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GIMP 2.99.19 can draw non-destructive circles, ovals, squares, rectangles and diamonds and dividers using this plugin. GIMP 2.10 can also use the same plugin but it is destructive (non-re-editable)

The draw a circle meme has come to an end. It is a glorious victory for GIMP and a sad day for Adobe's CEO and Klaus Schwab.
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You will eat zee bugs goy. You will own nothing and be happy goy
>he needs a third-party plugin to draw a circle
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dude a superior method to that is making stroke select and stroke fill a key binding. Also the gradient tool can make circles
>he used a plugin
you didn't draw a circle
I made the plugin
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>It will render an oval on non 16:9 canvases. Though one can manually fix this using shape squeeze slider. This seems impossible to fix but I will investigate soon
That's because its base filter is vignette and vignette does the same thing.
What I gathered from some of your posts elsewhere is that GIMPs fundamentals are actually quite good - but it's just the UI which is trash.
Does this sound approximately correct?
The GEGL stuff actually sounds pretty powerful.
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GEGL is extremely powerful and I am the only one taking advantage of it. I am doing things with GEGL GIMP's team never did. GEGL is the enchanted goat that banishes Adobe CC
Circles are just a psyop to distract you from the workings of global square.
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I was playing in the beginning first but the mood all changed
a square is just a circle with an added infinite set of odd harmonics
I learned how to play DF. I can fully immerse myself in the ASCII graphics every little char is important to me and I immediately see what is going on. However I still cannot edit a simple image in gimp without fucking it up. Never used photoshop before only gimp and it always is a piece of trash. Even freecad fixed their shit why can't gimp?
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One can apply a fill with this plugin and then apply my GEGL Effects plugin to "stylize a non-destructive circle

I am not just drawing circles I am styling them
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I have never used gimp but couldn't you just draw a square and then round its corners until it's a circle?
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GIMP can draw fancy gold circles. Can Krita draw fancy gold circles?
Reminds me of when I used Solidworks (~2017), the program would render circles as ellipses/ovals on 16:9 screens. Solidworks costs ~3k yearly per seat and is an industry standard program.
Buy an ad, Beaver.
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the 16:9 problem is not caused by any fault of my own. It has to do with how GIMP's native vignette filter works. I am simply modifying vignette to draw shapes but it has all the base problems of vignette.

This is the world I want to prevent and the one way to do it is to make video game in pic a reality.
I don't got any shekels also my plugins are free as in freedom and cost
krita can do this for years with no plugin
>gimp needs a mother fucking plugin to plop down an MSPaint circle
>The draw a circle meme has come to an end.
>The draw a circle without a plugin meme has begun.
this, even figma can do that in seconds
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I posted a video of it here doing vector layers in GIMP 2.99.19

Video of this plugins use is here

You could have just pirated Photoshop
are you aware OP is showing off styled circles and that they can be re-edited after applying.
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>literally cannot do this by default after decades of the program's existence
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but if I did that there would have never been all these GEGL plugins. Adobe is nothing but a souless corporate. GEGL has soul and a lot of it.
truly sad
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If I had my way this would be in GIMP by default. imo the problem is GIMP's team are computer science nerds they don't care about graphic design and special effects like I do.

I talk to GIMP devs a lot by the way and they are so nerdy unlike me. I only learn nerd shit just so I can make fancy blingy GIMP plugins. I focus on creative workflows in FOSS
Sorry man, but I don't use my photo editing software based on which one has "sovl".
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GIMP's team loves me and what I do but they only accepted a few plugins of mine in GIMP officially because they view GIMP as photography software not fancy pansy text styling software.

Do your plugings , at least the old ones, come with gimp or do we need to install them one by one?
Lol just asked that. Is there any repository for all the unofficial plugings?
I bet you are not the only one doing those
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Well I have a question for you. Do you want to own the software or do you want billionaires with left wing views to control the software for you?
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All my plugins are here

GEGL Effects is the main plugin that does thousands of text styles
It's pirated so I own it.
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This plugin makes thousands of text styles

Yeah, but don't you want to be a bro and make sure your neighbor can legally own the software. Either the software is the users property or a multi trillion dollar corporations property.
>but don't you want to be a bro and make sure your neighbor can legally own the software
Not really
>Even freecad fixed their shit why can't gimp?
Because all 5 serious GIMP users would bitch and moan endlessly about it fucking up their workflow.
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>we need to install them one by one?

You can download the top 30 something plugins here. Contains all the best stuff








**Linux (Flatpak includes Chromebook)**


then restart GIMP and go to GEGL operation to find the new plugins or if on 2.99.19 look in the menu

If you want to compile use meson, ninja and GEGL

This download contains 35 binaries I believe but it contains the source code of EVERYTHING
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well are you interested in battling antifa thugs? I like beating them up when I am not developing GIMP plugins
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I authentically want GIMP to be viewed as respectful software.
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This pic somes up what GIMP's team does wrong. They hide how fun the software really is.
no one else makes GEGL based GIMP plugins but me. and its been that way for over two years. I tried getting others to do it, no interest.

People in STEM don't give a fuck about graphical/creative workflows.
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i thought we were bros.... I haven't talked to you in 2 years dude..
I don't appreciate you talking to my special needs son that way. apologize now.
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> graphics software is so shit in current year that it lacks basic functions that were found in every paint program over 35 years ago
FOSS people don't value their time, so they enjoy stuff like this.
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I've been working as a professional graphics designer for 15 years and I had not to draw a circle once in all these years. What the fuck are you photoslop niggers doing? Drawing circles all day? Absolute retardation.
>professional graphics designer
> I had not to draw a circle once in all these years
that's a great story.
can someone explain how gimp is different from photoshop, photopea, inkscape, krita and graphite? To me it all looks like the same thing I don't get why people insist that photoshop is not replaceable.
>I don't get why people insist that photoshop is not replaceable.
They are either literally paid shills or just don't want to change their workflow after they already used their slop software for years. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Gimp in the current year.
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Here's a quick tutorial on how to draw a circle in GIMP without any plugin, for reference.
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That right there's not a circle, lassie.
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The entire world's economy should be interdependent on Adobe's cloud servers. This is a good thing and if you disagree you are za racist

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The good goyim at GNOME foundaiton are spending 1000s of hours studying gender pronouns and diversity as they should. The good goyim Richard Stallman promotes pro globalist views and proprietary vaccines. But there is a pesky Goy named Beaver who continues to support freedom of speech, free markets and individual liberty and that pesky GEGL goat of his thwarts my every plan .

I need to centralize as much as I can. I want to create a anti free market woke cartel economy but that pesky goat GEGL keeps getting in my way.
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dude shitposting 4chins poltard bullshit may not be the most interesting way of promoting your really good work, just saying
Nobody is taking your seriously enough, better stack on a few more vitriolic words
too perfect, checked
These addons look pretty cool
If they only fixed the retarded and unintuitive layout that makes your work take more time I'd even consider switching
>Nobody is taking your seriously enough
yet you answered retard
was meant as a constructive criticism
I like posting on 4chan. It’s why I’m here
You should learn to be more likeable. Your personality is why you’re an incel
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The sole reason I make these plugins is because I want to liberate memes from Adobe's centralized cloud servers.

I wish an anti LinkedIn website existed where I could have a anti woke resume with pictures of Ben Garrison and Moon man and other edgy memes showcasing my GIMP plugins or any other future work I'll be doing. My plugin users should feel cool knowing they are using GIMP plugins made by a chad who opposes the sjw corporate mob. Being professional is being woke imo.
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I have a plugin that renders cake text and if the shape plugin is the base it can update from a circle to a rectangle in GIMP 2.99.19
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The end of an era.
GIMP is not intended to draw a circle.
>GNU Image Manipulation Program
The GIMP software is for Image Manipulation (manipulating images) not drawing new images.
For drawing images, you need to use art software, like Krita.
There is a reward for coming up with a name for it. The competition is still running.

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>GIMP is not intended to draw a circle.
>Putting a circle on an image is not TRUE image manipulation, chud! you'll have to get a plugin for that!
The absolute state.
you select circle
selection to path
stroke path

here you go, you have a circle.
its superior to mspaint circles bc you can use any tool when strooking
Okay great, while you were busy doing that nonsense I just clicked the Circle Tool in
>throws dart at wall
Paint.NET and finished twice as fast if not faster.
now *erase a circle from your image.

ill wait.
Hey, wanna see me draw a circle?
>uses Circle Tool
Wanna see me do it again?
>presses Ctrl Z
>pressed Ctrl Y
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what a retard

<do dis
damn you took two images on two layers then used magic wand to delete the circle from the top layer, it's almost like a basic function in any paint program more advanced than MS Paint
>gets trolled by photoshop people
>starts schizoing out and joking the world economic forum wants to shut down his plugins
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>then used magic wand to delete the circle from the top layer
>you need 3 digit iq to use gimp
imagine my shock
Dead Internet makes it look like everyone is out to get you so naturally the less robust minds that browse it will succumb to the insanity
so how do i install gimp 2.99,19 on windows?
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where the pic at? :(
Make plugins for Krita.
sorry i was drunk
This is the weirdest shill talking point. I know a professional artist who has to spend a shitload of time talking to Adobe/Autodesk customer support because their products break tools every update. They never offer a working solution and the broken tools are never fixed. They just phase them out in the next update.
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Krita doesn't use the GEGL engine so I can't really do anything.
>a typeface called Frijole
I'm lazy. Believe me I could do it if I wanted but there is no motivation.
hmm ok
i just wanted example of that style to see if its worth setting it up
but i guess other examples posted here prove that enough
maybe i just wanted cyberpunk freebie
you know i confused gegl with gmic for some time
we used that framework for some light astronomy postprocesing
i was confused when people were like this is all new, and i was its been forever?
>impossible to fix
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xfig has had circles since 1985
gimpniggers never learn
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I wrote a fantasy story on how all my GIMP plugins came into existence. No other GIMP plugin developer has lore behind their plugins

lmao here we go
the 30 year+ old arguement. the original cope.
>using Linux in front of classmates
>teacher says "Ok students, now open Photoshop"
>start furiously typing away at terminal to install Wine
>Errors out the ass
>Everyone else has already started their classwork
>I start to sweat
>Install GIMP
>"Umm...what the fuck is THAT anon?" a girl next to me asks
>I tell her its GIMP and can do everything that Photoshop does and IT'S FREE
>"Ok class, now draw use the shape tool to draw a circle!" the teacher says
>start furiously typing away at terminal to install Vector Layers in GIMP via vignette
>make my 1000x1000 canvas
>use the plugin
>can only draw ovals
>I fucking break down and cry and run out the class
>I get beat up in the parking lot after school
Holy based
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Krita exists retard. GIMP and GEGL are both great regardless.
Indeed. Doing good work anon.
I'm going to be honest most of the time when I want to draw a circle I use the ellipse tool and stroke selection. But the plugin comes in hand when I need non-destructive shapes
if you werent running on 20 layers of abstraction (only 10!) you could ask wayland for the screen resolution and just fix your shit with rows
16:9 isn't the monitor its the GIMP canvas. This is the size of youtube thumbnails



Can you focus on making some innovative QUICK selection tools for Gimp?
I know the latest experimental versions have a somewhat functional quick selection tool now but it's meh.
This could be your time to shine by implementing some cutting edge shit that makes selecting individual parts a breeze. Namely selecting anime tiddies to get them on a second layer for easy resizing.
>that hideous ui
can't one of you just make a 1:1 clone of photoshop's ui on top of gimp's codebase
You didn't draw it. You will never draw a circle.
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>using Linux in front of classmates
>teacher says "Ok students, now open Photoshop"
>open GIMP 2.99.19 that's pinned to my taskbar
>on par with the rest of the class
>"Umm...what the fuck is THAT anon?" a girl next to me asks
>I tell her its GEGL/GIMP and that can do everything Photoshop does and its saving the world from George Soros and Klaus Schwab
>"Ok class, now draw use the shape tool to draw a circle!" the teacher says
>Run my vector layer plugin
>make my 1000x1000 canvas
>manually just vignette squeeze
>circle is drawn non-destructive
>see antifa thugs in the parking lot after school
>start beating them up
>talk to the teacher the next day about FOSS
> teacher agrees the whole class should use GIMP
That tool likely won't be in GIMP 3 as its dev is AWOL and it hasn't updated in close to four years. It is called "Paint Select wand"
Nobody really needs to draw a circle.
What does it mean when a geglbuffer leaks?
Should GIMP wear diapers?
is my plugin triggering that error
i love xfig
Never let programmers design the UI for productivity software.
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> dozens of clicks and fucking around
> just to draw a circle
just use affinity if you dont wanna pirate photoshop
Photoshop has bajilion features and everyone goes "but i NEED x"
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just plot each quadrant of the circle using cos/sin in the Script-Fu console, you don't need more
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GIMP or Krita
They serve different purposes, they're 2 entirely different kinds of software. That's like saying "powerpoint or excel"
outdated information award
>just type commands and do some math nerd shit to draw a fucking circle
GIMP will always be a gem doe
how did you do the bg, is it a static image?
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sadly they removed the soVl somewhere between 42-current. Though I remember your picrel still working in some of the 4X versions
I thought 4 still has the easter egg?
how does he greentext without greening
I know for a fact that it worked in 40, with the new image in vidrel, but I am too lazy to pinpoint exact version
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Collection of all GEGL easter eggs
>be me, long term gimp user
>finally mogging adobe fags
>feels good man
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This is the power of GEGL
fuck off ebussi
Plugin updated so it hides sliders in GIMP 2.99.19 when internal vignette is disabled. Also the squeeze slider has (oval to circle) text.
how much math does a plugin involve, can a simpleton like me write one in a day or so?

krita can do this for years with no plugin
krita can do this for. years with no plugin
krita can do this for years with. no plugin
krita can do this for years with no plugin
krita can do this for years with no plugin
krita can do this for years with no plugin
krita can do this for years with no plugin
krita can do this for years with no plugin

dumb fucks
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>GIMP b8 thread
My favorite
yeah but krita is for trannies
Kretins still win
You can easily make GEGL plugins because this really awesome guy named Pippin (GEGL's dev) did all the math for us. All we have to do



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>all those steps involved to create the most basic shit
>video even sped up
Shit like this proves the point that free software is in fact not free. You pay with your time.
You seem bothered that your entire thesis about GIMP missing functionality is unfounded.
>all those steps
Werkz on my machine.
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>This seems impossible to fix
>Werkz on my machine.
*just 10x slower than with any other software
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GIMP will always be a gem
why are you repeating yourself
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The secret to making the circle plugin was to invert transparency on the vignette algorithm

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