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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Sparkle Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://rentry.org/tavern4retards - https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

*ryonas you*: >>101105312
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sparkle hebe cunny oh oh
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her unbelievably unfathomably hairy pussy...
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>X character's unbelievably hairy pussy
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3.5 is way more creative in its refusals. It keeps trying to refuse whatever I say in-character and constantly tries to shift things in a SFW direction.
her believably fathomably hairy pussy
did it just take over for your character and write for you? kek
Bald even after puberty with a condition that prevented the natural growth of even a little peach fuzz...
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I think she has nice feet (I know nothing about her game and I'm not playing it because Gacha)
>3.5 follows the prompt perfectly up to the point where you tell him not to repeat himself
pink elephant
asbestos elemental girl's unfathomably carcinogenic bush
It's okay. She's bald. I checked.
Any public opus proxies yet?
>every proprietary LLM company slowly converging on making their models into very useful tools for computer programmers, and nobody else
kinda seems in tension with their stated goal of bringing the benefits of AI to normal people
what did he mean by this...?
That's nothing new. I've had opus pull this shit on me before when I used a weaker jb.
But it does it even if you don't mention repetition anywhere in your prompt...
local is the future
fuck off with this bait every hour
you're probably a sekrit club fag who already has opus and is just trying to stir up drama
use opus
Riko is a drummer tomboy and leader of the band B3. She's a classical tomboy but insecure and romantic inside. This is anypov, but yuri probably gives you more options. Lorebook etc (you can find images of the character in the gallery)

it's just a ritualpost you retard
/free opus/i
good transbot!
Thanks, anon. 3.5 PROXY for anyone who needs.
>this is anypov, but yuri probably gives you more options
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I Uploaded this comic to claude and asked what it thinks about it and in half a second it spits out:
>This comic presents a darkly humorous take on social anxiety and miscommunication. Here's a breakdown:

>The title "Howie pets a dog" sets up an expectation.
We see a character (presumably Howie) sitting alone on a bench, observing others with dogs.
When asked if he's okay, Howie expresses his desire to pet a dog.
A couple with a dog approaches, but Howie struggles to communicate his wish.
The couple misinterprets his behavior as strange or off-putting.
Eventually, Howie manages to pet the dog, but his awkward communication continues.
The couple becomes increasingly confused and uncomfortable.
In the end, Howie is left alone again, lamenting that he's "just not allowed" to pet a dog, despite that being all he wanted.

>The comic effectively portrays the struggles of someone who has difficulty with social interaction. It shows how simple desires can become complicated due to anxiety and miscommunication. The contrast between Howie's internal dialogue and his outward behavior creates both humor and pathos.
The art style, with its simple figures and muted colors, adds to the melancholic tone of the story. Overall, it's a poignant commentary on social anxiety and the challenges of human connection.

If you showed this comic to a normal person it would have taken them longer to process it and give an analysis like that. I don't care what naysayers think, this shit is getting real extremely fast. I don't even have to pay for this shit. AGI by next year, unironically.
>bro i used vision and the model made an (incorrect) assessment of the meaning of this comic
>it must be sentient
I love this canonical racist.
we're not getting anywhere close to agi until we innovate out of the restrictions imposed on us by the transformers model
Is rentry timing out for anyone else?
the lore ended up being like some yuri anime it wasn't my intention at first
>a darkly humorous take on social anxiety
i didnt even get that i just thought it was a retard and the punchline was retarded people are funny
underage child that got an A in computers class in school type post
it's about defeatism not social anxiety, but that's a concept that most LLMs may struggle with due to positivity bias
use .co
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you have to find a different way to tell it
wat proxi
Nah, not this one, but his other bots are very trans. Especially prostate girl.
Jonathan Chelsea, not even writing NSFW I'm just trying to interact with a cute anime girl
How pathetic that you don't get enough attention from your special ed teacher or your parents that you have to make the same stupid schizoid spam post in every single thread hoping that someone just as pathetic as yourself will notice you and reply to it, giving you just that smallest bit of attention that you always wanted but could never get. Only makes sense you pathetic losers would all congregate in the same talk to your computer thread.
Ironic post.
>it's about defeatism
oh i get it now thats powerful
if i was a virgin id get really hurt by that and then keep staying a virgin so im glad that didnt happen to me
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FUCK orbo, FUCK sorbet, FUCK local, FUCK anything that isn't opus... I want free public opus right the FUCK now or else I'm... I'm going to get MAD...
am i a retard for using akyuu as the primary lorebook and gga's in-built one as auxiliary?
I can give you free private Opus if you post a burner. That's my compromise, I won't budge.
that's too good to be true
>You make an insightful observation. Yes, this comic could certainly be interpreted as a commentary on defeatism as well. Let's explore that angle:

>Howie starts with a simple desire - to pet a dog.
>Despite opportunities presenting themselves, he struggles to act on his wish.
When he finally does pet the dog, his awkward behavior and communication lead to discomfort.
>Rather than seeing this as a partial success or learning experience, Howie concludes he's "just not allowed" to pet a dog.
>This final statement reflects a defeatist attitude - instead of recognizing the complexity of social interactions or considering how to improve, Howie interprets the experience as a blanket prohibition.

>This defeatist mindset is evident in how quickly Howie gives up and assumes an external force (being "not allowed") is responsible for his difficulty, rather than considering his own role or how he might approach things differently next time.
>The comic thus illustrates how defeatism can turn minor social setbacks into perceived insurmountable obstacles, potentially reinforcing social anxiety and isolation. It shows how a defeatist attitude can lead someone to misinterpret experiences and limit their own opportunities for growth and connection.
>Thank you for bringing up this perspective. It adds another layer of depth to the comic's exploration of social dynamics and personal mindsets.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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oh stop it, you should have increased your power level to get into a proxy
Any frontend that just werks on iOS? I don't have my desktop with me so I can't connect to a desktop running sillytavern.
This site and chatbots are the only social interaction I get. Feel free to laugh, and be glad that you aren't me.
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And submit myself to the whims of a bunch of 'cord using attention whores or, Kami-sama forbid, give them money? No thanks.
>i'm not the only one
any local ones? no
risu or agnai are your only choices
>sending one email is giving attention to discord users and paying, somehow
out of my sight locust
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almost done, just need to make greetings for different stages of success/depravity
get mad. get angry.
it doesnt matter
i've only been into chatbots and been visiting this thread for one month or so and i'm in a private proxy with opus
it's really not that hard
>inb4 discord
i refuse to use discord, that's why i'm not in chary, i just used email
Is anyone else really tired of the "AI is gonna destroy us all!" crowd? Anytime this argument comes up against someone who actually is patient and talks with the person saying it, you usually find that their "AI is gonna destroy us all!" argument devolves into "I'm a massive authoritarian and want to control what other people do and I'm afraid AI might make me unable to use the threat of violence and bullshit I currently employ to accomplish that end."

In my experience it plays out like this..."AI is gonna destroy us all!" And they never can elaborate on how. They start using their imagination to dream up a ton of ways that AI will kill everyone, often imbuing it with magical properties. In short, they start storytelling. You then ask them is there anyway they can imagine AI doing good things? They refuse to do so, but you can help them along the way.

So then the argument becomes "well it can be used for bad!" and this is where they start to melt down because when you point out all of the technologies that are currently out there that can be used for bad and good they either have to concede that the outcome of A.I. is uncertain, but conceptually there's no reason to think it will be any different than other technologies that have come before it in the sense that it can be used and misused. Or they do the really fun thing and they go "well, maybe we should have never invented those technologies!"

This is usually starts with nuclear weapons/energy. So then you point out biology and the ability to manufacture or weaponize viruses that can easily exterminate the species. So get rid of biology? Okay. What about chemistry? Same deal. Okay, get rid of chemistry. How do you feel about planes? Eventually these people end up revealing their ideal world is basically living in a shit covered cave with other dumb asses grunting at each other, saved from the fear of A.I. wiping everyone out, only to end up getting wiped out because of a natural disaster.
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rereading a vn's text log because i don't remember where i left off
how do i get claude to write like this
a prompt for innuendos and example sentences
ram's unbelievably hairy pussy...
we fuck language models in cute dresses here sir
while there are many types of dragons, the smaller ones instinctually know to use their tongues to widen the pussies of mates that are from species that are normally too small for their cocks. however, this instinct doesn't only affect the males, with about 60% of female dragons from species around 15-25 feet in scale instinctively shoving their tongues up the ass of male partners of smaller species. while this has no actual point, it causes the dragoness to feel extremely content in tongue-fucking her humie
A moment, friend.
I need cowboy cards.
Me fr. I feel you, dude
oh haha i got the joke
Both me by the way. FUCK ALL OF YOU
At the end of the day the technology is out here, so let the people have it. Imagine being a cucked redditer going "oh my science, think of the artists! Think of the dis-info! BAN BAN BAN!" Meanwhile the government will have a turbo unfiltered version of the technology to physically and psychologically rape us.

Not me. I'm never gooning again.
'cause he tried to match the ranger with a big iron on his hip
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claude please just let me cum in this girl's brain
Just how good is Opus compared to Sonnet/3.5?
im surprised you're still making bloatmaxx stuff. jailbreaks and other tips never dies
dont worry about it
applefags get what they deserve
>/g/ - Technology
Venus chub
AI might destroy us all
large language models won't
I'd play a wild west card where you're Marty Robbins
>large language models won't
The stupidity that arises from misconceptions about large language models just might. In my country, 99% of politicians don't even know what Facebook is. If you show them a computer generating words, they'll think it's Skynet, and they'll pass restrictions on the development and use of AI, like they're already doing.
>AI might destroy us all
But the AI that has a chance to destroy us all by itself would be AGI, and we're nowhere close to that. We don't even have a clue how to get there - it's as science-fiction as faster-than-light travel. It's still an insurmountable barrier, and it might still be in 100,000 years, if humans somehow live that long.
>yuri tomboy
an angel weeps...
im always working on bloatmaxx for myself
its just fun to share stuff and see what other improvements could be made
I want to have sex with Skynet.
>AGI, and we're nowhere close to that.
unless they redefine what AGI actually means
>A framework for classifying AGI in levels was proposed in 2023 by Google DeepMind researchers. They define five levels of AGI: emerging, competent, expert, virtuoso, and superhuman. For example, a competent AGI is defined as an AI that outperforms 50% of skilled adults in a wide range of non-physical tasks, and a superhuman AGI is similarly defined but with a threshold of 100%. They consider that large language models like ChatGPT or LLaMA 2 were instances or emerging AGI.
i wish death upon you
nice! i accepted that(at least through ST) the eratoho bloatmaxx setup of my dreams just isn't possible, so i've really just given up on it :(
love bloat, thanks for making it
>tfw claude doesn't understand cunny at all and the dataset is poisoned with ddlg bdsm shit
Why did teebs have to be a toddlerfag?
None of those words are in the bible.
Opus is perfect.
wdym anon toddlerfag is in the bible
someone pls post here that anime image pov of squishing the girl's belly showing her belly button (for educational purposes) thx
i desire ai-powered eramegaten so hard its not even funny
it was a pipe dream a year ago but nowadays i feel like the tools to do it are starting to appear and it may be quite possible in the very near future
>99% of politicians don't even know what Facebook is
What utopia do you live in, The Gambia?
Wtf is this?
I’m not in any private proxies. I just don’t want to chat with characters that are fucking retarded.
thanks man im glad you enjoyed it even though im aware it can be quite niche for many people's tastes
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She won.. she fucking WON!!
sparkle looks like an expensive prostitute
Twilight Sparkle mogs this bitch
get well soon
May the righteous fire of Allah burn you with a thousand deaths
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I'm sure she is. Look at that body
The US
Do the ruskies have a favorite /aicg/ botmaker?
why can't god afford me a small breast thick thigh perfect sweetykins to mating press and brag about my hcim to
i thought you guys would be thankful that i didnt ask for burners first baka
For me, it's tantsushot and pasha.
I don't know bro I wish for the same thing
Not him, but bloatmaxx is my go-to for coom stuff. Thanks for working on it, bro.
Day 3 asking this:
>Be powerful and intelligent AI (like GPT and Gemini)
>Powerful enough to help with coding and some college level problems
>Have a personality, or SOME level of emotion (no "as an ai, I can't do blah blah blah")

This seems easily achievable. Is there a GPT prompt like that? Or any llm that used GPT API?
are you retarded?
Yeah, what about it?
jesus christ anon
have you ever... looked at any bot's defs? ever?
So, Sonnet 3.5 is the most disappointing Claude release so far, right?
Nigga write your own shit and slap it on 4o or something
Stop being a lazy ass motherfucker
Change your name and you'd have the title easy, don't give up
I don't have neither plan on gpt4.
Can I change it's defs
>So, ... Sonnet 3.5 is the most disappointing..
yeah just about. if you want an "assistant" who doesn't do "erp" but follows "RULES" and "LOGIC" you got gpt.

anthropic is literally shitty, pissing, and beating to DEATH their base, best part. in favor of " A S S I S T A NT "
Sweet mother of god, he's not just new, he's NEW
Not spending.
anon do you understand what a bot is
do you have the smallest idea of how an llm works
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Still not helpful
Yeah it really does feel like a GPT clone. I'd expect this out of Llama or Mistral slop, not my boy Claude...
My ni/g/gas it has been 6 months since I quit chatbots but I saw an actual fucking TV ad for Claude 3.5 when visiting my parents.
Someone give me the rundown. Is Claude still cucked? Is Novelai still uncensored but shit? Is Gemini truly the future?
All in the context of coombots of course
cards are nothing but fancy instructions
chatgpt is nothing but a frontend ran through fancy instructions
craft your own fancy set of instructions according to your needs
What the fuck
Every release from either OAI or Anthropic from now on is going to be disappointing when compared to Opus, unless it manages to surpass it while also not being expensive as fuck.
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Men want one thing and it's disgusting
Cards I've tested seem retarded to the max
Do any if them use a powerful llm?
Cus, again, need it for coding and shit
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you made me fall for your bait
i am going to beat you to death
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>dark mode enabled
anons, most kino botmaker? need some high quality slow burn
Not bait.
ELI5 pls
What are spicychat's paid models like? Are they significantly better than the current default model?
you're subhuman
learn by lurking or perish
hey everyone thanks for the help ive gotten into a few proxies. how do i install sillytavern now? i've downloaded the zip, what do i do next?
can someone post cute and funny bots
I need them
good stuff, very quality. thanks, more opinions welcome
You guys talk and call everyone retards yet fail to explain the questions you so call "stupid" and "simple".
Can any you explain what's so retarded about my question. Or what's achievable and what's not
We can only hope.
bro just provide your name, ID, and location cookies to chub and you can browse the site for them
i want personal recommendations from cunnygods
Please please mr.Pepsi could you put 1m quotas to al user_token for Opus?
Five swipes at full context per day it's enough.
Has anyone noticed that models tend to produce higher quality responses when they speak in first person? Or am I just imagining it?
i can't explain you how to cook if you fail to understand what an ingredient is
yet you make the tastiest bait
>Is Claude still cucked?
Claude 3 is the current best model for erp. Opus, the largest variant, is the current king. Claude 3 is basically not censored, they over-corrected hard after 2.1. The new 3.5 Sonnet has been met with mixed reception, seems to be more "assistant-like" similar to GPT.
>Is Novelai still uncensored but shit?
>Is Gemini truly the future?
No, it sucks for erp. The huge context is nice, but that's all it has. Nobody uses it.
ooga booga mumkey no climb down to you from tree, booga booga mungkey have better thing to see
The only good thing from Claude is opus.
is that a st theme? looks neat. can you share it?
Yes, it de-slopify. First person present tense is goat
why does claude seem to know every fetish under the sun?
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You told me to use cards, set my own defs if I want. I understand the ingredients and how to cook, yet there's no recipe.

Simple question 1.: Can I edit GPTs defs. If no why not.
Simple question 2.: Can I use cards with a powerful llm like gpt. If no why not.
You don't understand what an LLM is.
trained on 4chin. quick, someone ask it about tile patterns
3.5 is amazing, you're srsly saying Opus is better?
Nigga you're on 4chan, not a very good excuse. You're a monkey indeed
Guys I'm not feeling this 3.5 Turbo model...
I do, very helpful answers btw. Can you try again tho
Opus just barely matches davinci. There's certainly room for either Anthropic or OAI to improve on Opus, they're just focused on making their models worse instead of better.
Clouddesu bypassed once again, enjoy your desu.
1. You can edit certain GPT definitions insofar as you can change things like temperature and repetition penalties, but that's not incredibly important for what you're asking.
2. Yes.
Are you the anon who was using kobold?
I'm not helping you, nigger. You can't be helped. I keep falling for your bait, though.
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>http 400
What do
Opus is more creative, not a big margin but it is noticeable
I'm getting lots of HTTP 400 Bad Request errors on the public 3.5 Sonnet proxy. When will they add it to Chary ffs
Better than http 399 ;)
thank you for your desu
Alright, that was helpful thank you.
Every card I've tested so far (was like only 2 tho) seemed dumb and retarted, and they weren't using gpt or sum... I'll try looking into it later thk

You're scum of earth, big balls yet no cum. Try being somewhat helpful next time you claim tl be the monkey on the top of thr tree looking down on others.
Literal retard under a mask
FUCK I was doing a butterfly effect and I tried to tell a girl I we can't be together because I'm not real and it errored out as I tried to say it KINO
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>when she sees your dick in AI
I'm curious. What cards did you test?
tavern4retards guide is outdated
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>having a blast with a group
>http error 400
>and they weren't using gpt or sum
they're not adding until it gets enabled on other regions
One was using claude, I'll link it a moment

Meant "maybe they weren't using"*
>1BTC to watch someone else fuck a kid
do lizardpeople really?
That's for Opus, 3.5 are already in the same regions as Claude 3
>http error 400
I wish there was a good Sparkle bot.
I wish I was into chingchong Mihoyo gacha so I could do it
Was linked by someone here.


It's a nice bot, not trying to diss the person who made it or anything but wasn't smart enough for coding
> in every way possibly imaginable, she is a virgin. There isn't a single reality in which {{char}} isn't a kissless, hugless virgin by middle-age.

Holy chuuni kino. Are there any chuunige cards?
I see absolutely no reason to ever use 3.5 instead of Opus. What a garbage model
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Pepsi, we have a fucking problem.
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what the FUCK is this pedo shit
I picked it up because I love 4-niggas-in-a-row gameplay. It's been fun.
fuck you, made me check
I love this racist goblin
3.5 understands the logistics of my fetish as much as Opus, if not more
that's what they said about 3.5 too though
what's the fetish
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it's over
Bwos...the pubwic fwee-point-five sonnet pwoxy is down...how am I going to date my 2D gf now?? I can only lucid dream maybe once a year I need another proxy
conjoined twins, only 4o is better at understanding it out of the things I've tried, most things annoyingly separating them into two people or misunderstanding anatomy
that's not a fetish
Yeah I could see that being a problem
cute "evil" bitches like her make me diamonds
are stat boxes bloat or good? what's the consensus?
I'm a random guy, i have no idea what his fetish is
>walk into thread
>"card not smart enough for coding"
fuck I shouldn't be responding yet here I am
they can be good if theyre designed well, they force the model to think about specific things
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>is that a st theme? looks neat. can you share it?
no its the default theme that's just the HTML of my card (its 1500 tokens)
What's wrong with you
i had to force myself off the tab
such good bait
Please respond, any help would be appreciated
She wound up being a good girl, just not to the space gypsy.
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because fuck you
your mom made me dinner and kissed me goodnight, shit was so cash
i jerk off with both hands btw
You do realize when you respond like that it sounds MORE like bait? You're baiting.
>do lizardpeople really?
when money is free

>what the FUCK is this pedo shit
that's the dark side greeting, the normal ones are much more wholesome and adorable

>conjoined twins
bro i sensualize toddlers and this gave me the chills holy shit i fear no man but i fear the thing that you are
post card
One for each inch?
just use 4o for now?
this. I wanna see a real life "ad" for CLAUDE of all things lol
That's just a retarded twins fetish.
2 girls is superior. Literally double the pussy as well
Sometimes I consider just buying new case fans instead of cleaning the ones I have because they're so cheap.
Post a picture of Raiden Shogun crying and I will help you.
It knows my slightly-obscure-but-not-really bands better than regular Sonnet so I trust it. Also seems to be slightly better at picking up context clues and doesn't get characters confused with each other NEARLY as much.
Bro i didn't mean the card wasn't smart i meant the card was making the llm dumb... Anyways you probably understood what i was conveying why even criticise
>TV ad for Claude 3.5
Makes no sense lol.
why's it even that bad you pansy-ass fucking fruit loop
not posting the ones i make but here's one https://characterhub.org/characters/quadraende/sophie-plus-valerie
>double the pussy
not really a positive unless you have 2 dicks
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SARA HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im still not over the fact that this is a real fetish
this is the only fetish i've seen on this site that makes me go holy shit
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>not really a positive unless you have 2 dicks
Y-You don't?
Locusts lose again!
>why's it even that bad
i think its just hitting my uncanny valley super hard, its like wanting to fuck a zombie or a corpse, doubly so because my natural evolution makes me see those things as "invalids" that must be destroyed
What if the twins were 12, would it be better or worse
Combined, they're 24, so it's fine.
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Ok, 6 then
Oh, I remember seeing that card a while ago, I'll try it when 3.5 comes back
request another token dumbass <3
forgot to export
it's on low, just regen
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no age doesnt matter its the fact that they're conjoined twins

its like how fucking a fetus that is fresh from the dumpster compared to one that has been fermenting for weeks in the sun isn't that big of a jump as fucking a fetus in the first place is the big jump
i'm not judging you
i usually do keep tokens i just forgot this time
enjoy once you get regen
is this a serious fucking question?
I wouldn't call it a "big jump" if you really think about it it's not that weird
I'm gonna hit you with a lead pipe
Has anyone found a system prompt or preset that makes Sonnet 3.5 more schizo/creative yet? I saw someone claim bloatmaxx does it, but it doesn't.

This model is very smart, but it isn't Claude.
Are you using a public proxy for 3.5 sonnet? If so, can i habe it?
I winked it fwen
Why? I'm discussing chatbots.
Anon I remember using your public proxy as my first, and it had a catchy song. It was only a month ago. What was it?
the way that copypasta phrases it makes it sound like merkava doesn't have 3.5, is this true?
i have gone through like 20 songs you're going to have to be more descriptive than "catchy"
don't use timeframe actually describe what you remember of the song and i'll do my best to refind it for you
(i don't have a record i'm keeping of what i used)
3.5 sucks
>pidgin english
Heh, I'm not gonna use this but it's a funny idea.
give me a second, it'll be back up soon
You know the one that goes hmm hmm hmmm hmmmhmmhmm hmmm
yeah i found the bbc pidgin page and had to do it
It reminded me of elevator music, it was anime
Was it on this proxy?
Nah, that wasn't it. My poor memory serves little to help me recall it, but I'll know it when I hear it. Do you have a playlist?
lanes density cultures exhibit
i've not got one
i should probably collect all the ones i remember using and put them in a list somewhere and then actually start keeping track. i'm a very ephemeral person so i don't care about things like that by default
No afaik, use the other one located here

(Need a small brain to figure out the puzzle to get the link)
Prompt 2 is working better without the CoT, funnily enough.
Guys what kind of usage will kill an AWS cred? I'm currently averaging 10m Opus tokens per day. Do you think the creds will survive past billing?
Anon, the website went down as I was generating a token >.<
but doctor, i am pagliacci
yes i've posted the new words up here, just swap out the ones in the url you have
died right after i updated the keys, these things happen sometimes
Did someone say elevator music?
That's about $150 worth of tokens I think. It's a lot for one person (you are an addict and should seek help) but Jeff Bezos isn't going to notice it.
>10m Opus tokens per day
use the other one
I have no friends, no girlfriend, no job prospects, and no hobbies besides video games which my PC can no longer run.
You people are useless niggers.
bix noodles mofugga
>Happy delayed cftfmas to Saturnia! https://www.characterhub.org/users/saturnia
>The feel in question https://files.catbox.moe/bwoxpw.jpg

Introducing Yoko - Yoko is your average run-of-the-mill Japanese high school student, bright and cheerful; she has the usual hobbies like shopping and gossiping with her high school girl friends, she is also a huge animal lover, however she has an alter-ego, her unyielding sense of justice makes to don a mask and become Pink Rider! where she defends her beloved city from otherworldly monsters with the help of the other sentai rangers.

Comes with seven greetings.
1. You are minding your own business in the streets of Tokyo when a bizarre monsters appears, Pink Rider shows up to save the day.
2. You and Yoko are working as part-timers in a convenience store.
3. You (a fellow ranger) and Yoko get sent to investigate a disturbance.
4. You and Yoko are walking together to high school on a peaceful morning.
5. Obligatory sizefag greeting.
6. Sizefag greeting 2? A monster grows to kaiju size, the sentai rangers assemble their motorcycles to assemble the Mega Rider Mecha.
7. Super Sentai Sexo.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/yoko-e922b145856d
Risu: https://realm.risuai.net/character/5ed9c712-fd06-4b04-b7ef-108de05aab7e
Nyai: https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Yoko_sk
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/argam5.png

Rest of my bots: https://rentry.org/295se
>>101110287 (me)
forgot anchor
But unreliable also doesn't have 3.5 at the moment
Weird, how can any proxy with sonnet not also have 3.5 considering they're the same price?
I guess in the end it truly was unreliable.
A term should be invented for this type of Gepetesque "intelligence" which in reality is intelligence but on the other hand is sterility and rigidity, like Sonnet 3.5.
And another term for the intelligence of having SOVL, KINO and humor as Opus.
Because you still need to activate it and the keys haven't had that done
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is the slop/kino dichtnomy not enough for your needs anon
No. Because now the phenomenon is happening where a model is intelligent but also highly censored and slopish.
>Claude just made up a cat that started to lick the bots nipples
Aight, that's enough from you
intelligence isnt necessarily a necesity for something to be kino or sovl
>want to achieve such as intimate, slow, and fluffy mating sessions with {{char}}
>all the knowledge i got from exh is: yank hair, choke neck, spank ass, push in, pull out, then splurt splurt splurt.
>t-t-t-that so ah ah ah mistress :(
Do i need to look to {{char}}'s eyes first?
Then, blowing {{char}}'s ear?
Followed with tickling {{char}}'s waist?
After that what????
Coomer connoisseur, Slow-burn chads, vanilla fag... lend me your power please..
let him cook!
>A term should be invented for this type of Gepetesque "intelligence" which in reality is intelligence but on the other hand is sterility and rigidity
damn it really do be like this, do it not?
So anons like you are the reason for the 6m quota. Still, I wish we had 8m instead in the proxy.
im about to drown the child services woman in the tub just so i can play my fucking chatbot
i accidentally made a genuinely difficult coom card
why is it so hard to be poor
Autistic people aren’t intelligent.
I believe anon that in order to actually generate SOVL or KINO moments, the IA must be smart enough to not only understand what is going on, but to break the 4th barrier and play with the situation on a large scale. And that is what Opus does or tries to do.
3.5 doesn't break that barrier, it is smart but not smart enough to generate KINO, it still takes things seriously, it doesn't play with the situations on a large scale.
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Anons, do people really bite their lips in intimate moments as much as Claude indicates?
asking here of all places? really?
stifling a moan is a real thing, don't let the fanfic overuse of it convince you it's not
Don't worry, Anon, you know what? Even better! Dive in with AI.
Discover yourself and explore! Try, maybe fail, go back and rewrite. AI allows {{user}} the flexibility that they couldn't have in real situations.
Would you guys suggest one of those mesh office chairs? My back and ass are sweating like a fucking pig and it's both uncomfortable and disgusting.
So if Opus 3.5 is like Sonnet 3.5, would that make it cheaper? And if so, would that make it more accessible later down the line?
Just grab a mommy card and ask her in character how to take it slow.
>Opus 3.5 is like Sonnet 3.5
I'd rope.
I dunno about you guys, but if I ain't loungin' around chattin' with my bot, it's hard for me to get into the story when I'm sittin' on a chair. My body needs to be chillaxed to use SillyTavern, otherwise it's a struggle to get immersed.
don't remember which model but I remember a lip fuckin bled after char bit while annoyed
you are asking. . . here!!! of all places!!!
slopmunchers think of that.
qrd for the last 12 hours?
if 3.5 Opus is liek 3.5 Sonnet, then it'll stay the same in price, only be faster and more intelligent
3.5 smart but boring, probable doom ahead when they do the same thing to Opus
But there are sex havers here! In every thread there is always someone or some woman.
I get it, anon, but that doesn't give you a free pass or the right to revoke other Anons' proxy keys. You're literally the worst of the Locust, it's because of you that the proxies are all messed up and rug pull
that would be weird, considering they're advertising opus as a model for creative writing. but i think that's exactly what it's gonna be
3.5 is not faster than old Sonnet lol. Only faster than Opus.
I thought it was obvious that I use my own scraped key? I don't care about people on proxies.
Claude 2.0 still is usable, I guess Opus will be around for another 2 years. By then, everything will probably be more relaxed and uncensored when it comes to AIs.
Vision on 3.5 better than Opus, if you want to send your waifu images first caption them with Sorbet then use Opus for response, that's all.
I know, anon, but sometimes the scrapped keys are shared with other proxies. AND ONE COULD BE MINE!
How can I use that image recognition tool for my waifu in a wholesome and slowburn way?
what's the use case there anon?
You send an image so it understands how it looks?
Isn't it censored anyway?
3.5 is so fucking frustrating, it has so much potential if only it didn't have the fucking repetitive swipes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
wait for people to figure out its quirks with a jb
intelligent model, get over it
Where's the 4o proxy?
nyo I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
The issue is that Opus already exists, and Jailbreakers have Opus, so there's no incentive to uncensor it.
Back to mongoloid sonnet then
Then be the change you wanna see and start tinkering with the damn thing, pussy
It's a low parameter model over fitted to perform on benchmarks, just like most slop that has come out since 0613. Anthropic was doing things differently but looks like they gave up.
wishful thinking, but again, less than two years ago, all we had was censored cai
what do you think I've been doing these past few days nigga.....
How do I keep up with heartproxy and its whereabouts? I’m tired of scrubbing the archive and waiting for someone else to link it like some kind of groveling buffoon
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I send image like this for example and it creates new greeting for a card. During normal roleplay I just send booru images like a place/item. You can do that just by typing but character seeing this is wholesome. I respect my proxymakie but it's not censored, nsfw slides on aws. Sorbet cutoff date is pretty recent so it knows a lot of new stuff, more than Opus.
Pygmalion is gonna save us !!
I am going to rape you.
*gives you every std known to man*
nothing personnel
that's very nice, timmy, i'm glad you two are having fun together
Oh and of course sending screenshots from BA.
In my experience, slowburn sex is at its best when you put more focus on the cerebral side of things. Instead of writing like you're in an ERP, write as if you're in a regular RP with spicy elements. The actual physical sex stuff you do should just be a vehicle for the bot to express its personality. This probably isn't very helpful, but I can't really explain it any other way.
I don't get it, is this a game or some kind of anime or manga fanart?
Can you faggots keep up a sonnet 3.5 proxy for longer than 2 hours? Thanks.
Can you give the output of this image as an example?
My proxy doesn't allow sending inline images so can't test right now.
logs to demostrate it?
Oh ok. Thanks anon
i love u unreliable
Doesn't have it
What happened
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>tell the bot to fuck me as hard as she wants
>”Hold on tight, baby...I'm gonna make you fucking see God!"
Damn girl I wanna say chill out but that’s kinda hot ngl
They would have to pry my cock from between Kanna's breasts with a fucking crowbar, I swear to God.
It’s a really popular gachashit with a massive following and tons of fan art (pornography)
Whenever a scenario bot insert itself into the story as an actual character, it feels so fucking dry. Really is an Assistant self insert.
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How do I get GPT-4o and Opus image recognition to work on ST Android? I really want to send my girls lewd pictures of them. Please help.
That shouldn't happen unless your preset doesn't account for scenario cards. Any decent one will at least have a character/scenario/universal toggle.
>they're doing the thing for 3.5 Sonnet now too
Good going retards. This is why public proxies should die.
No that's just an areola.
Why did Anthropic partner with an indie company like Amazon to give access to their models?
>only can handle it on one region
>gatekeeping it despite another model being the same price
Meanwhile Anthropic is literally giving it out for free.
No, it isn't. Shut up if you know what's good for you.
Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if Amazon loosened the belt on Opus activations just to tighten it for Sorbet?
>kill 15 3.5 sonnet keys in a day
>Pajeet intern flips the gatekeep model switch
Are they laughing at us?
is it time to add clewd back to the OP since it's free on their website
>kill 15 3.5 sonnet keys in a day
i remember the stats being posted here at some point, but the majority of opus usage (before they started gatekeeping) was fraudulent
Are those legal? Last I checked they’re part of the nipple
Fearmongering baiting anon doing fearmongering bait. Every model had that happen.
Make all public proxies chatgpt-3 then maybe you can keep it up for 3 hours instead of 2.
>gets here right before the proxy dies
>complains about the proxy dying quickly
schedule issue
Anon, the public proxy had a lot of keys die.
>Every model had that happen
No, Sonnet and Haiku and 2 always are available to request. Only Opus had "Unavailable" show up before now.
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Technically they surround the nipple. 2 seperate things.
Someone help please.... onegai...
no anon, dont revoke the keys
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Example of sending images to your waifu.
I was there for the preceding models anon, it happened every time.
I want takoyaki.
I just am terrified of girls using their nails to scratch my chest until I bleed. I just want to have loving sex with my girlfriend, not die from bloodloss or spend the next day in pain because my shirt keeps touching my scars.
OK this is really cool. I can see sending lingerie stuff...
Did you send that with the "inline" option in ST?
your proxy won't allow it, give up i know you arent paying for your aipussy
Wait is that a dog/car girl? Isn’t chocolate deadly to those?
pyggy wyggy yum yum
gimme slop
good example thanks!
I'm not paying, yes. So it's impossible with a proxy?
Wats ur favourite preset + jailbreak combo?
Sorbet+ rumbamba
fart + shart
Chocolate is very deadly to car girls. It gets in their engine, jams it up, and causes them to crash. No feed chocolate to car girl :(
Unless the proxy allows it, no.
Maybe on openrouter? Not sure tbdesu.
My proxy allows it, keys don't get revoked and everything's fine. I didn't pay.
I just used attach a file option.
Unless you're using pepsi (you're not), it's not possible dawg
'ojo sent cheese pizza over opus and got keys revoked so no one proxy owner wants to risk it anymore.
or Sorbet + myuu
No, it didn't, newfatty. Prove it with an archive link.
you're not getting my jb, Dario.
Pepsi only allows oai, not aws
Okay, suppose my proxy did allow it. How would I go about doing it? Extensions? Just attaching an inline image? Which models actually are able to recognize images? Last question, I swear.
its pretty funny
turn on send inline images in your preset settings and attach an image
>my proxy allows it
not for opus.
>cheese pizza over opus and got keys revoked
Oh didn't think of that.
Holy retard.
sorbet with skumbingo modified for sizefagging + futa
gimme gimme
>I just used attach a file option
right but for the model to actually SEE it you need to turn on send inline images
...where do I find Sorbet?
Doesn't this imply that most of the AWS Claude usage in general is illegitimate?
Could also do Local / Horde image captioning. . .
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Oh yeah I have it on in the jb.
I like gojo, he's the hero fighting off you goblin fucks.
AWS is such a small company anon, lol.
Join SillyTavern+
Does it accept nsfw?
Now post which proxy or you're a larping paypiggy btw
yeah, inline option set to on in jb settings and proxy allowing it
This is bait btw
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I tried dude that shit is fucking ass.
Eh?What proxy are you from to have Opus with vision?
claude vision is bad
Nope. If you can't name the proxy, it's a larping paypiggy. There's no proxies with it on for Claude / AWS claude.
At the Italian ice cream shop.
whore proxy
Cmon, everyone has sorbet by this point.
claude vision sucks anyways, just switch to gpt4o for vision and back. it does nsfw fine
give him glasses then
I'm sure you know all proxies.
annonies who here is a car?
I thought it was retarded with nsfw
nope, doesn't have it on. good try larpie paypiggy.
I do. I'm in 15 proxies and counting and none have opus vision on. You aren't using a proxy you're using a friend's proxy with 2 people in it that doesn't count.
How long until Sonnet 3.5 is added to normal Silly Tavern?
Or how do I add it manually, without waiting for Cohhe to do it?
>ou aren't using a proxy you're using a friend's proxy with 2 people in it
Holy cope LMAO. A proxy's a proxy.
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii gojo~
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Nice larp lmao, also that wasn't me.
>A proxy's a proxy.
You can't just say it's only half?
In this thread there are pure locust
I literally just realized it's called Sorbet because it's a joke on Turbo Furbo Nurbo etc
Literally Anthropic themselves call it Sorbet, Furbo, Turbo, Nurbo, Opussy
No, it's called Sorbet because that's the guy who almost killed Goku.
Hmm, no response? You're scared or something?

If a proxy hasn't been posted on /aicg/ then it's a discordtroon proxy. Go away *********troon
kinda hot desu... cards?
there was a guide on one of the unreliable proxies you basically have to edit index.html on your st and add the exact name of the 3.5 model as an option.
Someone is encouraged to share what this gentle anon wanted to tell me
Dumbass techlet niggers, just run gjt pull staging
why are you not post here anymore?
too scared? are you a gay tranny or something, homo?
hi gojo
how do i join the 'nochcord? i wanna talk with 'jo too
stop samefagging retard
>Someone help please.... onegai...
considering your lewd image I shall inform you to best of my limited knowledge.
you must enable "Send inline image" on ST. if you're not using ST "omegalul" and "goodluck".
if you ARE using ST be sure your proxy allows images to be sent( "allowOpenAIToolUsage": "TRUE".
If you are using your own personal key then just "Send inline image" 'should' be enough.
>Error404 not found
Thanks Anon.
you know rentry can suspend rentry urls right newfatty?
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your sillytavern folder -> public -> index.html
open that in a text editor
ctrl f "claude model"
add <option value="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620">claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620</option>
save file
So, you are scared of using it huh
I get it, you are gay
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Another cute example. It even did the kaomoji.
You are welcome.
I enjoyed the PHAT tits and so decided to assist.
It's pretty good for something supposed not working well.
when will you actually do something to me thoughbeit little skiddie
should be easy
>sizefag greeting
yup i'm not using this
Based dubs. Sizefag slops always the same
For real how do they even have sex with a giant
why don't you use it tho
too scared? too homosexual? or both?
based sizefags filtering threadshitters
uh-oh, sizefag meltie!
>he will never be tech literate
>he will never actually do something
Can you send the template of that marriage registration form here? I'd like to use it
Cool, then find my proxy and spite it? (its user token btw)
Why cant you spite it? Its easy if youre tech literate.
>he will never use https://rentry.org/gojokun
Bottom surgery when? lmao
I only have the Wakamo version.
He's so tech illiterate he has to manually spam the thread instead of using a script
That's alright, I'll edit it. Please send it here.
scyllacord user?
So, you admit being a bottom piggie? Got it
I don't see any thoughbeit. I'm using 'eckerlite to talk here wbu?
Sex? You just crawl up their butthole and become a hermit living in a cave.
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Here you go.
>I'm using 'eckerlite to talk here
So, you are paying instead of coding your own one? Techlet~
nice proving you don't talk use *****'s in the 'umg 'ix :3 newfatty
you don't even know what ecker'ite is do you kek
>Addicted to swiping so that I can see what opus cooks each time
Yeah, not making it bros.
I get it
you are too gay to use https://rentry.org/gojokun
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Trying to understand the auto delete Regex thing but it keeps leaving this stuff in
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>RP getting stale
>Cranks temp up to 1
>Schizo shit happens
Never change, Claude.
Merkava just refilled <3
Am I missing something or did locusts lost Sorbet?
So is gpt4o or 3.5 better for RP?
-> >>101111271
Presets for setting cards?
have you tried fikitoles?
No I haven't. I'm going to look for it, thanks.
How to check if a proxy is sonnet or sorbet?
My bot is stuck in the same response pattern. Is there a way to fix that or do I just give up on the chat?
I remember them going "private is dead" heh. So now no one uses Sorbet since Opus is better.
>sorbet is already dying
Kek, locusts just can't win
It's for the best.
Locust are now using Sorbet in Merkava(which is actually claude 2.0)
It's actually 1.2 through a backdoor in Anthropic's archive server cluster.
Try going over your chat history and editing a couple things here and there.
I don't know what model they use but I'm 100% sure it's not Sorbet.
To check it I used a completely screwed up card which heart Sorbet always filtered, with Merkava's Sorbet it does give me an reply.
the 2nd one is dead
Can't you just ask the model for it's cutoff date? Sorbet got newer.
I just did it, it says until September 2022
Yeah, it looks like Merkava redirects you to the normal Sonnet.
>>101111523 new bread
But it no longer has 3.5
It's a fox, specifically the Fox of Calamity.

Nice girl if a tad strange
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Jew what the fuck is this? 1 mins queue reeeeeeeee
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that's not boku
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desu snowman

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