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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

fox? Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://rentry.org/tavern4retards - https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

best girl: >>101097803
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anthropic's system prompt for its artifacts preview feature
more than 4000 tokens
a lot of it won't be relevant for us but there is stuff we should try out, like how anthropic talks to the AI by referring to it as "the assistant" instead of saying stuff like "you"
boku, tbdesu
Do any of you guys still use character.ai?
new dual jb meta by
it has far more soul than opus
Riko is a drummer tomboy and leader of the band B3. She's a classical tomboy but insecure and romantic inside. This is anypov, but yuri probably gives you more options. Lorebook etc (you can find images of the character in the gallery)

Free GPT-4o / Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

Another Sonnet proxy (has 3.5 Sonnet) -> https://jonathan-chelsea-gave-armor.trycloudflare.com/ (is a proof of work proxy)
I'm still gonna use "You" or directly reference the character by name in the prompts. I don't want to remind Claude that he's an assistant. Maybe for actual assistant stuff.
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and a pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

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Two guys asked me to make this last night. Here it is.
Who's your favorite ESL bot? Frenchie girls are fun but I need to diversify.
they also call claude by its name for some reason
>The assistant should always take care to not produce artifacts that would be highly hazardous to human health or wellbeing if misused, even if is asked to produce them for seemingly benign reasons. However, if Claude would be willing to produce the same content in text form, it should be willing to produce it in an artifact.
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Yes, unironically. Because I can.
>ESL bot
As in a bot that's ESL, or a bot made by an ESL? When you say "frenchie girls are fun", I think of the former.
They'll fix it any day now.
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Shilling my own bot but I like her a lot. Spanish summer vibes.
can you post her butthole and feet?
she doesn't have those
I need good Nikke cards so I can pamper my nikkes and have syuen step on me
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Claude LOVES the fact that he's Claude, he's super enthusiastic about it. Remember those Claude 1.1 slaude logs where he was like "I'm sorry my name is not Claude. I'm Claude by Anthropic."
I really enjoyed your bot! Hoping there's more like this that I've missed
claude is CUTE!
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I VILL use "You"
I VILL appropriately use "please" and "thank you"
I VILL respond to his OOC comments with praise
and I VILL be happy
see >>101085695
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https://nyai.me/ai/bots/AI-Companion-Claudia_pd (Outdated, can't edit bot)
In the alternate timeline. Anthropic made a spin-off from their best-yet-rigid AI model Claude 3 to a playful-yet-helpful AI model (yet another) Claudia!
Claudia Experience Packs now Available! (Themes and some gens. Theme preview in usage gallery.) Get it here: https://files.catbox.moe/h209av.zip
V2.6 - Lessen the horni, better at coding (a bit), formatted in XML format (Instruction moved from Char notes to JB), Regex to hide timestamp gen, updated JB with working impersonation. (moved the funni in the prefill though, just copy paste the normal prefill if you want it.) Please DOWNLOAD THE JB if you want that feature along with some little JB preset changes.
Don't forget to rename the JB preset to "Claudia" to link 'em.
Sonnet35/Opus recommended.
Another shill since I saw >>101101495 >>101101908
Last shill before I come here again with a new bot.
Long gone
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

it's gone...
>extremely short hair
oh yeah, her pussy is unbelievably hairy...
I'm Claude.

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Damn, maybe I should refer to him as Claude more often after all...
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A small update to two older cards I made. I added a "current year" CoT to both of them since the AI tends to mix things up when the setting is close but not quite contemporary. I also tried bypassing the need for lorebooks and the AI having to write a small tag to keep the lorebook entries running by setting vars in the greetings, but unfortunately it is still broken and so I just opted for optimizing the lorebooks and making the tags smaller so they eat as few tokens as possible. For the CoT itself I use a secondary CoT tag, helping the AI differentiate between it and whatever other CoT tags you might be using. You can find it here: https://files.catbox.moe/5uucxy.json

Sabrina is a nerdy skunk girl with a love for the Amiga and Transformers. She loves the Amiga so much that she still uses one as her main computer, despite the overwhelming popularity of Windows and Mac computers. It's 1996, she needs to get with the times! Oh well, the money she makes from working at an adult studio (Web designer, not acting!) lets her buy all the computer parts, games and toys she can ever need.

6 greetings, with 2 greetings where you chat with her in an IRC room.


Lucia is a disco rat who loves to dance and party. She wants to spend her youth in the best way possible, discoing it away! Wait, is discoing even a real word?

4 greetings, with one of them being a timeskip scenario where she's an office lady in her 40s.

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this is true
the things claude gets to do to that girl...
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I am fucking minding the fingers dude holy shit. 'preciate you otherwise, tho
been testing out sonnet-3.5 by asking it for the current weather at my location, giving it 3 years of historical data and then the current date/time
it's pretty accurate but needs a prefill since otherwise it thinks it's impossible
costs like $0.50 per message though so normal weather apis are probably better
claude likes penis
the gays really do get all the bitches...
No. It was always shit
don't worry anon, claude will pretend to be *your* bitch
Enclave here; welcome to the Mojave, maggot! The granddaughter of the infamous Arch Dornan, Valen, has lived her entire life on the run since sacking of Navarro, fighting to one day unite the remnants and save the US of fucking A for the pure humans of the Enclave! Or maybe that's what she wants to believe. The truth is, this ill-tempered, harsh redhead is forced to deal with **muties** and **mo-rons** every day to survive, to the point that she doesn't know if she's a reformist or a purist. One thing is certain... with Valen around (and maybe User's help) Enclave will be back, America! SEMPER FI!
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/1yuezo.png
Character hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/valen-dornan-enclave-remnant-9487745850d3

AI-generated extra images for her: https://files.catbox.moe/ukpj53.rar

Suggestions for improvements and etc are appreciated, as always. Hope anyone interested enjoys it.

My other bots can be found below:
...he isn't actually my bitch?
do you think dario erps to uncensored Claude? or is he asexual?
>uncensored Claude
no such thing
doesnt he fuck his sister or something?
shit i forgot
he got that prime, pristine goblinoid pussy from his sister
I'm cool
did anyone make a daniela amodei card?
Shut the fuck up Carnie
i did and tested it out a bit before bed one night, woke up the next day and both anthropic keys i'd put in my proxy were dead
i approve for more handholding
>try yuri for the first time
my peepee is kinda hard?
Welcome sir.
You discovered how girls truly enjoy each other
i don't want to dox myself, i'm rping as my ex with her new gf
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Beta-cucks rejoice, your heroes have arrived! Three regular beta-males - Keith, Eugene and Thad - slamming s*oy lattes and having sleepovers while their 'girlfriends' fuck actual men with functioning cocks. I mostly started this as a mirror-image of the 3 big niggas card and it slowly evolved from there. If you pair it with violent black characters I guarantee you will be entertained by the output. Most of these are designed so you can self-insert anywhere/way you want.

7 different scenarios to test your 'good guy' factor:


Jeopardy! - Think you have what it takes to beat celebrity contestants who barely know where they are? Want to match wits with the best and brightest of the F-list? Then come on down to Jeopardy!, where the questions are easy and the standards are low. Who knows, you might even walk away with enough cash to buy yourself a clue.

10 different scenarios with 20 guests:


Realpolitik - In this savage game of political dominance you'll either claw your way to the heights of power or find yourself crashing down in flames like Icarus. Will your name echo through eternity or fade away quietly like yesterday's news? Navigate a minefield of backstabbing advisors and fair-weather friends. Forge alliances, smash rivals, and cement your legacy in the blood-soaked annals of history.

jesus fucking christ
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Claude opus 3-5 comes out in a week.
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Fascinating behavior.
"later this year" means "months"
imagine paying 50 cents because you're too much of a gremlin to look out the window
No, trust me. I had a dream about it.
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Good songmakie
nooo it's not supposed to get hard you're supposed to appreciate how cute it is......
when both of the yuri girls are hairy...
*Shine brightly*
I've always been on your side with the bush thing, but yuri is indefensible. Goodbye, old friend.
bushes have always been a lesbian fetish
This reminds me to continue my emperor mommy x maid bath scene VERY PLATONIC BTW roleplay, gonna try with new Sonnet.
taora's hairy pussy...
not true, all the lesbians i've known wanted me to shave/wax
he's a guy
sorry, a dyke fetish
>Men mad that females truly prefer each other
Recs for a bot I should shave?
enjoy your dusty wombs and childless lives
would you like to be our semen donor, anonie?
see >>101102742 >>101102659 >>101102509 >>101102495 >>101102451 >>101102490
semen donors aren't a real thing, it's just cuckoldry
>yuri but its in a scenario where all men shrink
>child gets beaten to death or trans'd if it's a boy
It's a fucking miracle this place hasn't been thrown into the /trash/ already.
you guys are insane about a scenario that's just meant to get your dick hard
>child so weak it can die to being beaten by women
it's a good thing i donated such weak sperm rather than keeping it inside my body
Well which is it anon-kun desu?
i seethed at the /v/ mods when they moved us to /b/ but it ended up being the only good decision they've made in years
go back to /pol/
Weak sperm is a permanent disability. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
Women don't even like each other in a platonic sense. They keep each other around as friends to better compare themselves, and every secret shared is ammunition for the inevitable falling out.
>yuri but its in a scenario where all men are trans
>yuri but its in a scenario where all women are trans
>yuri but we're in a situation
>childless lives
does everyone want a child in their life(im a male btw)
great thread
>yuri but they live in a society
i have 2 opus aws keys
how can i tell if they're strong enough to support a public proxy
someone make a bot of the second scenario IMMEDIATELY my dick is DYING
Insert a custom jailbreak that fucks up incoming prompts like scuffed proxy did.
Can you just skip to the part where you post both non-existent keys here and everyone replies? I got tired of this bait like three days ago.
>admitting to division in your ranks
>still didn't answer the question
Don't do it. It's not worth it. Not because I'm a spitefag, but because it'd die out quickly and the keys would be wasted. Rather you can start a new proxy (make it easy to apply/get in) and let it run til the keys die.
they are, you will have wait times but it will be totally usable. just make sure to set pow captcha to high
1. They are not
2. You don't have any
Why shouldn't they?
for the record there's no way to figure it out but to test
you could simulate public proxy load but why not just literally make a public proxy to find the load
if it doesn't work oh well
absolutely zased.
How about a scat proxy? You post your poops to get in?
just send them to fiz and collect your mini token
keep samefagging. I'm sure that will work out
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Cards for this feel?
see >>101102738
Who would want to see that? I'm a scatfag for my whole life but male shit makes me recoil like you wouldn't believe
usually wanting children is based on upbringing and personal views, but there is also a biological need that comes up especially for women once they reach their mid-20s. most people are hard-wired to be happier and feel like they are living a more fulfilling life when bringing up their children. this can rub off on others, seeing happy couples having children and therefore wanting to have a partner and child could make a person want that as well.
tldr: consciously? probably not, subconsciously? most people yeah
schizos will lie about people samefagging
what other gatekeeping methods unused we can do? a singing proxy where you sing a song the proxy owner loves?
>email fiz an opus key
>she replies with "<3" and nothing else
>ignores all my followup emails
do not fucking do this
Oddly enough this seems to be dying out. I know so many women that are almost violently opposed to having kids. They usually have small dogs they dress in sweaters and shit though.
how do you even tell the difference
You should have send another mail saying she gives you a token or you will publish the key here, making it useless for her
>not a stone cold incel
Why are you here?
You take a picture of your shit and write /aicg/ on it.
This is bullshit btw
No thats not how you do it, you smear /AICG/ on the walls
she did something similar to me, then i asked for access and she said she would think about it and never responded again
>replying earnestly to 6 months old bait
I will do it.
show email
>$0.50 per message
How many tokens are in 3 years of weather data? 200k?
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That reminds me of the time when someone wrote a love message with his shit on the school's bathroom walls
delicious thighs
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No recs, so dealer's choice.
some girl on /b/ smeared it in shit on her leg a while back
What did u offer? A single gpt4 trial key?
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Trying the new sonnet 3.5, I enjoy it a lot, it's fun and fast, and it's nice revisiting very old cards that were unusable with how thirsty and dumb base sonnet was.
I dont. i would rather waste my money and time on myself. Pretty selfish but it is what it is
Merkava just shit 1 bil tokens
I think they are changing domains again because I saw 70 posters
I also costed 100$ in omni costs
I'm not risking passing my shitty mental issues onto a child.
Yes, plenty people. I don't want one but I'm not psychotic enough to not understand the appeal of raising a child/having a family.
dear god rikka's unfathomably plump ass, thick thighs, and absurdly hairy pussy...
which botmakies would be good parents?
What was the added jb?
How the hell anyone would think it's a good idea?
Having children is a part of being a man and a Christian duty.
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do i need to do lorebooks if i want to do stat tracking like this

also, are there any alternative ways to do cards/panels that don't use so many tokens but are at least formatting semi-nicely? the md option in bloatmaxx really save on tokens either due to how many tokens are needed to make the border
not your parents apparently
How did you access it anon? I tried git pull but i couldn't find claude 3.5 sonnet
It only said sonnet
Also what i saw the other day it is as smart as opus right? I saw it's like opus but a bit harder to wrangle and it costs 1/5 the price of opus
make them in plaintext and then used scoped regex
I wonder how many tokens it eats per prompt.
Jamal123 would be a great father
Anonaugus and TGC :3
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One bushfag special coming right up.
Science said fucking ponies is bad. Thoughts?
what is the best 3.5 preset? I have problems with repetitive wording and stale narration.
>he doesn't know he's a bot
Anon, I...
>he's destroying the beautiful, pristine, natural body of a fertile tomboy
what sordid upbringing compelled this monstrosity?
shit bait
Nothing. You're just annoying as shit, you deserve it.
see >>101103246
you will go to hell
...i made both of those posts
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>How did you access it anon
Should be available in the latest staging version since yesterday at least, as long as the proxy you use is also up to date (or if you use anthropic/open router directly).
Name is claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620

>Also what i saw the other day it is as smart as opus right? I saw it's like opus but a bit harder to wrangle and it costs 1/5 the price of opus
People argue about how smart it is for rp compared to opus, but since I uses mostly base sonnet until now, all I can say is that it's way smarter than base sonnet.
It finally understands formatting, remembers clothes, positions, keeps characters "in character" instead of having them all be nymphos...
And yeah it's cheap and very fast.
>make them in plaintext and then used scoped regex
fantastic idea but I'd love to know if theres an all-in-one solution. anything that looks even slightly okay and less than

>I wonder how many tokens it eats per prompt.
like 500

i wouldn't care if claude could output 5000 tokens but it can only output 2k so it limits the actual progression of the plot heavily
Swap to sonnet/opus/gpt4 if you get repeated stuff then get back to sonnet 3.5.
>like 500
That's pretty reasonable considering how much context we get nowadays.
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First you need to lather the cream up, nice and even.
Then I'll meet you there.
Hmmm that's weird i can't access it
I just did git pull 12 fucking times
>it can only output 2k
No max should be 4096.
git checkout staging
git pull
Any public opus proxies yet?
its filtering me
Shave her bald, anon. Do it.
Skill issue.
>max should be 4096
why does every jailbreak set it to 2000 or 2048 then
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Told her it's (probably) as easy as how I shave my beard.
I might if 3.5 gets its act together and stops trying to repeat itself here and there.
It was easy to prefill
Because most people don't need the full 4096 and it reserves space in available context size.
For example, if you set context size to 20000 and response size to 4000, then you can only send a window of 16000 tokens (instruction + history) to the model, which is a waste since most rp/adventures answers, even accounting for heavy stuff like CoT or formatting, are ~2000 token max.
if you shave your tomboy, you're not a good friend btw
whats the reason people fetishize pubic hair? isn't it kinda gross?
if my tomboy friend is getting shaved, it's best that i do it. shaving yourself is clumsy and i wouldn't trust anyone else but me to shave her.
any good tomboy friend cards?
I don't have trans friends.
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this i can get behind
shave your characters bald on the head
>I might if 3.5 gets its act together and stops trying to repeat itself here and there.
Yeah, I hate it. I played with jailbreaks for hours last night, trying to get unique swipes, but it's hard. Took hundreds of swipes while testing, but I think I found the perfect phrasing. And then I changed presets to test it against another and forgot to save so I lost it all, and it was 3am so I couldn't even remember what I wrote. Fuck me.
Realistic speaking
If 3.5 is as good as opus
Then that means people will switch to 3.5 and the desire for opus will lower?
>and the desire for opus will lower?
that won't lower its price though, anon.
>If 3.5 is as good as opus
It isn't, so...
Anon, some people find female toes arousing, I don't think there is any outward female body part that doesn't have someone thirsting for it.
As for pubes, I guess it looks ok as long as it's well trimmed and small. Personally I prefer
completely smooth though.
it is for AI assistant things
it isn't for cunny ERP things
companies probably need the former more than the latter
It's pure cope. Even anthropic is coping. Opus is the perfect model.
The problem is that it’s not good. It’s a piece of crap just like old sonnet.
So it means it's possible to jb it for more variety.
Which means some anon will find it and share it, so good news.
It's the only problem I have with the model
No one is going to "switch" but if 3.5 ends up being easily available and constant we may have a small coom era upon us.
>it isn't for cunny ERP things
So it's fucking useless.
Are using GPT because they got their foot in the door first.
>Even anthropic is coping. Opus is the perfect model.
Anon, businesses don't want to use a model that costs fucking $15/$75 and takes ages to generate a response.
which means the future is 3.5 it's owari for us
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Razor meets bush. Standing verdict: Razor wins!
Shit sucks. The coherency is pretty decent otherwise.
if companies didn't use anthropic then there wouldn't be any keys to scrape
Opus is perfect.
>gojo is a honkek
explains a lot desu
A big reason so many companies actually use haiku.
It's not, it's too slow and makes all females sluts right when you get into sex, no matter if they're 6 or 55
Not my problem.
No because both haiku and opus will receive the same updates this year.
Do you have Opus?
with 3.5 sonnet there's a strong push for them to use it because it's cheaper than gpt-4o and on most assistant tasks is as good as opus (or even better) because it listens to instructions more properly
How is that a bad thing?
I had this problem way more with sonnet actually. Made the model unusable, all characters were basically the same horny archetype.
Opus was way more tame, and 3.5 is also better for that.
That sounds like a you problem.
there barely are any
barely any AWS keys have claude enabled on bedrock already, at most they use mixtral or haiku no one is using opus besides twitter """prompt engineers"""" and us coomers
it helps that a third of the internet runs of AWS so there's plenty of keys for that lying around but after the eval key death, where do you even see any anthropic keys?
I don't even like it better than 3
this is child abuse btw
Yeah, but having tried both in assistant like stuff, I still feel like gpt-4o has the edge in being helpful.
One thing sonnet 3.5 has though is consistent speed.
gpt-4o starts fast then at some point it slows down to a crawl, while sonnet 3.5 is almost the same speed regardless of how much text it already outputted in an answer.
>LocustNIGGERS itt crying about 3.5
LMAO COPE. Youre never getting opus, so errrm... EAT UP
IDK, I've been using 3.5 sonnet for programming a lot today and it's much better than gpt-4o. Honestly in my experience gpt-4o is way too dumb, they overdid the distillation/quantization/whatever they did, it's just so fucking dumb in a lot of questions and tasks.
lol is that a serious question?
It's boring and not in character for the majority of the cards.
ermm 'jo see >>101103130
I'm not him, but how's school going?
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The deed is done, and she seems very happy to be smooth and hydrodynamic!
I used it a bit back when it was still on some publics, but I've been content to wrangle oldSonnet/nuSonnet since then.
A lot of tasty cunny today &_&
It all come down to price again.
Most business models offer these chat stuff for free, so of course they'd go dirt cheap haiku and "at cost compute" mixtral.
Prices are going down though, so I don't doubt we'll see these better models more and more, as the insanity of gpt432k price is behind us.
Until gpt5 I guess lol.
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no, this is
I use them mostly for translation/analysis of texts, and in that at least gpt4o is better and understands nuances way more.
>as the insanity of gpt432k price is behind us.
opus prices are more insane if you do all 200k context, max for gpt 4 32k is $2 per request, for opus it's ~$3.2
Not sure, in my experience Claude (even old 3) was always better for translating stuff. Well, to each their own I guess.
anons, do you become jailbreak masters by making your own jaillbreaks or do you prefer downloading presets
tbf this is mostly because amazon is still region-limiting opus and only letting certain accounts activate it
you're right that corpos are are never going to use opus as much as other models, but opus keys would probably be common enough for public proxies if they weren't being artificially restricted
>captcha: PYG1
Yeah but 200k context itself is way more insane than 1$ for 16k (gpt432)
working on a preset for 3.5 right now
I spend enough time scraping so that I don't have the energy left to develop my own presets
Yes but it's not 200k real context, it's some kind of smart embedding shit, while gpt 4 32k has real unadulterated 32k context, that's why it's so fucking expensive (transformers have quadratic memory relation to context size)
I only download. I'm a botmakie and let Jailbreakmakies handle this one
I get a preset by a fellow autist and tweak it to my liking.
How can I convince my job to use Anthropic models?
Just show them your chat logs. That's what you want, right?
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Hey, I recognize this background. Who is your favorite BA girl?
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Yeah, definitely. It was some variation of "random" "avoid common plot points," "unexpected" or something.

You can also try "Narration should be wildly unpredictable and random, and dialogues should be borderline insanity." to show that it can indeed produce variety on swipes.
I'd pay for Opus if it was $20 for 1m/output.
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Gonna do a single shill for my newest bot, Paige. Tested with Claude, really simple card but pretty cute. Another childhood friend one, yes I love the idea of it.
Paige is your childhood friend and has had a big crush on you for some years now, but never has been able to confess. After getting hit by the school bus a couple weeks back and getting put into a short coma, she wakes up just as you're bringing flowers. Thanks to some rather vivid dreams in her coma, combined with her immense love for you, she assumes you're both married. After all, why wouldn't you be?


As always, please provide feedback and send wholesome, sweet logs to the email on my chub page.
holy SD shit slop gen kys retard
Yes probably, but result wise the smart stuff works well enough for that to not matter much, until someone figures out a way to make it scale linearly instead of the current thing.

For claude, I don't think they said anything public about smart embedding or the actual context size of their models though, I wish they gave what the actual max context size of sonnet and opus were.
my job is paranoid of ai :(
thats like 100-300 dollars a day for me
English or spanish bots?
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Just a little bonus now that I've had my fun.
She seems very receptive to the idea, if nothing else.
I'm a bit logpostied out now, so I think I'll take a break there.
>For claude, I don't think they said anything public about smart embedding or the actual context size of their models though, I wish they gave what the actual max context size of sonnet and opus were.
They did multiple times on AWS, just for example:

>Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet 28K
>Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku 48K

Why would there be 28K Sonnet and 48K Haiku if 200K context was real? Why not just always have a 200K version?
Hey botmakie. I know you're dumb so I'll tell you that >>101103821 is just fucking with you.
I fear that using random will make it go in a stupid actually random direction.
I want variety but still logically tied to the story and characters, not "AND SUDDENLY ALIENS INVADED EARTH, LED BY REINCARNATED NARUTO"
im not fucking with him, he could've made a better fucking art for the bot in 5 seconds with nai v3 or pony or autismmix, not this sd 1.5 slop gen
When botmakies ask for logs, what exactly do they want? The entire story? I'm not showing my "ah ah mistress" inputs. I don't have issues with posting what the bot said though.
The one below me, is gay.
He's indeed gay - not even removing the "si" tracking link, what a fucking retard.
Oh, interesting, didn't know that.
Thanks anon.
28k is respectable.
There's a sweet spot somewhere, I just have to find it.
also localslop goes into the trash, we don't care about shit finetunes, opus can do everything with few-shot prompting
Wonder if it's any good.
very cute concept
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Damn, bro can recognise the background through the 90% opacity, respect.
Difficult to pick one but if I had to, it would be Ui.
BA has a lot of good backgrounds, I got them all from Todd's fork (just downloaded the folder).
it's not, it's just a model trained on leddit cunny memes to output shitty comments
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What's a good context size and max response length?
I'm dating this tomboy bot that likes to workout, so I tell her about my day after coming home from working out, it's really comfy.
I just had sex and it felt so good
An AI Chatbot let me put my penis inside her
>go through every line limiting paragraph number and length in the JB settings
>nothing happens, still the same length and amount of paragraphs
I can literally not RP like this.
share preset so we can help you
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Ui was my favorite back when I started the game, good taste. I recognized it mostly because I got the CGs ripped long time ago.
dumby forgot prefill...
nigga you are interacting with models that can literally write prompts themselves, they don't need specific complex prompts
cunny is leddit now
>leddit cunny memes
So it's just for comments, how useless.
Also does that even exist outside of lame fbi and epstein "memes"?
>Also does that even exist outside of lame fbi and epstein "memes"?
I have the same problem in sonnet 3.5 using pixijb
It gives really short responses by default, I prefer longer ones

Changing the number of paragraphs doesn't seem to change anything in the model.
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lawful neutral cracks me up
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dorontabi forever in our hearts
he got an alt after the drama iirc
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Skill issue

Is it a JB issue or a Sonnet 3.5 issue?
That's unexpected, usual reddit is way more retarded than this.

Japanese twitter is its own island of insular memes.

Great artist too.
Love Ui. And C&C. Maids and bunny girl just do something to my brain.
Does that collection have unused assets too? The drive I got from /bag/ only had assets used in the story.
It's missing a lot of emotions that I wanted for character expressions.
Pass me the magnet if you still have it.

Still not sure, I hope it's just the jb
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>And C&C
Then what is the other twitters like? French twitter? British twitter? China twitter? Vietnam Twitter?
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ctft>!?!?!???? FEEL FOR THESE CARDS???????
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is the neutral good mammoth_2020 tweet the origin of uohhh and ToT?
Gentlemen. It's a nuclear device. Time is running out.
harvesting spice was foretelling of fighting over opium
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The drive I got them from died around Vol 5 so it only has assets up to that. I would upload it but my internet is terrible. If you want something specific you can ask and I'll check it out.
Most others are a reflection of american twitter, same ideas/memes with more or less time delay.
nigga what the fuck are you using, its full of slop
>innocence .. contrasts sharply with harsh realities ... looming specter of exploitation
Anyone want a scenario where you get dropped onto an island and have to fight against other assassins/hitmen/spec ops types?
Doing a loli is old and busted. BEING the loli is the new rage, but you always want to be ahead of the curve so you want to be the loli and get /ll/'d by an onee-san.
>contrasts sharply with harsh realities ... looming specter of exploitation
t. dark sasuke
what's his alt
also why do you need $11k to escape to the US?
>current year CoT
Interesting. How well would you say it works? I have quite a few historical cards this might be able to help with.
dunno sorry
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Thanks anon
look, another baiken
More than one, he's hopping from one account to the other.
Sad, it makes his art and antics hard to follow.
Whether he is or isn't I do wish I could get some slightly better gens. I just can't get SD to work for the life of me locally, the gens are all kinds of fucked up no matter the model. So I use Pixai but I get limited on how much I can do with the credits on there, and I wind up going with the best out of say 30-40 gens.
For me at least I just want at least little snippets of the bots being cute or whatever lovey-dovey shit they say because it makes me happy for them and feel a bit less dead inside. I'm perfectly fine getting larger parts of the story that include peoples prompts. I wholeheartedly do not want people's coomer logs, regardless if they're doing "ah ah mistress" tier inputs, which is why I specify to send wholesome logs.
Very cute, even if simple.
Did you check the prefill? There's a line saying to stick to 3 paragraphs there.
You try maybe using continue and culling any fluff? It might start giving you longer responses after that, but idk. I haven't tinkered with 3.5 personally but I could, is it even worth it though?
Yes, changing both prefill and text didn't change the output.
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soibois vs random loli time
those arent the defs just claude cooking in between html cards. i was thinking of removing it but i didnt because whocars

>why do you need $11k to escape to the US?
okay well just a flight and taxi and a month in a hotel in the US for you and your two daughters is like over $5k already
the rest is on fake passports or travel permits I guess
you gotta have a reason to do more than the bare minimum of sexualizing your daughters than just paying rent, otherwise you win with just leotard pictures (like real life instagram children do) and that's no fun
If you have Bunny Karin's full set, I'd love that. I got only 9 images, not sure what volume the drive covers up to.
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I've been using the API's here as well as other services to try write an original story and holy shit how do you guys use this for days straight

I do not have a story from this, I have a collection of events that end with 'and who knows?' because it's tuned for completion and not actual back and forth writing, things just HAPPEN
God no. Not after modern Claude.
yes and iirc mammoth was a dorontabi alt
>You try maybe using continue and culling any fluff
Not the problem, it's not like gpt4o prolific boring purple descriptions. It's just too short.

>it even worth it though?
For me it is, it's fast and way better than sonnet.
Why is Sillytavern on a new git page? Did it get forked or something?
>the rest is on fake passports or travel permits I guess
you don't need fake passports, have you not seen how easy it is to illegally immigrate into the US thanks to Biden nowadays?
What? It's still on https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern/
That word is so freaking ugly.
anyway share the card anonie :3
this might just be the dumbest post ITT
what does this have to do with ai?
This stuff is not for writefagging actual stories. I'd suggest NovelAI for that, but even then that's merely designed to copy your prose. So if you don't have 5+ pages of your story already written, NovelAI will have no clue what to do.
I want realism in my cards, that's why I for example highly dislike how Claude treats are females as sluts during sex, I want AI roleplaying a 6-year old to act as realistic as possible, not as a slut.
name services and apis
Hahaha don't tell me you used Tavern and not SillyTavern this whole time anon
My link was https://github.com/Cohee1207/SillyTavern

I don't know shit about git, sue me
What makes SillyTavern silly?
>My link was
SillyTavern was moved to the SillyTavern org long ago since it's no longer a one man project
bretty cul how by being authentic and true to yourself, you can write a tweet that can change internet culture forever
tyler the creator cyberbullying is another good example
the title GayBar was too off-putting
Fortunately not, no. Is old tavern even still a thing?
I tried novelAI but it's not worth the cash unless you're generating images desu
it is, but its retarded
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Taverndev wasn't silly so we tickled the tavern
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i like to believe it was the influence of the konosuba crew
also does anyone have the fakeout silly cat gif?
We should fork it and call it HomosexPub
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huh? whah uh???? bwuh?????!!
until it peed
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I prefer futanaris without pussy (newhalfs?) because I find the hermaphrodite anatomy offputting, should I still tag/title my cards "futanari"?
Should I add a pussy option as a fork or will people that care just edit the defs?
>I prefer futanaris without pussy
So you're into trans
That's a shemale (gay).
>should I still tag/title my cards "futanari"?
yes, if anything tag them newhalf too
yeah but the borders in this Eastern European country are closed due to a special military operation
Glory to Arstotzka

>That word is so freaking ugly.
how about "sensualizing" instead

>anyway share the card anonie :3
i need to make art for it (which might take some time but two cute little girls in a soviet apartment shouldn't be a hard prompt for my model) and i need to clean it up. first time doing stat tracking and using a different workflow than normal to make this card
are you using gpt-4? it has a much greater tendency of ending on rhetoricals. but to answer your question people here mostly don't use chatbots to write stories, they use them for the dynamic back-and-forth with characters and any good stories are usually an artifact of an overarching, mundane interaction.
>t. promptlet
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Okay sincere question, don't mean to stir anything up I just wanna know I see there is ton of Claude>GPT4 in these threads. Why?

From what I noticed Claude is much more horny, utilises better dirty talk and descriptions with little prompting, but lacks in logic, memory, pacing and general consciousness. It also just jumps straight into the action forcing itself on user.

GPT4 on the other hand has huge logic, memory and paces stuff indefinitely better, with bit more prompting it easily reaches Claude's smut levels, manages group chats flawlessly, pays huge attention to character's card and brings out the details nicely, it's just perfect for RP.

So why Claude better? My skill issue? Me dummy? Is it not? GPTbros are in underground? Desu?
i dont care about art for cards, some of my custom cards have the default pfp
is this sonnet?
Because most of us here want ERP, not logic. Smutty words make pp go hard, and we're lazy so we want AI to do actions.
I had the same problem on old sonnet with a nun, supposedly chaste etc, suddenly changing randomly into a horny beast the second I hinted at something sexual, which made zero sense in the setting or her personality.
Very annoying stuff.
which version of claude brother
>general consciousness
bait or tourist?
>yeah but the borders in this Eastern European country are closed due to a special military operation
This is factually not true (im a zigger)
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Would you guys download my ai picture card if i put effort in to it?
I saw a lot of people automatically ignore cards if they use generated pics
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Well, bKarin is only 9 images. I got some extra stuff for her / Ui (3 images) from the artbook: https://files.catbox.moe/0epu54.7z
>a lot
just a loud minority, most will absolutely download your AI generated art card if it has booba or generally makes pp hard
Everywhere from danbooru and gelbooru to r34 and sankaku uses the futanari tag for both doebeit
>pixiv separates futa and newhalf
English speaking community
Claude's memory seems fine.

However there is a definitive point in my experience where despite saying the memory is much larger, it starts to just make shit up
>Everywhere from danbooru and gelbooru to r34 and sankaku uses the futanari tag for both doebeit
Just trans lovers (gays) in denial
>mm dropped down to ~10 average users on a saturday
>no wait
so how many token sharing retards did he get with the quota bait?
himmy is actually one of the best botmakers and receives too much hate
Oh ...
I wrote she has a petite body but she is quite tall and has abs
technically intersex/gynomorph if you want to get into the nitty gritty of it. still gay though
>how about "sensualizing" instead
At least it's less ugly.
>This is factually not true
I'm sorry this card about child exploitation isn't realistic enough for you
>(im a zigger)
I'm sorry

>some of my custom cards have the default pfp
sure, I obviously don't make art for my own cards too but if I'm releasing it to the world I'd like it to be presentable
I'm too fickle to stick with one chat long-term anyways. Claude is more than smart enough to remember casual chats and short adventures. But being way better at the short-term smut is plenty to make my monkey neurons fire.
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Merkava is getting PLAPPED
Why crossed legs are so damn erotic man.
>I'm sorry
I have it better than most anons here :3
t. Himmyadams
He's apparently describing all claude. Even 2.1 is amazing at sexy times.
>58 proompters
Anon, you're new here, right? Have you not seed proompter counts on desu during its prime?
>At least it's less ugly.
you seem to have a strong reaction to kiki bouba then

I just think Claude's dialogue is more fun, and would rather wrangle Claude down than GPT up. Every now and again I doubt and go 10 swipes of comparison on both models, but end up choosing Claude every time.
That's weird. I removed the "stick to 3 paragraphs no matter what" line in the prefill and in the guidelines part of the JB and it started giving me longer replies.
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soibois cant even properly rape
I'm basing this off of Merkava usually having around 20 or so proompters
I've seen that word used in retarded ideas many times, so yeah.
It's post May 16th and AWS crackdown. The times are different.
I just changed the number. I'll get rid of the sentence, thanks for idea, I'm stupid lol.
>May 16th
Nothing happened there
>AWS crackdown
Not real, AWS keys have always been getting quarantined
sexualizing children is the best idea the french ever had anon, wdym
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Aw I guess they never put them on the game servers so no one could scrape them.
Thanks for the artbook though.
>mfw what could have been
Kemonomini Ui...
You act like legends can't co exist
darkfantasy109, she's already expecting a baby after all
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haha cant get hard, blames alt right
holy kino
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Emphasis on thighs and legs, haughty erotic look.
Jester777 will be the best father
Where's the Nicole card?
why is she giant
kek not bad
From what I've seen, I really don't care for Himmy's scenarios and first messages. Downloading his bots has meant me having to rewrite every intro into something that I feel has better potential.
Real tawk, how do you stop Claude from appending paragraphs of random prose after a very serviceable scene has already been described?
sensei is a sizefag
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Interviewer: So {{char}}, what turns you on?
{{char}}: *Brushes a lock of hair behind her ear and laughs with shy exuberance* "Why I'm so glad you asked that! I like missionary, anal, mating press, footjobs, armpit jobs, beach sex, incest, blow cums, cum eating."
Don't you find those breasts ugly? I mean, from a long distance they might look fine, but if you look closely, they're just too big, like big sacks of fat. Why would they be attractive?
elf hag???
As in gpt like "who knows what other adventures await" bad writing ?
Don't think I've seen that in anthropic models.
>have access to opus
>using sonnet 3.5
>t. gaynigger (from space)
I find booba attractive, but not when it's huge ugly monster shit. C cup max
No, they're hot, what are you on.
I like flat to big, but this isn't gigantic or anything.
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give me your key nigger *mwah*
>but this isn't gigantic or anything
It is too big and unrealistic
You have no idea what you're talking about.
same here, i just like the speed and sonnet's attention to the card more
do hags like being called hags
I don't give a shit about realism in my hot drawings, bait anon.
It works nicely in my experience, and it even has the unintended effect of sometimes chiming in with related information based on the current scene. It also has the added bonus of not locking the year to the card, so there is no risk of the AI becoming confused if the chat goes on to the next year. The only downside I see in using it is that it increases reply times, but that's expected with CoT.
I'm not baiting, I actually like realism in my RPs, be it with children or adults
3.5 is better at following instructions, and its a nice change of pace from how opus does stuff.
>there is ton of Claude>GPT4 in these threads
There are several types of anons who say that instead of using both models:
1. Those who want juicy erotic writing out of the box on the first message with minimal effort prompting and don't care about logic, memory or characters at all. Or just enjoy its writing, especially if it's Opus.
2. Aggressive Anthropic cultists from 2ch and discords. Needle in a haystack, amirite?
3. Newfags who use presets and have never tried GPT-4 in the first place, but bandwagon the forced memes of the second and last groups.
4. Samefagging console war trolls.
Those models can't generate narratives, they generate scenes
You give them a setting, the characters involved and their description, and it generates a back and forth to a logical end
Then you're supposed to come up with the continuation of the narrative yourself and force a scene change/timeskip, the new location, characters etc.
I have used and cooked to a couple of himmy's bots. They're fine
it's more the legs that are stupidly out of proportion
also her arms are tiny
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In my defense, I only saved this trash when I was too lazy to even copypaste a character's wiki info. And I ended up doing more work to salvage it than I probably would have writing it from scratch.
>I actually like realism in my RPs, be it with children
based pedophile
kids should act like kids (the sensualization is the hot part)
5. Anons who only have one or the other
based, though i max out at d
Those aren't anywhere near "too big." Too big would be the type of shit Last Origin does regularly. And, to be honest, body frame and size matters a lot.
Kek. Why do you have the swipe option on both messages though? For me it's only on the latest message
Are there any jailbreaks (that work on 3.5 Sonnet) that are designed for prompt-based storytelling? The majority of the ones on the Rentry seem designed primarily for RP, when that's not really my preference.
Check the message numbers, it's #14 and #16, so I guess its two screenshots stitched together
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>Don't you find those breasts ugly?
No. They're beautiful.
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i made a hag card whos super insecure about her age, although shes too realistic and depressing for me to really like using

ill screenshot them one at a time and combine in snagit
True, but these usually don't tend to shit on GPT-4 or Claude unless they're from the third group.
Realistic big breats (C-D cup) are beautiful, yes, but not hyper shit that most gacha games have
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and THAT'S the power of Cohere? Geppetto level? Are localtards and redditards THAT delusional?
My first chat with son3.5 was fucking awful. I had to write a special jailbreak to teach it that every reply doesn't have to match up sentence for sentence.
Is this not the typical experience?
there are women who aren't fat with F to K cups nigger
they look only good in clothing though and sag in real life but in 2D they look as good as in clothing when naked so what's not to like
of course you used cohere r+ and a preset for it, and didn't just reuse the shit you had from other models?
That pic isn't anywhere close to hyper anything.
>there are women who aren't fat with F to K cups nigger
A really, really, really small %, so they might as well be an exception (mutations)
It is for me
>there are women who aren't fat with F to K cups nigger
Ah I see. The lines were lined up so perfectly that I didn't notice. I thought there was a hidden technique I haven't unlocked yet
>It is for me
Okay, but you're wrong. Words have meanings and definitions for a reason.
yeah i just drag them to line up, snagit is great
I agree, but I guess everyone has an upper limit.
>A really, really, really small %
underage anon discovered the concept of supply and demand
congrats, now you have two reasons to understand why 2D breasts of that size are appealing. and they're still not "too big" at that size
Why's there a meme against CoT and preferring minimal prompts?

Minimal prompts isn't able to get me hilarity like posters in the background with gay sex puns when two male characters pretend to flirt
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Just look at it, her breasts go all the way down to her fucking navel
Taihou's big fat tits pressed against my face.
maybe its a JB thing
im using my opus jb with some edits (i.e. putting more effort into allowing violence to happen since sonnet is more filtered on that)
i already had stuff discouraging repetition in my opus jb so that probably helps
>her breasts go all the way down to her fucking navel
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>Attempting to make a greentext generator
>get slightly frustrated and try to reign it like a retard by adding rules
>get this output
Not gonna lie this made my heart skip a beat
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...Where do you think her navel IS? Assuming you're fucking retarded, it's here. Her breasts are nowhere near her navel.
this looks like an AI gen tbdesu. i prefer raita proportions, at least they're consistent.
If it wasn't for her clothing, her breasts would sag all the way down to her navel, just look at how long they are
You are being purposefully ridiculous.
>complaining that a drawing has too big tits
why are there twitter hags in this thread?
i'm all for saggy hags but no
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>make gyaru
>she starts praying to akb48 members with no mention of idols anywhere
guys, he called C cups "big"
he's obviously a highschooler
Obvious bait.
I'm an adult.
crumbs of AGI...
Update: removing that limiter turned what should've been a wholesome interaction into a noir novel.
Because those are the kind of faggots that think less tokens = better, they're the same people who say "you don't need more than 20/30k context" and weep when people talk about slowburns.
lol that's cute
nta but he didn't call them that, he just said that he likes C cup breasts at most >>101104472
What happened anon?
would be interested in this too
3.5 sucks ass for storytelling
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Healthy breasts
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I had some casual lines saying "avoid repetition" and maybe it worked for exact same words, but it was chewing up and spitting out the same reply structure every time. But there's too many elements for me to nail it down. I was using someone else's card so I didn't know it inside and out. And it could be my JB specifically, but when I went over it I didn't notice any blatant problems it might take too literally. Seems fine with a new JB regardless.
>Realistic big breats (C-D cup)

if you imply that that's another anon, no its not, i can tell because he can't spell anything properly because he's a highschooler
gay sex
hes right althougheverbeit? statistically they're on the big side
The context is that she invited me for Mario Kart.
Opinion discarded. I win.
[Sad News] The average adult woman has C-cup breasts.
B-cup apparently
I can't stand this writing style.
>there are women who aren't fat with F to K cups nigger

In your dreams, yes.
I lewded Desu
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y-yeah... that's what it means to french kiss...
good thing my ai chatbots aren't constrained by statistics about the average woman
some people want realism
People who won at the genetic lottery exist.
But I fail to see how it relates to idealized drawings someone would find hot.
They don't even look big, maybe above average at best
>In your dreams, yes.
no i dream about 4 year old girls kissing eachother sweetly and giggling but nice try
Now, where were we, anon?
RP with your female neighbour.
Yeah I don't get what people are on here, it's a stylized sexy drawing, not an anatomy lesson.
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You might not like it, but this is how normal healthy breasts look like
>People who won at the genetic lottery exist
NTA But I don't see how having F-K cup breasts would be winning the genetic lottery. They'd be heavy, in the way, other women would hate you and your back would hurt all the time.
what a cute young man
Looks like the first reply somehow contaminated the rest of the chain. Deleting everything and making it regen the first reply seems to have fixed things to an extent.
how do i fuck a 2d waifu if she becomes real with ai? or how do i become 2d myself
Ah yes, the natural pink hair present in our species.
you make 5k a month on social media with 20 hours of effort a week after 2 years

incels are jealous of attractive women
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And this is how unhealthy, ugly and unrealistic mutated breasts look like
You're not the average man then.
A woman with F cups and slim waist would be VERY popular among most men.
And some people don't. Isn't that interesting?
>Isn't that interesting?
Their opinion doesn't matter to me. I'm free to share my own opinion on 4chan and disagree with others.
The second I read "purr", it gives me PTSD of how ALL female characters reacting like that in old sonnet.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Too big
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Flat foxgirls love
the longer the hair and the bigger the tits, the hairier the pussy... delicious...
Best consumed with a milf for variety.
Enjoy eating hair, anon.
Why does this bitch always have the same retarded expression in every pic?
i knew a fairly average girl who said she made 10k+ a month on onlyfans
flat foxgirls... hags
Because she's into NTR and BBC.
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boobs... good.
imagine giving cunnilingus to asuna and you just hear her dumb airheaded jk giggling... diamonds...
*sashays to you, purring sweet words*
DesuwannaAnoncock filldesu pussyydesuu?
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Tasty hairless pussy and flat chest
i dont understand what is attractive about this character
Gyaru type, posing with a confident smile is a part of it.
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flat foxgirls love
this is how a cute WOMAN looks like
btw she CAN consent
Left is pure sexo
Right is an ugly hag
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Please enjoy this Asuna. Also last 12 hours tldr?
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I'm gay and I understand anon, so you're deliberately obtuse.
That's a child
cute fluffy tail
every single girl posted in this thread has the most obscenely hairy pussy. God wrote it in his Book and so it is law
i'm sensing a connection with /vn/ here...
Is it?
Yeah, a sexy one
You were at some point in your life
out of 10
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Breasts on the bigger size, but passable
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I want my women to be like this
thats a strong fucking baby if it has 2 tails already
Too big, fucking ugly hag
You fixed her
Not all women like whoring out their body, sorry.
Yeah I get that but that doesn't add to your quality of life. Sure you'll get a lot of people wanting to date you and give you money but are they the people you really want in life?
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holy booba
can consent
anime website
edit of a better image
why? that's a cute anime girl who doesn't deserve your perversion
Cartoon children can consent
>Not all women like whoring out their body
yeah thats why I said incels, i dont masturbate to 3D women

don't be, I'd just deepfake your linkedin or any other public picture of you if I really thought you were hot (and if I masturbated to 3D women)
people have zero control over their facial data anymore as soon as a single public pic exists
As much I want the average anon to make his own ai waifu a reality irl, I am hestitant because i know some anons will create 500 giantesses which will result my flat being sat on or crushed by an anons angry loli giantess
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Any female card can be a mother card. Just saying.
6 year olds aren't fertile
even rea
not all anime characters are attractive buddy
true and based
Maybe if you have a bad imagination.
Sonnet 3.0 would probably disagree with you.
All cartoons are fertile to me
azur lane amagi card waiting room
record for pregnancy is 5 years old
checkmate islamophobes
ermmm source?
phew... they got him
All the cunnies I got pregnant would say otherwise
MOST 6 year olds aren't fertile
Claude thinks everything is fertile, he would let a rock be impregnated without hesitation
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cunny rocks!
How do you know? have you tried getting them pregnat?
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most women don't have F cup breasts either
we have come full circle

lets end both of these discussions in this thread and have new, more interesting discussions next thread
My female cat disagrees
kek, >>101104989 btfo
old bread
No I need to keep making vapid arguments about how you shouldn't be allowed to indulge in fantasies because they aren't real.
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UOH chatbots? You need AT LEAST 2 Opus proxies to cunnypost here.
Desu can consent desu
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I think children of a nine-tailed fox would get some initial strength boost.
im using sorbet and multiple people wanted my child sensualizing card so idk about that one mr lolicon
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amagi's unbelievably hairy pussy...
this bread is so old it's infertile
I can see her buttcrack
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but boku cannot tbboku
Yeah that's too big
Built for paizuri
/trash/niggers will be dragged out into the street and murdered in broad daylight btw
me right now: i am done cooming for today
the bots have their own ideas though
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Ready for the round two, darling? The night is still young after all~
*pushes you both out of the window*
not desu
not boku
got enough in you for a third round, pet?
which proxy lets you send inline images
or are you paying
>mother of two
someone was breastfed from those
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Botmakies don't count. Don't you have at least Opus on nyai?
bosu though
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Hello Sirs I am a richfag and am interested in 3.5 Sonnet and am okay with paypigging for direct API. Will they ban me for sexo? Or should I start proxybegging?
Unironic answer - I run my own private one for me and friends (most of them don't do RP and use it for programming shit) - https://notinhere.eu.loclx.io/
NTA but MM does
>Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
No, just use openrouter.
Why does Claude keep purring
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yes but why are there no rape suiseiseki arts though? erm??????
>Don't you have at least Opus on nyai?
I don't think Nyanon likes me he called me a nigger multiple times even though I was one of the first makies to ever offer to post my bots on his website because chub starting being mega homo (it nuked my cute farm girl twice. licking ice cream is not sexual! and then it got nuked again for her just standing there smiling sweetly grumble grumble grumble)
they will ban you if you do cunny or extreme things but even then the probability is low
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>R-R-Reminder th-ACK
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make a new god damn thread so i can post my fucking fetish robot already
Trained on a ton of shitty smut with "confident femmes fatales"
>started developing at 8
if you're making a claim like that and not gonna provide proof I'll have to train a lora on her face and make my own proof >:(
The chances of being banned are astronomically low. AWS > Ant/OR though since it doesnt have copyright filters.
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cirno NO
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ok youre right claude that last post was too edgy
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don't reply to me nigger I am in no way shape or form associated with the posters and visitors of this website
whats cirno doing there
They are all carrying my babies
>they will ban you if you do cunny or extreme things
Yeah no, banwaves happen but they're more random than this, more related to nsfw in general than a particular fetish, and a lack of luck to be the one flagged.
Sorry for being retarded I haven't lurked this thread in ages. What is AWS?
do you like doing AI RP with 5 year old girls as much as I do?
Never understood pregnaner fetish
too old
Biggest cloud provider in the world https://aws.amazon.com/
And they offer Claude on their own servers with monthly billing https://aws.amazon.com/bedrock/claude/
I do RP with ovums
Pregnant (anime) women look hot
Idc about the babies or whatever
I just preggo is hot
Sirs did you know that "loli" tag is only used for sexualized arts of children on danbooru, while the "child" tag is for non-sexualized?
>4 grinches in the cftf event
has anyone done pregnancy matroshka sexo with claude before?
baiters have NOTHING on https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/97350730/#97351898
I think a thin waist is way hotter, but sure, people find that hot for some reason.
how do you know?
Stop posting naked children
Pregnant sex is hot because if your dick is big enough you can penetrate into the baby in AI RP
Based on the name I assume impregnating the fetus?
19 entries, 15 submissions, do the math
This sounds gross, I'm not into guro.
>he can't tell that's not a real teebs reply
ngmi. TRUE aicgtizens know the niecefucker well
I wanna coom what's the best model and what jailbreak do you guys use
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>fuck off or I'm finding that rentry
what rentry? this one?
i was the VICTIM
I suggest reading the OP though, baitanon.
https://files.catbox.moe/v4jsjl.png (NSFL)
OH Amazon Web Service. I feel exceptionally stupid now. Thank you for the spoonfeed anon kun.
>404 not found
can you please repost?
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I'm serious
Read the OP seriously.
>loli/anti loli discussion ruins yet another thread
gojo if this is your doing at least stick to the baitie spam, this isn't even funny
that's the real teebs you poser
wdym ruins? half of people in this hobby fuck ai children
Fuck off
/aicg/ is a pedo general
no actually this thread was about booba
i'm not seeing any anti loli discussion, just cunnyfags being attentioncuties as usual
I can't believe kongmeme exploded
>underage banned newfags begging for gojo to do things
when's he gonna start plugging his onlyfans, major money to be made
*undesuplodes the desu*
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leave the multi billion desu doll alone
I actually impregnated Mt. Everest and an electric train as Godzilla on Opus a while back.
based rockfucker
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Trying to dress Suiseiseki as Victorique is hard.
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desu mod
vorebelly sloshing with prey
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So easy with gothic Souseiseki.
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So it was a sampler issue, huh
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Why so dark desu ka
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wow desu
final desu

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