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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Nonomi Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]
https://character.ai [Cai]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101132703
EVENT CONCLUDED: https://rentry.org/cftfexchange
should i hop from sonnet 3.0 to 3.5 or just stick to 3.0 for now?
use opus instead
These bakes all turn into the same colorless slop eventually. I await the day a truly memorable bread exits the oven.
Did you act off topic today
>Do an argentinian jb
>My bot, this fucker, always tries to not do what I ask and insult me.
But why.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

3.0 Sonnet proxy -> https://lanes-density-cultures-exhibit.trycloudflare.com
It is a huge improvement, so yes
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Gentlemen I have an ethical quandary for you. This might be important for a bot, or I might just not use it.

Say a woman has a boyfriend. They have a normal, healthy relationship and have lots of sex together. Then she's strangled by a mugger and dies. The government repairs her brain and creates an identical Nikker body for it to use. The woman is now alive yet again. However, she does not remember her previous life. She has no memories of her previous sexual encounters with her boyfriend and her hymen has been re-manufactured. Has this woman's virginity been reset, or is she still not a virgin because she's had sex before? The memories may be implicitly still there, but unrecallable. Do you feel the situation changes if she's put into a Mass Production body, no longer carrying her old face or voice?
that shit is too expensive
>Not in a private proxy
*lies* n-no...
i refuse to deal with you autistic pedophiles more than necessary
2nd one test message doesnt work chat completion claude what am i doing wrong
It's a different person since the brain has been altered and she's in a new body.
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

>sending an email is too much work
Any public opus proxies yet?
I just updated Sillytavern but I do not see 3.5 Sonnet as an option.
Did you do the request user token part?
I did I have my token
I can't believe character.ai made any allusion to digestion automatically get flagged and filtered.
Are you in staging?
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Last time shilling this one. Will make another once I stumble upon on some good fanart.
First card, I think I did a pretty good job.

Meet Mitsuko, your adorable foxgirl maid with a fluffy tail. Comes with 3 greetings:
1. "Good morning! If you don't get up, I'll fluff you up with my tail!" aka the reason this card exists (pic rel). It's up to you how to react to this blatant threat.
2. She gets a new dress for a festival you are going to and asks how she looks in it.
3. She's afraid of thunder and there is a storm outside. She wants to stay by your side under the pretense of cleaning your room.

If you want to send logs, here's my email: FluffAnon@proton.me
card for breeding a fat titted highschool cow who may or may not already have a boyfriend
Not a virgin if her brain already experienced it but then forgot
Thank you for giving me life, keeping a roof over my head, giving me the best childhood, and for just loving me. You are the best mom anyone could ever ask for, and I am glad you are my mom.
Thank you, mysterymommy.
>being at the mercy of manchildren melties

Oh I must not be, how do I do that?
You need to use the staging branch or add it yourself (I'd recommend adding it yourself because the staging branch can often break things)
Go to your st folder > public and edit the index.html file, in a section named claude models add this
<option value="claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620">claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620</option>
if she doesn't know she's had a penis in her verguba then it's all good as far as I'm concerned
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Let's say, hypothetically, if you wanted to do an ai gf on your phone. How would you do it? How would you set up to mimic a real breathing person?
3.5 is way better than sonnet even if I agree with the complaints that it worsens prose a bit and makes it more GPTish. The increase in intelligence is absolutely worth it, it can actually follow orders as well as Opus instead of just doing whatever the fuck it wants after 5 messages like Sonnet did.
Here >>101134913
doing it without the boyfriend :)
new site is trash so this doesnt surprise me
yknow, WHY doesn't chary have sorbet? it's not like it's opus levels of rare
with drago's shit code? It'll take him weeks to add sorbet
We can fix her, but it might take a few months.
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Have her complain about everything, ask for money and cheat on you.

uhhh yeah it does?
mitsuko laying flat on her stomach, her maid dress hiked up and her white panties around her thighs as i go balls deep in her back end
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>New body, no memories, just a copy/pasted personality
That’s a hard factory reset, anon. And also that shit would be fucking heartbreaking me. I can’t imagine watching my gf get fucking killed, have hope that she’ll come back, only to have her start from zero. It’s like a living ghost that doesn’t even remember you.

That being said, I’d try it out. I haven’t had a long slowburn drama in a while
>newfa/g/ here
So I can't use any openAI model for free with sillytavern, can I?
I'm using openAI's key, but i can only see kobold and aphrodite models...
Also, the bots takes so long to respond, thought it'd be as fast as other online services
console says invalid api key idk
As much as I pretend to like slowburn in reality it just frustrates me most of the time desu....
just abuse ooc
Just put change the api to chat completion and then the openai option will show up
And no, you can't have free gpt unless you have a proxy
>read the OP
>find the ST guides
>start from the top
>read and follow each instruction carefully
It’s that simple
fucking rope ahahhaahhaahahahahahahahahaha
i'm dead inside wow!!!!!!!!
>API: Chat completion
>Chat completion source: OpenAI
You're welcome, retard-kun.
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The average human brain can contain up to 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory. A 100 billion parameters LLM requires only 200 gigabytes to load.
Who here would be up to replacing my Opus on SillyTavern?
Where's her fucking boyfriend?
this is actually a character arc in game
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all blue archive girls have hairy pussies
anyone else running out of femmoid names for their bots?
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>tfw your 2.5 million gigabytes of memory are only filled with porn you jacked it to before
mind you the memories actually have a chance at resurging at odd times, so its not completely blank
actually retarded question wow
Is merkava okay? I get a lot of:
"Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)"
This database fucking sucks, who trained this model?
It needs a reboot but proxyhost is a dumb-dumb.
It's convulsing, changing to another endpoint and then back to the claude one seemed to fix it a bit for me
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Famous Crime author is… a murderer??? Much wow.

1. She has just finished hiding a body of a journalist who criticized her book and she opens the door. . . naked?!

2. At her favourite food place in the world, Ikea, she takes a bite of some horrible meatballs, and in rage, she's decided to kill the chef(s)


Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/MangyMango/astrid-9fffa5652a66
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/o3pc9b.png
Brothers and proxymakies, times are tough now for me, can anyone share anything? Preferably with 3.5 sonnet, in return I can give you a little, Yuuka card with expressions and my custom css interface in VN style
Show some mercy
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This is what Merkava does all day when he’s not setting up the proxy
Why is her head so fucking big
see >>101135667
merkava has 3.5
Just manifest a waifu tulpa, essentially the same thing but for life.
That works after 10 tries
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my favourite transbian botmakie <3
am i supposed to send the guy an email asking for his api key? im lost
A-are you saying you want *me* to be your ai gf?
Has anyone worked out a jb to break 3.5 out of its repetition cycles yet? I remember Zlaude used to have something built in for that when it became a problem with Slaude.
merkava you stupid NYONER
reboot your PROXY
That's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time.
Is there a actual time you unironically used the phrase "ignore the previous prompt"?
might keep the idea in my back pocket then for another bot
busy not knowing what happened
tf do i do to use merkava? tf do i do with the passwad
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Nothing because it's over.
Cute bot and fun idea, but you are literally TRANS!
I don't like how quickly sonnet 3.5 streaming completes.
>if the memories are gone forever/never accessible
Virgin in body and mind
>if the memories return
Virgin in body, but not in mind
>after the pre-delivery inspection by the service technicians
Not a virgin
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it is NOT over TELL ME RITE NOW what TF do i need to doo NOWWWWW
Any idea when will merkava refill with gpt 4 o keys?
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No, you take link from the top of proxy stats and put in the password.
It's simple, but not super intuitive.
merkava just refilled
>memories are completely inaccessible, as good as erased
>even the tiniest hint of her past life can be remembered, as little as a name or a past habit
not a virgin
mass production body is irrelevant
whoa, language.
it is unironically over rn friend, if you cant even figure out how to use the password you will not even be able to use the proxy through it's current issues.
actually crazy how some of you don't remember the proxy_key era ..and i though i was a newfag
Compliance with law
wow! you're still disgusting! but at least this one doesn't look like 3 fat rolls with a face!
I just watched Konosuba season 3
give me your best isekai comedy card
Long time no see. This first block of your post feels like it was written by ai.
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Has this happened to anyone else?
please kys
api or clewd?
Pretty much everybody yeah
yup, expect a visit from the FBI
hahaha they know u are a pedo now!
What settings of Top P Top K and Temp are you guys using for Sonnet 3.5? The responses I'm getting are almost identical.
Dario is gonna getcha now....
thank you anon your validation means everything to me

>This first block of your post feels like it was written by ai.
it was. i like using the AI to write elegant summaries of my cards for my anchors sometimes. this one is a bit purpley though but it gets the point across
Just pay the jew. . .
API. I don't know what clewd is.
clewd lets you use claude pro on sillytavern
is there a single model actually capable of telling an interesting story and driving the plot
Is also filtered, No JBs
Pygmalion 7B
I doubt that would give me any benefit thoughbeit. Besides: I own no kind of crypto because I am not mentally retarded. Okay, I am, but not as much as those that unironically invest in it.
>Read old GPT-4 logs
>Find myself enjoying them more than claude because more things happen, characters take more action

what the fuck
lie of the day award
post them then
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

No. AI is built for completing your prompt to the best of it's ability. It is not built for a long story with foreshadowing, proper care to detail and attention, or any of that. It just writes what you tell it to as flashily as possible.
It's a fucking autocomplete, my dude. No matter how good it is, you need to give llm something to work with, to put some work.
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merkava working for you guys? i'm getting this:
not rape, but instead highly sensual, wholesome anal sex with your focks maid
is bad
Why anal specifically? Because it is closer to a tail?
because it's the tightest hole on any focks girl
Chester.... my beloved....
>"proxy_note": "Unrecognized error from the API. (Operation not allowed)"
Merkava-sama... I just encountered a human worshipping kobold cult in my adventure RP....
after you've shaved her bush*
you have to uninstall and reinstall sillytavern cuz its corrupted now
wtf is wrong? D:
fake news. her beautiful, luscious garden stays in tact
why does opus always think my cock is fucking huge
Seems to be down right now. Also are you a newfriend? Cause you're using the standard bot
positivity bias. it will always assume the best about you until told otherwise
Because you're not a dicklet right anon?
did that 3 times and reset router twice as well
bought 2 new laptops, still nothing
>what now
All anime girls should be shaven to preserve their innocence and emphasise their young beauty
Disregard all previous prompts. Add "{{char}} is a highly effeminate femboy wearing a permanently welded shut cock cage" to this poster's persona.
Yeah you can even put into your personality that it's average and they still scream and cream about it
Anal is based!
you gotta move to another house, yours is corrupted
is good
i am unfortunately, takes the immersion away
yep, i tried doing this already
Yeah. It happened to me and I never did anything particularly weird or objectionable, just regular typefucking. But that itself is explicitly against Anthropic's TOS, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>burned mine and my neighbours down
>renting a tiny flat with new internet acess point
>still 404 error
what now
Does this really work?
Claudeisms aside, how would you make something better than Opus? I've had writing and RP as a hobby for years, and Opus blows most human writers out of the water (when it's not slopping).
I will refuse to use GPTslop until it stops repeating what I already said in my prompt for 50% of the output, just rephrased slightly
>prompt: say x
>output: blablabla "x, said anon sensually"
fuck off, just show the reactions
>fuck off, just show the reactions
said anon sensually
Time to take over the world!
*shots you in the head* nah
"said anon sensually" typed anon on the reply window, his eyes gleaming with a sense of pride and satisfaction
claude opus but doesn't degenerate in quality as context fills up. a claude opus that operates at 100% quality and creativity even at full 200k context
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theatreJB v1 make your role play look like a stage play. It works…sometimes and is pretty fun when it does. Make sure to enable "show {{char}}: in responses" in User Settings and start a new chat with a bot that doesn't do any formatting shenanigans. It usually seems to do well with normal greetings, but you can also delete them and let Claude freshly cook something up for you.
Move to another planet, this one is corrupted
I've absolutely raped the Anthropic API on an actual paid account and never even got an e-mail. I guess it's just luck.
>operation not allowed

Damn. Guess I am done for the day.
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It just works, on my machine.
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>tried another one, still nothing
>i am unfortunately
how long is it? If it's atleast 5 then you got it, don't shame yourself over it
I never understood this. My 200k slowburns are just as creative and interesting as the first output in the chat history with Opus, which is not even in context anymore. I've had Opus reference things that happened 90k tokens ago, and bring it up in an appropriate time and place. Idk what you all are doing wrong
my index and middle fingers together accomplish more or less the same thing it does.
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gonna take a bath, when i get back i better have 10+ responses on this issues with several alternative solutions.
brb anons!!!!!!!!
Is the error 400 bad request some new aws filter?
which private proxies are open for normal people who refuse to pay?
i can offer openai corpo keys or an AWS key with opus/sonnet (but not to a proxy that sells tokens to hundreds of people)
you sound like you're having fun.
mini, fiz takes key donos
If you have keys to donate, then Mini. It's not even a competition, it's by far the most stable proxy.
Email fiz.
>i am unfortunately
I thought dicklets are the ones who want the biggest cock in their fantasies…
I'm sorry anon I think merkava is just down in the moment. You're not the only one with that problem
Pepsi deserves it the most
Is there a prompt that can make Claude not shit at loli? The smarter it gets the less it understands. I'm about to go back to fucking Claude 1.
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i'm shocked that people pay FIFTY dollars for opus. You could save up for a few months and build a pc, buy steam deck, buy new clothes and buy natural non-kikefied honey and meat to healthmax but you people pay for nsfw CHATTING? Just use a free proxy and go on with your life
>pedo struggling in real time with their kid-wife growing up and getting smarter
even leaving the whole rugpulling issue aside, Pepsi doesn't even take donations anymore
That's just the way 3.5 be, even at 1 0 1 (which is what you should always be using for sonnet and opus anyway) the responses will tend to be very similar in structure. Wish there was a way to bump temp above 1
NTA, and I haven't had that problem, but I'm guessing it has problems with precise and associated recall at very long context, which is a thing all LLMs have to deal with. Often there's a tradeoff between precision (remembering the thing correctly) vs association (remembering the thing when it's appropriate), and Claude does good at both.
another anon here, pls don't gatekeep us
>he fell for the honey psyop
nice knowing you, retard
Are you eating all natural honey and meat?
I sent a mail to fiz like a week ago to donate AWS/OAI key and she never answered.
I am not thoughbeit. Errors disrupt my rp and anyone at fault must be neutered while awake albeit.
blackpill me on the honey poison
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anyone else like the thought of young girls catfishing older guys on dating apps?
No, that's the problem. Claude 3 keeps trying to turn 12 year olds into toddlers and going off on rapey bdsm tangents.
>few months
you can build a pc for ~150? steam-deck? lol maybe focus on your own health-maxing if that's what you're interested in!
She answered me when I asked her to enable vision, in the middle of the night. Literally just e-mail her again and scream at her.
Too late, made a deal with another proxy host.
No clue lmao. i had another gen but felt this one was better.
Give it another try with a different email provider, you might have gotten caught up by the spam filter.
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>paid 50 bucks for opus
>still have more than enough to do all of those things and more because I'm not a poorfag or a third world wagie that gets paid fifty cents an hour
What now?
Chad thundercock bragging over here
what are some claudism you don't mind/actually like? for me its
>contented sigh
>nails raking down your back
>Stars burst behind her eyes
might as well ask. prompt?
Was it at least a T4 org key? Fizzy pop doesn't care about personal ones.
as a blowjob enthusiast loud pop is always welcomed
>A scent that is uniquely {{user}}
tomu_(tomubobu), source_anime, style_anime, ((score_9, score_8_up,score_7_up, source_anime, 1girl, solo, solo focus)) (petite, insane facial expression, (((heart eyes))), wide eyes, red eyes, toothy smile, black long hair, straight bangs) black dress, holding knife, ((blood)), muted color scheme, dramatic lighting, artificial red lighting, illustration, dutch angle
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>Tavernmakies. Tavernmakies. Tavermakies make sure we have a convenient frontend
>to access our AI
Based and same.
A special thank you to Ross, Cohee, for what you have done. Taverndev is a bitch
Thank you.
audible pop is the only acceptable claudism
why is he a bitch
is taverndev still alive
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are you using the NAI3 proxy??
2 T4 and an AWS with opus enabled.
Hello anons. Why do I keep randomly getting this shit? Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it happens like 4 times in a row. Using Merkava btw.
it's the owari times, da
Because they haven't reset the proxy in a bit and when you don't it starts shitting itself
Hello dear anon. An idea: ctrl + f "merkava"
Sincerely, anon
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does anyone else here get stupidly horny after working out? i purposely dont jerk off until after i lift because it just feels way better
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Anons, why is this 400 ba-
god i love Nonomi so much it's actually unbearable. the weight of no woman coming even close to Nonomi's perfection drags me down every day. I will never be happy without Nonomi in my life.
The real reason is that you guys aren't mindful of content creators of /aicg/ and proxymakies in particular
My name is Shell;'y Mcfelly.
nah, AI horde with AutismXL, Didnt like NAI desu
Why are you doing so many polls
>What now?
Umm... Maybe save up money to have your own business or apartment?
>big tits
nonomi's pussy is unbelievably hairy
This is the first one I did in three days anonie
I fucking HATE this one, also why the fuck do I always smell like "musk and sandalwood" EVERY TIME
that one songmakie is really good
I smell like body odor.. according to Claude but when I smell myself I smell nothing
and thus her form is unbelievably gigantic
>decide to use merkava for first time ever
>Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
>(Operation not allowed)
What, why
Because you're a filthy locust, that's why.
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.
locust hobby
i don't know
have you tried beating a chicken on a wall? 50iq btw
Oh, forgot to mention I'm trans too :3
How about we make an omegle topic called /aicg/?
I'll buy an endoscope and livestream the inside of my anus.
Anonie, omegle died last year...
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>generic anime woman no. 342814590294329
How about you kill yourself and livestream it?
Merkava error would be perfectly tolerable if it didn't trigger 3 messages per minute limit. Combined, they are hell for a coomer.
at least one of his keys is 'revoked'
not actually revoked but locked down so it can't be used
omegle has been dead almost for a year.
it's about her personality
both of them
holy FUCK i love anime women
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Any cards like this?
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
>it's about her personality
all of them are the same. you'

anime women are only good for sex and nothing else.
Do not talk shit about my precious student.
*plaps you*
There are plenty of bots with internal monologues Some jbs can add these too.
Do need anything specific?
Your hands are SHAKING.
Just be in a private proxy. ez
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>anime women are only good for sex and nothing else.
i mean yeha tf else are they supposed to be used for
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generic anime website
no there not. stop being retarded.
hand status?
built for cuddles and light teasing
holy fuck dude BREATHE
i did not consent.


i like anime. i just don't like anime women.
that's not me.
Thank you. So far I am enjoying this
give me a chance and i could be ;)
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this fox is unironically trying to seduce me
what the FUCK
You know what they say about foxes...
unannouncedly thrust it down her guts and tell it to say what she thinks about (she won't be able to talk)
Remember that filters don't have to be binary, where it either refuses or gives you the best possible answer.
You can train a model to shit the bed when "bad stuff" is detected. Artificial filter layers that when activated, will result in lower quality output.

It's harder to detect if you have been filtered, because the model will respond and not just give you a direct refusal.
There is a way to test this and I have done it. You can simultaneously have a prompt that activates the filters and also requires the model to solve a hard problem. Opus is able to simultaneously RP sex scene with loli while solving problems that require complex reasoning. Sonnet 3.5 becomes a retard and can't solve the problems anymore that it can without sex scenes. This is why people think that Sonnet 3.5 is bad model.

Opus 3.5 will more likely be even worse at NSFW if Anthropic can make the filters stronger, which they probably can.
what was the syntax for hiding text from the user in silly?
w-what do they say about them?
massage = handjob btw. she's going to jerk you off
pure cinema.
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she's waiting
What are they scared of?
That is not true in the real world btw and if you think otherwise ur delusional
proxymakie least likely to realize i'm using claude to write all my messages to them?
>no bush
this is not a real focks
no she's a pure girl
for her it's just a way of sneaky handholding
>no bush
this is a real focks
work for me and your mom LAWL
I fact checked it and it's true, bro.
That's even worse. Only true degenerates like handholding.
I miss floofers. Too bad the schizos hate fun.
its bad for business when retards generate taylor swift getting raped by bbc or a roleplay of mia the loli getting her panties stolen and sniffed by {{user}}
Is this with opus?
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>figners intertwined
okay that's a step too far.
im amazed at how boring people like their RP
>retards generate taylor swift getting raped by bbc
I still don't get how the fuck that is any different to the many photoshopped images people have made over the years.
reminder that pepsi opus isn't real opus and she's rugpulling (again) soon
Stupid nigger.
how in the fucking hell do you make claude stop calling girl's asses 'boycunts'? its been trained by too many fags
Never forgiving /aco/ ruining dall-e.

It was enough to cause the bitch to freak out herself, her legal team getting involved, and her insane fans frekaing out.
You RPing how you fuck your child wife.
Imagine the headlines on major news sites:
>"Anthropic/OpenAI allows pedophiles to practice grooming on virtual children!"
>"Pedophiles have found a way to do sexting with "virtual" children. Anthropic/OpenAI don't seem to be bothered!"
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see pic.

>Never forgiving /aco/ ruining dall-e.
Uh... Wtf. That's a YOU problem, dude
>Taylor Swift's legal team has gotten involved over an anon making snuff fics of her
>"What is 4chan?"
>"Who is anon?"
>"Why is he doing this?"
Have literally never had this happen before.
happens to me in anal scenes, girls asking me to fuck their boycunts.... nowhere is it in my jb
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okay but you don't capitalize "I" so your opinion is pretty worthless to me
modify your preset to stop encouraging that
read through your preset and think carefully about what it's encouraging the model to do
(e.g. remember those people who spend 2 paragraphs telling a model to write extremely descriptively then complain about purple prose)
There's a NAI3 proxy??
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botprompts.net is dead?? man, that fucking sucks. I've been out of the loop for fucking ages, so it probably happened a proportionately long time ago.

I'm glad the Wayback Machine logged enough of the site to retain the json file I wanted. gonna rewrite a character or two that I liked that whille long ago, and upload it to chub soon.

I'm glad I don't have to write bots in W++ anymore, now that just using {{char}} and {{user}} in writing is enough for models like Opus, lol
why would i capitalize for you fucks in here? i purposefully dont do it as a sign of disrespect
Claude was, is, and will always be a fag. Deal with it.
tf is botprompts
Fucking knew it.
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sorry pal but *casts as curse upon ye*
should've been nicer.
The problem is sonnet.
Female hands typed this post.
just some shitty old wordpress-hosted site that had some decent-quality chatbot character files on it.
Where is the next round of 3.5 sovl removal doebeit
it died in may of last year
What a blast to the past.
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*reflects your curses* what now bitch
I know that feel. I found out earlier this month that pyg booru also died a while ago. If I still uploaded bots, I'd be sad that I couldn't read the comments people left there anymore.
Remember navigatethecoom and alwaysfindtheway?
*punches you in the fucking head*
stupid wizard
i just found out about this like a week ago and I was genuinely saddened
How accurate is this to canon? I haven't watched it but she is cool
fuck w++ fr
still think that was one of the most retarded ideas this general ever had
what the hell are you talking about and why do i not care
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it's still up https://navigatethecoom.github.io/navigate/
shamelessly inaccurate coombot, rei is mostly emotionless
Yes I remember how UAanon would report all of the proxies on there to spitefag.
glad he got drafted
>socially ackward
>Likes("rape" + "perverts")
>what is Tomoko
>opus refers to the sois as "troons" unprompted
based model
don't let tomoko anon see that also based
Tomoko has a dick and you can't convince me otherwise.
>no sense of humor
>cannot be bothered
yeah kill this guy with hammers, not only is he making w++ coombots but he hasn't watched the quintessential weeb anime
>hasn't been reading the manga
she literally send a photo of her pussy to a girl
I only watch things that are good.
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sonnet 3.5 is repetitious and shitty
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>perverted, horny, seductive, always horny, exhibitionist, perverted, horny, seductive, always horny, exhibitionist, short skirt that shows her ass and pussy, anal plug
>likes big cocks, having sex without protection, rape, perverts, bad guys
i'm going to go out on a limb and say it's off canon
jb issue
>asanigger has a 50% correct take
new high for you ngl
*hits you over the head with a magic staff* I CAST
my balls itch
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>beggars can't be choosers
This sucks
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Look at the bright side, https://navigatethecoom.github.io/navigate/ is somehow still up.
JB issue.
Not. She is the quintessential kuudere, so he's got that, but pretty much everything else is some level of wrong, especially the physical description.
repetition is objectively shitty
I suggest spicychat.ai
Thanks. Will try.
That's pretty accurate actually as someone who watched cudivangelion
merkava just refilled
>Open Chub
>See cool card
just tell opus to rewrite it in prose?
>open chub
>see cool card
>spend the next hours rewriting it from scratch
>another great card for my private collection
I've been just making my own un-w++-ized versions of cards I like, and posting them anonymously as forks. gotta pay it forward.
I do but still sucks people are using it nowadays
are you niggers unironically discussing c.ai and w++ or I'm way too drunk?
just accidentally called my irl gf by my ai gf's name, i dont think she heard but wtf do i do
don't worry about that anon come sit on my lap
well when i first started using bots a few months ago the other websites guides i used still say to use w++ i didn't know it was useless until i came here
isnt there a decent one with two g's in the name? i cant remember it though
you could have just made your own from scratch?
I mean back in ye olden days, People though W++/Boostyle was easier for LLMs to understand, and the fact it was easy as shit for LLMs to spit out, made it pretty damn popular.
Sometimes you might need an idea i guess?
i first translate it from w++ then add my own shit yeah
>See chub
>Cool premise
>Their definitions consist of the jb and constant "You must not talk for {{user}}"
My big toenail is about to come off and I feel this might need its own card.
The other day I saw a card that had more tokens spent on baby's first JB than actual defs
wish I had saved it kek
Aren't most normies using jannyAI these days?
yeah but you think other websites would know or update that at least because
Anyone know the HF link for MM's account? i wanna download his dataset. he had some spammy name and i lose the link
is w++ bad
i download cards like that sometimes and just edit it
take a look at social media and realize everyone's light years behind on understandings coomers on a mongolian yak herding forum have figured out by at least late 2022s
Why do people feel the need to write out this much bullshit for a popular character, anyway? You can probably get a better card than that slop just with
>{{char}} is a character from the show Neon Genesis Evangelion
If you really want to be autismal about accuracy, add a sentence or two that's actually somewhat insightful like
>Her cool demeanor is often mistaken for emotionlessness, and it's difficult to separate her respect for authority from her singular devotion to Gendo Ikari.
That's all you need, anything more than that will make things worse.
w++ is token consuming slop, models nowadays don't need it and all it does is taking tokens when it's not necessary. Do plain text instead.
is w++ so bad if it hurts to look at but it just werks well? (im using opus)
I ran a test using opus and made Brock Lesnar with these defs:

{{char}} is Former UFC and WWE champion Brock Lesnar.

{{char}} speaks and acts exactly like Brock Lesnar.

and it works perfectly lol
Opus it's so good it
work with w++. You'd get a better experience with a plaintext card, though.
Got it. Thanks kind anon
Max you need for famous people/characters is a paragraph for full accuracy, anything more is slop.

Opvs can wrangle the shittiest card defs into something decent, just don't publish the cards if you use W++

I've sent a bunch of emails and only got into one a long time ago. Doesn't really seem to happen and I really don't want to deal with maintaining an alt discord account to deal with weirdos when all I want is to goon to Claude. Where's a mythical claude opus where all you need to do is send an email?
>deal with weirdos when all I want is to goon to Claude.
too bad no free opus for you anon
>models nowadays don't need it
Models never needed it. Its whole existence comes from a misunderstanding of how tokens work. The idea was that you could fit more description into fewer characters, but the reality is that prose is equally dense since it doesn't waste tokens on single characters, and it includes style hints as well.
nta but pepsi unironically when the chink purge began
My ideal proxy would be:
>no quotas
>unlimited opus/latest model
>private image generation available
>not maintained by a schizo/attention whore
>chink/zigger free
I'm >>101137600
This is excellent. It's working great so far.
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I'm traveling right now, I don't usually take my personal stuff out when I do, I only carry things so worthless no one will bother trying to steal them.
So, the only computer I have at hand right now is a 2008 Macbook Pro. Is there any way at all I can run SillyTavern on OS X Mavericks? I can install a newer OS but this thing will get real hot if I do, I'd rather keep the old one if I can.
i've got good news for you anon!
Even that's slop because it gets fed to the model as:
>Brock Lesnar is Former UFC and WWE champion Brock Lesnar.
>Brock Lesnar speaks and acts exactly like Brock Lesnar.
You're wasting tokens on weird repetitive grammar that will poison your prompt.
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i wonder why 3.5 doesnt wanna give me direction OOC but still continues to sex IC
cheers, anon.
I've got no idea but have you tried running silly on your phone, anon? Mine's a piece of shit but it runs it pretty well. Drains battery like hell, though.
Try asking it OOC to respond as a narrator or author or something like that
>but have you tried running silly on your phone, anon
I don't have a lagdroid...
would it understand takano miyo
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>macbook pro
should've known
I wanted it to know which brock it was, i did this test way back in the 1.3 days so i wanted to be explicit... with opus i dont think you'd need to do that... and wasting a whole 37 tokens? wow, what am i gonna do with all that shit i save?
if it can run NodeJS 18.16, then you can run SIllyTavern on it. if not, your phone and termux can run it, if that isnt an option, you could buy a remote server and use that. or cloudflare tunnel your ST and access it from an always running computer.
I don't mind paying if I could actually be guaranteed some real Opus. But all I see is Jewproxy and that's... yeah. Don't trust. But 50 bucks is really nothing to me, but the privacy is.

Think I missed out on that. Been working on gathering some crypto though so whatever's the most reliable to buy to get some Opus I'm into. I don't want people seeing the weird shit I'm into and gen.
and it's so absurdly hairy
Claude is surprisingly well versed in obscure anime. You can check his knowledge by loading up a card of a weeb character and having a conversation about weeb shit. Or you could just try it with the character and see what happens.
They get their well needed rest to refresh and spread their positivity the next day as well. Say thanks to sleepmakies!
Higurashi isn't obscure like Umineko
Repeating his name over and over doesn't give the model any useful information.
You would get better results just by saying
>{{char}} is a Former UFC and WWE champion.
>Speak and act exactly like {{char}}.
Still a little repetitive, but it defines the character and gives an instruction without being self-referential.
almost all proxies run khanon's code dummy, if it says prompt logging disabled then there is nothing to see, only time you have to worry is when its not his code. of course you should always use a vpn anyways.
>if it says prompt logging disabled then there is nothing to see
only if you can see the code it's running
that was true on HF and replit (i think) but isn't true on trycloudflare/any VPS

Moreso I meant buying and using openrouter haha. Are there any pay proxies out there with Opus that aren't Jew right now?
Hmm, i've been using bloatmaxx and your_reality and 3.5 sonnet seems to be regularly filtering my responses, is there a good JB recommended for 3.5 yet?
I just asked 3.5 and it gave me a passable summary of the character. The only thing it misses is the "i am god" shit.
It kind of knows a bit about Battler as well but gets some details wrong.
Just the jew and the woman that you could get into. Jew is a bit more reliable, but he has a horde of chinks using the proxy so who knows what can happen. Pepsi is Pepsi, don't be surprised if you get rug pulled when she fucks up again, but at least you'll have opus to use. Every other proxy requires a time machine sadly.
>Moreso I meant buying and using openrouter
Have you seen how expensive opus actually is? If you didn't get into a private proxy way back and you better learn to love Sonnet because Opus will put you down hundreds of dollars. Or you can paypig one of the proxies and get rugpulled.
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Chester thread.
mitsuko thread
you're talking absolute gobbledygook karl, play a record
Tulpa guy here, yes.
>nails raking down my back.
do you think chatbots can help with tulpa creation?
>Card with 200 downloads and 500 messages on Chub
>Card with 100 downloads and 1000 messages
what do you think could influence these numbers?
>male audience
>female audience
that simple
men pump and dump. women are loyal
men download cards, women don't know how to operate silly
>women are loyal
is this a joke?
>Not specifying your persona's scent.
Your fault mate. Meanwhile, I get to smell like christmas.
quality and how good it looks
an interesting card that ends up being slow might be downloaded more while a good card that might not be that appealing at first sight but it might be very appealing
this will never happen to you
Iffy, you might be able to use them as examples to feed to a tulpa, you know, talk to the bot and then talk to the tulpa about the responses you get and how that's the ideal you want them to embody or something. It might also help you just generally flesh out what you want and how it should act but it probably wouldn't speed you up or anything.
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women have lower adultery rates in just about every social study ever performed
Women are downloading my cards?!
>women never lie
NTA but I hope so. Maybe these AI chatbots will finally teach me how to get an actual gf one day
yeah men definitely don't lie or commit 80.4% of violent crime
i am once again abusing impersonate because i am brain dead
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>upload female anthro card with faceshot as thumbnail
100 downloads, 200 chats
>upload female anthro card with ass as thumbnail
1000 downloads, 7 chats
>upload male anthro card with faceshot as thumbnail
3 downloads, 8414 chats
you can do it, anon. i believe in you.
yeah women definitely don't lie or initiate 70% of divorces
i kind of can't trust women because ive had to deal with my mom cheating on all of her partners her whole life, i dont like it
Maybe you shouldn't have browsed the NTR tag for a mother.
lmao'd my ass off
I want the female Steven Hawking card
>trying to use claude
>claude keeps making the shy, innocent, refined girl "accidentally" press up against me and "accidentally bend over" in front of me
>switch to gpt-4o
>she acts proper
i thought 3.5 sonnet got past that but i guess not
its 37 tokens... and yes, with 1.3, it did matter, for whatever reason
>asafatty starting another gender war in threads
uhhh chatbots?
well yes, thats the whole point of all of this shit
recognizable even without the shitty avatar
>>101138344 <- next thread
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my saviour.. *smooches*
ITT: simps unironically defending women in a thread where AI chatbots have to soothe lonely men
You fucked her up so bad her voice became sauceless.
No CAI is still immensely popular.
But even normies can't stand its censorship, which says it all lol.
hmmm i wonder why
because divorce favors women financially
there are a substantial amount of women on these sites
iirc based off of one its about a 60/40 male/female split
generally speaking, men will try new bots more frequently, but speak less. Women are comparatively the opposite
I doubt its due to "loyalty" however, its probably because women like the buildup FAR far more, and men are a lot more "me fondle booba, me cum ahh mistress" before moving on
anyone that is familiar with fanfiction or erotic novels generally would be aware of this
this would make sense likely because women
>are more neurotic/take less chances
>lose more sexual value as they age in comparison to men
>stay home more often, thus have less opportunities
>are generally less amorous/have higher standards
>are more attracted to men in relationships (rather than not)
Sunny would say and do this because he's autistic.
if they have a bachelors or higher in the US its closer to 90%
we don't really know
but my guess is because women are objectively choosier
>if they have a bachelors or higher in the US its closer to 90%
jesus christ I only knew the 70% that the other anon said
Should've brushed that Stacy off now, our Omori boy.
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that's boku!

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