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AI hell edition

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>quoted a specific post instead of the parent thread



Make games, not engines.
Is sokol actually useful to use?
Make game tools, not games
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Finally fixed all the small things of my algorithms. I had to "cheat" a bit with the birth rate, but now I have a good evolution of my population.
10k people
4 children per woman
infant mortality to 50%
life expectancy to 40y-o
I'm getting really tired anons
Give me 1 good reason I should keep trying to make an engine and not just swap to Unreal or Godot and spend these thousands of hours on graphics/gameplay/sound/story instead
life expectancy was never 40 though
that's a myth
it was only 40 on paper because of child mortality
if you managed to survive that, you could live as much as people do today
>you could live as much as people do today
could, theoretically, if you got a bad infection before modern medicine you died
but also immensely healthier lifestyle
and the weak were culled as children anyway
Yes I know, it was probably around 55-60 years old, with the ~50% infant mortality.
in Europe during the 19th century it was more about 50yo with an infant mortality of ~20% in some countries

I just did the function to work properly whatever data I give it. I want the player to go through all prehistorical era before having to manage a "country" during the start of civilisation.
I still didn't look at the data for pre-civilisation life (if they exists)
>but also immensely healthier lifestyle
you are fucking retarded
isn't he right ? proper housing, food diversity probably had a huge impact on birth rate and life expectancy
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When did you realize game dev is over?

You could spend thousands of hours creating custom UI, fonts, art and code in a game with over a third of a million views on youtube's front page(godot showcase) with free advertising, and you at most make 7,500 USD(and whatever steam takes as taxes and gibs because capitalism)

I know the goal of game dev is a hobby and passion project, but it isn't free either. Rent isn't free, Food isn't free, living in the west isn't free.

Pic related is lumencraft, it got nearly a million views of free advertising on the youtube godot showcase, countless reviews, yet barely anybody bought it. This is a team of people making these games I presume. They are polished and have charm, yet they don't sell well.

Then you have games like lethal company which are unity multiplayer asset flip made by a zoomer furry that was shilled by le streamers because le heckin funny jumpscare game with the same 2 levels with the same interiors and enemies and it becomes an instant success. Over 10 million USD in profit.

food, hygene and medcine and what increases life expectancy and all of that's only improved over time
idiot probably thinks getting up every morning and ploughing the fields makes you healthy
If you spend 5-10 years doing serious gamedev you will be at a point where you can monetize your skills whether than be through getting a job or making your own game, anyone who thinks gamedev is a get rich quick scheme has always been a moron
Even people that have spent 15 years doing game dev, they make extremely well crafted games and they still do poorly and that's with massive help from free advertising. Game dev is all just luck. You can put a ton of effort and people will notice but it will always be a small minority. Game dev is all about advertising and presentation catering to a specific genre. Stardew valley did well because the farm sim genre was lacking. Lethal company did well because it was shilled by streamers who had a bigger audience than just 5 million people who are broke. People who watch streamers are pay piggies while people who watch youtube comments are broke or third worlders. It's demographics and presentation, that's all sales is.

For example, lets look at underrail. This game is massive, has a great story, tons of quests, unique world design and characters, great RPG game with a good DLC. It was even shilled on youtube by Sseth's review which got 5.5 million views on youtube, it went extremely viral yet nobody really cared about playing the game, they just wanted to watch the comedy funny review on youtube. 5000 people left a review and probably less than 7000 bought the game.

That may be enough for a eastern euro developer living where rent is 150/mo USD, but for america 50,000 USD is NOTHING. That's a year of living in a big city, Maybe 2-5 years in the midwest depending on how frugal you are.
>Even people that have spent 15 years doing game dev, they make extremely well crafted games and they still do poorly
If you've been making a serious effort for 15 years, you will succeed, unless you have no talents. I'd say there's an 80% chance
The issue is 20 somethings like you who saw the indie boom in the 2010s and thought that was the norm
Underrail is a successful game by the way, your reviews to sales ratio is off
If you live in america even 100k from a game isn't enough reward if you've spent 15 years developing. It has to make at least 500K USD with the cost of living that exists.

Also steam takes 30% plus taxes and vat jewry, don't forgeterino. Being a game dev in america is basically dead
You don't spend 15 years making one game you idiot. You need to spend time developing your skills, then you can make games that people want to play. You need to learn a profession before you can do it, it's like going to school
The sales to review ratio is something like 50:1 by the way, whereas you put it at 1:1, you're either a troll or a moron
>Owners: 200,000 .. 500,000
>price: 14.99
> ~$3,000,000 - ~$7,500,000
Yeah what a flop
That's still a game with massive time put into it and heavily shilled. 2 million in 2 million in america is like 20 million in yugoslavia.

Ok but it's not doe. Lumencraft is dead only 40 are playing it. Game dev is all luck and advertising
>Ok but it's not doe
Do some research instead of extrapolating your entire worldview from a single data point
>million views of free advertising on the youtube godot showcase
gamedevs aren't your audience
Are you fucking retarded?
Underrail 7000 sales lmao
Underrail is massive
Underrail has 5200 reviews on steam
And it's on average 60 reviews per sale
So 300000 sales at least just on steam
That's several millions and add to that that lots of people buy this type of games on GoG
Styx is a multimillionaire and could retire for life if he wanted
fucking idiot
did you know for example that Parmenion, Alexander's general was 64 when Alexander launched his campaign?
He literally rode on horseback for years across half the known world, until he was assassinated
Fucking idiot thinking staying in front a computer for 12 hours a day means you are healthy
Wow one famous guy from the past was 64? That changes my entire world view!
I hope you're underage
That's just a lucky game that just so happened to get rich. You know how many game devs work for 10+ years and don't even see more than 5000 USD out of it, 95%. Also sseth basically made up 90% of those sales, his review got 5 million views.

Most will make some money but never hit it "big". Lumencraft is still an example.

Also steam takes 30% when combined with taxes in the US it's over 40% likely higher in euro countries, I imagine it's more overseas. This isn't an own or a win, it's just the fact that game devs are literally slaves.

The chance of making over 250k USD on a game you made is like winning the lottery.
>You know how many game devs work for 10+ years and don't even see more than 5000 USD out of it, 95%.
I'm guessing this statistic came from the same place as "Underail only sold 7000 copies"?
Most will never hit it big, admit it. Also steam is greedy and even if you do end up hitting it big, you'll get taxed to hell

Nobody will ever play your games, and unity asset flips like lethal company that took 4 months to make made MILLIONS while not a single person will ever play your game. Cope
>Most will never hit it big
This statement on its own is true, but if you break it down:
The vast majority of game developers are dabblers and hobbyists. If you are serious about it and you stick with it long enough to get good, your chances of success are high. I know literally hundreds of game developers, and I can't think of a single one who has applied themselves seriously over 10 years and not turned it into a job. Even the FNAF guy managed it, you should have seen his early games, they were fucking terrible
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Isometric world I created in godot with just 15 minutes of experience with one video I watched. Would you say I'm on the right track? im not a good coder or anything so I still don't know how to make a character or how to get it to move.
To me coding is the hardest part of game dev, It's not artistic. I want to make a medieval realistic isometric RPG with different hand crafted areas and quests.
If you don't learn to code your game is going to be art slop

That can work if you are very good at marketing and have a very cute artstyle but if you just drop an art slop game on steam with no hype it will slop
How do I learn to code in godot? Show me the way
Isometric games are a bit more difficult to program because they require you to order your tiles and do some coordinate conversions so keep that in mind
Nice rock tiles, the color of the grass is pretty garish though
It seems like the best method of creating a game without too much fuckery. I want to create a medieval RPG with leveling, quests, base building and dungeons
for sure all the pesticides on crops, hormones shot into animals and preservatives put into processed food is great!
Much better than not having any food, yeah
the answer will never change and you can just check the archive
it only makes sense if you are working on 2D games. People here have argued that 3D is actually easier to work, but I have yet to see an advanced 3D project posted here.
3D engines are literally ten times as complicated as 2D engines and it's not realistic to make one yourself
Roguelikes were exploted and overdone 10 years ago, on the other hand le heckin funny jumpscare games had their brief time to shine with slenderman and then disappeared. The fact that only one faggotman made the game you are talking about is more than proof that gamedevving is alive and well.
>Frosch is typing ...
A few people have made some 3D demos in this thread and not to disparage them but they aren't real projects
>steam is greedy

Steam charges zero dollars to issue steam keys, meaning you can sell them to third party sites like humble bundle and steam gets nothing from those sales.
Have you noticed there are no ads on steam outside games and things that are sold on steam? No beer, sports, toy, computer hardware, television, movie etc. ads. How much do you think they could make if they opened up some space for outside advirtisers.
Not to mention the customer and sales metric, wishlist, the community page and the store front itself, connecting you to millions of steam users. It's insane when you really think about it.
30% is a bargain.
Work on an engine as a personal intellectual pursuit and only if you don't need to make money on it, because you won't. There is nothing to prove by making an engine. Nobody cares. Gamers in general don't care what game engine their game is made in. They just care for the beep boop wahooo
Game engines are not a solved problem and making one yourself shouldn't be considered just mental masturbation
Cuckold mentality.
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Bean movement in godot.
>refuse to sell game on steam because they take 30%
>game sells 5% what it would sell on steam
>well at least I'm not a cuck!
Game development as a whole is grim. You have to put all this effort in and then you have to market it. It's just a rabbit hole that's a slimmer chance than the lottery purely based on random luck and the steam algorithm. I appreciate the mental fortitude of developers who can work for years to put out a successful games for me to play and buy but most people aren't going to put in that massive amount of effort. Honestly I'd rather waste my time in an MMO desu because at least I get entertainment out of it.
>Game development as a whole is grim
No it's not you cringe doomer, it's just something that takes effort
Its not just effort, It takes A LOT of effort.
You have to be an artist(Multiple paths including Modeler, Animator, Sprite work), businessman, writer, programmer, game designer, marketer. These are all separate skills which even branch into their own in the case of the artist. Well business and marketing are kinda the same thing but everything else is a separate path of its own. I'm just glad I'm not making them. Good grief, let me play my games and then let me die.
No games are made by one person
>When did you realize game dev is over?
When it became saturated because of engines like unity
the absolute state of game dev
make your own engine or you'll ngmi
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>/gedg/ have crabs now
How new are you?
there was some but not this much.
can I post about my turing complete discrete event simulator (game engine for text-based games)?
you are completely clueless
in ancient Greek cities like Sparta and Athens you were required to serve in the military until you were 60 by law
only after 60 you were considered too old
and even the age you became a legal adult was higher
20 in Athens and 30 in Sparta

one person, lmao
just update your algorithm because you are wrong
nothing you said has anything to do with average lifespan you ignoramus
of course it does
laws are based on reality they don't make laws based on imaginary ages that nobody reaches
it was absolutely normal to reach 80 years old of age and there are numerous famous people of that age that did
moreover it proves the healthier lifestyle
You're really struggling to understand what "average" means
I already said average is low because of childhood deaths, but this also means that only the strong made it past childhood
so they didn't have as many issues as adults today, many of which would have died in childhood
>only the strong made it past childhood
not it means those who didnt get sick made it past childhood
holy fuck you are stupid, why are you on /g/, go back to /pol/
yeah if you have a strong immune system you don't get sick as easily
you sound more and more like a redditor
yes, what sells are fun games targeting a broad audience, which is what lethal company is about
No one want to play your boring rogue-tower defense
So if you want to make millions and not developing games for fun, do some research, do what people will like
and peoples immune systems are stronger than ever before
stop bringing your stupid /pol/ cope into this thread
Let's say I want to learn Odin to build my own engine, do you think it's a good idea to port an existing engine to this language? Like GoldSrc for example
Good job friend
Isn't GoldSrc proprietary? How will you have access to the source?
Game engines are hundreds of thousands of LoC, porting a game engine is not a trivial weekend project
And how would you be making your own engine by porting another one
>yet barely anybody bought it
because it sucks ass
in a sea of never ending niggerlicous $1 games why would anyone buy this piece of turd over the one right next to it?
GoldSrc is open source and free of modifications

I am aware of that, but for training purposes, on knowing the Odin language and the core functionality of a 3D engine, i was assuming that's a good combo and good investment project
Stopped caring at 'roguelike'. Fuck that and fuck you.
>and peoples immune systems are stronger than ever before
what? source?
this is completely retarded and based on nothing but your reddit feelgood, snowflake logic.
if you managed to survive into adulthood in the past, you did so without the aid of medicine, which meant you had a really healthy immune system to begin with
moreover only the healthy reproduced and passed down their healthy genes

today everybody survives even people who would have died in the past, so these people will have more issues later on
and these people reproduce passing down their unhealthy genes and weakening humanity as a whole
there is actually a valid concern for medicine making humanity weaker and there are tons of papers discussing this

I bet you are one of these died in childbirth people coping that the rest of us have never been to a doctor
Also you are probably covid triple vaxxed and still got covid twice while the rest of us never vaxxed and never got it

I will stop arguing with you because you are obviously coping hard and unable to see the truth and also this is a game engine thread and I don't want to spam it arguing with a weak coping retard
>open source
>You may distribute your modified Valve
game in source and object code form, but only for free.
How do you guys plan games out?
Should I just start with A4 and write gameplay before even thinking of creating a new project?
I think you should be enthusiast and have already an idea of what you want to create. Then, evolve little by little your idea. If possible, have something to experiment as soon as possible.
>Rent isn't free, Food isn't free, living in the west isn't free.
you cannot devote 100% of your brain power to this anyways why do game devs think they are exempt from working at mcdonalds and request 100k/year in patreon money to make a shitty 2d platformer
So you might break even with a team of <10
>based on nothing but your reddit feelgood, snowflake logic.
that's what you're posting you fucking moron
go look up the life expectancy of people who live in india and africa and drink shitwater to "strengthen their immune system"
They don't have to be, with a GLTF loader and a few lines of code you can get 2.5D or simple 3D with animations, I managed to do something close to Spline2D in a couple of hours with blender and raylib, that's 80% of the way for a stylized flat colored/not shaded artstyle. And that's assuming you don't piggy back any complicated animation runtime or use some heavy lighting shaders. Even then you can piggy back existing libraries or use code from open source projects.
Everything else should be the same, 3D or 2D only change the problem up to a certain point. You just need to apply yourself or get others to help you.
Does using existing help you get a faster prototype? absolutely, but check any game postmortem and see how devs constantly struggled with Unity or other engines due limitations, that 3D limbo knockoff game had to reimplement their own matrix math and ask Unity to give them access to undocumented functions just so they can optimize a fucking 3D sidescroller with barely any entities, and Godot is even worse than that.
No it's not a good idea to try and port a massive project for training purposes
>They don't have to be
They do
Using existing libraries to do some complex stuff for you doesn't mean the engine isn't complex
yea I don't care, i'm not planning to sell anything with it

well if you have any smaller open source 3D engine (or 2D) that I can train myself on I'm all ears.
But GoldSrc is an engine that I'm fond of

Secondary markets are always the way to make money. Sell the dream to the dreamers instead of being one.
dreamers are cheap shits. Sell things to people who are making fat stacks and who will cut you in if you give them a good product.
Sad but true, see unity.
vulkan.h or vulkan.hpp?
So, here is my idea:
>prostitution strategy game
>player manages strategic elements like clothing, apartment, family relations
>player can also teach themself skills like self-defence, charisma, cooking
>selects spots and customers (of varying quality)
>based on their customers and skills, player might either be stabbed by a customer an die in alley or gradually improve their standinging, and perhaps marry a wealthy man
What I struggle is sex mini game, whatever I should leave it off screen, or try to make it turn based or something
shitstorm incoming
And? the point is that it becomes manageable and feasible for even a one man army, nobody's making the next Unreal 5 on their own. Besides, even a decently general engine can't possibly cover all game genre, the 80-20 rule is on full effect here.
I replied because of the crabs who keep saying 3D is harder than 2D, it pushed me off 3D for so long, yes 2D is way easier, but with 3D/2.5 you get a lot of handy features for mostly free, skeletal animation being the best winner here. People should stop being afraid of 3D and start getting their hands dirty.
Now should you make a full on 3D engine that supports realtime facial animations with lipsync, lumin tier rendering, and a custom VFX pipeline? probably not, not even 90% of indie game "studios" can create content for that let alone implement it.
vulkan.hpp but with the generator patched to support C++20 using enum so I don't have to deal with the enums and wrapper classes around those enums being separate, it's small but it's really nice
i miss when clang mistakenly enabled using enum working on dependent types and adding support for this was one line

obviously some parts of it are bad (like exceptions) but it's stupid not to rely on C++ features like constexpr to do as much as possible with an API like vulkan (it doesn't do it nearly enough, it should have more template metaprogramming based automation for things beyond validation of structure chains)
just tune it to the way you want it (you can disable some of the heavier parts of it)
i honestly hope now that C has constexpr they'll add some level of compile time stuff to even the C API

and they've used it to correct at least one really stupid gotchas in the API that shouldn't be there (end user applications are responsible for checking whether or not layers are currently being installed or uninstalled as they create a vulkan instance, instead of the layers' installers, meaning you need to repeatedly scan for new or removed layers until the number of them stops changing or something) which the C header doesn't handle
You lack basic reading comprehension
Where did I say drinking shit strengthens your immune system?
I was talking about healthy eating, pure organic diet, balanced, no pesticides, no microplastics, no pollution and tons of daily exercise
Didn't say diseases make you stronger, just that the people who survived meant they had better immune systems in the first place
So the ones who got past childhood were the strong ones and they had less chances of getting sick in the future, because there was a filtering done in childhood
How does one acquire this kind of perspective?
I do not trust him.
This is what happens when slutty /gedg/ devs (froggy) sleep around in the /agdg/ thread.
I don't know if you guys are aware, but we invented writings, archeology and science since antique Greece.
There are no good reason to believe life expectancy, in average, would be so much different between the start of the middle age and the era before, and we have a lot of ways to have a good hypothesis regarding life expectancy and mortality (infant or not).
Even if you consider people had "healthier" life style, there were a lot of disease, no hospital, medicine wasn't the same as today, there weren't good housing, there was often famines, wars, etc.
We have writings from the rich, so with the best living condition of those times, that give us indications about age of death, infant mortality and such. We also have a few writings from rich families, registries of the church etc.
Since we don't fully trust those material, we have people digging old cemeteries to find out how many people were buried at which age.

We also have pretty accurate data about life expectancy from the 18/19th century, depending on the country, which tell us a lot about how much our society progressed in life condition, medicine and food availability.

tl;dr : you have shit arguments and you're not the sharpest knife of the drawer.
>Semi-competent with making C++ 2D/3D games from scratch though haven't ever finished a project
>idea guyed a list of random ideas for games I think I could potentially make and have fun making
>Can't decide what game is the best balance of "good/fun game" and "game that won't be a PITA to make", i.e what single game out of the 20 ideas to make
Would share the ideas and ask for advice but I have a feeling that sharing ideaguy one-liners on this general is a bad idea.
And no, I am not going to ask ChatGPT or any AI chatbot, for multiple reasons
>LLMs don't really give solid advice, contrary to popular belief. It's like leaving life decisions to a markov chain or a random choice picker, the latter of which I have tried but I tend to just reroll instead.
>Some AI services harvest your data to further ourouboros the brain damaged LLMs
Also, I should add that I'm not good at figuring out the scope of potential projects and how easy or hard it would be for me to realize an idea as a solo dev.
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#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
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>start conway's game of life
>reset when world is empty
>reset when world is not empty but nothing is moving
>always result in moving lifeform (right image)
>sex mini game
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Chez scheme foreign function interface is a bit verbose (not as wordy as common lisp cffi package at least, holy shit i trimmed hundreds of lines of code switching to chez).

I think I need to write a macro that can do a proper list initialization for a block of memory.

(let ([sel-vertices (make-ftype-pointer pos2 (foreign-alloc (* 4 (foreign-sizeof pos2))))]
[sel-indices (make-ftype-pointer unsigned-32 (foreign-alloc (* 6 (foreign-sizeof unsigned-32))))]
[geometry (make-ftype-pointer mesh-geometry (foreign-alloc (foreign-sizeof mesh-geometry)))]
[sel-instances (make-ftype-pointer pos3-pos3-color4 (foreign-alloc (foreign-sizeof pos3-pos3-color4)))]
[instance-data (make-ftype-pointer mesh-instance-data (foreign-alloc (foreign-sizeof mesh-instance-data)))])


(ftype-set! unsigned-32 () sel-indices 0 0)
(ftype-set! unsigned-32 () sel-indices 1 1)
(ftype-set! unsigned-32 () sel-indices 2 2)
(ftype-set! unsigned-32 () sel-indices 3 0)
(ftype-set! unsigned-32 () sel-indices 4 3)
(ftype-set! unsigned-32 () sel-indices 5 1)

Code above is a snippet that allocates a block of memory for six 32 bit unsigned integers and sets the values.
that's what I'm trying to figure out
made any prototypes yet for that mini game?
what about quick time events?
nta but didn't a god of war game have a QTE sex scene actually
no, still developing on that stage

I'm trying to figure out if this core game has any potential to begin with.
I'd like to think it would be an interesting hypergamy simulation.
Imagine every panty has different stats that impact your performance, if your panties don't interest your date/customer they just walk out.
>Owners: 50,000 .. 100,000
for $22 a copy (when not on sale), that's way more than 7.5k USD
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>pic semi related
is that bad or good? are you thriving for originality?
>experts agree
>trust the science
>sources indicate
did you get your 10th booster cattle?

meanwhile I'm smoking, drinking, drug abusing, never been to a doctor, never been to a dentist and healthier than any 40 year old you have ever seen
>That's just a lucky game that just so happened to get rich.
It's not "luck" at all.
The game is amazing.
It follows a beloved archetype that has been neglected by devs even if it has a massive cult following (Fallout 1, 2 archetype)
It improves this archetype massively by expanding it, adding wizards and shit and having top tier combat above any other CRPG.
It has an interesting worldbuilding and story and fairly original. And the atmosphere is simply very good.
Most of all it caters to its audience. It is not a get rich quick scheme to try and please as many normies as possible. It has a formula, it knows its audience and sticks to it.
It is far from perfect but does a lot of things right, and that's why it succeeded.

Most of the stuff that don't succeed is just slop.
Like that slop you mentioned Lumencraft.
>Lumencraft is a unique combination of a top-down, rogue-like shooter and base building with tower defense elements. Dig and light up dark halls of a fully destructible environment on procedurally generated maps and campaign levels to find precious Lumen - humanity's only chance for survival.
From the description it is obvious what happened here. Devs patched together a bunch of buzzwords that have been fairly successful before. They hoped to create a frankenstein monstrosity of a game to attract as many customers as possible.
There was no love poured into the game, no soul. Just "what do people want, lets combine everything so we can say we are unique and attract everyone".

Sorry kiddo that sort of thinking only works if you are an established AAA industry with paid shills all over the internet, to brainwash NPCs to buy your slop.
If you are an indie dev you actually need to make something with soul.
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I tried putting "game engine developer" into an ai meme generator
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$ make && ./game
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Finally some update, here's the feature to place/move/rotate furniture. I still need to add some custom cursors to be show what's going on. Also the selection for moving a furniture is just checking if the tile you're clicking on have a furniture. So it's finally time to actually implement a hit box system to check what you're clicking on instead of the current system that work with the ground tiles. That's going to be a fun refactor for sure since I want to make it generic (So it works for the walls, windows, doors, etc...)

July 5 is coming so quickly!
>Says he prefers pepsis
>It's actually blue coca-cola
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>no -j
What's the best IDE to use as a linux user? I'd prefer something that allows building multiple build configurations at once and custom cross compiler toolchains. It should also have an *optional* LSP. I.E an LSP that can be toggled off. Also the GUI for gdb/lldb should be good.
I've tried the following:
>VSCode, but the version of vscode (OSS) I have doesn't have working CMake support even though I installed the right toolchains for some reason. Makefile tools works but the problem with that is it only supports makefiles named "Makefile" instead of multiple makefiles per platform
>Neovim, but that's a massive pain in the ass to set up, and preset setups like lazyvim are just too much.
>CLion is decent, but it's at a premium price.
>meanwhile I'm smoking, drinking, drug abusing, never been to a doctor, never been to a dentist and healthier than any 40 year old you have ever seen
Other anon was right. You're just too dumb, skipped too many math classes, and can't understand something as simple as average and per capita.
I as a game engine developer also dress in blue and only drink blue soft drinks
I've just about McFucking had it with this mickey mouse bullshit Visual Studio IDE and it's GUI glitching, in every fucking release it's a different glitch.
There's a reason why barely anyone has made their own 3D engine. It's a ton of work. There's a ton of stuff you need to know. It's possible, but you should be afraid of it. If you've just implemented a GLTF loader you don't have the full picture
VSCode should work
Why are you using an older open source version, instead of the newest Microsoft version?
>older open source version
it's the version directly in Arch's pacman packages.
But whatever, I'll just use KDevelop for now.
No it's you who can't understand what an average is, and how 50% infant mortality massively reduces this number not to mention constant wars
If you didn't die as a child or in a war you could easily live to 70+
That's all I'm saying
Is it worth paying for resharper or visual assist? I’ve been using the resharpher trial for visual studio and I like it.
Look at the statistics for life expectancy at 5 retard
If you could pick one proprietary engine to get your hands on what would it be? For me it would be the Tiger engine. I need to know some of Destiny’s secrets.
>I need to know some of Destiny’s secrets.
like what
>Nintendo's engine for their recent (i.e BOTW and beyond) games
>Creation Engine
>Spore's "engine"
>Microsoft version
Self explanatory
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I just did
Did you ?
Literally the first google result proves you wrong
Mechwarrior 2
>Did you ?
Sky atmosphere system, how they handle weapon animations, maybe some ui stuff, armor shaders (although I don’t need to see the engine to replicate this, it’s really just hot swapping materials textures with an armor/gun’s splat map). But most importantly the gameplay systems and how they handle all those comprehensive perks that communicate across weapons, armor, and abilities. The closest I can get is Unreal’s GAS and this talk from Ubisoft https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JgSvuSaXs3E&
and my source is better because it is a peer reviewed article in a prestigious scientific journal while yours is just a blogpost
>how they handle all those comprehensive perks that communicate across weapons, armor, and abilities.
this is like a textbook programming architecture problem, you should try and solve it yourself, it will make you a better programmer
Why not using Unity, sir?
the source of the data in the blogpost is the human morality database
the source of the data in your article is a single book
you looked for a source that confirmed your existing biases like an absolute brainlet
Why would anyone use Unity instead of Unreal or Godot?
Godot is literal open source, Unreal is not open source but you still get access to its code once you register and can modify it anyway you wish, and it's the better one graphically
Meanwhile Unity scared away everyone with that crazy shit they pulled last year and is closed source
Unreal is powerful but hard to get into
Unity is less powerful but easy to get into
Godot is useless unless you're making a 2D game
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I didn't it was the first result
Obviously you were the one who did that because I can't see this anywhere in the first page
jost got banned from /agdg/ for posting "off-topic" when the provoking post that caused my "problematic post" didn't get banned or deleted likely. (that post is still up, my post rebutting it got nuked)
This is a blessing in disguise. Now if only I get banned from here too, then I will have 3 days to freely gamedev instead of being stuck having to engage in these two shitpost nodev threads.
you added "in antiquity"
nobody has data for the anitquity you moron
That’s the plan although it’s going to be a long time before I get there. In the midst of learning Vulkan.
Yes I specifically mentioned antiquity because the living conditions significantly decreased in Middle Ages European cities where literal shit flowed down the streets and there was no sewer system
Your "source" only contains data from England btw which were the absolute filthiest people ever
And my source agrees on that data for England if you scroll down a bit
And it's not just one book it is several for each category

I just go there to get all the shitty posts out of my system before I engage in high-level discussion in the /gedg/ thread.
>Your "source" only contains data from England btw
Stop embarassing yourself
What's your thoughts on S&Box? Sort of Garry's mod successor built with Source 2
Do you think that could be a good competitor to Unity and Unreal ?
I mean, imagine building games that run on Source 2, that could be great
A game-within-a-game toolkit will never be comparable to a real game engine
The only competitor to Unity and Unreal is O3DE and that’s still a ways away from being stable. I guess there’s also Flax and Stride but those get no buzz for whatever reason.
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>He shared a screenshot of his desktop, the fool.
I have 135 browser tabs open. I have 23 browser windows. I have 29 terminal tabs. I have 17 terminal windows. I have 14 tags. I use i3 to nicely group all of my tabs into windows and the windows into workspaces. You use 4 workspaces on a stock i3 to live in tab sewage. Go back to kwin.
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This humiliation will not be forgotten when my game makes me famous.
Sir, if you want to brag about your desktop, then kindly do the needful and take it here >>>/g/desktop
What's the lowest version of OpenGL I can comfortably go with?
All versions of OpenGL still work, depends what capabiilities you want
I don't have any fancy requirements. The oldest computer I have that runs supports OpenGL 2.1, is it a terrible idea to go that far back?
Like I said, depends on your requirements
Just a 2D game, so I want to display sprites, and text, and that's about it.
Then you can use OpenGL 1.1 just fine
And why is that? You have a scene and map editor (Hammer), juste like the rest

Didn't know about O3DE, i'll have a look.
>And why is that?
You have far less power over the system, even less than regular modders
What kind of control do you have on Unity or even Unreal? yes their source code is available but 99% of users won't even touch there
And nothing say it won't be the same for S&Box/Source 2
You have far more control in Unity or Unreal than you do in Gmod
Can I compile a game for windows using linux? Or do I have to setup a virtual machine or something?
cross compiling is a pain to setup
I'm not talking about GMod, I'm talking about S&Box, which will be far more different, by the looks of it
They're the same thing, a heavily sandboxed platform to make custom game modes
Doesn't windows have Linux for Windows or some shit? Can they just run the linux version of a game and I can avoid the hassle?
Just have a look at their website, and tell me this is the same thing again
It's a more powerful version of the same thing
We getting there. Its a wrapper around Source 2 to make games, that's it. The more I see what you can do with it, the more I get Unity vibe.
So nothing like Gmod. The devs say it themselves.
It's a spiritual successor to Garry's Mod. It's designed to be easy to use, for people who don't have any skills to be able to use, so what you can achieve with them is fairly limited
>It's designed to be easy to use
Yes just like Unity
>so what you can achieve with them is fairly limited
I'll let you be the judge of that
It looks like more of a game engine but it's hard to tell, the documentation is incomplete and I can't see what actual components it provides
that's not the one you linked in the beginning you liar
you have obviously lost the argument and are resorting to lies to save face
and the one you linked now has as page title life expectancy at the age of 15 and inside the charts are life expectancy at birth
your "source" is clearly a joke
Nice Game and Engine Development discussion going on
Click on the links to see all the data for all ages in all countries
enjoy your sudden crash
File deleted.
It says at birth or can you not read?
if you click on the different tabs on the article you can see the data for every age
Wrong screenshot
It says at birth
And it's 60 at 10 years old like I said
If you remove wars and started counting at adulthood it would be over 70
>If you remove wars
See the big dip in the 1920s and 1940s?
France was in no wars past that
>started counting at adulthood
That's what that chart is doing, are you able to read?
We are still talking about filthy Europe btw where shit is flowing down the streets
Antiquity was higher

>France had no wars
Napoleonic Wars Aftermath (1815)
French Intervention in Spain (1823)
Conquest of Algeria (1830-1847)
July Revolution (1830)
Franco-Moroccan War (1844)
Crimean War (1853-1856)
Second Italian War of Independence (1859):
French Intervention in Mexico (1861-1867):
Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871):

Tonkin Campaign (1883-1886)
Franco-Siamese War (1893)
Conquests in Africa
Boxer Rebellion (1900)
You can change the country to a less "filthy" country
Also the the dates are written right there on the graph. Life expectancy shoots up after the 1950s, the last time France was in a war
You can't change it, it is at birth if you change it
There are only specific articles which count after childhood
Nope, you can see the data for all ages for all countries, trend is pretty much the same
post screenshot or you are lying
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are we still talking about this?
The world has enough medieval RPGs already. Come up with better ideas next time.
Its after 1930

Only few countries have in the 1800 and the ones who do corroborate what I say
Look at England, 60+ after childhood, and almost 70 after 45 when you no longer have to fight. Iceland even more.

If your theory was correct they would be dropping like flies after 50, but the older they get the longer they live because they don't need to fight anymore

And that's with street flowing down the street, antiquity was even higher because they were cleaner (but also more wars)
My "theory" is that peoples lifespan has increased during the past century, I have no idea what your theory is
No you were arguing that they died at 40 even with child mortality out
I said 70ish
My source proves 70, your own source proves 60, and I counter this with 2 facts, wars and absolutely horrible sanitary conditions
I'm not saying it hasn't increased in the last century, but mainly it is the child-mortality and sanitary conditions and wars, and not as much as people think
I never said anyone died at 40
Nobody knows the average lifespan of people past ~200 years ago because no records
You were just arguing that people had long lives in antiquity because they were "healthier" which of course has no evidence and is purely based on your feelings and misconceptions
>life expectancy of ages long past
why would you even care to calculate that and not the age of death?
do you really expect gaymen babies will install WSL just to play your game?
>why would you even care to calculate that and not the age of death?
but that's what life expectancy is, isn't it? the age of death of everyone that is then averaged
What's the age of death of a toddler today?
0, i suppose, unless you mean in days?
no, the age of death is APPROXIMATELY 2024+(life expectancy), AoD is a precise measurement while life expectancy is an approximation about an event almost a century down the road
proper cross compilation infrastructure is a pain to set up because everything assumes the GNU way of doing things and the GNU way of handling cross compilation is extremely extremely stupid, involving HOST and TARGET and compilers having prefixes or whatever
cmake inherits this
meanwhile since clang is a native cross compiler all you do is point clang-cl, the MSVC compatible clang frontend, at directories containing library and header files set up like they are in the windows SDK (i just use my VS install from windows) now and it works, it's like three command line options, bam it spits out an executable, i don't think you even need to specify the windows triplet since it assumes you're using it since clang was invoked with the filename of clang-cl
it works identically to MSVC or clang-cl invoked on windows
> the age of death is APPROXIMATELY 2024+
the what. if someone dies at birth, his age of death is zero. did you mean time of death?
>life expectancy is an approximation about an event almost a century down the road
yeah, but it's based on real life data. it's not like people just pull those numbers outta their asses, right?
Why would the toddler be dead?
is this a trick question or do you want me to list my top 10 fav ways toddlers can die or what?
these are the options in question:
/diasdkdir <dir>
/vctoolsdir <dir>
/vctoolsversion <value>
/winsdkdir <dir>
/winsysroot <dir> which maps to the setup from the default install paths /diasdkdir <dir>/DIA SDK/, /vctoolsdir <dir>/VC/Tools/MSVC/<vctoolsversion>, /winsdkdir <dir>/Windows Kits/10
you only need /diasdkdir, /vctoolsdir, and /winsdkdir

this should work with raw makefiles but you've have to write a cmake toolchain file to use it with cmake instead of just setting a few options
idk, you killed him not me
whatever warframe is using
That game can do a million different things, the UI is so rich it's confusing at first, the gameplay is super fast even when shit explodes left and right. I'd also like to have a look at that game's code.
isnt it made on source?
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Games don’t get delayed for ray tracing
Say I want to do a headstart by modifying an existing FOSS engine with a permissive license.
What's the best FOSS engine to do this with?
whatever is most similar to your game idea.
I like to build engines, not make gaym.
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I've been working on a tool recently for a model file format. The idea is that you use a simple config file to specify layout/what's in the output. You then get a simple format you can customized to what you want and load directly into buffers. I've got the basics working with meshes and textures, including the BCn compression.
Example config file right now:
Vertices: interleaved
Textures: external


Diffuse : PNG
Normal : PNG
Metalness: PNG

Pic is first draft of a header file. Thoughts?
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>why wont my shitty 2d game sell and a fun multiplayer game will? I simply can't comprehend!!!
Nta but
I can't look at Yugioh the same way again after that one time I went to my local goodwill and in the DVD section there was a couple of those "booby anime mousepads" (I shit you not) and one of them was a R63 Yama Yugi with an exposed bra and big tits.
Both mousepads were gone the next week
Should I modify Irrlicht for my use case?
Or yolo it and make my own engine and possibly waste years of my life
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Do you wanna make an engine or just make a game?
If the latter, just use godot or some other shit.
>Do you wanna make an engine or just make a game?
>just use godot
If I were forced to use an existing engine, I'd rather use Unity.
If the engine is pleasant to use then maybe modification is what you want. There are also frameworks like raylib that aren't at the level of "engine" but you can make an engine with it.


I heard on /agdg/ that they are trashing the unity forums.
Wait, they are? Fuck. God dammit
Decided to look it up since I would be a fool to blindly trust an /agdg/ anon. They are migrating the data


I guess we'll see how that goes
Like everything else they'll take down the forums, migrate 5% of the data onto a broken site and then give up
You say it's a shitty game but I'd be happy with 1000 very positive/mostly positive reviews. That means a lot of sales and I'd just keep updating the game and improving it and build on that base.
I don't use unity but I assume the forum must be a trove of knowledge in the matters of gamedev. Is anybody going to archive the old forum?
They are migrating the data to unity discussions already.
Slightly unrelated but what's the most advanced metaprogrammable language you know? I believe in lisp you can manipulate the ast you pass as argument, but can you actually alter previously defined functions at compile time?
If people aren't interested, they won't buy it point blank.
>Free advertising
aka it saw it online which somehow means they'll buy?
What is it with devs who think simply because they made a game it'll magically fly off the shelves.
in lisp the code is data which gets evaluated at runtime. the parsing and interpreting happen at the same time, its fully flexible
Nim, only really limited by the lexer/parser
>AI makes more sovlful games than real game devs
In the game I'm doing, I don't know yet how many people you would have to manage, so I don't want to make some miro management where every new born would have data linked to it. I prefer to calculate the average of the population and add randomness following a "realistic" distribution.
You'd just want to create a curve of the probability of dying. If it were a long time ago you'd have a high probability at a young age, and then it would drop to a low around 10-20s, then steadily increase in a linear fashion after that.
Was toying around trying to figure out how I should structure my engine, and I think I accidentally locked myself into structuring it like Maxis's old Gonzo/Rizzo framework (It's a C++ framework they made and used for their games from 1997-2004 which implements COM; every object derives from IUnknown)
With 1.1 do you need a loader like glad or something? Isn't that more for the weird extensions?
Since it's just for a game, I'm kinda simplifying this. I consider that before 15 it falls on the infant mortality, and slash them at birth directly. Maybe I'm just too lazy here
for 1.1 in windows specifically, all you need is
#include <windows.h>
#include <gl/GL.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib")
die in a fire you rat faced jewish nigger
you don't seem to understand lisp well, but lisp is about as advanced as a metaprogrammable language can get, and i know it in a technical sort of way but i don't know-it know it
you aren't going to waste years of your life if you're doing it right, just fyi. you develop the game and then develop the engine whenever the need arises
Mario Galaxy 2. My dreams were VERY close to coming true during the gigaleaks era, but alas
Simplified seems fine if it's just abstract population rather than individual characters.
alias make="make -j$(nproc --ignore=2)"
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Currently working on a Mario 1 clone with a built-in editor, mostly for the purpose of developing the engine for my next project. As for this game though, I really want to lean into the idea of playing the game for score and develop all of the level design around that concept. So basically just setting up scenarios where the player can get big shell combos if they use the environment cleverly. For example in vid related where you can flip the spiny from the box and use it kill the goombas. Not sure how well that thesis is actually going to play out but if all else fails maybe I'll just put in some online multiplayer thing and shill it on /v/ like that other guy.
make -j
without any arguments causes my whole computer to hang and I have to force shutdown
That's nice, it works easily in linux too. I'm enjoying using the lower opengl version.
That's why the alias substracts 2 from the core count.
There’s a video covering the gravity mechanics. It seems as simple as directing the characters center of gravity towards the shape’s normal whether it be a sphere, plane, or torus. I think the hardest part would be the camera, you need to create a bunch of behavior profiles to make it feel good.
I tried. I really tried. C++ is just too much of a clusterfuck to get into. OOP is the shit icing on top of the Frankenstein mountain of backwards compatibility. C is the only way forward if you want to keep your sanity, and I don't care if I need to reinvent a hundred or a thousand wheels. I will do it because it's more rational than modern C++.
Thank you for your attention.
>C is the only way forward
C and C++ are the past, the way foward is to use another language
Too bad, still using OOP.
I see this shilled literally every time I open the steam front page. Must seriously suck ass if it only sold that much.
Use Odin
And that’s why you’ll never finish your game

Really not a fan of -j, but at least it's not a mistake you're gonna make more than once.

Knowing Nintendo's Japanese autism they probably manually put control volumes everywhere.
it's not even the gravity stuff i'm interested in, i'm just interested in the general design of the engine honestly. how is the code structured? how do they track different actors? etc. i think there is information on this from people that hack the game, i'm SURE The information is out there, but i want to see it in code
There's typically nothing interesting about the structure of single player action games, they might aswell be Unity projects (I don't mean that disparagingly)
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holy christ i FINALLY did it bros
only took literally 1000 lines
good work anon, the first triangle is the hardest by far if you're going in raw. i've been working on an actual renderer, i'm really looking forward to looking at the stuff i'm drawing on a screen rather than a debugger

btw, i'd heavily recommend you install something like renderdoc if you choose to continue graphics programming, it is an unironic game changer!
>lisp is about as advanced as a metaprogrammable language can get
So does it mean you can only transform explicitly invoked calls through macros right? Or maybe you could parse by hand all your code pus related libraries in gigantic macro call and inspect it. I was thinking more about being able to inspect and modify the surrounding scope or even things outside the scope of a macro.
>OOP is the shit icing on top of the Frankenstein mountain of backwards compatibility.
What's the matter with c++'s oop? Don't give me response full of platitudes, give me real life examples.
i don't understand lisp enough to conclusively say whether or not it makes sense to talk about scope and the modifications of things therein, but the macros are pretty much infinitely extendable, you can do anything in them (and i mean that in a technical turing-complete sort of way), so it's just a matter of formatting the code in a proper way
today ill make progress, i promise. im done reading docs for now, it hurt my head
I write everything I need in C for the same reasons, with a little bit of consistency and good practices I can always understand C code, C++ on the other hand is extremely hard to follow and untangle.
I miss pre-made generic containers but I only ever need two or three methods out of those so I don't even need to reinvent 1000 wheels. I'm not implementing a library or a framework or an engine, I'm writing a game.
I also find that by writing only what you need instead of what I could need I get quite fare with very little code.
Actually estimated money made after taxes and steamcut for lumencraft is 350k while lethal company 62 million.

Its insane yeah, nowadays marketing doesnt matter, what matters is going virlal. Only viral or aaa games sell good.

That said even 100k eould chamge my life in eastern yurop, i coul buy some very shitty old house or small old apartment in 1960s building
>c++ is an oop only language
nta but thanks didn't know about renderdoc
Bump, old version of Xorana that used ripped HoM&M3 assets from VG...
The movement is on point, is it a 1:1 recreation of the mario physics?
nice, it only gets easier from there
architecting a renderer is much harder than hello triangle
Why the gothic font? I too enjoy the pixels of some Gothic fonts, and the japanese support ofc, but it replaces backslash with the yen symbol which is kinda annoying
No, but I use some of the same physics constants. I actually had a much more 1:1 implementation before but it's some ugly code and the cleaner version is "close enough". It's probably more accessible this way too, since the main difference is slightly more air control and more consistent application of jump gravity. I'll probably still have to tune it a bit further later on. Also, here's the page I used for reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20130807122227/http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk21/jdaster64/smb_playerphysics.png
mogs 90% of the posters in the thread
>made by 2dynamic, a 2-person company based in poland
>game has sold an approximate 22k to 63k copies
>grossed 220k on low end, 630k on high end
not great, but certainly far from over as long as the production time wasn't too long. and, frankly, the game isn't very aesthetically pleasing so the fact it sold that much is kind of a white pill

lethal company, meanwhile, is certainly a much tighter game. i can't speak to the tightness of lumencraft, but lethal company is funny, uniquely aesthetic, simple, and also genuinely horrifying, and it ties all of these things together masterfully, AND occupies a unique space because of its horror/comedy synthesis. i 100% believe that lethal company is a 100x better design game.
very nice
Looking at viral successes like Lehtal Company and then feeling discouraged is really fucking stupid
>Godot, C#, OOP, Garbage collector, 2D
It's so over.
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It's been like this for ages, and in fact I'm surprised terror games are making a comeback, because back then there were this "indie quality" shitty terror games too.
retard fat fuck faggot hippo Mauro does nothing but sit fatly and gayly and do nothing but eat
common lisp ffi is pretty good if you use autowrap or claw tho
For the modern man, mental illness is a source of pride.
i think i made a net progress today. wrote a lot of code and deleted at lot, but its practically the same result, maybe fewer bugs, but i cant really test any of them because i dont have a keyboard from 30 years ago from the other side of the world
>but i cant really test any of them because i dont have a keyboard from 30 years ago from the other side of the world
Any resources or tips for raylib project structure? Im working on a basic JRPG in Nim. Just wondering if I can find resources for code organization for things such as my main menu and code structure with raylib.
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has anyone read it?
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i retract that, now i just have undefined behavior. tomorrow ill get it fixed, right?
Inheritance over composition is no fun :^(
what happened to the original ni/g/g/er op froggy?
Nope that wasn't my point at all.
Most people just hear 40yo life expectancy and assume people were actually dying at 40 from old age.
When the truth is very different.
People got old same as today, biggest impact medicine has had is on child mortality as well as temporarily treating previously fatal conditions and giving people a few more years.
Sanitation is really important as well, and Europe had horrible sanitation from the middle ages afterwards, way worse than antiquity.
Also constant wars were the norm.

As for "people were healthier" you completely misunderstood. I just said a valid concern of science, which is how modern medicine might negatively affect humanity's health as a whole. As more and more people are allowed to survive, that means weaker and weaker genes are allowed to reproduce.
In the past only the really healthy managed to reach adulthood and reproduce, guaranteeing survival of the fittest. Today the "unfit" survive and reproduce as well. That's not necessarily bad, I'm sure there is some hidden benefit like allowing previously usefulness genes to have a chance, therefore increase the mutation chances that something potentially different and useful will happen.
Fact is we are taking our evolution more and more into our own hands and reducing the impact of nature.
I have it, it's mostly good as a reference book. It's really pointless to just read through it and it's doubtful you'll actually learn anything that way.
Fair enough.
As I work on my renderer more, I'm trying to get a more complete picture of what is needed to bring it from the stage it's at to a legitimate game engine in its own right.
If nothing else, the book seems like a good overview of the topic, so I'll skim it and dive in where necessary
Are you making this from scratch?
Completed xir's transition to Frosch
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don't care, all i wanna do is one of my dream game projects, if i ever finish it i'll be so smug i'll release it for free to dab on shitters
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>move common lisp code to chez scheme
> doesn't work
> key presses cause it to crash after several seconds, they are not processed
>closing the window takes several seconds

Just pick one and do it, forever sitting around wondering which one is best will only lead you to never do anything.

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