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all my backups are on bluray, all my random files are on cd
they will never fail
fuck ssd and hdd botnet firmware
and now the video made me interested, link good cd music players i can buy right now used
That's because most people don't know that refrigerating SSDs causes their data retention to extend into decades. The dog ass slow random read/write speed speed of optical makes it a joke for backups.
>*gets scratched*
>zoomer sees a cd player for the first time
my futuristic robot design has a cd player as its brain.
implying you need fast write speeds for optical discs
they are read only anyway. it's not like you are going to be deleting data from a disc and replacing it with other data

>read speed
you just transfer the data from the disc to the hdd. problem solved
you just copy the data*
any sony walkman in good condition
I specifically said RANDOM read/write speed. Unless you spin plastic at 30,000 RPM the random read/write speed is going to be outrageously dogshit.

I'm not going to zip up everything into giant archives. I already hate doing that humiliation ritual with wifi transfers already.
>optical discs are the only reli-
>rots in your way
the read/write speed is not that bad. it's about as good as my internet lmao
EVEN IF you spent tears/blood into long AV1 encodes you would still wind up with with a few GBs for every 1080p movie.

>200 MB/minute
LMAO fuck that, I have things to do.

i would take the risk of my discs rotting over using a hdd (where my data doesn't even last because external hdds always have problems).
here's a dvd-r that i burned in 2011. still works
what large files are you archiving that you can't wait a few minutes?
people who download 50GB films are retarded

a waste of hdd space
We don't ALL watch DVD anime on a CRT. Some of us have 4K TVs.
in my experience they're the least reliable.
I rip everything into my SSDs the first chance I get
cumming inside her bellybutton
nice, had walkman back in the day
lots somewhere now
was considering getting mp3 player recently but cd player looks better
I'm gonna teach that chink about all the Western advances in sexo technology
actually i prefer the read speed of a optical disc to the download speed of libgen(which is super fucking slow)
if you store a bunch of ebooks on cd-rs you will never have to use libgen ever again
She's putting it on for TV. i guarantee the vast majority of those born in 2007 will know what discs are lol
>my futuristic robot design has a cd player as its brain.
>Turns the optical media back and fourth like a DJ with a turn table
>F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fuck niggers *vinyl scratch*
dvds maybe
people stopped using cds after ipods came out
i assure you there are no kids who know don't about know about CD's, bar perhaps the youngest of kids (under 10, maybe)
they probably have a vague sense of what they are
There are definitely a lot of kids who have never seen a cd player
I suppose I don't doubt that, but don't most cars still have CD players/radios?
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CDeez Nuts, nigga!
>what is rotational velocidensity
pretty much every car after 2014 started building in proper (proprietary) head units with bluetooth, even if it was their own gay unusable OS
I fucking hate you so much
Supposedly it's only certain batches of optical discs that were known to rot
The amount of discs I would need for just my music collection would fill a storage unit.
you could probably store over a 1000 albums on a single bluray if you store the music files as mp3s
no you see its basically a cd burner rather than a player. it spins so fast if you touch it with your finger it incinerates off. the drive is constantly reading and writing almost like a hard drive but the disc is replaceable with new media or existing media like swapping brains.
back in the day i would burn 12-14 albums to a cd-r
burning them as mp3s made that possible

my car stereo could play mp3s from a disc
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here's the read speed of my usb bluray player
My LDs are starting to go, some movies look like they got rice stuck on the film. My 2000s CD-Rs are toast, and the oldest of my 80s CDs are starting to go. I love them, but anything that isn't magnetic is a meme for long-term backup. I pulled a 30 year old floppy out of a junk pile recently and it still read great. My tapes are all great, at least the ones I stored properly. My 90s hard drives have all their data, they do make scary noises and I don't know how much longer I'll have them thoughbeit.
indisputable truth
LTO tapes are the closest you'll get to reliable archival storage.
Crazy that cold storage is still an issue
those are magnetic, aka not reliable
>born in 2007
>shes 17
Looking at the overall cost I would just opt for mdisk medium and keep it in some air tight fire resistant storage box.
*gets scratched*

kys linuxpedo
cute tummy. would love to see it stretched out by bbc
2015 reporting in, came with CD as standard equipment.
That's what you get for storing your Dollar Tree CD-R's in your unconditioned attic.
>*gets scratched*
User error.
See >>101091533

It's such a shame this is a bullshit tech SEKRIT. It's something so simple. Not rocket science, ya know?
She's 16 you sick fuck
out of 10
Woman is only good to give head
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Why is it only high IQ azn qt's that appreciate us inventors/engineers/scientists?
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oh look. this thread again!

correct me if I'm wrong but 4chan just feels like a tiny rolodex of repetitive pre-cooked posts designed to be confrontational

mixed with some companies relentlessly running marketing campaigns.

am I missing something? how is this better than reddit again?
Didn't know that, so for long term storage you just chuck your SSDs into the refrigerator?
i would rather have slow write/read speeds than have my data completely gone due to a hdd failure
read speed of cd-rs is not a problem with small files such as ebooks.
they are ideal for storing small files
why are zoomers like this
>would love to see it stretched out by bbc
kys amerishart mutt
total nigger death
>pull it out
>condensation kills it within minutes
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*blocks your path*
>even if it was their own gay unusable OS
It's almost always QNX with some godawful hacked together java GUI written entirely by third world contractors.
what distro, DE, WM, theme, and font? looks good.
i think these are unnecessary
i used the cheapest blurays i could find and after 5 years there is no sign of wear and tear on them
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5 years is nothing for optical media, M disks are for 100 years +, if the data is really that important to you its worth the premium (if it works)
why would i want my optical discs to outlive me? i just my discs to last until my death
i don't care what happens to them after my death
i just want my disc to last until my death*
I cant comprehend that people like her exist.
Backup... If you need to access your backup all the time you are doing something wrong...

Vacuum seal it or just wait a few hours for any water to evap. There's also waterproof SATA/NVME enclosures.
that's cute.
but i don't think optical media is the only reliable storage media
That's true. I was thinking of just regular CD's.
any tips for incremental backups on optical media? I mean, let's say I start with some initial amount of data and want to do backups once every month.
It would be terribly inefficient to always backup the same data + the new data every time. After a year, I'd have 12 copies of the same stuff. Sure, redundancy is nice but not like this.
So instead, some solution is needed to keep track of what files have already been backed up, and only backup the deltas of any changed files, plus new files in whole.
Then, there would need to be some catalogue to facilitate easier access to the data. Let's say you want to reconstruct a specific file. The catalogue should point you towards the physical discs that contain the file and any further revisions.

Does an all in one software suite exist for something like this?
>correct me if I'm wrong but 4chan just feels like a tiny rolodex of repetitive pre-cooked posts designed to be confrontational
>mixed with some companies relentlessly running marketing campaigns.
it's part of the same thing. it's called guerrilla marketing.
retards in this board think these companies wouldn't target them because this is their spechul snowflake sekrit club, but it obviously happens, and has happened ever since this whole website was brainwashed by stormfront.
legal in my country. But the age of consent in south Korea is 20 so it would be illegal even if she was 18.
found your design
I would show ChaeWon so many things if i could
That explains so much.
damn I should buy a Rolodex®
I want to have sex with her if you know what I mean
>2-decade-old CD-R
>Stationary in a dark place for 99.99% of its existence
>Files fail to copy
If you rely on optical media for long-term storage, have redundancies.
Not trying to get into a gay internet argument, just trying to save Anons headaches way down the road
Old CDRs not lasting is pretty common knowledge. What I do wonder though is that if DVDs and BRs have the same problem.
I don't get it

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