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*solves audio*
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*is better in you're path*
Yeah, pretty much.
Just because headphones haven't improved in 30 years doesn't mean they're solved.
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based deaf boomer
the entire chinese market disagrees
you can continue consuming 50 year old designs pushed by boomers tho
Look at your tracks in audacity. If you're listening at 80 dB A-weighted the bass will be at 110dB. Real bass-lover headphones should handle at least 120.
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Soulless for music. Great for gaming though.
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>Real bass-lover
won't buy this shit. lmao.
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>posting meaningless charts
I still remember a time when audiphools posted square wave graphs as indication of headphone quality
well i can hear it buddy
it's way over 10% after EQ anyway
>well i can hear it buddy
sure you can, sweaty
it's over 10% on the graph faggot your image contradicts your statement
Tested on speakers where bass is handled by its own driver. When bass starts distorting on headphones everything else gets distorted too through IMD.
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These are better with less distortion and barely any bass rolloff (corrected with just a +1.5db low shelf) and they cost like $15. I've had several pairs of $300+ headphones and I don't use any of them anymore. Same with DACs and headphone amps, if you need one at all a $10 dongle can already get you 100db snr.
I think it's pretty cool I can give that combo as a gift for $25 and have confidence it's actually worthwhile.
On the other hand the $1500 or so I've spent on other headphones and accessories kinda hurts. It was not a waste because I've enjoyed them for 20 years before the industry got to this point. However there is no more correlation between price and quality. You can still spend thousands on a pair of headphones that is not better than a $50 koss or a $10 chifi iem.
didnt read
ear dildo faggots out
I hated them for music, so boring and flat. I returned it after 2 days of trying to cope and eq.
theyre not flat
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the shit was fucking highlighted and you still couldn't read?
I'm sure the audio is fine but having a wire dangle down from each side is annoying.
So for me it's the HD490Pro.
They are but ok
They're anti V-shaped. The opposite of fun.
Good for monitoring and listening to broadcasters talk, otherwise they're shit.
Ideal for treble deaf ears. Clean but piercing.
there are no flat headphones on the market.
there's audeze
i kind of want to try stax but i'd have trouble returning them
>nooo I can't listen to music the way the artist intended
I want closed back
Way better
>the way the artist intended
Hahahahahahahahaa oh wait you're serious oh god okay
Is it worth upgrading a pair of modded he400se to the aune ar5000?
what is that supposed to do
Opens them up a bit more
take it off then
Right here? That's kind of embarrassing
>the way the artist intended
Only low IQ audiolets say that unironically
>audioniggers actually think that when listening to "flat" speakers they'll be hearing exactly what the artist was hearing when composing
I'll open you up
Yes, right here
Flat(on-axis) full-range speakers in a moderately treated room sounds incredible. "Flat" headphones sound like dogshit. Harman style targets approximate the proper speaker sound but there's only so much you can do without real room reflections.
there is no beyer in the image
It will be much closer than any setup with an opinionated sound profile.
And I'm not saying flat is necessarily the best profile but it is silly to claim it sounds bad because then why didn't they change it in the studio? (in b4 I know better than a DJ making millions a year)
>If you're listening at 80 dB A-weighted
That's loud as fuck.
E-me teaks, like I said, great for funky music, colored etc. not so great for gaming or movies. I have AKG ath 7xx for that.
kill yourself
Producers master at 82-85dB. You think you know better than producers?
i fell for the harman curve and got the k371 but didn't like them at all. i much prefer my old k271 even though on paper they're much worse, both on frequency response and distortion. tons of bass which worked well in some games but in music they just sounded "stuffed" for the lack of a better word.
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not very harman, just good bass extension but bass tuch is important in harman
try bringing up treble after like 6khz or something idk
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So why do you need to EQ them?
85dB with speakers in a room is more bearable than a fucking driver glued to your ear with sharp treble resonances. Nice positional variance btw.
the loudness is measured at ear you fucking retard it's as loud as the speaker
i only wear my headphones in a single position
>i only wear my headphones in a single position
Which of these positions is the one you derived your EQ from.
i eq by ear
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How fresh is your EQ?
Your whole body is absorbing audio with speakers and no one is measuring at the DRP is just an SPL meter and calling it a day. Headphones are shooting straight into your ear canal. Also you're using american A weighting, retard. It'd be different with the modern ITU-R 468 weighting, which takes into account human ear's sensitivity to different frequencies. It gives more weight to higher frequencies (around 6 kHz) where the human ear is more sensitive and HD600 has a huge resonance at 5-6k depending on the unit and pad condition bc it's a shitty headphone.
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Yes, because I'm not mastering for my job I'm listening for personal enjoyment. 80 dB is loud as fuck.
Had my current headphones for about 6-7 years and the ear pieces are finally starting to fall off. Before I resort to just using earbuds for a bit, what's a good place to look for headphones? I think I got mine from a site that bragged about making actual studio equipment but I forget the name of it.

Wireless preferable but I'm not too picky desu.
damn 80db? I listen at 60-70
And before I forget, literally the only thing I'll be using it for is gaming.
no you dont you fucking retard 60dB
kill yourself
i'm not deaf, sorry
>open headphones
What's the point? Just get speakers.
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Wrong pic.
no one cares about your ugly iems dude.
(i'm lying, they cute)
reminder that flat response is a dumb psyop if you're buying for listening, rather than for producing

the best pair of listening headphones I ever owned was Grado GS1000i and they were as far from flat as you can imagine, they colored everything they played to an insane degree and made it sound wonderful
babies first "audiophile" headphones
speakers at home, iems everywhere else, headpos are obsolete
Why is Averi so breedable.
Own better headphones.
theres no perfect headphones just like theres no perfect shoes
>"Grado is bad"
average flat response faggot
enjoy your boring but "accurate" sounds
post your """endgame""" headphones
can't blast moaninganimegirls.wav when you're a neet
I don't know what grados sound like, they're physically too small for me to put on.
Grado is bad because its boomer hearing loos tuning with no bass and overcooked treble so that it sounds relatively neutral to people with advanced hearing loss past say 13k. Type 3 listener tuning
there's shoes that are functionally almost perfect
it literally does + a DAC
I'm 28 and my hearing is fine, try again
wrong thread jeet
Can the /g/ audiopedophiles please make up their minds about whether it's bad for headphones to emphasize bass, or bad for them not to emphasize bass
I can't handle the wild swings as you guys change your opinions from post to post to be whatever makes you feel like you're winning the conversation you're in
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Bass is good emphasizing bass where it is louder then treble is bad as it leads to auditory masking.
Audiophile headpos boomers think any bass at all is bad because with hearing loss the presence of bass will cause masking in the upper frequencys.
emphasizing bass is bad, most headphones lack good quality sub bass
headphones cant do sub bass that you will feel in your lower body
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get the fuck out
>headphones cant do sub bass that you will feel in your lower body
That's why you buy a headphone amp with a sub out and hook it up to a nice 600w powered sub.
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where were you when the next generation driver was invented?
Nailed it.
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Just be aware that people listening to flat bass look like this.
The negative magnetic spring reacts opposite to the standard magnetic spring, this tech reduces the need for large subwoofer boxes because it can react opposite to the air pressure created by subwoofer allowing it to actively create its own resonance without the need for a giant passive sub-box. This technology will reduce the size of subwoofers while keeping sub-bass response and resonance. At least, that's the claim
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that just looks like they posted the wrong stock photo
that guy's ugly but he is clearly not over 50 years old
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right in the don't care and won't ever care since sonos is garbage
but the patent claims a 10x reduction in box size without a loss in quality, power, and efficiency. Even if it was only 2x or 3x reduction in reality, it would still be significant, but a 10x claim is very far. Others will copy or replicate the design in different ways if the claims are true.
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sonos subs had dual opposed drivers for over a decade at this point which reduced volume by 2-3x and nobody has dared to copy them because sonos is one of the few companies that dares to sue even google.
This should've been a KZ because realistically that's what solves audio in IEM form for most people, aside from screeching autists
I have had a pair of grados for a very long time (sr125i). They are much brighter than my speakers with horn tweeters. These things are crazy. I'm convinced they're designed for people with hearing damage. They were strongly recommended to me (by and old man). I like them for walking around the city because I can hear details over traffic yet I can hear what's going on around me with their open backed nature.
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For me? It's my comfy AH-D5200s.
It's not really about emphasis. Many headphones just don't have any bass. I want neutral sound WITHOUT bass rolloff, which pretty much leaves me with obscure options: planar magnetic or IEMs.
KZ has no fox IEMs.
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For me? It's the Sony MDR-CD900ST.
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Or Aryan's choice: Beyerdynamic DT900 Pro X
>inb4 MuHH treble peak!!! im polak!!
If your pinna is similar to the GRAS KB5001, just one filter will correct it. Depending on your HRTF, it might not be an issue at all.
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the reason why so many weebtunes are mastered like shit
Overpriced crap with no bass = solves audio. You are just an earlet
If you cared about that you wouldn't listen to music on headphones in the first place, music is mixed and mastered on speakers, headphones are the audio equivalent of watching a movie on a tiny phone screen, even worse than that actually
that looks sexy as hell damn
Don't give a shit, sounds great, stay mad.
>Sennheiser releases Momentum headphones
>Light as a feather, sound is great, open or closed ver.
>Sennheiser sells product division
>Momentum is now a bulky overpriced wireless abomination indistinguishable from other brands
I can see migu
I want speakers (I have tinnitus) w/o subwoofer (it simply doesn't work with a computer desk). Any recommendations?
>it simply doesn't work with a computer desk
not true
>EQniggers think they can read mind of the artist and figure out what he intended
>rape the music in the process with their tiny flaccid EQ
>EQniggers think they can read mind of the artist and figure out what he intended
yes because that's true
>eqlets think eq is about the music
Nothing more pathetic and autistic than a virgin loser that needs to pull up a "graph" of sound output instead of just being able to put on a pair of headphones and know what sounds good, lmao

reprioritize your life before you're too old to date lol
youre a consumer
i am an engineer, i learn about audio
you cant comprehend EQ because you have a tiny nigger brain and don't want to create anything new
i cook the food for myself, you go between restaurants and try to find something that tastes good to you
I'm a business owner you sad slob.
Stay a hobbyist all your life.
>hurr durr i need a graph, i'm physically incapable of understanding quality or personal preference

seriously, start dating
imagine you meet napoleon or newton and tell them something like this early in their life
don't measure me by your own standard because i am intellectually superior
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which DAC do you use fren? and what amp?
Artists don't generally master the track themselves. They hire someone else to make those decisions for them. Mastering is its own field and that knowledge is what EQ practices are based on.
Zero headphones sound good. Graphs provide a way to make headphones sound good. But most headphones just can't sound good no matter what.
the absolute state of audiofools
the recording has already been mastered, and signed off by the artist. you just fuck it up.
The nice thing about a subwoofer is you can place it anywhere.
This is because humans can't tell which direction low frequency sound comes from.
get a subwoofer, it makes such a big difference in music and movies. even a small, cheap one.
not everyone needs earth shattering bass, especially if you have a smaller room.


No, we realize it'e never about the music.
You listen to your audio equipment, not to music.
about the subwoofer, do get 10" or larger.
6" and 8" are a joke, bare a few very rare ones.
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Not hum but on the subject of subwoofers and headphones:
Has anyone successfully combined open back headphones with a subwoofer to provide the lacking bass?
Won't that be by far the best bang for buck high quality audio setup?
It has good connectivity and battery runtime.
2 big speakers aren't enough to compensate the lack of subwoofer?
Music always sounds good. When your gear sounds good even with synthetic signals you know your setup is good.
Can't put it behind my screen, don't want to sacrifice space on my desk for a big ugly monolith, under the desk it both waste leg space and doesn't work well
No. You'll need a sub even if your speakers extend to 20Hz. Because of room geometry there will always be frequencies that themselves out when your speakers play them. That's when the subs come into play. By placing them somewhere else in your room you can make them fill those nulls.
*that cancel themsleves out
no. unless you have 3 or 4 way speakers with 10"+ drivers.
it's insane how much a sub adds to things.

can be done. but you have the discomfort of wearing headphones.

even open back with 2 normal speakers and sub simultaneously can sound amazing. i did for a short while.
How tiny is your room?
Stick it in some corner under your bed or on top of a closet or whatever it doesn't matter.
>can't blast moaninganimegirls.wav when you're a neet
Ur a fgt for not linking to it so we can all enjoy
>can be done.
I will try it then, thanks!

My real issue is the acoustics of my room.
My home has loads of large windows which is nice for lighting but shit for audio.
thick floorcarpet goes a long way.
and have enough things in the room so it doesn't echo.
beware of a slight delay between sub and headphones, when you use different audio interfaces for both.

when i did the open back with speaker+subwoofer i got the cinema sound (slight echo/delay) experience. kino, because it was the day gta5 was released and thought they did this effect intentionally, only to be disappointment when i turned off the speakers. you don't want this effect constantly so you might want to offset one interface with a few ms.
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For me, it's the Sr-009S

(Not for listening, but for behind a display case)
You never heard any headphones ever.
only with EQ though and even then it's a bit bright
hd650 is dark and bass anemic how the fuck is it bright
I never said I was or not
Bot broke.
It's only dark when you compare it to beyerdynamic
i was comparing it to harman
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HDSEXX has bass that slaps. The best part is that I can change the bass tuning with those foam plugs.
source: uhhh
Source: I own it and you don't.
KEK laugh all you want
Doesn't change my reality that HDSEXX kicks ass
any chadynamics > your shitty headphones
you type like a redditor
You type like a summerfag. Go back, child.
cope harder pleb
What's there to cope with these wonderful cans on my head? Sounds like you're coping with your chinkshit pos.
it's above the target in the upper treble
>EQniggers think they can read mind of the artist and figure out what he intended
mastering engineers literally use the Harman in room target for speakers
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not really
on 5128
source: uhhhh
harman is not 5128 but link the measurement
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>Try headphones
>They sound ok
>Try EQ preset by expert in how headphones should sound like
>They sound less than ok
>Try EQ preset for similar but not the same headphone at all for fun
>They sound better
>>Try EQ preset by expert in how headphones should sound like
>>They sound less than ok
oh no there's now actual subbass
i dont know what is this india target but i fail to see where's the supposed peak
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I remember years ago when Dr Dre Beats came out. Everyone kept telling me how great they sounded. I tried a pair, thought they sounded like crap (Beats Solo). It wasn't until I heard Beats Pro that I thought they sounded good, and even then there were headphones at ~$150 price point that sounded the same (Beats Pro were $300 at the time).

My mom bought a set of wireless Beats (the on ear ones) and they're not terrible. I personally liked the Sony ones I tried that were similar and costed less.

Still rocking my Sennheiser HD598SE though. These headphones are built well and last a long time. My Audio Technica ATH-M50's earcups leather peeled off, Senn is still going strong and feels less "clampy."
LMG is the best target on 5128
>Sennheiser HD598SE
sound like trash
ok that's just like your retarded opinion or something but where's the peak
Compared to what? HD600? Sure yes. But these sound decent enough that I don't have to amp them.
LMG target IS Harman 2018 on 5128 with over 95% accuracy
14500hz somewhere around there probably
I have a long 62cm circumference skull and these are uncomfortable, they poke into my jaw
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ok that's just like your retarded opinion or something
preference rating is retarded
there's a 15khz peak but who cares
Most of the arguments I hear against these are that they are not the HD600. But the HD600 also costs significantly more.
Just get the 6XX
they're kind of like 560s probably not the biggest difference btween them and HD600 after eq
>ok that's just like your retarded opinion
do you have a better target
Thinking of getting the 660S2. Currently own the 650.
Is it worth the upgrade? Do you prefer the 650? I'd like to hear the improved sub bass as I consider the 650 to be quite weak in that regard.

Thank you.
if you have $600 to spend then you should think about getting some planars[spoiler][/spoiler]
My modded 6XXs beat the 660S2 in both price and performance.
they are selling for 419€ here so not a bargain but a fair price I think
After modding, it's still cheaper than the 660S2 on sale, and I can physically adjust the bass frequency tuning to my liking on the fly.
6xx is a good headphone
There are no good headphones.
Says the chinkslop pos eating retard
ok but my point stands
>it just does...... ok?!!!
>no reply
wew lad
I mean, yeah, it just does because it does lmao!
ok im happy for you
>i am an engineer
Shitposting on the internet for 0 compensation does not make you an engineer faggot.
it does if it fits narrative
Not anymore, faggot.
>what is imd
Put on some Audeze or Dan Clarks and the bass is obviously cleaner. To the point that you can identify who mixed their drum tracks on headphones vs speakers. Headphones will be finished when you can get that level of performance from $5 plastic earbuds.
>>what is imd
never measured
I don't need some faggot graph to tell me drum beats are obviously mismatched on good speakers and this one headset but not normal headphones.
ok i actually agree with you i just wish amir wasnt such a lazy cocksucker faggot
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*Humbles your terrible mixing skills in you are path*
mixing on any headpos is cancer kys
also those are monitoring headpos
really? Most people listen music on their headphones, so it's pretty important to know what it will sound like on those
Yes, hence why I said, they will shit all over your terrible mixing skills since they reveal them with their flat dynamics
It's important to know what music sounds like on a shitty car stereo too, but you don't mix on it.
That's actually another mixing shit test that your music has to pass for it to be any good, if you don't render out your project and listen back to it in your car, you'll never know
ok then mix your music on an iphone speaker instead of the standard setup in the industry since the 50s
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>Dan Clark
biggest grift in the whole audiophile space. imagine designing headphones with AUDIBLE treble distortion
That's the point, dipshit. Imagine if photo editors edited their photos on oversaturated monitors. Thanks for telling the world you know fuck all about music mixing. Now fuck outta here kiddo and let the adults speak.
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2BH fampai i can heard this too sometimes
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Sorry for that, my grandpa is playing tricks, here is correct picture.
nevermind im fucking retarded that's just ear resonance on the coupler
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no, i highly doubt it. amir's raw distortion measurements are useless since they don't correlate to human hearing whatsoever. he just looks at "big numbers bad" for views when he should actually learn a bit about what those numbers mean.
he talks about distortion audibility threshold in his reviews sometimes
You didn't even read what I said, but anyway, mixing on just studio monitors isn't enough, monitoring headphones are an important part of the studio too.
the fucker is 60+ years old. any garbage he hears is either due to his ears being clogged up and/or straight up hearing loss.
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i wasnt referring to his subjective rating
he's a retard but he knows about this
You completely missed the point of what I said, what I actually said is that those headphones will humble your mixing skills when you thought they were good, not "they ruin your mix"
Yeah I don't trust those graphs above ~8k, and the bass readings can be suspect depending on fit.

He actually says in his youtube guide that there's no correlation between distortion and preference. They're only useful in the context of
>this is clearly overmodulating
>this is so low there's no way you can hear it
>distortion and preference
it's not preference, dumbass, it's that distortion is far more audible at higher frequencies than at lower ones, and you're listening to a old fart that hasn't been able to hear those high frequencies properly for decades.
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These are the best headphones I have heard thus far. I have never heard such accurate and deep bass before in headphones it's fantastic. Plays shit that my sennheisers literally cannot reproduce.
The test rig isn't reliable at high frequencies either, so it's kind of a moot point. His reviews are basically design follow through tests.
>t. owned 1 pair of headpos before and hasnt heard of eq
I have another pair of denon, I have the X2s which were my main headphones for many years. A shitty pair of AKGs, Sennheiser 650s which sounded pretty decent on a tube amp from bottlehead but still doesn't reproduce bass that great. I have the sundara which I regret ever buying. It was used for a whole week before I went back to the X2s. Also for a long time I was using the SHP9500 back when they were 50 dollars and they were pretty good for about a year but again, no bass response.
EQ is a coping mechanism. If your drivers cannot audibly replicate something no amount of EQ you throw at them will fix it. My headphones also do not hit as low as my 15 inch subwoofer despite me singing the praises for them.
>any akg
pos if you dont use eq

as always i was right
Is this like the transexuals of headphones? You will never have bass, no matter how much EQ you take you will never replicate it, etc?
google your subwoofer and look at distortion levels you fucking imbecile god youre a monkey
does this mean that woman in average have the hearing of a 50+ year old man?
I have a pair of some unbranded "custom" MX500 clones from China that have a sound signature eerily similar to that of the HD600s. Sure the 600s are clearer and handle bass much better, but for the mids and highs they are so similar it hurts knowing a $5 pair of earbuds sounds about as good (for the untrained ear) as a $350 set of headphones.
>about the subwoofer, do get 10" or larger.
>6" and 8" are a joke, bare a few very rare ones.
biggest mistake I made was getting and 8" sub. Go for 12" or above, anything else is only acceptable for car audio (which even then I'd still prefer a 12" unit).
>old fart that hasn't been able to hear those high frequencies properly for decades
It's not crazy uncommon for men to retain high frequency hearing into old age either. My father has proctored 18kHz range in his late 60s. Anecdotally about half his immediate male relatives have similar.

Yes. Women's ears are cooked when they hit 25.
sell it?
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>If I turn upper treble to 200db on shoddy equipment that can't even produce high frequencies cleanly then it means I can hear 18kHZ!
holy cope
>Yes. Women's ears are cooked when they hit 25.
I must be trans then. I am 26 and can barely hear anything above 16.5k
>sell it?
I put the 8" in my car and bought a 12" to use in my home theater
Have you heard how loud women are.
Literally anything can produce high frequencies cleanly. 2nd order distortion is already ultrasonic above 10kHz.
As in, by a professional with certified equipment to settle an argument.
If there is a huge drop-off in the bass they cannot sound ''good'', you just lack a frame of reference and think they sound good because you don't know any better
Yeah I didn't get that gene either.
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you should be ashamed of your pops for lying to win an argument.
remember when NASA built a car that ran on water and drove it 1000 miles across the USA
remember when that guy who claimed to have built a car that runs on water started talking that he was poisoned when he was dying
All sennheiser have pathetic anemic bass, those headphones literally just reproduce mids, bass and highs are recessed, they are meme cans for people who don't know any better
>i posted a graph so it must be true
You realize they throw away the outliers when they do these studies right?
idk, i have HD600, gave it K5 PRO high gain and sound is fast and good
i'm sure there are headphones that have bigger/better bass, but even since i used hd600 i literally don't want any more bass - and midrange and treble for me is exceptional on them
All dynamic headphones have anemic or horribly distorted bass. With the possible exception of 1kg ear speakers that nobody uses.
or closed backs
or stax
or 490 pro
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hearing aid sites only test to 8kHz since that's what their equipment is rated for. did your liar of a father even show you his audiogram?
It's okay, you just need to accept who you are and accept that you'll never reproduce the level of bass that other headphones will reproduce let alone 15 inch subwoofers. There's no shame in it.
very concrete argument almost as if you had nothing to say because i'm right
like father, like son
>closed backs
mass distortion
aren't dynamic
>490 pro
Less bad than most but still trash. Especially if you EQ to compensate for Sennheiser no bass signature.

No you're just searching Google images for reasons you aren't wrong. They don't write hearing aid audiograms above 8khz, but they use that same test gear on elementary school students and workman's comp hearing loss tests. It runs full range.
God I wish Hiro would turn the IP count back on
>i literally don't want any more bass
Do colorblind people cope like this?
>I don't want to differentiate between greens, I'm perfectly fine as it is
>aren't dynamic
i misread
>Less bad than most but still trash. Especially if you EQ to compensate for Sennheiser no bass signature.
theyre better than some popular IEMs
>mass distortion
wrong, IMD maybe but i'd need to see measurements
>No you're just searching Google images for reasons you aren't wrong. They don't write hearing aid audiograms above 8khz, but they use that same test gear on elementary school students and workman's comp hearing loss tests. It runs full range.
not me, i am young and dont care about hearing loss
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posts on this board would have tanked if not for all the aislop threads
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it's literally all /v/ tourists and ai coomers there is legitimately 0 technology discussion
> comparing -4db@40 hz subbass roll to being deaf
i rather have a little quieter subbass than having fucked up any other part of FR that is much more audible when something is not right
like, most beyers having 10db@8khz peak is literally ear piercing (tried them once, never do it again) and yet people praise those headphones
or even just air region having weird peaks messing up timbre or being fatiguing
if i want to get subbass with relatively good FR i'd rather used iems than open-back headphones
iems mog
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I love Miku. I often listen to this while trying new headphones and it was a delight on the zeros with clarity but also deep sub-bass.
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This depends on where you and the speakers are positioned, so two truly full-range speakers MIGHT be ok for some people. I also know a guy who got two subs in his home theater room because one apparently didn't give him the coverage he wanted.
Mains + one sub should be enough for one listening spot. The more listening spots you want to cover the more subs you'll need.
>i rather have a little quieter subbass
No, you don't have quieter subbass. It is not being produced at all. This is not a point that you can EQ your argument out of.
I find I have more tolerance for bass the less distorted it is. You might just be a class 3 onion knight though.
I have one under my desk and I like to rest my feet on it. I guess whether this works depends on how deep your desk is.
I'd like to add that even a tiny sub like the 6" one that came with my computer speakers in the late 90s is a lot better than no sub. That was no means hi fi equipment but I could still feel the bass to a degree, and I used that sub with other speakers for years. I upgraded to a bigger one later, and it really was an upgrade, but don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
For recommendations I don't know what kind of pricing you're looking at. If you have the budget for desktop monitors with decent bass, look at the krk rockit and get the biggest size that fits on your desk. Their subwoofer is very good too and can easily be added to the system later if you want.
If you're on a budget you can try to get some secondhand speakers. I got a very nice 2.1 system plus the receiver for $44 total at Goodwill. You won't always be that lucky but if you have patience you can get decent speakers free or very cheap.
Once you hit a certain size (like 6" with tweeter) almost anything is probably decent as long as it's not falling apart.
>No, you don't have quieter subbass. It is not being produced at all. This is not a point that you can EQ your argument out of.
i can hear it and the machine can measure it so maybe youre just fucking retarded ever thought of that
i can hear up to 22khz but my audiogram goes only up to 8khz if i'm not mistaken
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schitt magni ontop of a focusrite. Kinda weird but it works
Literally the most pointless device ever. Speakers at home, speakers in a car, speakers in office. Grow up.
>i can hear up to 22khz
unless you are 14 years old and never been exposed to loud noises
are there any software issues with focusrites on linux? i'll probably be getting 2i2 3rd gen i wouldnt want to be disappointed
-t untermensch
1. I don't need to EQ subbass there, at least for hd600, so its not an issue for me
2. It measures -4db@40hz - either your DAC can't produce it at all (some have rolloff there which emphasises it even further), your headphone is damaged or your subbas hearing is lacking that you need at least 10db boost above midrange on HP or iem to hear something
3. If i want to be blasted with subbass, i use IEMs for that which easily do 5-10db elevation above midrange, but then music sounds "more thick" than i sometimes want - it's still a preference anyways
i'm 21 and i've grown up in a relative quiet place, i can hear up to 22khz without raising the volume to earrape levels, maybe is some artifact on my headphone idk
that was a year old pic but to this day have no issues, there are actual drivers for it but as Pipewire got better it was no longer necessary to load them with modprobe. Every DAC is handled as a generic USB device now
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do you do low latency audio? how low can you go with quantum?
Itf you are turning up the volume at all it doesn't count.
Doing a sign sweep and quadrupling the volume between 4k and 20k to still be able to hear it is a perfect demonstration of
>i can hear it trust me bro
>Either your
Stop right there retard. I am explicitly telling you that certain headphones are not capable of reproducing certain sounds. Your EQ will not dig you out of this hole.
>but then music sounds "more thick"
And this is why I call you a retard. You intentionally remove audio and then declare it your personal preference.
i hear at the same volume i listen to music, put my parents to test and neither of them could hear it
>grown up in a relative quiet place
this is the only thing that matters
I've grown up in a really loud place and I can't hear above 17khz at same age
> certain headphones are not capable of reproducing certain sounds
It's true, but I wouldn't call -4db a complete lack of subbass, the same as I wouldn't call -4db@1.5khz on hifimans as "not capable to reproduce upper midrange"
> And this is why I call you a retard. You intentionally remove audio and then declare it your personal preference.
You literally just called everyone using EQ a retard because "it adds or removes audio". Congratulations.
Any HP, IEM (and DAC/AMP you're using) already alters audio and doesn't reproduce it the way it is contained in a file.
The resulting "alternation" we literally call preference because we like what we hear or we just don't like it.
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Why are morons like this? Subbass is felt, not heard. There is literally no point in your shitters being able to produce the sound, because all it results in are some tickly vibrations on your earlobes - completely pointless.

If you want real subbass, stop being poor and buy speakers.
how much is that
Actually not that much. A decent set of speakers can be had for less than $200 that will produce tactile subbass that sharts on headphone/IEM subbass.
The issue is when it comes to having a house with a room to put it in, and the room treatment if you want the best sound. That's where the
poorfags get filtered.
>that will produce tactile subbass
wrong you need a sub
That's why I said a "set" of speakers, retard.
you cant have a single decent sub for less than $200 let alone a pair of speakers+sub
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Newbie here. Is it worth upgrading from an HD560S if I'm not a fan of buying an external amp/dac? Call me retarded all you want, but please be honest.
Now we're getting into consoomer territory, kiddo.
yes upgrade to 560s+eq
Whatever you're thinking is an upgrade probably isn't if the cost or size of a dac/amp is a major consideration.
I just bought a decent sub for $8 a few weeks ago. You can get lucky if you search persistently. If buying used isn't an option, you can build your own speakers and buying just a driver is quite cheap. You don't necessarily need any power tools, you can do it with hand saw, sandpaper, glue, maybe a hand drill and screwdriver. Some people prefer to buy a product that just werks and that's fine, but it's absolutely possible to get good sound for cheap. You don't necessarily have to understand how to design a speaker cabinet either as long as you copy a good design.
That's ridiculous. Yeah I prefer my speakers but I can't carry them in a 1.5" square box in my pocket.
>hurr durr you can only feel earphones on your ears
yeah I don't expect to feel anything in my ass because I don't stick them there
>and buying just a driver is quite cheap
which one and where
ok then get IEMs and EQ out the sub and hear for yourself if it's "pointless"
or better yet, just go suck a bag a dicks instead of making shitposts like that
Depends on your needs man. There are different sizes and designs available. For my van I bought refurbished Polk coaxials from their ebay store a 10" driver because that's what I could fit in the cab.
Here's the one I actually used https://www.parts-express.com/Polk-Audio-DB-1042DVC-10-Dual-Voice-Coil-Subwoofer-with-Marine-Certification-243-322?quantity=1
I've heard good things about this one
and this one is truly cheap, haven't heard anything about it
Once you have your enclosure you can easily try out different drivers of the same size.
>muh portability
When you're outside it matters even less due to environmental noise, so that just proves my point further. Any car, lawnmower, rail, negroid blasting music, etc. 30ft away will instantly mog any bass you're getting from your POS anyways.
You are not hearing (and barely even feeling, I'd argue) below 50hz on that POS bud. I have multiple IEMs that your consoomer thread shills, and they perform exactly how you'd expect a 10mm driver does with bass lmfao. Measurable =/= audible
>Measurable =/= audible
fucking retard
>fucking retard
Not an argument. lol.
your ears are not better than measuring equipment
Correct. Which is why measurable =/= audible. Dumbass.
post it
Most headphones are garbage and extremely overpriced. Sound quality basically hasn't improved in 10 years.
When I bought mine 8 years ago, I thought that I would want something new by now.

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