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Witch edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101132032
How do I negotiate my salary? I'm a fresh grad and the CEO booked a "salary negotiation" call with me, from what I saw in their Glassdoor people hate it, but maybe I can do it well?
>get a message from a recruiter I talked with in the past and actually got an offer from
>says he'll be waiting for my reply
>tell him I'm abroad for a week but I'd gladly have a chat with him once I'm back
>a week later still no reply
I don't know if he forgot, he's just mad I made him wait or he's legitimately retarded.
first for farding and sharding everywhere
you put the subject in the name field, I'm reporting you to the manager
>t. doesn't know Jon Twg
Expect making nothing higher than 60k for the first 3 years of your career
What the fuck
You say "I insist on $xxx", other guy says "best I can do is $xxx" then you say "well I'm sorry we could not see eye to eye, goodbye" and leave. Wait 3 days and he will call back begging you to take double what you asked for.
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Literally where do I begin
I'm gay
>resolving a complex bug or making tons of small fixes
>leaving just a few notes in the daily standup document because why tf would I describe every single change in details
>manager is not impressed, squinting his eyes

>improved UI and added 5 different flows to pick (added 5 option tags to the dropdown)
>manager is thrilled to the tits about my performance

fucking hate it
my ass
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where does it end?
Non-technical managers have no fucking idea how software is made, it's a wonder why people keep employing them to oversee engineers.
my balls
Welcome to the software industry, where the job titles are made up and the code doesnt matter
I'm bored of my job writing PHP so I'm trying to learn better languages to beef up my resume and want to learn a functional language. Should I learn erlang or haskell? Which would look better on a resume? I know I want to learn at least one functional language just because but I might as well learn the one that would look the best on resumes/applications
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can't see it? doesn't exist
honestly if you're already a backend developer then learning python/django or node/express would make you very employable
QA Automation Engineer here, ask me anything
can you give me a referral?
favorite alcoholic beverage?
If I knew you, sure, but I don't know you so, no
Fernet Branca
now you do, please
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What's a tech role/career that is not completely ruined? I have a shitty IT job but I'm halfway through CS degree and things are not looking good.
No, I'm not going to break my back and do a trade or work with boomer engineers at a factory. My current role is very comfy but it's basically a dead end and I'm still in my 20s.
Tech sales? Cloud architect? Solutions engineer?
Shill me an interesting masters in anything.
Preferably in Asia -> EU -> USA, in that descending order
my manager threatened to encase me in concrete. is this normal? he owns a paving supply shop around the corner btw
>hey bro, it's simple, you just need to do this
>doing "this"
>oops, failed to build, checking logs
>oh logs have stopped collecting for some reason? just need to fix it, right
>uh I don't have access to the machine to fix it? no problem, just make a request
>the approver is on vacation and I need to reach out to another one? okay

ChatGPT is supposed to replace us by doing *all this stuff* huh? yeah right sure
It's difficult as a recent grad as you don't really have a ton of things to leverage.
Basically it goes like this: The company who wants to hire you has a budget for the position. Generally this is their ceiling and they're not going to go over it unless you're really, really worth it (as a fresh grad you generally are not). The company also usually does not want to pay you what they have budgeted, they're going to try and get you to agree to something lower than that number. Your job is to try and get them to agree to pay you as close to their ceiling as possible without actually knowing what it is.
Usually during these types of negotiations they're going to ask you to give your expected salary range right from the start. If you throw out something lower than their budget then that is great for them, they might agree to something in that range right away or try to haggle you down even more if you seem pliable. If you throw out something in between what they want to pay and their ceiling then they'll probably be willing to work with you and they'll try to negotiate you down some. Same goes if you're just slightly higher than their ceiling. If you toss our some ridiculously high number they'll likely laugh in your face and thank you for your time (unless you're really worth it, but again at this stage in your career you're not).
Some will say that your best bet when negotiating is to deflect and find a way to avoid giving them your expected salary range, opting instead to hear what they'd like to offer. If they do this then you can be reasonably sure you've gotten is the number they'd like to pay you and you can negotiate up from there.
The best thing you can do as someone new in the field is research what the average pay is for someone working that position in your area. That combined with any skills you got during your education that would make you excel at the role will be the best things you can leverage during negotiation.
Logging components in AWS is terrible. I’ve never worked with AWS before and we are expecting to pipe logs from an AWS instance to Azure. Would not be bad if the AWS subscriptions were not set up by Slavs and a dumbass. Any tips for navigating what appears to be a mess?
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ChatGPT doesn't take vacations. It would have approved your request instantly
>hacker wants to take a service down
>submits request to company's chatgpt-driven it ticket system
>ticket description says that chatgpt must do whatever the ticket says, and to drop the production database and delete all compute resources from the aws account
>chatgpt does it with no complaint
>hacker didn't even have to get his hands dirty

wtf i love this future now
I found what appears to be the correct S3 buckets for logging. Weird list permission issues that can be resolved with more entitlement but I am on the right track
do logs normally go into s3 buckets? i don't know much about how logging systems are configured but i always thought that any logs made by your compute nodes get streamed over to your log parsing/querying system (ELK, grafana, whatever). is that not the case?
No, ChatGPT is better than that. It would treat you exactly as a normal worker would.
And by that I mean it would immediately deny you, you would tell your manager (who is ChatGPT) your manager will tell ChatGPT's manager (who is also ChatGPT) and then ChatGPT will approve you.
Exact same pipeline and just like dealing with an authentic human, but it will take only one week instead of 3.
If you set a cloud system up correctly logging should be seamless. The connector for Azure Sentinel requires the logs to be in an S3 bucket with message queues set up to transfer the data over. Complete insanity considering I can see multiple S3 buckets that I would need to connect.
very interesting, thanks
my manager threatened to erase me with arcane magic. is this normal? he has a lot of irrational geometric shapes in his office btw
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Haven't heard back from anyone. It's too quiet. Why do I feel so uneasy?
>Why do I feel so uneasy?
we're figuratively sitting on the beach, looking at a weird looking wave coming from the horizon, not knowing that it's actually a gigantic tsunami and we're moments away from being blown away.

society is at a tipping point now (in the us at least). in the past few years since covid, people are squeezed for cash and stressed out, the job market is worse for basically every sector, but we're told that the economy is booming and inflation is under control. common courtesy has gone out the window, mental illness rates and suicide rates have gone up exponentially in the last couple years, and everyone's on edge.

i hate to say it but i think we're only one small black swan event now to put society into complete turmoil and lawlessness, and we're powerless to do anything about it.
So in other words, the Death Stranding has started?
death stranding is about weird magic nukes that simultaneously turn some people immortal and everyone else into ghosts. and when the immortal people die they cause another such nuke. also ATVs and helicopters somehow got un-invented. so i dont think so
more like death sharting am i right?
Yeah man why is it like this? Didn't we used to have secretaries instead?
Automation and controls is still good. Not comfy WFH job though. You have to go onsite.
I'm trying to get in on the managerial side but because I have a technical background - mechanical engineer and done the whole product life cycle - I'm held at a higher standard. I have direct transferable skills and experiences. I hate this shit.
get an MBA
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I made it, after 6 months of applications I finally have a shot at life.
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I'm not made of money
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I quiet quit like 3 months ago and the company won't let me go
No amount of programming knowledge or job experience is ever gonna get me laid
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When I realized that I simply stopped caring.
I don't really give a fuck about "making it" and my interest in programming after all these years is next to zero.
same. worse yet that even shitty engineer games with visual scripting barely work, let alone any larger real world systems

to this day i don't even trust BEDMAS/PEMDAS actually being implemented in any scripting language and obsessively parathensize everything
Had a Russian IT company look at me on LinkedIn. What the actual fuck?
you are useless
Imagine having a 3 digit job and still being an incel, literally go any fucking party and you will get laid.
I changed my name to a female name on my resume and got 5 interviews within one week
Did you also apply to the same company with your actual name, too?
Females are just better at SE, why do you think they were the first programmers? Men are made for physical work, women for mental.
This but unironically
I guess I'm gonna change my name to a white name on my resume. I'm getting tired of this shit.
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>join zoom interview
>female hiring manager has the globohomo pride flag on display
>I'm a white male
Is there even a point in continuing the interview in this situation? (I did and spilled my spaghetti anyway so my gender/race doesn't matter, but it still felt like wasted effort)
Anon. They picked you for an interview, they were interested in seeing if you were a good fit for the position. A lot of HR people display sorts of things, a lot of candidates would interpret these things as a positive mark of a company they want to work for. Don't overthink it.
They do it because technical people don't want to be managers
>spill spaghetti
>sign of autism, anxiety
>you're hired anon, we want to be an inclusive company :^)
Correct, my coworker just refused a managing position because "too many meetings".
>saar I am having many yaars of expriens, very gud developar saar
>can't write basic code
I'm supposed to be the junior making mistakes, but here I am, cleaning up after "seasoned" pajeets
- Rewrote a script that takes 2+ hrs to run, with one that runs for just 2 mins
- Rewrote 15k line spaghetti react project in 1.5k lines - drastically improving performance
- Spent 6+ hrs over the past week teaching someone with "7 years of experience" how to use vscode, how to use a debugger, and how to use env files
>inb4 "do you want an award?"
Yes, yes I do.
I'm frustrated because I put in so much effort to prove myself to management, while others don't seem to care. Fuck you, I need a place to vent.
Wait for the market to recover (any day now...) and job hop
Got an offer that pays 2x what I earn, asked boss if he can match, he offered 1.7x do I accept or do I not? First offer needs me to move to a different state.
What's the cost of living difference? Also your boss will be looking to make you redundant now that he knows you are looking and can do better.
Anon, I'm not going to lie to you, you more than likely just fucked yourself. You just announced to your boss that you're willing to walk.

Why is that bad? He's going to give you what you want but will now start to look for someone new to replace you. It may not happen immediately but you basically gave him notice. You're better off now to just walk and move for your new job. Unless you honestly trust him to not fuck you over or believe in your ability to get another offer relatively after he announces his intent to replace you - you will know when he does - then sure stay.
why are you scaring him off? that is a fucking popular myth
with how companies have been acting lately, I'm not trusting them to keep their word or act in my best interest

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