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post-incident edition

previous: >>101023485

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
I love you, home server general anons
It should've been this >>101027309
But good regardless, made me chuckle
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>sftp(w/ gigolo)
>ssh management
>Rsync built on NFS tending to zpools
>3 of them
>with ECC memory
I love you too anon.
post racks
based, didn't need to read anymore
Is there a way I can get https on something available on my local network without having to give anyone money? I just need https on jellyseerr so I can install it as a PWA
self-signed certificates
generate your own self signed certificates but the browsers will complain
run your own certificate authority and add the root certificate to your browsers trust store.
you can do this with straight openssl manually for 1-2 domains
or you can have caddy/traefik/etc generate them on the fly.
Can you just click past the complaints? I'll end up setting up something less stupid eventually but for now I just need to be able to install the site as an app.
So I have and couple of NASes (Truenas running on SATA3) and my gigabit switch is definitely choking.
Sounds like going for 2,5GBit is sweet spot. I mean I really doubt that I could squeeze 6Gbit on home nas, and even having twice as fast sounds satisfying.
Should I consider 10Gbit, because that's beyond 6Gbit and my home network is not a serious business.
Some of the "home" switches even offer SFP/SFP+ slots. Should I ever consider picking them up? Does fibre makes a difference for a home user at all?
For sure
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>2,5GBit is sweet spot
isn't 2.5 generally way more expensive than 5 or 10?
It's slowly becoming the standard in consumer hardware now, so, no. As far as I know there are some enterprise grade components that don't support speeds between 1 and 10 like 2.5 or 5
what do you guys use for deploying your server?
im trying deploy-rs but its slow as fuck

i have my home lab consisting of nix flakes

should i be using proxmox?
Pay for a domain name and use Let's Encrypt (with ACME DNS-01 challenges).
Whats the consensus on a 2 disk NAS vs Thunderbolt/USB3 hard drive? Mostly used for local photo storage, but also general storage and backup, time machine etc
Was about to say this but anon said
>withoug giving anyone money

Using Proxmox here, I have a template VM that I clone with all the basic shit.
Was thinking about learning Terraform or Ansible but I'm not sure if it's going to be worth the effort, maybe anons here make me change opinion.
It would be worth, if the Terraform provider support for Proxmox VE wouldn't be so shit. VMware all the way.
99.99% thunderbolt/usb3 will suck ass bc there are mostly chink shit tier enclosures available
so 2 disk nas it is
I figured that was probably the case. 2 Disk NAS + 2 WD Gold(or similar) isnt massively more expensive than a large Thunderbolt drive and appears to be far more flexible
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Hey /hsg/. Just had my house wired with Cat6 and plan to install pic related with a patch panel. I want to run 2-3 Ubiquity PoE cameras and a Ubiquity Cloudkey+. Are there any affordable 16-24 port 10G PoE switches? What about 1G? My PC has a 10Gb nic. I like the netgear's because they come with with an easy GUI interface for management (vlans, qos, etc). Would appreciate any info/advice you guys could share. I'm still on coax cable for Internet but would like to get something that supports fiber for the future (would I need an SFP port on the switch?). Thanks.
which FS do you use ?
why not get a Unifi Dream Machine or Dream Machine SE? Add the 10G PoE switch if you absolutely need it, but thats pretty big overkill in a home environment. Dream machine would hand local NVR for the cameras, and SE would handle PoE too.
>why not get a Unifi Dream Machine or Dream Machine SE?
Because I'm a cheap ass and yea, I guess I don't need a 10G switch, most of the stuff on my network is 1G. I thought getting a cheaper 16 port PoE switch and a Cloudkey would save me some money.
Is the Wireguard plugin on pfSense still bad?
>still falling for the Ubiquiti meme after year 2020
>still falling for the Ubiquiti meme after year 2020
yea, I'm having second thoughts. I don't like the idea of having to sign into unifi.ui.com to manage my device(s), wtf is that? I hate all this cloud bullshit. what's the alternative to have a decent PoE camera system that I can access on my phone, receive motion alert notifications, etc?
C9300-24UX on ebay. 24 ports of UPOE 10g with a modular uplink slot and way more features than you find in anything else. anywhere from $500-800.
It can still be managed locally as usual, but the company's talent left and the temperament CEO staid.
so I don't need to create unifi account if I get a cloudkey+? what if I want to use the app? can I view the camera feed on my phone without the app? is the G4 dome compatible with Zoneminder? I don't want to get locked into their ecosystem just to use a damn ip camera. Not trying to be a smartass or be condescending, genuinely don't know.
I'd hate to know how much the modular uplink (10 GbE or more) costs.
400-450 EUR.
Reminder to discard all the information in the wiki. It is written by a complete retard.
depends which one. C3850-NM-4G is $13, C3850-NM-2-10G is $40, C9300-NM-8X is $300, C9300-NM-2Q is $450, C9300-NM-2Y is $500.

the C9300-NM equivalents of the low end of those are WAY overpriced and the C3850-NM alternatives work just fine in the switch. their pricing makes no sense.
>wtf is that
a local DNS address for your routers hosted "cloud"
it's actually running locally on your network unless you are externally accessing it
>I hate all this cloud bullshit
all of ubiquiti's unifi cloud shit can be self-hosted and you can disable the use of any of their own cloud
>what's the alternative to have a decent PoE camera system
eufy, but they've had massive privacy scandels
or google, but... it's google
>so I don't need to create unifi account if I get a cloudkey+?
you don't need to buy this, you can self host the cloud
the cloudkey+ is just a very expensive raspberry pi running ubuntu server and cloudkey, which is freely available to ubiquiti customers to run on any machine they like
I don't need a...
...reason to pants you in broad daylight at a busy intersection.
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I happen to like my fractal design 7.
>mfw my cheap shitty chinese 2u PSU has a noisy fan that fails after a month
just go for 10, it's not expensive
>a local DNS address for your routers hosted
that doesn't seem right. if I buy a cloudkey+ and 2 cameras, how the fuck is the cloudkey going to modify my pihole to serve up or whatever IP the cloudkey gets when I try to access unifi.ui.com in my browser? how is any "security professional" ok with accessing their network devices over unifi.ui.com? this seems insane to me. I know some really smart guys that have built multi-million dollar networks who run this shit in their house and they think it's so cool they can manage their network from anywhere by logging into unifi.ui.com - how is this not giving them full access to look into your network? wtf am I missing?
ICX6450 is cheap
>that doesn't seem right.
it is if you use the router as your DNS provider, obviously pihole isn't doing that then so you are using their service instead
all tp-link routers do the same thing, even without an internet connection going to 192.168.x.x for the router redirects you to a locally hosted website at tplink-wifi.com, basically using a reverse proxy to reerite tge URL header
>proxmox installer doesn't detect my CPUs' VTx feature
>fails to create the root zpool if any other zfs drives are connected
>fails to install the kernel
yeah, maybe it's time to update my installation USB from 2016
yup, everything worked first try on the new one
it also has a TUI and serial install option, super cool
I recently built, installed and set up my first home server 100%:
>ECC Ram (!)
>Adguard DNS for my home router
>Plex Media Server
>WebDAV folder to share with my family small files
>Qbittorrent Server with a VPN Tunnel enabled.

I know you guys could do this in like five seconds, but I am really proud of myself because I am a tard with tech normally. The whole unix permissions thing fucked me up at first but I persisted. THis is so much fun. /hsg/ is best board ever. WAGMI!
Totally anecdotal but I had the exact same experience putting w10 on a computer a while back. I had made install media ages ago and no matter what I did I couldn't get the thing to run/not bsod until I used a modern disk image.
WAGMI buddy.
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Congrats, I know that feeling as same as you, still doing my baby steps but man it's fun! BTW does anyone know if the Lenovo M80q Gen 3 supports ECC ram since the Intel Ark shows that the 12500T have support for it?
I don't love my data
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This was the original post but >captcha
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Good job
Enjoy that comforting feeling of control over your own network and computing
Canceled my Netflix sub because they didn't let me share my account with my brother that is living overseas so fuck them.

I'll pull the trigger on Jellyfin, what do I need to know beforehand? Or any suggestions
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Why is the Hitachi drive so much cheaper than the next few cheapest ones?
Seagate hype/old school wd fear/lack of knowledge of HGST's reverse corporate takeover of WD post acquisition.
Buy hgst drives.
I think home servers sound cool since I'd like data backups and to have all the media I want to consoom locally (I still torrent my anime fuck subscriptions) but I'm not sure what else I'd use it for if anything.
The closest I've come to NAS/server making was when I bought an old dell optiplex and stuffed it full of like 8-10 14tb hard drives back in 2020 for some disk storage cryptocurrency thing called Chia, made like £2k profit since I mined a coin via pure luck before it crashed and sold the equipment on after I used it.

I think one of my biggest interests would be replicating the library of something like Netflix with a nice GUI or something like that, I'll read through the wiki and see whats up.
>host vidya servers like Minecraft
>host own chat services
>host own CI/CD pipelines for your projects
>host own linux distro repo
>host own docker repo
>building lab in Gator case
>bought two new chinkshit x86 mini PCs with 2x10Gb NICs
>delayed for two weeks
I'm going to upgrade my home network to 10Gb soon and need some feedback.
What I want is
>10Gb link between my desktop, server and NAS
>Two Wifi 7 APs on a 10Gb link
>Rest of devices connected via GB (or 2.5GB), NVIDIA shield, NVR, etc. About 4 devices in total
Should I get 1 switch that everything can plug into, or should I get a 10Gb switch (looking at the Unifi 8 port SFP+ Aggregation Switch) and keep all the 10Gb connections seperate to the 1Gb?
I assume it's look like this

Pfsense router with 1Gb NIC and SFP+ NIC -> 8 port 1Gb switch
-> 8 port SFP+ switch
Seems more reliable to me, but I don't know much about networking best practices
If you want to self host and actually own the CCTV system you need to use Frigate. It'll take a bit of time to get it going, but it does everything you want and is free software.
>direct play 1080p h.264 video from plex to a remote network, 10Mbps stream
>stutters and buffers constsntly, less than 1% CPU usage, only 1MBps netout
>"transcode" stream to 1080p 10Mbps
>40% CPU usage, 1.2MBps netout
>playback is flawless
what gives?
Is ECC actually necessary for a casual home server?
Maybe the playback device doesn't have good compatibility with the codec. You could be transcoding it into something the playback device likes more. What are you trying to watch on? Have you tried other devices?
No necessary but if you can then why not.
it seems to be device agnostic, same outcome on an apple tv, sony android phone, and arch linux PC in librewolf and the plex desktop client
idek if most commercial desktops support ecc, id assume not
you'd be surprised, a lot have undocumented support for ECC UDIMMs
every asrock motherboard supports ECC UDIMMs, most asus boards do, etc
i was tired of manually installing vms on proxmox
so i found some guides online on howto use cloud images with templates via the qm commands
so i rewrote it a bit and got a python cli app that seems to work bretty gud for making cloudimagebased vms
(why this isn't included in the gui is kinda weird though)
Run an internal CA if you can, not self-signed certs. Using curl -k just defeats the purpose and I assume clicking past the complaints in a browser totally disables verification too. Only problem is doing it with openssl is a pain in the ass and the guides on the internet don't typically including details like using a SAN or elliptic curves. My openssl certs just expired and I don't feel like messing with my adhoc script anymore so tomorrow I might end up using step-ca instead which seems okay. It has a lot of features that I don't care about but from the docs it appears to be usable.
mkcert and minica might simplify making certs, but they're "not for production"
today I migrated one of my servers from a USB stick to a RAID mirror of 240gb SSDs I got for like $10 each
honestly felt good woth how well I made it work, by having all my stuff split onto different drives (for performance reasons, too) it made it really easy to just install a fresh proxmox, convert the old bare-metal ubuntu to a VM, drop it into a KVM and have everything back up and running in minutes. even if I made a brand new VM, it'd just be a case of installing docker, setting it's paths to the container drive and running portainer

super comfy when things just work
I also wrote a script to show me the power on count of all my drives!
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heres the script if anyone else wants it
it was just meant so I could plan which drives will be replaced next. I'd also want to make it show the average temperatures over the lat 48 hours but I'd need to have it poll smartctl for that like every hour for two days, unsure how that'd work



echo "Gathering SMART information..."

for drive in /dev/sd?; do
smart_status=$(smartctl -iA "$drive" 2>/dev/null)

if [[ $smart_status == *"SMART"* ]]; then
# Extract power-on hours and device model
if [[ $smart_status == *"Power_On_Hours"* ]]; then
power_on_hours=$(echo "$smart_status" | grep "Power_On_Hours" | awk '{print $10}')
power_on_hours=$(echo "$smart_status" | grep "Accumulated power on time")
power_on_hours="${power_on_hours##* }"
# I don't know sed pls dont laugh

power_on_yd="$(($power_on_hours / 8765)) Years, $(($power_on_hours % 8765 / 24)) Days, $(($power_on_hours % 24)) Hours"

if [[ $smart_status == *"Vendor:"* ]]; then
drive_vendor=$(echo "$smart_status" | grep 'Vendor:')
drive_product=$(echo "$smart_status" | grep 'Product:')
drive_model="${drive_vendor##* } ${drive_product##* }"
drive_model=$(echo "$smart_status" | grep 'Device Model:')
drive_model="${drive_model##* }"

# Store drive information in the array

IFS=$'\n' sorted_drives=($(sort -Vr <<<"${drives[*]}"))
unset IFS

printf "%-10s | %-28s | %s\n" "Drive Path" "Power On Time" "Drive Model"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
for drive in "${sorted_drives[@]}"; do
IFS='|' read -ra drive_info <<<"$drive"
printf "%-10s | %-28s | %s\n" "${drive_info[2]}" "${drive_info[0]}" "${drive_info[1]}"
you dont replace all stock fans by default?
is wireguard safe enough for privacy when torrenting through a 24/7 NAS? I want to get into pts but am ambivalent about payed vpn services
do old laptops make good wifi repeaters
wiregaurd is just a protocol, what would you be connecting to?
the point of a VPN in regards to torrenting is only to mask the fact that you are torrenting from your ISP and to mask your IP address from the swarm. if the endpoint of the VPN is your own network, you defeat both of these. there are many other uses for VPNs, none of them are useful for torrenting.
if the endpoint is remote, you must either pay for a VPS to host your own VPN, or you pay for a commercial VPN provider. In both cases you must trust another party to handle your traffic at one point or another.
the main proponent of using a VPN while torrenting is connecting to someone else's computer first, if you aren't doing this then theres no point. pick a company you can trust or can sue
stop buying unifi crap and buy a C9300-24UX off ebay and power your APs with PoE like they should be.
why not buy a 10 buxx wifi repeater that sips power instead?
You're in a home server general, not a desktop / battlestation general.
i cant find any for less than $40 in my country and i doubt the absolute cheapest is very good

the ones that look like they might give some actual decent range are all $100+
I think I need to hold the fuck up for a bit as I am trying to figure out price range of those devices in Poland.
I just want unmanaged 4 to 8 port switch having bigger then Gigabit throughput.
Secondly, I have no clue about SFP+ connectors, all I know is 8P8C connectors.
Anything I should know about running 10Gbit on 8P8C(cat 6a) and SFP+?
necessary no valuable yes
>I just want unmanaged 4 to 8 port switch
You do not want this, or unmanaged anything.
>Anything I should know about running 10Gbit on 8P8C(cat 6a)
Transreceivers are incompatible with many switches due to disproportionate power consumption, versus lasers. It's a dead-end.
deluge is fucking up my internet bros my connections seem to be dropping packets or something periodically. my connections are getting fucked up, i cant connect to a lot of websites periodically sometimes for 10-20 seconds at a time although i can still ping them during this time? my ssh to my vps sometimes doesnt respond for a few seconds, my discord bot loses connection for a few mins at a time etc. the problem resolves when i close deluge so i know it is that piece of shit.

i must be seeding too many torrents or something and my router doesnt like it? what the fuck is going on... maybe i switch to qbittorrent or something and see if that fixes it

somehow i doubt it will, its probably my dogshit router
>the first result when looking up how to open jellyfin for remote access is a pajeet telling you to mindlessly port forward
can't make this shit up
racks are cringe
standalone pedestal form factor best
the easiest and simplest way to do it safely is nginx reverse proxy + registered domain for the ssl certs

if you are too cheap to get a domain then you either have to tunnel to it or set up your own CA and configure each client for it specifically (incredibly laborious and tiresome) else you're going to get your logins jacked by mitm by not using ssl
for those of you using refurbished or decommissioned enterprise servers, how much do they heat up the room they're in. Thinking about buying one and keeping under my desk so I wouldn't have to fuck around with moca adapters if i had it in another room
enterprise servers are quite good at cooling, traded off for the fact that they're often loud as shit
Just received 32GB of RAM to upgrade my server + 2x4TB HDD

What's your current setup /hsg/ ?
can't you just use a wireguard tunnel if you're the only one accessing it?
yes as i said you either have to tunnel to it or set up your own CA
well tunneling isn't that hard, why buy a domain then?
so it can be accessed from any machine with no prior configuration or specific network hooking
>1100w power draw switch for home use
I hate the environment too buddy, but this is a little excessive for home use isn't it?
Is opening the 32400 port on your router really that bad to get access outside your home?

What benefit am I getting from doing all this via VPN rather than through the plex default portal?
I can just use the same tunnel for all my (personal) devices, no?
port forwarding isnt the issue, it's configuring the clients that is tiresome. sure though if it's only for your own personal use and you don't see yourself needing to configure new clients for yourself very often go wild

and plex is gay cause it makes you sign up to their service and i just hate that superfluous bullshit
Sure if it's just for you it's not a problem.
Weighted average 223.8 W (115Vac) / 219.2 W (230Vac).


cat > /etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain_name} <<EOL
server {
listen 443 ssl;
listen [::]:443 ssl;
server_name ${domain_name};

ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/${domain_name}.cer;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/${domain_name}.key;

location / {
proxy_pass http://${service_bind};
include proxy_params;

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain_name} /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
nginx -t
systemctl reload nginx

i find this easier than tunneling honestly. but to each his own
246 BTU/hr idle, 983 BTU/hr at full load, no GPUs.
>System Inlet Temperature 27 °C (80.6 °F)
>System Exhaust Temperature 38 °C (100.4 °F)
Your mileage will vary. >>100884192 >>100884470
you can easily ghetto-rig a 4U tower to be quite silent
>Transreceivers are incompatible with many switches due to disproportionate power consumption, versus lasers. It's a dead-end.
Huh good to know.
>I just want unmanaged 4 to 8 port switch
WDYM? To not buy 10gbit switch at all OR just unmanaged?
Not even needed because a big name OEM's 2U servers are open office level of quiet in typical and minimal configurations.
no, they suck
How do you guys handle mapping a domain to your home dynamic IP?
I currently use no-ip but it's annoying having to check my email and re-register the subdomain every month
Since I own my own domain anyway, I assume there must be some way to self-host it?
I just want something free and completely hands-off so I don't have to worry about my shit breaking when I don't check my email in time
RFC 2136 dynamic updates to your authoritative DNS servers (BIND).
Well you're gonna need a second WiFi card anyway, why not just buy an AP?
I don't like repeaters in general, they always clutter the frequency spectrum and cause significantly more latency and lead to various other issues that take forever to debug
If you absolutely just cannot run ethernet for a standard AP, at least a dedicated repeater would consume less power.
So, to answer your question, I'd say no, laptops do not make 'good' WiFi repeaters, but obviously there's no reason why it wouldn't work
Interesting, didn't know there was a whole DNS standard for something like this
I found https://github.com/frillip/noip-rfc2136 which seems to be what I'm looking for
I'll have to look into it a bit more, I'm hoping for something that's a drop-in replacement
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I've been using freedns for a decade, works fine
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Thoughts about buying a case off of AliExpress?
I'm really digging the Jonsbo ones (at least in terms of appearance, size and how many drives they can hold) but I can't find them locally at all and they're noticeably cheaper on Ali compared to Amazon.
That being said I'm asking in general and not specifically about Jonsbo ones.
What does this have to do with servers?
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Cisco switch swearer anon. Just bought a gently used Cisco 3850 switch and its enroute to replace my daisy chained ghetto switch setup.

No I don't expect you to spoon feed the how-to on working the Cisco router IOS XE 17 pain. I've already bought the nipple clamps and am expecting many hours of counter intuitive torture. But I will persevere.

What I am humbly asking is what should be the end result in terms of grouping and all the advanted switch functionality at my disposal now. Everything is gigabit with the exception of the direct server / main PC 10 GBS connection that is working fine outside of the switch.

Everything in connected in RED is a top priority QOS connection. Everything on the AP is not and these are my only POE requirements. Also I am not making good use of the ports on my router so maybe some sophisticated dual linking is possible with the Cisco? No idea. Also my kids have a PC upstairs that needs to be policed for parent 4 kid usage reasons; not sure if these switches can manage some kind of network logging thing for kids (?)

You are an expert and I am not, so you could probably give me a high level "this is how I would set my shit up" and I'll study up and figure out the rest. I know you don't owe me shit, but it would be appreciated to leverage your experience with a layer 3 switch to set advanced fucntionality goals to a retard like me who has only ever used normie set and forget switches. Everything is gigabit with the exception of the direct server / main PC 10 GBS connection that is working fine outside of the switch.
Meant to link to this guy.
NTA. Router-on-a-stick configuration, two-tier/three-tier campus network. Connect switches to your home router (EdgeRouter 4 in this case) as much as possible. Ideally replace the NetGear and TP-Link switches with your C3850. Connect "Switch at TV" to your C3850. Hopefully your C3850 has PoE ports, if you want to use it as a layer 2 switch, you may not need any layer 3 features on your switch at all.
Your network diagram is missing a firewall. You should have a firewall.
>>101070239 (Me)
I've also assumed "switch at TV" cannot be removed from the equation.
what do you use to police your kid's network activity?
damn you can move a baseball bat through a 5e cable?
technology has come so far
small price to pay for infinite free porn. hell, you may give him a sadism kink.
Thanks and appreciated. Let me read up what you wrote.

The firewall is on the router; I don't have a standalone firewall at this time.

The switch at TV can't be replaced as its a single cat6 from the main rack through walls / attics etc. Granted its only REALLY needed for the media streamer, but I have my AVR, SteamLink, TV all physically connected to it.

I do plan on replacing the two main switches with the C3850. As for the campus network, I think 2 tier is best. Wasn't sure if grouping all the red (high priority) connections into a seperate VLAN is useful or necessary; doesn't seem like it from what you wrote.

The WAN connection from my understanding is off the router and not the C3850 switch as shown.
if you have multiple databases on a zpool, should I make multiple datasets and set the recordsize or whatever it is for them correctly?
You're going to want to have your media files organized and properly named. Sonarr can do this automatically if you have that set up but jellyfin will not pick stuff up unless it can clearly identify what it's looking at. Other than that it's pretty simple, I like it a lot better than Plex
I still dont understand how all the arr programs work
Can jellyfin just follow my folder structure when looking for stuff?
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I'm very tempted to set up my own jellyfin machine that might serve double/triple duty as a file server, torrent box and maybe something else if I get the home server autism bug.
Thing is I'm having a hard time grasping exactly what sort of performance I need.
I get that Jellyfin doesn't require much (as long as the iGPU/dGPU supports the codecs) for 2-3 people but beyond "this much is fine for this task" I'm having trouble gauging how much performance I'd need and what would be overkill.
To put this in a more shameful way, I'm looking for home server benchmarks, anything like that?
Some sort of video/article/post/whatever that's basically just
>Here's my hardware, here's what I'm running on it, here's how it handles it and here's when it starts choking
zfs or ext4 for proxmox install?
What're you using for remote access ala VNC? Chrome remote desktop was working for a while but seems to have stopped.
I use a simple script I wrote myself that updates my domain's IP regularly via the cloudflare API, I'm sure you can find plenty of pre-made ones by other people
xrdp through VPN tunnels, works fantastic
Here's my notes based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH4gXcvkmOY, with an extfile fix I had to figure out to make it work:
On the server:
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca-key.pem 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key ca-key.pem -out ca.pem
openssl genrsa -out cert-key.pem 4096
openssl req -new -sha256 -subj "/CN=$server_hostname" -key cert-key.pem -out cert.csr
echo -e "subjectAltName = @alternate_names\n\n[alternate_names]\nIP.1 =\nDNS.1 = $server_hostname" > extfile.cnf
echo 'extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth' >> extfile.cnf
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in cert.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -out cert.pem -extfile extfile.cnf -CAcreateserial
openssl verify -CAfile ca.pem -verbose cert.pem

on the client:
sudo trust anchor --store ca.pem
If you get "no configured writable location" or a similar error, import the CA manually:
Copy the certificate to the /etc/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors directory.
sudo update-ca-trust
reminded me of this
I have not read it, just heard it discussed on a podcast. maybe it will help
I've got my home nas (Truenas) hooked up to a 1gbit line to a router for all my devices to access through my router and a dedicated 10Gbit network card in it to connect to my computer that can actually utilize that 10Gbit speed. I think a switch with 10Gbit interfaces would be overkill because most clients wouldn't utilize it. If possible just run 10Gbit connections between the clients that need it because the switch would be quite expensive
Oh shit, that's a lot to look through but it sure looks like something I was looking for!
Thanks Anon
gitlab or gitea?
>Are there any affordable 16-24 port 10G PoE switches?
Heh, microdick
gitea, single app for a single use case
I prefer other CI/CD tools as well
gitea trademark and domain is owned by a for-profit company
group of developers forked it into forgejo which remains in non-profit stewardship (Codeberg)

NTA but nice anon, thanks. Will install this as my new git server
no opinions?
Perhaps he wants a nas
Is there any open source alternative to google photos that I could self host? I don't care about any of the smart shit that google photos does, only about the syncing and retrieval of pictures/videos from server.
ext4, use zfs for your data
but the stuff i store is data? vms, etc
yes but it is not your NAS so I'll rephrase it
use zfs for your NAS, use ext4 for proxmox
but isn't zfs better wrt checksums etc?
they serve different use cases, use the correct tool to do the job

ZFS tend to use more memory than ext4, and ext4 is less taxing on the CPU, therefore ext4 can perform faster overall, making it ideal for VM's and OS' in general, while ZFS is more suited for reliable data storage with all its features [citations needed, anons feel free to prove me wrong]
i know there's some issues with btrfs (and zfs?) when using vm disks, as there's very many writes in the same "session" and is not recommended
just come back to gogs. the gitea fork was unnecessary to begin with.
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snappymail or roundcube?
it's been a while since last release. dead or perfect?
200w is still a huge power draw considering my server idles at 30w
feb 2023 isn't that long ago really. considering the software is pretty mature. commits are active with the last being two weeks ago.
gogs still just works for me. maybe someone who uses forgejo/gitea can speak to this but i don't know of any killer features they have that gogs doesn't. maybe when forgejo implements federation, but ideally that will be upstreamed to gogs anyways.
ecosystem fragmentation sucks.
Recommend me a CI/CD tool for building and deploying my personal projects /hsg/ I've been using Jenkins but would like something less bloated
>Media Server
>only showcases desktop CPUs and GPUs, no server components
Post discarded.
going by the pic it's pretty obvious he's building a headless NAS
>Doesn't know the definition of a server
Post discarded.
Unsupported on Proxmox VE.
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Gitea cannot compete.
GitLab is positioned highest on the "Ability to execute" axis and named as a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for DevOps Platforms.
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I am happy to announce i have successfully configured autofs for the purpose of running my mounts for nfs - it unmounts everything after 60 seconds of nothing accessing the shares. so the list now goes:
>sftp (w/ gigolo)
>ssh management
>NFS (w/AutoFS)
>Rsync built on NFS tending to zpools
>3 of them
>with ECC memory
What would be a good 2 port 10gbe pcie nic to throw in my server that doesn't break the bank but is also not broken shit that needs certain things disabled in order for it to function properly.
>apples to oranges
>Intel X520
>Intel X710 (firmware update or disable hardware LLDP agent)
>Mellanox ConnectX-4
If you need copper RJ45 for some stupid reason without transreceivers, then Intel X550.
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i run this switch in my homelab with a C3850-NM-2-10G and it uses about 80w with no 10g copper active (just 1g) and two SFP+ DACs at 10g. if you want to run 10g copper (feeding APs) there will be a power cost, it's really that simple.
Let me know when Intel Flex GPUs are purchaseable on the second hand market with a Dell PowerEdge R760, because Xeon E-2300 series with Dell PowerEdge R350 was the last generation of Xeon processors with QSV support.
I currently have one server running NextCloud and Plex. I want to add TrueNAS scale and Frigate.
Which direction should I go in? Upgrade the one server and have everything running via proxmox, upgrade the server, use the old parts to run Frigate on its own hardware and get a flashtor for the NAS (I always wanted an NVME NAS).
Don't most Ryzen boards support ECC?
Go back a few threads and you'll find most of them unvalidated with broken ECC error reporting, particularly on Windows.
are cheap Intel ARC good for transcoding?
I have AMD CPU btw
>inb4 not server related
The plan is to add it to the proxmox node and pass it to a media VM for transcoding
None validated for server use.
autofs has been a pain in my fucking dick lately. it just refuses to fucking work.
do i even need it?
c'mon don't be a dick
i would like to get a tinycorp tinybox but they are like 25k for 6 gpus?

i only have like 4k-8k max.

should i get a 4080? 2x 3080s, or a new nvidia jetsons? or rent from a cloud gpu?
I was telling
>the truth /hsg/ didn't want to hear
Fair enough enterprise boi, I get you, we should create a thread called "server software running on desktop pcs"
he's enthusiastaphobic
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Does an actually decent NAS setup using a RPI exist? Are there any major downsides besides the usb connection speed?
/chs/ => Consumer Home Server
/ehs/ => Enterprise Home Server
Yes, Arc series are by far the best consumer video transcodeders on the market.
workable, yes
decent, no
USB is a bad idea for any kind of "permenant" storage for a multutude of reasons like power saving modes, not mounting to the same location at boot, etc all leading to much higher potential for data loss
enterpriseschizo would be the only person posting in /ehs/ as his incessant bullshit drives everyone else away
>enterpriseschizo would be the only person posting in /ehs/ as his incessant bullshit drives everyone else away
i'm ok with that
as long as he stops posting in /hsg/ that's fine
for him to stop posting in /hsg/ we have to make enterprise server talk offtopic, hence the separation
yeah, i don't want it to be off topic because I use enterprise stuff, but I just don't want some fuckwit going around telling peoole they can or can't do this or that because VMWare said so
same goes for the guy that gets assmad at ECC and RAID. both schizos need to be perma banned, they have nothing of value to say
i believe that'd be the solution to get these schizos under control
>ecc/enterprise talk? >>>/g/ehs/
>chink consumer desktop shit? >>>/g/chs/
>workable, yes
>decent, no
What I'm looking for is low power usage. I have a pi laying around so I thought I could use that without the need to buy another machine.
i NEED a home cluster
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it will work but it's not going to be very good
you can get low power mini PCs for incredibly cheap if you decide to increase your budget of $0 to about $50-100, and they can typically support a SATA HDD or two so you aren't relying on USB
not to get political but USB went wrong when they made it for storage
but seperating those topics would worsen the threads, like theres no harm in reccomending someone use ECC on their chinese server if it's supported. It's like, having a hospital but talking about drug perscriptions is illegal - sometimes they are good to discuss in certain situations.
The issue is two schizos that only ever generalise and assume the exact same setup (either a raspberry pi or a dell R730) is the best and only solution for every problem and tell anyone who dares to do anything else that they are a moron or that their system will break
it's not the topic that's annoying it's the people, two specific people. nobody else gets as upset or anal as those two guys, except for me whenever they post anything
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was thinking more like this
>but seperating those topics would worsen the threads
idk if separating will worsen threads, maybe the enterprise one will get displaced. I remember baking my first thread labeled as El Cheapo Edition, with a bunch of cheap SBC's as OP pic, and it got quite the traction, anyways, they won't go away and they won't stop sperging their shit

>captcha PWPPMD
i'm eyeing a sophos xg 125 rev 3 and thinking about installing opnsense on it. anyone have experience with this unit or sophos gear in general? seems nicer than the aliexpress garbage youtubers shill
if you really want to have everything "just werk" consider making your own certificate authority and having all endpoints trust the root (and intermediate if you are a madman)
>anyways, they won't go away and they won't stop sperging their shit
it wasn't that long ago when /hsg/ was a fun place to discuss home servers and help people
now it's shit arguing red vs blue like /pcbg/ and at the end of the day the hobby suffers
certainly, i won't forget the anon that got me into vlans
>it wasn't that long ago when /hsg/ was a fun place to discuss home servers and help people
vsphere autist took a year off, hes unemployed again now
>dell R730
E-waste, and no redundant boot devices (that aren't IDSDM).

>If you got like Broadwell, socket 2011
>Even if it was like the most expensive Broadwell ever, those are trash
>You should let those go
>Just get rid of them
>Those are 8... 10... 12 years old at this point. Just let it go.
>Skylake... if you had like a low end or a middle of the road Skylake system, it's probably ready to go
R730 still has vmware support for 9 more months
im here to regurgitate what some youtube talking head says while taking it entirely out of context
i should kill myself!
I'm using a Gigabyte a P55W v7 with the nVidia chip disabled as a server
iDRAC 8 is already end-of-life (no feature or security updates).
There's no validation for Windows Server 2022 (nevermind the upcoming Windows Server 2025 release). Mainstream support already ended for Windows Server 2019, extended support (security updates) for five more years.
R730 wasn't validated for the latest vSphere 8.
I don't even need to compare it to newer hardware generations, which are more efficient and faster, and in some cases more convenient to operate (iDRAC 9 is faster, for example).
Why would someone go into a thread and say
>i don't like your OP
>I don't like your wiki
>I don't like what you talk about
>I don't agree with any of your advice
>you should all instead do and discuss what I like
i ask myself the same question, let's ask enterpriseschizo >>101075781
Most vulnerabilities need the management ip exposed, easy to deter, even if an exploit is released after the end of life of esxi 7.0 it isn't guarantee that your specific setup will be affected. Also you can easily run 2022 and 2025 inside esxi 7, no need for metal validation, who cares about that? VMs has been the law for easy backup, export, deployment.
I forgot to mention several CPU vulnerabilities (Spectre, Meltdown) in anything pre-Cascade Lake, but which can be mitigated with microcode and operating system kernel patches.
To its merit, an R730 supports TPM 2.0 so it could be used off-label for Windows 11 in the lab (virtual machines) too.

But in my eyes, it's trash. If not now, then in 9 months, which doesn't make the aging hardware a sensible investment at home.
an AC unit at home
>mini PCs
>to about $50-100
Can you recommend some? I can't find any good ones in that range.
thinkcenters are usually pretty cheap
they'll use more power than a Pi for sure, but you're getting significantly better hardware in terms of reliability and expansion options. the extra ~10-20w power works out to about ~$20/year at average US rates, determined in a previous thread
You won't find "good" ones in that range, only chink tier with doubtful reputation and potential obscure problems.

Take my chink one as example, got it for around 100$ (which is very cheap given I live in a shitworld country) and turned out that its default bios had a bug where POWER ON AC wasn't working, fortunately there was a specific bios update to address this and it's working fine now.

Like always ymmv but you're warned.

An alternative is a second hand Haswell or alike from a good brand, they are mostly dual cores but powerful enough.
do yourself a favor and just spend more money, even build yourself one if you must
honestly, even going to ebay and finding old HPE shit works OK and then you get added benefit of things like iLO, just throw openmediavault on it or whatever
Do even better than "OK" and don't use openmediavault.
yeah do whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A Synology DS223J idles at 4w
what's wrong with OpenMediaVault? Never used it myself (prefer pure debian), but have a friend who uses it on an old laptop serving as a repurposed plex server and he sings its praises
Small community of volunteers with no corporate backing to get support when things won't work makes me uncomfortable.
>This is essentially like owning a gun... there are "duty" weapons you bet your life on and "range toys" that are a useful hobby... but you won't depend on them.
It's ok, its gui is by any means perfect but it does the job. Nothing that a standard debian could do tho
requesting /hsg/'s thoughts on Ansible
It's still good, but (sadly) dropping in popularity as (managed) Kubernetes and other container orchestration tools have taken their place.
Wish I had an URL to the open source software report that said this.
>Wish I had an URL to the open source software report that said this.
No worries, I believe it 100%. Well, as long as it is still maintained I'm ok.
This seems the best way to auomate some of my intrastructure workflows.
Page 25.
One thing where Ansible doesn't excel is secrets management, when you need to configure static passwords in configuration files to be deployed to servers, but don't want to commit them in plaintext to a Git repository. Ansible Vault's management doesn't scale well for larger teams.
There's third-party integrations and infra such as HashiCorp Vault to get around these limitations.
That's quite the number
Interesting insght anon, thanks
Specifically, centralized secrets management with HashiCorp Vault. If you change a password to be used on a server, you don't need every team member (user) to go fetch the latest Ansible playbook to get the updated secret. You update it in HashiCorp Vault and all previous playbooks in play will get the updated password from the centralized server.
Best to keep using Jenkins or GitLab (both are heavy on resources). ArgoCD if you want to go Kubernetes-native.
check out tailscale... it can give you certs for endpoints in your tailnet
tailscale is super overkill for one cert for one user on one device on a local network...
even a CA is a bit much...
unfortunately that's just the nature of certs. pain in the ass to conceptualize when you don't know about PKI, then you get past that hurdle and it is management of certs for the rest of your life also a pain in the ass. i guess with the benefit of hosting your own CA is you can tell the CA/B Forum to suck a thousand dicks and make your certs last until the year 2999 or something.
i guess another option would be to take the self signed certs from devices and install them local to any of your workstations/nodes touching them to hopefully get them trusted. haven't tried that myself though
>guess another option would be to take the self signed certs from devices and install them local to any of your workstations/nodes touching them to hopefully get them trusted.
yeah, that's literally what was suggested multiple times
it's the simplest option. self-sign a cert and trust it on your client - if you're the only user and there's only one or even a few clients, this is by far the easiest and most secure option.

no need whatsoever to use a CA or a tailnet or whatever for a single person to have SSL on a single service for a single device
What is the cheapest, least power hungry SBC with gigabit internet that I can just use as a seed box and/or file/web server? I will build a better rig for video stuff, but just want a basic thing I can manage torrents and other stuff from for as little money as I can.
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Rootless Podman is such a pain to try and get working fuck
never the best tool, never the worst tool
an orange pi is like $20
Might be a dumb answer, I had the same problems but I was just maxing out my upload speed of my network in qbittorrent so nothing worked right.
I need to buy a domain with Monero, any suggestions for a trusted registrar?
Not really . Just add "privileged : true" to all your compose files
caddy is all you need
is caddy version in base bookworm install new and safe enough?
>safe enough
no, its debian. its over a year old and caddy has had some big improvements since
Been rock solid for me on OPNsense and pfSense, performance is nice too.
Reduce the max number of connections
Put a cap on upload and download rates.
Configure the port correctly.

>matx motherboard case
Be aware there's a lot of fake "offical" stores. But once you find the real one, expect shipping to take upwards of four weeks. Also expect to lose any savings on the shipping cost. Go harass chinkshit general for seasonal sales/coupons.

Odroid M1S with no pins.
Should only need an rtc battery and m.2 for torrent storage. Unlike most other sbcs, they didn't piecemeal everything and it includes onboard emmc for the os.
Or you can see if Libre Computer has anything cheap.
Thanks anons, pulled the trigger with Ansible, looks straightforward enough
Huh and I was under the impression that everybody was dumping Jenkins for other tools.
i like ansible
you can use it for "everything", and you often don't need to install anything on the target servers to make it work
It aliviates my tism of keeping track of everything in the infrastructure
I have a spare PC, not sure what to use it for a server for. I don't need extra storage over network.
make it a honeypot
I guess that could work
a dev I work with told me what tools I need to acccomplish this but I don't want to bug him so I'll ask here. This is what I want to do in one sentence:

I want to host my music on my own file server and access it from outside of my home (work/driving/traveling) with my phone like my own personal Spotify but with security so only I can access it.
What virtualization software can I use if I need to virtualize a couple of Windows Server 2019 installs?
You could use it for Jellyfin/Plex, if you're hoarding a lot of media it's nice to be able to access it from anywhere.
Plus without transcoding pretty much anything can get the job done.
I am going to install my new server and was wondering which file system is best suited for my uses: cloud, media streaming, hosting some applications (mostly Python and Go), a few websites, and working on a routing app (probably using open data of roads and existing open-source projects to compute the route, like OSRM). I'll have my disks in RAID 1.

I was initially considering BTRFS, but I read that many people still experience data loss with it.
I don't want to use ext4 because I need data deduplication.
Should I just go with ZFS?
could you run plex media server on ur pc and install the app on phone?
Is it really as simple as copying over the wg0.conf file to migrate hosts?
its just parity where btrfs is still really bad

deduplication is really expensive, if you absolutely must have it then use zfs
otherwise well also use zfs or md raid1 + xfs.
Servers generally go in cases
Do you have any good reading on the cost of dedup ? I thought it would be convenient to have it, but I can go without it
This is very intriguing especially at that price but I worry about the power draw.
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I like zfs because it's retard proof and can be set up with bash in like 60 seconds. You can then stack shit ontop of it like NFS/Samba, which also take like 1-2 minutes of terminal work.
If data is going to use the same file structure, you can snapshot and clone a dataset and it won't take up any extra space.
>like zfs because it's retard proof and can be set up with bash in like 60 seconds. You can then stack shit ontop of it like NFS/Samba, which also take like 1-2 minutes of terminal work.
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Yes? I stand by what I said. Are you trying to bait me into giving you configs?
its not retard proof and the rest of your post is true of literally any filesystem
Nigga what
it's a 6W cpu + 8 for the rest of the board
>md raid1 + xfs

how can this know if there's faulty checksums?
same as ext4
Any hypervisor. Hyper-V and VMware vSphere (ESXi) are the two most common options.
[citation needed]
Anybody got good ideas as to what to set up for a non-techie parent? I've got enough junk lying around to do something but i don't what would be appealing to someone who really only watches sports, news, and occasionally netflix and youtube. Are plex/jellyfin things you need to use a mouse for?
if they store some form of important data in their computer then automated backups to a NAS
also maybe a web based password manager
I did a little navidrome setup for my parents and dumped loads of audiobooks on it and they get a lot of use out of it
Retard proof might be a strong term but it's not untenable for total noobs with little more than watching some youtube videos. It's hard, there's lots of advanced stuff that can be done, but you don't need much to get it to function.
plex and jellyfin have native apps on a lot of smarttvs
Are there normal coolers for epyc cpus yet? Or do you have to deal with the server blowiematron still?
What kind of epyc cpu? The 4004 line should work fine with any regular am5 cooler.
Most likely sp3 if I chose to go that route. I'm building a new server and want more pcie lanes than desktop chips will provide. I want to use a normal pc case, probably a d7 xl and it would sit in my bedroom so noise is a factor. Epyc feels overkill, but some of them are decently old now so I've seen some in my price range.
i assume there will never be a navidrome app like that right?
New thread is up:
thanks anon
when did that start happening?
ok why the fuck isnt there an easy way to boot up a VM with


omakub is close but i want the same thing for a vm and nixos
no cloudimage?
are you the anon that was posting in /fglt/ about dumping freedesktop and just using tinyx without hw accel?
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>setup ufw firewall
>forgot to allow my custom ssh port
>cant ssh back in to change it
what do i do
your VPS provider has VNC into that VM available, right?
>your VPS provider
its my own server/hardware, and i don't use vnc since it's headless
connect to your IPMI or drive to your server and fix it locally
sell your server on facebook because this is the dumbest possible mistake and anyone making this cannot perform logical reasoning or understand consequences and cause-effect; basically this will happen again and you will never learn because your brain is malformed
serial port?
otherwise its time to find a monitor and keyboard
IMO serial port is a must-have for anyone with a server. It has saved my ass so many times.

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