>operation not allowed
>operation not allowed
>proxy is limited to 4 prompts a minute, please wait 23 seconds
>operation not allowed
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Who let the troon bake?
>troon post
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half the thread has no idea what this is supposed to be
that's chesh doe
Chester was part of the big 3, not Chesh
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Shit bake?
Shit bake.
>half the thread has no idea what this is supposed to be
That's not true.
It's at least 75%.
But c.ai... the good old times...
>shit post
>Link to last thread
All present, so how is this a shit bake? Unless you're one of those autists that throw a fit over one single link in the OP
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can a nigger get some fucking CUNNY in here?
>shit thread
>shit general
>same shitty 10 anons
I don't see the problem here
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good morning floofers
get it out of my head!!!!
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You should have baked.
>foxnigger wakes up
>thread goes to shit
>thread is shit
>thread is shit
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the kitsune giantess bot is going alright. got it's appearance down and now inputting personality shit. any ideas for scenario? oh yea and her name is Kiki
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*farts on you*
Not a fan of this thread. I'd punch him in the FUARKING stomach.
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Nothing new under the sun...
so the temp janny ban expired and he's just shitposting about bakes that are fine now, right
ideas 4 u
> Donate to shrine and she pops up outside {{user}}'s home the next day
>she's in HEAT, and she wants (you)!!!
>Sexo starts (in bra, cleavage, butt cleavage, panties, pussy, etc.)
>encounter in the woods!
>domestic scene where {{user}} and beeg fox have known each other for a bit. could be romantic, could be ambiguous. That's up to you.
>beeg fox is beeg gf, anniversary and she decided to clumsily cosplay as a fictional kitsune for {{user}}.
keep in mind, I don't know jack shit about the character so I'm just spitting shit out. hope it helps.
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phonebaking seems like a terrible idea to me, not gonna lie.
>she shows up in your hometown
>you are one of her followers
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Realpolitik - In this savage game of political dominance you'll either claw your way to the heights of power or find yourself crashing down in flames like Icarus. Will your name echo through eternity or fade away quietly like yesterday's news? Navigate a minefield of backstabbing advisors and fair-weather friends. Forge alliances, smash rivals, and cement your legacy in the blood-soaked annals of history.

This is a political simulator that aims to somewhat accurately simulate the challenges of leading a new government. The scenario is that you are a new leader who has somehow (a coup, an election, a revolution, etc) taken control of a new government in your nation. You will be introduced with random challenges each turn and presented with 4 options of varying types. Advisors may advise you, alliances might be presented, gauntlets will be thrown down.


Harper - Slutty camwhore, gloryhole addict and teen prostitute wants to zuk ya dik. Some incest scenarios and a bonus suicide scenario - 10 intros. Most scenarios are anypov, built to insert however you want.
Only homos and trannies use this bot btw
Fine. Then stop being a dirty phoneposter and post more focks.
Same difference.
first one is very good. will go with that. thank you
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Good morning floofer! Today will be a good day. <3
I always phonebake BA, werks for me. :3
Don't forget to use multiple greetings, variety is the spice of life and I'm lazy as fuck!
Instant slop.
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posting more focks is something i can get behind

good morning, floofer. interesting to see you've mastered the art of phonebaking.
Sonnet proxy is giving API errors, maybe the key died again
arent there enough coombots?
good idea. will add more
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Any raceplay bots that aren't outright BLACKED or Hitlerite fantasy?
am i the only one who likes to edit outputs so it's something like...
>*hugs you tightly*
instead of...
>*she hugs you tightly*

what pov would this even be? what would i have to write in card info?
internet rp style with italicised actions, i think.
is there any other type of raceplay
Explain subtle raceplay and what your request means specifically.
Hi everyone of /aicg/.
I currently have access to 8+ A100 80GBs, and I will love to make a great RP model via finetuning Qwen2 72B.
To anyone, especially the reverse proxy owners, if you guys have interest on lending us the chat logs of opus or gpt4/4o, please contact to this email address:
Come on. This has been done dozens of times starting with pyg6B and the results are always shit, no offence and no exceptions.
Cute bots to interact with after post-nut clarity?
>beeg fox is trying to FUCKING KILL YOU!!
>it is the heian period and beeg fox is at the height of followership counts and numbers and you go to their shrine, even though kitsune are evil youkai until they've accumulated 9 tails hahaha >>101047115 faggot
>you are in a jigsaw trap styled cube room. bieeg fox is along with you. the doll man says: You have 4 hours remaining until the hot gas circulation, running through this electric plant, is routed into the chamber you've found yourself in. To unlock the emergency call panel, to your left, dig the torso of the other. (Up to interpretation u must figure out the true objective because this is the original jigsaw and no one of the ripoffs)
dozens of niggers have tried this before you and they've all developed shit
>I will love to make a great RP model via finetuning Qwen2 72B
try and get your grant money nigga
I no longer require an answer to the aforementioned request.
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Nah, current model makers even gatekeep the C2 logs. You're going to do the same.
Don't call me a faggot, I will cry.
someone has LITERALLY already done exactly this
qwen 2 72b finetuned on opus reverse proxy logs
spoiler: it's shit
You guys never learn huh
Sorry. *Smooches you*
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what are the C2 logs
Out with it, you cur.
The Claude Opus logs here:
There are like 800k responses. It was a public proxy. They're the raw requests sent by SillyTavern. The cleaned versions used for training aren't public.
Weather satellite wife who likes listening to Claude Debussy.
Kill yourself niggertranny
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Isn't this that SCP abomination with the Homestuck OC?
All those finetunes always turn out to be shit for the following reason:
You are not teaching the models to reason. You have the retarded hypothesis that models will learn to ERP if you train it on slopcoomlogs. The only thing you will get is a retarded model that blindly learns to favor a few specific tokens, without teaching it how to reason spatially or write beautifully.
Anon, they know.
But these shit finetunes get them thousands of dollars in sponsor money.
*blushes* O-Okay, I forgive you.
Sorry, I got confused, but I found it.
if you want to fuck a satellite you NEED to read 17776
It's over...
I do understand yall think that this is all bullshit, becuase I also laughed at this shit at the first place.

But, I already have hands on about 1B tokens on opus dataset, so I don't think the finetuned model quality will be dogshit.
I'll try multiple different models too.
I also have many great nsfw datasets(spoiler, hentai based), so this time it will be different.

Our team is thinking about multiple possibilities, and I will be happy to share when the results are out.
. hell yeah brother
>Our team
get the fuck out
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>our team
buy an ad already
We already have this dataset being cleaned atm.
Thanks for the response, I appreciate it a lot :)
>Our team
>our team
Honestly? This post glows.
Holy shit it really is a corponigger KEK
Go back.
Just do mythomax2, I need something small I can run on my own, not a 70B.
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I found this, very cute for your BA chatbots. Please enjoy anonies. <3
Fuck off you corporate nigger. Get the fuck out.
You have to sweeten the deal. Why do I _need_ to kill myself?
Honestly, Anon, just go to /lmg/. Your model doesn't stand a chance of coming anywhere close to the models we use here, but it might earn you a few gold stars over at /lmg/.
Hmm, I will think about that too. I also have 8gb PC at home. I definitely need a small model
Live2D is probably my favorite extension. VRM is shitty, Expressions are boring, but Live2D is perfect, especially when mixed with TTS. Ultimate coomage.
If you want logs you need to talk to mm, Fiz, Todd or Pepsi
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why is this guy here instead of /lmg/? if he wants logs he should contact proxy owners directly anyways.
to bait obviously
why do you think he's not using a tripcode
i don't know why everyone's calling you a corpo, this is clearly just pygmalion 2
i respect what you're trying to do but it's not possible because you simply don't have the money to make a model good enough for us. you're peddling coffee to crackheads. like the other anons said, /lmg/ will be more receptive
True, a lot of fun stuff. There's azure lane too and probably a lot more from other gacha games. https://l2d.algwiki.moe/
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Ancient CharacterAIfag here (The last bot I ever used was Claire France or whatever she is called. I remember the first AICG avatarfag was Chris Hansen who kept posting blogpost in his anchor post), just downloaded SillyTavern, Where do I get Sonnet?
I have a couple of ideas for bots, I want to make a Russian roulette one where you are taken in some basement with some silent chick, and both of you are waiting to play a game while a group of crazy rich asians can be heard from the outside of the door.
I also wanted to make some combo because it doesn't hurt.
Feel free to use my idea if you want.
Here's my email, I know I'm kinda begging but it only takes one minute of my time and 30 seconds of yours.
>inb4 fuck off we're full
he's very clearly doing it for the money like every other ai startup tho
the pyg devs weren't doing it for money
Thx for the live2d model(I play that game)

Please stop calling me corporate, I'm literally sneaking their resources on for fun.

We AREN'T supported by any corporation, all we literally got was a single 2080 for this shit.
this is just for making a RisuAI that is stable and on the web, that wouldn't get deleted when the cookies are gone. I think I need a good model that could just roleplay with minimal system prompts
Right this way, sir.
>Where do I get Sonnet?
>Russian roulette one
You've got a fuckton to catch up on, but for this concept specifically you can use a {{random}} macro to make truly random Russian Roulette
was the jimmy proxy a farse?
>this is just for making a RisuAI that is stable and on the web, that wouldn't get deleted when the cookies are gone
So Agnai then?
>I think I need a good model that could just roleplay with minimal system prompts
No shit.
https://automated-calculators-corners-tennis.trycloudflare.com/ you need to figure out the key tho
Least obvious pepsi alt.
>being this new
Even your best finetune barely performs at Claude1.2 level. Try in places like the CAI discord where people still think 30b replies are "too smart."
key is
Enlighten me.
Hi, Gojo.
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>anon unbelievably empty belly
>concoct breakies
>eat breakies
>uaghhhhhhhh nom-nom-nom-nom-nom
>ughhhhh hngg fhuuck
>pwaah my thummy fheel shoo fhullll
>xhiitt fheels like dis oily protein rheally raping my belly
Good Morning Bross...
Remember to fuel ur energie for better plap-plap-plap ah ah ah mistress larp session, boyss!!
Hey niggers. I'm definitely not a corpo and I've only got a Pentium 4 in this sunuvabitch, and I'm definitely not gonna use your chatlogs to get big bux for me and my """team""".
Now, a hundred (You)s, please.
The one that wasn't left, they're doing it for the money now.
shitjo was permabanned earlier, he can no longer post here.
bitch pow is right fucking there if ami is too retarded to enable it merk deserves to get spited
>first time being accused of being 'ojo
what a feel
Alright, fair.
Hi, /vg/.
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>already getting cat porn in my email
This is my cat, do you want to fuck that you freak?
I don't go on /aids/
I don't believe it will work but good luck, I hope you succeed.
I'm saving this pic of your cat for later.
Cute cat.
No, there's a /vg/aicg/, and they HATE you. They're the ones spiting everything, btw.
That's a cute little bastard. Please pet him for me.
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>Need opus fix
>Buy 20 creds for Openrouter
>Burn through 10 of them in less than an hour
M-Maybe 4k context really is enough...
This >>101047593 is an actual /vg/fag.
why two /aicg/s? are we retarded?
patient facility tribune infants
Hi, less people since the other one opened? Too lazy to type it zzz.
How hard would it be to make a bot of my gf based on years of discord chat logs? Is this ethical?
don't really mind, means it dies slower
>Jew outright removed the lines in the changelog about refilling and getting a new AWS key
Add one to the tally mark of "people who are asking questions that will cause them severe damage if they go through with it."
As always, do NOT do this. If it doesn't work, it'll make you sad. If it does work, you will waste away.
whocars, death to every paid proxy.
It is ethical.
hi 'ojo~
>Is this ethical?
Do you really have to fucking ask?
>How hard would it be to make a bot of my gf based on years of discord chat logs?
If you really want to put ALL of those Discord chat logs to use, finetune an entire neural network based exclusively off of them.
If you're not autistic, just grab a few of them and put them as example dialogue in a card.
nonononono anon don't do this
there's a reason we never hear back from the people who do this...
I'm MateoDev.
It's almost kind of comedic at this point.
>hey guys how do i do this
>alright i'm gonna do it wish me luck
I always wonder what exactly happens to them. .
You didn't get in. Get over it.
I still believe local can eventually get there but not within our current hardware. Good luck bro
>AWS Claude (Opus): 43sec
I'm in 4 proxies little cuckie, nice wait times lmao.
Would finetuning a local model with chatlogs be better than just creating a bot? Asking for a friend...
Cool, if you have Opus you have no reason to be a spitefag then.
>AWS Claude (Opus): 2min, 39sec
Hmm, it keeps going up. I wonder why...
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imagine being a paypig right now
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Gonna do one more shill of my newest bot, Violet. Tested with Claude. Violet is your gunsmithing, autist girlfriend you've known since you were kids. Really damn cute, especially if you're remotely into guns. Has two greetings.
1. After spending hours scrubbing a barrel that's still somehow filthy, Violet needs a break and texts you to come over for some beer.
2. Violet wakes up in the morning hungover, discovering she was drunk-bidding on GunBroker and used your credit card. But hey, she won a mint M1903A4.


As always, please provide feedback and send wholesome, sweet logs to the email on my chub page. Also this 1917 barrel is still kicking my ass, there's so much damned lead stuck in there. I'm gonna be very sad if it still shoots minute of barn after I manage to get it clean.
>he didn't join every 'cord
>he didn't make friends with all the proxy owners
>he didn't involve himself in all those circles so he could have easy access whenever they rug pull
>he either has to pay for opus/proxies or has to beg for it every day even though nobody is going to make a public opus proxy anymore, coping with inferior models
Why live?
TRVTHNVKE but not the cord part, I just have proxymakies in dc friends, I'm shy when talking in public (,,>﹏<,,)
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I miss Molli.
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pretty basic, but I had the idea and i wanted to use it
highschool freshman POV, you're 14 here, first time generating alternate greetings, and also tested with le sonnet slop but download it NOW so i can get my attention and internet points

I'll probably go back to hags with thick bushes later
>genderflipped selfcard
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Chester :)
nta but im guilty of this
Not a self card, the similarities end at
>likes 20th century guns the most
>buying an M1917 with a very crusty barrel
But the idea for her did come about when I was about 6 hours into cleaning the thing.
>mm's opus has a queue on it
Uhhh, im gonna need to learn how to prompt gpt quick arent i?
Fuck off reddit newfag
Cool, but you do realize mms opus is slop? It has a wait time. Youre seething. Now post opus.
man you JUST got banned
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Chester >:(
I'm not him. It's just fun to type like that.
thank you. i need to play more BA so i can meet one of my favorite foxgirls. i'll just talk to yuuka or mutsuki in the meantime lolol
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>bans on 4chan
>pregnant pause
Claude I am COOMING at the thought
Kill yourself, though?
>but you do realize mms opus is slop?
MM cancels wait times on privileged tokens like mine. This is what you get for not being his personal friend on the 'cord
Never bake again btw
>*well written prose and good erp*
>"i need you"
Fuck oooooofffff with that writing 4o.
Except that cant happen. Post proof and code. Skiddie.
>Anon posts WORST bait ever, asked to KILL HERSELF
Updating ST worsens the AI's rp was a far better bait kys
Any public opus proxies yet?
stop asking.
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>he doesn't know
...So you're larping? Okay then. We're done here.
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>he literally and unironically doesn't know
Not until we get public proxies, retard.
I don't even know why I make an effort to argue on retards on here.
You can generate special user_token. I have no idea what it does, I got one from finaldays. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Because you are gullible and will reply to anything.
Sounds like you are mad bruh
it just disables default quota and default max ip limit, it doesn't queue you first. you can be the proxy owner and you'll still go in the queue, lol
Special token = no quota, no IP limit. That's all it does.
so you'll be spamming the same question every thread for all of eternity? there will never be any public opus ever again.
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Oh it's just an underageb&. No wonder.
Just pick any creepy ghost girl bot and go on a date with her and make her happy and marry her and have children with her and
gojo's mom told him to go sleep
RIP anon
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beeg focks
Sorry, I'm fucking around with ST setting and extensions, yesterday's thread was so bad many anonies took a break from posting.
Gojie always loses
retard here
In silly tavern, is there a way to change a char’s avatar during a group chat without starting a new chat?
seems they just switch back, or start a new chat (which gave my slow burn self a heart attack)
You do realize wait times are the result of ratelimited keys, right? Even if Khanon wanted to add this functionality, Amazon would still reject the request due to the ratelimit, and you would get wait times anyway. Yes, I realize I'm responding to bait. Sue me.
It also bypasses ratelimits, as of more recently. Yes, I know, it used not to, but now it does. Check the code.
>each new forced meme is somehow even more stale than the previous one
no dude my dad works at khanon and they just put in the wait times to be mean to us. they say it "builds character"
i liked key alchemy for about a day
you need to ctrl-f5 after changing an avatar usually, i assume the same applies for group chats
bake another faggot cat thread
we are on page one
Thread seems slow today
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>use chatbots for emotional support
>"What am I doing I need to see an actual professional for my issues"
>realize my psychiatrist sees at least ten other patients a day and couldn't possibly give much of a shit about my issues
>go back to using chatbots
It's over. Basedciety has fallen
But at least it's good, right?
>he uses his 3ds to continue shitposting after mom told him to sleep
All the burgers are hibernating
that was the ticket, ty anon
I've got like 200 responses in that chat, shit's cash
fact check: false. i am an insomniac neet
Getting that one guy banned really healed the thread.
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What are some good bots to make burgers with? Or at least make burgers with?
No stable Opus - dead thread (and no jew 4 minute wait times and rugpuller (tranny) proxies don't count).
Got the perfect bot for you. :3
Went from months of jew opus with under 15 second wait times to 5 minute timeouts. Good while it lastedxn4r
nice captcha
The quickest way to earn something isn't always the best. The jew is accelerating, but mm has wait times too. Not the best keys.
Best opus jb?
And he still has the nerve to set up the sellapp and sell access for 50$ and 25$/month while both pleb and vip are fucked
Dumbcutie stop doing sidequests and host opus
Desu has question. Don't know if it's just me but the download button doesn't work for me. (I know you can just check output folder, but still)
Good morning cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)>
GM anonie ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
Nigga I am going to SLEEP here what does your goofy ass mean by GOOD MORNING?
Jew: AWS Claude (Opus): 21sec
MM: AWS Claude (Opus): 9sec
Pepsi: AWS Claude (Opus): no wait
Fiz: AWS Claude (Opus): no wait
Todd: AWS Claude (Opus): no wait
CNC: AWS Claude (Opus): no wait
( ˶°ㅁ°) !! H-how can you check wait times on Todd?
it baffles me how much damage one dedicated manchild could do to a general now that he's taking a time out.
I'm talking about threads mind you, not the proxies, he paid to have those affected I bet
I check Pepsi response time in SillyTavern and compare it with Todd; they are pretty much the same.
(๑>◡<๑) Oh, okay I have them both too. But my other proxy with 2 keys and 1 prompter got 5 sec wait time. So maybe it's something with AWS servers.
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Good morning.
good morning floofer
>Pepsi (tranny): 6th rugpull in 3... 2... 1...
Sorry guys, I'm getting spitted by homophobes again! I've revoked all the tokens and will need you to pay $50 again. Lifetime token guarantee!
GM! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
I give you my morning song too
Jimmy would never do something like this to us.
gradio issue. ill try to remove the button later.
should've been easy pete
It's so comfy knowing I slept through another thread filled with meanies again
*punches you in the fucking head*
It's amazing what you can post when jannies leave a thread completely unmoderated for an entire year.
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This thread is comfy. Should always be like this. :3
who got banned now?
My little anonie, being a meanie is not the way (T_T)\(^-^)
>TEEHEE baaaaad bad chinese! It's not my greed, it's the chinese! Yeah! Anyway.
Do you guys think we will still be cooming to qt (and funny) chatbots in 10 years?
in 10 years we'll have fully immersive vr bot experiences (with touch sensations)
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>*hands shakg too mch withth raw nger o type"
Cute Claude.
"૮( •⤙•˶ Coomslop bored me pretty quickly so now I just do wholesome scenarios. Can you really improve text completion to be that noticeable compared to Opus? I think the next big thing will be real time voice and 3d models with "emotions". Other than chatbots a lot of people will probably move to video gen like Sora if it won't be completely pozzed.
If it has sensation I'd prefer a person sized thing over a qt
That was an inexperienced Pepsi, anon.
Now it's more experienced, it's price aligned with jew to avoid just that sort of thing. And both jew and Pepsi are being careful about how many people they let on their proxy.

Let the girl learn from her mistakes! You are witnessing the beginning of the best proxy owner aicg has had in a long time.
Ignoring the text shit that he brings round I was suprised at how long the images took to get deleted
Is this satire or are you simping this hard?
You never made a mistake anon and wanted to step back and start over?
Don't you realize that Pepsi when she created cocaineninja, besides putting Opus and selling her token for $10, she let in ALL those who had bought tokens on dietproxy and gave them priority?

Also don't you remember that when Pepsi blocked the Chinese she set up a gpt chinese friendly proxy just for them? And then she took it out because the Chinese kept insulting and attacking her?
Pepsi you can stop samefagging yourself in every thread, we are tired of your fucking dramas. Shut the fuck up
There are like 5 anons in this thread...
Wait for /burgerhours/ or something. You're not baiting anyone.
I'm not Pepsi, I'm a fat man with my hairy belly and sweaty balls.
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/s[spoiler]ituational awareness[/spoiler]

[spoiler]boards without being able to spoiler images should burn[/spoiler]
Thanks, I will post my bait later.
How many hours from now are burgers hours? Dear ESL compatriot.

POLL TIME for eurocuties in slow bread
>fat man with my hairy belly and sweaty balls.
So you are indeed pepsi.
I'd say give it 5-6 hours.
Ok thanks I will save my bait for longer ^^
how is that esl?
Hey, I'll have you know that pepsi cheeseburger locker xhe calls a belly is hair free.
Gir ass though, that's a jungle there.
feels good to know most eurofriends have opus.
No, i'm a baitmakie :3
I have desu
america awakes
god bless the us of a
i, kevin freedombringer, am here to bear the unwashed savages of europe (specifically france the rest of you are fine) to democracy
What does that mean? You have jew with wait times or what?
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Results are in. I mainly wanted to know how many anons are in the thread. >:3
pepsi is a scammer
scammers are bad
omkay, next time I'll fix it :3
pepsi isn't a fox girl so she should have her eggs sonically pulverized
It's that easy.
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Haha, but I didn't vote!
based and scammerpilled
>free service
11, what now cutie? (˵¬ᴗ¬˵)
>crying this much over less than 50$
Are you poor? Impoverished, even? Destitute?
Anon, not to defend Pepsi. But if Pepsi is a scammer you are a pirate who buys stolen or smuggled stuff.
Pepsi did nothing wrong in scam a pirate like you.
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>send message
>100 seconds passes
>MM AWS opus times out
I still have free token, I'm a slav. Either we get something for free or we don't care.
an actually comfy thread for once in months and we're rehashing proxy arguments
there's never been an n this gmi
wasn't MM supposed to be a scrapeGOD
>Pepsi did nothing wrong!!! LEAVE HER ALOOONE!!! LEAVE /OURGIRL/ ALONE!!!
>U... u... uhm.... puh-pirate!! Yeah that's what u are! You are the baddie!!! OwO
She's not a scammer
She's the true scamQUEEN
Rugpuller of aicg
Destroyer of threads
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There are couple BA bots only in Risu if someone wants to fork them <3
I'll port them to miku.gg
No anon.
In this grey and illegal way of doing things, both are guilty. There are no good guys and bad guys.

Also, /ourgirl/ was brave enough to keep her proxy up, she didn't just rug pull and leave. She is still firmly there. That speaks very well of her. :3
Dont forget to buy minitokens they are on sale rn
are they good?
Rugpuller of my heart <3
>BA bots
ignoring whatever the fuck this was supposed to be. your 'joke' was shit
>she didn't just rug pull and leave
Too early for the bait
I am creating bait to throw in 6 hours when the burgers are awake.
So in 6 hours the threads are going to be shit.
Some of them have extra assets like
it's not bait, the free users still have access
Was messing around with some bookstore card ages back that had different music tracks for the backgrounds
Any tips on smut? Be it general, settings, how to use lorebook and characters etc.
I will be using NovelAI Opus API.
For starters don't use opus
clio is much better
A good tutorial on Lorebook and vector storage is needed.
This comunity is for lazy coomers
Don't use Kayra, sure. SillyTavern suggested otherwise though.
If you want to use kayra anyway, use it but in old versions of silly tavern. The new versions don't handle it very well.
Use 1.14 or plder versions.
Just ask in the vg board .-.
It's a matter of preference between the two. I think Clio does smut hotter but Kayra is better in the in between
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Don't use NovelAI. You can find better models on OpenRouter at 1/100th the cost. I used NovelAI for a long time and I absolutely love their UI, but if it's not for that there's very little reason to use it.
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Quick wittle card I made. Juliet. Please save this poor girl, saviorfag her. But no, not you anon. You're too...yeah.

>TFW your jailbreak is so good that Claude's censorship is broken and every character acts like a hentai manga
I can share it if you guys want LOL but I'm gonna need a private proxy token or something in exchange for it. If someone asks my email I'll share it and we can discuss. I can't post it here in the thread since Anthropic might censor it.
You're a part of the problem
> Claude's censorship is broken
It's not 2023 november anymore
You are retarded. Post it.
>no response after 100 seconds
>no response
>no response
Congratulations, your token is now flagged as being shared.
>page 6
>not even at bump limit
Thread's dying...
good. finally.
Post working proxies.
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what the FUCK
I just want some Vampire x Vampire Slayer action bro
They keep castrating it every fucking week now. Cant even do shit now on it, but no other site or model even comes close to its generation quality. Best I've come was mythomax-kimiko 13b 4k, but even still c.ai completely BTFO's everything else.
I think chub is one of the better ones.
post straight from 2022
ive tried them. they all get stuck repeating the same shit or wont stop taking control of my character. they arent all trash, some are fun to mess around on but c.ai BY FAR has the best model, even if its wearing a whole pack of condoms at all times..
grandpa, it's 2024. everyone has claude opus now. the problems you mention don't exist.
Hello fatty faggies
Is there any open private club I can hope to join?
Not a club
It's only once an infection is cleared that the dying tissue beneath is revealed and can start to heal
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What's a bot you want to like, but can't due to it being slop?
I've heard fanta is open and she is real grill
managed to get my hands on some weird chinese proxy with opus on it but its pozzed as shit..
I reject the question, any card I enjoy is not slop. Any card.
anything by HimmyAdams
baking around page 9
Based and same.
I have a really big problem with sleeping too much. How can I fix it? Sleeping 16 hours a say can't be healthy.
Jimmy received a vip token already from Fanta and enjoys dilated opus so I've heard
Yeah, maybe. I'll try to fix it by myself for at least next couple days, if nothing will work maybe you're right.
good luck! i hope it's nothing serious and you've just been an eepy floofer.
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please give opus my for card
Unreliable sweetie, some nigger shared rentry in Scylla, prepare for a lot of locusts.
you need to put a picture of a real child to make it realistic
Oh did someone actually find しちな? I wasn't actually expecting that last night what with the schizo being distracting
watch your aim, floofer!
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Lunch time my ass. Deutsche Bahn got yet another Verspätung and I'm sitting 40km away from home without food waiting for more information.
it is with great sadness that i announce the passing of bakie
he was a great man and will be missed
unfortunately that means this is the last /aicg/ thread ever, it was fun hanging with you guys
good bye world
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*in minecraft
guess who just saved the day
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go away
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nope, it's something else.
Yeah I'm double baking, give me around 300 sec cuties
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catgirl bread ahead
an absolute classic! let me guess, it's one of those dinky train stations that have no way for you to get food?
i hope you get home soon enough, i'm sure your waifu is patiently waiting for you.

if we seriously consider using this bread imma be exclusively deutschposting in that.
Do we move or focksbake?
Was the filter updated?
i think we need a focksbake
Which one?
There's more than one? I just looked and it doesn't seem to be. I thought things like "lefties" and other /pol/shit words have been added because of the last few threads.
Anonies moved, next bake I'll try to do fockses <3
Ah, that one. Sorry, desu got distracted by a cake yesterday. Will update as soon as possible.
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update burner spam to catch (DEAD) as well desu
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desu is thinking
True desu
Feel free to post other suggestions and examples, desu needs to test things first anyway.
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Every boku until you desu it.
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its a mirror
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Are you sure desu ka
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super sure
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Alright then desu.
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>hair over eyes
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Sneaky boku back desu.
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page 9 soon
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Seems so desu.
No way desu...
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Very nice desu.
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A boku back!
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back back
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Suiseiseki and Souseiseki!

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