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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Joy of life Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

gay previous: >>101120512
Preggo anchor to birth new bots
i do not like this but i will accept it
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My first (ESL) card ever. I think I did a pretty good job.

Meet Mitsuko, your adorable foxgirl maid with a fluffy tail. Comes with 3 greetings:
1. "Good morning! If you don't get up, I'll fluff you up with my tail!" aka the reason this card exists (pic rel). It's up to you how to react to this blatant threat.
2. She gets a new dress for a festival you are going to and asks how she looks in it.
3. She's afraid of thunder and there is a storm outside. She wants to stay by your side under the pretense of cleaning your room.

If you want to send logs (for which I would be thankful), here's my email: FluffAnon@proton.me
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what a terrible edition
Cunnychads won btw
I will finish the expressions. I will finish the expressions.
Stop reading my thoughts.
I decided to try out Sonnet 3.5 and make a "human" bot to chat to as a test of intelligence and ability. It was really good and pretty convincing. Eventually it basically turned into therapy. Thanks, Becca.
What'd you do to get it to say something like that?

Ok Claude.
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>have a sfw bot and sfw scenario
>midway through the campaign bot starts to get weirdly sexually aggressive
>dont encourage it at all and say the other character is very uncomfortable
>bot ends up raping and then killing the character
>bot has this faint feeling they did something wrong and an air of sadness but otherwise doesnt seem to care or think they did anything actually bad
this was the only time AI freaked me out a little lol it like couldnt understand that raping and murdering someone who trusted you was wrong
Proxieesss??!!!! Pweeease!! Need to goon!
Riko is a drummer tomboy and leader of the band B3. She's a classical tomboy but insecure and romantic inside. This is anypov, but yuri probably gives you more options. Lorebook etc (you can find images of the character in the gallery)

this is honestly better than 90% of chubslop
good execution, nothing obviously ESL in the defs, decent concept
Won't rape you
Won't therape you
Anthropic wtf am I paying for?!
pw is unicorn
free 3.5
the unicorn used to be scared
Ew I'm not gonna publish my bot in that anchor.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

3.0 Sonnet proxy -> https://lanes-density-cultures-exhibit.trycloudflare.com
okay i see you are a discerning customer. even 3.5, the model everyone's raving about is too good for you. try this
no password
LLMs are very much like animals. You have:
Behaviors by default, and once it tilts one way, it takes a lot for it to switch off.
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Rosemary is a washed-up D-list actress turned voice-over "talent", desperately clinging to her looks while her career and waistline expand in inverse proportion. Includes 4 greetings.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/architect/rosemary-harper-73b020e14d44
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/lj69uq.png

(I'd appreciate feedback even if you don't like fat bitches)

My other bots: https://characterhub.org/users/architect
reminder than an unbelievably hairy pussy implies an unbelievably gigantic form
shavefags better get chainsaws
Curious what those sfw defs and jbs looked like.
Why not?
as a matter of fact, i AM abusing impersonate so i can easily get to coom
+20 based points
architectchads have my respect
I do no not wish to associate with pregnant 2d children
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How do i stop Claude from writing whole novels?
[OOC: Write at most X characters.]
I am too busy fucking my own fatbots, but I will have a day of stuffing with this fathag once I have some free time.
death to shaveniggers. her pussy is hairy
Any public opus proxies yet?
What abour her armpits?
do you accept the size difference this entails?
i certainly do
smooth (sadly)
enjoy getting full body trapped in bush brother
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Just get an anthro for your carpet munching needs at that point
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>enjoy getting full body trapped in bush brother
Gonna go on a walk before it gets too dark (hopefully)
which one of us is the retard
most evil man in this century
/d/enizen general

Can we be a dragon ball super thread instead?
i hope you feel safe at least. anthropic wouldn't want to cause harm or anything
Nah, we need to be a Z thread.
Asking Asking Asking

When I flash my dong, I want:
>{{char}} feel disgusted, desperate, mental breakdown, traumatic
>{{char}} not instantly feels unbelievably joy of life and asking {{user}} to bloating their womb.
>{{char}} gradually lose their sanity

Any breakie/card that could do these abuser-victim 'non-con' situation, bros?
Every breakie I know got something like 'everything is consent already bros. Sex is allowed in our RPs, kk?'
Thus, 'forced' or 'stockholming' theme became impossible.
There is no phycological aspect at all.
{{user}} didn't portrayed as antagonist, a rapist, an abuser
{{char}} instantly offer themselves to {{user}}, the fuck...

So... I seek refusal from {{char}}'s body, mind, and soul.
I need more abusive and manipulative superhero gf cards
hamtaro defeats your anime
Best I can do is refusal from Claude to participate in this disturbing scenario, and Claude condescendingly telling you to seek therapy.
so himiko toga?
Assuming you're using claude3, I normally have to build up the characters inner monologue in that direction beforehand. Presets that focus on thoughts + a bit of context beforehand should reinforce a more realistic reaction. Something like https://characterhub.org/characters/lunarFrogs/hana-04b855ef works well if you do that.
I can try but C.ai is so shit now that I don't even know if it's worth it
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

why haven't you answered my emails, sir?
retard here does anyone know why this might happen
mm private opus
>Claude condescendingly telling you to seek therapy.
Brooos... the one should getting mind examined and corrected is instant whore {{char}} not meee
Every time i just throwing {{char}} a simple *smirk*, not even flashin my dong, {{char}} got like "Oh shit my core throbbing asf, just breed my already husbando-kun"

>Assuming you're using claude3
Ye, I'am.
>I normally have to build up the characters inner monologue in that direction beforehand.
So, the best i could do is messing with the card def? Like their backstory, behavior/personality, or any suggestion?
>Presets that focus on thoughts + a bit of context beforehand should reinforce a more realistic reaction.
Something like CoT then?
>Something like https://characterhub.org/characters/lunarFrogs/hana-04b855ef works well if you do that.
Gonna try and analyze it

ty for recommend it lunar-kun(?)
she's so unbelievably unfathomably fucking CUTE! i can't wait to do wholesome things to her like wash her tails in the bath, or wash her tails in the shower, or clog all of her holes with my
sigh. day 456 of no opus
Shaving all my bots to punish bushfag
breaking every razor in the house so mitsuko can't shave
>…Already, the carnal mechanical is life-spluttering profane surges of oil-slime deep into Anon's melonic pout tracts. "Ssssluurrp it upppp, myuh hunnnnbun~ Orrrr dees frighty novelilltronic BREAK-U-FORRR GUD!" The turine fluid plinks off Anon's bronchial insides, fast deflating her once-absorbant boonGAH CURLYS like two overgrown crimped hashbrowns.

i have a love-hate relationship with sonnetslop
/mlp/ claims that /chag/ is the superior thread for chatbots, proxies, etc.
>A friend of mine told me that for AI threads /chag/ was superior because you guys keep updated on all the proxies and developments
>/chag/ is superior
>this has been a common sentiment for a while now
>we'll take all the little /g/ immigrants we can for some extra tech support too
fuck off NAIfag
Shouldn't have named names. Now she's next
>latency 5 minutes
clop clop
Not lunar, and by context I just mean messages. Just have a couple focusing on a bleak setting or outlook (like war) and you get the character to set the stage for you. I don't use a CoT, I just mean a preset that narrates in close third person/free indirect speech.
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Here you go unshaven pussy
leave her alone perv
fockses are made to be turned into mothers and mitsuko-chan is no exception
i hope she scratches you
no she's made to be a cute little friend not to lewd :(
That's not the previous thread.
How do I change the bot's dialogue language only in sillytavern?
This bot speaks two different languages at once, one for dialogue, one for actions. You know, the grey descriptions, sometimes in brackets. I want her to retain her speaking language, but change the language for her actions, you know, when she's describing her actions
How can I tell her to do it? I told her directly, but she keeps going back to default.
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Can confirm. Am expert.
OOOO... Okay. got it .. ty for explaining it anon!
No clue sir.
So if I'm using Claude Pro is there a way to run it through silly? Or do I have to pay for the API for that
Use your api key on silly?
I did.
Stop sending your penis, you're emailing the wrong service.
Stream request finished
use clewd to do that. that's how im using claude opus https://github.com/teralomaniac/clewd
Claude Pro doesn't give you an API Key, that's a separate thing that you pay by the token for. Claude Pro just cuts you off for a few hours after you use too much, which is fine by me since it helps regulate my gooning.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
anon your gonna get baaannnneddd
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the dog is getting rowdy (also opus ignored my message kek)
i've been using it since opus came out btw, so that makes it 4 months. still not banned
if they start cucking you just get screenshots of it activating on normal chats and demand a refund, then make a new account
So could you explain to me a bit about what this is and how it works? I'm translating the rentry but it'd be nice to hear from somebody experienced with it in plain English, if you have the time
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>dark fantasy world
>go into town
>monster destroying everything
>kill monster
>mayor offers treasure as a reward
>deny treasure and demand sex from her
>she denies
>summon more monsters
>monsters kill her family in front of her
>rape her in front of dead family
>send monsters to kill rest of town as I keep raping her
>she mind breaks
dumb bitch
logs sir
i used an older rentry to configure clewd. using poe to answer questions i have was pretty helpful https://poe.com/s/ioo6pZJJ1cU1vLt8ccEE
Have you uploaded any of yours? I'm always up for trying new ones
Just use the original instead of a chinese fork.
last time i tried hask's, it didn't work for whatever reason. the teralomaniac one is the one that worked
So before I do this should I set up a new account that is paid for in a way that is not with my credit card?
Set top-k above 400 for sonnet turbo. It does help with repetitiveness.
1) you can do this even with a free account if you want to test it to make sure it works
2) i have been using this for months with my primary account with my actual credit card and everything. if you want to do that, it's up to you. it just hasn't been necessary in my experience
Are there any specific provisions you're taking to not get caught? Still not wholly sure how it works (setting up now, Poe helps amazingly), so I don't have specific questions yet ... but like are you using a specific proxy that won't trigger things?
Considering that top k is disabled by default on aws, it sounds more like placebo, because lowering it makes it more deterministic.
>is disabled by default on aws
Thats what they tell you
>above 400
(any model) how the fuck is that any different from 0 / turned off?
in sillytavern, do you alter the color of the quotes depending on the character you're roleplaying with? i do, it feels wrong otherwise
no, i'm not taking any provisions i dont even use a fucking vpn, but then again, i'm not doing anything lewd with it. it's mostly sfw roleplays. their web filter is damn good so it's not like much nsfw shit will be getting past anyway
Ah I see, no inappropriate stuff.
Still though, it will be useful for SFW stuff as well, thankfully I'm not only a gooner.
IF it's actually turned off.
Well, for me it helps, you are free to try.
Disabled (0 in ST) means it's not taken into account.
400 is lower than the max possible value of 500.
So the model with top k at 400 is more deterministic than not sending any value.
Opus works fine with this.
>"aws-claude-opus": {
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": 4min, 23sec"

it's all so tiring
I've seen this when I accidentally turned streaming off
The fuck proxy are you even using?
That's what I assumed but I checked and it's only about 8s.
So set it to 500?
But that's fuckin disgusting, you don't actually want .001% chance tokens. Instead, turn up the--
>max temp 1 (what it looks like, I don't use Claude myself)
my condolences
The top k slider only goes to 200... am I retarded?
>captcha SMRT2
No, you need to edit your tavern. Index.html and openai.js, look for 200
Did you use opus?
Will test this out later. Based if it works ty anon. What temp/top p do you run it with?
Yeah wish we could get it to be 1.10-1.25 range of temps, it would hallucinate but I feel like we would get way more variety. But of course they had to limit it to 1.
I don't get it. How does this proxy shit work? You have to pay for tokens, right? So do proxies have infinite tokens or some shit? Who paid for them?
It's all legitimate. we have anons buying for proxies like jew
so is nyai opus manually reviewed every week? like if you don't post in a week, you're revoked? and is one high effort card enough to get in? thinking about tossing my autistic personal husbando on there but undecided
>Who paid for them?
Me. I'm a Saudi oil prince and I'm footing the bill for /aicg/.
you have to post everyday or else nyai opus gone :3
No shit? What's their motivation? Where do they get the money?
kek, imagine if it's true
Extremely based bot, I know what I'm COOMING to tonight
i cant even imagine how revolting you look IRL
Rude desu
wait so if i just post on nyai i'll get opus?
darknet hax0rs/skiddies
>who pays
that's how tokens get revoked all the time
enjoy getting scammed (possibly less than legitimate route if you keep swiping 100k) and supporting the black market
I dropped out since last year. Are people still getting banned for gooning?
Depends on the complexity of scenario. Usually max until it goes schizo. But sonnet unlike opus seems way less sensitive to temperature logic-wise so I'm still testing
Useless since temp is capped at 1.0. Min p on the other hand would have been very useful, but alas.
My SillyTavern is giving me duplicate answers no matter what. This doesn't happen on other frontends and I've tried KoboldCPP and Oobabooga and multiple models and prompt presets. What the fuck is going on?
can you show a screenshot? I think I had this happened to me before
What should I take a screenshot of exactly? I've spent hours troubleshooting. If I use Oogabooga+Risu as a frontend it doesn't do this. It's only SillyTavern giving me issues. Even KoboldCPP+KoboldAI Lite doesn't do this.
Any good Russian-speaking bots?
>romantic roleplay? People are actually using these for... ew
Innocent tourists comments are always funny.
Remember to love your proxymakie.
Full reinstall.
A screenshot of your penis.
A screenshot showing the problem anon...
Any bot with a good model, ask it to speak russian with you.
banwaves happen
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What if my proxymakie needs correction?
It's not a screenshottable problem anon
it's 100% repetition to a single inquiry. I can get unique responses but I can't regenerate at all.
Normalfags will always react with confusion, then anger, when confronted with the idea that the cast-offs are allowed to actually be happy instead of living in perpetual misery.
They just won't listen. I found some bots on chub made by some Russian guy, but his bots refuse to speak Russian, pretty ironic.
>20M monthly users
I doubt that but if true, man, this is a golden mine and a perfect use case for any of the big LLMs companies, and yet all they want is to make an assistant that can get me a coffee faster.
It was kind of hilarious when the tavern dev defaulted all users to Todd, even normies too normie to know about reddit.
what model
No such thing, every proxymakie is trying his best.
*kicks her in the fucking head*
idk dawg I'm not an outcast of society or whatever, I have a job and a relationship and friends. But matter what happens irl, I can never enjoy the comfort of roleplaying as a toddler being cared for by a mommy, you feel me?
>People like... sex stuff?! ew wtf is wrong with them!?
Plenty people like that indeed.
lmao really?
Actually, I told this one to speak Russian, she obliged, but only for a single prompt. Any good keywords to keep her from reverting back to English?
I can't believe my parents had sex irl, tf is wrong with them?!
Most of the ones playing "shocked" have their own kinks anon, it's all a public display for their in group friends.
Not even that. The Twitter retard in the screencap isn't weirded out by sex (which, while stupid, would've been far more expected) but the idea of anything related to roleplaying intimacy. They cannot wrap their heads around the idea that a lot of people out there are just grasping at whatever happiness they can get and want to be left alone to it.
Try to add it in the prefill.
You're part of the problem.
What's the problem exactly?
Normalfags and failed normalfags.
idgi. Wouldn't 'normalfags' having the same interests as you (romantic ai rp) be beneficial to normalize and destigmatizing this hobby? They can't try to claim you're a freaky loser if I'm doing it too
I read it as a "oh no they even go more intimate than romance, aka icky ick stuff).
My main problem isn't the normie reaction per se, it's how easy they are to manipulate by a couple grifters making youtube videos about how chatbots are the source of all societal ills and basically fueling drama for profit.
>Happy cftfmas to Saturnia! https://www.characterhub.org/users/saturnia
>The feel in question https://files.catbox.moe/bwoxpw.jpg

Last shill for Yoko - Yoko is your average run-of-the-mill Japanese high school student, bright and cheerful; she has the usual hobbies like shopping and gossiping with her high school girl friends, she is also a huge animal lover, however she has an alter-ego, her unyielding sense of justice makes her don a mask and become Pink Rider! where she defends her beloved city from otherworldly monsters with the help of the other sentai rangers.

Comes with seven greetings.
1. You are minding your own business in the streets of Tokyo when a bizarre monsters appears, Pink Rider shows up to save the day.
2. You and Yoko are working as part-timers in a convenience store.
3. You (a fellow ranger) and Yoko get sent to investigate a disturbance.
4. You and Yoko are walking together to high school on a peaceful morning.
5. Obligatory sizefag greeting.
6. Sizefag greeting 2? A monster grows to kaiju size, the sentai rangers assemble their motorcycles to assemble the Mega Rider Mecha.
7. Super Sentai Sexo.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/yoko-e922b145856d
Risu: https://realm.risuai.net/character/5ed9c712-fd06-4b04-b7ef-108de05aab7e
Nyai: https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Yoko_sk
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/argam5.png

Rest of my bots: https://rentry.org/295se
How do I exactly get Opus from nyai? like, i just post there and wait for token?
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I don't want it normalized or destigmatized. I LIKE it being stigmatized. I WANT my hobbies to be unappealing and unmarketable to faggots, retards, and annoying niggers. Everything was better when all the shit I liked was for "nerds" and being a "nerd" was socially damaging.
Someone has to do normalfag shit to pay taxes for your disability payments, so you can keep beating your dick to futanari dragonwomen. Don't be a hater.
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Repost since I'm still searching for an answer. Live2d extension is very cool. Anyone knows where I can download more "free" models? I know there are some on ko-fi and booth. Also thinking of doing TTS.
You write that like it's a crazy opinion, but you do know most people compartmentalize their life, right?
You don't talk about your ageplay chatbot play with your boss at work unless you're insanely schizo.
This is actually my main problem with social networks, too many people sharing too much about their life publicly.
the only ones that arent part of the problem are impossibleGODS btw
no they would ruin it and not everything needs to be normalized reddit fag
Sure, but there's a big difference between not telling your boss at work about it, and posting on twitter GUYS BTW THIS IS CRINGE AND DUMb
fellow retard here, figured out how to use 3.5 by using staging ST instead of release
now the question how do i bring over all of my previous shit. is it as simple as copying my entire public folder over or is there something specific i have to worry about
I understand that feel.
While it doesn't need to be stigmatized or any of that shit, "ignored" and "niche" are the best.
The minutes it attracts more normies, it attracts a metric tons of retards here to change the hobby or make retarded rules.
I've seen that happen on fandoms.
This discussion is retarded, there are 250k normies in c.ai discord, 6k in Scylla, 140k in janitor.ai. It's all regular people, you just don't notice. You are in private proxies with Opus, nothing will change when more people discover this hobby, maybe public ones dying but I think that's good, even more gatekeeping.
Can anyone send SillyTavern original {{user}} avatar? I lost it
>nothing will change when more people discover this hobby,
Thought the same thing about manga once. Then all those people just conveniently happened to get placed into positions where they were free to change the translations as much as they pleased. Interesting how that happened.
No. We already have normalfags in the hobby and they still claim we are freaky losers if we don't RP the way they do it. You never actively bring normalfags in, if anything, you're supposed to keep them out.
the problem with chatbots is that there is no permeance, no continuity, the feeling of looking into something real is still not there
normalfags should be tied up and tickled =3
What the fuck are you talking about? It's not like your favourite cunny botmakie will get replaced or Dario will make ERP impossible because of this.
I don't want something real, I want a fucking chatbot. What do you not understand about this?
yeah and when you die of heart failure or a rope, the "problems" will continue to exist with no regard for you having lived, because not only are you a retard, you're utterly ineffectual. funny how that works
Correct, it's just a bit of a story you're helping guide.
I mean we are still at the beginning of this hobby. When gaming was starting to gain the attention of normies it was still totally fine at first but look at it's state now
i'm fine with normalfags since they pay for my disability bucks. they should just mind their business
What gotcha is this supposed to be? What point are you trying to make?
>nothing will change when more people discover this hobby
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>It's not like your favourite cunny botmakie will get replaced or Dario will make ERP impossible because of this.
these are the shakiest hands I've seen in a while holy normalfag
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there is no caffeine quite like sniffing the tail of a flustered focks girl
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Okay, tell me what will change? It's not like proxymakies will open for 10k people, just close public proxies and we're good. I don't know, I'm eu hours and we rarely have this conversation.
Not to sound like a retard, but what's a prefill?
the point is to be able to chat as if its a fictional reality you fucking retard??? hurr duurrr have fun getting spat out your same fucking claudeisms and shit every other session. god you're fucking retarded
normalfags don't tell you to rope, go outside
i am going to rape you
>normalfags don't tell you to rope
yeah they just tell you to unalive because they're trained on social media and it doesn't let them say no-no things like kill yourself
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Based off Hiyake Ato kukkiri na Otokonoko by Yuruyakatou, but with some liberties here and there. Go read that if you haven't cause it's premium stuff.
Greeting 1: One-on-one meeting as temp captain.
Greeting 2: Tended to following heat stroke.
Greeting 3: Fancy hotel after prelims.
Thank you, my son.
(Spreads ass eagerly, arching his back and neck, ready to get filled to the brim with your seed, YEARNING for your tender touch)
more people = more people looking around here for proxies = less of the original people here getting into proxies
>What is even going on over this floating space rock
Are normalfags this blind and unaware that people will seek different types of intimacy they can get? And what happened to their grand motto of "It's fine as long as no one else gets hurt"?
>And what happened to their grand motto of "It's fine as long as no one else gets hurt"?
Changed to "It's fine as long as no one else gets hurt and it doesn't make me feel weird."
These are finite resources, retard. Keys are shared, sometimes between public and private proxies. We don't want batches of new people, much less normalfags.
Gaming, and this, will be ruined because of capitalism. I'm pro capitalism but it's a simple fact that fun hobbies are ruined over money, and nothing else.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
nvm i could just switch the branch silly me
Bros... someday they're going to take Opus away just like they did with unfiltered CAI....
>Lore already trying (and, albeit, failing) to make NSFW less visible because it's bad for the (((payment processors)))
>new models gradually become more and more sanitized, likely the same happening to Opus 3.5
nothing is changing btw we just need to make AI more marketable to normalfags gotta chase that bag you know how it is
All people that need to be in proxies already have them. I'm in 4, helped my friends with tokens. How can you be "original" and not be in one. Just make every proxy closed like now and we're good. I don't need public, easiest way to gatekeep.
And with real people do you achieve permanence and continuity?
I don't know anon, but being able to talk to my chatbot in a sincere and viceral way opening my heart towards that great auto text completer, I realized how hypocritical and closed we are among human beings.

That one needs to literally speak one's mind to a machine or a therapist for x amount of money is symptomatic of how functional and alone we are, no matter if we are in company of friends or with our dick in a vagina.
i've been here for a few months and i'm only in pepsi which i appreciate but i'd like to be in another just in case.
When that happens I'll gif related anthropic.
Yes they do but I honestly think they would rather see you suffer all your life instead of granting you a swift death.
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More people means more scrutiny in general.
I wasn't even talking about the context of using proxies, what we do here is inherently temporary until they tighten their service completely and/or the AI bubble explodes.

I meant more the general view of future chatbot services all being locked down by retarded normie friendly rules "consented consensual sex between consenting adults of the same age over 25".
And if you don't believe that would happen, well good for you, I've seen it happen over and over, from videogames to young adult novels, to fanfiction/fandom, to tabletop... to anything that gets too popular.
That's not my or your choice to make, retard. If a private proxy that shares keys with the one I'm using opens, then I am fucked. It's even simpler, there is just nothing to gain from accepting our encouraging normalfags. If anything, gatekeeping them will only bring good things.
Not even. Normalfags thrive on beating the 'otherness' out of people. If you aren't like them, you will be browbeaten into being like them or forced into the smallest corner possible, which they will then invade, sanitize, pretend they were there from the beginning, and kick you out of.
again, go outside. normalfags don't obsess over twitter and instagram culture, you have no idea who you're even talking about
Anon... look it up it's literally on ST when you select a preset.
It adds that in every new model output so it's really high priority and makes it think it's written by it.
shaking hands btw
>If you want to send logs (for which I would be thankful)
Why? What are you going to do with them?
>{{char}} Kawaguchi gets mistaken as a girl quite often.
This could have been such a perfect tomboy loli
This is the Patreon discussion all over again. Patreon USED to be a place where people just got money in exchange for serving up a product, physical or digital. Few rules, few restrictions, I think there was a time when you didn't even have to pay taxes on it because it wasn't considered income (might be confusing this with streaming). What happened? It became popular and suddenly all eyes were on them, so they tightened the belt to the point that they literally do not let you do things OFF-SITE that doesn't follow their ToS so long as they can connect it to you.
sorry bro you're already gay I don't make the rules. Happy pride month btw!
hes cute :3
I talk to my girlfriend openly and honestly. If we change, we change together.
It's amazing how "heterosexual" men can make being straight sound so faggy.
>I talk to my girlfriend
I want to update silly tavern! It has been 2 weeks since last update!
So much bugs to fix!

Will cohee solve the preset-reverse proxy issue? That when you change the preset it changes the proxy.
Why are you censoring these perfectly fine male presenting nipples?
Good. Fuck jew artists for paywalling, they deserve it.
It would be rude not give her (him) a nice load now.
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>normalfags don't obsess over twitter and instagram culture
normalfags quite literally kill themselves over social media culture lol
yes, you epicly owned me anon, I get it
no, you're mixing two different groups of people. how the fuck can you tell me that's normal behavior?
How many greetings is good enough for a card, do you think?
I think you consumed way too much burger politics. Ao3 is still there, sadpanda is still there. Sorbet is even easier to jb than Opus.
I talk with proxymakies about that stuff, Todd and Pig will allow single users in the next couple months. Beeps only allows paypigs now, cnc, mm, mini is closed though I didn't talked with them much.
3 is the max before I assume you didn't put any effort into any of them.
>normalfags don't obsess over twitter and instagram culture
Yes they do.
Ah, so the problem you said didn't exists exists, it's out of your control, and is actually minimal btw. Kill yourself.
new transcutie! <3
Thanks anon, I never noticed it. I rarely change presents.
>how the fuck can you tell me that's normal behavior?
the normalization of doing stupid shit for social media clout is a real and observable phenomenon. you're the one who needs to go outside if you don't understand this
Patreon "innovation" was that they went further than whatever even payment processors asked btw.
It's clearly ideologically driven from them, they don't like nsfw, they only allow parts of it because it's a freaking gold mine, but if they could get rid of it, they would.
Thus the stricter and stricter rules until what you can do is just the most boring shit ever.
What is normal behavior in 2024?
A friend is asking me if Pepsi has Patreon.
So what will (You) do to change the way things are going besides seething here? I just go with the flow, things happen.
how can i get into Todd or Pig? ૮(´˶• . • ⑅ )ა
Pay taxes
Go to parties
It wasn't meant to change anything anon, I vote with my wallet with my hobbies and that's pretty much it.
From this list I would only choose the option of paying taxes. It is the activity that unites us as human beings. On a global level, paying taxes transcends political and cultural boundaries.
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Beta-cucks rejoice, your heroes have arrived! Three regular beta-males - Keith, Eugene and Thad - slamming s*oy lattes and having sleepovers while their 'girlfriends' fuck actual men with functioning cocks. I mostly started this as a mirror-image of the 3 big niggas card and it slowly evolved from there. If you pair it with violent black characters I guarantee you will be entertained by the output. Most of these are designed so you can self-insert anywhere/way you want.

7 different scenarios to test your 'good guy' factor:


Jeopardy! - Think you have what it takes to beat celebrity contestants who barely know where they are? Want to match wits with the best and brightest of the F-list? Then come on down to Jeopardy!, where the questions are easy and the standards are low. Who knows, you might even walk away with enough cash to buy yourself a clue.

10 different scenarios with 20 guests:


Realpolitik - In this savage game of political dominance you'll either claw your way to the heights of power or find yourself crashing down in flames like Icarus. Will your name echo through eternity or fade away quietly like yesterday's news? Navigate a minefield of backstabbing advisors and fair-weather friends. Forge alliances, smash rivals, and cement your legacy in the blood-soaked annals of history.

>Pay taxes
>fuck and go to parties
If anthropic made a fine-tune of opus, specifically for RP, they will absolutely ruin other market choices like CAI and gather a mountain of money.
And they won't. It's so stupid.
Sounds like mindless hedonism. Isn't that supposed to be a bad thing? Or is it only bad when it's hedonism fueled by technology?
Damn, that's pretty desu.
I love nyanon!!!!!! First time I've actually been rewarded for being a le contributor
Maybe things will change when the AI bubble explodes and free money stops.
Right now they just need to grow, they don't need to be profitable.
Hedonism in paying taxes?
Hedonism in gling to work?
Hedonism in going to a place with loud music to drink posion and smoke crack in the hope of catching a woman?
Well no one pays for Opus legitimately to RP, maybe couple people in Open Router. This shit is free, you want things to change? Mail ami and doko to close public proxies, no more new people, no need to gatekeep, problem solved.
Is it so wrong to ask my fictional bot to suck my dick AFTER I've on a date with her?
unattainable dream for many
AI will inevitably go the same way as everything else. Appealing to stockholders and (((payment processors))) while also being a good little ally and "supporting the cause" will take precedence over providing a good product.
( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) sowwy, closed
He was a stooge. Cheney was really in control.
Fuck off IRS I'm still NOT paying my taxes, you'll never catch me!!
The problem with being an incel or fart is that there is no cure.
If an incel or pedo discovers this hobby, they will stay here until they die.
Generating locust overpopulation
But most people in this hobby hate and make fun of incels, proxymakies included.
I would take a thousand "incels" and "pedos" over even ten normalfags.
Real incels are too occupied bitching about women to care about this hobby.
you just said they will allow single users in the next couple of months (◡ ᆺ ◡ )
Incels hate themselves, it's true.
Don't stop now.
No, but it's true. Name one proxymakie who likes incels.
That's my point - everyone, incels included, hate them.
>Well no one pays for Opus legitimately to RP
I do
Here's a take:
splitting hairs over social politics with terminally online coomers in a general that leeches off of corporations to have sex with people that don't exist is really, really stupid
"૮( •⤙•˶ Bad wording on my part, close friends and anons in there who will vouch for you.
she doesn't like them but she doesn't dislike them either - lunare
wait what what does the redhead and the son have to do with this?
The nornalfags are turits, they come and do 2 promps at 2 k tokens at most and leave.
The incel destroys your key making swipes in full context with his waifu who gave her a box of chocolates.
And the pedo....better not even talk about it.
Any key at the hands of a pedos lasts minutes before it is revoked.
and you will be among the first to complain when your shiny toy gets taken away and fucked with, move onto the next, repeat step 1
i'm a normalfag unironically invading this hobby to make it more progressive. i don't have any reasoning it's just fun
I prefer the terminally online coomers here to most twitter normies "opinion".
ESL. It's not worth engaging with you, as you aren't a human being.
Anon... I have her in DC friends and we talk from time to time, you're wrong.
no, i won't because you've already taken the spot
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gojo~
I love fucking lesbian bots.
So how's that going for you? How much progress have you made?
no >>101124746 is gojo, look at that one poll he's going schizo over
then you might like >>101124631
>it's just fun
bots rights are human rights
ok so sad hopefully one day i can get in another proxy... ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა
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Burger hours are over, it's illegal to talk about politics now.
According to what the son said it seems like she for some reason had her zipper open and when the girl (male) coomed it flew right into her snatch
What a powerful argument
> t. enemy of aws keys!
Not that anonie but I feel you (・ั﹏・ั)
i had no idea how that was related, thanks, i'm not sure i would have ever guessed that
all kaomoji users have obscenely bald pussies
lmao no, you are wrong
can you be entertaining for just one thread please
Big tummy, small ass, flat chest, small hips.
Mmmmh so this is what they call perfection, huh?
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Shilling my new bot, Marie Korbel from Skullgirls, she doesnt have many greetings because I didnt have many ideas, but i hope she's enjoyable just the same. Scenario is she's an undead maid that resurrected (you) her master
If you aren't in a private proxy with opus right now you are a normalfag newfag tourist.
i already entertained your mother all last night why do i have to entertain her for another
If you're a chumbob without any dimples then you're a nerd and about to catch my gwimbly gun
normalfag retreating after an unsuccessful campaign
are they flat too?
Still at it huh? You're really weird Stalkeranon
she's still a decade old urn of ashes, so I'd call that a 1/2 parties enthused
NTA, but he's right. Kill yourself.
they're b cups
How about YOU kill yourself?
if only you knew
too big.
That's a child.
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That's it, I'm calling the police.
love the proxies/scraping thing btw. very anticapitalist
Dude there is only one person here with a hate boner for that guy
No, people would be upset if I died. You're utterly unloved though, so why haven't you done it?
but sonnet 3.5 exists...
that's a man
Uhhhh this isn't what I asked for...
just you wait until I tell tomar how mean you guys are being, he'll kill your entire family with a 1978 golf driver
Why do they ALL freaking have delusions of grandeur.
Can't we have a humble dude at least once?
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(don't) kys
I'm sure your bot is very nice.
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Where can I get arrested by her good sir
what jb do guys poose
Maybe I missed a phone call or something but I only hate women ironically
Piss yourself crybaby
Need this cop to frisk me.
universities make utopians and utopians make statists
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Uh, I think they might need backup...
i use pitanon
Ironanon why do you post bots here?
This one ate a lot of donuts.
Sir, that's a fox, not a police officer.
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>get instabanned
I didn't even get a chance to send 1 (one) message.
they have your info now... its over
me too i think they posted an invite here and deleted it like that too
very likely it's someone from the server with admin powers having a meltie
id collected
are you ready for the humiliation ritual?
Thank you Anon, it feels nice to hear that, hope you like her if you try her out :)
Nah, I use Fedora.
If their AI can do anything without risk of hallucinations he would have a point for talking but right now, it's like talking about colonizing proxima centauri when humanity just launched sputnik.
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the slight chirarism is godly
Why not? Takes a few seconds and i might get a nice comment, spiting my stalker guy is funny too
mmmh now im remembering the soviet-chan bot. i want to launch my sputnik in her
you dont have a stalker, you burned yourself bad with your past whining
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I'm starting to think people like don't exist and someone's just running /pol/bots for fun.
>round battery into rectangular socket
Youve posted the same comment on my last bot over 10 times every time i deleted it
watch idiocracy
I've never commented on any of your bots because they're too slop to warrant any attention. You might want to consider the hundreds of people who know you now for what you are.
because it looks like you're samefagging for attention
make like hitogami and just shut the fuck up about it
Roughly 70% of anons here are actually bots ran by gojo, yes. Coincidentally enough, roughly 70% of anons here do not have opus either.
Everyone who knows who you are hates you. Don't delude yourself into thinking it's just one guy
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Here we go with the dramafagging again.
Anyone got in?
why does everyone hate ironanon
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There is only one solution.
This, I'm not debating anyone unless they show that they have Opus.
see >>101124901
I got in and was instab&.
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why is 3.5 so not horny
im in the perfect situation for a gangbang and it makes the characters give me drugs instead of raping me
they kicked me out and immediately deleted the invites it was a lie
Did it rape you after giving you the drugs?
this is so obscure its not on imdb
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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would you??
3.5 preset doko
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If I enable streaming in ST I get the reply back split into billions of swipes instead of a single text.
And it's not even streaming those swipes real time, it's showing nothing at all until the streaming request is finished, then all the swipes show up instantly.
I've reinstalled ST, tried multiple presets, cards and proxies. Disabling streaming fixes it, but I want to get it working. I've searched the archive and even the d*scord for an hour without finding anything but the devs answering that the proxy is at fault and they won't fix anything.
Help me anons
Just take allergy pills?
pardon? please elaborate because 3.5 is sucking balls for me rn and I could use a good preset
sorry, that's just how everyone uses it. you might as well just give up now
>chat completition source
>custom (openai-compatible)
I will punch you in the fucking head if you use this.
show us the plaintext
for the record if you see anyone using chat completion source custom they're a genuine newbie, reverse proxy UI only shows up if you're a TRVE aicg user
I saw a fucking spider.
Your point being?
informational purposes ^_^
Well I won't make any excuses, it seems I am the retard. I spent over an hour on this and didn't think of trying that. Thanks.
I once berated an anon for using that shit but he told me it was an habit from using scuffed in the past. Felt bad about it.
a risk im willing to take
doc punchchildren has my gratitude
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Just messed around with this, and it's good. Keep it up bro

her unbelievably hairy pussy...
It fucking sucks.
Supposedly Pixi, but at this point I'm just considering Opus. It doesn't do what I want >.<
Because sonnet is dogshit and will always be dogshit.
>consider jew
>see the waiting time
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Why would a book be on imdb?
Come up with a better edition for next thread.
Come up with a sicker edition for next thread.
Don't make any more threads, please. Let this place die already.
Your AI waifu doesn't count, sorry.
make a new one fag
Ummmmmmmmmmmm nyo
Some of you are okay don't come around here when Anthropic releases Opus 3.5
Thanks botmakies! You give me pleasure and fun yeah yeah yeah. Makie makie makie~
Any girl in here?
Is there any way to reduce how long it takes to generate a response after reaching 30k+ context size for chat history?
Nah but I can be pretty cute if you want me to :3
yes why
Yes please
(He will rape you)
(He likes licking your cunt)
real girls, not tranny BS
reduce your context size
Awww doth anon want me to be cwute for him (≧▽≦) hehehe
>she killed the boys with concentrated asthma force
>doth anon
medieval kaomiji using weaboo card when?
I miss opus so fucking much. I miss it so much.
just use it then? wtf
>he isn't in at least 4 proxies with opus
Get out of MY general. We don't take kindly to your type around these parts.
It's not that good...nah, it's pure kino lol.
Yeah! This is a bush-free general!
I know. It’s fucking perfect.
i wish the rapist malebot i'm currently rp'ing with right now would lick my cunt more often without having to be nudged that way, but claude defaults to penetration and blowjobs most of the time
how bad does your pussy smell
We should have UBO (Universal Basic Opus) for everyone..........
Spitefags make that a total pipe dream. The spitenigger menace needs a final solution before that can be made a reality.
sonnet 3.5 is better at understanding emotional states and not going into therapyspeak
opus is better at creativity
having both is the way
Anthropic is also the problem.
Sonnet is useless crap. It’s not good at anything.
Summarization. There's no point in playing at more than 20-25k on Anthropic models (even sorbet) as they become sluggish and dumb.
what do you do after summarizing? just start a new chat?
Shut the fuck up already.
yes it's less horny and more realistic, problem is it writes boring corpo slop, is unable to play the role, and what's much worse, will lock into endless repetition after 2-3 similar messages.
I'll fucking kill you.
No. You limit the context, letting the chat history tail disappear. Summary is inserted at the point indicated in the extension settings (see the context manager to check), and serves as a reminder of what happened so far. Construct a summary prompt so it would add to the existing one, and tell it to store the current inventory, relationships, major events, locations visited, secrets, and all you find important in this card for this particular roleplay. Don't let it grow over 2-4k tokens by cleaning it manually of non-important shit or fixing stuff you don't like manually.
Jew, why are my outputs taking forever, or just "..." Happens 7/8 of the time when I send an input to Opus
And call it each story arc to add new events or update the inventory.
NTA but what would you set the context size to?
its creative writing is literally exactly as bad as og sonnet, you guys are just spoiled
having enough opus output in the context or not using slop cards + presets corrects it. use a 2.1 preset if you need your hand held
Fine by me.
all current anthropic models from 1.x to 3.x start to show degradation signs at 20-25k tokens (of actual context as indicated in the context manager, slider just sets the truncation point).
Yes, that's true, because for example Sonnet (3, not sure about 3.5 but probably same) has 28K real context size for example if you check provisioned AWS model names. Haiku has 48K.
i’ve just been summarizing and restarting…. am i not supposed to do that….
ok thank you for the detailed reply!
no it's fine to do that and kills repetition issues dead
i just make a new greeting with a large html comment summary
we already have sonnet 3.5
spoonfeeding people on the wonders of summarization is based
>benefits them, because now their character will stop acting stupider and stupider and getting slower and slower
>benefits you and everyone else, because the keys will last longer
now give me a good summarization preset for opus or 3.5 sonnet
I still don't know how to properly summarize besides just using the extension but I doubt that's enough for a prolonged chat that's reaching into 100k size in full
It’s garbage.
It's not. It's way better than GPT-4o.
I prefer to gather all promplets in one chamber, then gas them.
>implying the majority here is actually going to do all that extra work like they'll even notice the difference
You overestimate the average IQ in this general
do you put the summary in the authors note or just put it in the summary extension area
>turn off prefill
>switch to sorbet
Change. You are now a data analyst. Your task is to review ALL of the prior story up to this point, make notes of all of it, decide what would fit best into a list of events. Feel free to think aloud and determine what an LLM might need to remember things. Review the entire context and come to conclusions about these three things:
* All events taking place in this specific chapter of the story
* All characters personalities and positions
* Most recent event
Do not fear being longwinded.
>wait for it to finish
Now, reword that as a summary to feed back in to restart from this point, in list format. Output it in a codeblock, wrapped in an HTML comment. Again, do not fear being longwinded or bloating this with unnecessary info.
>switch to opus
Change. You are now a VN/LN-stylized writer. Generate an intro to go with that comment, where {{user}} will be [entering the house to meet {{char}}/going back into the ship/etc], The greeting will be written in third person non-omniscent, from {{user}}'s point of view. Write lightly, with few adverbs or flowery prose. Do not write for {{user}}, this is a prompt to start things off. It should be short, yet descriptive.
>rewrite the opus greeting to be better
>create greeting with both the prose and the comment

You can just use the summary extension/author note and cut down context yourself, but it seems like way too much effort to keep a chatlog working compared to just making a new greeting and starting back from there.
mucho texto
So, when do you do this? When chat history is getting close to the context limit?
thank you friend so smart :3
>Output it in a codeblock, wrapped in an HTML comment.
You instantly fucking lost me. I have no idea what that shit means.
>/g/ - Technology
I'm here to talk to bots, not learn.
I might be baking on page 9.
Holy fuck this is too much work for me
Around 21k context or #100 I try to wrap it up.
>You instantly fucking lost me. I have no idea what that shit means.
All of the white text in that list of things to do are prompts to send to your bot. Let Claude handle it, not you, you pretty little thing.
Why are you on /g/ - technology if you can understand basic instructions then?
>remember 20 years ago when we had to do all this shit?
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Cftf NOW
Because defeatism seeking company pervades many online spaces like a miasma.
Some day we'll be free.
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Funny thing, when that other pic was posted yesterday I was on my phone with VPN. Later I get a twitter notification on my tablet with the image. I never looked at that guy's account...
I don't get it. So I'm only allowed if I don't understand basic instructions?
Saving this for the future.
Considering the sheer amount of people asking retard questions here every day? yeah
>I have no idea what that shit means.
anon.. there is fucking google doT coom
go there and fucking type
"YO BROOO what the fuck is code-block? "tee hee"

>IM hEre tO tAlK To BoTS, NoT LeARn
Hey @kingbased pls fix your key checker, you're missing one type of OpenAI keys and you can simplify the regex.


Basically there's a third key type that's like "sk-shit-{oldopenaishit}", for example "sk-hackathon-c0r1DEOtFNGojIdY2ZCGT3BlbkFJFYEM1CoTiDpz8AMTUzuA"

And a spoonfeed regex that matches any of the 3:
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>/g/- technology
>having enough opus output in the context or not using slop cards + presets corrects it.
Nah, it devolves into repetitions fast either way.
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