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Is there any phone technology that doesn't suck complete balls? I've been using android since upgrading from a blackberry leap and it has sucked at absolutely everything. Every update full of pajeet code breaks an app or connectivity with my car. I've actually had to downgrade to an S8 from my pixel 7 because it was causing me such a headache, but now my S8 is no longer working the way it used to either.

My main problem right now is that i can't get youtube to play more than 2 videos while the phone is locked without data dropping and then suddenly picking back up as soon as i unlock the phone for a second. My second main problem is that android doesn't seem to be capable of running more than one app at a time properly. I listen to music while using an exercise tracking app and either the music or exercise app will crash randomly. That's another thing, god i miss the blackberry music player, android dosen't come with one for some retarded reason so i have to use external apps, all of which arr shit. The closest one I've found to the blackberry is blackplayer, but that hasn't been updated in years and has all sorts of issues.

Is there any phone that just fucking works and dosen't have indians fucking with the code 24/7?
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No. The feds and telecom industry have made sure to keep it locked down since day one. You cannot bring a phone to market that respects users and functions at an acceptable level. It's just a game of pick your poison. You get a choice between have your balls set on fire, tazed, or crushed, and the alternative to those is dropping out of society.
Sadly OP they all suck balls. Google fucked my baseband on pixel 5a, so I bought the 7a instead. Best you can do is GrapheneOS and not have a Google account. Smart phone industry really is shit.
my pixel phone's battery always bloats, even if i replace the battery several months later it will inevitably bloat. i just accept it use it with a bloated battery.

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