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what do you think is probably gonna be the end point to this? I don't think it's accurate to blame AI as a whole - optimized local models aren't anything worse than high end gaming, for one, and AI is more than generative shit - but rapid increase in data centers really are like vampires to struggling power grids. The draw on water resources and slave cobalt is also a clear issue. Big generative AI appearing in every fucking thing reeks of a tech bubble that's going to explode before the decade is out. How bad does this get? Seems fucked in a time where summers genuinely are getting worse and "you will be 80 degrees indoors" is getting softlaunched. The only genAI thing I actually take as a guilty pleasure is c.ai stuff and co desu the rest can go to hell.
Maybe instead of blaming "what" is using the power, start blaming "why" we don't have enough power.
Energy is a solved problem and it only remains a problem because "someone" fear mongered people into thinking it's dangerous to use
This, we should be building breeder reactors left and right. With breeder reactors the world's supply of uranium would outlast the sun.
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I'm euro, what is OP image complaining about?
climate change zealots trying to force quality of life losses on the common man so they can replace us with the power saved to expand AI
goyim genocide, then the subsequent relabeling of half of the partying clueless jews as goy.
Why is this suddenly a problem when the massive amount of energy taken up by conventional computing was simply accepted? The average person owns and regularly uses 2 - 5 computers. That's a pretty massive sink of energy and resources and it's often totally unnecessary.

New technology is always subject to harsher demands than the technology it aims to replace by people who don't want it to be accepted. Look at the ridiculous shit spouted about EVs.
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Maybe a miracle will happen in fusion. Or maybe not.
>can run HVAC all day
>Still complaining
the carbon they're trying to remove is you
desu the only realistic solution to not dying under a shadow in the upcoming summers is outright banning sale of new fossil fuel cars right now and criminalizing the use of remaining ones 5 years later. ban international shipping in both sea and air for anything other than crucial trade. rapidly expand the nuclear reactor network and ban fossil powered plants before the end of 2035. ban pow cryptomining and big data llms. we will literally fucking die if not.
you're a brainwashed retard
But I can't afford a house, my apartment building doesn't have a charger.
my phone stops charging due to heat during the day. I have to plug it in either at night or under an ac. don't tell me who is brainwashed you niggerbrained shitstain retard NIGGER. my location is SOUTH ITALY.
your apartment doesn't have a gas station either ?
>AI boogeyman out of nowhere
why did the white man of olde allow women voices?
Lmao 82 when sleeping.
not a problem if you don't have a phone
What's to blame?

>lack of cheap nuclear power
We basically figured out almost free energy almost 100 years ago and there are barely any nuclear plants
>corporate greed
Even when nuclear plants do operate, they don't need to charge less than coal because you'll pay regardless. They just make more profit.
>Inflation from scamdemic relief
And the main reason why everyone is struggly right now is because the trillions upon trillions of dollars there were printed for scamdemic relief are completely devaluing everyone's savings and salaries, making everyone poor
>OP post about ridiculous thermostat recommendations
>Normalfag subhuman foid: "BUT LE HECKIN AIIII"

What's cannot describe how much I hate self centered people
Fat asses require a lot of air conditioning.
muricans have to live in 85°C hahahaha
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>social media repost thread
Post maids!
you're a brainwashed retard
Italy is Europe's Mexico.
Truthfully I do think that it is putting a strain on the grid.
Especially in the US. The US energy grid has been in an awful state for a long time and people have talked about how antiqued and inefficient it is but how much money it'd cost to fix.

Chatgpt alone is very open about how their model takes up the same amount of power as a small city 24 hours a day and that's just one service. Services like bard and bing are probably pretty close and with every billion dollar company wanting their own AI, it's not a surprise that it's going to continually draw on a grid that's already lackluster.
As other anons have said though, the solution to this would be to approve of and build more nuclear reactors. But since our presidents and Congress are full of people who were 20+ when Chernobyl happened, progress on nuclear reactors has been lackluster at best
good, this is as it should be
I am quite sure this will collapse at start of the new US president term its fueled by retarded money printing because the money has to go somewhere and after the election they will like always run away or start a new bigger war. Either way no more energy for a larp engine.
First it was mining and now it's ai, of course the real problem remains hidden.
I have a NAS/home server/router and also leave my desktop on 24/7
I make up for the energy use by just never running my AC. I remember one time I was gayming in the afternoon, and I needed to have the blinds shut and the door closed because otherwise there'd be a ton of glare. "Gee, it's getting a bit warm in here", I checked and my room was like 108F
I took a break and put a box fan in the window
also in South Italy... and my phone charges just fine
it's like what? 35C? like yeah that's hot but we aren't in fucking Africa wtf are you talking about
this wouldn't be a problem if normies weren't afraid of nuclear power because muuuh radiation big scary!!!
>just dump nuclear waste and force the next generations of forever to deal with it so i can consume poorly generated pornography
Nuclear plants are expensive, complicated and unreliable.
Yes, If they're smarter than us they will be able to fix it, if they aren't they don't deserve to have it fixed
Simple as
Imagine following strangers' recommendations. Yikes.
What did he mean by this?
First, we need to have public owned and managed additional renewable power generation, ASAP. We also need subsidized renewables for individual use (ie if every home had solar panels able to feed back to the grid it would be a large benefit. Also lots of developments in solar including translucent PV cell capture, so skyscrapers can have windows absorbing sunlight, ability to fab panels with less need for rare conflict minerals etc) and more.

That said, don't bother listen to social media bullshit about only caring about this shit because its TEH AH EYE which is the latest enemy du jour because they perceive its power and usage is operated by the same people who were CRYPTO BROS who did similarly wasteful shit in their mind. If they really care about that, then they should be interested in getting open source self-hostable top tier AI so its not limited to megacorps running thousands upon thousands of dollars of hardware etc. However there are plenty of computing usages that take a lot of power, but unlike EVIL AI BECAUSE IT MEANS NOT THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF PATREON FURRY PORN COMMISSIONS FOR ARTISTS among other bullshit, they see those as "useful".
All those temps are way too high. 65F when I'm home, 65F when I'm gone, 65F when I sleep. One setting so the system only has to maintain a temp. Further heavily upgrading the insulation in my home makes it so I can use a small split units all year. Each room is extremely comfortable. My gas furnace only comes on once a year when I have it tested before winter. Spend way less on energy and got the insulation done at a huge discount thanks to tax credits. Going to upgrade all the windows next year if there is a good credit for it.
68°F, accept no substitute.
Are americans for real? it's currently 40F in my city i'm sitting here in my underwear
78F is 25C, way too warm
>The average person owns and regularly uses 2 - 5 computers.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
This you?
You are more than welcome to just pay for the energy you use. Nobody is forcing you to do anything, just set lower temps if you like wasting money. All of those are literally luxury temperatures
>Not Africa
Anon I...
>The average Amerilard uses 1 roll per day
>optimized local models aren't anything worse than high end gaming
Why do you lie constantly?
the rich will continue to make bank and the poor will continue to pay for it
>Why is this suddenly a problem when the massive amount of energy taken up by conventional computing was simply accepted?
Because this is still conventional computing, you telemarketer piece of shit. There's nothing unconventional about AI
You are literally repeating his point you retard
Yeah maybe if you were just lobotomized a few minutes ago. How is AI "replacing conventional computing" you fucking skidmark? You sound like you need help tying your shoelaces.
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God normies are so fucking stupid. If Microsoft asks you to use a dark theme to save the planet while they have an AI permanently OCRing your screen it's because your light theme uses much more energy than AI, it's literally that simple. Is this cunt implying that Microsoft would lie to us? Looks like she's just another corporation-hating commie.
>the real problem remains hidden
You're retarded and ignorant if you think nuclear waste is remotely an issue.
I don't have to spend an hour at a gas station.
it's harmful for literally millions of years, a geologically significant length of time. I get that we can just bury it in the ground but you gotta admit that's a pretty big middle finger to future earth inhabitants.
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We aren't darker skinned or Chinese who are weakened to cold temperatures. We like ice, snow, ice baths, etc. That's too hot.
72 when i’m awake
69 when im sleeping
i will never budge
82F is terrible for sleeping.
how do i disable 4chan's twitter integration? i can't find it in the options
Fake, nobody would survive 85 degrees
Statist nigger
Nobody tell this retard about the north Chinese climate
If my house gets anywhere near that hot I want to kill myself. There's something wrong with people who like heat.
Or we just ban meat globally which is responsible for like 40% of global warming but hey let's keep talking about muh cars which are only responsible for 15% of global warming. I don't need fucking meat but I need my car. Also kill all indians.
Do mutts not have solar panels? Solar panels are an excellent way to offset AC energy use as they produce the most power when the sun is shining brightest, which coincides with high temperatures.
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Kek hadn't heard this one for a while.
It's nvidia's fault for not being able to make faster chips, and instead making 300W, 400W, 600W TDP the norm so they can just double their chip sizes for more speed.

We should lobby the EU to put energy tax on any consumer PC hardware that has a TDP over 200W.
not my problem
Yes let's punish the consumer so the industry can make even more money. This is your brain on jewish propaganda
>Energy is a solved problem
No. Not by a long shot. And it never will be.
It's pretty much a fact that if you presse ONE wrong button ONCE in a nuclear reactor control panel, it immediately explodes and showers the earth with radioactive fallout.
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Hasnt been true for 30 years. Just because slav(e)s can't boil water, we cant have cheap and abundant energy?
We just need to glass Asia and global warming will be solved.
This, we have a responsibility to dig up all the naturally occuring radioactive elements in the Earth's crust and rocket them into the Sun. To do anything other than that would be just downright disrepectful to future generations.
JUST USE MOAR POWER! Lmao, AI retards hit the wall of diminishing returns in less than 5 years and they're in total denial. I can't wait for all the AI driven market growth to implode.
>lets lower our quality of life instead of actually addressing the problem
you're the retard
Last total multiple meltdown is 13 years ago. The only reason why nuclear reactors don't explode on a daily basis is the fact that things go perfectly, comically right.
Social media screenshot OPs are ass but it is absurd that big tech is asking nations to build infrastucture for them to fulfill a Sci-Fi cargo cult prophecy.
>Anon is a bored cat
He shuld go on Youtube and wach one of those super long videos of birds and mice.
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can confirm this
>work in nuclear power plant
>on break, need coffee
>accidentally hit the self-destruct button instead of espresso button
>mfw i hear the dosimeter cracking
>said Tamara Kneese, a project director at the nonprofit Data & Society, which tracks the effect of AI and accuses the tech industry of using "fuzzy math" in its climate claims.

>Founded in 2014 with a gift from Microsoft, Data and Society Research Institute offers research and commentary on a wide range of subjects pertaining to technology. The Institute is led by Janet Haven, who formerly worked at the Open Society Foundations. Its board members include former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao, who joined in January 2022. The founder and president of the board is danah boyd, an adjunct assistant professor at New York University who uses lowercase letters in her name.
>Authors associated with Data & Society Research Institute have expressed fear that a defense of free speech “above all other values” may “play directly into the hands of white nationalists,” and have asserted that the “different approach[es]” to free speech of countries like Canada and the United Kingdom would benefit the United States.
>The group has identified “misleading information” as a threat that must be combatted and has focused almost exclusively on “far-right” misinformation as the source of the problem, producing case studies that attack conservatives on social media for allegedly promoting misinformation.

>$6.5 million annual revenue

Sounds like we can trust this neutral organization that has our best interests at heart.
americans only get 82 freedoms while they sleep, that's 10,25 freedoms per minute

bitcoin hashing
>just dump fossil fuel waste in the sky, it doesn't exist if we can't see it directly with our eyes
>ignore the massive short-term health effects and the long-term environmental damage, far beyond what nuclear waste could do

Bullshit. Materials in nuclear reactors aren't refined enough to actually explode. Just because it has 'nuclear' in its name doesn't mean it's anything like a nuclear bomb. Meltdowns are pretty unexciting in practice, and the fact that the biggest fuckups in nuclear energy have done barely any damage (especially compared to fossil fuels) show just how safe it is. (And Chernobyl was a very, very, very huge fuckup, it was a cartoonish level of failure upon failure. Even that didn't do all that much for the worst incident in history.)
Zirconium cladding of fuel rods can react with water to produce hydrogen, hydrogen can explode when combined with oxygen.
It's a fact that all nuclear reactors DESPERATELY WANT TO EXPLODE and nuclear reactor operators have to desperately scramble 24/7 to prevent that outcome. ONE person makes ONE mistake for ONE nanosecond, and the reactor explodes. If you seriously deny that, you are a bought shill from the nuclear industrial complex.
yeah i hate this, happens to me all the time
who put those buttons so close together?
>If you won't protect le environment I won't either!
a true environmentalist hero
Our quality of life IS the problem
>microsoft looking to solve nuclear fusion
on one hand, lol
on the other hand, jesus christ imagine what happens if they *do* solve it and patent it
Same thing with the gas in your fuel tank. Accidentally leave the cap open and flick a cig and shit goes boom.
The trick that pretty much everyone around the world seems to understand is not to do that. There's growing pains for sure, but I think enough people have the image of what happens seared into their brains so everyone instinctively knows not to do the bad boom boom thing even though it would be trivially easy to accidentally do it.
You don't know very much do you
>The trick that pretty much everyone around the world seems to understand is not to do that.
Yes, every human being involved has to function at a comically high accuracy for the reactor to NOT blow up.
>Le epic Reddit clapback
Further confirming the objective and total correctness of my position.
>Energy is a solved problem
Oh so we have a nuclear fusion already? Retarded ai cultist.
Well if you're smarter than boomera then why didn't you fixed your country's broken economy, smartass?
Electrical engineer here. We’ll definitely max out the capacity quickly with how aggressively tech companies are pursuing this, however what’s interesting is that this is in turn demanding updates to our antiquated power grid and power technology in general. These were massive issues that needed solving anyway. That said I don’t think it’s currently accurate to act like it is gobbling power right now, will be in the future. What everything is dependent on though is, can we continue to (quickly) scale down intelligence like Claude 3.5 Llama 3 and phi 3 using these large models to avoid going full retard with the power grid.
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electrical engineering PhD here, you don't have the qualifications to claim any of the things you're claiming you reddit typing dimwit, is this a gpt post?
We call it air conditioning, its quite nice
Swamp cooler cels RISE UP
>european here
>im too retarded to do mental arithmetic or use a calculator
the industrial revolution and its consequences have been an ecological disaster for the planet

and you're here talking about creating limitations for the average person while taxing them into poverty instead of going after corporations
>1 roll per day
are you taking a shit every 30 minutes????
78 is pretty fucking hot. I like it at 74 during the day and 71 when im sleeping

The end game is simple: gov issued thermostats that control your temperature.
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Yes let's keep consoooming that will surely show the corpos
Where did you learn such knowledge that puts most of /sci/ and /g/ to shame?
>can produce hydrogen
How much?
>hydrogen can explode when combined with oxygen.
Where does the oxygen come from?
Lol stop being a clown, your government decided that you should be poor and so you are poor. get over it.
It's a psyop to get people to campaign against their own access to disruptive technology. You know damn well nobody is going to say a word about meta, google, tencent, blackrock, banks and so on using AI to rape your privacy, gamble your money and come up with new ways to manipulate your behavior.
>Yes let's punish the consumer so the industry can make even more money.

1. consumer is already taxed to fuck in EU, so it won't make a difference.
2. nvidia is already raising prices for their nextgen cards for no reason so they are already making more money and consumers are getting fucked more
3. tax on 200+W TDP would force midrange cards, that don't reach 200W, to end up cheaper since they are exempt
4. it also means that companies may consciously start focusing on limiting card power, instead of the current horse shit situation of normalizing 600W cards and 4 slot coolers.

Hell, at this rate, how about they just remove all PCIE slots from the motherboard and put a LGA socket in for the GPU, so we can put proper tower coolers or even water coolers on them, which would cool them infinitely better and wouldn't require 4 slot 40cm long coolers on a PCB that's only the length of the PCIE slot.
Nuclear power plants don't work like in the Simpsons. There have been maybe two or three major incidents, (Chernobyl, Fukushima), and a couple of soviet nuclear subs that went down, and nearly all of them happened because the money grabbing assholes in charge kept the plants running despite them being out of date and getting several warnings.

hmm, on second thought, you are right. Nuclear power plants work exactly like they do in The Simpsons.
Don't talk about your sister like that
Maybe if this keeps up, they'll actually put more money in Fusion research instead of building solar panels that will turn into junk in 30 years.
Who is the a on at all of you're not there?
Good one.
opinion discarded
please tripfag next time so I can filter you easily
>Cortana™, BingFusion™ some hydrogen together then use Dall-E 8 VideoDreamer™ to generate ten videos of African pygmy vomiting on each other while wearing clown suits in a submarine, and beam it all in parallel to my HoloBrain™ implant.
>if every home had solar panels able to feed back to the grid it would be a large benefit.

California is already cutting that back, of all places. Their excuse was that homeowners didn't build the infrastructure, so they shouldn't profit from putting power back into the grid.
This right here is why we don't have energy. Fuck you ignorant monkeys. You know what they used to do? Dump it in the ocean. Why? Because water can't be irradiated. Why the fuck do you think they cool the reactors with water in the first place?

No we have oil. A fucking shitload of it. We also still for some reason waste most of the energy in heat loss. So even oil can still be more efficient than making inefficient 5petroleum based shitter batteries.

I don't have an image of a ceramic pot and a candle on hand, sorry.
>Could have near infinite, cheap and safe energy
>Subhumans in USSR and japan made it look dangerous due to their incompetence
>japan made it look dangerous due to their incompetence
It was literally the strongest earthquake in a century followed by a tsunami, what does that have to do with saving money and incompetence?
>saving money
The fact that they altered their initial blueprint and installed the backup generators on lower ground to save money, causing it be flooded and fail you retarded faggot
The fact that those in charge ran away instead of manning their stations you retarded faggot
only happened because of retarded design decision that allowed the generator room to flood with sea water
Yeah but you really underestimate how badly jews and HR pitmommies will want to employ solely the bottom-barrel homo erectus diversity hire "scientists" that will be thrown the keys to the entire facility.
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>The fact that they altered their initial blueprint and installed the backup generators on lower ground to save money, causing it be flooded and fail you retarded faggot
I don't see you whinging over the hurricane target practice plants in Florida. Imagine building anything worth a piss on top of a limestone sponge.

>The fact that those in charge ran away instead of manning their stations you retarded faggot
>Just man your station and it will stop the tsunami.
>69 all the time
> gobbling up the power grid like a bag of
goddamn M&Ms
I don’t know why but Americans who talk like this are the most insufferable people on the planet. It’s so tryhard.
What the fuck is this thread? My AC is set to 80 pretty much all the time and I'm comfy as fuck. Depending on the outside temp I usually set it between 78 and 86.
good lord, why would you attack him unprovoked like that?
>how to cause a civil war 101
>85°F when at home
That's completely unlivable. My house isn't even in the 80s during the wintertime when I want to be warm.
The US government would instantly classify the patent under the Information Secrecy Act.
No way they let the rest of the world have access to fusion if a US company figures it our first.
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78F/25C is a bit cold for me, I prefer 80F/27C.

Kill yourself
This. Only kikes disagree.
For anyone who isn't a mind broken anti-life jeet, I recommend donating to the clean air task force if you aren't doing anything else to help. They seem to be relatively free of corruption and aren't left wing. Also conservation charities.
AI has no point in existing, just like crypto shit. That's the simple fact "techbros" are unable to accept. It's all worthless, harmful shit.
Digits of truth
>pretty much everyone around the world seems to understand
someone hasn't seen the china webms...
why the fuck would you leave the AC on when you aren't at home
just turn it on when you arrive and close your room
AI helped me 'fix' my resume and I got a job through it
I plan to buy a new GPU and make my own porn that will make me cum in seconds

Checkmate luddies
80 degrees isn't even that bad. 85 is when I start getting uncomfortable, but it's fucking 90 and muggy in the one non-airconditioned room in my house and it's unbearable every time I have to walk in there to grab something.
is this copypasta? it's so absurd it has to be.
Go to hell.
Fuck microsoft, fuck windows 11, fuck openai, fuck recall, fuck the creepy-ass shit image generation of people apple's got going, I'm so fucking sick of this shit.
power generation should be the end users problem, not some company/government agency or what have you. Make everyone generate their own power via solar/wind/hamster wheel etc.
They make heat pumps that run directly off of solar panels. Cooling is solved.
>Why the fuck do you think they cool the reactors with water in the first place?
Because water is chemically inert, cheap and widely available. Water is not what shields the reactor. They use lead, steel or some composites for it.
Mao tier ignorance.
Only place that is acceptable to have 80 degrees is the sauna. And even that is warm for a sauna
what's the issue with making people responsible for their own power generation? Niggers have 9 tv's and 5 refrigerators running all day because they don't know/aren't responsible for generating enough power to power all the bullshit they use. Once they need to fucking do the work themselves they'll need to make some hard choices on what they use that power for. It's a net positive all around.
Basedm everyone should have a reactor in their back yard
>what's the issue with making people responsible for their own power generation?
>load it up into spacex rocket and shoot it off into space
Problem libtard!?!?!?
since when has that ever been a concern?
I don't know anything about nuclear engineering, other than every year the US Navy takes hundreds of high school graduates and trains them to operate nuclear reactors on submarines and aircraft carriers and they haven't had any problems in forever.
>techjeet takes himself out of the genepool
Thank you God
>82F when you're sleeping
Bro what
My house would be so hot if I left it at 82 during the night.
AI gives me a more direct answer to my questions than I can find rummaging through a bunch of old message board posts. Fuck you.
I would if I knew how. Is it actually practical to have some sort of local generator on one's property? At least, it might help me offset costs along with solar.
They hate you because you’re right. To everyone else, what we should just never build more energy generators? Fuck outta here with your commie bullshit
What if we just dropped a bunch of high yield nuclear weapons on third world countries instead? The nuclear winters would keep things nice and cool.
Unfortunately 'nuclear winter' is not real
Your plan still has merit though
Why wouldn't it be real? Putting large quantities of dust particles high in the atmosphere actually does stop sooar rays from hitting the planet. That's one of the reasons why volcanos cause such extreme cold snaps when they erupt.
There's no real science to back it up, it's another jewish trick to put fear into goy like you
Just bury it in the same place you dug it up and let it decay into lead, it's really not that hard
>Water is not what shields the reactor.
>He doesn't know
That's disappointing. No matter how it happens, the point is its not supposed to be predicated on some warped lolbertarian justification for who profits, but its supposed to get ubiquitous solar generation out there. Subsidy is one way to go but we'd be better off just making it contingent on building codes - the same way you can't build new construction to be full of asbestos and lead, it could be required that smart grid 2-way capable electricity, modular and replaceable panels/collectors of some sorts, storage like batteries etc... are requirements for new construction. You add subsidy for those converting or upgrading old construction etc. Not only is it a jobs program for all the fabrication and installation, it also means people with homes built in the 20th century will go through the pain in the ass of a remodel if they believe its going to lower their electric bill and even make them some money. There's other stuff that can and should be done, like public ownership of power utilities the way that its done in many locations for water/sewage (many places we still have for profit power corps adding all kinds of generation charges, transmission charges etc.. no matter who's doing the actual power provision, because they own the lines in the area etc) but if we're serious about environmentally viable power generation, there are tons of places we should look before screeching about AI which is mostly just a sideshow attraction for social media tards (especially when they advocate against FOSS AI self host platforms).
nigga gonna turn into Slimer when it die
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>It's bad for future generations
As opposed to destroying the atmosphere, or dumping trillions of tons of microplastics into the environment...?
It's not harmful. Tons of nuclear waste has been produced, lots of it dumped into the ocean and you can't point to a single study that it has caused any meaningful harm to humans. As long as you're not sleeping on top of nuclear waste, it has no significant impact on your health.
Shut up, poorfag.
Do you really want the sort of retards who built the 737 MAX building nuclear reactors?
>Chinks are weak to cold
nigga they're literally mongoloid ice age Mammoth hunters.
the expensive part isn't the generating but the training
wtf lol, do americans not know you can just use lighter blankets in the summer?
Anon, you've been lied to.
>i would go on a diet if it wasn't for obese american gobbling mcdonalds.
what a stupid fucking argument.
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1 roll a day? Do you use 25 squares per shit? You use at most 2 squares for regular shits, maybe 4 if its really messy.
I pay $8 a month for my AC.
It's only badly radioactive for some hundreds of years, after that heavy metal toxicity is a bigger issue

and if that's so serious then why aren't you complaining about handling the removed lead pipes? Or the much more toxic chemical waste that we dump everywhere?
americans seem to need to chill their house when they are not in it because it has no insulation
why the fuck do american's run their thermostat when they're not home lmao

open a window kek
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>all the seethe this post have generated
They've been indoctrinated by muh global warming
Meanwhile China chills by the nuclear bonfire having lots cheap electricity to spare
These are the same kinds of retards that won't have children cause it'll hurt the planet
>our only solution is to give unlimited power to the state
I wonder who could be behind this post.

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