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What advancements do you find interesting?
I hope they find a way to make trannies have an actual vagina, would be nice to artificially add more women to this world
or better artificially grown real women bodies and then brain transplant the tranny into it
Would it be gay then?
ты чтo бoльнoй?
thinking about brain transfers is kinda more scary than cutting dicks off IMNSHO
I would say no on a physical level but yes on a metaphysical one.
вoзмoжнo, нo в хopoшeм cмыcлe
What happens to the brain in the real woman's body?
Yes. The self is the mind, and a person with a guy's mind will always be a guy, even if he could magically switch to a 100% female body.
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ECMO machines are crazy shit and borderline necromancy.
Why doesn’t every country have the equivalent to britbong’s NHS?
It’s like the one good thing about uk.
Only if your pp touches the brain
Only if it's a biological catgirl, then I would care
Feminists are preventing genetic engineering of catgirls.
lol, lmao
probably in 2 hundred years
>ECMO machines
>In extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), blood is pumped outside of the body to a heart-lung machine. The machine removes carbon dioxide and sends oxygen-rich blood back to the body. Blood flows from the right side of the heart to the heart-lung machine. It's then rewarmed and sent back to the body.

ECMO lets blood go around the heart and lungs. This allows the heart and lungs to rest and heal.

ECMO is a form of extracorporeal life support (ECLS). It's used is for life-threatening heart and lung conditions. ECMO may be used in care for COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and other infections.
>real woman's body
No need to grow a whole new body, just throw away the female brain, it isn't useful for anything.
That's cool it's dialysis for your blood?
Dialysis replaces the functionality of your kidneys. ECMO replaces the functionality of your lungs.
Nothing in the industry because it all costs millions of dollar in insurance and has never once improved anything on any timescale
i will resolve to not kill myself as long as that guy is alive, getting free money and bitches
theres better machines now, that one is old
ecmo can either work for your lungs or both lungs and heart, it depends on where the cannulas are placed. for some stuff like ARDS or ILD or cardiac arrest it cam be helpful as it lets the organs try to recover(or get transplanted or whatever) while still giving the rest of the body support. Its not horribly complicated desu, but its important to understand its just buying time, it cant cure anything.

>t. ecmo specialist
Or just clone real women to avoid all the social issues caused by LG barbeque.
Does it run on windows 11?
Why not just grow real women?
look how far thay got us, no dad is happy
Covid vaccines. I'm actually on my 10th booster and life has never been better. I also own nothing and I'm happy. Anti-vaccine chuds think they are smarter than the Experts, can you believe it? Those are dangerous opinions and must be censored for the greater good. You can't question Science, freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
what fun would that be
I always wondered why NuTrek hasn't done something like this yet.
Transporter is literally the ticket to whatever body mods you want.
this >>101151835

not that >>101151807
that anon is mentally deranged
Real women don't have logical reasoning
Imagine if people could use the brainfucker3000 to fry their brains with infinite orgasms
still no safe long term nootropics or whatever for mental capacity and similar stuff?
Eventually all medicine will just boil down to cutting off your head, throwing it into a vat of nutrients and growing you a new body in the mean time and then modern medicine will eventually be phased out since we'll genetically engineer heads to survive and regrow bodies by themselves.
All of this will be achieved right after we're all dead btw.
Your "perfect woman" seems a little young, no?
>Her exact age is unknown but she claims to be much older than the Manager. Due to her demonic nature, Jahy presumably ages at a slower rate than humans or does not age at all. Also, despite the months she spent on Earth in her child form, she never seems to grow naturally, implying that she has never been a child before and that her lifespan is apparently unaffected by the loss of her powers.
Oh that's pretty neat. We should definitely look for true anti aging for women. They seem to be hitting the wall earlier and earlier.
Why are tranny chasers like this?
retards havent even made a realistic vagina attached to a thick thigh yet
muh technology
Fuck off we're full
How is he still alive???
it would benefit our society much more than having males chop of their wieners to become a man with a wound where their cock and balls used to be
That lobotomy thing seems pretty promising, let's bring it back.
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oh hey i own part of one of those

its the cooling/heating reservoir and a couple pumps built into it
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why make actual vaginas when you can just get a tilapia skin tunnel installed?
why not just artificially grow women at that point?
>wasting this much effort and resources to keep cripples alive
why is the west like this?
men and women inherently experience the world differently. it's not just a biological thing. literally everything is different.
just moving your brain into another body isn't going to change how uncanny you're going to be.
Will still be dickless dudes, no matter if they transplant their brain into a chick's body or whatever. They're dudes and we only treat them as women because we want to be polite and shit, but deep inside we all know they're dudes
And no one sane wants them. Faggots dont want a "woman".
Straight people wouldnt want them for sure.
That leaves only insane people.
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government research into positives of this medical advancement from pressure by medical practitioners.
Anon I think you’re onto something.
>What does /g/ think of medical technology?
It's about 30,000 years behind, out of date.
So are you like, in the medical side or you build/service this equipment?
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TFW you are a leaf and your parents smoke more weed than you do and your mom has all kinds of random ideas when she's high af forgetting she's pushing 70.
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The SARS-CoV-2™ Covid 19 Vaccines with m*RNA Technology saved MILLIONS OF LIVES



>*m = modified
Even outside I know
>4 years later
>still seething
rent free
>4 years of castration
3 years, the experimental and absolutely ineffective and dangerous vaccines rolled out in 2021
also, how's that myocarditis and chronic fatigue syndrome going? is it ever going to go away? no? OK then.
>I make up shit because the millions of dead didn't happen
How doe sit feel to be on the level of flatearthers?
>waah if you've had an injection i won't be friends with you
why are the christian right so emotional?
we sorta did that but ceasing to keep them on a leash and you see where this got us today
>how's that myocarditis and chronic fatigue syndrome going?
never had them
two more weeks until half of the world dies, right?

nobody cares about the chinkpox anymore, shut the fuck up already
what if we invented women 2? They'd be similar to women 1 but better. We could make them cook, clean, and even want children.
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If we go this way then I want artificially grown loli bodies that never age and that are my cute little slaves (them having a soul is optional).
yeah fully with you on this one
Imagine being a scientist that makes your own waifu
>proprietary software in your body
totally won't be used maliciously. totally.
I unironically thought someone shopped Linus' face on there from the thumbnail
How am I supposed to live in a world without twinkhons?

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