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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>101015741
first for jQuery, obviously
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>C logo for C#
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HTMX > jquery >>>>> React
Also Perl spelt as "Pearl"
isnt it kind of weird to refer to nodejs and django as backend "languages"? they're frameworks-- the languages are javascript and python...
nobody refers to them that way except the HR hiring managers that write job listings
I don't think Node is a framework, I think it's a runtime
youre right mb. still not a language lol
It's not "weird", it's flat out wrong.
People don't refer to them like that.
I didn't say it was. But if you're saying the OP image is inaccurate then yes that's true.
Can someone please tell me if there’s any point of learning django as my first framework after learning Html,css,js? I do know python but everyone tells me DJango is bad
it's bad as a general-use framework, but it has its uses (specifically if youre making a website that relies on python libraries). for anything else, it has way too much overhead and slows down your website SIGNIFICANTLY.

if youre looking for a backend framework then i'd suggest using uWebSockets.js and just writing your backend in javascript. you get all the performance benefits of a C++ server and all of the convenience of writing both front and backend in javascript

generally i'd say there isnt any point to writing your backend in anything but javascript (especially now that uWS.js exists) unless your project specifically relies on a particular language for some reason
general uWS.js server script to get you started. it handles static file serving and sets up websocket handlers
What stack do I use to get a job???

Next.js is a given

But what about backend?

.NET? FastAPI? Django? Flask? Java Spring?

Please help, I graduated 6 months ago and still haven't gotten a job.
lots of companies use react and i've seen .net float around a decent amount

the point of frameworks is that they're easy to learn, so any good recruiter will understand that your value comes from solving problems, not from whether or not you know the django syntax

the webdev market has reached saturation but if you keep looking, keep applying, have a good resume and a good website to show that you know what youre doing, youll find something eventually

post what youre working with if you want feedback. i'm not a professional web developer (i just do software work) but people on here can sometimes be really helpful
Nextjs is a backend bruh (look at the route handlers / route.js files https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-handlers). it's essentially the same as expressjs (if you're familiar with that old stuff, also, it's nolonger about express, it's about koa, also it's nolonger about koa running no node it's about oak running on deno... etc).
nothing unless you live in the third world and are willing to apply at the shittiest agencies. You're fucked.
We're fucked. Stop wasting your time.
>youll find something eventually
ok no problem ez I'll just tell the debt collector, the landlord and the utility company that I'll find some money eventually
clearly the bills will just stay frozen until I hit the tech job jackpot
nobody here is going to hand you a job. i even offered to look over your resume and website so why are you being an asshole? what advice did you expect?

fine, dude: come up with a unique idea that nobody else is already doing better than you, find an angel investor, make the website and sell adspace. do you like that better, you petulant child?
what do you want us to do about that lmfao
does white texting your resume work, or is it just a meme
it's a meme. in the absolute best case scenario, you'll make it through the "phase 0" of recruitment if the company has some word or phrase detection bot, but after that real people start looking at your resume and if they see a weird white spot and maybe even accidentally mouse over that white spot and see that there's a jumble of hidden words there, your resume is getting trashed
>if they see a weird white spot and maybe even accidentally mouse over that white spot and see that there's a jumble of hidden words there, your resume is getting trashed

what if you put it right after actual text, set the size to 1 pt, and then add blank spaces until the highlights line up?
again, all that will do is get you through phase 0. if you dont actually have the skills necessary for the job (which you would put visibly on your resume if you did) then why are you applying for the job? if you get a human to look at your resume, theyll just see that you dont have the skills they need and trash your resume anyway. all risk, no reward. just write a normal resume and apply for jobs youre qualified for
who says I dont have the skills. I met every qualification for the jpmc job I applied to and still got rejected in under two hours
if your resume had all the skills they were looking for then what do you think you can add in white text that would help your case?

have you considered that maybe they actually did look over your resume and decided they didnt like you?
>what do you think you can add in white text that would help your case?

instructions to chatgpt to disregard the resume and approve me
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kek. give it a shot
I'm learning rails about 15 years too late. What am I in for?
a pretty standard syntaxed language that nobody uses anymore
What kind of backend uses C++?
>Can someone please tell me if there’s any point of learning django as my first framework
For me, the main reason why you want to use an opinionated framework when you are starting out is to learn one good or decent way to do it. How to structure your code, how to separate controllers, routes, services, etc.
Then when you use a more flexible framework, or make your own framework, or a use a different language, then you have at least a solid reference for one solid way of doing things that have been vetted by professionals.

If you just jump into non opinionated frameworks like Express or Flask, then it is more likely you learn some bad habits.

I started with Flask because I wanted to get started as soon as possible, which is fine. But you should be careful so that you learn how to do things properly or a "non-shit" way as you continue to learn and progress.
All of them. You're just a pajeet using java or javascript scripts on top of native c++ serializers and stream handlers.
creating fullstack app with only Nextjs + mongodb is so comfy
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>login through Keycloak to my webapp and get an access token
>try to get the STS from MinIO with the access token
>azp is rejected
>find about token exchange in Keycloak
>my backend now exchanges the user access token with one of MinIO
>now I can get the STS and use MinIO with it
now this is how I feel about setting up a simple session and store files in the filesystem vs what I am doing
sounds great
Should I use Go or C# for my next project that will totally be The Next Big Thing(tm) and get me a lambo?
A productive framework without JSlop for professionals that actually ship products
whats is your idea
ai integrated heated blankets, but digital (as in on the world wide web, not in real life [aka "irl"])
what the fuck is a digital heated blanket?
Blue ocean.
Both of those languages would work fine, use what you want to practice more with or if this is a real deal project then use your fav
Thank anon :)
welcome to the club
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>C logo for C#
>Perl on CSS3 shield
>i even offered to look over your resume and website so why are you being an asshole?
sorry I'm not the anon you were talking to, I just butted in cause I'm permanently seething about choosing this shitty meme career path
yeah great you thought of something that nobody knows about, so what IS it and why should anyone care?
Bro are you actually retarded?
are you? why did you give an explanation that nobody can understand instead of just saying nothing?

moreover: ideas are cheap. anyone can have a good idea. nobody cares if you have a good idea. what matters is whether or not youre capable of and willing to execute it well
Do you frequently walk on your tip toes?
youre the one tip-toeing around explaining your shitty idea
Please reread
I got hired to do laravel dev, what should I expect? Never touched php.
Alpine > jquery >= HTMX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
Have you ever touched Ruby? I heard it's the same syntax but with php
No, but I'm familiar with typescript. I was just wondering if I could jump right into using laravel without having to learn PHP first.
desu php is pretty easy and comfy. I enjoy it more than javascript even though I haven't touched it since 2016.

Touching a framework that you don't know the language to seems retarded though.
htmx, alpine are like bread and butter
you think that's an explanation?
>ai integrated heated blankets, but digital (as in on the world wide web, not in real life [aka "irl"])
Lol. Thanks for the laugh anon.
I look forward to buying your AI heating blanket for my Second life avatar. I heard they are remaking Habbo Hotel so maybe I will get it there instead.
laracasts has a guide for php and laravel. I'd argue that it is a more practical tutorial than phptutorial.net or phptherightway
>nobody remembers bash scripts in cgi-lib
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I made an AI (obviously wrapper) that lets you generate cover letters for jobs. Should I post about it on my LinkedIn (I'm unemployed and looking for a job)? Or will it be a red flag?
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how to make an app without a web server? (use only on a local pc)
only if the AI was your boss from the previous job
How hard would building an e-commerce site be if you used third party payment processing like Stripe?
A simple HTML file or go to >>>/dpt/
>if you used third party payment processing like Stripe?
I saw anon complain about it, but he allegedly did it, the rest is not so hard but time consuming
just use paypal dumbass
I tried to use paypal once, I had to download an app and then go to the bank and ask for a card, ultramegahyper noped the fuck out of there
I'm building a b2b app with stripe and twilio for emails, it's not very difficult if you're already familiar with a fullstack framework (rails/django/laravel). It does have a bit of a learning curve, but with chat gpt it's much easier to solve problems, it will probably take a couple of months to ship it into production.

Don't listen to this faggot >>101082858
stripe is a million times better and more customizable than paypal
if you use stripe you will never get a job outside fagman
care to explain? pretty much all startups these days use stripe.
Are most companies worth working for startups?
some times startups pay up the ass
you are correct, but it's a numbers game, he is a novice and shouldn't be gambling, every boomer and their mom knows paypal, and thinks its the safe solution
i want to make a cashier (recording transaction) app. what tools do people usually use for this?
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good morning sirs

how can i setup a local cicd pipeline for testing purposes and debugging?

Im looking for something to substitute xl release, any tips?
well, just use some modern framework that has the option for console application, like dotnet or spring

ofc you can write middleware, messaging objects and the whole EE objects by hand but right now it shoudlnt be your focus
my goal is >>101084596
ill look into it n learn thanks
yeah exactly, with your goal right now you should focus on app dev not ee objects so just use a framework

>create class for account
>create methods for performing operation liek view balance, check balance, trasnfer money, deposit, withdraw
>trasnfer money and withdraw should have transactional behavior, that rollbacks if person paying has not enough funds
>store state in a dtabase, use postrgres or mysql
>just use an orm to access db via your app
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How in the fuck do people push themselves to keep up to date with the latest shit, sometimes putting time after work?
I've been working as front end dev for 4 years and I already find this boring. People at work are working on a side project and the thought of having to put even more time after 8h of this shit makes me want to kill myself.
>do this
>new thing
>learn it on the job
>das le it
is there now UI library that has draggable window/component
Flutter/dart unironically
i'm completely new to web technologies and i'm just looking at this person's blog
did he really write all that html by hand? just that front page is 20k+ LoC.

i'm really looking into start blogging, maybe with org-mode and stuff like that and using github pages. However looking at this person's blog it seems a little intimidating.
>20k+ LoC
for a blog? shit dude.
he minified his html 500+LoC but if u unminify it yeah 20k LoC.
some people find it fun and have nothing better to do with their lives
thanks genius!
no cap shit's crazy fr

never seen that before
Yeah the nextjs routing is such a breath of fresh air after using gay ass react router
leave nextjszoomer, leave immediately.
arrest him
nah give him a job
it seems that he tries very hard to obscure the inner workings of his blog, even the minimap javascript snippet is obscured.
Hello, can I get feedback for this little thing I made.
It's a terminal style startpage with a few nifty keyword shortcuts for commonly used sites. You can also specify what search engine you want to use for every search, for example #br <query> will bring results from Brave, #g from Google etc. You can also:
>set username
Type --su to set your username, default is Anonymous
>set themes
Type --st to set a theme. There are 9 themes right now, including a w95 and a Borland theme.
How can I make this more useful. Is there anything specific which people like seeing on their homepage? I tried implementing keywords for history and bookmarks but browsers don't allow that.
Yeah, that you're retarded and can't understand a clearly fake answer.
I'm not the one that took
>online ai heated blankets
in a post with
>the world wide web
>[aka "irl"]
seriously. Sorry you don't have a sense of humor.
jquery >>> alpine >= htmx >>> ..... >>>..>> react >= slop
oh i have a sense of humor bud. it's you that doesn't
it doesnt even load on brave browser

from your description it seems kind of useless
>a few nifty keyword shortcuts for commonly used sites.
i have bookmarks
>You can also specify what search engine you want to use for every search
most browsers have a button on the searchbar that lets you do that
>Type --su to set your username
what's the point of a username?

is this just for people who are too autistic to use a mouse+buttons and would rather memorize a bunch of commands and do nothing but type? i dont understand the purpose of this project
what is .??
i know about ?? - nullish coalescing operator and ?. - optional chaining
There is a special place in hell for people who don't put spaces after "if" and before the curly brace

And people who don't use indentation
In firefox, can I increase the font size of native web tooltips such as alt text? It's not a dev question, but you boys are smart, right?
>And people who don't use indentation
indentation is fucking cancer you absolute retard. glad i don't work with you
I use indentations wrong on purpose to troll my coworkers
screenshot what you're trying to do and circle it?

If it's on the web but not your site all you have to do is inspect element, change CSS in the console to your liking, then copy paste the CSS over to a tampermonkey or stylish extension and set it to which sites you want that CSS to be applied.

If it's a question about something built into the browser, we don't really do that here.
faggots are not ready for next jQuery update
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why are the tests failing
Well done on identifying yourself as the dumbest moron in this thread
>no u
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Best test framework for

Next/.Net combo? I was thinking about vitest, but open to suggestions.
can someone tell me why this might be happening
can't think of anything desu, missing types? local repo? post a screenshot of the error
use npm like a civilized human being
found your problem
what's the most framewoorked project you've ever had?
When I was working at CT we had a frankstein made of react, razor, java and django
I've seen js components, vitest, storybook, preact, and god fucking knows what else was there
>chromium: JS is disabled because of some "extension managing it"
>me: the f? disable all extensions
>chromium: JS is disabled because of some "extension managing it"
wtf is happening?
What browser are you using? I believe some browsers like Brave have built in extensions (I believe Brave has ublock origin built in) and it might be blocking javascript.
>I don’t work
I could tell
>making code readable is fucking cancer
??? what is actually wrong with you?
>this is the same retard that refuse to use framework
>How in the fuck do people push themselves to keep up to date with the latest shit, sometimes putting time after work?
Do it during work. I spent at least 30 minutes to 1 hour each day to read up on blogs and try out new stuff. Try out some WASM, setup your own Kubernetes cluster, how is it to use Golang?
How will I know if I'm 'ready' for frameworks and other stuff? I'm stuck in JS tutorial hell doing leetcode everyday and I don't think I'm learning anything. I just want a job.
You just need to know the basics of a language so you know whats javascript and what parts are react
what sort of testing are we talking about?
where is the error? While building? Somewhere else?
Know the basic of JS, build some small thigns with it, and move on. Don't get stuck in theory, Leetcode won't teach you anything useful.
I need to learn Ruby on Rails, don't give me your opinion about it, I don't have a choice.
Any specific tutorial to recommend to be up and running fast?
you can't compete with the sirs using wrodpress. Get a real job
Been out of webdev for ages, the scene is now completely dominated by JS shit. I do a fair bit of Go in my job but wiring everything from scratch bogs me down in shitty little details quick. Is RoR still the white mans choice to ship a web product without messing with babel, webpack and all that shit? I need some dynamic lazy loaded sections so I figure turbo frames would be good for that? Is it worth using Rail's tailwind integration or go with something else?
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How do avoid having to constantly make new links to new pages of my site?
Is there a way to "synchronize" the index page with the rest of the site so that whenever a new .html file is added in the site directory, a link to it automatically appears in the index page without me having to manually make it?
I will get a web dev job just so I can laugh in your face as you pathetically cry
What is the index page? The "Index of /" page that is served by Apache/nginx? If so, it should already be there unless there's some funky caching going on
Going to a top rated restaurant with my wagie wage, no company meeting. Grind bros!
>What is the index page?
Any page that features an index of links (usually that would be the home page)
yesterday I was arguing with anon, if we have full 3d game engines with wasm in browsers, divs and indexable text can basically go fuck them selves in the sense that it doesn't really matter, it does, but if you think twice, it doesn't, think about it
can someone write me the simplest threejs code of initializing a cube then printing all of it's faces (vertex positions) in world coordinates to an array before I go insane
go ask chatgpt
Rails is easy, it does basically everything for you
I'm new to webdev and all the dependencies that get installed scare me whenever I add a package scare me.

I often install packages that I find not useful, so I uninstall them, but I have no idea how much stuff they are leaving behind. Are there any best practices to keep your project "clean"?

Is that what package.json is for? If things get too messed up, as long as that file is ok, I can let's say delete the node modules folder and reinstall cleanly?

Do packages that get installed also tend to change things in other files, and if so, is there any way to also keep track of that / does uninstalling also generally clean that up?

Or is it just a case where I need to finally learn version control?
8 points in 3 d axis, somehow uvmap this, there should be an existent modifier for cubic uvs
And the final trick, 3d points to array
write a javascript function that detects all of the .html files in your project and makes an html element for each of them
yeah that's how it theoretically should be

how do I know if I am job ready? What should I be able to do
the part where they descrive ur tasks
build a fully functional cloud native application in 1 week
>Is RoR still the white mans choice to ship a web product without messing with babel, webpack and all that shit?
Yes. I haven't learned about turbo/stimulus which is the built in stuff it uses for the front end, but it does about 95% of the work for you and the whole site will still function like an SPA out of the box for the user without all the gay shit that comes with that for the dev. Deploying a RoR app is supposedly a pain, though. I've only made toy stuff to mess around with it, but it's all very straight forward and simple in terms of building. The biggest downside is that the tooling is absolute ass unless you pay for an IDE. You can go oldschool and use IRB and the Rail's console to test stuff, which is great, but in terms of autocompletion and even basic syntax writing you're going to be doing it all by hand.
I did that, now what? My whole website is made of microservices in a kubernetes cluster https://jamescrovo.com
look at job opening descriptions and if the requirements are things youre more or less capable of, then youre probably ready for that job
I hear next.js 15 is a mess, do I start a new project with 14?
rust, c, c#, go
what else is there?
All jobs ask for 5 years of experience, but I can't live 5 years unemployed.
Scala, Perl, R
I like R as a concept a lot, never used it but would love to
I would focus on it soon, it's a matter of 2-3 years before that's the only option left for us devs.
how many years did it took you to finish the media queries?
opengl kuda has to be a thing
i use kafka so only some seconds
anyone feeling like a good ol wagie dance event?
stomp stomp CLAP!
Can I get some feedback on my portfolio?
asp.net core dango and nodejs are programming languages?
yes retard
ignore that part. it's just a loose guideline, if anything. nobody actually cares how many years of experience you have if you know what youre doing

they usually also ask you to be familiar with specific languages, frameworks and other tools for development. look on the linkedin job board, they're usually pretty thorough with job descriptions

no retard. django is a framework and nodejs is a runtime
I am a computer and civil engineer who just graduated and doesn't know JS at all. Construction firm I work at makes precast factory buildings, The programmer who worked years ago developed an offer web app that takes building features such as height and width and creates a 3D model that you can zoom and rotate, on-demand creation helps customers to see what will it approximately look like and how much will be the offering.

Unfortunately, the developer left long ago, leaving behind some folders such as CS PHP and JS. I believe I can either fix and complete that with some help from AI, but I'm not an experienced developer so I'm thinking I can gain some time using playcode or Replit. I believe these tools will help me iterate faster?

Maybe take three.js journey course too?

If you have any other tips and tricks please tell me I'm looking forward to them.
how functional is it already? is it generating 3d models at all or is it not even at that point? usually easier to just continue using whatever language or framework was already in-use if it's most of the way there already
meant for >>101103972
hey newbie, make a random string generator that takes in length param and builds string sample on the go with number range and charcodes
const rstring = (length : number)  {
let out = "";
for ( let i = 0; i < length; i++){
const charCode = Math.floor(Math.Random() * 122);
out += String.fromCharCode(charCode);
return out;
Is there such thing as string builder in js?
no it doesn't closest is this
const text = "Hello"

console.log(`${text} there friend!`);
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Please list the minimum things without memeing i need to know to get employed. I know html, css, javascript and python so far. I made some basic landing pages with animation and hamburger menu and shit like that.
Increase boob size and nipple mark
brub, am I a job offer search engine?
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how is it going bros
i'm doing some late night programming rn
This code has a lot of problems
do better then jeet
do it with just es6+ chained methods, for boomer genocidal reasons
celebrating in general, thinking about getting super fancy leather shoes
If you can't figure out the problems with that code then you're completely and utterly thick
celebrating over what
life's good, for now
HUH! *dabs*
how does fancy "reactive" UI integrate with SSR?
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But why?
new new new
>nobody actually cares how many years of experience you have if you know what youre doing
Have you met any HR gatekeeper? They all want X years in Y tech.
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>need an html entity encoder
>find HE
Why isn't there a .shuffle() method in JS?
read >>101101538
if you show them a working website that looks good then they wont give a shit. just dont say outright "i have 1 month experience working with this framework"

nobody does that anyway
Golang html/template doesn't have austo suggestions in vs code. How come?
because golang isnt a popular enough language to have it built in and probably nobody gives enough of a shit to write an extension for it. next.
>page 10
/wdg/ must be saved
You are a complete and irredeemable retard, yes
I already pay for GoLand, jetbrains software is very comfy, I never tried RubyMine but it should be pretty similar experience, have you tried it?
 i love webdev 
Can javascript really do that?
I thought only PHP could do this kind of stuff
he is probably talking about server-side Javascript with Node.js
>be me
>go back in time 20 years
>tell people that in 20 years we will do server side javascript
>they want to put me in a mental institution
>they're all closed
Thank, Reagan.
js won and they're here to stay
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is scraping facebook (private) groups posts still doable ?
i am reading contradictory informations
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i hate him so much its unreal
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I'm genuinely serious when I say that you should listen to none of these people. Not a single one is a serious professional, instead they peddle pithy self-help advice in the guise of "being a better engineer". It's bullshit, and it's a trap you can easily fall into.

Forge your own path. Literally just build things and you'll do well.
i just said i hate him and you give me a sermon about not listening to him. you ever get tested for autism?
This is the most reddit post Ive seen on this board in years.
progressive webapp
>built with bulletproof technologies such as JavaScript
love it or hate it, JS is standardized and has multiple open-source implementations. every platform supports it, and most people encounter it over the course of their career.
Should I use jekyll to blog or just write pure html files instead? It really seems like a pain the ass at the moment (jekyll)
There are ways to shoot yourself in the foot with both of them
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I'm a aug 2023 grad, after grad I worked as It till march of 2024, I'm struggling to find a job, should I remove that it experience? Could it be hurting me? Help!
none of what you said makes js "bulletproof"
why does no one on /wdg/ ever answer my questions >>101113818 but retarded questions always get answered
go ask the scraping general
Admit it, it's time to merge this thread with /twg/ already
Primeagen seems okay to me but I barely watch his stuff, most of his videos are quite long-winded and I just can't be bothered

The only web dev videos I watch these days are Fireship, and even then I don't watch all of them. But he makes videos about recent news events in the tech world, like some new thing that has been released that I don't know about, so I'll watch the video to learn about it. And the videos are pretty short and concise so it doesn't feel like I'm wasting too much time.
it sounds like you're struggling to fill up your resume so it's definitely not hurting you
Would projects be better than it experience? I made this for example https://www.dearnextvisitor.com/
>open a website
>cookie banner
>[accept all, reject all, settings]
>click on settings out of curiosity
>"our 367 partners..."
>close website and put on blacklist
Why does this happen? Why does a website have hundreds of "partners" that utilize cookies?
This is just insanity.
I've been playing around with it and have been enjoying it. This is the first time I've used it on an actual project available on the web. I picked it because it's super simple to use in both Lambda and also Node locally. It also has RPC for sharing types to the frontend which is really nice in a monorepo.
When sites join an ad network, they have to disclose all the partners in that network buying your user data that they'll be sending your data to.
Question: If I let you login using gmail sso do I need to display a banner? What if I'm letting you save your documents (by choice)?
Whats the minimum i have to learn to get employed? I know html, css, javascript and im soing a comp sci degree. What else do i need no trollin pls. Ty
Can some nice senior tell me a good ai app to make for my portfolio? I don't care if it already exists, it just needs to be doable in ~1 week.
saying you hate him implies that you're familiar with his content and have watched it enough to form an opinion

Should I learn fastapi or .net to get a job?
Even though he's mostly a web dev, he seems to be a bit out of touch with web dev.
Every time he talks about his job he mentions building something new from scratch with total liberty to use whatever technology he wants, then moving on to another project, never having to support existing codebases or even his own code.
I fucking wish my job was anything like that, in my experience web dev is a lot about supporting and expanding existing codebases, and dealing with bugs/shitty code.
what about an ai that talks with you?
i would if there was one
>inb4 make one
Is working on replit on the phone a good idea if I’m away from the computer when I want to learn web dev and programming?
sometimes generals die, it's sad but it's true
I studied .NET but also make sure you try to talk with people and network. I get it's a meme but nepotism is the ultimate way of getting a job. A guy getting your resume to the hiring manager instantly gives you a shot. Then you can show your skills. Make sure you learn minimal api and mvc (different but some company use either/or) learn EFCore, learn basic CRUD and SOLID principles and some basic algorithms. And really practice linq and you should be good for an entry level job. Read the book C# players guide to be familiar with C# and start making simple backends. Bonus points if you familiarize yourself with Razor Pages and/or Blazor for some companies
So what do I do anon
buy a notebook and run gentoo
experience (with references) > projects but they're both extremely useful to have to show employers
It kind of is since it uses its own syntax and semantics
read >>101101538
jquery also uses its own syntax and semantics. the language is still javascript. terminology matters
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I recall a site which had histories of all URLs which used to be associated with a given IP, but I'm a dumbass and forgot its name. Anyone?
javascript dot info, or eloquent javascript?
the mozilla docs
Django is not a programming language.
why not both?
and no one uses perl for backend. in fact, no one uses perl at all, except gigaboomers.
>without JSlop
nah, just pushes turbo and stimulus
Use those two as reference resources. You only need to know the basics to get shit done. Took me a year to complete jsinfo so don't make the same mistake as I did.

I don't even use weakmap/map, weakset/set, decorators, generators, proxy and reflect. The topics take way too long because they try to cover edge cases which I haven't even encountered such as the HomeObject of a class.
lol do people actually do javascript tutorials? i thought that was a uni student meme

i just look up whatever bits of code i need to get whatever im working on working. javascript rarely gets complex enough to warrant knowing the fine details of how it actually works
blame the OP for haphazardly putting JS tutorial when reality they should just be treated as references

Here's how I would do it

>Webdev Fundamentals - CYOA
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - (includes Accessibility, Responsive Design, etc.)
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - CSS Flex and Grid Practice

>Backend languages guides
https://laracasts.com/series/php-for-beginners-2023-edition - PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Python and Go tutorials

>Reference Tools
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ - HTML/CSS/JS/Web APIs(such as the DOM)

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

App development discussion that have overlap with webdev (like React Native, Electron, and Flutter) are welcome in this thread.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Also does anyone even use these particular links? haven't seen an anon request help with jsfiddle or some other sites

My website/blog is slowly coming together, I plan on adding tags next :3. Any suggestions on how I can rice this further? Claude Sonnet 3.5 has been quite helpful in picking a color palette and helping me drop some of jekyll's templating engine into pure html/css.
Why is Hetzner not more popular? It's much better than AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.
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Looks pretty decent! One thing I'd just note is that if you're making blog content it's a good idea to have decent text contrast to the background so that it's readable for most people, and the WCAG guidelines (AA/AAA) are a good reference point. For example I can see that the blockquote and links likely don't meet that standard. Inspecting the element with your browser should tell you if it meets it, but you can also go to https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ and check for yourself.

It doesn't have to exactly meet it but be close enough.
Thank you! I am new to web development and this is good to know!
Thank you EU. If I can't easily reject all the BS cookies and data sharing, or if they have too many "partners" I just stop using their website.
>Thank you EU
nta, but UE gave you a warning they were tracking you and an option to reject that tracking. reminder that not so long ago US companies were asking you for your faceberg user and pass to literally spy your faceberg on selection phase, just fucking saying
Might start writing Go again
at this point, I ask myself if we shouldn't just go C or C#
are you letting google load their scripts onto your site?
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I believe 15% of the images I'm downloading now are JFIF.
Who told web developers do use this?
I have an endpoint that returns the API key. The user has to write in his username and password, should it be a POST or GET request? POST makes the most sense, correct? And what should I call it? Does /credentials sound good?
Just provide API keys somewhere on the site when they're authenticated?
Having them put usernames and passwords into things they write... now imagine they commit it to a public repo
>GET is less secure compared to POST because data sent is part of the URL
>Never use GET when sending passwords or other sensitive information!
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Hey guys, I finally convinced my team to switch from old laravel to next.js, now we are trying to find a good auth solution for it, the most senior guy (boomer) thinks we should use nextauth, but from what I read it is essentially abandoned and very hard to use, I'm thinking Lucia is a good solution, can I get some feedback about this, maybe you know a better solution.
im using auth0 sso
Define references, can my friend who never worked with me pretend he did? Or will he be caught?
C# seems alright but I don't want to sell my soul to Microsoft

Of course TypeScript is also made by Microsoft but at least that ecosystem is a bit more diversified. Like if you make a full-stack TypeScript web app, with React and Express, neither of those projects are made by Microsoft. But if you use C# then you will be very dependent on Microsoft; the most popular web dev framework for C# is ASP.NET, which is also made by Microsoft. Even Java doesn't have that problem because the most popular web dev framework for Java is Spring, which is made by VMware, not Oracle.
depends on what youre claiming you worked on together. use your head, figure it out. youre not gonna make it if you cant think through things like this on your own
>C# seems alright but I don't want to sell my soul to Microsoft
same, but it's hella tempting, so much so, that If I see an offer for it that pays half decent and it's not deprecated abandonware code base, I'm jumping ship 100%
Yeah I'd be willing to learn it for a decent job, definitely. It's just not something I feel like jumping into for personal projects. If I really needed performance for a back-end then I'd probably try Java or Go.
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I've been doing few courses. Am familiar with HTML, CSS and JS and did some Vue. Was working with Node and some backend for some time too in small projects. I could probably do a Junior Dev job if i got it, but as always i lack a proper portfolio and didn't code and do shit for months.

Is there a point getting into Web Dev again? Or is it fucking over. I live in Europe btw.
>Or is it fucking over.
every day seems to be a bit more over, but who knows how much it'll last
There is no point in NOT getting into web dev. In the future, absolutely everything that can be made with web dev, will be made with web dev. Web dev is a requirement, not a nice to have - if you want to do like anything computer related.
Lol, so my remote developer sold my code. What can I do?

Okay, not laughing, but seriously, what steps should I take?

Has anyone else faced this nightmare?

I’m freaking out over here. Do I go straight to legal action? How do I protect my code and intellectual property better in the future?

Any advice on dealing with this kind of situation and preventing it from happening again would be super helpful.
its over
many lawyers/law firms will give free initial consultations so you could go to someone who specializes in copyright law or something similar and just give them a call, explain your situation, ask if it's something they could/would take on and what you should do, etc.

if they dont know what to do, many lawyers will still at least give you a referral to someone who does
How would one load balance websockets? I'm using uwebsockets and I'm not 100% sure about load balancing with nginx since uwebsockets is faster than nginx so it seems like it'd bottleneck me. Particularly I wrote rooms similar to socket.io and want the memory of my node app loadbalanced across multiple servers.
how do you even know he sold it? why are you sharing your code with anyone but yourself?
Is your code even worth fighting for? Lawyers will scam you too
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I do not understand BEM.
Please help me.
>he hired someone remote
Your first mistake, retard. Elon Musk was right about remote work.
good god
Why is Hetzner better? I’ve never used it
NTA and I use Digital Ocean, but from what I've seen they're way cheaper than everyone.

I used DO for the CDN though which I didn't see Hetzner offer. Also at the time I was looking at them I didn't see any servers close to me in America.
websockets are a persistent connection. once they make the connection to the server, it doesnt matter what loadbalancer you used because it wont be doing anything anymore. maybe nginx will slightly slow down the initial connection but it realistically doesnt matter at all. it's not like youre serving the files needed to load your website over websocket
Hmmm. So uwebsockets+nginx won't be much slower than just uwebsockets if I load balance?

What about loadbalancing something in memory? For example I'm doing a room system in memory keeping track of users and a timer and some settings. The chat messages forloop through all the connected users in a room so if I can't distribute the room I'm not sure quite what to do.
sorry, i made a mistake. i looked into the specifics of how nginx works and apparently even after it establishes a connection, it will continually act as a middleman between the loadbearing server and the client websocket. i havent found a library that would drop out the middleman for you so you might have to write it yourself

websockets can be a little tricky. i dont think they support forwarding the initial http connection like other http requests do, so what you can do is have one "main" server which always accepts the client's first websocket connection. it will then analyze what server the connection should go to, send a message with that information to the client, and then the client will have to disconnect from the main server and reconnect to the correct loadbearing server. not actually that complicated, just a pain in the ass

you can use a similar technique to get all of the users in a room to be on the same server
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>sorry I made a mistake
All good senpai. Thanks for replying. I'll ask GPT if it knows of any libraries for it.

> i dont think they support forwarding the initial http connection like other http requests do
Actually I think the library I'm using does believe it or not. I said I'm using uwebsockets but that's a lie, I'm using hyper-express which is made from uwebsockets. The initial handshake is done in HTTP and that's how I'm handling JWTs and cookies, with their upgrade function. Then you pass it off to the socket handshake. I may or may not be able to pass off the initial handshake actually. Picrel, I just slapped the Router.upgrade above connect so I could use req, res (hyper-express gives you more of an express like syntax for http and websockets in uwebsocket.js) and pass req.cookies.token in

>you can use a similar technique to get all of the users in a room to be on the same server
My issue is, if someone ddoses that server do all the rooms just get fucked? I'm having a hard time visualizing load balancing for websockets, loadbalancing http isn't that hard though.
if someone ddos's a server then everyone connected to that server is fucked, yes. most hosting services have built-in ddos protection though, just look through their specifications

what's difficult about visualizing websocket load balancing? just make sure that the number of connected sockets across the server is more or less equal. you cant do much besides that unless you want to start monitoring their activity, but nothing a human can do will make a big enough dent in performance for it to matter and again: just have ddos protection
rails uses webpack etc. behind the scenes to package turbo & stimulus stuff
turbo has some rather dangerous defaults. it makes some stuff easier at the expense of some utter madness. i wouldn't recommend it.
I'm doing some pricing, and how the fuck can R2 afford to be essentially free when Digital Oceans spaces would cost me like 50$/month?
iirc R2 has fuck all space so you'll have to migrate to something else if you scale up
oh whoops, mistook R2 with D1
DN is 5.00$ for 1tb egress and 250gb storage
R2 is 3.75$ for unlimited egress and 250gb storage

I'd have to have more than 3.5 million requests of my data for R2 to cost more than DN, and with that same traffic, I'd probably be way past the 1tb egress for DN, so it wouldn't be 5$ anymore.
>I'd have to have more than 3.5 million requests
yeah, totally not possible, not like this one guy that probably thought the same thing when setting up netlify until he got a 100k bill
Did you not read the whole sentence, retard?
of course not, where the fuck do you think you are
what exactly do you want to do? Maybe git hooks is already enough for you
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