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kek thats nothing
wait until current gen EVs will start getting to EOL and we will have to dispose of that fucking lithium

envirotardation is such an absolute fucking grift
fires can and do happen anywhere, like the BP ocean fire
I say we put it in drinking water like fluoride. Global mood stabilization.
Fossil fuels are responsible for 150.000 deaths each year.
Icecels belong in the gas chamber to be quite honest in my humble opinion
does petrol self ignite upon contact with air?
bc lithium does...

its a fucking nightmare to deal with, properly
it creates metal fire.
THE worst thing to put out.
depending on the chemistry even sand might not do, because metal can extract oxygen from the fucking chemical bonds of sand leaving pure silica behind
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Yea we know life sucks, death is the norm, bad things happen.

If you don't get murdered or jailed by an oppressive regime, you just end up dying in an accident or from health problems.

Isn't life hell? Those buddhists people were fr fr right no cap. Life do be suffering fr fr.
>another chemical whose interactions with body chemistry are not fully understood...
its all so tiresome
>pure silica
i meant pure silicon

and apparently sand would actually work with lithium.
the problem with that method is the humidity of the sand.
cf. water in a burning oilpan

(aluminum steals oxygen if youre curious)
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>does petrol self ignite upon contact with air?
>bc lithium does...
and guess what happens if you pour water on it
not sure im neither a chemist nor a firefighter
but i know youre really really really not supposed to do that
I bet oil factories are never set a blaze and nobody died in them ever, right OP?
burns to create lithium oxide and hydrogen gas, which is in turn flammable.

total cancer.

why dont we use holzgas or some shit?
or ethanol. if its good enough for drag racing, why dont we use ethanol from crops?
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b-battery bros
but at least its not co2, right?
Does jet fuel melt galvanized square steel?
Ever heard of 'petrodollar'?
what are the other 5 firefighters doing?
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the sauds are in on it too
every one is
phoneposting on 4keks, what else?
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You may not like it, but this is exactly how battery recycling plants operate at peak efficiency
yes retard, that is why we need to use shit like titanium and inconel 718 in jet turbines
the adaibatic buring temp is above 2200ºC and even the open flame is around 1000ºC, even if it doesnt melt steel is really weak heated, that is why we can hand forge it when is red hot and cant be used in any hot high strength application.
this is one of the most retarded conspiracies out there
This would never happen at a refinery. They have higher standards of safety than these dangerous lithium batteries.
you have to forgive that anon, hes not aware retards like you don't watch or care about anything like facts so you wouldn't have seen the liquid steel pouring out in gushes from the explosives planted in the towers. there were no aircrafts by the way.
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>hur durr lets increase the content in oxygen but compressing the air
but ur an illiterate
i meant "by"
i really dont know how i could have made that typo
same way you created that entire post. lazyness and apathy and no second guessing yourself.
>no second guessing yourself.
why should i?
its banal shit if you do happen to have any experience with real life application of theoretical info + some general knowledge about things in general
Meanwhile fossil fuels kill the entire planet.
ur retarded, full stop.
no need to elaborate.
i dont give a single fuck of what actually happened, i just want to stop the retardation than kersone doesnt melt steel when in fact that is why aircraft and rocket engines are difficult.
another fucking retard
if you increase the oxygen content
as when you compress air
as in jet engines
you increase the temperature at which things burn
like in an oxy-acetylene torch.
where acetylene which burns at something like 400°c in normal air
burns 2000°c + in oxygen rich environment

even better:
like with fucking coal.
in a smelter.
overpressure from man-operated bellows, not even the levels of comrpession you have in a jet engine.

and guess what?
turns out coal buirns hotter than jet fuel bc with a fraction of the compression it actually melts steel and other fancy alloys.

go to your local wallmart
and buy yourself a brain
you fucking idiot.
Don't complain when your house ends up underwater.
>wake up one day
>house under sea, wtf?
youre a complete idiot
please stop being retarded
Since I started working in this field I got so stressed that I developed AoE balding towards anyone in a 15m radius.
That's how flash floods work. Coming soon to your location.
my brother in christ what is the alternative to electricity and batteries? Oh here we go lemme get some petrol for my computer? Oop guess i died of carbon monoxide poisoning because gas based instruments indoors is retarded.
oh, and what has increased co2 anything to do with that? (we were actually talking about burning temps and melting steel)

i know what youre gonna tell me
and i know its complete bullshit
i just want you to type it
The battery manufacturers aren't the one dealing with it. If you let air into a hydrocracker at a refinery during operation it will spontaneously explode.

I assume toxic smoke was the main killer, otherwise it's hard to catch 16 people.
>oh, and what has increased co2 anything to do with that?
Higher temperatures, more water evaporation, more extreme weather.
>we were actually talking about burning temps and melting steel
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Habibi! is it done?
Yes sir the american pig dogs will soon have the gas powered appliances.
Very good this will make us very rich indeed
>otherwise it's hard to catch 16 people.
idk man

one such battery goes off in a hangar
burns, melts and shit
the guy who sees that goes oh shid oh fug oh shid
starts calling reinforcements
but too late. battery has fully melted down
touches some water or whatever
everything goes up in a blaze

everyone in the direct vicinity of the hangar died.
might be 16 people.
idk, id easily could imagine just the chain of events eating up 16 people, wo anyone making a mistake

the worst part is that we might not even know the cause of that
we dont have NTSB shit in lithium recycling plants
...more vegetation
so slower river flow and more water retention.

like in the carboniferous era.
even if there was remotely enough co2 to impact the climate, the weather alone is not the reason of flash flooding.

in fact
deforestation (as an umbrella term) is.
but you know shit from fuck
and you shill envirotardation which serves only to dismantle european industry

bc in the end
the industry for your fucking ifone you buy each year has just fucked off to chyna.
where they can polute as much as they want :)

thank you envirotard.

and in the meantime we went from fish being recommended to pregnant women to being advised against because of the water pollution of our seas has changed that much in merely 20 years.

oh, but agriculture is the problem here! and their production of nitrogen which constitutes 71% of the fucking atmosphere...

yes the planet has a problem.
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>chuds spread big oil misinfo for free
the jannies of propaganda
so youre a tranny
and as such
youre retarded
>biofuels are big oil misinfo

spend less time gooning
and more time being interested in stuff, tranny
youre fucking boring
>only to dismantle european industry
Good. There's no need for "industry".
>where they can polute as much as they want
And they'll die from that pollution like the subhumans they are.
the fires didn't exceed 250c you absolute fucking cockglobbering retard even the paid off nist report admits that and is consistent with flir imaging, there was also little combustible material available
jet fuel melting steel beams is a red herring and always has been
focusing on the fact there was no appreciable seismic impact with the building contents unaccounted for, or how the aircraft demonstrated impossible physics
>There's no need for "industry".
giv back ur hrt then faggot
>the jet fuel melted through wtc7 too
the whole jet fuel thing is a red herring.
its red herrings all the way down
hrt is free, just drink tap water.
big oil sponsors solar because they want generators filling in the gaps at night using hydrogen they sell for preemo prices. I think they've structured their efforts in such a way that they'll come out ahead in the 'green' energy market i.e. they're not shilling for gasoline, they don't care. Also of note is their support for ecoweenie groups who just so happen to be anti-nuclear.
badum tss
but no, goy, its the cowfarts you have to look after
and tahts why you have to eet ze boogs too
>touches some water or whatever
>everything goes up in a blaze
That's not what lithium batteries do, uncharged batteries have no metalluc lithium and even charged batteries it's mostly locked up.

Throwing a lithium battery into water will not make it explode and it will extuingish almost immediately.
Big oil hates hydrogen.

They hate nuclear power too, but they hate hydrogen more.
>it will extuingish almost immediately.
youre talking out of your fucking ass
and also have reading comprehension problems

please stop posting until you educate yourself some more
youre annoying
>or ethanol. if its good enough for drag racing, why dont we use ethanol from crops?
its not very good for the engine works short term but not long term. You can refine it and make diesel but it has similar problems. Also I guess it doesn't scale that well so its not profitable.
There are a bunch of good alternatives even to lithium but discussion is poisoned with lots of grifters and larpers.
>There are a bunch of good alternatives even to lithium but discussion is poisoned with lots of grifters and larpers.
lets just ignore them

could you expand on alternative solutions?
at least point me in the right direction?
It makes you emotionally numb and fat as fuck. It's already everywhere in food and in water, so there was a theory that it might be responsible for the rise in obesity, but that has of course been deboonked.
>the rise in obesity, but that has of course been deboonked.
i heard psy meds in general do that to you
the culprit for that is the fact that we recycle our water.

the compounds end up in our piss, and the piss gets recycled into our water.

we cant remove various compounds from water with our current purification tech
this is a real issue we should be tackling first as:
its what affects the environment at the widest scale
it currently affects ourselves

funny how the water issue has been memoryholed since the 2010's
They're setting up gasoline for EOL, we'll only have diesel in limited industrial scenarios like trains and ships.
And they absolutely don't hate hydrogen more than nuclear, you retarded faggot. They're chemical companies; they can make hydrogen, and it's got the same model as the other stuff when it comes to sale.
fossil fuels are a geopolitical lever
maybe its an "exxon only" venture
maybe its time to let go of oil bc is less convenient and were past peak production, so we might want to chill with its use
>so we might want to chill with its use
(which can be done bc the world is completely pozzed now)
>suddenly all of these same sounding anti-EV posts springing up at once all across multiple sites as EV sales skyrocket
I wonder who could be behind these posts

BP and everybody else is doing it too nigger, google it.
Nobody pretends oil is good for the environment or safe. That's the fucking difference.
Does your gas chamber have wooden doors?
i like the smell of burned gasoline
also explains why EUniggers are pushing so hard to remove old cars from circulation
>the compounds end up in our piss, and the piss gets recycled into our water.
I remember (and article mentions it too) that birth control pills don't get metabolized and get passed completely in urine, which ends up in water and wreaks havoc with wildlife. I wish people rubbed in the feminists' faces how the pill is bad for the environment.
>I wish people rubbed in the feminists' faces how the pill is bad for the environment.
spread the good word then
you'd be surprized how much you can achieve if you apply effort x time
Thank god nobody dies because of oil industry
god bless america
and thanks jesus for the german scientists.
geeeeeeeeg nusoixoxols cant stop seething about the Lithium polish empire
what blew up in kherson today
Don’t you get it? Everything bad that could possibly happen will happen because oil for… reasons.
Get a load of this retard that doesn’t understand Big Energy doesn’t care what generates its energy. They just want control over the energy sector.
> also explains why EUniggers are pushing so hard to remove old cars from circulation
That’s just to boost car sales for their automobile industry.
>omg the fouride is making you fatter and numb!!
>totally not because you sit o n your computer all day posting schizo shit, refusing to exercise, and eating 3000+ kcal a day
Fish have problems with reproduction because they sit on the computer all day?
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>lead is actually good for you
It's both, energy and auto industry both like the initiative. Energy likes the EV push because it places greater demand on the grid, while pivoting to 'green' sources of power that have better profit margins.
Auto likes the EV push because gasoline cars can literally run for a century. Practically magic, a feat of human ingenuity, great for the consumer, and very bad if you want Wagie T Normgroid to buy a new car every 5 years on a finance plan. Instead, EVs expensive and have a expiration date—the battery—making them perfect to flog over and over again.
theres also the angle that new cars have built in programmed obsolescence
if your car just stops working
and all you can buy is either an ev or a hydrogen fueled car
you will buy the 50i fueled car
once enough people are on 50icars you can do away with petrol altogether wo too much possible fuss
That's 3 more dead than ALL nuclear power plants, in the USofA, have killed in 67 years
They always focus on cars, when oil is used for tons of things. They don't even know what they're talking about.
nigga you are saying the same as me
steel is really weak when heated idiot, is in my post, we cannot even use in the pre combustion parts of a turbine bc even only heat from the air compresion makes it really soft
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f/o with your red hering
explain wtc7 nigger
Electrical vehicles does have their issues but are americans so viciously against it due to the US lagging behind on it?
That would have to be rapid cascade failure otherwise they could have just walked out of the building. Maybe batteries are a solution for a nations military is low on mines? Just plant lithium batteries everywhere?
the difference being petrol cars are involved in a lot more massive accidents and natural disasters.

the reason people are afraid of EV fires are the total unknown of when it will go, no early warnings, and a violent initial start that worsens until the entire car is melted away.
by contrast, a petrol car which has sat not running for at least 30 minutes has just about a 0% chance of going up, it is very safe in your garage all night, especially if you don not have a gas furnace or water heater.
Even while driving, it is exceedingly rare for a petrol car to just fail and catch fire in its first 10 years of life. The only time you would even worry would be just after a major repair, or doing something extraordinary with the car.

in contrast, over half of BEV fires happen while the thing is plugged in charging, not moving.
Oh look, another person who doesn't understand per capita. I'm sure the insurance actuaries are knocking down your door to get access to your superior risk analysis for setting their rates instead of basing it on resource intensive data collection.
>but you didn't read my anecdotes
I read them, they irreverent to the data. Once again, you do not understand the simple concept of per capita. Until you grasp this simple concept that third graders understand, all of your "but this one time at band camp, someone left the iron on" whuddabut nonsense is just going to get you laughed at again and again.
Reminder: you don't understand per capita and are a moron for this.
Wait, EVs can prevent accidents and ward off natural disasters? I was on the fence but now that I've seen your post, all vehicles should be EVs. Fuck, just getting rid of a couple of hurricanes will be enough to cover the cost for everyone to convert over.
Can you explain to us the science behind EVs causing natural disasters to disappear and drivers to stop running their cars into each other? This might be the number one scientific discover of modern times and it happened right here, on /g/. What a fucking amazing time to be alive!
you do not realize that capita is fucking meaningless in this sense retard.
like 80% of all teslas are in cities in california.
california cities are not a good reference for what goes on in the entire rest of the country.
shut the fuck up
Yeah it's lead, not mass immigration of retarded 3rd worlders popping out kids.
Imagine sperging over per captia without realizing he just gave you an insanely worse coefficient to start off with before you account for total users. Average tesla cuck and chyna enjoyer, i guess
>I'm sure the insurance actuaries are knocking down your door to get access to your superior risk analysis
No, in bongland and other places they already came to the conclusion they don't want to touch your expensive write off, and wont sell you insurance, peroid.
is this the part where we all pretend that fossil fuels never kills anyone ever
>20 people dead
>only 2 korean nationals died

So who were the other people?
Or the fact that a third building fell despite being hit by literally nothing?
Probably jeets.
El Paso in Texas has naturally higher lithium levels than most other places.
It's generally less violent than other places with high Mexican populations.
Idk if anyone has studied this but it's an interesting fact.
Thank God Gasoline vapors arnt explosive. I'll be sticking with oil, thanks
Why is everyone arguing about oil vs nuclear? This is about the retarded fire hazards we store the energy in not where it comes from
You're so smart you just wrote a wall of text to argue with someone on your side.

Jet fuel still doesn't melt steel beams
No, no, those red things all the way down were nano-thermite charges, not herrings
jet fuel lowers the point of yield of steel beams.
>Electric car
>Open it up
>It's a chemical car
Most environmental concern trolling is just the same big oil/coal/auto shit. It's not intended to be a real solution, it's intended to be a timewasting dead end, so that when everyone needs to back out of electric cars or whatever, they have to rely on coal/oil/cars to fuel the transition to something that actually works, because most of the infrastructure still supports coal/oil/cars to the exclusion of functional solutions.
Functional EVs fall into two categories: Ebikes AKA hybrid motorcycles, and locally produced cars for business use.
>its not very good for the engine works short term but not long term. You can refine it and make diesel but it has similar problems. Also I guess it doesn't scale that well so its not profitable.
in brazil 40% of the cars under 3.5ton use ethanol. sure, you can shit on brazil, but ethanol seems just better than anything else.
I would say it's more because of the issues they have, most of us have relatives in other states, which are often hundreds or sometimes thousands of kilometers away. Needing to take a guaranteed 45 minutes pit stop, more if there's a line, puts a damper on travel.

I thought foreigners didn't work in Korea/Japan?
Both countries have been bringing in a ton of Indians because they never had kids.
Those were primary cells, not rechargeables. Nothing to do with EVs.
Well you were wrong.

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